mmmeul4 end, - bn %oiat4 thm agrt ment wi.tbgtt ný«eInlg Parliament or put ti< h qteai sI à test. [Heu,'hier Mr.Spakr, ftr 1d.eply and!snee fer ht thu conduct of 011? goleramerj li nflcl.d a blow on the Yvilils f 1hl projeat, whii o n 1fr. Flemintt and! him lhondoitecaemuot cors. 1 réevF bug yesterday - by lb. santé mail tIbm broug$ un hn, pspems-a letter frbm 0 vaue friend! a niember of the NoW Soian e mlily, (flO t hinte latter eh lie azys l"'huthtâtcul kille IL"1 troqt ny gao tImà writer chant I bave fio objection ta name -Mr. 'obin, matuber- ror Hslfax-ii mistalgun, but 1I bar for ltae warst. 1 teai j we have net oniy kille!! 1, but thai by -Our evil[mninlisîr, we have foreed lotoex. brood of local projedts lnt buth ýîvoyuou5 Iwhl.i vil! devout' 112.1v nul stanc0e for resu y ta day ta comh. h.air.) 1 Bay hure deîiberately and in this tîl* ce-p à sCanadîsn u,îtiet t thb em tiiro~h ~r territory ifs for long, and forever ciosed agaluslt uansu sful ni- oponibllty resta upon hie Escelleuey's *rsn adrlueiu,(Ilear, hear.) Wiil 'dsathn Mr. Fleming lu rtude haste to hesd-waters of the Restigoucihe, or Lbe val.>' afLthe Tobique, reatore Lb. project 10 w ~ staoodi lu the lmt of pasubuli. îls wlomoîiiut ago ? iNMy It-Will riot-it canuet, ' cur gavenitiient reatl:y tneans to restoe the projecita Lithe regiai ,of roasut>, lai tbern legîsiai.. Let them Introtiete % bîlhauthcnizing either the uiebeît tetuîua .t 4um îlot exceedlan eÊterprà e. Wiihà a provioa conc<.ning,-thu testltofethoLb. u rve. Titis wcatidldook lemsu t4i 6îlethe bup&ýect, ,there liq still lkbmna'Wtt ime. eft, if Our utilesters real * !esiru ta do amoiething practienil. Lutere gain the ;îlai ce wb ave logt lu diîe cannA douce of the muritimu Provinices suid the 11cm. gaverunent. There are, I sisall tiere cesse ta repent il, son 850,000 ar IN)ur fellawr-cuntrymen betwcen us and the Atlantk-there la wanting an îrot - ink ofet 400 ulles to conîtect us cith Otur en enm., tho Atlantic, sud tht re8t oethL.e mpîmire hlea agrent pnject and nover eau be carrne! witbout courage andt!! fi-mesa au the- pet cf tL ie ceral Provinces. Canada Uic icant4 Province in -'wery ather respect, ughî La bu the * leaîder in point oft'eîtkrprise ; and t fis, i therefore, that i urge upnnîi unirers - prouulingthiben mv thuble suppîîort fou any eucel esîîIrc-tn get Rn$ep be,'utt tihe mer, aPppintunent of s sutjrveycr, antd to give us, jiud ail concerned ini the restt a Parilamnetsry guaoartee for o0cM..r vittcial goasi <ith' -ini this undentsking. * i If you refue sqrme sauch gutirtc ttc er1 al liat has bappenod, 1 repeat yen cill 1ýat remnove, bijt a enfinmus uupicion-4aii w iii uaL revivet, but yau cul stitI mari deeplY btir ymycur pM*~ect-.yotis ii ne, * suaet rism thedead-houe, oîly ta ley il flîtallyil, itIs grave. .(lHeu, hean.) 1 base utokeu of*. brood af prejects wcc liv hae sprung up, lu the Lacer Provinces, on Lb. tati of the Ituercoîonial - "F~or nyuvwyasspret; troue ti ti ol il@ Liie iole rt It he fuliPd foreat tre..