Whitby Chronicle, 24 Mar 1864, p. 2

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\tfAdiWetf'*,mflts t1itsDay, -teubt *outsae-T. 1q., 1101111. Kaïmtb stock of, Lquor-T. IL M. Puble Notiee.Thoi. Hayes. w'ode-Jauimorlong.> Teou" Watd-8. B.-Pairbanka. Auction Busneu-Braates Kester. Oabawa Grawmar anid Coieton Shoo- W. MGl,.D steamaboat "Robets'r"-G. S.fbddw'y. gerfaut xlvl Wated-MUa. FaIii1ma. To Bout-loba tCarter. Dlssolmtlou of Par newsbip-.-~lnedonald ACITION SALES. inkrýét tockt Oshawa, every even Ing-1b Fairbnks J. Anctloneer. Stoek and tarm j*mntempnts, on lot 33, fflh tneffiuiu Whitby, pvoperty of Mvs. ?<cfrf#, on 29îb inst., -Tboi. Myeru Anc. (rôlteer. On March- 24b, on lot 18, 2nd Con. 'Pemtn, stock and trm impleinents, pro. ietY Or 3,mea Voodrsf-Tboinpsonand ecoduffAuctioneeiu. At Greenwood, on th April, Boue- )îoId furniture &c, property of Bev. Mr. Roo-Thomna Myera, Auctionoer. On Lot No 22, Brokcen Front, Wbitby, oit 26th Marc, stock and rartu irplements, property of Francis Qarfat-Tbee. gyers On lot 21, 4th Con. Whitbl. ou March, 3th, stock, faim im plemento, &c., property tf lats George Cll-y-grastus Keuter, Âuctioneer. On lot 19'. 9îh Con. Wltitby, on April 9tb, stock and- tarm implem enta, property of &.1E. Stlokne-Thomas Myera, Anc. ONlLI 50 CEYiTS A TEAR lVhItbY, Thursday March 24, 1864, The Motiterlsl Criste. RSIGNÂTTON 0F' THE MINISTRY. Ou Monday ovenins Mu-. Sandflmld Mac- donald mamomnesi te eHniisethat' bim. self- ami coliegnes hJ teudeve t eir - reignatios te theUoirernor Geneval. Hon. Mr-. Fergnun Bleui- vu sent for mind cbred WUltheiL torimation of e ne*r "utem. Mr-. Blair ai oie.- entcreti intu eommonaleatiomatb lIoki. Srt-R.P. Tache, amisemai other' meuniers ut the Op- position, sdid "lsoMr. Dorion, anti hoth prevet vuqeemutul in iIte$r negociatlons. nbe Opposition vIll onl~ el unicoer ibeit imeeegsed leaders.W. alvaym belti, liat siuaied sa"bUtProvines are, adti on- sldérimg the pStion or parties, Ani gev- ertu- toi h foim-to 'be a sîroog geverumentî-utaîh. e litIn.This, la »ow admitici, aven b, ihose , ho ver. $W sérongemi, advpcates of a put-el>' pari, gomenct. Ttavu sot ienIomaure et tings ibai a geemment viii 'John sand eit ls bhaS comMlong exisi. -The vonier lé tsît led 00olong; but are aIl kmuv thedilabonorable «msreset-t. aéi. t e kep ilmali"e.- tholiapose ef'thse .rtupt lMaedeeaud. Dei(lSeeveute KIffèlEr. (Cartier Sent for!1 At a quarter te- ' iis evenlatg elare c 6'y talegraph trot Quel'.., Ibat Son.lit-. Carier ýas boss sent or te ftn an Ad. minbetrÏiion. - WI-1 ther. e i irnfio1utIeI t WIII there be a dissolutioio Tbis'is te question nov asikei -ýon every aide. W. scarcel, think *il .possible. But une uitile dveantsof arbat îLeguvivuor general may be indued te du under tbm inspira- tibou ut bis prentiat adviscra. It aroutti ha better for the Oppoedton, ,', believe, Ibat there ver. a dissolution, and gevali elec- lion. We kitoar utone constitîncy, aI leasi, thet they vili gain. North Ontario viii he ate the nexl tinte. Mr. Wasbing. ton Maeigl a oechance ut me eleciion lier. Ibu be basut'of- ying ici-ou Geurgian Bay 10 MaIfnitouliu Tiland; unluIe he joineti a coalition viîh John A. sud tiat the latter voe . <o iutereede fou- hlm and guarante luigood hebaviout. Scoo.