tif1 'the Buclx swuii 'cgt lithe aoft Muay Irj Swqhy, it rest?, si crûnedun-wlugufices 't'heicyblson perfime the air. fflie yîMeg lier bauîdto lier t'robbl;ajr brens Wftbvs'~ fr Wodeafil alttre bleu- AÀUo h e t vOx btasbfair, boitalgh te huavsluth@ evaniair aorwli tm ioftla put ariCe, And tous r ko It bodîna lier cyO- < Amnd the yurs glilo hy. W» 'skntiî i n tthe ÀAuna aitI1 Wiýhpud ad dead tov aallttat o aord à n letitlv oovet a nnew -mude aiotatia- 4aad te yats giltie by. (#ÂLND %VWLOT.-Dr. Wuloot,Iaî ter keown u Peter Pindar, bad tor uomi time a mut violenit coaagl, when ishi frieni Gqjen, peaiuted in 'recomaieaadiag eu mi I 4 a oerts.ln cure,î The bard', tireý or hlie iporîainitieu, ut leaagthquieted . li b3 aecding hlm the following epigram, t - 44Desr l)ootor1 do yon reitiak Titat timeis' aailk 1 otaglit to drtiik f 'Twntd cqite romn%,e tv couagh, >-ou say, Anad driva tai>' ocmîîlîait îaway. It ra'îi yououelf. 1 graiît t traie, But theu t uatiottacr', aaa!lc to you." ameutIltter, thai Unele Sa!nl'u fuvii bird waatot a taloned euglu, but a Webb. footed dock or pose, laid fired the maise ufe% poot1'Pota'ia, Ilil.. wbo breaku lno the sonag In the foilowing style- iVo hXve tio'eaU-e-citcielethore- Ahee waiîped iou bietiay We have tic' eaule tru> more,- bluld.auded, bfuhck, îrgray. Ai s appui Wa'surrhiioa iri- 00ot hiteto tihte demaume TI faltato,,for the web-Ittoi wîtlt- T 4 lî~a!e for Ce goontt Au editor eut West, i epahiaig ofai aiome'utila creaun, givra the foilowiaig Stiaimit ti.eiatapt-ltri.lilue truampqet, "laihe 4pwuîîuaig wnrld aaay kliow ptth i at taaaîtagl i l lte bortiers,' Seze Ynt pen, tlt dri-amy ioef, Aluît lit iuialers Meiiianrt0>hibu. in> h, Stirnud afia tte Joyfut i fiaies., - o o gt i unaer baby 'The Quebec Chronidle ijesnpennnihle foi thie folhen-ing The i 'tidobn ttlea'sexaîiutliîhindile 'fa ljil li, ier. b% vsils gemr tting lia Cai ta- leMu-'rua-ie. Anddotinstate varia t> aiatra.ic ttlar.'1 Tas e ETrita6g 8acigiiiws Ccitc rot RlUsuMsYst -l.~'il gin yue5& simple -eau infâIiIt'l recuit for't, air. if youatlia couage te ack on't, The morn'eaaorný iupI tek e dose ù7'-drog,-then .get Mr. Nb4-JdIr, Uppleuione's soucc"w-tu eut you ilveen the shoatheira; -bue smit expert vi'lahie box os lancetu -tbe tli thesbporbat-no, îhma nau mnchroaaiaa onbilte at thg.inisglthe, moraint eo"a tbm 'roga ;-Tben get mu 'culai woma-bu ure ule'a an auîd eue, air- ne Mmlu, Gentle-to uip yeur arma, and lelp, 44 aadck, wi'lier inger and îhoomb ca ip yoaa everni>', sir, aand yota mina mudthe cirnmua-fuau et laut twa lhonteu theai get in lvi cvdies, and gar thena hui ateainme pirts vi' avuache astif the>' ve uduiaîia oeqaee-ayfor Iveait>'i mintes; theagel thé iboen uid ucean le rul and acrub jour naîld boudy. frue hmud tu beul, vi' maue o ibm bird brubtu tlia Jetuq poliiabeu the table