________________________________ _________________________________ a NewAdvrtseilOft8this DRY Omnibus for,,Sale Cbésp-P<. 9- <itnpli. Paat,ýTe Leufoi Niné yeM!<-lretnfitn &I)d Larkin Faim to Lot'Té lw rsiBrainsahthe Whlh Plaig. ?Minéral L andn,-C'rown L:tnds Depurt- imeut. Pinin aulié Cp1obertq. Ipéclal !<otie,-Prof. lollovway. splcundid Albums-J. Broom. ONLY 8150 CENTS A YEAR Wvhitb'. Tiîursd1ay March 10, 1864, Amoug thé many astrange infatuationîs that bave at diffrent limés taken passes -asiea cf thé puritanical midncif tho New Englauders, t4ýt-atest sud oddest is thit of Micgenastlen, er thé 6'blending of rseè.' This ii uothiug mené ueor ls than thé 'old amilganastiés furoe of soe cighteen or uluêeos yesrs age, dreçaed up lu a nov' besnet. Thé negtcphigm -.f that ft"liot cf atbelitiaulasts répreserted hy W'eidelî Phillipa, Theodcré Titton, sud their fol. lovera, la*appnoaching its climax. Thé army cf Negros juta whose hauda the very lite cf ItLé New Ertgland manufacuuriitg intereats, as veli as thé exjste,,co or the xréat enjeu itieif, sin itusied, bu ainfueéd a nov lifé, or raihér udlled s fn-ah spasm, tu thé moe frattie of thai clas cf aboli- ticuista lu thé Eastern Stittes, *ho have gaaded for years theïn Sauthernucountny. men sintil îhey pee fr edita the tnn,ihle rpsentuient cf sécession sutrvar. Nothinit quoté fréta théeA4qbloAfrfca% a*ptreîy negro -production, pnlntéd in Bos tont 64"Lnek tthihm (thé nogro) tait, brauy wutllllmbed. sound.bnalned as Qd made "hlm, s a u "daisbrother. Yousa<rp- ItoOi'î7, knteo7;ltfuzk asiAord Pépli "have vsfniy triod té crush thé manhood m<it cul hlm." * * * t"Yoct not id'tho tivnhead ont o? hl" * 4,1,Hela a hét-' ter iliad, a cItizen -tItan yen or "yotir race évir dore to hé under any etretumstuncés andlunail cases." Thé uufcrtunate )eaî is ovidenîiy turuitig thé hondi oet American poltleiana sud pFilanthropiets,' sud tbéy *ill evéntéiaîîy tuiu thé hoada of thé poor, bat hithéltt ceunta'ted sud inà ustrion noes. cf thé North, until lu thé end the Anuénlcati soci- ai sysom wiIl recélée a shock that May hé mourned for haIt a century or more. Soree.-Casada Presbyterman Church. The Soirelu aid cf thé funds af thé Canada Preabyterian Chorch, héld at the Mechttic"Eain luthia town. ou Wednes- day evening cf lait weék, was very- largély nttended. Théré weré soeéfive buudréd persans présent, sud thé meeting was alto- gîihr a moat déctdéd-sumeés,-sonué 8109 beinîg réaiizéd. front the pecésea, Thé ladie je eougiug te thé congréaion sup. pliid thé réfu.éshnstawith s profusion seldom witnesaed,, aeddesérved, aii thé compliments paid thýîî, ou the, rich aud hsudiome appeaaai,"f,,tjtb*l tables.- Our Towvn Butsiidsadîeuaïdce tbrcugh. out thé eveniug, ttnd thé sweet mumia dis. courséd .by ibem added lu un amail dégréé te thé harmbonicas proceedinga of thé éveniug. Ail eajoyed thernsêlves tn thpir full oxteut, sud'thé entértainutént, we are pieased ta say, passéd aver lu thé most agreénhie niunnr. &fier thé Soirée, the Church wua crowded with s large sud lihiby respectable audience, when addrésses vêt-e deîiu-ared by thé Re'-d. Dr. Jeninga, otf Torontoa;Reéd. Dr. Tliorntot, sud Re.-d, Mn. Law of Whitby ;-the mitîlater of.- tie cougregation, Revd. Me. Mackey- Preiding. We should unt aomit t tat151 that Mr. 'Wystt, aasisted-by ses-eral young ladies of thé Chaméh, sud a tew fîiénds of kno)wu vocal ability sang améulevt-y ap- -iii atisfy that clama nuw bu- 1ttse elevauin propriate îiees o aced musie, sud more cf thé Neoe m thé bîffhest 'social and wrSly applauded, as shéy deaervod 1In, e potiticai position -pnnmieéaoée arital iia- by thé audience. As s fitting hltuihing-p tércotursé and VQitical equalty. Thui bas of thé Soirée, en thé Thérsday eveuing fol. sirolitianioanu, sîthngit in t raticnaîîy Iowing, thé childreo alteading thé Sabbstb pee.ented to ut, béeutvissed antd distertéd achoei attschéd te thé Cburch, and thé by théecéthosaasta outil it bas ikirly rui Union Ssbbath ' eboal ait the Bay were mad. ' ctértiméd te tés at thé Cburch-aud A pmphet s tia al~ert bu aiet issu. the bapuy joyoaa faces or thé soute han. i dréd aîîd tveuty juvéniles present on Ibo ed frets thé a4eiltion preils, adroastinug thée cainpao oymc hyooe blssditsg or absorbing of thé Netrro racpe mele.Vr prpii dr , loto tbat of the mits by intermant-lage, toualeý en pp-rit adeae suilthefinl podutionof brwrà mcewére delivered by Reid. Mr. Bytnoe, Rerd, ot peuple on this continetnt, more '1utusce- M. sud th .Goè adMr gnw lar, méré éadoring, sud. more intolleciu4i' adte proeédinga terminatedl in s man- tissu thé pro'sent siekly pale lacé. Atmal- uier bighly aatistacboty ho young sund old. gsuuatiau undûr -tbis ewm:ev ians ispread Thé lady managera cf thé actredémre' ing athe raidlylu he Nmth Mn.