Y Pireus In leO*hawa. The Ao~~ v'~g condense cfler hy îhè ae procos s, tira 0sh*«, léareh . - -& dlsaitrons fire by wbich licteal floid in corveried Imb *1 OlOCkla tre actol said.Itl a reduced ta one s'aveflir ettilet tatory o 1uler à Miali. The of its bulk, a beautiful a mbercoor d jelly. buildntud anêiocienimtueoiiising otfurui- BI th addition of six- limes wLuia k of trf tolic ure ii jine 0course<Of *ter, il b@acantes eider &auiln.'4 finishing, thé machinery, englue.boue and 4 ber iltefrnd, togater t ith thé rosi. BURTE. Vine, Mr. Thomu u ler, woro e n ARE-000onhdoTus n iulnes. eflates trmnniýited o ARE -tGeewoonTr5 thei ~r nothtoth otWdi g ad o .doy ibo 241h int, Mrsé Wm. Warren, aifa& IbQP ~ bits. i eh~destroying thent enddagilr-- - 3,000 flotir barrelas tored thorein. - CITJY IIAsEII Ilg1the itreei-_thre Napolenbrick bock i - -wu 5001 euveltoped l ian ues. In this Wliîby, March 30, 1864. leb vwere Ped1arýéstslve and lin siop alMn85t10esSrg'ht and ooeca of the Vindici-tort and by iiils Wtset 85 a y lects pin Waî îleîtrution saii 0 80jesons-were turned toi Srts, BPeu 5 0 te os. cta Oste23 Itt the 01115. The loge of the cabinetta2c. eCrtabcsPaaes 0 ishop wilI ho seriouai> foit by a largo nu. ni toaoicts. Park $Si ta $6!r. Beef $4 ta $ôi. Jj ber ci familles, saine 80 peruoinu thrawn Hid,. $4 ltt Petols80etm $1,80. r oocf e onibynunt. Moust of theý praporty deulrôod wu lrtred lausnoe estent, but NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tellwllbe more or loua ieuvy loger&. FuI. ' ter & Miall'a Ionua luesîiruated aI $18,000 HOUSES AND LOtg T' LtET. or $20,000 iuaumrd aobut $10,000. Ped- tae [n 8,001 ritoured about $6,000 on %V01 anrdrt41fS aru i flr,, lr t 011 'ý'building and stock. Kmia'Meic"s legs. lBy-rurr trIrct, perr, st. Ailtt'r'l ('haret,. $1,5001 injurai for $50. John Garvin'is leu rru.lrtrrirrtrWi ,,Irrrurr 'a' $500.- W. a. Oer, $400. Tho worknteutrtori t rfrtrmr have)lest thuir imals. Lulite AOr-r ful> O Y toï'irl rir.tarivIr rritlii r ce r. coverud by insurance. ouru trruir.rIi r4ri.lii rew ibe alt itt i Ie - A action un Tac FrxîtS-Sir. Uoborî Peel, -8meito.Tuesday, ôth of April 1864, tary for Ireland., recetygv the follow. Ui-S~t rrrrrirrrtYlie.r -lofi r ee Ing explanation utapecting tho Fenilanîs .ii I. r lu the Houesof Cautinanu Who knew whurî A-S1JIUI{N Fk 1R. a Fenian wax, lie îheîrglit it bis daîy ta -rj II eilightel tiej. ,In ithe third century 71'Ii~ er110 i ujrtrr'irFuir of .4rlitrl, wili l there.wwqaacertain king irn treland, cleri<urittt, Kriu i 1Clng Corniack, Who hrll toa daugýter1. Tueday, 1911 of April llext,,îv - One of ilese daugluîers marrieed anther îjr, i I. r r-iil'î ' nr c iin t A I Lhing, Who' euîubliulicd a national mîil initrururubert' i,ro or. htti p>tii*.d t e ir 1101- U