- itut i must except once îi-jot. which re. flects ha greateutt credit on al hue parties -ta chickwci, i iCanada, cann-atî bu iu- vîtiicre.aying saide, ailpartisa ansd * pensons consilemor t he L.leadtlng pirite; ou ti. Lac-er Province,;, net fearing ta ven- turceitîto broader cebannelsiiîuin tem i d înenlpolies afford-itave simiullaneclue- ly iraposed, to reunite Nova Sco.s, New Buniawid< and the iclausi cf Pnîco d. card-ilttaunie creat muaritime comutisiity, -iîtli une tiriffonce tressury, antI one legisialure, (Ileue, bear4 .It im imposi Ille tînt ta oidmire tht sopclcorîty ton ete atLctisi.exilîlhiled un thi [troposai, su&d l i fonie, h iblrmiucd uin.-ceiy pnv * ta (lad, Lviii for Ileirc -.aku; sd for our salie they tttev scced, and! the sonner Lhebel.tear. (Héjean. hein.) I coul! ha" wieiied. sf -hava lcitys udvoaied, that es8eps tnight, ere thi, bave been talien fcr the initiation of Lite largur tunion cf ail lhe Provines lý uttif ce art jut e ncbarren of tbe cisc niimd generouu eepeirit ofcnuipesi. tuise thà t taeeks ta rc.toru thc aricient A- ticit LWýotld n gîi e can- bacc a# hastthe todei me-f edmtning iotit. une bat i. î=y net pesensvitisin aur- * î(ea. (Citýemr) Th tiil lU be a -union- utuNte fa!ut*iau-.-brougbî about by te v Willianm Thomion; 2nd John Willlm. Nait 10 Bushela Baniy-let Thoasa Krr; 2nd Wiliam Thomrc a hs K err. mon r hs B& 0Basisuls Loarge Peua-lat Chu. HoI 'n John Michal; 3rd Daniel Demi 1 Bushels Smal Pesa-lot John Rcigon; 2nd John Wiils; Srd Mil. Me. v Bemi 10 Beshels Oeat-lot W. 1a. MO. v Ga; ladCornelius' 5pefflr7-, SMWm. Beut 5 Bnsh<iuPotataoe-lsi Charles Datumn; 2nd Hlenny Harper, 3ud Mai S tbsc Cramiêrd. Bout . Busheis Ciovur Sed-Ioî John Dryden fii!! Mus. MeXeuzie ; 3nd 'James Beul2 Dauohela TitumotiiySeed-lut RaoW 1f ewpis; 2u4James Mitchul iSrjl Bout 30 lbo. Ternip Seed- [iBarnabas Rdwià ad. Bes Demi. bMsacid &edZ..tBrnsbm v owtend ; msd Chare olt But 130 Ibo. Carnot Seed-let Charlea Hlo; 2i~d Darai Roloand4 Bue ubiibl Iaz Seed-lsi Danielf Lumon; 2adG<erpge gtop; Si!!Charlea î Paton. Beat lushel Cern ia Er-lsi John Tomip tiDi -îot B:ber etBny #W A ~ W AD1)TV ERTJ S B;ýM] n i mbn IabptX Clair. S DrainTir-s Whte; 2nd J. ERASTUSR/ESTR Pt Puop-lst sud §nd Oheotor Card.M In cowpliance with thq standing rules 4 o the Society, grain ana! other sees! tak. log prisew, es oideta utiqu, and resl. da batiks, jri, who lrindly gave hiW Society the Lleenseu oi ueoert Valuatot And A .0 benefiiîofIli@ services: co iector.-lteoldoende. EhBooklia. ne lUIit eWet 11e;2d 8 UCTION SALES sud Valoatlons tu suyI i I LI lit Prise Barley, 980; ta!, $1 90 j ral, Apa the Coanty of Ontario. sttanticd to orean terin. CashL adesuie!!o lotprse mat ocdo couligned forlaide. JA r. 84e; -,rd,, 65e.o rsa$atPeua f0; f,u9M i .