Whitby Chronicle, 25 Feb 1864, p. 2

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-!9- -C aniafraid Millordied' wIthout beanngor Us as a soir't-elboid- in Ur Kidnedy's Church, got up maihly by the feffiale portion of the concegation for the ýýpitrpoqe of liquid'am tîný a omail debt, reâainiti.,, apinst the chlirch since its ercetiolil and 1 am happy-, to àtale the receipté Inearly equalled the îndebtednems. It wasAi great success and rellecird niùch credit ýUPoiI illi -concerned. ta the excessive coldtiess of the weïtter,, we were diaalppcittied in a num- ber of the apeakeysi Mr. Thornton of Oshawa, andMr. MoPadden of this place, were the ouly represéntatives of a long list of names, 8119 -or ùearly alle of whom were fully expected toi be present. How. over, they did sa weil that at the end I am sure noua of the otber gentlemen wore missed. The worthy, and excellent pas. tor of the congregationi who actod sa chairman, kept the audience in good hum- our by'liis timely interruplîous and short speeches. But above all, tlfo chair, under the able management of Mr. Botsford, derierves special eommendation. Thoir performances eliciied the most hearty evi- Amices of approbation, aný proved that a Dufrîn's Creek audience can appteciate 'rue , d inusie, 1 am thinking My dear )Ifr. Leditor, tbat you have nothing in Whitby can cortipete with thein, I would not like ta Say ar)ytUing disparagiu- of your good town, or of the good young, people in it, if for flo other remo-is thun that you live, there, but I do not believe you can get up a Choir of fifteett-oi- twentv that wM 'hold their own' with those wio 1)erformed ut the Soirec lut Wedn4esdqYý eveýiný&. - - Afier sayin,ý that 1 thinli I cati afford ta close. A DI-SINTÈRESTED SPE*ATOP.. Duffiii's Creck Feb. 22rid V,411Y Mr. 1îland. Thp Marderer-Greenwood. PARLIAMENTARY. saisi that the s'tatute dia not màke si il, wq7 in rifirope. ileidiýmaëdonald. - ý ý site PE.iltPUI, END OP A WICKED LIM ainst The Spqetýh trom the Thronp. Sr. Sa'ndifield mamongla moved, that -Ili SA141,ý1100K,'Ireb. 19, ý2 t,. On'tiles(l,ýiy ,oý,enibg, in the flouse of 'Silll% - anch"t - LI) is - 1W111.1 'IN(l À , ISELF Wn Il % oJo%,Vmý- pi, from Qiýiepti8towil 011 LEGIýLATIVE COUNCIL. tv on tho incieil]40 of the Royal Faloil v by y as se of y DY t r MýljrIess the: Pritëës.,; of Ivales tý 4 î wasopoen! t1inrgédl TII EýEClj [ON.' Filme lier RoIo. fi gement ý lasting six houri; had tien,, and Idr. Jebn A. Macdonald, Qu si Feb. -l 9. aving - licol) IL prince. atid to t Zao, Jhig day at three n'elock p. t.,tkén M. exproïqs Ironie greut joy and satib -tee betiveers ilie Gsiýmaýiq and ýo an PARTIAL CONWESSION OF Il 18 J ait; Et; dààion at -Darios at Nfissijnde. 'rite Daiiish outposts f the with dismissifig lftîgade-mijoi Nllefouill ' 0. celýncy the Governor-General procoeded this auspicious event. f le said the Griv- of the second lifilitary district, Lower in siWe to the Chamber of the Le,,*,Iti., ernment liRd received no officifil ititimation were dri4a in, hut the assault on the Canada, loccallise Mesgrs ' Fibinchelt And IFE TIr ept à-ildi.;ziié The e C'u il ici the Parlians, oftheevent, nii(lasitwfq.q rnentioned in place wis repuis DIFFRIIEIJ'il STOPtlr,,S éfn- -0 tic 'l'lie ruRsiglif; m subéris of the Legislacive Cou einLf the gp(-e(;Ii at the opetiiii- of the Insiperial thoir Ilrirwn(>(], (who are rùlYttivt.fý tir ilif, cý,ç, 9 neil b , 1 they rost 100 mon in L allifemblessi, His Excellency wu pleasëd tý They used 74-pound- Major,) torotild not siýpoport the Pr,,çmior*,.-j opportiiiiif.v *of o(1t)!tiittini, ibis olotiwi ýto er gup.q.e, 1 the goverriment. 1.1croîs the charge, ajsta. (Profit t& 1 < Commarid the attendance of the liegislîàtiv() 11M lier 1ýIfsjcStY on 'l'O W 1 LATEST VIA QUEEINS N. ted to Mr. S,,indflel4 Macdonrild's face, Assembly; and that Ilouse being prosent, as) atispièioii',4 and happy ovent which hap- At a quarter to two o'clock this inorn* His Excellency was plèased to open the port(,-(] periodically in England, and which or pari, of %iltich was adrqitted by him, and ing. as P werc abolit leaving th,, olOc,--, a te LivEârooL, riait. 4-There bas been alter Ili iigý. prie-pared là, soincwhat lengthe, second Session of the elghth Parliament of Wa$ calcul rosi lnercasé' the haPPi'21-'ss no reriolial of the attnck on'hfissundû b the rest flot denied., the Province or Canada with t.ýe robilg of [fer %desty and the Roy-al rewnily. 