PunchOft resBIont un Meuc IW""" *'a wcamkIre' 0158 oU ot NW ]SAUT. 0 siaicr mv tlariatig. iml>'irve l». Ine wIJ,tta ulirné. ua 01l litlit,11R lot quite fit- houstir ené; .AntdOr 4 off rottit >n I alle fray \Vlth Ginatén%whl'i teatMi lt eeducha Away. nli slumher tmv lit-luit, t- EnCiitiu ri'trno And it0 Uîalcip bhua tar 1lve îf-a andi of yon, , And Vi titi atîl leet liii»t, emi jOwier sud shot, And le tii>(ermaa<e nlitlt iin»or tieO. 'I l oti IIfalilhot% On dit, tiat tite Prinesa of Wales sub. mhted very reluctaaîtly to the olizations o? etiquette in the mater of wyet-nurreig the babY. Thle Prince eof Wales would, it tes sud; have willingly iedulged thm natural Mih of the Vouag mothert but court tra. ditions were ton strong even for thie Royal personages, Who ate t5nppisae, not always t-rny, to be absolute toasters in their owu Qusen Vitnri@a's edient autainet tohacco laiusdrawn forth the follo'ing : 1wittra rimm~ ke ot. Thim wisli fratit et -r ci-q tir, i rnceal, Silice eii tthi t 1, 'ic-"<- 1, JiOtt ItWTiiOtT A qfltflT.-TPJ bit-tii-o? the Prince trtam so uîtexpected that wheit bnro thpre %vas not a r-rment jî>-epsired te' clothe hlmu. Not oniy did hie lRoyal Ilimglane.s Come mu the Wo-- ll 'aoutIl"a siire'r bpoon in bis moutii.' but %vîtru born, baid neither shirt nr swalthe>, sud lui to trust to accident for eome corer- îng to shelter hlm from the pipeiig col of the bitter niglît upon wlich hi> mijal his appearance as heir presumpîlve to the iast tha-one in the world.- A youuc gentleman down #,ast laieiy ndverttscd for a 'wlfe tht-ourlathe papprg Mitd ot nuswea-s frosneighttut tu iqahtii-im. gtatinZ Itat ho coutld have tîteirs. Shouid ju hape» le> catch vitirsa-if wliSling in a pritiiîng office. andl thie-con liositor e3toald tell 700 ta ehistle laurier- iion't you do il. Lvau YSAkitt ALoetnr-ýitqtMaî,coi rct tler my arn,?' -Yei,ÃŽr, and pyu tao.' tCarilt itpare but the atrn,' aetit.ied l liacitelor. aThen,l repleal s;?e, I shant taine tit. aiqniy moltila'Gouthelie oigr Trie MIau'raîa Os'F' FREete'- Arî.. Loa-il .ihn Iluaei'ii'e s*ife bai eu anil N'IuloW, a lady (if iizniHir anid anale ire> pîortiotns send pretorret. M1eli is aof iAerader stamue. IPence he s iti ritFi-a)lie thle site, the wieow's Matep, t!' x. riaimeal a lady 10 whuum ibis wittiri'inî wag rtcati-il nt a allouer paa-îy, 'I- no-w scec lin lu came in Palls 'ihat bis iatiauti1 'as c'est int the treaeuryle Spurcôn, 'ehn, lu bs sali, le n preat imanufactturer<f eooc(Ilriatei, iut ili' foi loviap quesition ta crue of fls fi"I hi othea day :itrav. sir, vao vaut iti.