......h....... I~Y IUWIL ~dvcaî PeceProgrems, Kuowîedge, Be'tberhood. DAYq MAB01CH31, 84 Auilo tringA 186e , 4 . WednSdsyMatICh, Ir. ti v.Arbutno.-1n thia case, med in aur hast, a 4erdiet vas ve- lu favor Of te pliauiff for 0162.. J. Wilson andi J. Billingg for ,C.Gamà on for defoudant 115. a va au se- Odug lte She-ii for seiiing gooda, ent due the P s n i , a land ird. t, for plaiu<lftr "Patfersan sd W. . Bilinga (ar OtOa IM& ULpper.-Thls caie «Ma d for arbita-ation .M J. Wilson A. ÂL.XÀE JAn C Etisl 0 8. SAAC LIA. IÀOProT Thutada>' Match, 24. Court openedai 5 9 o'ciock. ÇOPPelhmevu. Foremai...Tho se- tiou la 'theCam vas brauglat for the ne- covevy of the amnount or a note for £112.-' 10, ,dAtd 17, Match 187, tmade b>'John Hioks Sfavor of John Irasason, sud on- dotasi'lb. hedofeudaut, Thosé C. F2reman, ad Mý%e ie îvee months after date. - rh t e e é l o p vaa, hat tiere vas 110 .uS*ut Mlegai notice ta <ho endarser rof the, »1tad that thorelore ho could ual be beld 4ble : aise <bat <bero bad been a nev 4sugeeuîbeien <hoeuaker 60 tise $Os. RL J. Wilson for plaintiT, 01. 8 Paneuan d John Billinga for de. feodauL J2,ohnt '6onson swavadedoxamineaib>' Mxý Wilsn ;prveathe malting nt <ho' noi, an&*vore <bat on Satatday the 2Oab 18s being the luat day'a grce 'I I r t e U sburiug, ho pre ented <ho saS 'Payabeat to Joh~n Hicks, Who lstablllty to retire tse note, ae toroto theoenaiorer ; tat t1uo ho sme day proeuted the "~i~ PForeusen, the endorser, sud el sé" ambio ibonb>' Mv, Paterson th i ln twue <bat heh d p rtedvath thse nte usotits ago, <t oha d s a l aid t, »I efor 1<. nHo avare poai. vaswuonuthe 20th tb. note ' -veomn, provesi t"on <ho 41,1"AeRdue Imosîsosapplled tla 4'. andbe tldisuto prentui and! esdomrsrbut -coulai 1_ day <q bat vas, but that It ~U~ y the note fell due. FO. he*ÛuMr. Patterson produceai aohncierk iu Mi-. Foremsu'a avlph ioue pumilvel>' ht 10 W" -Pm* orai MArch dm-,antevww 6.0t on thre lOtht ' âm s, falliovd ber again, aud thtev ber davu the second lime. < Wituathoen!described boy the prisouer .effected his purpase, givig MnM brilulas.)She' struggled and Crie AlOd., gaieSotap after a fev miutes sud startesi forhome, ber clothes veeoali torm moidy sud wvoL The firet persan ase aa. fterwsrds vas Mima Taylor, Who 1ilvea about a mlle diStant, Miss I!aylot ssid ta ber..."Wh0e. lu tbe votiai have jan beeu Sali>'? What's the millet witit YOD?1 ttWitness auswotred <bat Chares Wakewortit bsd tirovu ber dovu lu <ho vater; but did nual îeIý ber an>'- thiug else, Mise Taylor thon said ",Ckerley, Wsiaevorth muat ho a bad boy, yaur mother aught ta see about it.e Witues <heu veut home, aud tld her mathor al that ba happeued. Her maîher examin- od ber Persan <bat night. Prisonor rau awa>' and vas aisail&H<ho Sammer. The witnesa va susmjected 'ta s ave eronseuaito n sinb>'Mr. 0a14t., ±ber man tsîimou>' romsined unuaaken. 