-Tie opeufng ofthe Sping tertniut îbiî hnitution bu announceti for Wetiues- day, lb, 30î il. Tic 'countents cf tLe ativerti#ezueul publiaeet elsevbere ave vorth, tic attentive pertuaI ut parents ant istudents. It a«uorde ne muni gratifica- tion lu leatru tbm flouvisbhing anti pruspet. ouis condition ut the uniiet gi-ammar anti commou acsool ut Oshavai but tie t ouly vbat are tully anticiptd nander tbm able tubton of Mr. MçCabe , ibe Principal. W'e say titis without au, disparagement ut bis tisistants, Who, 10 arrive at the eutcoma attaine4, mouebave aldeti bim vex, efficieuîly. There are nov altogetiet- tume 354 putilsinl the institution , 62 ut arbomu are in the <ratnmer achool depari- ment; no botter criterion ot success and 1eoicimn,. We are ls0o'peasedtlupereie Pa t ta cissiî is l be forme ieti mb terru or tLe tratining as Teachers outhobse desirou ofu prepa ring for the prulession. Nu mure c0etent Petsuetitan Mrt. MeCabe coulti ho ehargeti viii se important a dut,,hit is vithin unr ovuý petnal knovledge tbai daring îbaî gentlemen,@ euuneclion arlîL the grammar achool bere b. prepareti a large number, (uparat-diof loti, ve eboald J @my,) ut personsenouetgaged'in tearimg, andt lia tose su ptepereti b, hi. nov eccupy the fii posiions in the profession, in Ieir C"t.. It il as. be obatryir theI.Board have fiedth îe Charge for tio tîlethIe moderato charge ut $3. Thre average toc at the grmmmu echeels trough lb. Pro. ýeIqc bl.four du'hamu 0 OT-RIO sevrai splf famet-.lu t $i.) ftroc Grand Truni Ibas Cearle sew 0 giîg t 0 it coi-ici of grealer OMoes.'lu hitory-ak Idasofet-ch PM70 i faal Io the e«leD*4750 cice etf te g'wericeet cf John hàd tbs.aacllth Macttoeald, sol bits Ont andiRonge eou- h.ttev kioîn ferute.. Vniiet6iegres Car, (par., mi hecnet-m d'on afï, t-eder, tut-meniionieg lie t'V arie . ItoU' i caSM sisnIres anie eunuetien,) the equal, 10îe trt'chy Job. Saut ileli qnailed mand sucont. i' 180-n ci -A bptter ritidance oft;a eutrpt, aun. prineb-pled eue-r, wv o uicecet luhlead- Tue siAte atinisiration outhîe aff*ira-e thîe Profiue a.Rocensria' thivuut-I deejiptÎon,, ami prolonted their Until preeqs short careor b, tbm setne, ani vouawins, port RI et 1a "e 6enmury ever bai. Jobu staufeladMac,.ester, M asnia donald'. goternmeoîvwua. alie, a i t, spildid ïnov en an lreiîioi oPfîth-i- enIr,, trot 0 coalèlu j'MWv isf (ýtniato uits ignemiion. alos- coujianded la i s ur,_4xihti l b.. uh rliîg passon *md good seum prssail. lretendiug te, Le infavour et a - elmevi Buter reeca, it enttes mâïéMii oeery u5set uoierhm anm ii iaear te ýprumur-aieongihued reo, nsstbhe mxsti. mvm peelabi& bl eu. l, capie-téraof idettie Wcr Mo!eme enmldrI* hoimpmn 4ile. u tin hti ac aiug* en lig flsfrposttou Tb eft'cetibeir ebjeet, Illijies inthe <ails, a <tait ma>oir "the I cm oae Wstrlg on votai thtIthore ouWtibe- co tem, sml ' vbsàMmany eoLte meaberr bai'left Que. Au ren, bee,) îLe, procuredsi mciabre tool ln' pon giien, b>' îL oh -ff*ury Psanro, tamruto-orp 4pasvsScnîBoel>on Tu>i t e tic BiQatt. But ucabby th oin4 1, vl guonsie tbai the înlek vue dIspote 4, andS ieôuutmr; moutnder tl Mdéit s esetved, thel &gaafut-ned round Big;, 1e'hb5 mi prtenssied bat thpey 48>V, iotiug o e kshIlI Of'e it. lUvo's motion t1Pe4 'admý IL mi .Me, Fer partil ILey ame, lbsy .1111remne i brast lir ilU~l , 5 in instincts, and afier veti#ujsug, advifed lte, GarmqrOftersiLo usn& foi- Mr.Peu-gm, QamCÀL 4001 Blair, <qné et <tseives,> te rem.-anone minect s bobinot. its he*d.fm znet i gloisCrok oftb imOpposcitioitsOfCo a, t ail anoher or or eaui trieiý Mdai0,04 V*mie happy to Say,161 th" irtt~ Member ofte Op* .Iea Tenritain of. i*ln àoes. t6ev la,.menlasie ...-oLk.. , ra ai ont i te ros Fui Csip*-Iast arek lWd -fat etle beengiliB -th îLeè toarnsisp of Wbi¶l'y 4fq ih -ihl-,pa b Moult-cal hi iii. arjle -venturetu maeut xiliti m a ousemep ote sr iv tbre.Ifar cld bèih-mb. lr. Dall .u îcae ub Uba oraaverage et -1,M* à bull oU i.Alhi. -Br-oa *e late Urt-. John0 boýs,> and moi» elghkldMl1. gà te Mr-. Job. CaMt-acesd, id bu ie bele#lm leJami ioda pOenM& noc VAT& Oir Tras sieiost r' Iui opep 4e -»iilleave 9 'L cka a. m . RaclRe- My of or raSruknev, ilaI CiiÎein agi steamer, mie ffsla4fl rameurs se w iecf Lse'& rtmt os ts of ceiisIn ý 1 -s ai iCi-O G017 bOUUt-O4. Anti bre ajan alu . o - car-ouvt snfa .y~ohdqaey eal .: re ofthe .velpng '*0 aUûi boit i h tdbara7 otit Itin d*esii-an bl &polo»es t4 filhhaht',uwlW.hmbee nd'aï front the W*oteu, UonottT Judret &B. 