îelîe-n the first baleing transaction lootk pion>,, a' Crive it upil maid the prtod macn. %Vhen Tlînrnath rauciveal a cheqaet ti thle t it batik offlahedW Sot, saliuiiilti A lb îî rclaeý viously cro! mail ly Moss." The propriettîr cf a forgei not rem'sr-lu ale for c&îrrect ries& of lariare ut alat hy lit,qtindnetry laid reil:iz Ai acîtasutt- À-tEJowôýNIVALKE? &col - - - - AND) MANUFACTURER 0F r ~1e1gb., OVTTE3JS, Ceo., te- RAS REKÃ"4'ED TO FORD'S OLD STAND, - BROOK STREET, IVî1ITBY. Ofl'er the following STYLES 0F CUTTERS, viz: Canadia-n Patent Front, Rlling Sent, Aniericali Jumper, Two-seated Icasuire SleighYls, Bob Shi211os, Ali of which he is sellingy at Gtr;atly Rcdewted Priceýs for Cash or appt oved credit., Some very nlent CARRIAG ES, open andj cov- ered, which wili besold very 1ow. Two good sp-cond-hand Gigs and twvo sets heavy Bobs. CH RISTIAS &,NEW YEA1I'S AT Fre3h Ourrauts, Raisins, Figs, ('au1divil orange lienon & ('ilroit 1I>eels,. WANU TS F1i L TEWR[S o S,,S,, AT4ffO i Us, NEW'AVLI~YISEMN T~ h c IL ~iro.oL F1oAt~ At $ 7 ai andi $3 each. UAL OIL 'tOc tiigai. A- Fresh Lot, Just Reeeived, SVoting 113 son an(] E ugism Blaek1 T :k. 3~;. ~J T WC" t'Aç%T K ýu Pf jî A lso thLUare stIJpi STOCK 0F-PORTS--& ShERRIIIES lInfdie County. Also a iniimîmiiotlî STOCK 0F WJ{JSKEY, No. Li, Laui Ica Whlitby, Foîin. 10, I S64. RE JAVA YI1EE WVtne rand Spiruit Mcrclîant. GREAT CLEARIING SALE.@ ,ablei independevr-c, beiag calig-al ont at ai &f -'u ~ ' a V1 sodieîty meeting for a toast, pitre 'urreî -a aa.'sivilal b oflt(rvd ati e eICs d(le î Tai~At.tTti'a.srîi,<~Areins iîidnwn Eat' inteoets apjlying for a latent for s machine wltich, las mayiq, when voîiiet op sud met luin Moti, et ita»> aqf f itozr ee, s ten acre lot, etrb. yak> étaidlifi'y hlm or, hy à li'ht ehange ' in ta earbur>ilu eut Chop hlm mb angaLnesmeut,cou-k hile bristies int o shoe bt-aehes, atnd manufacture Msie Citîîî a coï'k sre If a an»bas but on e cys 1t hlm gel a col jtip l i<>n. T'. if. IÃc3IILLAN. CIIEAI> GOOD)S, 'CI-JEA P GOOD)SI Frorn this date we will Seli ail our I'IPÂiTIT IITTXVTmP D n rMh n %vale, ainudatte wilb is etsuatar 1. ~y iI JI U i a m an Il doestelu qahlb, no wnatti'- IML A 71V .1 VYE I.I 1J iL> K J'J J .1 hoe mu!imh or moly the buoluand uuay ha the elfe la always sure tanlie a great deal Viz-,-Cauîadian Tweeds, lleav'y ClotIîs, unuier do the girls arîte-ar Mie a peafeet constellation in leanpye'r ? 1eB!etu ac hawls, Capes, Fui-s, Winter Dre-cs Goods, &c , at at Emalhi Ad- if a Young fctlow do't Frnlte>ote a gai, uence oun C Ost to iake w'y for Sprtng Imnpor tations, lac te sure t ln d a galax y.aîd onase Ca. Or The spriagt iae o? lifr,-Our dancingan orieCsh Ou Some o? oua- yong ladies kne fat lt-e r rote at their milliner's. A anarried munster lately Rai1 that lie drmed lta*. le had an angel by bis side, but on waling op found that it was îtothîing but bis wife. A new way of asling a young lady to t'eke wine at table . Smile-egain, a bonnie lamie.' 