undorie theîile of thet Finii, wliouo uty il trrrr ,ni]c t, w rien f hia pti g.l J.J *7ita pratedt the province, eticlimearber >rrr r.r. rif.r .rv.r ortei rîj1rr or tihe body being cousidered equal in <1U 1CrAF That t AIeirrrrtri t 'ort, S4 baoule te inire %mon of au>tallier country. -- Thir habits andd tresewere exceedingi>lly'~D IODR primmite ; îbey qiiartrd ibeniselves upon r ltlt.lrprnn J.entCai the population, aand firourti they becane e..rrrrrrix', T i greýta nuisance ihrat iiia succefndiagare (ler10itoneul % tirarrie nt% marie r; il, rue i the> wtre wholly aaaihilatatd» totu rîte. î'tr he rnlt rrrir the eritert tYler,. * Alv'rit ulanderoito artire preriLi. 0f the ~VTep~uttnis of $lshop Duggati ta the Sprra i 1r~nrtrItirrau of exellenut qrrrrlliiy, urd VCatirelicu of chicagn,. -cardemnng ini swepp. iatielv;rit-rro waroetris. irg terni& thre Fenanas, anrd ai Who Corusto JOleEURE. Ti nonce tiren, fairi> represent the irurguage beId inaITruand b> tbe cergy of the Roman t.aiAurrr.Irrr'r&.Kunl: VCaîholio Olrtri. The homtsreunchar'. rî'nr'trrrrr'rr rnrinl.t r t Diss acer cf lire Fenaiacaarsjnracy. and ils ut. ar!rr'. t'r.'eerj'~Co; 'rrpine rpnt ter independounce of Romdýan l.haticisnt 'aiur, ZEcrer ricet O rarr tri No fit, rrrt ir1, tfrthr illuraled b>ilie faét that ilie par. 12 - unrrre, Fenlant organ l in oi-tlne tri&%Pe9 --l-l'- triot -lu odied by la ireî,Iyteriau minister, BUTIC IEIR'S MEA'I and in a recentî umiller asaiIs, ln <ta umets r'M'ri>N u rrt,,g a0 i)tALi> tire batelir, er. tri a*.- iWI,iU)v, 'ured term, bathli Biirop Duggae aaud blr.at erlnsf"tlîfrwlie'ru 'ObreknA. '.1 'r ' a î're, ar t Th."Noa Soîia"an er otiîa~ Iie le rwrr irouc to ,t irrenni, toIl Iadrl it'.tria wrr 1il The IlNoitrSoriae.oq be lutriit"tewi-hnirg ta irrve fre1cit hr Porfluud, brouglit out 102 younq men fremisn u-1-tti' ià : anitv -rr icio ai tiri rr1', ýreIand ln chtarge Co! ume Fiattu Who had rbr ' aiizti, act:ie.rtot'ttOsha' iAre4 thein tirere as laborerà snd mocha. N bc, ar h .btir,il't uthetirr,,rritr r, 'êgats. - Ou arriviung at Porllawd, Fîine i mie , irrt rrtg1 tire u' 'ur i4 t ail irr- rladaced 16 ta enlisi, poeketiug tho greater rrr:rrrarrrniri1rt part of tire iouty -,-thre remairrdar lh. tcok 12 Rth f V t te Boston, andad uevoredte niMposoof ian - " - ' t] the Sarm" nurer; but thre meu rebelled, r WESTERN t > tefacto becatue kuown. to Irish reeldeuit A SI R1 in Bolon, a'public vas beid on thesub.ASS iP hA ,( lE CO lNy 'fl'e(i ject, and tle retuit wus, thut lire men gui - ,O F i.ouoeN'o, C. W. riut employmeurt, anrd thei uaurror vho lm-a.V far4ul ithere lotiheatil>. CAPITAL, - -400,0001 ~ Mus. naidtuVanderbîk and ber servatt - I.ED181 Sll, x 1I0 o'clock, by au Ia'iltvan, Who, il ur-t isJEs. Pl R&,Eq reporwt, ¶uad previourmiy madie sp<irai ura Nbhrentu agraltrt tifr liro, nt, a mrsuence ,..'reOtary iai) Treasurrr, I uf.