*AIe:. Mpcdçnmlil,sud B. O,- Ci 2n,6e 3rd, 600 ;,lot prise cOsto, 40c i Dônohoe, Actnoe oot;J. il, aerr1a,ý th 2ndý 1 ' Drtwglt, W htby; 8S. M. Thomo u ad T b2nd, 50c; 3rd, 48c; lot pise Potatoucil ny Merhaîtt, Brookln; W'mî. Willox, The subsoriberoffers the balance of his r, 35c- 2nd, 47c; 3rd, 50c; lot prise Clôvet Ililid.i,?rnce Albert; J. W. Gambise~ In BeeÃœ, $5; lad, $4 96c; Srd, $ô; lot Prime Port PeITy; J. C. Wadifleid, BaWIl, ac siu 2 n $3 SO; 2nd,$3 SOc 3a~dWlddIIcld, %e<., Uxbridge. V lh 't Timothy Seed$35e n,350;3d, Ordelti talin, and terme made kown at iis sI 0 R S$3 30c; lot prise Fiars eed, $1 50c; 20a, Offic..S III K F PI id$1 314eci 3re1 $1 4le - Turnip Seed, 40ec roilMrh 1 84 11 ,-pet Ilb ý Caçrot Seed, 41e per Ilb. i.('oarùi-A 0prcntdsoni odrt er rit ear, 41e,' per bumhel ; Mangold Seed, 40o t1 e etdsont nodrt aer 111 per lb.; Beana 60c. A Qo Servant Girl, one who eau Cooki, toZIweh and lroth Nono other need apoly. TD neuropeau . WM Rb1, o , 2. il niilian vere reeeived by the Emperor of T iNG IM te a ei oTÂof lyFrance on March Sîh. They vere to ro-TO R .N Ae>helgettoko m mfain lnPario auly four or five days, snd Aew Lld. tweother wft Ii lmansd(1 1 EI I I1> II m ta proeeed fron there to England. The 25Baili -4piy tuoE E A G O IR Ce arrangements for the -departure of the .îOHI CARTEIl,. I rehdnke fr.>aTrieste vore to b. complet. otN.2,lt1J'. t'1kr1iê c f 1 ed on March là , lniunediaîely upon hi. ,Msrch 23, s14. Rt1-2ir tauu. O uEilY ÀND GLASq l ceive the Mesican deputation sud a uin. N O TI C(E.[N THE COIJNTY. ýlber of )Mexican notables, snd foromHly tu LI, pArtiee iiîdhî.qJ t.tgMesre. James rY Secepi the erown. MetIug .(Io. laté of llrock Street, e- The Austrian troaps have arrive!! jbe ehitly, r rqcte tecli on Mr. John foDi*tppie,s an i attacl wsu shorlîy FarquhareaWt, irock StrýWt, wnI, lm du] utho- A MAMMOTH STOCK OF le -P riodta cive rce<dipt..for the. saime, s.d maie e xpeeted. Iliree Pruasia var shipo vers si nrnedintA rtîlement. ofto praeeed immediately froin the French JAMîF4 MGCLONG &i Ca. Niii jport of Brest ta the-orth. The peple Whiby, Maroli 22, )84. 11-3w ýthe Daniâh PF'olkothing (Hanse of Repre. nT E N 11) E R S At least 20 per cent under usual prices. le entative), onw March 5, declare!! TE fa. JiLL bo recel cd by mne, ut uay office iunU~R tvor of a viitorouo prooeeutiau af the var. W g wa ouili . H. 1ICLiJ -- .- Indft, 2th arch lut.,W hitby, Marchi 23, -1864. WHITflY MARKETS. From ren ei llir Io prnt. the nec""ar I)lank -kere rq urud for the liRe or mi,. (Pela WhtytVac ~23, 1864. Da iri?,i e*indfuît informna -Tirei n -hne fimportance t III âd i ipîatoit h iictrînd irLoenbprices. Xottncproduceof d cin 4Sta nd e c o n iiii, ., tBoardII NI R R 1 E O DN..1Wh21,t(, 8.T 1 0 r 1 1 *r on te 16rh inst, by the 11ev. .1. il. Mnec- PUBLIC NOTICE. I RKerroq, N. J. lîowmntnviil,e George Water - LI aund-, ta Elizabeth Soldiog, both of the 'fARE Nttico;tlatuitul'oterl.ple Ttwnstiýp or %Vliitby. 1. lrp e.isti etIu bîeen tht .er.ud l sin__- th-li'to f a vmt.d.. brin, lbcbg eLot Dl E D .-Na. 16. in the Broken Flront Couceomionf the y C17TIlBiBET.....4LDuffina' Creel,, on Tow.'