S\W- Â4vrtqIsoelts tt1is Day i Spru Bd l9mr Shoo-441100 Bai1ý Tranhus-JmIWBain«. Spanlait o__ er"laines Bain. PaufrSkor to, Lt-I . L ccit. O sedesa, P tatoee, end ffaloy-Dailol $prn ait tI-00Leilie. goum ste lm -4A" lamer. Io toIportera aîid shippers of Produie-J. C. Drydres. The Cana diao Rêir Cure-C. W. Lent. Fias Soutcblog Machine for 19ale-Thos.- Lawier. commercial Hotel Ohaa-B. ,,,rklà nd. Full Brod Durham Bull for sale-John -Miller. Thé Stallinon laçk Donglasa for Sae- John Mille. Nov TinShop-Richard Hatchu Cash for Hides heepokins, Rae ,OId Copper ."c,-Richard Ratait. Great Bargains at tho White Flix. Shoermakors Kis-jamseBain. Findings-Jsmou Bain,.. Brnmoa-. à J. (lampitli. Arrivai of Sping lmeprtdons-R. J. Campbell. Bll Chancety notice <o ceRr o..-A.N ue Houa. o Let.-Mrm Post. * Notice «f Criclket Meeting-_J. Killip. Prwate lRoardiotg lRonte-Krs. MeLean. Wbitby Brasa Bad-J. Wolfenden. Wbitby Quadrille Band-.J. Wolfenden. Vegetabto and Flower Seeda-O. Roburtu%. Now Grooery Store-J. Farquharson. .AlUTION SALES. On Tueaiday, April 12th at Whithy. litok. far. implementa, bc., propurty of H. W. Anne,-rhnms. Myers Anctioneer. On Lot 19. 0 m'n, IVItithv. on April Oth %tick and farm implement.ut. prnptrrty of %I. E. E. Stckney--.'Ibomm sIsntAti, tioneer. On TLot No. 25; in the ist concession of tho Township of Whithy, on mondayt April lltb, 1864, the property of Loren Brown, Esq. -Thomna Myeti, Auctionor. ONýLYS 50 0OZN'TS A YEAR Wbltby. Titursiay, April 7, 1864, Gritfpltting.-Tue "Globe" ton YleoiNrg. guwdà eîd i Maudomald andt4 tcflnugutl. The hls#tôry of Mr. sandfield Macilon. &,Cr$ Adrninisuion, op <o its clou, le on" eoitormiuahle plots eud coont*r plots, - e *el te of deceptiou and îricitury. The. dfleopilà enmd'trickery prattised haqL beo already Pretty Weil' veuilated. Tim plot. ti.int a uo'oulug o ligitt. Not satiasâe, mea Party,, f0plot together for th.ealrt et flhe "pebUe lmtder," snd <o blarlien the "iavaeo o 0 mose, tha Grisleaders Ibeoly omt u 0 05er -pWo< aaIno «eh iotitert ii murabsid o4 M toaald asd )Iaoioegasl,.1< nU" apposie, have boueeerdeytvorkIn Merti ortu'A so hyprotended teo doouncsan en. meaurdil. For titi. purpoun, sud.lu *&" rte »0» ,titeusov«u l et he »eW CMeelt itey vere rrady Ioo ssiii u otlor sa ijolà banda wlib <hein opposais. le. B .1- l lI. paer_! -0 da lat. boîvoen Col, taeIi and bitmei! <t ite, eouveraation <bat pauest athe <vo inter vil et iontoed by Col., Tachee 'ses of an ent<rdy fun uoL duaracter.'l Wh.î îh. "uhulerstulng" <ose, Mn. Kaedonaidan Coonel'Tat.eau nsetti. between ltem; but tiieve'iius a"y, <thâtif the. vertiue masuehby Mr. Macdonald Io Col. '[ach.e -eorrectl a4tWêby-Iîthe latter, 'anp ev. atsudidg 4o boneoaj 1<fromu Panliancn ma dthe.countrywould bave been lu tbe- bighit udoe. ee eeagtîMfsudMuncoute tional. 