1 rhe Preinier had told hiin (Mr. Hâte. crier] itçcoutit 01 the lire the Germanti. The Danish loss wu from of the prisoiler Speech front the Throne M. Cartier sififi lie seconded the motion 150 to'200, and the Prumian legs was )îrth *'woo(I-Iii,4 govertiinent wotild remain iti Greenvrnod, and the preParations Made for %%itli greoit pleasure, but regretted that from 259 te 300, and Borné accousits Bay :: power for a long - timeïo and if ho (Mr. lits exectation this morning, Mr. ýhCriff Hon. Gentlemen oftlte Législative Coun. Iliq Exiýèli4trievs addregs bâti omitted te, 1 the .1arvis and Dr. Richardson entored oui@ cil and 6 al, 1 , nention in thé Speech from that it fillas much greater. llitr%,vooti) kiiew hoiiv 'te play his cardg tWilemen ofthe LegiSýatfve introdlite Loxuos, Feb. 4 -The Austrians attack. ont- o, weil, tic %vot-.Id go envoi, to, thons. Ile office withthe startling intelligence that Asge mbly tire thrnne, nfa subject of such great im- the - told lifin fi-.i-(her, if lie wotilf] go for thfi the wretched mari lias] liangeil liînist-if ai portative. IL liad been annotinced lit the ed Beqtiore, one mile South of schleswig t governnretit, ho (thq Premier) , could do Iiiiif-i)âist test The Revit. Mr. San. I am happy again to meet yen in Parlia el' si ovcýi :if thIe opening of the- Imperiiii l'ar- on the 3rd -inst. The Danes held their - iiinny titiitf:r for Major Bellefouille and ,foil filet boeuf with film to within a fow ment, and 1 feel Confident that during, the 1 ' blie. cauld appoint hiru over two minutes to en o . clock, enilicavoring to restion now commetie-ýd vnnr best atienti troctit. and aithougli goveriiinent liai] not beeli ollielailv infornied of it, still they An attack on the whole Danisli fine (In . ntilitnrv*di.qtrici.4 iiist,ýnrl -of one; or if pre-s upon illi the rieressit), of Illaking wili be bef;toIvIýd on logiýilation for the pub. rtitiýgt bave kilown it froni tire from Vi4qunde to Agel is expected te take " that did flot siiit-he could get for hin, fils his pe*re with God bolore lie wam hurried lie wéiffire. tirent in the London (lazette. ile regard- lov. 'J'tic turii- 1 have talmfi stpps for - rrvin- into t'd it, as iiiiiiistiflable noglect on the part place today I:iinjinrtýtiitl)urthýin the Adjutant.('.en(ý- Ofr the scafroid inio 'oternity. Ca - land bas offered f on rates office. lle(Mr. Ilirwood) replieil ke), n-tio Wifl (ý!,:q 1 --r (if 1 he eell i efr1ýct ille'acts pasipel during, 'sessioti oi Ilis Excelluney's aJvi.gers, wlio %verc I;o It is aqserted that Eng i os fil illis 0int ho colild net I)etnv his p() al jolit Ille ý*111f c tiolil Lu attend to for the on!anization nt the rnijitia, force of oc(ýIllýiuil in the attetilpt to lçcep -to guarantüe all that Austria and prussîti Colistit itiýt-IliIri Ilvich tire, approacýi11,;" tiency for the. their places ;fi the governinent that they bave demanded of Denmark, lole Xereition ; rifft scippasirig, W si mqtnt.l)t the Province, Ulid I ivill v,)tjtii)ut, rny btelft forgiou-ri tiltogulier a fact regeirded as The Alabama *as on the watch for of the i 11 la %oo. lilas the inan who but si fêti- iieý,n i,ýx f-ffort-4 for the attaisitrient of se) important of sIý 111111,1j importance tlirotigl)4;ijt Lis;- vesqelq 50 miles South of Rangoon, 1 en the f - 1 t a trocart proposai : ho woulil nos bofoirv was elvith his ait object. - Erzipiru. Altlioogli they hafl 'iýltintlerril iro. afivi r The pt-riod is utIproý-Lritin4, whpn hy tire tlie Opposition %vero, ivilling to accupt oth Jan.- make it publicly. Ifit had been màd1ý si-r iiie,)ii tri aters Feb. 4.-Thorsday moining. ille, noy%%-Ilcrfý font in the Premiers hors, ', ti-iIifirt-, %vlitll venture L(j t;ilv 'l's 1 condiiinlis of the t'ri-aty (if releiprocity bi,- ind vote an ielit ;JTI r Io Il " file- -!l liiii. lifid ad'l rite an-fill crime litiott they tholiý,lit an .tirlitior, to Týo i Jinte-si Iraq the followirlg telciram ne. e Olf. ll:irivood) might have donc oli si;i tweeii Her ýIiàj#efîtY aile] thi, Suites of A. the !ýatntý fIiýj% fil fi,,! f)t!ýé r linnious (if the Vafoily ougist to bave boers ý%ciriF4wi(;, Feb, 3.-6.30 P. loi. At 'Ch of tliillz, ùlse Lis film titan lie llatl." merîeý&, flic niItie" for the determinatiors of', oticed . izi L'io jseech front Oie throne- thrre o'clock titis aftei-i)ooti thE Au,,ýtriaiis I Wli-Li d-Ies %Fr, Brown, thitili: (À Iiiý littý tLH-fjlý'ý în;sîe)ý)le; liis tuIjn, ils provi.îioris may bc gîveu at the option Mr. bfcf-;el)e s 1 Iiiii thore viras a right and attacheil the positifin of Bclitore, one Eng. a liez- Pr ttez tl Is (1, loniveil fer bt. ve flot faileil to givA alitiALI 1 1 a 1 aitiliînz a liarite-fecl m-m of either party. 1 lia ývr,)Ilg (le-linIF and o are tire corruptionists for titi, àvorld. Rý!lizion liait but litlle rny boît attt>ntiiin- to il,,, suhjêct io Iiiii inile entait of Schle.qwi(p. Tire Dunes LI closiirv? of this i titis c Lse tire *.ýfinîstry sceljiu;T t', b"" li(-I(I'tlieir izronud, the effvrt ntfon iiiii), as his latter (Ind Fihorwed. re wu Sharp ficht. LI efitv, and of the great interesta afrected 1 aý-, it, overy other. lie thouglit in,- tilt aftrr darir. The Kinz of bon lie itIe] te) 11w : Ist illoillent. lie prevan- b it. soir motion ait, y they ,ý)gýft to have propared il 1 1 WRECK OF VIE floliF.XiA.