'The learu. ed counsel hovever eliciteai tbe tact thal ber father vont <ho saute, nigbt to Wake. vortdss fsîbr's bouse sud agreed ta moitIe <ho mattor b>' tbe latter payring hlm *5, sud 81 5, sftetvarda; sud <batit vas titres veeks after <ho occurrenuce hefoa-o infor- mations vers leaigçdansd <bat Ihen, vheu the coustables vent ta look for him prisoter biai tan aay>. To <ho Caur-Wiîuess bad balai of hia hait, but lot go of lu, she scratcbed bim and bit bim. Court-bsd >YaD boots ou? Witnus..Yea....cif.skin boots. Canai-Diai yan kick him 1 Witnua-Na Hoevasstronger tas To <ho Caurt-Did flotfilire biut ho. canae ho vas no ugl>'. (Laughîor.) Elizabeth Rodiu, (motthst aff <ho pro. seeusa'ix,) vas neit exainineai, sud des. cribeai <ho stateofaiber, oaughter an ber arrivai homte that day, sud <ho rosuit of ber examination of ber clothiug, &c., <bat evesîing. Forte defenco <ho father of lbe pris. ansi vas exataineai, vha avare <bat bis san vas auîy 15 yesrs of age lu~t April. The jury bronght Iu a verdict of com- Mon asauit. The Court <bon domaudeai vbat primouer had,tc *a>' vit>sentence should not h ,proluuuod uDpan hlm. Preoier-Ntiîg. Cort"-Charles W-akovorth, <lhe jury. bave tbougbî prapor ta ait, you otf the maire ss -loacharge. - Ir <ho sitatemouta of the. girl are t<o eb. lievedi. yout bave' boue your careor lu life raibet eari>'. Il; t' Doi usual ta hear.saieht <iiga. af boys ai jour %ge. Sdpposîng yau ba il aathiog .to do viais ber, but kepiug ber la' <ho uud, h vwua biigh offeteSj sud speaks 1 1",l>for you. isa if you had- coottexion Vitb' - lb.' th e ainvarse ctili. The Sa n i e nt. K adie a oore < a l k 55,5 tremnosas Me: ýfor "W mi a bontt«~ for wsJùi g 'M x or d" te oat o' id !0 ~ 'ru-ýt iha Could btn a matda<lases 10 thé s bec...u se glWum made<ti < em- carefttiv tcarry 1< ont or not. lUai 4o no <las*u nib he icar sIe audorar. 7on ispasfan. giait>' <or <hes, amuoit ith Iceilà Co~t.Âreyo ~ ~ OUb5,d 1otentiyon vould haire be en ont <he' vfilazs 58aerioulaiew g f < . ssioge tboa he <#& does ont desire <o viuft youagpe' le quostien an s,, s mmmdom*4 in ema à d iib rery' maikeai or.severe Pn+ èïr couru docilaé.tutted more wth the' o )fr ~<~4 - lo1tt Wo, amnendaseus. It deairea -<o pi. th, n OnMAMwj& m vk 1 érfs eh Umyas ou. ooey luthe hope , WItUC~..4i ht tisa pueent mua$ b. sa, namng te Mr. Wliusn ihmsa k t he u <ô avai evil coUirsesbèreafterm r for h at-,tbhaiisat thon: ont frontthe Sopeà of te. amaes W i<0 tle«I < sinitbnani ak tag spounda l in the lb . I hejety xécdd t eonAan Âfter sous- furtb.gebu.zanlaton-dol>'apprsolated b7 yuuaand that y-au a' c ISdNMOI <- 'wlI uot bereaftir Preaums Iùpou <he naîld t- s . ~ . ~ . ~b " o f j o r s a t e n ie o t v . C n d i t et-l à ! t ATTIOlIN#EV-AT-Ià AW., AMALCITOIt IN Whter9. W. 1Rooun, lu ViCtoria lock bettol gi-t N ffl* n Brnek tr-%. * 40t JQIITY tLILINGS T rAW tt NEIV,&C<iVITAI«lIqG J. W. CALD)WIb* IIRlOWWq, '"mN'L'YAiclu, CI»lllwJONER VOR ~j~UgAfllidit. . Aco.uiibnt uLnd DIVI %ion court, Nnt..ey FPnh cë'tii'.OUâ I jueri '11-411 I)tt ilefgdt!gttdO biseae viii ONVItYANCElt, I aniMn;4îner ln Qk B, &e £., £0.4cA~te.:011.'ntht MOM siaotable ter« intAa< prntreitnl tade.. NaW. CLA*K. 14% D. Imld~e.t~ne 4wit...tiof Yarfeckl & (11h H. BA, 4RO* ;APCJ gi 1i I)tgli,4crok, ickering. :r Ail 'g. . 0 UXl<, 19. D. CUBQKQtN TP ?IIX COtINTY<AtL IBot ie.q't WI.tGRENSTRt ~W~>~~rlami% ta Tmrûtà ship Brock. Ad- CLERIC AD ?ItKASUBEK (OP THE TAwnoip rxhrb,4g. Addresa, Uxrlde. 