1< volut4 ' Ve hu-uet orle ofý <boue uuuwotly Intrigues <c pm~v"séî oic the forma of Britisht Parliaunenary usagu 'are dllgemîly fraed -and nou,,&or <hpM, more visai7 <lan <bat itieit roquinru4bh .ariest and Mutsa inute commueloatlon iii' the peuple'. repreuntivu o!ftilte ln. "ndate oouuotod viitte'!ontati of oa nsev Govornment. Ad v1wla <lia. informationan a %qi<lei nformai ciaracier f, Wl,7, il (ho. B. Cartier, ilisi le ýWsaprepuwu,ýto betnsy bitsmnde and titIs lsdsý1t -kio, tlie leaderof 'thue omy-be vonl ?,e thue basett tnîttor to bo 4lind on Brit- lait soit. flt, O! Cour",' uotuWord of it' la rue.- 140 doulit, n a4s at msallgned hy COL Ta4 b1 .Wh?,08 tho bon, WM. MODongallt-We i1t, oma* declates :«The saime da? t sddressed uyxePlfto "fMr. Mcflouiall, viib mmde pro. iesly <buesite propoito"s MsMn: Blair- "oe»n.ctiu or T% mu o uu ¶! iîà U <NRD 1 la il a fittthat Mèr. MaDougalvas diir ans of formtng iasCoalition .oi' -Meuars., Cartior, Macdonid,, sud .Q<. Mr.'Me- Dé galspo l te , tiAsaeualy ftinCol. Trla obaildecla.strà 80in the Vouncil, bt ho didonot give itaf contradiction. wu$ ho Onavare <bat Ql.Tache, haut made' <he charge. nç did sIlence give ecousentf <ho latter-if ÈÃr. MjcDonzall vas in truth desinotîs of ali'tion viti <boss Cornup* tionisîs wbom ho heu denouî*ed as laur meti wuro dunonnoealbefors-thon iS ha worm. a houand.fodAhan <lion ho lisld up, <o $corn. 4Lnd4 ~ tsbu eCoalition, -if <hauit as<le ' bonet Compr~omise" Mn. MaDougalf ventnneùti o affitmit<bat four fifthi o! the tlpper Canada Lihsn'uls in tlie Agsenubly would support-thon vo tell iim <liai b.oiufamousIy nialigned the mon for vbom ho spolie.ý How charsctonisik of <ho men ? Sand- field M'scdnaTïd aillug ln hi. attenpt at itwrige w i <h Colonel facho, <onra round and ays .' Oh I',vo.,beeýitmalgnd"-"I nover &nid uo"-"M7 intervieWewe *<11Col. Tacshe wura o! an entirely informnel char. aicier" t This an old trick cof Master Ssndfiplds' vioën 'Cornsçoed. Failing in othur weans --rit as lais habit teoobtain prirate interviewa, anti %o invite ýmeuibera o! thu late Opposition Io- -ishousse for the- purpose a! canrying o"-hu nefanlous neoa- ciations; sud vben <boss vwers iidiguant- hy rejuc<ed, and exposere look place, <o shehien bimnif bobind llettinely informai iuterviavs,-" private conversatiens dit uny own table'breaches o! <ho igbis o! liopitaiity, s kc., Mn. Sandfiehd Mac.- donald is :ot tho mant o ho guided by a bise sonie o! honcr in public maiters; snd <he excuses vhinb ho pute forvard, if matIe îy others. ho vould lough <o soam sas ver, mavluish sentiuments, iideed. Weru' bis inîngutea but auocsful il ma«tered uitile to him boir thu sud wvas aluod. Witb vbat cuitiogtou dos %In. llrovu ÀA detiberats pro#"al by the leader "'o! <hoLiberasatê oaloscu, <oti the "leader of <he Torile. 