'Fi~,su Il Oiemn, H.J. Mac. 4eIIssîie ~gentlemten, viehla heu~i i$iSâ4to attend. l'gongs, anttneiiand aliW wblcb vo have nu roon t leceed4 àýà#s&le s1h.Ctivily pf ý1t occeon ; anti 1 1Sep êylialtatle.Wmr1 Patrick'm*y lu WhitbY. M.flcbr' ~ ~ ta the then governret(I.Mcoad tie sor the OppwonI.a e'Sicotte), ahouId have ajourtul td vbhich it fleiýanniversary of the Patron Saint uf egraing the 4eoulcf h meave aes taneim~fcniu and WMceeigi-~ et Pubior.' içnkutiuh betweert th. goverit aan4d the ~nd whb ~ ~ ~ '~colintr.Ataclrs On the i1liàydfte andwlt mre hancod it« b lt à@ Âlthoagh' we hr ,nOt'beeri o &p*etrnmont in tbe Upper and,,LowsiiOp.. Irihinaof ibis locality and their friemIsl Of he Opofit~ , e , position pipera hîd to hoerepliod to tbrpugh gomjounrnal, or elseiÎt von4t& aie .been 4bq Pres« ut .r. T>he y wu elebrato& mtions ut wrong doiug git i'rtaî,. ieert tat they had nothlng t,> offr in by a grand dinner. And inoded W$ le- burp, in his dealinge ivh6 the Ministq I their defence. Again, it wue ato found liev veiayMMy sy~thtthor 5Vr < ~pj offaf ~çonvenient, il nul indispenuible. t1, oi cy beretofore bas been soba atelint uPOn of duiy,) w ve la@ othoe Ihe gosenttorbet ,Softocaonry sb- a11Y similar estive occasioun bWi'4'As defence which lbe gu ably pake, iïli6 officlitlly îhrourh ioine>ouiia, and hengre , ol4 il vas that, Iou owing in the. footetep9 ut that wbicb assmbled at the Ryal bcei uneder quote& 'ticle U ouoÂmbnt toheghogtvLet on Tbuv'&ày evening lest te dobon"i te Fr..ee ssýîî-. We. egrt W bave y.niet t hcdo 'nake terms_ w~ eo 7 the otl'dy f, Sut.Patrickr. O»- huit-' liat tl*t'i' trrequenly-tbu Meco biee. ïeetooittetbn$1ï tjred andd mta pelions iau down to dinner, ausongst to itÎàî f f M BIBackb~urn bu= 0 e p.npbliihéer, and flhlng e if utnoatcapcitythepr1u~~~ frtity the the iferemtnhe O àl p îteèÂnjnistra. filitg t is tinstcaaciy heample vrofince tôd@cl7 ,eaîh otber's good QM tion, with bMv. George Sheppard as editor, 1 ý but ian noway connocted vith tii. pgpei <ining hall Ofthie Royal butei, vbicb w d ndbusiness. Il'tomsoa ie h.the rie b tOcherîben 1ln an editoril atiaicity. tafLty decorated witlh Saga, and e01er-do so where une enjoriys any'advantago in Toeife sa Dty palieronthit 18(eMt greens, Md sppropriate mottos foi t% o c. , a cootract, or bapponsateuli. favored More intlieas a a ily per o n Jran 1r, 1 casion. 'The Prosident, N. G. F-Wynolds, titan another with any kmnd of public every issue' entailed 'a lots '-but lori 1h. Eaqr.. Sherfif uoftheb county, vwu seated at printing-even~ to printing the minutes uf purpoge explalned above. Presentiy, the. tbý bad outhlb table, on lis riglt and a counnîy or evbn a township coiel Parliament met, and it vie then foundi ibe ayo, Go. cGifevry Eqr. Abse ad m~reresntaîon t t. gos.necessary that tho dehato4 in both Flousem ieftth blyr e.Mpu lmyFq. bs n irpesetto ftego.ëhoulti be carefully anti faittfniy reported. Prosident of the Saint Andrewlm Socety, gest character ave lb. veapons resorted to Mr. Blackbur'n, at a very - erious outiay, RP. J. Guana, Aq., M. 1). J. V. Htaini Esq, lu injure an opportent;*. ad îhete in Most ngagedthe servicet; of three or four gen. tleinen wttose veporting abilities were ut John Shier, , President ofthie County cases the retait of bitter envy a.nd jeJalns clam sneit, anti duving Ite long andi Agricuitura! Society, R. H.L awder, EÀq., rivairy.Sncb, :lu a muait vay, Ire bave boisterious session tho reports of the pro- gkc.. &c., Michael Duileti, Esq., the ViceI expevîenced ouuvselves, at the baudis of the edig tlteteillr on ce daily in the coiutnn,,iutf litcQuebea 1~ President of the Society, oeupied