-lip')ut hÃŽtl.v, le Ih'e .1my M.<kautve& *the 2tst inat., lu the 64th jear of hs ie ataiu pte, the d"e.u>e "'iOd Sruua a rge quantuî of.< P Mr. Ales. Cuthbert, native of Klatadrtad" hhoahviW,. loelesat-t ~ <" ~ <L I Couuty Cavan, Ireland. aclat d Eiay eat sa ffnuey 54.ASO aiuji là "t.usu il Friendesan ud itne are respect. TIIO)MAS RAYES. fu7 requesfte!! ta attend bis uerai, vhich EYBAL will take place to4ay, -(Thureday,) et 2 N. a.- H &M. l i vo t ( 'clock, froual us lIeo resdente, Dufflus' - - _____ ___ NEWADVRTIEM NTS Tîi'North -Eet FIlftv Acres of Lot No. 127 AT NEW-______________________________ e in tli'd %due. Whkh.le.aiuiini.- a îrieliatoy. Aitply tu Dissolution of Partnorship. p.,N .4 A NR U L TU alîeepwillt'h l.ercftnfï,rse'exid - d ici Tlbut icoMtcNl)>& Box X je i- Y0( omlc afAT tri, ll'r, ,te., am fheeîjt cie .A>. <c lî'y 50î. NG. R ET TO NO' Wliitby,, Marcu i16.18m4 L î..iitil cou.e,,î. A! i . , t h e c rm - tire It ho pudl, er(- udwho wili mentle iii! de t ts mây b. due liv eil firm.t. Wviioleiale Trade Cironlar- -__________________ tV.tb,111 Mrh,8<.SMULBO.ROBERT WILKES E O NI r Tielt, eu.. il! b. 'car/le011giuas lîcteo- Jteqmpevflly ueliite the attention of r! 8Ajr, tth im Lev bI he Geeer;i jTrade, F'acr -Goodýo - ~ DoQIero.4,aclmakursg, Hardware Mlerebantes, Gauis apiel . i ~ Oshawa Union Gramma, anud. e, Ihuft*# Toe~ Ists ts. mi a , Common Sehool, hlouera, Mulilura, C..btset EsierJ A e n w ffeinggret aansf Are ow f&eî a-B, LI~&E rusitee*orofthi% United Qranunr ld o he îho clt m id aMek Wb"c heeo MW cfrs I t2our, 8011001 a! (ahawa, bta,, a~. &the CanmigtAw u n te a Ulisase aqia.aa 1h... fihaiIîuaitu î F.very artile -or pur inm asoea e a i ot leeii loui t l la-8ruýr f t tIit toi persoaltu (ntîe fueiga niauketi. se.!dec hlereflîre lic wt f Commence u celle.! duc. ii stle. t,tqu ami.: s als wat t . C> jWEDNESDAY, lAc-30th <ud..g p lm rauoe a enutec0w01fot b Tte 64rrnmpr Scbool Departunt vil! bu TAUB..EAND!> KE CUTflgRy, per tero, fon sny departiteut a b cql Stadetite vill tee prepared ai ible Saboolfor unteniig iîuy ofthe conVegee ln this countr,, ud for'paeeiig tha EPJJmliationa af Lb. boa cluty, me w, Il me for couumencial purouita. A clig swillleb. ftmod cascIterni for ltae tr.'intttg à k% Teaere of ba,, deiraus af pre- IO T£ pîigflt tprofemmion, Iote smeniberg of I. ..' ehci pcaieroîucliib îan u anvnfOntanIa ouoébýgve, thtat- nN W4 e~efclllsfor practo. lu the diflureni l',adotru o urt a f departinents of the 80ti001, will ho afforded. Quarter PSexâion* ofhe ,Poe., lu and ferrLt.e IL b. dwerabi. itat thm el cther aex who Coanty of tnro, .ullj»bble Ibu<u ,urpomeitteudil.g, b. prement ece unly lu thue fou, thth i,. T Xvu t iîy, on Tunim îosiie onday',. March. 28h, $64,-T , ed n trîlntor. lrna Pi n elpg b of. At Eleenoe'ciock, a. m., for thi )rpo, o the ISelioal, or tLa Lheuunderaignea.Audltu itsa h<,mn,,ý Q% eýJC -X WM OMGILL, M. D., C lm PecC0. 11.w.Cbaisn. Wlitby, Marci 18, 1804. 