6'If lie oan'î stanad the trutit Jet hlmâ faîl, If said the wicked boy wheu he knocked hà i faîlier down witb the Bi. blie." BttYA7NT, STItAMlN & IiAY' ti-cOMMYERCIÀL COLLEGE! Klî~ ~rut,-ortîtV. W'. Pirit door Elcut of Wesle3u Book Roo m STBIIEt) ln coietie>u with BnYA'T SMTN&ÇChi t»iOf 1 Iittoti ? P,,ru t%"r,4dul-coti1ego,,,, ti;ttelil ltfautrtotit of tîtu litlgotetlemof ilths Sute', éjtl <'neada. Design. Yrkhnq en onsd li[t Pepnrot (-r te liractirkal duties (kt f11m ('e>ti ttt llot,.e, orfo iltannritig Ilir town tîtiluLS witlt Stttu ail ln this (de part iient,-tudlentit i'i lneîr îitructiîi a l D TSMC rtr" Bikkîeig Oananereiai eC' . uîenee mn I eîatwdî t ?tn c ù a r » na c l e jm e rta e( n t. liere , tuents enters mIntaactuselhuil lices. EtLa élsudiknt.4 afurilsiealwith thec 1;e cemmary sînoîaît of ciiî ti aDercttndlse hugi- tietîti. Eami tstideet buayi ed sellik -iaercltsn- « lize, iclaçkt, lotI eiitcî, et. , Twck tîsuks tîcvt, 1 - 4J.u 1é,tabliiltil W'ith abnule anui t Iptal,, %vlîeh endîles thestudent t L cîtrMMtiextdtîtn1- Ltîtatîges, ike delpoaits%, ccl lus îIper dit voiuîted. mnd transmet 411 otherr business iniiçi deutal to a geetera4.-trede. ~xeauit ofcourse. four ei'th."rË, Ueîlued Sîstes CItrrtvr.vy, or e-y twQ dollars (!suada Fonds. Iteadasag toom end Llbmnry. Vo9ugmsieà sudlédies purehssletg s Stîtetîr-' aiîaiilo %e p»ýjresntoîl witta a Caret of Ad- 11l1-lou te- othe lIieeelig Rootnalia'd Lihr- ÙJ'y of thaeiate'Isiu Re.etes. Aiex. Maurray, Esq, of Meffatt. hunrra A ('O.,A. R, Mlaasr, oft McMater &'Ne- Phewo.kép,& sfe .q., n.. O. t;Re luligit trasai Atîd everything in the Grocery Iinii i be founid the best valùe in the Couîîty. à An examination of our Goods and Ilrices' is,,respectfully solicit- Whitby, January, 1864. ZYLOBAL8A*IUM, Thimgxat tine4uallU.d Prfp&eattona for Itéaitontng,Xtvfgoattng, DoautIfV- - f uai-aiad )resang the KBfr, 1;'tttt-itg1, eetit,-, ed jutossyiend atlsshg Ji t it-ttiti t t-iý -trtl4;tuieikty c1tiecltfg 911,' tu-p.rru-e-iauutii- fe»:. etlita tuBieStt; aIaî.by -4' 1 %11 l.S aetsre GIY Na-Ite ilà Original Yeuthful olor. 1T là NO T A DE îlokt -4M ittreetlapnauîthe mruu f e t llsls.sssg il. te tc ifnasi aaeurIhtîaant aquhreai, -th equfy andtlux "-MyuvgehlasIxty One yesr op my bamr wu very ggmy, 5t fx1lic;. 1 Qsaitmuý' A.Ahhopý ÉWrlds Itair ttestorec aecordite dOc<lfrCtt>t anMd Dow Miy tia, Io rasotirsa te lits satuell r, 1"d bauasée eýJ.J« Zylebâeutua1 ietua.feoodthe béat and inliut sp taahlb-draeg 1i tas vftOSnu&'. Who&@ af v roquies rosqusa$ da-.asngr th - *boU& U = b no'etL ý'*,' - Noý lady#% ton« i IbolwgbG U HIM ýL T'ON &c Have comme nee ê si the bà aicý their W'înter Stockz at a great s -icrufic.e, consisting of re- Of JAMES McCLUNG &Co., Flannes, l)-t ûto)s, Çloths. No. 51 Laing's Buildine 1 31«nkets, Litdies' Boiî, -'Iweesy 2 Shawis, RiIboi, Ilà ts, - &PATERSNwMandies, Focs&Featliers,, (fiaps I BOWNCloth Jackets,Iionwet Borders, Fh'in'I Shirtsl aA(Yr'iulttr 1 - Tl -a,ékt, Z". 