-«fhe canw citifil %vith Io the crimes of wilicli 'au eoilffi -s-i vrith un ; mark walked towards the outposta. No t( ian Y( Ur attention will bc invited to m(.aý t'il. LpoIý,gy in the dian Stt-amship Company appearto bc fat- lie blid bi-,cit To one puson lie sures desilned, by the improveursont of our [lieuse arid tire country -for titc -oriliýs' ion en-sualiticis -are known. The Danes lost )rd harl tolet onte te) viather aliotlièr. thev liait iipado in tire speerIl froin the field-pieée. ed. Thry lave sufféred anoiller sevr)r losî of ja%%. existinle sy torrs of inland watèr comMuniý otu - 1 tfirone. Tt, w is in the spee( . -Il tir(, subject in the wrock (Pr the Balhernia. Shp struck to lie rriel tIe' tti Iiis pertoi. Ili,- coaliv cation, te attrtict ta 0je Chars LATER. tire fief of the 1) ,, I tel havc 4cn il:ltro(lqi(ýeil and it w.1s.11 lie firjin- continues. Ariother al 7 on Alden"ý- IlI,>cý-, ai the entrance (or po-t 1 I.,el hi,; own lire by the ýf- Lawrence a larger shjire than wcI have violation of ils'i le not to have fnilovred tack i trilv kîý p,,wur. ýV11ûr1 tin. hef.etofort, f-rijoyed of" the great atid frapid- tilir l'lie 0overnors or jNova tg pxpertod tri morrow. The wounded are land IIarbý,r on Monday ni.bt, abs:ut iiiiin to uhe prisonerq oeil nt ly gro.-Ving Commerce of the western litlçei. and s;t n, Bruriswick hail mentiotied j I)fàing bi-,)ii,,Iit in. C'elock. tiers lic femind hi,; body hom-gitig, , You wi , Il alqrf hi>. invited Io Co-isid-r the il iii limil at the opeffln- or their f-4ýNDo.\,'Feb. 4-The 71iines seems to le ac. defffi, front il li"i.h li-ili(l 1,Ievi-1 attaclied to and it reillained furntile IV. A l'lie wh,,Ie narnlber o pusengrfr; on e.,crcdiency of provîdiii_-r for quoi imiIre)y( tle b rs crib. T#> dtf, thiia must of British North .4 lný. cat tifion Parliament the tuk of deeiilin- m ýen board %%,lis 21S, and the rfutuber oftilc* crow have reil sa!tit, refiiiderable elfaort. 'ellim of the cassais, construcif-il to obvitits. r te> le- IL wu,, quise il ses- . 0 IL says that de- l'assoit . . i ri,), 1I)Iiý lh,ý lu t Ir j-c cours- of British policy ta supposed in bc 49. ,eitt,(e six or ove,, ftýet rite natural imiledimitit.,4 ta ilif- navi lic ývas prepare rosis ci- to thelie fie- tied the of 1 he Oýt,.tv;ý riverý as will, it ;s if el te, lýt1ieV file r il (on flic part of .1ofini-4ters with thfý of Commonq AIT that a Sc IL il; that the number of saveoi toev -1. ,unkinz et noose., nos one .'nd of witllf)ut involving ri Ilcavy (J-111ay grea-0V vor, sbotIld Illive Iaid 4,) in. netitni stnte may do will no doulit ho flanc- in md in ait ille boats is 29S, leaving 19 tu, be fie- if ý,l%ç; liiùself illitil liff_ý beearrie ex' licl7l.111-"te the if thfý 41vati se 1,1% jiig to tire trivinber for Nion. tio!jr4 I)v Pièr*liament and publie opinion. rily Po. Couloted f,,r. sive and valuablc t(,rritý-,ry drairivil hy that E J,-L thu style wliieh,- uie Premier 1,11? 'rimes- ýre af1,i-4!-ýxàry Lis rai.se fils says ihc question whvther t fif-ohle itreanf and il%î triloutarîes, :flýofqfA. Thfsp are Saisi te, 4 ait szeeraire il;- C Ieor If 01Iý C1,11 411A c'falote 9 1 Hjc Buste, of %viir on th- part of Austria and ai &Ïn li T1pý TIie>iifio adoptefl, fi Iru,-týîJL lu nîtist. . slow d(erinitely ar ,ers, and were Test through the swatnpiiig lliol le> iIý-1 I7rlforýAp4en (obstacleq havc rolardrd ioh,ý il I. îï '911eh -.iýî to initient the ýiljip4 of P, y of the foule of %ht! ýI1, v 'lit ri 1ý lie A, inig rý 1 tutf !IvI of Ille rtiqtiIil roi oraUL ýi .î"4 l'rývinef- anel tli,ý et of orle f'l' the beauf. -v betVP4,11 fi, iý ' , 1 thgj$e lialionn lit pri-.ýierit in Ille porti of ir, ni oqt of hi., -i'; rire thf- pri!ir .4, or W nild tliI)ýigîI tiolp eromi-il 1 coloilicq tir N"elfoir 11nin, 1 JI' t) rW this eronwry. if thècy should put te) 8oa and lit TnF ýViitTijy lIjo;LmAýfîb RIFLE CnX 1 of 1 "pri liad io., wli eli lie %vzt.-; tofati.1 tr' t wick. Arrwo:jrfniýwi an, hofvever ti(,)%v hi :.ri Englaied hità flleet-witli Dallish cruiseni, has hewi a qui) nd pilo N y ri fi ii.iI, wliieLý- caisse off nt the Me t1>:jorf--iiýýa of his (Jl' U m riroIr,,ïi whivh 1 iriit wili snon lond up jeat ()failxio-jî -li.îcu5kqion. Oit the part to liallics* lifil; last week. was a al- ftlcr Llàv fi ttoirul apýw;%rIoc2 of 'Y e f.'iti fil If thlý ne, J i a,; a piecv of tire orlitW therc is fait-, .114,1 q!ate a to t lit IC J'el 1 ilv.feýI in t 1$111lt 'f %vllicli viiiii vl'aliln all partios te) î Tt lial oriZ littit, imilot 11pon thic subject, and 'ic eïW Il 1 ýi 1'; .1 %-i;i:t lýv (lý)ct"r" il W(ýrthf, m ari, fin 1 -o anythingofthel, ilwbîcli hein vet tak fe)rtn a inorc o-ý!;tf1oe thasi 'Ig t; (--)tnizi-rec will sien sý)0n likely pui into place iýi '1*1,jt-ri-- were, wi. urjý , hluidà f sieutrals. T %tri o)ý1 t1le' :11 arcasion. but it fiad ex- - in Ls of Tjates reitofrateg its argu l'fi all Ille .11 ! sent. The fusil %va-, t-14tý,ltllly (leCOrRtell, lie teIlýI Imi, to )r. Richim Vamt rIý!i'In -el %yotit(I bc and t in 's ýt".Lilist S'lWard'î claitins, stý,,uiUq ge, (Ille ri-1141 I)robý'tl)IY t L) trht- )pý,,l file w 1), so-flil flic, arnik, (If flic! lrt)ttlp-lrlv m-t,ýrc licIèll-,- nf itie fJfýtllfIJ porti In, or fýub.