1 STEAM BOAT NOTICE irr O 1Ujs ESstIl _:uscuo 1uL-,U , -YI TUE NEW PAsI 8,EA-GisN STrKÂtEE Cbfortible dvali uga. 1l'oosloa et ny -u Withy, iareh 7, 1884. t W ar'zaujed Good, and- fo~r4iC ash filETi R I CAPT. W. T, OBSENW0ODI WiII communes ,rtauulug te MRohester on 8the A lniiý3L M 0>~4th of APRIL, 1864,-C4* FratheLb foiiowiug Ports everyMoudsye Wed 6 neday t~n1d y, lçc'ing Co ourgati................ . . p'ort Hope ..................ia. M. 1' Diri-etir ROCHEZTX, rrnivng there ln tn -Ia conet vithithe NucrkCuStis1u'ld eb farn a» points Fastanid We*t, sud the Amatet ~'Tê..T~-ro i 81 d arfEET, WMTD* 'ut4ioeaIfyeunat ta do ccii- Witen nt Whltby-.go te tc nCmeWcet4l Yon'll get £Ili lîxtonnstion, enlentalument bc- ieîbb.sMooqmrwrà froîu 10 CII A.- T eEIE Qnoboc, 8nd Match, 1884. R) EGULATIONS for Vie ésallai afMincrai iXLnde spproved 'o,'Hlit e le , h Govcl'vnor Genoral lit Cotuneil, .ilpyl 1. 10 tu tactsa i cmpnise nuetnMoro, thati fi ftai!sue 9. Titnt lM, dîienoefthLe triats in uln- onrvoyikd terita to b oty disuitia - hi. froii t one hidridni! ebiînt iciit uptt, sutd bouldo!! by linos runutua due Nantih ipa'Soutil, aîîîtjhagt n!! wtV, ormO e lsa$ lb-L1ie5 n d im.nhuMa Lb. conifiguration ci he1holi t, wvi1iadtmit.. 3. The appi!eoti for s tit lu iii otirced Lonitor,' mut furnis4i, a ln sdunectrptlC theneaf b,' a Provincial Lau urveyor. ,> 4. Tfhe rie, hal b, ancdolar au sce, pi,' able an tleoa1e. i. Thot a tas cr dtity of onet dollar pcr tan lu chargeil on aIl coes etractovl fn3in tho ~tract, pâ3âlie onlrmeoi frotntha mine. Tals soie ion ap La stail Xining lande. f lise *ar lt dof ir i!1'1852 an!!liu un liei othe alt oftwosuda hb7olcir cent c tahebl di boesfrà ni thomelu isilo 6. Tttaitln suirt'eysato*ngiipo lofe proseu.-- Iig Indicationso etmin rasbu saiS an th, above coudtionso, buttInutlloetîau ene dol li peacmelu ah,' uenhite, an!!ntithe. ame "roothe thesnd4Iti thto îwnship *hoea lý,,ëeýie hà t on dolatpéracre. r'. ItiatnuL mono tissu une tract et foif hhlm. bred Ã& cisib4ol!! ta une peronu. 8. Tise attovd regdisieusdo net appî>' te M'uo 1oi au Ilver.1 9. Ait provloîtu regulatidus lnont6lmtitaî*lL tlle atos.. are raneelletl. WM. MODOUGAL., tf"»Ail Locatiens of MinerailLandeaon the North Stane af Lakes ,huron an!! Supienir, said ait he adscient luslando, wmmcl,cii tae l5Lh' Mlanii. 0, rnalisible to forfuitane for non- perfraneof ct oniiiuotealo andlocntion, an, 1 cticti hateremined Iiable Lu furteitture la tte preseît in!e,are forlila. - a TIv,. loctiuteoii sud teoir"iiaccu ttprvi..ed the <oui0 vtt-iuWcenia!!, h. fore the itI, itrsof, itre till'twed tualapjy tie paymouts tibym,'sy ,lit vumtde ton a locatiolua randui bfvvethe 'il. p loir, i'rt rt amen(6 owarde tte pan- el.i.,etitf te samce, or on,' ailer location cli hovi! ot peni for soi a e i ldate uttlîcin op Fiea at alte ssaine se appleil; hit adoit tolaiîi bc sah eizuccul-das a uew pur c-.,aijea igt sing oilatoue, and inuIt l'eIligIj,,tît bpituiocf Crocn laufda ou aur !et-jre