île reft*ai<-of ihe serirrot ta reeeie hlas TIERN.ARD I DNEq Madreuaes. l.\adriul eeeiber T-rtr- home i l1'aaig bille var whir pases AImiN~.eT.toiatlrattp udrai-. Me 'ber buse(. ¶,e wim (owed *by the " Alcereirona nufti rrloio. rr T h ii rounuin, wvitne ali p iti ber on'thre dires raaiot'ofpaaunr-n u ai' lomastialit pî sury ether .Tlir hold ofluer Irause, liner- holedelborateilly u'.ryr4 '.ranrr. 'irrouil i lred fint dîaîu, voeodiug daatgerouly. P no artn 'a bathMes.Vaudrbil sudTruav.elinrg Aqant. 2. 'th" proaby axll. ut Ms.Vadebit nd Te>.uuit th.-"eruverilenSout pr.q"rqd Zin " tine brer servtilt. le MâeetOt Un,e,wa nurAM ,irIr i nnai grr riaot«uen mthe ~y ~duiy appuesunrriLortt Ago iir e , vWIuf inq EuR. -rea.rv ~,,i,pan wiit iren'yIertui1'.'O Flrrugt 'tho direct.ors oathetirdiien Banik d rod a reirard of Ave, thouand dollars, amri are ( IN U ~ f nlov shoviug a disposition ta ho illiboral imii I LlE IUINLI th ate. D. 4.A RTH' ÉIE Tire Prince of Wies bu presetedDr fEPRTÂ Browa, of Wirdsc', vill tire mtnlfi'onî 'N H 1 'haonorariam'of coe, ligusanti ponuru, in k 'len of the Royal satisfaction vitin IbiWiiti mh 29, 1844. 12 CA services ounlire laie interosting evet at . iForgmuore. Fa=m to Reit on plas. 'Chicago papemu ýsy the performuug e~g Acres, (aboit 7#1arséeae, o '.bopiraaý *ulioî die suaddo!Y ai i.élavau , 13 N'.&Suthe 4t1 caoespiolo u 1rt-, roth Wrgt,-ondDW$Tligig n, r.- nraday Wluconi.la, a fte 4ayas @Ince fromr tir. Arlyte- effecor achirie. Tiie poor 'cruattre ouf. NWII Y D 6iLADbol %rpd grýat1y, but bad thome in, il harg iWbbyarl214..1-v U br, knovm wlat la bave doue 'liire is no doutbîbut 'dt ler recovery could bave1 -WÂNTED,ýP140 Ibee efectd. be u athnoron hily AGos,! SérvniGirl, one iwba <,. a, l n r "'s's d iif. Non ert, pTnplyk.*i ý "Vae rer am wu mpè4toii4a>#e > U<ts~telne of P roc Me . .N~ lasa Mr;..icroieu Parliluger sud bUr. T _____ 1J ,r_ Augfrm cre Tend. togollier vibli floite zndaa4 r ppetà edp ms slire 4l be , JOHN Dqrn, Apply l &dog5esfiolehinluglrra Lot _NO. 2,1.1- Cou. tteoi fo»»F sultade-t OnQe ,ude "f e vu *1lgo io broÃ"Ie hrcogh, vioinPreci. masth 28, 1644. -roi- ce!thý hsudUr. ai 0T IC E', vu ot w. ê e*s4jTire bors e ev %ne! qi nebedt Xo trm O N EW AD YE iT ISEM BN S. "!H!ill! N- US E subscrbe e to announcee arrivai ex. ýi S. United ingdomn, ol -the fargest stock ofI ELD & ,GARDEN SEEDS- they have ever offered ini Whitby. AIlso on haîxd, a large quantity of e iery best' quality, ail at low price.s for 'Cash ou1yý s ' U~fA1MILTON&Go [Y, xstrh 29th,18164. 12 isolution dItax'tuersbip. 50 lONGE STREET, TORONTO. 4uu'r Mi.lINci am) & wrOC ;i mi.