ériry credit for their exerticus ou thé ne- ing athe raidlyin te Nrth.Mr.caston-aud for théi r perserrvin ustry, Phihlipa ays,-" thé country muet hé slav- i owrigtqitrsio h hr ed b th Nero, an bi enworer.TH.and bringiug evîrything to en soécesaful s uon, déclarés that thé quadmon.Il4'wili hé ncuson uns téother of thé forémoat race cf men."coluin Thé Rer.KM. Beecher falle lu vitlt thé Talc Re.Uios au Thursday igh--oe doctrnofoPhillipesud Tîlten, but dtres cf thosu Pt55tt ut ntiamente pnovidéd ottali eut vith thé aýnleoratlo cnr,,,mza. by thé e eica' Iw J titate délng thé lien of Plymnouth chumchi, hy advocaîiuig iltt u! sen-vai a cýmpleto succssan sdr frot h p*lpit, or throueh bis paper. - wva teudéfiby s yen> largo audiencé. Wére itlet f lo- this insurmuouusblé social Eveny séat lu thé body cf tise hall vas fil. suod pmséimy-difficulty hé veuld go, itis la ld, as véil as thé gafléery, vwhicwvas aIsea asld, for the introduction cf thée-Nègre throvu eé upo tiseocécasion. Whéun1 brotethbloed, sud istemboofi ton, îhta thé va, éntc-ed Mrs' <Jarvin accctupaniéd luy parier, tisé draving meut, thé lutermari'al ber brother vére suntgiig i4,'Wïat are thé ouméi, and thé fashionabîé pava <qf his wiid vaves saying" vhieir v anéuted witie cougrégation, bat hétveéu thé ýlack wJi'th gréai judgment sud oxéellent gced Scila, sud théevisite Chanytudis cf tbli nev taite. Thé sutéady-aIse an'<41Déary aiîtatieon et ita présent litage, héaera. Mthér I've conte, lieue te die" -sund thé o lbisr under thé grepteît difficutfy in thé papular plantive Irish hallad-eutiied etliring &siuraé. - 'lToréuce'a Faevéeli,"asd the lmocf, 0 The argument .of the affciét1y qtqpi. U" aéy ex or mai4mtioiscf itth g i, qoe peus cer appreclaticea, vaa e eotpélled ut amlgamtienlt i this-ve t uét se pat vith t e - ~'omthé cuuUaIaAmenceta*'fch Kathleen nîy blésé l'gov ith rou t "Thun, thon. rasuons thé amalgama- M £veiny fuels efthe vay :1,4>-eu gu.' iouligt: As science, religion nul desn~ or thé musticaltreéat affendéf us. tray eac tsaIth vsol hs'i-u r-ec15 Thé Musters Fineh, lu thée<'Scng cf ot ne lautley, it ollové thst tîtero shetlti be iso ditir.çti-on cf polittoatl or tsncialre ogg," brouéht forth mth ajupians, andi iglutç on Aceut er cim or race. The 'hét> youug Maitor Chaiey, lu bis cu- dientrne of luaman br<thérhond la pairt of cul' ybouh thé lardansutaî law cf thé corttrty; thora- 1ui 10Wvar ght lu-oe WOl ros t Imupfilésthé rigbt cf backsud -white "B aet youji. mot ereo yot c tu futérrvThe uagre prol'm viii Theé yout tetharuuov yero euè,tho" ici lis soli util' péhlo opinion sane actnvswçqsrlhé ie ions a union cf the îvoi races." aise fonderéd'f"Tih emaonis binesgag," lu This yull produe, it'in b"ld by thé nov go&d syl"e, sud dl& amspe jeôt tt b , Laool, tiai *incomuparable tyl;A et vemen, psu-lotie scug. Kn. Leggusitt au anex- F hée qudrean," sund, e gaucésty édiugly mell-vuitt.îpapr on iluIdéfins.E nl of curas suppnrt thé heéltby infusiendouce$'$'"nsud améof the itstaironet f Zýrôpeau blond that bas lithto a sus. mlghh e r> appropnlately lsaapéévéd up. aInsi thé vastéfi -,aees 59?the* dçIscen- on by, perisapi, acmé people 'vs 1me- &nt& of î1és ilgrlis. -W. wouid coungra lit'.-Fomleat itsai bééstifal aomg, (if thé I abts- tire KortisémuStat& ,ifwceiddewrd buriful Wight b. properly spplied,) se o-vitirpretpon ties aaris otvooiy. " 1h me Pot bock l ront tiireeho-es $edd urahins U"etWendeli Philtipesud lsirt," (a repilyho î'<Rock mue tosloop f ta elFvés hvé-<e instoe or heu.-Mothér,"> sang iesq véli, .aad vin gré.ted Id wb, te Canadai, thanie havn, havé .ultile vitb ciséena. Mr. Jehéston, ef Tenante, lu îteréal lu ibis dusley difficlty tisai bousta 'Al thé brave,' and 4 Tirs Lest Cjildt et ésighborsmti ,te -'le aolvd, méat afferdsd mach acmets utlaud ed in s avahlo.ed op lu thé ,mingliug- et thé e sUPasl dégrées0te due inty -otAiré vo races- The a' Globhovér vi aeu cig, lit, Pedtnr, sȈ 4 loîrs BIroa ? spae satédy, ,les 1i vIwa o tise 604d téveus ot Osaa8 e~a, èsw dee<ins as fang s eséWore£, popelie ad $"tise airy Bell$st &<A Isalo dded IN ou cf Caraisiss cnermeéL 'Set W >ré- théi asore tethe sveilî s[ýsst.tsimn.