1A edvbat gay Id<Mn. Sandflsld 14aodonal< t o tiis Wby i@j anaver la -,r séPer said W 'Col, Tache baisumaliguodei -"Or cagsas, "ho ba.'-lu lua abase conspircy <o. "Jdesiroy tho membhan for <oruvall 1" This is icli, and thuý cimax la reaubed vwben Mr. lBrown alis ' Ubut <oat "a bout <ho [fou. Wsu. KcOigall ? Ira# Why ds ot kMn. 'Brà ,vn répeât 'tho aor-l" (j ceses., lieensm? But hMn. Kaudqgallviti ail >;o'bramasfWbet la sot te bardubood or Job" adi uldsl'ac. dooald, <o boldly malie the dental. Ho aadtuttod hie readfiness <ojoVa s Mes nuCar. lier sud Macdonald &,.aSaUlut', huai. <1bai he'tsio )va u«Ilies Ite est he ook, and usintiin tho pi<y, patrIot Msd ahle gtatesmsneip ofuhe iïînltMen, <nota nons than ho taone biitenly, dénounmetimas tha eMbodlntt O f 1ail <bai vasUoorpt,- pnoffigear.Vc4 wcl is a gorrmft- do batle for tbemi t le d eath, if raqulred. Btt pOss"'tO Ropresentation r'o- tpu>tion, vho s;4 dersua.Wt <Iu pestiou vtio we Là ;9à ue'so -ist asaut4 d e oubl )bare feo' quaü au for hem J 4 "dià ïio j. hM lamueai *6aétouful t t he domstL' KactieugalL ,W t4e ltoau niMt: îs b., toultiéa'cf#uetl «UeOn Iu th<e, Nort o lnt rnd e-oe'v <t atyiU eÇomeU enougli <o lçkeua boise 1", Vo eau" eearsely blîk' the qui for tde aW alouate angor, laid ,OIhigh 4.é aeéiWs.. by tue -lgaom* dteO'ýiùrà <ohio &'bv. takenýp ace;: But the editor-n.ibief-!f t4ýImi per ouIsef h. qtsondau coloagnes, and vbean ho nov scoldsemu o volently, ltii.but a repotitîln a! h.e'bl <'yote, The Whatby 'Rons d nd araor.. l roennrinff lait veelito <ho noefanlous condnut o! John Sandfiold Macdonald'$ governnt lu <ferenceteta ho Whitliy Bond asud Harbor Company, vo made une ai'tc1pott omissions. Wo sbould haro s<a<od <bat ths elti Company paid as muait as *20,000 an <he capital stock, iu addition <o <hein pther ,4isbursomen<u, andI whicli lao! conasse' se m6014 nov tirv avay-a pros"édi lb. CMîîty, in developiug the resourqes o! < h. Pravince. Ws sîo failedte <o etiirtb<ai l'evas upon tho ver, day <bait tbegoremument vent out o! office thte endors in Council, restiaag thé rond In Mr.-Gotild, and tbu harborlutW .Draper, pwèeemte andI datorl 1 Wene <hure no other t'acta in tho case, but tbis very supiioPsoýnè. of-à . goverument, on tho day o!fis exit frotu office lierotrainsou a pioos of job. bery,,sud i ij It "0,.d ÃiÇ sd1 h quit.e aufficiet O da'<nit te;..4tvh5 vo "ae <is !act lu connuctian viti <hein othur partisan misdeeds, onu is fainly aven. <helmeti u t<ho great amounu t fvmoug un- jury, asnd injnuice vhich <bey haro perpe- tratod. IVe nndurtnat at 6"<bhe!inds", buvo in preparation, antelaharate article lu repîy <o <bat vhicb vo pennud hast week, ,h<lht îhey are &bout iý Ibey mlgiti aleo fnmnish repimato thaet'olowing quer. ie,-s-nd lot ihose