'HENI~RANNAX. BIE*OF ýUiýfTy mil) OPER1ORL coulnAisnkld tanttbpaltr. Whlt UJlCMCIIANT TAILOR, RnOCIt TSTT sud Ex. I femitmsela a. ANeLO-AltEttCAlN HOTEL. 'T~iVaihamiierss$t. .pth. hvel tev r eemm*dnlioa to the travelling peblIt. Qivhlm £ aIl. (itod 4ahline and oe'ierà s 18 Ul'<tON flIOTEL. 8XAXCru aecomIods82 A7CI.(Istel'Fi.bauntCily tetp"and renovate<I. J3.sot vine.., liq norx, andlcigare. - CELAS. bMeCLUE, 27 Proprletor, CANTON JOTEL, D lff FNS CUKPICICERING. (sluD W. OUTIIBERT Os-S,,.Proprietor. ;1 i.rder..lgnocIbegs lbave to inforan h a r< nasd théve!hiwp h taho hiatai<en the ahoVe vieil knowg, hqtol, gd truAit, I.v .ttlrt attention tohusae.., anady enl$eanrrinir te dà alin llits-puer for the ctJhl fort A.1 ic"nveilience of atuent», to merit a miait Of Publicpatroasqo. (Goo'i Llqurân4Clprs. Ior table affltnMuodt Ionfor mon and bhse. An -ttlitive andi "arthil Otier always 111 sai- tendadee. Propriettw. Mauila, flt. 21, 1881. 4 RtorJdgUIIOTEL. T(>'11 X10014 LAT£ OF TUE ON- e qtn Itotel' ami fôl'nerty or' Wlatlty. AU- *todflil g hie frieude nid the public, Ibat h. la.. tented theahove we -krown hotel, irhIob i1% nôw lis frt rtte gras? for thé remep ofJ ruests* ines, 0qVà o sad CIgaSra. G stablingand an Attentive Ostior. 1 $-Y Grand T rixk Rxiiwr4y RoWa ..known promisses wtth tl4p vtaw*o..itl th. 0ooveni.neeof theirsve.lhingpat.. Uer- 4 proeriye.cI for, at#ýut4! <a>iyois of 1<0W te TgicTIXUO Ffre & Life Inrance Com'y. TIIctMAS DOtW, COLL2ECIMO XuIsION MNIWL ksio W, %xatroai C.,in COLL(TIONS madie Iffi Publlmhers, Moe Pbltamst<lcNin vont.nsl Qeaea Otév, sa!T~outo,, sudOtl.er pluoealai Causdas. AIU ollosttoq-q mi>' ropeé- cd, and pt'oeedm pr*-rnptl>' pddaiven., Aatâue*% oomunîcsla" .te "wontrual Gan a4fv(iffico. IUzanaaaa-Love&Cbanbenlln I'ropi6t4, )onumaIGouta;Jthn loi-ail, PcbtlarCaal )retry o. iaMon- 00LICrrOR, &t.9 S&c., TZ R RMOVEfl blé èLai'Offie te Omarlo fIAch.uher*. fÇl On. Door Southt of tht Regl..try (ffoe.m W I lhe, Ja.2.1065L L $!STEELPrept'ator. Til kot-Ila bhctitlî iltueeon the ~~mat- giu of Lanke ?imne. nur te Narrova' bridge. ooutoiulant sepiendid vilo f the Laite sud murrnding Pl <raqtçe.enery. Exeortiou. lI,... udoie.,sah.provideai wath boats sud ie#in lea., said <ho fishing slote laken isd uuova Wt of thelicet dc..cnlp<iouu. -4 Tayern Stand for Sale, 'N<te'viiiie otosAtherle', ni- Ltb. Narrova- .Of LsaeSIMca., s good itgusa, loaov lge ameeosdstiou, ani qsartracreo etna. Will situati sd £goadtuada. Apply te 1.. STEE, 1On t>he pzedo. -c. 24 belyP. Q. VJfWEGAR VIN8GAR 11 NÉUNDMIEs RAS PO£J AL % r r hebu ual--anutae uihl"l-n e res< b Sanaireet, 8014 in iargcadmus spd- art e;lud ei. ao .' yg o b tio but-eerodapef lus the testt b Whlîby, Mayt.N186î.P1 _'t JJonarnoeuTuvint« fa A vîit eOCOIlent Stable, KbtlI. ard ait bstttee titi irs.hias«, ooking, ho. A. ioo,4'Illau' . opiugator. whaelaaaerve. nmsu iteusa illlaq. fItie, 4 Tveru.-aI b>' $0,two Moles anda haIf higi, Jtltcaaep 15 5y54, stAbi, 0 ut.. hi. lvymbqadoue la tis boya eves, Situtie oin e $pclat1l«Prm~rotbVil A. am Priise Albeit.l TIte reaa.n the - beo<prtesr vIsai. to dispose or thoae 6 ulnalproporl>', I o - ext.h l tendm cnt.riag lu, or ertiag si Utrst Miii. <ho Ptinohaer. Tut le lndisputable. Ternis, em.'osit <ha parelsmeas. *W utis"ler paitosuir. appl>, (ifb>' latter p-mt'pld,> to tlournthe pnunlma. JOIINWÂD. Canulington, Nov. Io, 1848. 