thei conductors ot soine paltry prinîs wliicb cury; other papers - even te Globel £e4 Vice-chair. Amunglit the- generalj have been pubiished in this locaii, and or andth le Montreal pvesn-copying 'ver. ot he ~batîtn lte report» s0 turnishe te luthei cotnpany wee m80Ofrn e leading uhc niy aurvived euceamvely for atfew prssutf Ganda. The office vas kept memoes ut the iearned professions 'menthe at a Lime. But the upportunity open day andi night during luit session, and the uterchatet ansd business men ofthte vwe auffiient tu graîify their malignity, aend the eîtliru coqt lu the publisher vins tuwfn. The atendance ut the Whit.by and spread abroad the. falsehoodà oe ncariy $4,000. During the suminer, andi 4ihthroughoul the generai eIectioný., the .1fer- Brt-s Baud vas alo ecured for the occa- they put forth. Politicall enemies' took cury appered aat a ditily sheet-always siun, and their excellent music added in nu îbem up, anti condeunned the _pnblisber 'ot cnrried on atat great lotis, bc it rcmonner- umal dereet Ib bavuny& enivemen tii Creuswr wîhuu tr.el saae.,theve being nu adequate oornwerchel utl dget the evenin's e &tvtain ven e bn. heCRubpr" a id hlnerial" -sncdblisupport lu keep il up-etnd'atter the elec- et he venng' enertinmnt.Theba. rbbr'l nd 'elndeer.-Sub ere ttuot,, anui?r ssioentauiig a tresith qutspred by Mv. Bvyan....nine boit utf ,ornetofuthibetildest of the epitiets -appli. etlarge ut $3,500V lu $4(00 hadte u ho quetwatw the >rne;, the press out Ca;dn being turnisi- ti.'RuYal-ras nt. bondteouly provid. ed. But on investigation$ bîva i.et viîth tihe<ebateg, anti the policy et tlie cd, snd euubraced everything tirat coutld eslt? The pvejudiced personî wbu governmetîtconelantty enunciitedth trough temPt the appettte, or please the patate o eeloudeit denunncing the Ci&tNcî.c, tqltte io venqiantulwîsti ce the .nMost epicurengourmand. .The clotu vere, whtnnthe viole malter vas examin- utfuiaiiouvni.lism il, (Janrîta,. knuw per- baving been removed, fluving buznper cd befor. îbem.i'îves, of ait ' ectly' welIl taIt iere nre juettwio souries vetofihed I te cmmnnd t te Prsi.perenslu iesreslu4cu u te 0r. itfor lte piîblielter, whichi turneaq dent. fildA h omn ftePeioProst utrsltdso esr twrthe tifo-bluodoth ie indertakingt dettgaitusîthe parties witu uvigina&.d 1îte -tdvertiseernts5andticiretîlalion. Tire. ilgaPuLzsr TU Quzs as ive an chrge. Te ijnr sugitta . dn. ercury, fvom ils position, coutl Curtian t Bra TUFQurEN as ive an chrgri.Theinjry ougt t li doe iteiter -'uthlle"ue ources ut profil:- it vwu drank wiL al lte honorm. The Band eîruck anotier reccile'l upon îbemselves; 'they ont préeundedt-i it i A$i commercial up the National Anîbhni, and lMv. Cavke were penly andi puhlicly cemsaved as P'Pîwv; il vas Put forwari a" a inedium t ciunitiîailîtbetween theicgogrevnment-l rendered "(loti Save the Queen" inuit et. pove, caluîn'îiators. 51qMiyntl fr. Black- edtiepes tinllni t etîesj fectîvely. barn be utjustly iqld Up tepublic odinin? or the> iegi4t'ure. Stielî being lte case~, t The toilowiog listos f îbustwvere &fier He ha.haaîlnu trial; bis chiracter belf.ore il vas dcear tisrt rn mn l is iqsenseg yards given le succession the. public bas been al«ayi nnioepeacbbi, somne raequtate verunevatin. Btt r Itu i. The Prince aud Princes.ou Waleii and aend in the spirit utflUri tish fair play, le, iVl4 tItis Lti) t ut<olinplituiteti ?1yrt ln vItal ar' cotill thte necesusary p"cwirt'ry sup- the rosi uft heoRoyal Fatnill. um lbe beard befaveho is conderaneul. por tecdencivedl? 'l'lin g.>vernitucrîî uy,'zld 2. The Ât'uy and Navy, and the Vol.