î ara te thé Arirls mania,, , 30'. tilicu' arfarce orf "Sent tte te <wer," par. ays iu s laté lecture,- formteà by lissnaWilsç, Parwll-. ad 1-31 "Té insisulanealin suc aaob' V. NaIbu J. wu tal.n thé . olwY .,Mt ce ti ci i fa i i t' bd ne tic tu a'ý 'i ing tIhé blacke race." * 4 "Sa fe "dasî,uneng théepuai'nsge cf bîsiuce sud il whitelt, T tvulîI hé lad if thé banna cof a 0 pi<é tinred1oasani msrnlugéscotld hé' Spt~mica fruvit Sissday"* Il*41 I thé6 far wol o' n vi ilwaat isi§fae iA es- 1.1-À -0 -Lié1 . g-» .- . tu 'Jike Whuýtby Eéad sund larbor. Wa are glad te pérceivs that th£ Hou. -rable John A. M4çdoniud aI>s movod for an sddréss for MIl corréi3oiuce éIAtfr5 te, thé ofier cf thé WMItby RPad sud Han- ber -for sale. ^W. ,pomise car readérs that it *lit dlacboae iné very strauge de. vesopemets ; sud we undertalce toa hé.wy at the proper flts, that If ever à bt*d' of mou wére persécuted for <liýolliâsl opinions, tizsy ans thon, thcf,élinelthé Whitby Road sud Harbor Com>rny;.. ua il rétrenchuient" Goverument havé had their time cff h. luder thé pIes cf ré' ireuchuient, sud eeouointlahig thé public fonda, t bey pérsecuted thé Company, whén it vas lu réaliîy lu order ta serve théir owu partisan purpases. - -But wo viii not anticipate ; thé documents wiii hé ferthcoming by sudhy, sud then thé corrupt motives, anas thé petty tyrà uuy of thé présent men in power vilii, e pro. nise, hé sufficiéntly apparent te cenvince éven. their wurmest admirera of thé wrong sud iijury which they havé pérpétratsd lu thé case of thé Whitby Riosd aud Harbor Company. Thé Gitorgisu IBay Canai. It aiTords as grent pleasure ta notIce that Mir. Mackenzie, o cf ambu a giveunon tie'of bis intention te moe for a cem- mitne to censider thé praéz"'lchlty sud prepnioty cf conuairctinga canal -betweeu thé Géo rgian Bay and LaIe Ontario, by LaIes Stmcon sud Scugcg, sud through thé Conuy of Ontario. 'Ne havé lé, thé préas, s pamphlet etw. hraciug a repart cf Thomas C. Kéefer, Esq., ou a survey of thé proposeid route, which vilI hé ready for distribution in a fév days, -atnd which l asiat, vs trust, iu msltiug known thé practieah:lity of thé Canai by thé preposed route. St. latrtck'ls soclety,--electlou et cfil- Thé aunual meeting cf théeSt. Pstrick's Society cf Ontario, for thé élection cf nffi cens, &c, for théeusuing yéar, took place ai thé Rayai hotel, i!t ibis tevu, oc ulat Saturday eveniug. Thèeevas s véry fair attendatice af monubens. Thé chair vas cccupied by 0. 1H. Daitueli, Eîq., Prési- dent, sud Michael O'D*onsBEq., thé Secietery cf the. Society, eccpjéd bis pets. The élection of officera for thé présent yoar vas tlménpoceedéd wmur, vith the llowiug resit : Nrei G. Rxywos, Eaq., Sherilf of thé Couty->residenL. Michsel Dsellea, Jr. Esq., cf Oshawa ltt vico-Presideut.- Fratncis Clark, Eaq.. 2ad Viéè.-Pretid- Michael O'Donovan, Esq., ep tr and Treumen. Robémi J. Wilson, G. EL Dartuoli. sud WilliamSpieace, Esquire,--Cmmittee nf nuaageméut. Ou motion et Mn. IHiggins aecaudéd by Mr. Moody it vas reerolved tisai thé Anni. vensary hé cébebrated [&y à publie tlinér and thé committe. of managesueultogetb- et, miithé ePrésidéant andti eroffic'uraof thé Societ, vere' anthor!iedte make thé neceas'ry arnésne Sr. PÂvexs Scsuii.-The président sud emces.of thé sociéîy, vus Ã19a om mintese ofuageméét met au tise RoyaI botél, on Wedoedayý evéulng, sud nsadé annatneat vuslinM. Bryxa for -thé celshratioé cf' thé Anaivx~rasy. Thé An. niveraary la te hé eiebrstéd tire présmnt yésr, b, a dinnér ah the Royal hetel. Tiekééas-.41 eescbarenov ou sale vitb the officera an! tmembers cf tise commutée ofmaaeet Quarter Seaso»aasadCéuaty Comm-t. Thé Court of Quarter Seaientand Con- ty Court for thé Ceont> of Outanlo, epeneti su Toesdsy, théeSuis lut Hu Beor, ladg, Bomrbant, preaidiug; J..M. Wilcox, F*q., J. P., and Jcséph GoWul ,EqJ. Psésodiates. QUARTE"SBIOYS. Tise panel cf Grand Jurors hà viug bée Callot! aven, thé folluig gentlemens&a- avenéd te tiséir uais, sud vêeenuor Q. C. Grass, Foréman ; John hAdréon Wm. Brown. Wm Bunleiden, Jas. ot- sot, John Dure, Wm. Douldion, A. M. Pst-ével!, Jas. Gilney, John Grant, Richard liarper, Wisitfiold Le, MO icllbh, D. Ilerdén, WM.mMcauelamd, JoiséPhillîps, t.shiel S1 Bulbl ibri Sprg, Wm, TItamu- In thé ceeu o? Brooks, apportan~t, m leurget, reapeadént, sud liath.wg, fr; ollun; liqée ou Suu-day, théeconvictions oe -qeasbd fu hoth us.