ý;tituted for ~prince. l of 1 H11,11111d for the Alabiiiiiai4 dý,t)redatîoni. fil is the 11--ill in lt,4vl oîtr. S.Izi.ýe):ï lie teAd arlothur. Ji'! of tfle Prilvinre i4 dailv a qu"s i 1 1 It questiorrs whelli-r S4-%vetr(l is'in re lins plkoeil in wr;ki.l;"- wliat jtutiM)ýen te l-,ý 1 'ffr fý',ari Iii,11 consenteil te) 1 but refliscs te Suspect hins of fi de!iiIrti tel ýf-t lli.lititri- faeliion. The tuenibers of thc wl;-ýeh we bellevu in 1, tion or grestier w hilbeI, flîfles Ir)f)ý,ëd exettilinglv vreil 1Is Ilis atiarliey. 111 it bc ait ljiLýý to il vrilli 'Ille" tli.- 11110-)II gele as to rvarl ý nnrt. l91 . 101 fi quartel. tir le that Ï4211 Ilv the IMI)'rftial Wilh Il vilew fi) as ailo[ýft-tIil, Snmc niffilý4- ie gre t anxiely in England for a tr' 1 vrVifiz . . m s,:nte;iroý Which «,:,,-, Iý4"V p2,ý- arrive at a preeite d,ýfiiiiitirok of thr- in,1Iýiîii r (,er Parliatuent in learn rite policy m however s4triJamed by the Highland 'l iý,- orlor of the dav fleing r ýlfIN in that ed il:, o, a titan rirai idiirafinn of iliî of Ille ,(>vpriimftit on the Danisli quesiimi. lie ,t of l'oreàeetx,>--qtjit(i a nuinoer of w1join l' l'iv, k-t l"xIse BAL ile direciion. Surlk et Il,.r)llitioli of hotvi 1 The 1krening Ilerald asqerts thrit the e'.. ira their kilt, obIl z,,,; f- )Itt't-ftm ait. leve ziv', sýwI1 i NI t',rt i(,r ask(A that the çireler bo Post- ià a !itielitninary to go"rninciet wili do nothing fur Déranarler. dc fuïth,ýr "t-O i pti-if-ýl tilt ta mrorrow. ni) the urt>unil that lie and hofic. Thtre was aise a sprink-Iin- of' ticiii.ir-;Ul Ille soý,cýdIfA wg vi.p 15 -ilueiitýd if) kicail fil iiii!î laie willi to the vmt trart- roi of the had l'ho Peacc Society memorilized Lard the red, coats observable ainon 1 Si the have beels f ad il, lisait qr,4,ter e that thcv to Russell :o.1ý-aiiist int rvention. - Pl r'ompany. 'l'île mijseic %ris gond, and of T. o *11C si1f Iý It-ii rurnored that Lord Derby and Mr. - wl 1*ýlý but 1(q r.1 eorl'il Os. 1WI action oý iiitn cerf Heration liv course, wnuld not linve been ilif- 141il if lie -ývf-,jt Il irý el, 1wio ý, !e-ý ý the address, in reply il, atid ineIf; I)i.îl-apli will maire stromi, attaclýi on Lord -- ti Il l ho flouse Il %vIth jiit 1 lie proqence of the qîghiali(l chan- stroci i t f-s Ii i li t M X Th,,, If t1J,ý pliiiiie. huillinz-4 and that tire Cjtl)itrýt iï prepared sa 1 1 Tisi. vins ('tarrîed, lit ber who- re5;ý 1 il--e at (htý,itva, tfile ý,iý'-UfjjPtjÉIu of tho A(tfr the 1)Iý.qtllt)nernp-nt of Che to support Dï-,tituark, except Lord Russell th abiaia -otit- -Lirt t-,AllJrý ,v,)i fi l,'ýM Lq 1 A &%Tiinel lils' W;t fr and .4r, wýir!î ist-,t hn.x ef fi r te-> tle glieech, À uft.10, hie boe,.4i4 bb'W,,,-wiy bivrýil tri nweh al v) jil-iti-ry Infb ri 144 ýf;l(lfýIo aiek-eft when the paperq on Ait ernhargo wouil ho filaeeil on the lK l,1ý 111:l. in If file Ilffile 1)ýinritig-was kept op lintil à late hour, tal-I fý,.j Weitt tri le (4-'o ili- -ri s i la à1fri ai "IfIrmotri shipliin- nt Copenlia- ri on tht ne and *hg coftiparoy separateil highly "It! thfI& 'r of 1 hi, 3rd init. NIr, qin ifi -1.1 ýfacdon Vol with the entertairiment provided, and ýV31.i.,- if) the o f ll(#r vi -Rf nfneý!ît, tri 't vras It iï mîerted thàt Napoleon i.% more Ci a ýjiI-tý, ýfroI Illioli ýaing to Ille * ri, 1't %!%j,,sty,4 or ilits ci', l-rîný- Icien p4,)er.ý; ont%- sfftoýr tlic. o active ý4rt for the sýircmm of which the illana"f'r', de. font 1 il 4 V a, Ijleý , re,,iotrfIiJ tliittiover tu tuke ri fils Mild fi ýt, ii re-ýol y to the 4!ý tt lie futlire C:tteitttl 9 stion serve (7,rory lirai,«L f but leave the irr 4ý,'Ieec" ýv":' in flic D.%nisý que ýi1,- ind trotitIJ tty iliv Il e, aol -ttlo.-r V.Livi d;fficuities to l'lie Tlt,,ict- thon adjourried at ton minu- AýcD Exrc);IIiTritc üY TOIV l-el nr-4 whli'n 'Iv. o0Iý-Il bave foi ent t)tr*ý,el,;'t il i'-il f Liv. y other-columiis we pub. Wm TI,ý- p;are vr-,%_S-îkîrý, l1-uý rAc,ýn1lv b--eli Il -.v,-. lit Mit. Doni)'s LECTURE ON rIEROISM. de- Mi lish un abstraie of the, Auditors, report oit '11w s i74 hiN pfxýket lie limbi llartp4 verv fZetitral attention, tti)pear to TIla QtieenOn.Spech. livered hefore the Mechanical Institute on sui ne 1 oil Cifill for both m regards the Ilonday cveulùg was attended by a, 9 a 1 y the receipts and expienditure of the to n"d ýI' t flot' the 4 e elý :of ýh' înethe beil-1, j., 1 1, vi:lg morf îy*tematte nid jserfeCt develonnient The followin-, is an important part of for the tmut jear. The Auditors appear vrith Iarr i Mýrm tbeý Onor -uul fret poirtisi, of Our mi, n'a speech i n,ýraJ W4.Jtith aloi] ti the QUA01 . i and highly respectable, audience., The aft on the llearing a nois in, -zci, well'or the fmhlie u of private ind 1-f- A.A 111.11 1-4- to have crecuted their work carefully, and LI- _-,_ f - . _. à .