- eVyra0led Trade CIrcnla. tke., li. 4-011r0r-Itrs.dy cni--'local lii er.r-err tri acnnliu t.ale th ir O rc praldro th ue tt'niee'tnel, v in ROB1E RT W ILK IES i utoir' i tt 11111Y 1r0 rIMerire sainfirnfUlIesoidaily eolick t the sattention 4et SA MtÉEL 11N. 1..theCeaiTmtde, Paacy G.nods ,lttta Mrnrctnn 1864.»euss wetclooakerp* ffardware l,isiir., i il ibe caris Wdun à os iecto- erchaats, Goosarsikoe Lump Dea ttie igvc ir43u, by- ers, Dragogrto, Tobaccuasit, Uta. OAMU1J. t ouera, Mnttluers, cabinet gNakers, Lwa Union Graiftlar and te k srize aried tock vtnte ianovcrw &' Common Sohool. F»yiil fOrimw uies Jý,Mà ptrmLl nthertceri ftm, ai cme nierek« we rrtuaas it'fIlleUnitedl Grainîr anad = g qiaainir sdc 5iee s vai t lcalt nîsianu Scliool Ot ibttiva, 14g rousir- pir eet WU OIrIaniteniet' err. usîttii'TAIlLE AND POC<IiT CUTILEJRY, 01 %,ifc .4A. flenuC lmmairtua >vOill<& ve eejrhi mua caie l i,,c o uj riranrttour Sejilro pîrtounriwili bc COmrfIgeiroeï t<isa. Pitfoibni sudm Liggretl luI l'y mmc, trrîp te auge umni W e, ai 4o« e. r. M'C ABE, SQ. tl a, - ,a t r8a.% f v ua T#ruetrer tif tie V"tt'lrîtr 1«r rurnar ucriee me Aaî Ia M mUry ktesM ierialssvant k.lit flit! sseetut- t'reeci-MiF.nolieé Wrneiaag P4Wpray sot Le anal tiae ferail, uasea, Punan s awendn, tny L.arlttoet r'iieriaali n ou l'~as vae'l [Ro WIL AI(REWS, LeI~<a li u l8o Eaoy Cmu teWrt. bmalaa itrems, cdci rrt' tire Tlsrýand ortl ce rof voal Uaiaudnt. Trie. ttl iaoieta.Top&u, Chuaimws'Cure rý P"Gls.talade&. OMMs sud Iim vaas, 1 i1r AqFaner ilsat, Gist <apa, Feekeî mte ôf Tatiornn tLinDepattinto resite i. &e A. & t is arty tytl ae rbéis ft.rrwu re. l itRiT WIUSxttg 'age8iret e ioro uo ?~IOttesa. asiinn-Totn svb, rSL1. -r Gr:itrtnar $etn< u tmisijcitan oaanîrnis.. ligre l ittenatnre, Prirob,'. Auaayrait, rationq tnnd <un ruutiin mentntary rn.i Lwuint. ailetorte anal Poilileal iteon lrnar iv eooy citeinxtrv. llian )WY, irt UrRMIalii, 0 Ppetteri. a.reni.iruts of ntaierw'r. tira rate t'*3 t, for suy deparinient of tire - tao1. tii wiiibeire perd at tli* S litoo Ifar «Rny f tjî cellgen i tim it totrr. pa"inre P=aittuonm of tIre ii no*,ii wlleIbofnnrmne& cincterni, for the 14;4 Tocer it bn fe drais tof pre- br ti-ti WolAr.ien,iôthe mi inittitutOfe , ntrcirri itnArttlo.a villiiigren, ocia "e fauciities foie preetice la the, difiarrelit NOTICE liait, 1% tire Winté atie, Se , ,Il iibuatoïded. luth2 » Ir aene"W iraI thoseorf eltier sex v io. proeeed ta ps. nt îfesiitoairg, buopruasua es Veonthe atie F enven Lot,2M fisltkr infrtnaton uaincicole aF ~eotr > ho?btain U oe vitharo et lPi18 te Ig nnrm l(,ti *w f Sde- t asai auip,îr ta tire utrdorr.igned*L. . un tire 3 WM. MuGILLu M. D a*~thot ix, (tarn.NtterlvIv hat ditnuc et flfty 864. unverty vo ch intertsee nhe WC iA! BOAT NOTICE! the villaie or Pi NEW FA8T SUr'Gr IX0« STEAMER tIre WeatelY fia JOH01ESTER, A1.W. T. Ã"R1MtWGOD, tiulite uuuiug 14 EdirIieéton the -4tli of ~RL 8 i à 1 ý 1 \,NE W AD VtERT.I S'É' MENT II- OR SALE UTJ UIES lth o bQn. eof Brook-6Viit0 'là e.2i^ 7ý 'Apl. îf6jlu, r og-anr s u Fi e. RAST[Jý'Ks17ER' JAMES M('FcT BA OAlS e;eductlouuere Vlaetar a OU ~A~ imES rnnd Và Itlrti.