1'"' " .~~w AT T 1 EOLThWItITBV POUt", 1RTýy M'aaufctneaaaietdealers insu tejuals of AURQ ULRT' AL iEPEETr TIIRÉSIIxNG MACHINES Two-horeWeiOhîao GIANT GRtAIN CtjUIS FI) ~FIiils aUGréâtBa ~in. - A--A #ge stock, of' - - REA ADE LOTIHr1* - ~ .C osPrlce foriCash onlyI-- Sdlliug ~~OffLSlngOf - - -.tSe - a - MANUJFACTURER Or ALL KINI)S 0F TEMAYOR> DRAU 1 BAN!iD WINDSORA'S ,Quadiie Bandir <TtME aboyé rBattdiiî <sbtparately or togýetter,>, S'ia~repriitrd to ferfflsh MnPslofori.nm able terme. 1 Tîtaîr collection of mueuis Ibot viried ana exucutted l>'teQuadrilla Band. For ternus tend engagements aetdraos tho6$. -11 ind; offlei -wttaas. Atugitet 81, 18ft R'E re18. anon fo helne HJLYLJ-IYLal]Y E nUU INofILL (uce oznands:fflésuwin i s. - Offers foi sale n vcry large ntI exccllent atqortmenh o? Ttc remedy le infiltihia forrtivnhu-e - and lcattîe euffring Iran pain. - SOFAS. BU-RE-AUS..LOUNGIES, BEDSTE3ADS, F-11 ia-rhoasias of testimoniaes .to » eflay of titie'invaltaiiaeram dy, tité follow- Tteuiies> Wartilolta, Cliests of Draun rstîkti la. Bo neek f'alaes, iftrases, par- itut hînve bheit elpe-dlt - , tir utîtt 1raaving Rootît thtitrs~, Roc kttuuChairs, Office Chairs, Cane-ecanteet "lI (ttaetcionrcili LItasteix yearsi aRne Choirms, '[oilut 'J'ollcsTowel Sftîls & ., ,tigruot variety, tend attstn saLlî,flued tatit is uuiuîalicd fan Ituiitu_ gretlyredcedprim %arrined o b mae n th -etotits, andteturtug frocit-btte. Itit emeacy ta greatl rclucel paici.'ianrntd t b ataca o tc bstoquustilygtctlpuicetomait orbenetY,."' Every art icle le manufaci'Lttr'în der hi.; ow u-t perintendence,rual can bcdependcd aipon UIPIIOLSIEIIY* IN ALL Ltrs-IRANCIIEs Cuit tand earhmiae, -ndI bu '.tiahctl tiefore yot 'go eisewherc ? TJ JT ]E> F & EXM .JA L JE 31CN<£!.- FUNERALrd3 FULLY SUPPLIED, Atnd trerytlin g in the jttî Prtit~lit e ( blit 'on ttithe siiortest tnotice. Coffinç kc1t ron4tatls on htia. WAit ii u l No. 1, unit-k Street, anal No. 2, Coîborne Street, Wltitby, C. %V. Swb1hib, Jtiy S8.1863. WILLIAM TILL_ \Vill find excel]lent andc con venlent accommodation. Within a Few Yards -ofte rubliû - Hall. P'rivate Parlors CHIARGES NO IIIGIIER THAN THE OTHER HOTELS IN WHITBY. -JACOB BRYAN. C I )A IS WANZtRl 1i, s :tt! nîaîta Da-FIRST PRIZE îîs:ofta rS!WNGMA UN frt' -'t \a e- î'rl tiici v'-tc-m t tul i Ibo li', -. ---- i i-e-ie .h-'v'-t i -r Yt-'J' tîl1c .4 i 1Jl N I iL" ' i Spi i.i iwn ý, 0p cîuIl' -îî MARINE- DEtc Ztt~ i'Titit