- . , __ .. ý .1 . ividuals. -.1 -_ ----- . --,ý --- -.- 1 Ogue, about mix o1clock in the evening, The publie nedounté for the put 'ýèar Netherlan&4, the Qrieen or gligin, the King ý completelybappy. Tbetrial maybepro. lotindit in a liattket i -n'the nurrery withOte f Port ugai and the Kingofltaly. Thàt The Canadaý Gazette contains an offleial ductive nf-obme good 1 ho laid hef(;r'e nu, ax algo estimâtes 0 nt and people aftror pîece of itjý apron wrapped areund its lilàd., wÃŽl irenty dQclareýs tbat it ie cônducivO to the noiffiration thal the customq 'departino lie says ho tank & pitce of $tri tjg4ý)ut of for the supplies irequired for the current preiservation Or the balance -of pow'er and hasheen iiiformed Ithat the ordersýigsued reading bis aîtrionneensient, in other col his; pocket and tied it arounil the ehild's year, 1 'The8e estimates will lie fý)uîàj to amnoi, might sok themiselrés; wbether 'or ntà and then attached a brick te it 811J have beeu pronared with ii, caretul atten. thé peace of, Zurope, thatthe iuteety or in: 1803, hy the Treasuryý an& War De- the Dý%nish monarchy ehould be- maintained- parttnents of the United 'Statu, prohibit- net it would emduce , W thxsir advantage tili-L.tv thé body ildo Lhe clogtt.> A fid lion to ecônorny, the exportation of munitions ww forthor gtgfeif thit If it was a seyvti and thist f»Varal 1erritoriý8 which bavé Ing yar, In 1 to comply with, Mr. Finch't polite invite 1 rejoice that T am enabied to inform extend te live ý Ftock _the exportittion îif inonth's child it belogige& to hiin, biit- if hitlierto'beei under the swoy of the late Lori yots that the re'sourses, of thé- put yýýAr which. to Canada is' thereby, prtibibited, -King OF D"înmarlr should'continue so to re- tion. Dot, that lie was, not flic father of iLý ile, considerably txcendêd tho ostiabate subrnit. and that those orders , will bc ý hence Ã" th biti 9kaied baviii- killed st 1 and foi-ýthîÉ, was aýrëed-ý gtïiqie -Thé, ladielà, of the canad"a Pr« - -ted whilot- tho 41ggre- 1110 té 1 F> 1 purpo" enforceil by the *Unitecl States 'autho st es Wei But a-air) Npeaking of the death or Vie. t at tllinir the'Uâth>1,(ýr -kirÏg"bnd Of on the Canadian frontieril'. in byteriau Churebi in- Whitby, are preparý ciiiiii to Dr. Ilicitardk;on, lie Raid thst wlien eale ýxpenditure for th) publie service of "; - 1 cari nim uncle, the Prince Vred,ý rie with ' t is MW ing for a Sdirisi to be héid la the Nfechats_ lit, %çent iip'tiith the pail of witer to the the ye-ir wu leM, thait the PàtijnatÉ'il L mue, ý1 Elii brit'jeny King Ch . ristian should litirAtirv lie f*iiid thai neq q4rshgll lie] 11MOunt, Notwithmitandingr theap zratifving ýbeý 'eknowied-ùd u iudeeedib,,, to s'Il the, ilor, of ihë whi14 0/11-diticle, as k IW lnçtitute, on Wedn" y next, to be that upon --oing resulu, however, ,bore wu a Iar-e excest th followed by a publie meeting ià- been del i vered of -i cUI nrp doin 1 i"io g, ni nd as- 'f' ho . mn ns thoit united under the sceptre, owi*ng your, colusans û1ý6 kee ,the church, into the iv !terelr),,ýet lie found the.dààd b(idy of expendit over incarne ýa of h il mmilesty the Kin of D'enmark. Her w0ys open, to t e report of anything hav- fo the procee& te be appfied in liquidation OfýthL child in IL th tt lie nt Once carried it revenue derival le, frosa e,%iîting sources sa ajo _ y the saine desi to' h Otit aliii t'irem it into'the privy. and thnt clearly inadéquate to nseot the unav6idabit inf a ioodý, object , or , ýef the debt of the congregation. theý handle of the dnor-was bexMea1ýed annual chargm on the publie- treuuM9 proserve tbepence of Eur4pe, wbiok was thé, Il end -A tiumber of prominent c1crgýMen from witlà bIoý(L [le denied thett lie was the 'One of tfie, declared àýý'4ctî ýf aI1'tbi,ýpoWý father of her first child. In the written meuureï kill besubmitted foi your cou- distance, togother with the sninîsters; of ers who were -parties te th'-et trëaty, .-bu n -sideration etlculateà tc, e' ualise ýthe 4 ed tateaient, now in Lhà hanfl* - pf,%Ir, Capi. q an- > Jately in our koo ý r, hnon onrëtnitlting in her ende',%vors to 4ing 's býeçk ...... Ént -- bet, , - . rigt the To%4,n, have 4en infited and are ex 'el pri nual incoma withý,tb-3,acnnaI expeudî" ý -to a pescerclý ettlefise 'the -diffeýenû«' n orê,, doirig 0 eron. W -Wlieve the *8oýër cn(lèavor_,ý'_tO 1 r ý1 Il , , ' , ý 1 ' a nt and hud -pected to attend. implicate one Or more of his fý1Iôw 01 the, doutit .1 . l ý 1 _-, 1 1 ', ý i - attention, ry wbiehli*n"thlïýýuittýër. have arisen- býtWeen 1ýye We have no doulit thfit the Soiree "ill Vantq; but il this is , the eue, of càuîý tbinE the publiclôr &--Ve.ry obort,,'tlmef ftd iL - i ' avet h - , l' be a great 3uecýM&j and trust that the êxý no rvlini' é can bc placed'ilpon, eÉMaùý, and, to 1 e thIS Nv rUit), -an organization , essen si Fre"-h, ahd fýVMj)ntjjjeg Niapoloollie. 