-R.. .Wilsonj fo appelitta1 Tise Grand Jury fqund a tir. Baliser for obs(teait ;Prosperous-with a sllgbt diWWback. Âlsugéýamount of the eà 4rti rÂmericsn prea-at lest tha Vorio a f t hwl !eh supports the. adinicig tidà of ..Mr.'Lincoln, snd the coneutUtûý 'tbd 8wr-is ccupied hi ri#»g the ffper. ous conditionx of? dw gor't i iuiof the wat. lyt i iît<ewfè.tork . d, let fut eousider t<Ms mater & Mo j Prévious ta the ws'* our whol ,p puis. latton, SNortil and South, was eo ïaed in productive empioyments; that , asy i growing cropa, manufacturin rticles of tise sud ornarnen e<rluOXuging comniodities. Every deprtmeu lsbor, thoreforo, was devoted- te tho orésU' on af weaith. The number of uon.prodacera in the community was very suisîl. , To-day there counot ho lesa thsu one million fve thousand men N~orth and&-Soutlri' ,o have sbeeu withdrawn froi the farui sud work. ,shop, and wbo, as soidiers or as baugera. ou to the sroy, are no longer piioducers snd creaters of weslth, but consumers-ancd destroyers of wealîh. John 8ntl4h as a laborer or mechanlo was worth te tbe conmanity at least a tbousauid dollars per 1yeur, but John Smith as a soldier ins-a cblargé upon the comruuni:y te ablaut thai amontit, wiiich as a deeroyer, in killing ollier vainiable John Suithsansd vasting the-couutry, he coa mach more. Ta show how rmbc the country loses we give the following figures: Eslîmated yeartj valne ofisahar of uns uuktln men .....................ééé.i Y.mrlykt r utting a nd keeplg onec million meil Lnuthe icti. .. .é. OOO.ééé Total ....................O....e,0,0 Theré are really mach more, tian a million of mon who have tarned frout pro. ducýive pursaits by wsr ; s50 the aboyé figures are ni bigh cuough. 1 But this ln uni ail. Before thé war thé is!or of the couuutry was empipyesini raising crops, mauufact.uring, digging canais. couuirucing ralîroade, erecting bouses, atnd the like, ail of which sdded directly ta thé fired wealth of the couutry. Bat bow is it înw? Why, the main bulk of car labî.uriiîg Ropulation is engaged iu matiufacturitig aud supplying impiements of wait.4 sud destruction -caunon, maskets, sahers, equipments, powder, shat, irn dlada, and the thnasand apparlenancés of war. A bale of cotton, a hogshesd of molasses, or a cariload-ot coru, represent a reaiut oeau labor -so domun au jen- clad ahip or a tweuty.inch gun ; but ibe onue ministers to thé necessities of the rafe, sud suds to thé world's wsalth, vbiie -thé athe la sheer waste in au séono-, mie pint of view, aud is gond ouiy for destruction. But boy do you account for the &p. parent proaperity of the country ?Xit may bé ashed easy euoogh. Vie sie living pn crédit-on promises which or idren à 4d car children's eilidien, ta the third sud fourth generation, mouai psy. >We are dýswing buis ou thé future, aud, like Ilii pendthrifts, sté liviug riotouaiy. Te tal of the prosperity of the éun. try when ws ate afflictéd weuh the soreft evis whkhb can befali s nation, net thé léus of wbîch la the moral iusanlay sud intoxication everywhere prevaiiing, la dowurighî, nonuu, if net wickedous ht la eibéer thé uttersuce of s foontc« cf one wha kuows h. bu sau audiénée cf foolé. ]Pickering Town-,hép Concul. Satunds> lMarch Sth, 1864, Thé Pickering Couacil met parasut te Meémtiera aîl présent. Msîaut'-s of thé lait meeting rend sud Pettiié »pressustqd h laBîE. Jottes an.d oshvra 1însying for a surveyof lut No. 5, 7tb etunefissien, h> M .r »aard efBrèe- ton Ihunting sud esisérs paylitg for aid tu un. Ellis and lA Niclunasnu y Mnr, Hsaiuçhîot Robent Wipfiy sud ottir amaîd te MarCortaaclcby Mlin iel4*t . The 4adtiorýbffpt!à théir report ar tIsé Tnea.urém'à saeenî Lfon 1863 vbiéh vas néd 4the liséVé. - ; -, Mr. Wlxtou -movés tiste AUdi¶qrs' te port ju esirai &éepe,~i4îaîsa coultt for the jeai 1863, as tluonéiu pre- Sented.ho finaliy auditeil sud that-thé sue Ondérs vers grautsd on* thé Tnéasurér, as fellova :-To H. Doyle for tisaum 0 f $100, as Vollecter l'er"163, te A. Feliér ton sud John Mséusb for the ts c f $6 sach, for thélr services as Auditwis,, te Jehu À.neaight, fer tise Samu cf' 111tiol.