the Forâi doy of iNj.vemb.r, 4.D.j WM. MD 9l-8w, Coin. B&Ra*MES! jM.M T Vanlut,' luStoves,SLove- Yurnliurc,'Tut- wane, &o., eau bu amen aItue Store 0f thu ftêcen cf overYr styleoan!! qalliýR"sudati sl t'rtoe. Tisepopular new pattern libe lia been intîaoducoaa mngt othor walutleo P'RINE LOrTj7l Jw»ali ansd Seo. 0-reetfromutVanduen IBroo, a susppiy io( thoir Joily olubrateil Worm» Medlclu,,.t FA RM-TO0'FÇIR'SÀLIE, 100 ~ ~ tua Môntb.hidf j'Appdy. Or h> kLcepot- l&lo t w 4 ore f b u rn o !! i b i ) ri ana . o r a~' > I C E I J T gIo, oLe îart of Lot Na. 24, In the 4th -iDt concessIo i ttc ýo l'ô oitip ofe t iy, em- Moli'à , 181W* brtn bnalimmr uefield!, nadcomprnlg 180 ores u ttc beel of lue ré raeuce cil! hogiveitl BARl-<J AIRiLCJE-Ç,, 51 tau oh<i lnivhî vili Tct beio rme p AlTIES wlih;}s- Lapttchnen Wixre tôtli t'Ur Ftliîdtg 1M1lyp, n othentrîaei.c. be muppleue t th »lBer rio Wira Clati, t o r y w i t i a s g c o 0 1 a i l f glvi i o n u t o s n ua sn . . ahI.' trm,iWith ei-%ilu utclniv ,' î u porc afîlie Prulvil,i,; 3 Ma i u f ic to r y , lio x 4 4 , flu a n t-l, 1 i l Ail, lnouy12, 1114. v 0u Lampus, Liipm The groat REFLEC TOR LAMP' G;ivitîg otnt aclit eq nl ta lie tnoel bîrl1ioît' gus for saltî iis oti.$t Sa Lttltg's Bilitjîtgs Brook Si, W1iLif.' Tliitç Lamp lnthe t nrced ayeu A" a tieet liglit, autel iioilio i' vr,' otti doorý. Thle coal ai utpplying thi ieotmredle oui,' hnt tone dcit ipeu itîmn taeain otir,' iltu, lii greuît î'îit, i, a st ail 1pni1ces.ý Wholusaiu and!! itaIt aieoit et atee Ritlloctore, tÙ.ltiai>eandal l' o.hçr lump fisxitg». For Staliouc,n ) ii 41 î;bH, Clici asR Teronto tanice gît (i4EUGE YULE'S, 'Iciegrapa Vilec,Ltîntugs Etltdinace. PAPEl.%-Fnit. . octctp, Sco., antîd10ate, bite sad rentut ad î',&. îkpn Atud itolders, Mto SCIOOIJ - OKLS,- Andp chi tîers IrllloLznh!mis * AppI,' La à c b.îy MnI TENDIERS T ENDIERS wili bu reecived attise officecf LIai Tocwn Clark, up ta 12 o'cmeek, noonou. Saturday, Ka.frch lth, 1864, 12 feet lu leuglis, iucb-aud-a-lislf Lhicl sud aloi lees tissu ,--oiîÎre titan 12 mnce,,lu broadtlî. Aio roir 0,000 Peut, ruant,;-Mea- -4x à .- Immpo ef tal $eautiing, ta bedullvere! antlte TOWX 1 I , EIBY Net iftté, thau the let of ,Vune. J. H. PERRY. Cisriallornte on Stre.îmsud lmi- Tocîs tri' %liirby Miareli 9, 1B54. eu ul mociaAssurate Compaus', INC..i~ttTT untder anAei af tise-Third $t-.ii ifrteé Eleventit Provincial Punlis- ment ttil;pîtli.'aîuitls. CAPITAL £100,000. Ir ettuh itsuciu -oeed ou Bulldiugo une ibout conteit- - El0.'t1iitfntioaî suppli,!! an p- Moint.,- iitel.-,.<ntI., oanorfrPnts. JOHlN AGNW, ONEYT VIO INS1~'I~ ORUWOODe'- A t d tOf of ' . liu i, f lt ip f n (I ' Lo r'Cti eia * u rd -' Wood. AlpIs, I toc iig14, &c.ý 2 Finy sttifinr,' ,: rutt aity ni Teitgépiî fiet uc~Bidns 43 13roulc $troct, lVhitbi. VFRY CHEAP, O n * l aJl b : o o a î î e f r s p a i r O l' I I O ES E ) ; For fitariuruaepy the undonslgu9 * UCA'MPBÉLL - ' vi I - Fi - - * 1.1 s' - -, <I'- -j Il 7Fï Il