- %Vhile wo daimt tis riîçht for àMv. nnl psy lte ep oftu- a p'îpur la ke the unpes.Blackbnrntherq is quit. anuther feature M'rcItî/ ois the lihi ulie c-heot, as the e 3. Rs Eeehcnc ti. Gveror Jeu I .. . .lav 'wogld tntl wnrrnt ILl. low, t-hcu,,Lt 3. isExeleny he ,*er*r Gn.in %aisconnedtn wttb governinent, (apari wss the organ te bc u ttineul ? tg eorl., j1from the uecessary printing doue by Itism,) Th!% brings nls; t t pe nting tquesti c 4. The Day sud ail vbo botter il. i ~ ~ l p rovs' about wiici socit a liaodle hax been nlkae. 1, wheh wecan n !un*1" -app ite 1Hs Tiegovevnnenlt4tie daybhae At #ildispute o l 3. Tbe Corporationutfte Couuty o u lcto ft ra o h oen h ivn sto ag uniyo rft Ontario, inciudieg iii sellerai Municipe.tities pbiain<fa ra o t ueu i iin t utualreqael tpit nient, ali a large pecun at-y lois t himicît, ,an",redu for lte different tinpartiueents, md ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t herer.eeive iurelureimburse ur. latckburnlui- tg and teir rprelentadiii.on the understanding that bl, vas-tb re. ositîey, lhe (luvernruetit diverteti frin lte il 6. (Fron thei vice-chair.) Our Sitter < su enicient guveruuent patronage wo printers vltp brmrey executed thuît claus Suctnes 'rluutr hm >for his large Oeîlay. This of work uuttcienî toicorer his logi. lence. 1. Canada, the land ut unr adoptio. . vsa"o';btusfrvib during lte lunie lie fercu-y lins been 8W$ aiibutgriculteforinteze- et the * u'ntev fila ontrlru, Ibuliasllstordets for P 8. Tbr Agieultnd iteieus of the .nccbtnenî" gorge ruinen&î-a "e ts e. vnrk te a consudevabie exte-ml, the. profils i- C4*îut fOntarto,.r ut vitoenmn a he élv o-wicît kain. neurli, il beeu cbsrndaul fat 9. he rosdeu o th St Paric'&theainseea at-.,and onut MrBlackburvn, porting oftkedebatà. Now, tien, cornesd ~ voLtra:gR tOASTelire thonî" guvev;noiast te ygv e îl~ uPuUî<n the apeuLaîd Os Society oftOntario. 1tieâerve hitmed; g n I. iBlackbuirn n i~~.Tite P aeh~ubsmed. Ailt *bprfuîing dougeby M a eeue nceEy,-rre'te frbt 11. Tb# biesBlackburn, for té,gfvorumenî hembeeu public service ? if. boit~ e ~pgnmde e4 M q Ur I Wrs t"dfricharged ïf0r su-,,h prepr etarge ~ p.>bap.~,» 4vofctur at easonrable. or ver. tiny hl PrOper charges. And peropb -ait th- KoVicare .smogin excellent styloe eas tsx* *ir uwicen zrith t i e h? nr a'u ~~~~~Iae ~~Bu cotgeb teoa, n epas <>n Mille heb.i suspeetimi; viien lookîiuj ut he. lesion ; and lbofrbreM.di the (i6m t fPrince aud Princeiut Wme.tih niîiri tgÎ,bu hecurn tbunîd bu hid up ta pabifon *.".'Dtteell eloquently respondird te bo l.si Ievt aal t * deriion as a min ofthlie Foute stsmp-a the oot f th Arm and%.vyi ' n'tmiiswho -ciargedti hrec or fouir 'prietiffut tb 0&0eltoat ut bbc ordo sud Nav tlotoWi avoulworkdscïe and rendtWvs. PQIOwuiQd# 't asivoluciglesa, ailodimtg v ta tel mdr avbrB1ebte l t1h. ,at ele pplirft>rtuo l <mm Tojr W he uloaiug wto <s(4000 Su tet al;xMr:'BaclcninleconcÏei,' in U aibiarebu ofthe bM ec. d1t-.g a Mr ?:iseib re Ma uyi rel>'buquoi y o.1, -T d sng . age *sps4our, Bakbr. I h. vorlrhh u e eeshdteser 9!8A SutgmmduusitoloedUt t irsàa1. u - orp. - __ -u yl, . thevôrmibsif Ris Lovdsbip, in cbarging the'- Grand Jouiy Went uver the crimi'nal calendar, de- scriig the chai-acter outhe varions tfeme. t-es, anti inturming the Grand Jury vlsat otilitutedthle ct-ines chargeti. In tie course oft hie chartge, Mr. Justice Richards Qbservet, uatela.1w li e en altereti as lu the mode ot sveuîring vituesses before the GranýI Jury. Puvmrly, ho maii, it van the pýactice luavgear ail viluesqes aI tie Cleu-k'à table; nov îbey voe.sevurn by the furetnýu ut the -Grand Jury. But lthe slatute thàt autiorizet li change, stalet tint il vas neceuary for the tut-einan lu Put after th. vitoesses nîme-" swuru."