ý lors, héitug part rémunération l'onra it'd seraui sportion oet bis land ;te Trustées et School Section No. 20 for'$3,55. uco-,rCsi. denttai, Su Jebn Wilson for thé setaof, $2 for servicea s éReténig Offcer. Kn. MéCreigiri mared, for Isavé te in. tnaduce a B314lav ,toalater tise Bide Road hetveeu Lots 22 aud 23 in thé breken froDt Conýession of tsaT*vualýp, and I tise> BI lsv hé niv rend te irs rim~ue. Tise By lavtvas rend the Iittipa,: lt. MeCrelgisi movéd thsat the Filf ent. titiédxRylsw t'teteîraide lused hé tvéén Lotf 22 and ,'23 iu the broeôtuftct- of tIsé Tovnsbip et Pickering, hé rea'1a snd limtatai d ext meieting: of du Cnupéil, sud fluai the Olert lié, aùdd A Esut Whitby Township Cot'unI.- CoLütra, March 7, 1864. 'TheéConcil met at toit o'obok Xeu Sber* aIl présent. Thé Reeie iluthe chair é Minutes read sud adopted.- À pétition sigued by Captait! Preutie aud 40 others wau presénted sliug th, Conucil thé une cf the aide-lti. betweéi lots 14 sud 16 lu Ttb concession, fori range fo ifle Practice, for Columbus Pi 6.fié Company., The prayer cf thé Pétiio, a grauîed. Péfiticn us sspeeseuted alguei 1,hy John MeGili, Wm. Lobé, snd Abrahan aDayman etoh askiug thé office of <Collector A communication, frcen ýW. J. Satton Esq , clerk cf thte Village aof Oshawa, lu rf closing s copy of W By-leir paffed by thi a Village Couucil, shopping up a travéllec y oad thmrough part of loz No. 16, 2ud cou ecession of this Towustp. eA. communricatiou front Corjeil,-N :- Xykle, aud R. bMsnni'ng, asking the Court ï. cil ta accept thé road made by. Mr. B à Ragera ,on the aidé lins hbetweeu iota 6 ani à 7, iu thé 2tud concesaiou, lu lienuof thi aroà d nuôw travelled On part of lot No. 6 a ou thé fsrm owned by Mr. Rogers, sud tc r close up thé présent trsvelled rosé. a Whèu Mr. R Smith gave notice, that oi tthé neit meeting of thé Council hé wouli introduce a By-law ta stop up thé moai through thé said lot No. 6, lu the 2nd con cession, sud tht derk wusinstructed tu 3givé thé necesssry notices. A petitiortsigned by 0, Flint sud- eighi ethers was preaented, aakîug' thé Connecl ta open a certain road seros a part of lai 18, lu thé Znd concession, at présent accu. pied by lIra. Kirlty. Thé pétition grsnted: and thé clerk ordered ta uaotify thé partj lu pousein, that the Conteel at its nexà session wooid pais s by.liw te open sait rued. A menuarial was preseuted from Win Durant asking for rolai. Vihen on motion of MIr. B. Smith sec. by Mmr. Iepburn thé Reevé grantéd hié order for thé Oumu cf $8, for thé relief of Wuu. Durant. Accounts preaéutéd of T. WVheeIer foi Township seal $8, of Mr. Beali for wo-d cutting Townt Hall $3. 69 sud of Mirs. Waison Ioéépiog a toundling chiid one month g3 théeRNeve -graning bis ordére for the lame. Tho couucil then psssed a By-law ap- pointing averseérh of highways Pound- kééperstûnd fencu viewems for the present yéar. On motion of Mr. John Smith, secd by Wm. Hepburn, thé Reévo graittod hi& order on thé treasarer for $b, ta bc plaoéti iu thé bauds cf Tho&, Hodgsau, seur. foi thé réliefof cf arha Powersý an indigent girl. Thé Concil atljourned ta thé lot Mon day ef April, at 18 c'clock, s. nu. BMeeting of IBoard cf Schotsl Trutsé. Tow*ir Â., Mà nucn lt, 1864. Pretent-M'r.Thwaite, Cluairaau,Més. Blow, Fesser and Powell. Thé Chairman laid on thé a a scom- munication frout thé Rév. K. MacLénnan, Local Supeniu;lendeut. shbwlng the, proprie. ty cf Clasn studiés in thé Town Sohoals, sud récommending a dloser adhéreoce te thé systenu laid dowu by thé Board cf Pub lic Instruction for Upper Canada, ln order that the class work may hé thé sauté lu ail thé Schaola. Theu Superîntendont aud thé Chairman cf the Board wére appoistéd a Commitiée to ase ltaithé reconumeudations wereP carried out by thé Teseher'sm Ordes -wsre grséîed lu faveur cf 'G. M)cGjluray, lot ceord uvoad, 883,46;"J. Sul. liw #n. cul ting Wood. $1.1,13 ; A.hby for do. $0,31;jsud fur Teacersm'>aaiarièaduq,,3 lt li ts. $525,00; Séperlntenden. 10,0. lu ail, $635,94. > Tiie Comuuittée appoirtéd -ta iavéatigste thé chargé préferred by Mir. Dtivorîl against G. Y. Smith, Ptincipal Teachér cf'lHenmy Street8cbool reporter& that thby badi e OU lr. Smitb -and tud no.ésue' of comi. plaint. 