vis',.ucay Iot- ball aý>&r,-tba. * cheange os Icamerumt or veapo n - for bard b=4iela e toÃel- and tua piiuteso' diobliai; îhbeatiae uretet'a draevin' 10 achoue-gar the garde.. er_ uJo! U X!ovur, miaM airtl>', wl' a suces oa el fresb-bl o s scle ' ale, athi lifi hure jourç skia au rmd'u red cuircu- muid maîke $é danêe, albUtna, up andi dovua th. dlopa v.tiaocteo minial the swap. -o' tmusic;j,-4aa coer jouar limbuaadtraeqk wi'a peculaair pute>' plaister that euoau at pet aitDunaen andOgle'-h.pne uhi rh. ndun élatulem a teà uîlar iesin a rectwa m eulai ru ;if the berocoater mitiçle1hWi.bUeev mud If your baule mis 2/toit,"tbu&s Daiebovp Ira youa ea ti I ide 0' tha grave', ad >JO% !amati mic le>' yoeJr eccouet va' buta' fou Lire lieUte Obsutîl., cime.,.tote etabla e r> hiaii5r, sud lieliad bis' fork li a ptite, aate ottotmntletu.d te bis plate, befoe. le îhoaigb of the usuaitbieaing. Lookaa~ p <oha fthere uid..i P94 yonîtallit o heavea uhilu 1 ma"besuiij pot," If Rit bauger madu bm ita lla't hmproy ver mim'ioment. Kîaevus hila owipgîy ebouat "love- Oharlil, ber "Mcpted lover, &tiwly--aould love b. Musocltad villi'epplea?1 On the CoeUtrany, I Ilabuglat thM m love lvi'. eut la X'iu."Kte mled epprovingi>'. 'Wei l,-"M.bo, wliiëtmyr up Loi lv.e- dayr? , laduorpuecmd Plmr., (Pe.l I vaua ymr la. Wbeî deparnmeà t" do' ,g perforga V 'Whist departtmatt Wbiy 1 dois de circuler verkr.' 'Wb&tis WeV *WbY, Iltornad s d #dtoaeî Wl>' are 4,1,te tat$ly opemkwitoay 325 * ay d fi~ eye'-Hcue dthe.d4y& mue Luvy, ed neveur utuunud, 'Aveuy fat and geet pubiten dlud iia ev Yrork reoenly-u»in B. Wllim uelecbi ed m'quived aaui- âe Y&FO-eeaeo' for au outffl. - ' The, W~estatyle of htopakirt je, tbe »eif., . duhegouble-back.aptioa esl4aes It i'siid io bu aLvéry'eb&riraaluibleag. '<mlthitre, lieu do yeaa mliyoqra wooi f'~B thcorl.u tP r.î.wubo long 4,htbeu-:uitie 7 eut t ?11" ' No ioaapçe,. ît u.ue." Il &e ber. olti 414%gvyîoaire tee Irigluî olie mloeg.. - Au Ilhmi OLo coru. <« . MANUFACTURER op xI REOVID TO P2RD'S 0L] STMrD, aio -um 1AI'm 4 B nCKSREET~, W11T5. U MURE E ii U KJjRISRRU imDia(ý! Off'ers the following STY LES 0F 'CUTTERS VIZ: ýCanadian Patent Front, - Rô i~ Seat, J ý ' o et American Jumnper, 's. 3;. 9d. 4i'3. s id ~Two-seated Pleèasure Sleighs,, e'~~~~ýP PQrtand Cutters, RPIEJV hF E ni Bob Sie>igls, -Ail of which he is seling at Gr-.allY Reduced Prime for Cssh or Yapp, Gýd credit., Somne;very nèat CARIIIAGES, open and cov. i ,À - ered, Which willýbeiÃold very low. Two -good second-hanld Gigs . , , * * anid two sets heavy I,3obs, Nd .u1'~ -1 Iuiw . ------- LNE NIg0AL Fa in--~.