? &nutiermaîler toviici tiis. Lordîlip de. siredti 10 cmi thi. atanlion Oftheb-' Gran- Jury, vuas, iatlh. lav did nul now rnquirde neat-tue Grand Jury ehuI take o le- charge ut ever>' man vio, camte 'leotor them, antiWhau . -char-ge la, mate, bef'ore hei-e wau a pruliminnry examinuition. The the ordinar>'uvt>,antihave a, pr.uimiuiary 83xamilatiau ; anti if a pecron hoviuig a; chtarge lu malte, wYas prentei trom doiig that, tron any cause, then it via s stity oI appilu ticte Crovu, pruecutor, or lu thc Cout The Legielature maidtit laitnesses wore na ua b e evurn Letore a (liant Jury onrllta indietatectt, or titrouzlekit Crovo Ofieor the Cor.Thet n urelation to certain criminal offene-Prjury, for itehtance, aras alîoo tty 'ngeçd; anInul uach ceses it vas nul Propr for jboe Grant iryr9 té ear vutn"3$ ia uJ ea,' utie.s, vreliîuinmty curiminatiun 1001< plae."For- ne-iy a ch'tW-e tui*it bd bt-onglet against a percon et, ;ic cntiouthîe Asises, vien hé c6àlu flot lteu line a.l'brýepar& orIr0 icencei i.>ri e eci cases thc Crowa migbt nt h. resu>'W-iàhe videne, and ie iomalter unw innocent of the ?rimQe ti.fu,>4ntf zigitý be, ibmhe charge toutaincti hanzig, -ver bis. Lead tutsir, oeqts, .te. rion nov madi th law ee ibwis ut(rm-a ipaisb t, auÇllag oW detio. trjcu-rls vu en éuprowediWut. e by consent, tut-.$499 25. ..Coi i-tionevat indiatet for siemliug ar pair o séitàýthe property of W'.. Coe, of ûfûW& '4tu.-Pr oplesde g>a,1y. la ýren1f li'e ecourtaM te viie ie h Outal ri pvg ASsz,18. '~'Wlt~b~Weaeauay 2 Mir-L. Thé Court of Asý;Ze*g-or îté Counby out ,9niàto opeuad lO.das,,them 1n'orable mu-. 'Jud'iëý Richardesr Mig.-.Is Honor J11410 Buipham o api te sat on t BNci, as did also îiLe eril? ethîe Couulduring tie uptning uf the,Couvî. Théenm or, sutthe B*- vbom vo nuiéeti prescrnt 'wre, Simr, Henry Smith Q.C. Cvown Proacocot-, viiticth Count, MÂ~fey .R Cochrane, Esq; Thomas Gil a Q C ; C. Palterson, Es.- Nst*r'amrn,'-Esq-Tem-euo ' - '. J E. ilgs P r, .J. E. reuvu9 Esq N. G. Ram, Ea4. ;James"Lamnon, Esq.; J.K. Guordon, Etj. Whtby; anti-Rouît- hem, Ms4. ut Uxbridge. CASES FRa riJAL. Theré ave but tire. cases on tbm ct-in- mnai caleudar ;--one for Ls-ceny ; une for, Pspe, andti the third tut- Fumgevy. Tic tccoris tut- t-bai arc aisu tev in numuber, tie liet praseuting aitogethut- bal aine. TffE ORAVID JURY, The panel utGi-aid Jiturs ihaving bien calieti over, th. toluvwing gentlemen an svevcd 10 their names : Geu..Brîbazun, E!iq., Fovemat; John B. Foarke, Ecur, Giendinning, Henry Hay- Wood, John Raight, Edvard MfialI, James MePierson, Donald McDermbd, James bleCreigLI , Chat-les Paxton, Martin Fit-t, Bai-îl. Plank, James Ritebie. James Si.1 John, Peter Taylor, Thomas W. Verd-ten. ITES IJcooî'mCgHARORI. Nit-. s. 'S. .tldnau-was seinthat &Yuy inl.' Mi-. . ' e-ent b>' criait i (Heur litenI.) 1'Utt.4> tce wny % ire t-caloir- i~l- c:luni-es. (lestrta.> VTe Nova Setuti t relt-n i;telutie35lte imier uf Sept. 21.11, lsovever, andîl liings lown tht> envies W thie t'tia'liun MNkuî,er-tnulum ut lic. 20î1, ivhilu the> Niv llirti).ivick retutî-n, wliih' rwit e itttiu. mitl *y ye.terdisy, gives unsait thei dowut-<1tI ttC o thtuuule orbeu- i gr (uu thue 2( lit i?.Iuni'ry,-îlie ulay'aft-r lte îtîtetistgtl itanut obsere-Lui mnale tho cutire stit-veon iiC anidai's 'tuti- respunsitiîity antitît otir goleexeie- andi lte arkîît-u:siedgîuîent uft tit shep iade b>'Ne v Bruiwick, uimiter ulat» ot' iebrntery 213t, -onîvtui teitytuagoe. NoW- unîcui; oitr gaeetnmenltee e omchhing ho.? tint, soinetlliiug ivii i h ait m ot cotttt. uicatei l l V e r- Pro Mvlces-aMUt-hc negocîahîouts ieing in commun, 1 persutue- ltaI ail lte it-nRni-nt -docuiments -areiu pi nssessmon ut -f i lteparties alike-weî huave lt-, l te drrL- gell Iion on the Trettînryt e nches, havyirinlttiri- abc:1-îii -menus ut rt-foting, cri- ie u estnbIielming, tît nist suri()-t4 Charge Ihat c&411 ho Made1 agminl atiu'guveruttucol, tuet is, lte ilÈ fui violation or ils plightet publie fititi (Up,- toar.