7b tke Ediloîr tf WJIaiby C)sréil. Das Ss: Ju jeun ineoftthe oaeééd lest., I 50é su ariété htsded.1 Extnsondinany Srg- cal opération, lurporilufte havé ,bien penfarnued upou.usy sou hy Dr. Carsoâ ' Whitby. Nowôou hélat cf Dr. Armstrong sud myse-If, I foel_ it Sy dut>' te atate -5 tes simple l'acta mn connecticu vitis 'ohé cam. la thé fit-at placé My son having hein tairen dangeroulyIll, asud Dr. Carson héing n~régalar fansily ,Phyaiclsu,4ýé vas Waled ilu a satéd thé'"casé ta hé Dipihonis sud, te 'thé béat- etfnuy belis? treatéd ih for that disess: thé chlld ho- coming' vanai, I iheughî # boiter to a îi'n uoisér Physi0isu, ý Dm. rmà troug héing sont fat' hé torth ie disease meut- irranona Croup sud erderéd tise tedicine peracrihéd b> Dm'. Carson tw be discon- ihsesland psescribéd etisér médicines vitei vére givon as direéted. Thé 4hlld not 'lu. preiuç, Dr. Armustrong vas &gala callsd- lu sud. gareme to iudostand ihaz-the m le en Justice to a Mliatiter cf the Gospel. A ter f0 tMe Red. .1. McTat*hl, Con.. ,véeer of thtPreb. of OntarWa' Flomt. :Mia. y-Ç!m asdePreob. CkurcA UXutunué, l4th Jan., 1864. Re£vu. SIR. carding ta thé infallibîe- word et Qed, fit mannuinupon., if yon do ual Repent witb a deep sud génuiné Repentance.-t. ouly wisb it Inay hé passed in time, sud that thé Lord May bavé iaércy on joute neYer dying soT.- F lax Culture. aAIiow nué te qucté a pasaga fronu a Wiilttei af Dr. Bayne"'to a Ministér, of Hain. en' Mon Préabytéry, with référence ta ' the ýd Miasiouary theréin nsmed, ou bis it n arrivai lu Canada:.- "'Gaît, October 27th 1853.-Thé bearer ni Mr. Robért,.Mackey, bas hmougiuî wi. 1-hlm faecurahié« etestimtonialsà rtrmMinistèem te cf thé 'frée-churdh. À létter to me front id lM. Boue, convener of thé M. C. C. sud twhich 1 enclose for yonr perusal. speaks favourablé of bis citaracter as a Preacher., Hé officiatéd for me tu day-our faatday -and thé impression mode au my mid la, that hé lé a gond man, sud tist bis id pesching la charac-teriaéd by éexcellent ie matter, and mach 'aérinuaues ib thé ;ydelivery. Upon thé vhole, É helié*é, thiýt vs havé -minustera doiug very wvél i Canada, whu, are net équaiG te hitinl t sau important respects, as.a Préacher- SJohn Bayné.", A This expression of opinion, even ai. thongh thé tesimonials réferred te, hé Sképi eut of viév, by a man, whoité judg. ment, lu a malter of this kinc- would t vigh' dovu 'that cf a thousand; mauy ýi sggeà îý thé ides, that thé Préachér whom 't k trefers, may he one tmuly 'secant,' by thé '»Church's -great héad, te speait te Mani in fi bis nams: sud if 5,-one who,. accord- -Y ing te thé gracé reeeivedtrull' stands Sfor thé îruth, and for God,- settlhgr forthn Abtat îmnth spiritnaliy, îth due'* p¶ica tions te aIl m9n, individually and'-enfle. Itively (vjtb varlad measumés, of -freedout, as ta déiivery ef thé divine message, cf course). Such lu gning forth, lu thé [b Lords nime, ba' théenighty pawer of corruption,, lu thé uauril heuart of man, te grapjule witb,-as well eas thé Wicfied roee ;-wha moems, at présent, muore for- midablé than usual, -puttitig, forthn bis pover, lu inîtumerable foruts, te oppose elGod and bis servants, and hindér thé ad vancemenî cf tbe KinAdom of (bd :-The conséquence las, au évery baud, djffllculries' inl thé vay :-And, îîerhîîpa, natté more o bviens than this,-tbat, thé more lai esrnmueu he apeabjér is lu pressing. thé mesage of Gnd opan.the héarer;-Yèa, sud théIlly' Spirit, actuaiîy aidiug himý in spéa-isug,-blesaing it te aonme, fi1 ing thém wiîb joy unspéakable ;---aud pressing h oute thé word, on thé consciences af tothera :-Thesé othr,-aas,--so many, e ofté,-utterly ignorant',tInt thé Spirit la, 'su héipiug -the speaker ; -uter'y ignorant thât acmé one,nier that véry message,PAs it vere, at the gaté cf heavén; -uttérly ignorant tisut it is thé Holy Spirit of thé bléased God vhs is s0 pres- iîîgthIeword"a-n théir evuconscetes,- 'repraving' then for sin, sud distambiug théir faite péeér wirh thé design, of briugingthem. ftram sin and thé Dévil sud 'HIl, ta Christ sud heaven, are, if thé savinc paver af thé hlésséd Spirit, hé net pet forth, filléd vith diailo at thé message cf God suad go avay, ut may bé vîth s * bad report -ef whà t théy. havé hoard, or, cf thé instrumeikt that Gcd tuas uad : - like thé Hleaveet thé gréai Apasîle, -of iihiom '<solDé hélievéd" thé thinga that vere apuke,-aome 44betiewed net,"- soute veut avay vith a digce report" of vhaî îhey had heard--ée, '"an éOil report,"vy loothérs "eortladicteil sud hlasphemed".