44-<fî ADVeRTiSEMENTe. Assurance ÇoPIpD'niés $ 20,000,400. = ill..k..o; et'b% &ount or 1, j Ibe taiss Tau fl any one ragi, ou applleadotu teo - OHN ÂGNEW, iest 42 The o lon 8, is'Agent aI Wbltby. befos'4 the ýMONEY!_MONFjY!! Out& us u inil<ho oecurit> ar IMPi-ovei Wris lëe Estiat, payable lu titre or ten yeas,<rosacu"'l- J>asolaargm aleb rates t intmr.s< flue MOUaa.o'ca»bba im mtilitly S pro Manager, Canada Agency AM@oesles, 550 vwu Ma JOHN A4rEW, wbr 09,OV SVNI AMl. or bw1 [ah I r i Sa wilîUN (W, Mr. GaIf- 1ytdyon kuow' of an>' it. mac> i' nteen fheml- Dict lte>'keep' compsuy ? Were the>' ougageci to hd marrièdi teaslu lîun 7,sud8 years ago, th1a a4u caw ta be sold, andin talking vith Mat -Murphy he said2 Ihat à be'd'like to bu>' ber, uan, that he Wall goiug to get married toa 4hauu'a Connor. ýBefore Mat vint to the, States ho beard Tipi Gaunor, Jobanna'afaîther, asking Murphy if lhe was not gain' ta the gtates, an' i('he vould uaL marry the girl before hes Jeft ? (L'xugh- ter,) Mat Murphy ansered that herd thry his. fortin' iu the States'- Irî îatbhed th t>' bis I uch-, an ' filaI iif ho w s a pare man-rich or potir, he'd marry laharnia Conr, na ou ther gffi whin Ile came back (Suppreseed Laughîer.3 tsute tim6e-sat spring-nta "Bee" lmclr'iu the woads, Mat MurphY "tonkP tu esa that hie (Mat,) hd bouà gbî ast hndher acres af land, an' <blat air san, as be had a psy'. meut nmade - a t i e'd 1m4rrY i.Jahanna. Mat Murphy toiîld him (lvittWçsg,) <bat hie had a bundhier acres of lanid aboutLid say, or somîè where h'ack. r~~ ives in tovn. aali' limseifisu' isé ýbrothier ,wns a lot bethuno lem.' Onýhji returni7-fîiôm the States hoe marriecl a vaman that he _çalls bis wife. '(Ulaù*ter.)' Crass.exaiued by- Mr. 'ýWîlson. Je inarried ta a sister of tlle plniuntiff. Coula! îlot t-311 Johanua's -uge, bût se.V u8four y .ears yoùnuge r than bIs wifd. Counsel...And haie' ad- 'la your çvite Witnes-'g sure that'd more ltai, caai't tell, ELau4hterl __11 . Counsel-4,e ~~ Ie ryug~<a, Wituss-.O1,!h youn'cr. bîlee Court-Eda'W aId are ya?' od a know your a'w, uage7, t4 -gh<er.j CounLîeli-Iw not Johazmis ,O'Connor an oId maid? Witnes-leewWnhuge ahe's 'flt, therli sir, an>' auld imaiti -Cousel-Why Wie ~ffiey flot ýmirried 7 Witnems-WtTli,I suppase "t'{am Mur. phy's fault. fTDiughierj Coun.qci-DIm!telo t eep yÃ"pauy vith otheryausai menl -Witne-sm-She onsi vwent with 'ahother boy, -nâmaed Jaen*s w'be1azi _l îVitoýuc 'tval; while illurjhy w"as i the' -ýtaCe&shab had Whelau at thé place i but site did flot waik with any putier boys. 'im otby Couor (brother oft pli n-ý Cousel-You'ro'ka.bmrotoftheýpîsiar: tiff, 1 believe ?-, ' ' : 'ý : Witucs-Well, S!r, I1cu"< oi-tt;li-the>" Counsel (indignautly,) Yowi are purt buto' ,he vituegs boxIte uut'er' tralil :the qltes. tious put ta yot n naît afoi the-! porposdO of creating mirtWb y an>'. upsem4 4- vit' Tell <he Court ajidJury wvit o wf <hi.. mnalterI Witnemm-W ir,' I ~1'ha-ipene ta ho' hume onu daty, ar#4 e1 llard'aby, 'figtkté.ali Mat Murphy if 'ho'-was -g gr-ta eo'h .it prauîime,aadmaaary Joafnp-sut'Çopçor Ho aaid <t ho cauId not marry.h*erý,<beu.