> Ihave rend, MW.,Speaker. bvlj ine'iufthese Iiateccuinl papere,-, 't liave ic ofst-uut'iheiàt for'lte tirtc t ime uvitin ii ltit. twI1ly.tolii- buin-1 .uailtlttgh 11 itsnu Ip insus-c lu mw ltu;1 in,, nna oru.y petonal uo- part>'- tiniçi, !4vei' tthe ly . ntlemru I 1cannol lfoi- lu1 c;ake etýiýoflf~le-ssuttt4e refluet rotta peb lnatigqe4l; conviction hiiVoîr~,r luthc<o-repontolteW Lt ul vet-> creditabl<i lu îjsnadna, not-suait m toi1 j entablisi lie gond faith '1ot, ont- gue-n ment iimtlie tîe itire trunscliôn, (lient,1 icai.). %Wien in tb. Lowcr Provitý't Ieut vacàtion;I1ninintaineti'pubiiet>' anti pi-. vatlcy the god Wt$ of te de laion io( :thetn titere -1 I intainii'su atili; but.il; tues notl em ons me, Irotu a -careful :rý4 ývievr ofthe viole perles ut ticse pstpes ltaI due nev lino adeptet by lte-net! (Jmdan - vcr nnt-4gr hich '-une ot lie tèéaîssnhli ofthbe former gov- 'etimn eu d eis-vas sufficient tW tht-uvaàrr= _pcctve sliituw ofuncerla. Stafripg f;;~ sf ut firbeter Proi m'aima a 1thpiu% ha l nil mi medi cine to bu disd6inimfined) anti kcpt un atteudiu-Liin outil îh titI, recovereti bis beallta. Nov I leave' it e(oyu Mv. Edi-. -t->e aln4'a diseerntug Piubl.in tb jutige, abo, -<ndaithe bleasing, ut Prutriie> t iàeno. tled iocaimthîe cuve. PIcs., pardon me for talabugop mu "iltchoe your space, and you vf l mach oblige. Yours Bespecîfly, 11 tBEZ btASON. - Intercolont lel Rutlay. MR. McGEE'S SPEE CET (N- ASKliNGý - FOR PA PÉR9. Mv. mcýGmi 1 ri in mve tie motion. utvi~ ohat ,givon" noticethe fitsdtay, ut tie ne*io, for thieprduin of ut iper. mn r-elation lu lite Tuteveol onial tail*aÏ- anti~~~~ ~ -ev ngci1ussii h ave ai. vety M 1.ipeaker, expressed mn>'convie. tion-in the debale or. lte advrss-that tie lite négociatione s u lie Iritercolon- bal vaivwa>'andi sumvey, 1 hat reason lu fuir were nuont ntctiun ua minr crew dileble lt tis countr, anti 1,havc nutv betore sie un tIti tosk lte muet melînchn- ly proofelt aI atconviction van velI toundeti. (Ilent-, bear.) As lte nosl Ite- quen, andi suslaincîl, anti by far ltheablest andi muel important correspontience thal' tutý ever erimeut amung these Provinces themselve.4, thte whule serins ut paperfe sert dovu bu uts lad session, andti luthé Nova Scolie anti New Brunsowick Houséie nov smtîng deslerres lie ccrf ut eviev of cvery member uft tuslonne. At-t article 0f lie urgan i ofthe admuniîraîîon out Ibis day, tenuuncing lte portion ut that coer. spondence sutiseinet b>' Flic Excellenc- Governus Garonu. as "potulant-, "ignor- an,n'.rioôlis," ant i'absuvdly untri-u" $a'hatt caiiutt but catI, an autaciou ai- tidle--,ettittgsabat exîmple inin.hetoue ut F4peaciigutf pet-ans iluOise xcellency's positionî -a lune t stousit hover>' sort-y lu tie auîupted tovareis oui- uvutGoret-nov Geîera'-givos a vet-y immediate impur- lane tlu hue turtesportience tI vieti1 mloW ceitre;tt tte attention outhlie iouise. (lIent-, hear.) Tt will be rcmuumbet-ed Chtil the date uftheitu mt piper in thetc vel ment'down tlu ns test October, waanSeptein- ber t. (Theve wvanimdeeti nnotter paper, ttc Canadian Memurîndtu utScp- tombler 29ttt rt-at in titis Fi.nutei-t.- lai-lt', itdi ittont dte cor.siuleration, uts If luink ty tte ltn. lPremîier- lt ver>' dayi of ils 11uluuîtuîuu, bitt il la fuot yetu form:illy bt-toret- iis Iloulse.) Qnloosnpb perrrm d bgprt, in ffi': Tiiie l's trlet abhie pand ii exy~- juadna- o mmih~tadte biiy aniai r theardia p jcmbudofcmer, i-fir1fâ- eç gi-esgrjot bdas t -iloeedeas s ceedt so p in boeda molre lnd-btepuidam cato ,T ev, r ain mored rtdêa hdbi bhe Must critipal periud uoflis existenct. (Hear, bearj 'NOV, Si, le rebnrn bu' thu cuioug cot,'espontictce. Thi et - docte ment brogit dovu b us vis, te 1os tememràQ ' the . morandum o oxy cdàhncil tead here, ou the S9bli of séît-' We, the. day ot its adoption, in