- ~ TIIES WRINUERI liii t6 rae o Tue oui>' Wrinor wia.h tho Cootaing 1 là ares for a tarin of - i Winc an&l Spiriî Meroahant. - Nne ea.slWhitby, Feb 10, 1864. Y T o. 8, litthe 4îlî on. of i'ilaerhaa, (S A L E#3 J-4111 atîld lalalimie ale of the thiaivtatg IYIh Ils VArhaeofMoraile, 14 mile» from in Nt 'A JUIGR AT C E R N A E anîd 20 azaits (rota ,Itlîq iy e'Tut h pra i f t afliea hale IOM 'al Rt~a taa ierace of Land, 105 acres icloureii, anad TWO DWELING ROUSES, Ouea a ev Came, well fluslicai two large f Fr,eu&Br' s twolarge Feme hlcis, with ioaotuble'5latta ttL eo Orcltardst, ~~~ ~~t*o Wclt.l eouesan ven on thae fOrsI Aplui'i,, for tana, &o., te bc maden te- ~~ the underaiied Exccutuarp, (if b>- tetter jiene. pali.) t'a ikrig Excto. IOIBElIT IMIENNAN, - It Saves Time, Labor, lotîtes & Money Io ~~miaîbeî ta T ii4the origialcir aimilv Itreliatate Wrini~r .heforn the peôptoto. iîdoaiite*i more TO THE INABITANTS NY f ngh I air- ulieiiyÇ r pres-ir.rn d ui Acmr tilont, ti ana otitir iuetlie madie. ti TalE CanUNlTI.S 0F lit ulhl wear for years wittaont repeir. @U EI No Servant eae break Il. A chil gbt eroldeaopurîte t. JTN teadniî tiîcsre ifinha h tla te11-m No~~~~~~~~~~J ceihao kl uearaatsee i taitgtnt heCliasCaitienfYerk, 1Peoi.eaid Nocautio oritkilr.equire in lits n rîo, for tteîc aatuwal'avers coifcrrog upaieti Eu acrs tc cul u Cqthag ver mie ttadtîiî pont yeurs, 1 agnin coin, b for or twelvu u3omtttt. nîoiici livar farthier suippoirt abti on11,1ence Every Wtageu- ulifa~ogcIVlils u 1hwil raer ha My alits' tetnetit tat confi. Warreeed t~ ~reryparuglser. deuica voui iave -caaetulyonnfidnd lime. l'ropItue,enefe. Anthenticle t atattenition 'flan Uaivpasat Wriagér tock the FIRST ho buhaxarsa,. vila jte .moins 1I uhelatoke te h'i:IM a StftrMiul 'niDiplonia, et deuere ilsîttiee.e tae New kVste F4 air, 1842, Anal wempro- 1Al iî)rdert loft -t the Carousc/u offle * V-hiem e 0 uonoed uperiur to &'I etheru lai te Word's e ileor nilIlealc mii ungaçegoaniî, la ru U r Fuit et -M 1 L uiilb Ttds o.Piosu ~tru~uotidi~ 'hr*hEe u o m~aae sosg 4lrTieiip0t.." avecommenced to sefli off the balance of las' itited bQnmîbeco Gow niéé t- --&.I l heîinterStock at a. great sacrifice,cosùigf W.1.CCUD o., Hamiltoun, TTTiU. CR LA NI) Ula-'-kets, Lt'-dies' Bonnet si Tweeds, -Affent.Wlithy. anti otiterShawls, iiboîisl-. Hats, W1 s1AwSï l Às SAM PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. Mnk, Foew etes as or -at. .Maitis Fod hoFethe Ais, i taaauucuuic à uay îtmrti ye:eûo, Altoirsurp 1FfSu*e.f~8a ! a &rian Q ce ~ I c 4 : ~ A l a r g e S t o c k . o f I The. Throit «' îÃd ~1Cheot, Tlce tauerwuy onu itdiviti- Y'eo, oi tbubovuuymptom --.