vIk"l'vie I*Iý-I t1,1Xw ILL tti tu111tuiti mt-1 vit1wt-cent t litiv it'îiri of t 1, vcat it tcýr- <ta .2.2Z Li- Otuc t î ' r î . t î ' u ' s t - ' ti- i iit e .W Ai t iP Sct iB Nahî t&i tI I i i e 't u ti f rg à %o itrrattîd thtr it i t i e >alîafor up.taiet t fret 'ent ilie>ld ulit e offlti'. -o ~ ~ Ilt tjitt N.1îii . l 11, 'ParttIt(. V. I.. -1,1 îtti i S'i-ttl tîl lt -s i te Jugelt T'uitte ut i-st t opli < i auuwet-je dtde. md. 27 ru%,ir ie .lailXliitioii, iteld lit Lonîtdont, t4et. OS PI U l'tiu, l ab i lJtî t i !'it, W44 gi-un ta 1i. Hfariis's ,Extraorýdinary ligli vt Tlucia %idectIktite ira piaIzofor Fatiiy' ao Ire exiiig ~alley. C il utit . utthe Pl'iai i.Fatir hoti t - 'rîtnîîtGtollery.22,48, 24,-2.5 cutI" 26, 1862, <tutU tliso tiret prizuas w elte> I 1,eir Situel'l'un -FIER J. U' hIu'utu 'S, 'Tio FlretEutrae Prîiinwutt, vnfaNj. -bPîti iat Liai, u~> Jndn1Per~s«,;tAuld2 singer',.Mineiîu-itn'elite tm If 13, 86K, aaae i a Praistufa stiiliiohi-aoe~wre lsowared urcd nftti lest ouates-je Neie Ym-"lutgth leh-inor buo anue>nce Wtto' !0 e> s itttliy fleieitî,t machtine îîiii1: te mostt'i tirttrui>uuea t e f lubietau -i)f T'lbu,antd Wttita-d Uît S leuelautines oaur ainustied.ov i.streuizth aulC - - ittiue,'ta thtiBoianal of, Act t i M.lltiftie- hcucIonlal oti t oit et aierrotindinq douat(s7, biat /l-t /t,tsifit. ur» îttMrtuîi isittV>a '", - Taiteeitu tiandl enycîtlir tr4 tp to8e large, elautiii# aor Ttyandu .tu int-EtatPizeatfuejtu-'fhe mefy proe>u moch-a,sroutas eter M-.jî-el Bige-- o(îî '>îuyArc]na uia-ttutal &t the ' Puvundiil Fxt -gr. Jtont,l arîs t oiat. St. Thom, leteSiucvî1lié, wlit. on 24 Lo- 27 Sapteanhir. lewî Jy ee>.u-iÇI>-e w~r i* i by iil 11) fuiinîie i ul uy îîtl wlrdcd to Joisepah F. H - . ci~wiee hey gtieetbeqttexhibiteçt.I - p.ereJ (e> <ah LI1f5Éi'N'ESS8 ii~ nzr5 i 'uml itation aia end îlt i!lsPin- nze 111Y-Nlaibile d tragart-etto To7e7t,1 Me~ leuteut and moçt scien t</ec 8abpîe of Wc &C.sSu~~Ftclaai te ati <»dDardai >/lit a ar tititcvr ar -uuîuu Lîatt.li .:téUnitedt for 'the su-1eeor pois 41 thue art. -ttfaorcintida., Pr 4m2roe(yqaes eu~ -Paeboqu>ns - . I!.Woueur 5 C.,hae 1iueee h - imléoutoe-flfiait pri i tiitgttc at tvflatsutepne uesnre-bVItb; i1858 uandet1859. g n, te>ra ~e nintreo ma o, r&: 'iViietî analSioea-Mehinee, iaet t-ornai%- TePaoafus rq ise 0t, <mci t lanle&&,or no j -ng those pauîut- nitiel or e, ngLeia-üimblo in ath ' ltifflst Otaf ;nd a d kite, th(leloasee( poBSi.>be liviing pre-o. ti aat dcnsluatiby aehdlng téoni 'Ms r e-Ruhuer'Fe naine') - - - t ~~tew inveniiogné (foi-whil héJuie auned a n ju lieas i4Pis - - 7ouii-a lit C prdldui-i-- e Pitrei no flrQrthoI coin J.