vindicalion ufth .Preie, b>'hi Jelsf, alid4fer t I coiîd i. cummunicateti b tthe otte-par- lieg. ' Iat proceeding, i 1tien lhougfitý anti stilil hInk itreglor andi borderly- but ]et Chat paeu. Tiie document, lown. cvii-, 1lmai observe, an panant, lo slgn.d in tics. paprS (Y?.A. uiefu agé18)," S., MéD", and lube le ocanadietcMi. tom, by the clerk utf-tii.counicil. What unable lu %ay, but.jS e a uilt hattep., dort of-h4 uthe hon. members f teý gq'- - Novw, the ltst discover>', ýnhich the Lover Provinesseem lu have matie u the exis finiu expression in a dispatch ot «uvernor Gordion ltii t luke u o vf sîein Aut- e iat l'uib, and, le thue eniai-gut upon, btin' bis subsequient desfpch 'of the 28ti of# Septenat-"Tii. Provincial"USer ort lue Province, lon.S.LTiygt- et viththecProvincial.Secrcbn'y uf NovW- Scolin, veve a nt (bC 7iie oh' thei- va>' to" Quebc for the. puî'.vpm e srt ngipig7.lbe- dcliii . nnectetivlb. * cbtntltînceïatt ui' lhe sitrvey, anti> 1,f'elfthf It h tiW iearninigv'hal assatou av'eiilIen <ro m' M. Dut-ion, tiey unighl prtub>ily' be>tis'-- Thtis il appearét pe vouitibe exact'- Ihat whici vould h. most deqiret b-y the' -Canadian guvetuten. suppoebn thcm-b - h. anx.us l escape troin tbei bliga. tiune; ant 1. neotringly wrote ltalMt. Tillev ta e neffeet thel, 'viilst 1 thougit liaI if tie<amdian govetnmntntaa body> reptisliated lte engagements et S eplember, 1862. or refuirai to bei, ffve-twelfths of. lie expenses uofthe survcy, lie vulci have nu alternative but.te retuse b take an>' futler elep, anti siould rotai-n boe e 1w înetiiately ; yulon lthe otte bandi, -saw advantages in pl.clging the C(anaiun ca- binet lu tic ptactica-doplion oft1he sia-e oft e-povditîsre conleuuplatnd in 1%c urigiri.ý ai agi-ernent, aend uuige thaI lIte at-range. meni ttbîtui pt-uceeà sa long as il vis possitle-lo assîrthnlat.lie guverotuont ut Canadla inten-leta.ne1agovernment lta'-e- speel tho en-gîýementç imb whichii ilhail entereu"(N1 B. sens. paq6 1-.) The- ulespatet. observe, ivas. sent off lu Dovn- intcrenet, titter NMi- V.iiey'.s retur fi-oui- Quît-bec tlu F'etet-cktén, - vwile vove vel giltin- lier, anti vere tassore t litI 'aIl kEclpry4avsv moe r îiiy azrpel art ,lilir Interuloi.ýI Hpuicy. <he-. iet-. -Ynt. v inaldu we lt ;nvet-nnr Gordon ufficial>' -slating le the' DuI)ike ut Newestie on uIt., Tilieyrtetuto,. -t.hat ho f'nltntsoniurofheOnadian Min- isters I"abgotuesy rtpuelietîng snd oîhe, hegitsiting lu acknovieige th. obîlgalionsr #)f Septemlcer. t8MJ,"- a vety duinug osi. tion, as thn Lover Province elalcenien indvilacly ftt. ler renuethiu ubtii 201h Septeihe,manIbsIoe ' lthe P-emici-. intzndete lu tffte exat poszition,'fit tint lime, outhle. ganadalvé.6, cab!ineýtimnunicatedte owev runmick*'-" ait drnv fi-ta Guvernor G,(7,éion - thie -e1 markîhle bletr lu Lord MoncIk,-otOc'tobe. 111h. wliich futrmallyin&szgtited "thecgootil thjî" eonli-uversy vIich sens eniedi nffly' bv f leig appoinlment, lèW, t-ayeàn nthe glèartusb.é1il geoonîs thavrcfillen upon llc'ph of the projeel- or; ae! louaI, tpn ùpnniie ôpect of thc sum'vey., sil nul goititaparticnapi cf tc ~ud' fît dscus'un, iWich vo' finufl hlie Ekéellency- comapeltet cy lthe exigencie.a o( lie cae te dufni îleov bunôer, -*hile endhaWôuriîng' tonilty bis idvisors; in wvlich vo fidquestions,- mi .ntlng teý-qnetions of vet-acv--tl' heWe liese highfIi tlere ndiminisîei-ng '- ties. neighbuthiug governnient ; qutestfonw wirh nover o'ugltt lua hàve bëbn'½aed;.- -nuver moul4 iava beevrtarmedt,-fta 'weal(- spit, linable to ffan alto riga' Atie hui tl preside irif thie' Exeoiti'ê Çniuncif. andi led the. doibçerslions 4t* iais neyer flbe A linkuof -Test q, -andifi -'Provir therefà -promis an>' sa thteme epo. - Dot- Mun lot rem 1 1 . au Il 'l

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