« 5jleett44 vb4 âizhl ià ï be dreeded dausflta lie ulholo cutà l*gue. The ptmvr ofth u Chairry Tuée o'e'~U llt issu uÇ, êqaplwatluta wlv on; s ï 6t athgosit lA. u ampil5ti 0*a nuatn4k4gls aj 4liii. i~ /o14, a«d J¶urn4eg g9 2WYU WNsu. pa.sn 14 *0 hu,&QAW, f sI"v, + g cu.etr« aimtua. f Certlige fa.m 1. n4RmesE E. W. FOui's & t3am. B.»oaLo 1(entee C>ÇOIUgRC 4XRLMLEGE! Kint R Srcal, Toroto, ç. w. Firat dor EW -f WaslyaEBt*o ~'8ABLBhîI)lai conumti UvIlaBarMa .J2jTôw ~ ,~& C'chah. eli'of utriiom moien aund saIdims orpr fqr thi Uricaoci dttms tbn umith $vatad, o depeora. -a iuîuete-'I Dablo Entr'.Bokeng CkineMrel Homurcth a3008. Eue' di=e, stock beau esta vhie nh i r sa enmssnp 4rloiUto bus aii. rriasd ltb the las i lielu a ttahabu%- teu1¶q a>îns ave~ beZ4i "# ,ap'l: -Ieiaeifri irOU1 n Iîgaot ot try yaaar enlobriateti0o1, sud ama now couupiehu- 1>' nrei." JAMEÇ YJhTZGIBBONS3. One etf the' ftrtet 'aaedelaiïan tic onit>' w r i t n : - 6DA, 4r,-x rwo4ulovorulua world yeur. list>' ulebreteti Gornu011 ale'serves.to ho knwîa, t amiaut prove ag bîosiig tLi antn- kitau. I huavaeafnar Itin the curn et oits,ïbrait-j mes, Iront hît(is. &o., and isîtee on tierci;eot, nng statiiiie - ifaIiiiitoer faitil ta oteetiaicure.te' "fat bau 11aut1tt. ahil)uralggzitd, antilatt tua priai. ~cipi Pi0nMf ioileYsI; he' z6io-*A J. C. aAI6tlIS. . B."-Abrtylieis Cake» cteapea. cnt-Z sIp6,eu tù7 / i the iouteo tii continent. J3rltlsh & American EXprs a Montreal Oeean steunshtp Co Red GIagow lino Seteamers. numýioseti one0door ulomtta of' tuai l{eglutty Of ROBERT E- (IAMPBELL, ALSO-Molto t OAbleBIL1,18 Ii Blis lItE. Wb!itby, Aprl 28i, 182. 1 f FPIRST PRIZÉ SEWING MDIE la , i-CI- At Cost Prk efor as ly S4tie . - --~ ewingN WilI find excellent and.convenient accom, 'I ted-gB Withu a Few Yards, of the -Publk - alL ]i'vaie Parler -aaaar chier,é - - - -- - They .a ii ilii-ir EfIv Vol ulanag o? t-iane eleîwa Ca' Poriotda- a ("L uIlecopina enie Jul>', 15111lIme ' omppris TtîatE N Ã.TîaI 1ÛItîit R('auaý(Wlieg). JCh HJCKWOIi Euaiuitt M E ayt(Tory) Viae hrice wtlho beau beraefore, vie: - -Fer.aïÎn iuo iof tbre vpaé . 8O For an>' ti'moo(tb-four lRes-t9wtu. 4QOo- For aiy k acetaourReis~ . t Foruliurt' tiocveal. ' s f0 For Riickwaodle &aa îtioa. .t t li F6 r B ai ,L w tteo l n ti n e levi e'w* . 4 8 l)no For, Bluckweal d taiwiro XRomrna..s...7 00' For Blaakvoait antilte fouir -v"'en..0 i ,11(mtage fer lte whtole -i&0 1ai diot nh7 fLîy.ul1amitCenyt a r, - LgObtARD SCOTTYý& Mi 'i rPblislis, BR Waiher st., N. Y. 0 ~PA N lyllaI Od th r 'Dr- seans of a private rN'u*a txia,-t raaNLaXffT- Oysters treh -0dofthe bout qualitýý_y Tr At Mir O#k, coineqf Bay RAiANéCO KED Tcw 1- id, wj ~Awy n re'ldinei'tu tthe Oae uon ie ba u dovotoïd yuurs Ã0fl f 1 T R E V I t P~ t etreutm oit! oth e à ralouu T Ë ' -J Ë Ê Y k e . fora o tioVelèrul hlaeAga, n l li'p-~ Nearly opposite thÃŽ Montrpsal Bai& k. 1d5o subdued l0. uqonITrativcIyahorî lime SaacoîarySpils ro"notanced by 'o Wtýiib,Doc. 9, 180'.. iary Sit Maaa i tv4oaaaai au iorble, an be-ffecttati48 Yoaaingmen, Who have faaitvittnu to trio The oe1dbrftted, Germafi Oi! rTHE dreilaattiloffeete 9f Oattim ofu Sol-bne 'a r e c o l v ô j n tn e d î n e r l i e f b y ' a u p p y i i g t o D r , 1 E t u , a a e , t o t i e , t i j n iAt d w i i Davi. ~uore> ad ai idi4uof11u~awdtids. g ACoopqp l'atent ut alutaee reiedby lieti>aard t 1uthegmratetbË remody knowu r-fhilta prda olttf refttble te.The, remdy ul aail cr, rsulgiare Tteornt% wlehing to connatthefDootor edomaand cattie sufthax foià Pftn. 