-Ând, eau it hé othervisé,- seéing thé uatuïat'-muré civeîh -net the thlings c'f thé Spirit of Gad:. for, they lire feolithuesa auto hiut- &c." - t ilt pertectly apparent, litaI' the Church, -or its répre'_ seutstiveà , sud its, leadiug sud influential mell, should give théir countouance ta sncb, 'sud staind fim,7 she*lng ail "chant5 su ad christian. fot-bearauce, ,as, te bîi impfeéloiond, su hotcouaiuga (et, d vhc: la héiethat1lO'véth 'on ésnîhÈ, and sinuoth flot), sud ahould tale camé, Whar stthey give te disparaging, -injurions stateménts. - eué-uided 'vlova, -or ré preseutat ions'j al!togéthér l'aisé sud gredlés, rgarding, bis onl riat' character. le ny ý-shape ; astili lésé if beiiéving aIl thst, îhéy héear., ive free circulation te it, lu pnlvate and public te bisepréjudice ; far lqa,-believ- îng ail, îhéy vbolly. uitbdrav their caun-, tenance, treuthlm, anct,,stop hlm tram- spesringa. ay morelu tIset naoms cf,' thé' it as clean-as possible by' picking off thé. veéd-then barrov tbarougbly, aJ attervards sov, umay freint1&41e 2 buibe!si,. per acre, accerdintsttthé atnongth of lthe soil ; tIen harrov agnýi and lastly roli en, as ta malce thé surfacé as evépn sud levé as possible. Whén lu thé harvesh yen onay takre your cradle sud cnt as easy As wbeat cm auy other grain. Saute farméra are cf thé opinion thal thé fibre muse devu intethé eud of thé ruaI sud tltat by' emadîing theréis mail neceisarily lu a bs: -t is net thé case ; th be ianDo 6ian inch dovu thé surfacé and if carefally ont 'ii'h ascytho ail thé labour and expeuse of' pnlh asaved. Next comesilué ¶lév-rotting, vhich la simply t<o îpread 'it ou your 'méadov,1 or grass field, takiu'g caré at thé same' '11e tc kéép thé hut endsa3 evon as possible, bot1 je apreading anud hiftihié- -Whén abo etu '5a 8 fi hgrsail r éi ing; ýwIich la éasiydoué hy muy ao' thé younger bradecbs of'the family, - thea loft* after other févý daya expirées, hich la thé limé gRené all1yýtaken "te prépare.- h for thé Scotchb milI. This la - focd hy i-ubbinq the atal hétveeu jour fingors and m'Isn thé wýoody part yul léave thé fiax, freeIy it lis romdy te lift. One otjef ntrpis intt tavusmén, Captain Reve, bai alréudy in lula pessessian n eof Rowana béat Seaut- cbiug mills, vhich ne doebt hé yuli ieffer frusé as acoityas a qmmdt1 ffini ipeadnced in the ueighbenrlinpd -,sud cen. tilinly thée-présât 'famtine priuIée o Itn1 ga.. g, la b avée vér t'adyt réadu' and villing to advocaté thé futérea< cf thé Feirmera lu- tilla, thé land' of aui, adoption, in al ibat coald contrtumtfe td aur mental sud tatéerjal advaucénieut. 1' I theréfore inîrude upan -yonr- celunna lu culer ta maké a fév iremarka upun thé important subjet of 'Flax Culture."' Tise spriug la fast hasténiug on, .vben thée rr mers, busy timé comumentes, sud théeli.- porta&nt question présents ihaélf - vhat shahl vu do ta prodace thé mail profit? lu anseér, r say mail emphaticalîy il dSK, flax," by aIl means. Whou vo are avare that tramt $1&: ta 8te pet, huahel, eau readi- lyhé ohined for thé seéd alone, vith culy 56 Ibs. ta thé buahél,' (four pounda less t han vheat,> sud vith a certaiunty cf uéariy doublé thé nunuher of bualuefs ta thé aere ; white théel'armera in your rich and fertile couni>. are coeuparativell asléep when compared vith etftér sections, of thé Province, vhere théir attentidn bas hItéen mare' 'i'numedyatély calléd to this particular futmnc1s -of indutry; vhen I tei1.vo !a as profcf f bis assertion that thé Hansie of Mestra Lyman Clan &Co. !tfantrue hbavé takén iotatheir varehouse i'big season ovér îhiryéeight tbousaud hh4êWo6f fiag seed, 'Canaà dian 'grevth Ã"f 1863, and that sévoral thansand- buahels are held lu other- banda, bath inilknltYeal' and Qîtéhée. 