of -um reudera concern- Ecd cogliti a little avrm hem. 1a 1< nt <rue., the nId Comp'anye nf?,r, on the fi rst o! F ebroary luet, for <he oaud andI Harbor vaa'arger <ban that of Meusn Draper sud Geuld' It is <ot <nue <bat Mr. Chuere Draper matie proposais <eo cna, or mono, o!f<lie parties tenda'nlng ta jounviti hlm, seoas to procure the oromIset a chesp figure- ahleging i bat ho lied tho san oette gor. eramentT la h zuet trac uiat Mr. Chester Draper nelreter.ted <bai liecoulti geL the vorlis cheaper <bansn ay body else-an t <at nu maiter what offer <heolod Company made it wonitI not li e nsîdenni-? la 1< not <ue-du nut <bu tenders of Mesura. Draper anti Gouid prove 1<, <bat titey w-crs inormed o! ofe.ra madie by,,tie ottI Compasy, andti <at tboy govrneti <hein avu tender accordingly, andt <buad. ded the odd$1.50, se as <o maleiti bQool ani business like?7 And'wyul our ftn»ion repl>'lug t <ho aboyt, also miats w-lumit re<1datas o!fiae <tondera nod 'accepteand vhou thitey ere ,Wene <lue ii<1 o s eJ, <la aov, ube'i tituher, anti othon eqeipuseuts, os <bepro. Perty, talion loto aeot idoatosby <lue goavernsuent 10 avardine the ooutà tct Pid not <ho 0oouetfi te gv s auesnr, in rep17 t heo ad Cmay s *het1tOthe aborp omeiiottetipropon<y vas taobe ialc e hth '"nye-AMi #om Duot ibo'valaee ofanéoh~iffanlt'c~u exoeti isnominal squt of*, ý i4 meosrs. Draper and Ooui4 ovaner, Cu pany's iid?1 dorsnYeser<' e l ouolot*&ight e'rsm tha <ore;udbas net tu s, ightiteéen is . mores! altq;eu ber fr<heir de*up iI h 'ncv Compae? " A 1 otnt te tbat lteFia i iisr reneatte ent<rtaln ailitenders taiet i outry, wjh them thse sd!aiicepaypé ni? su d la 1< Dot truse %th 41te Jle assde, pifrtd 0mIn Me eue, &the tet!ira of Mauerg (fai sýaut Dvaper'tau ttu teJý itave not t tis day paiddirn thte requin. tten<y.fire per- cent?,> '-<o vbt4ltw Pr but in #iev i Abovio ffnr<the1 >1' test qWtlh *aue t. Wenslye euwlrs tiasbleo usuref theiçae!eh. trj vten gia rou&ss Tod! terent office are distribu<od aiu.foIloW at- 4 Ura SLviktJ <ho seat o! Gos'trnmç,u< toOltiat iyl hoe faltb'ullYcarried out. tare vilI bu administered viub th<lie itest Ur* îuni iie btî à iib i 8in for equalizuog ushev iesd pec.. tiune. The question 0<' the Zepreeaation o! <ho peoplu lu Panllamon4 <,Wl fremusu an open question. Tii. seuloment o! <ho available lande lu Upper sud Lover Canada <ill ho earnua<ly sud eystemsicilly prosaoted. The encouragement o! <ho grea Agri- cultural intoreat viil b i.sgardoÃ,as' of parsuuount importance. The general policy o!f'<ho Addtînîstra. tion vahl bu goiorned by ihfiee great con-' stihutional principlea which., bine -solong guidud thé conuesha o! th. maths: coantyf and under whidi hoheuppinà ese' anal éon- tentaiment o! <ho people o! Canada woilbu besi aecoud. 1- .