- but"'w7oul. aftervards, "juat'as' soor as hiar lime wau ont ant An'uéin lutbé'>Ê11. 1' vas '-walkiug 'dovif' trent ni tJ.ing'wr corners, onto pigbt, flot:r tinrg-o ay thig-.1" . - -' . 11.g-of.-uj- ,Mr. Gat-Nevei. uin4 aboui'T aiug'g cornerý 1 'i' what 'on"were7îhai --f..e tell vha; pssed hetveonyaounlft'jd <ho' defeudïiît as %aha>rtlvru a au beiug tho <rue bearinga Several maps sud plans vere prodecedap a4 ther vit.- noises exarnined -aito'ýth aides. The Court beid ta' excînde pliitift' front su>' portiau of the road ýallowauce, sud a liousni<'vas entered, oubject ta the opinion. of the Court above., Mesurs. C. S. Patterson, sud H. J. Mscdoueli. for pisintiff.' 8. Richards, for defendaut. 7e QgureV&a. areOgton...4ite Indictmout lin this case, cha"rgeai t.e.prisan- or with forgiug afiole for 87, iu the usmaoaf John Reid Of Aobburu, payable,9 monthsa ater date, sud with uttering the sane. Sir Henr Smith, iu statiug the case for the Crowu, said'that the prisoner tankr a uote frou, John XUd, of Aahburn, for $11 ftO, wbh hvitea l>oa fi»enote. l1at ~siIugbirlaefth~?db1-a'nd auexecu. tion againsf'hlm lu the' bindi of the haiiiff, hoe uppiied' <oMr. Brown, of 'Caunnuln ta hecome Wis socurity, lu order la get him ont oi the ditBculty; that Brown agrota Ia do so. ou condition of gettiug poisessimn of tWa notes vhich' tho prisanersai ho hsd, aud vouid place lb bis bands ; that primoner gave Brown. tva nates-one forý $17 50, aud suothor ifor $87, payable nino moutha after daté, snd purparting ta have been mode hy John Reid, anai repreiented by thé'prèimonor ta have been abîained by him frorbi John Reid, of Ashburn.- Reli vas subiequeaatly sued b>' Bravn ou the uote for $17 50, vlîich vas paai, sud theza the $87 note vas deciareai by him ta be a forger>'. '. John Ilelai, of Ashbbrn, gave evideuce that hoe aever made tenote for $87,' sud ovidenco %vas aima givon that Ihat praduced reas uat in his haudvriting. Di,4.11rovn wvas cssilud 'and proveai the oftuicama counïei, and avare positive)>' that the p~rianer tcîtresented the malier of bath the note& ta hoe John Reid of Asb. bUru, sudnre ather. It aiso appeareai fa'aa tho praceedinga befare, the ,magis. <rate, ,that tho prisoupr stateai <bat ho couid prave b>' (large Maêt!, <bat ho 1, (prisouer,) gel the note ln paymea; foa's oa-me, vhlch hie salai ta another John Rei, vho resideai near Peterborough.. George .Mary vwas avaru sud exaatuiued, sud stavttiat, ite had fia knowledge of an>' su.-I traunsaclia ,n. Mr. Wiisou, for the doffatuc, oxamned John Smith>- Who avare thal urtcaa & cor. Sain' occasion hesav the priseor, ta-ado'al hanrsevitit a peasou vha wiv'te ailed JohnT Reid, snd vho vasJ.epaesèéugod as residing - near Poîerb*raouigh ; <bati le barse vas, eald for $90, sud thà i-pa>'mont- was to.be made-ýpart lu a smnath, an& the rninder, after a certain ieatgth -af tinw.,IT4trirn. aiction wtek place at Mancbewer. Ta tbeÇ rl1t vasual tat Asithuru, as repressa<e( by <ho prisaney; Matthow Tee( teliq NO. 12