- C. HARRIS. -luhtpincp isethyate-:utnqarn In arderiig,'piea ýWAiqYET'uly ,188. --, jl-atan n-itrae ouRnfstetl taiteA I PlaaiOwptd. î -- - . ~~~operatioî. its tc atacntutnred--- >> '. îB.-Ambu.e>îype aun ceeepcu-i. it lieitte eto get ouf cf repaît-, sud Itta seuih- --i an uqaur r > ay Dtluer, letomm, on, ily Acjtlte tbe Pj'uPblie,Ptuup~owl htyOt,15 tf Uic Ouca uncet fittuaiâgné over il othérd MR. J- V. t-hai zef,& (Io', Cotiniiistlon ÊarlyMahijne~. - the sqperi noedence ob! M ~ IYIf OV A i - te gt~ampofR, M Wagnzer-&o., lanuth-- R E W ýl f O 'ý - -e L - t o gI- JAMES Mx î Monfral Oçean Steamship Couand4 - Y- ôrj ml --i-bitaunt8ots ylti i au,.#N," l'A A. Kîtî.,Egq., Pickering, F eb. 12, 1861. li tst ce to V o it, a ti usa s n dIaT t i i re tle Plitlit-, 1 tliîtlt i itritluL to rce 'ennteutd vouer t't.lratttd Gcrtiau<Oil. MIfT t.' air] o e î-trîta s'îtîltl.ciitu>i' eO Ilat uur reee>eery n-ti tit tifl, b thîe tliîi't- nprtlieauion cof "'tiirt il îi- iw >k>îpltclîev 'etîrcl. NfA.-TTIIIEW SMVALL<>14,tir. - t IA IL itl ,îîjttie ta yoî1t. n'dt'ht a. b tic ili geritral. 1 tîtini: it rlitat to reee>)nivaus'it your Gatut <ermaît Oi-, tfonrtii>e eureuof cirttifr ute. is s l îqttîtiy effea- clistitlucttr pplicett ue inorbit. iEEIIR ", OOVE1<. J)EAn S,-» itief r td«iq ias ty i awap to th'lpuie, 1t titîk u rit f0 rec'm- itîttvtî othrutnGtra G irtt(t, for tlit. etîre ri. fi ta '-t entts, brîiai,tuti ttis146ifr sures 'if lonîtusaidintg. DANIEL IlîltaVER..- t'itceing Fltuutr',1862. "I sttfh'erd trrit ad iti] unilu more ftnr'f veuira witb(iuît-itemi.-i>, I weas ilauitell ynr i ye>hr 'lstrà teii oaitadtam tow yif]i. J AMES FITZVIBBîe)NS. One o? thea t Ied sli'til niin in te lotîttôltyl- yatrjtatlt'celituî~tGeruît it i iit.t(Irerî'cs te> ha lciîte>w tuuttîtimt trot-ot>ilel,tg iitoanuin- k(iita. t1 useit il thpLt utre oai dits, Jbrut- sesa, fruit hutes. &(.,antîd Iaso tti ýntûs ot loi» stn, *.it ttltinteefuiteal te>oftet a cie.1 Tiil h'a lît tittiiI rtgirifs, tî i ut Oite prin. ilft IT, SI- 1RE vI1EzW.a t' I. 1011c J'itiY, t81l, titcy entttieo- l'iltîet I~OilN QrAuu'raIu.Y (Conservat!ve).' *laT1 tnetm îî ]is:vraw (Wihig). TuaiE NILTHFTU ItesU'Rivîx(Fre Clturch) 'r w ESTMil'STEa it viny(Liboral>. IltîÇ.wooîeEuauuic.u MOAZ~E(Tory) Pries of beinceae med Thel>rwemwIi bum etufgeb eredyced I -'El& ANNUîm. - miiituft!» r Il tiuwi. # a oU il niy ,f el, tti- llîie s. . .5lin Fur al i ' t.l 1e>t iitî.I > eitvie . .... .. .. .0 For-flit--iv'>eîw ai i ti> rtîrli' 7r. - 10 t - LEONAitD SCO"*L & CO.. trs. .19 W:itlter St., N.Y. ' EPARTMENT. il(ni 'irLpti htký, unt Lté rrnti rf prruti; incitai- rilq<s, f'or rtie ti, céoiaor ftwaaaty petrcent Ralbiwetil totWhitny Y.P mIIeTY, C. W. i of vaKitémteu aatsyls - Stl Pow s amd Stèl ?oin~4 BEDANj URNIPPÃœj, 108 & Il.; Adlail 1 1 1 :11) of Lis siock. ' 1 1 m orimmw"lm p imia