1VhùUý%'Qr tnay ho said for or s'gai es itstIf in(* Li Aliditoiýg, Ropna.- TOýNti of Wllitl)v. q1mll wr, c-ogitifitie ils our rapid courgt týlaljîtit ' ex-Tôwti of Initby. in ntiiiù)ertý in cWilizati to L>ct-Tt, E, Pci-ry. Mlgl il' livealffi. or shaP.ýwe relaps-3 into Hotime té Lot. itiférior pogition, becollit. a witellito of Pound. Union, having all the disadv limier wliirl, tir(- difforent stis ' Pt-Fintli'F. (Ileir Pparfiii nt llie iVliii(ý Flit'in Notice-S. lonial, Raililmy, or qhali we not Excet&e's Notice. Yandoiiý;eri's Worni êonfiýctioii,.;. -Jas. ri. 'il lie 16 Oinsý,4,4iola ge ils the Goverigo The abmence of any allusion tu the N or a mort to the Prince of Wales, in &ietcit from the Throur is inuch commei tA ulton. 're say the lenst of it t ONLY $15 0 ri r,, YTS A YEAR is art Tho by Y (-rCuse attempted to ho made Macdonald wheu queqtiolitd The litter.t-dolibtlîitl llitil%,rsiy. tý,» of ihe Asspml)ly,-tnat his 9C tvoill'i $Ivif in el litisetil ind Il no officiai information 1 thi S111j"et, ils ait hmh, and a quibble queticp of Alie nrti'm of il, jol'eiui' evvry vray wt;rthy of the min. The whe driven tri (U tilt, pi wt)I.ILliitil the eullest crignizance of tl motion of Vie ý,r-7,ît, railmav fact. Flie goveronàPnis of the sititer pr VrIlich i.,i-t4, Connel't Calia(k %Viril \0Vý1 j hnd no 1- special iniorination" of i Tlip.v lulvil 1 wid Yvt proper allusinti in it'w&"ot n If, be male in the Cyovertiris-15, speco monte mort of -t'itiforirrd" stzrveN- - We a' > lit tilt, oiwtiiiig of the Logislattire at Ne WRYR felt thata too hmgtlid %V:kz 1 oIllýý ,f j Prii,.iswick ntid Itis surpri Mon in thi,; grrm, by tilt- pe 1 iiir evvii titat Lord Monck himlleif won etir own Proý,iiice,,eiierýýilly. Miliv livlicýv- cd, perhnpq, t1ilst -iv; allow a speech to bc put into his meut' degiw.le that it illiglit tend to ilniniotll, to he rend ut the opening of a -Canadiv 'boneficial ilemulis, ofý%vIjl(-Il illey Ilitli hui ;l Parliament that (lid ont contain one wos .- f :.«ýl'In...#ý. - l"A 1 1- 1 -nation by the rui-geoùg it W&Sý thàt'àmpütation would lie n= it waý tO (0 take place as soon femr 811oulti bave suffle-i"tly-7 the'tlrstshock.to nfirnit it. ' last nia-Ilt was thlit he remý-iineý "tato front the or bi" l the ()PeMtion, and that lié precarmi - jq te. ilme of the occurren in PUI.;hinZ some ýitra, the jamelther Mr'tfic purlffle it in the cage or tt!ractiiir tb of the Animais atid far11!niýr b himself witiltheu whjist dui lion made &spiiiig on his hand, ing his fangs înto i t, drew him lnwuàrd. The roar and exciten first animal attracting the atten Second, 4t s ranÉ upon the arin, lated it in le manner describei ed that the Bons have beers more 1 i -]y savage since the death of die ess, which twk place during th, Dtuing the aftemnot)7' Cn the lions went through the ust tionduringwhtt is called th performance, but nothing otit g i1ar.yýway transpired, only tilà lions which had-been beatien Io( and more gloomy than the othi nowei In tb be'(Ii-sirablé that rcý, should alwayg be kept at hani they been so, the animais stantly been made - to Jet of the unfortunate inar,-Lo Mr. Curtie, a Britî,,qh divil en, inventèd a serew vihî£b stterg propela. The tnal bas prolved factory in ait respecm whitby Feb.- The bad state of the rosà stopped fLe deliveries. of grain. quote Fail Wheut 95c. te $1,0 goc. t?,UK ý Pt-ea 55c. Oati $7 to tJper tou. MARRI ED. CLELAND-ORRý-Om th, at the Manu, Uxbrîdý,e, by Willîmm Cieland, Wilàam ciel te Mias ImbeJJa-Orzý both of ti of Scott, and formeril of the Songh-in-lâland, Couaty- Dom DI E D LYNDE.-At Whitby, où the 4argùret. -Wifé of Mr. Jubez Li yeurd,- 3 mouths and 13 ài NEW- ADVERTISEM vRgue anti iti(jeutiîte thât on the chief pirpo-v to Nvlilo li it would bc applieil mmid Ipe for ri-' tary ing the lîtie Stiotilîýl bo bouýw l>.