ýin rili, U(idi§ canr'rZIcd furrijoie. 7 f .rxt ~ Alex. Muretr rOI - C' Iie~~JODmuerglut, Whmsthy, S. MTurra#4 'eT . Aollitiay, Morohârtts, BraQln riV io n -~~~ . fai~l' rince ill>irt~ . '-G be E U a~~~~~-" ~~Part Pny ...W ciltînl. fluilitt, and al rn M UE **~ _ WId'rfioiail, a.,irit ine roi;ut tinr POIl $1.060 B~ffiIe WIECIO STOYES!! MÂ'UarcTOLtY,4 r n nndcrs!gnodPART IEa i' t ire igrvro. irllý Ie(1n i u veryetylerad qùiite end et al l Oile' drardfrriu Wr Crt U ~L U N f E T 100Pntoont. '2Tfipôciplarrrw pattern itocve Mnfaetrymx 4,'IBarrie prst Office. tee d ScZd .nrwlWt fil L U zm a z i &»e elTI ornas Eect l4aq., uialrewa. Barri, Fehnkieà ry I1-2, 1864.1- 6tr WILL BE OPËli SHORTLY. tr.h een iîtrotuort tunnrrgist othior vie-utie, _____ 'IR LKIamor, Li HS, For Cash only, and One Iprice! BI eKE aapi ap * - ~" - PRINCE. lLBER7, The great REPLEC-Toi f' PROT77EC1tONJS'P, i4r: gentfor ,sale tîet on 2ta 1, 3ttý Re & j.e' iII BELL l Wird TAIr1 Ë BR.YAN. Ttd Lnaa ixthae t inv:ra4rjyt 1sý 'lt'li t e rro it o tirpl i n uleo tit r B) they will lis- prepared to show the buik of their ofMrenpri e". otr - SPOING & SUFAER VÂ1I TO l ET@cripitn 4 AflE& 14Ctoiprs a tr lorth-hslt Wtroler'olc and Rotailt cut terrnrtr~ [ ¶J of Lrî ?4o.'4 1hi e . rdeoneesstiotu Rfetri3rinnu.amf I O r rar-ro f Whitby --Excellenît tond, fixings.lo~rr1,rr Cam %, b qyk M etl i l n-rc mll 1(viLli tire exoîeptioni cif'a Aieaô, muo ft. rtrrf Lo»t No. 94 inie 41 ber nirnnfiris'jýt'O ,rrrrd eo ip-ons ing30 cre, vant 1rcý$4ujtfo er.a rflnilrCot ruTiaut lI 14'TH FIE. te, iet 1d i tl rie' 'adwell rintul *'Or priees gnu tu the ie>i ,, irr~îr.Areferenceo*ilLbo givoni ï, <JErliGE 'uUbt-;'$, loa ct 'tt1,1* truirt wl et ouIbth forme. . .Titogru" (lteý 'Lrrg' !itdrt ~N.U ~ ~ B 'JCApply ta 100loraurpl, iiV ran i-4ru *%r9 -à THÃŽOMAS DOW, nd nvr o- atuuprar L~eyoccupid by Me8sr.J AM ES McCLUNG &Co, on SC'41'~OK~ l'h'tby, R. '&, canii-î.,r, &c. Alsolirhotdors, E NDÂY NEXT,, 4th April ,QIN '0O0RDv#O0D.1 Wht fbarch 31, 1864. 8tatery ii 1 2 lrua t Or ut , rt iv *AT FEMU NL SÂDOU J OIINIBS A- WHITBtf VERY CHEAËII1 r AT lT -oLAS OWttDIBUSi ï Or wlI ~4l a Piro '4 tf E8s Faor fuîtliafao1r'u ~ t~pno~c --'-bê4absrtb~ <ersthe balance of fl Winter r~~ UV- RI I~O0S ~ t ~ -, :S ,C F--1p E At10rIcntGWu4inPOR1ÂTidhae oomSor A j - - ÂAso the largest Stok-ofa CROOKERI -AN» <IIJGASSl b. j *IN TE OOUNTY.T un mmmm, pnclpr T.' Il'> iQIIcO *Wi or FOR SALE, A Spid dld 100of LAu>. I I t 1 1 i