'Wittmai do 130 with the utanout seomeoy au his ofiée là 'Froti thoounà du cbf; teutimonials as to 'thaelitbt 9o arrangeed thut il la Impossibl'e for paîtieaaîu:o elffieacy ofthiaiiyaaiuaio -rem dy, tbhe 01w.: efr su eaci thr.tatie byconsent, &dvide iluehave býeriîéleotod: frlee wheu tohlaued t the ffce.. hav'itsod cl ot'ieî'tnxjar01ud ton bai AIt tettersmnt bo addreus..d, (past-paid,) amuiaeutaheunequined, or; heaing r~~ 4.Davis, M. D., Torounto, Uj. W., anad aontain otite,'aud dtlzlig frosi-bitiii. Itu uffoylis a post tainip W n a,~e udeuired. 27 eta1gefpie oma ~aat"The prao J..1aa1~ru nothtag h Elarris's ,Extria ôrdiary- Liglit7'To A. KNO*LEBi Esq., Untihé boi t(, ickeriang, F b. 12, 1,861. Fiitally, dnn Ê O11atas-e - - wonaioaut e n ~ glia t îtanw e to y- nan a d d a ty 1 ow n tta fy iny ýpri public, i1 tW~uk 'iît right to Trc)e'id.cyotir cajahrated Garmoan Oit. ,My littil girl got se- varois' ecaIded ato nxooh ngo, a4t lier rcîaôvery A den Lately 1faor ùTon,, par'iu antl w-a donbtffil, Ubt by the, timijapplication of Gartiner e New York,, hm sthe aionr to announce YOtl oitTue a? , tlW.OVý6 Ir. Mild ô ta the initaluitanto of Wit4ty, andi Illekering,J.aiiiary 1,1801. Appiy h gutrrouldteg contry, thait lie MR sjIt "Duit na.-aaj Ustic eto Ã"iot a nd Sie pub tdd up Choà e large, spaciou# and cern. liInigotacral. 1tli t rgat o rocqaaimead Otbr inochusr roorna over lr. ,1Oej Bige. ylotr cloirtd Grmu ()it,- for hd, ure" of aitt, braises,. thitoase» &u., lu a qguuy cillt- lao à 4r ocl,*tre, ohere 11. i3 clona wlitei appiod t antan or boiait pvlepared to Cake LIJrEYEYSES in ccrng oaaaay 82 the latt a nd moat fueientefcstyle of aatSa-ajatc ayn nisnaaî t/te4f . Iowe tottlai publiei1 thInki h rrit tri ruaaom., SArn1ro -4 .08 aw!Photegratu tétak naead your ceobtod Germian 011, for theo cure enl te a-eal ife, andl entargeda y off, ont bitat,, cafta, brttiitss and tis"sof osres re~frd ite aalg '~naad, ia a -Of ong tanld nï. - ýEL <OO* .- la c, at thetloeit pbiue li Pl»~. ickerintg, iaabttaary, 186i UtPLÉFTC ' iWAcTION 1 prietrsets uap the muoh ino,-carges trtu owme iandunkano moaoy aveul ILiii Comploeortig order. tle steam îeEOp soe'crh 01 ttr.a ga, au ninupoottoitwiliatla- %Vlainer nifqon nir Sreet; J. . . ogz, York ~ toproprîéoi'ti paitentea, -JAMEIS rtaiýLl1e$Op ]FIBE ANIDlà 0P ENGLÂND. - tW-OMILLIONS SU~ N'~D LARGE RESEIeVE F Fii Como-à £ PA A 7atw, Maa .Londan d 1174DB; - L 1 ILMrgest 1i ,Xblltfl à ; ù-lt-iaauspcu ahe Cotaipai>-unct hi Wtby, Fe1h. 251h, 1862. --- il tait J tbue pr eau tore ti 1! 1