ý Cý Itupervil Ime mi, bad un sucti excuge, -Thev %%-#ýro - -ar at jec belon, 0wýn.. Tho.yý vru. iý Cýop-t qile.St;olý, 1,1wy el;tered lnlý. , : mith the rý,,VrfsvnU tivý., vifices. stç tô'tlýtý proport iim f i lie , ç,- which ;,40111q] ; ,ý -ýý 11-t'l -11ýý:L. toille cxpçnsýe of merilling d l-ý 1 t(S-ti) land: tu %vith the ltil*,)ýýl"ilti alitllorilieg On thù sll,ýjpct - alid %1. lie, i 1,11(,v folind out thoi the et*rr.vi,ý,-- i: ont tir iil:u,ýiori to such ati event, or of congrat bition to ilie RoYal fainily. , Htjwe-v(ýr t' malîssion *' camn tf) tif, made-and I sati.qfi' 4' ýïI li) bsýIi(ýve ît was acrîdental- fýlirýtild bave lieet"t once E hy the Premier to have bei ihe re-sult of acritient, and nat tbroulAi d ikil tjccoI;'ýj il 100ille lit) matier, as Iii p;;ý;?Iiy provc-s thât, 0ley ivei um busily engaged in iutriguing to reia ilice, itild in bargaipiný,, for suppart at tI (Own) cominz setLsiý>n Io givf- proper iLLIP tion ti, the qi;sç-,Iiarge of the impol vil duIIvý to ùleir carê. Ar To the Editar of the IVIiitby Chronîdef%,i,ý,, Si it. -In your last iss u e I noticed a lengihy article, under the héading of tist, Andrew's S(jireel' iiiteijdpà as a reply to miue of the Ilth irist. Idid not intend to, tal;e Up this matter aý-ain- but, whon 1 an. go Uncourtelously accusedof "falqehood and malice" 1 find a rejoinder is-necessary-.- In the first place 1 am desi-nated with ý tipelarion -of Il venerable," air, the a Nowl althon2h !zrowin,_,.in yeni'S, I bave net yet arriypti ta th;it gtate nt pubcrty, a& to ho prrpirly rtvletl-venerable,-sci thnt thi% ÃŽs lahniirinc ;inlii- a sad mistalcr in the p(îrs,)n Of the and hn% -been shamefully and undêsorvedly abusin- au old grey liSded gr.rlfleman. W'ho haî liad neither part nor lot in tht, 'niatter. In the next place ho .qtttei that fie wns ' one of the managers, 2 Then, it may lier vour rentiers will le able ta dieCern I;OmewÉat of the - cause- of the mismatiazement, wherein was based my first remarkï. [Te nuuros us ho beld 14di- rert control of the tickets* " Again- 41Tfie of the réfreshments" and thc for the choir were-en. tril4fýp(l in Vulwn - Of come fle Coin- mittren k+v vint." Kriew not what-< perhapq tb4-.y did and rerbai%ý'ilýey dident. "The coM,ýmittee sold iàdisèriminattlyý dont diîpuîte it-theyl called oh the -ladies ris well na the gentlemen of the choir, and pleail tili they con.jenied, And 1 wiqh wlipn Mr. Nte.Nf. qqa , roi; f"-n mP,ý ho wnUld -taie just ivh -at 1 mmê - fl, Hf> eftys that'l gald t.ý,- choir did not' rective a word' of thanks for tbpir services, why did be'not fîniýïli my 'sentence.. said-Ilthere "àý8s Dot a wnrd atterpil hy any of the speakem"" in uft-ndinq, nn the oecitqinn.9', "ýVitti reforence Lo 4r 0,1111pn tliiit a vote of thitnks dinuld not -bc put ta the- m,-etitig. 1 re. ,rà ibat Mr, McM should so far deviate *rom the truihlas to mimrepregent the case 'Or1 positively contradict hi& statement, 4r. Cullpn knew nnthing whatever of any inch resolution, for when ho noliced that t -vote-cf thanks was not adopted by the neeting ancF presented from the chair Aër the meetin.- waa dismissed, lie, out )f the generôsity of his own heart, person. MY tbanked the choir, and in connection Fatuitously gave them a second tea at hi& )wii1,expenseý I believe this is about thn - rxtent of his accu8ations and I am C'l ' -16 lent,-after sùeensily confuting each 011F1-ý IVordér, yoii will readily perceivu týq rdth of my remarks and thereby perceiye rbntPver is faise in contradiction to tbein. In regard to trio remaining part, I ee nothing worthy of occopyinz time or ,ttention. In. fan-with regard to argu- . JOI)t hi,% wbole letter oeema fittle elge tban Cr-ilection Cif flimsy lices, -, Then in con- lusion, Mr. Editor, 1 would gay, when Mr feM. Bits doivn to lecture his.- neighbours Pen the - vice, of moral evil- ho would do 'elfto pull ont th 0 beam out of bis Own ye, before lyointing to the mote in his rother's, em', endanger their plare,,s - f it %%-,, il 1 il 111-ove.q how utterly unfitted ihey ure 1 jeopardîte their- Gsit Coiduc.t. wilh fioIIioiý tr) the coïlutry tll(,' ai they meanly, srivalzi'nglv, ivîý1 Iui1j1ýLiatie-n (ef itýq aiT.tirs, 4 tien, brolio elit,11 tv..*t!i t1jà f. Týý(- Ici trayed the (if 014, 'l'lie (;1alte M nàe&ý of pott.IrCý T'ho Jloniu ýiý --touin 1118t Mr. 114141 %vas ofrered the PW VINCIAL SEI, 'i«lltysllll,. but a that the work. should P mi. alý4o nvýt 04V question irt à rnaniier wliioh uàuýi: Irk.tvc eonsun te itg learly ai;r ir"ýl th'e lîbe ment PoRgesý4;e(l fitifficirrit i,ý lec party tr(iilb his Connection with th however, --l chrlnge haq tnke-1 piavo, Grand aud tri-jin other caliseý -fflie question has 1w.pil l'e er, roied (/W ilte to our peojkle by the q'l ,rer Vie Amerlrixn agiIih11ý 0t»Ir i)f it i-r to lie tt-,-rette(l %mi c"MU11211(ýV, allil the niott (0ý; 0ý;1, art, îf 1J,,1r# rer,4*,sl to âCcýqi tl&at thu t'je leribe, Iltit Sard(;ýA e q 1 in :ýiCottfiIg thie nit-intiur fur Compluttun tir 1.'