1 may bore observe tlïat Most uf this nééd, and* a large qnanti'tr imporléd, la manufAetured ini Mantreal int aitl ck, and' iinseed ail, thé bull cf the In)ruir beinz senthobeéta England, whilé thé latter la eons'tmed lu thé Pro- tdliîééî. ov, Sir, k 'id not froin thé sééd atone thé profit is dérived. ai it is wéli. kuovu that in Treliaud ued ather flax Lprrwinz cauntrýiës l'amera pull tIe flax hé- fore theé séed ripons;, ani titis is thé pro. Per mpîhod vhén parties'-are "lI u tpte in 'h'à ndlinc* .and preparing thé fiax for matrlet, -asud 1vhéu labour is, eheap and bauds aplen1Yý' Ilà Canada wvé can- havé a l'urgé retaru both'-t'in thé seéd' anti fibre as Ibère la nat agi*ngclé acre cf' lunde that uili net 'uroducé ttan 12 te 1o',bushilb t séed, <vhich is admnittd'- e hé*an, aven age. > thati ilncl-al thé sauté flime pro- dué tram îhméé hundred'to four liundred lIts of cean setchedlflbée, vortil trom 8- [ta $10, per l9Olbs. With sncli mtà rttsq thefai-ra r' should net allby' ima-ihary diffieulties te stand lu 'their vay, but give it a tair--trial. Borné coruplà lu of thé troublé af pulîjurx. To this' rssy thèe is ne neeissity for this tédeus procèsn. 4 If thé land la teé front staneir and pro- pérly préparéd as; il englut ta- Bé, by ptoughiug it velIlunthé fll. Agaiii n lu Otf thé absence of "Md'U' dél"y ini produeiuc crspid~ S'îveral :emublrs èxpeuEa *anr o confidence lu M- * te Oiberue-moved lu vtévof tisé tory poition of affaira, htiCh 'uexor ofthé mouey éstinustea bi thpse veeks. fiés agénérail debsté tirs los-47 to 220. , Papers.suate tisai thé faté i telss f éva owminutés -trqusl balancé, bult lisrévas-an item 0ondemu thjeut ithotit s fà lr hi Offijal rétama shbo* ihat parti in 19". ,'vore eêr ;622.00 44' j Atnîal tectIlle Ctroie<slhi T9 T U IAN'ISEtQUJESTfOxN NEW PýROPOSAL BY . ENGLANLi FRANCE ANIOUS TO REC0QONfz THE SOUTEL ateamship City of Néer York, which lé ft Liverpool ai noan con thé 24th via- Quéen&- tonon thé 25th nit., arrivéd â atTeciodlr Thé Anucrica, at fe.ork, arrived at Southa~mpton on thé lheruing of thé- 24th. Thé Moruuing Pour. city srticle s> thai thé repnrts froua Paria are, sf11! tà rb positive that confidental négociations are progréssing hétwoou France sud Engiaud for a jcint recognition cf thé Coufederatea, and that if Engianid refuses France wilI sct alete. Thé: PoM declineate.voeêh fer thé reponrts. lu tht, House of Cammena Mr. Seymour Fitzgetsid dçuounced thé govérmmnt -for séing Laiala rama. jHeassr.téd--that 'thé nation vas lu contravention cf lasX14 Iu munving for asil correspondeuce on thé subject, hé sait! hé should déplore var with Amèes. h, ut wauld raîhér go ta *ar than -thé lawa of Eeîgland sh ouid hé 1,,: friuîgod in conséquence-of thréats cf for. elgit aubadora. - Thé Attumney.Oénerà l défe-nded thé govremumtet[xpiained théir' légal action and flaitued for thé goverumnéunmrit îcf acting. frou a amseéof juettic -sud 0ne other motive. Sot'emai speakérs-dénaôunc. éd thé' -couilsenor thé xgovemuimeut, and tchargédlit tith. pulliaiily; sud ather repkied. F'lhlly thé motiolà was .rejected hy a ývotoý of 178 ta 15.1, a majoriîy of 26-fer thé goveruméîtit, which vas réceivéd with 4oud chc.ers'front thé ministeriaî aidé of the flotuse- Mm Layard aaid 4la was trué thatt wtt thé conîsent of thd'1 Mitish tnd',Aludiëà tt' governînents, .tohse d'pse4ti~Y thît bicekadé ah Richmond fer*tile AstfHan' and French gnvémnmeîîzs, Euglaud' ruatfe? no aimilar atipnlitiau for cotton,, beeaase, thé case vas aitogethér diferent. An-imadéensonmeeting b léinluDublin ,te praierit à ogainst thé érection of the Albert mémorial in Collège Green, wuas broen, up hy Tintera pmoceedings. A déapératé, fight took placé, bat tuotbiug serieus. , Additioniiî particulises cf the Pruhis reouise et Duppél are coud,*ctingQue Arcnetltos dissstéraua for- thé- Plus. 'anà ; but thé Prassian offcis1soonth the.reverse, 0c11y admiitiug thme killiéd; atitdtwo wunndéd. à la asaérted that Eugiand ba ppropdî s conférence on thé -Dunieh question apon P. îew ai8. Austia and Prussia assent.. éd. Thé intesregards thisanas hopéfuL1 for settlemuant..' 4.lt wu&a asertéd that thée u*eaiute rdu'ale be#séén -Frauuc sud Euglaud vas ýne. bugGy eedultfu. The, Enperor agrées te. ca-operate,. Bonu-se firmei-ut 66f 530. The iollowing Wé .ajuocpsia cf thé név setit ouf r rSidon aon thée2nd Thé shýP'déstrqyo4d by thé Alabampa vas- lu thé HIgoase-of Lorèi BarI Do Gréy- ,suid pfoenet did 1ni lntend to sendi cUiRmisffauoers ta report on -Dhé- operstl<à ua. of iie Ataercawumi4bLu thri-eofficérs had hense-nt, ta .report om iran ada. Far obavia" reosuane e, fficérs wer6 sent ta thé Ouafe&4eetSttes. _Tu coIvbratil, Mv Iam§acli madé a. faecastie attséfr en thé policY tof thé goyK-, érmnunt relative ta:. Dnmark. wemdaaned