à* Y is a ilecessity which caiinot be igni,- %vould I)tiýn reckoncd is a ed, or long i st-oke of pilic). Aye, tizid the G1»bý vice,,; front a.4mire ii. 11ý*. the %,irttiotl,, firits woulil procldui il i reolution-(>f and approve the aeti(,,ti of th< ýjibrnpit.vmi of tim Roeiprorit%, 'ý"r-,-itv -isid 1111v truck-ler wlvi ln ý«AtjcirI- 1 Cic Uill whiplà Mr. 1il;Iýiti ýýaS iiý1r1ed1Icc1l irif4l) from îtis r),trlýv allcpvice, mirl in de. iijttý fliei(matu ror illo 41uliru, býo1Ching a reljresviitative of the pt,"Ie by nrts hf wili teoth be Tk eflect of ihege tue.irùr(iq wiff lie, tha,. But thele ve another ft,ý:Lturill: Of the diriy for h4lf the year we will'Im. ýSliut q1p froin tr'r-Kion Nfr. Brovrri i.brozj,-Itl the 911 ijiwrcotirst- %vith fareieil zà)(ifitrivs, ior la! et, it-&;qtrts that the Provincial &cre- the on* take a away etir traite %vitit ail tarys hý) %vý os the bribe offièred Mr. Bell, ottiercoutitrîe4t, besides aitil tFle Nfr. Sandfleld Macdonald, in the Iloue of nther lcvit% a duty on our rriv ëxp-t.ý, et) Tilt-s-lay prening, in reply which cantiot- tee borne, and with to àlr. Jolm )L ý%Licdoijald, wi to wli&t viicimcy in the cabinet wu otlered M r. lio (or is the very end intend A, lt i, nOt lkil, a fifflc ,itigillir t1ili'. t While the 11rottert "'1':tero nne vitrancy in the Ctnvt,,rn. nnnïrchiýs of Eýir arc cons'antly rf.. ment which hud been ollerfd to the lion- 1 1 4iretble me.-taber, but which for misons moving rtýtrictiýý.ne to roitinlerce, and vear 1 1 pergonal to hiniself lie had declined." byyeartencliii,, more and ainro to frue _b And wlitu the inember for KîtigxfÀ)n trade principles., die which bolisas of being lit the very fore-frma r,,,,,l the question as té rhether there %VM Only one victricy. ýft,. Sanifiehl Vac. of deInOcracy,ý aqi of lo,ýtding the vail in don-ild 1 will inform the mtiotil(l be gmïluptlly rt.lill)sltlkr lvin. genilcinm ' Tbere is only one ; Mr. ffite the exploded theories of iviiversiil. proter0on. This, however, iý;ý il mecosgily Richards gent in-bis msigimtion by the of Lheir very 'ennstruction; a I>tinglit- of vext inait after his titýftaL" àsAtinilt.-rwhil(ý, scý,nimr, to be- Whu tells the trutli-ttâe Premier, or lied ingetiier ;' cacli earnemlv 1)ro,;t-etitilltr bis inûter, Nfr, Brown Il$ own intürêsý, to t1w The mýiiv0càtions of the Preinîer will detriinentor tht, boely po- Iv't incline Ils Io ýive împlicit çmdence te 111,r. his itnteinents, while the un îCrup lotis 14-thitik it , inay ený;ily lit- slioý.vii the, character of the two, men cati pWS bolh at leut. in the înatter , r recipn)cÃŽt'y, the lit iif) (fflier li-lit burure us than thst of 4dvýLlitaeU-ý of the treaty Illyr been qilite 1 pot and Lieffle. of the mýinbe> A lt* MONDA Y E FC, NE ZT, At So'clock, for the election of ensnlvgyear.imýl t1ictransnclin nemi, nt vrblcb iiiemberB arc re ta ri. N 0 T 1 CI u inuch for thq Americirisnq for imrgelveg, wilile the d'lsadvantriges ta tIbcimelves, in the even t nf ità AI)rn-Ittion, %V-ill be innre serinug thaiýt they now'iin-jgirieý Fqýtmm;lt among tllCýe Wili ile, firstly., our aný"uling of the flRhery ticcorded to whicti tlýrY de- rive $12,ffl,ý00 üer anrwm ; rice)n(]'tv. withdrawin, the confflsiOý wu liave mufle for the registiatloti, of (filitcd stiltès Vow Aels in ililil for the frée lin- vigation Ortlwsl. J^Wrenre river it 1 nab;i and trijrlly, theloss ýof a Ciltomer tri wlinin 1 thév-sell thpir proillicils mil maflufaý-Ltureg t,'() the am )'tiot Of $15,0w, - Our prescnt abject. linweycýri- Iii rint to cori-siÉler (lie pýoii and con%ýcf the reripro. City trelity, àmy flarther than u they bear on the , Tnterrolonixl Raîlwny sctieme,-and tticir effect tlierenll must be obvioug. live, emmot bc isolatud fram n1ltho world for half (bc overy year, 1lur in IIPY ýc:tSe ellould we be in a position o( dependency oh the wliitu of any Anieri(ýan Gwemment, but by opening tip for oiiN(AVCý4 a. ro: il)"Itlfflca.; tion fvith the Heaboard, tbrougli Britiàli territory, when it may be donc un advanta- geous termojilace ourselveg in pi), sition as to bè>ut of tle re&CII of thc'ýUtýy Tan tute un Friday eveffing 14ît » wu a most decided'succeqq. The I#rýce Wl and gal- i lery %")re well Ved, and Ilot one in ii. tendance bût MuRt have 1 been delighted Oshawa, Sý.ng euvéral Éonge #,e ry %wectly, und was raptarously applaudee. Iife trust glie ma ' V be prcýailed upon to tâc part in the next Re-union, whîeil,!Jll will bu pleu. ed ti) find announced for. Thumday of next l'ho Misses Fraser sang a pretty ilact, im, ý">O(l vôict*, and with much tute, init %liý,s ýtel'at)e, man- two Weil Solécted q0rI,ýS, with g(ffld cirt!et«, 'Two Young ladis, .%I:&qtfýrî Stevenson and Burrows, quite and utonishod 0 by thoir vocal aad iawsical eff4krtit. The youngest be- iciii-ile ogir especiai envy on overliearihg a fail, dainsel, E;eate&ý, near by, declare with mtmt elupliatic warnitil that ighe 'I fol t j ust like Iiim." Tt is a mercy he was Such it rery'little boy, or ber feelings- miglit have overcame he. , bfr. Fowle ivas Weil recdVed'and gahg*ery-p lemsingly. Vie recitations of Nessm Podd itid Thom- U)n were vxwllent and - dueïflü'g the ap- platise bestowed ùpon thoë. -"The pro,

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