ý. i11 Lesagtbunud apeeobes o! a lulur Téurc ter vers, made by tho laie Prumier'aud by Mfr. Roltou. They adjanrnud util the 3ncq o! Mfay nuit, to s.nsble ministers to b. ru- ehected, sud te mature the measut-e adver. ted taelunttoir poliay. 'On motion o! lion. 1&. C08oh,L e conded 'by !Ton. J.fr. Cdamerous, w-rUtof] olection vers ordered, ta ho iâsuud for <ho seaus vaeafed -hyI<he tccel>tauce o! office of, <bu ssuv sinîstena. lal <hoe onuti CouciuThurîday, lion. Sir B. P.'Tace gave full explaiua' <ilseas Io .<ho unsucce#isa uuigocistione vbich Wataes", place, beuvuen bimself, Messna. Blair, Danion, J.- B. Maudontild, i,' co,1,forsa cotltiougo4,mu o! the e Iadaug SMÃŽiiteriéliOsîs ant ppos9i. ioaiis. Flax Culture. noînceing a ftsx-'acutching machine for sale, lu other columna, reminds es ibis week, a<rtsn, <o refer <o <ho important subjeot cof 1'x culture.. Au artïtie rwétng or:<hi subléic< atiegbi.'sert'utlnx ERATAa.-in laur reporta!f the procoed. inglaf a!hoeA.sis a st. woeh,;tb verdict in ibiscaste w-se statut!<oiis faVr of the Plaimtf. Thisaîtasia errer. Tii. verdict vas rendireeinlurayon of'the De, ,%Vaare nequestedtin atimaete bat a hawng amonait o! beaa«i!uill boi volumes o! tii. Sonptarea. <vi<b Puata-hilemtre) are heiug rneis'ed tho dapasi<ry of<tb Whiîby Bnaucb Bible Society, in change o! Mn.1 ;.a itparti«a vlahi<o e pombao&-am e juiteilta <ocaiisp4 w îthe, )m"a. Roatiooî N as» MC8ssusp bave boom elecsi Soliciiors.'te <ho Corporaioný o! the City o! Tonto. Ma. 'A4îisatsîn Cautx h"bas oui t etcied City Cerkothe Crpraioni of theCit y o! Tmooto, lu tht place o! <1 lait, lawdnu.. Pl clnrinz, Ouferilthe sý l n poW"" * b Stallion, 'Bl3aéln DoUgl1s,1' for sile, Al*îoý a tvo-year oltI, sud -tio yaung bullwi o! bi* fsaoosthboogh.br e hnaus. Roua._nêLjî.-~r Hamn ~veist ýâ- reronus, sud l ualincluded lu any o! the, ' Mlh " fo'iing atatoment shows,sa *' b'a IWbe.n foud practicable, the y p4J al tayifor each yoan, 'and vhich tbnaddj4gin ta tho expooditure olfwhich, t1iWibles ýe&<ho figures : For 18U ............16,000,00 For 1155......62,000 00< Pôn 1856.............. 764000 (0 'For'1861'~ .:..'11'ooo Foa 1858 . ........124.000 00< For 1859*,........... 981000 (0 For 1860.. .1,oo01 For 1861 ..:~:::.Io '913 l'O For 1863.......,...1I,87473 Addhiag to t'ho. gcnereh ex- enditure of eaclt pean tho b «, qesgireouî1.tiifiine .' two' etimuates four <ie.Oceaun Mail Service 'and t'on raiivay pEèyanuts, ii .hle, 'eýas f aRS rehates <o revenue âsud expeeïdituà rs n"Il stand Ibus - *'.. chance ry Ezaminsmon and IJearnn. Terni.. Whitby Monda! 4 ',18 6 4 EORUTHE t. The soini-anuuai o >ýna o! .9, dit. t'esses and heurt"g o! cià sè fo bis eà irn. ty wus openod on Mondsy, .4tlInsutant:Àf the Court Houe, fls"e L .ip-llhi Chan cellor residiug. Of tho Toronto Cbaui la., Edvsrédi Fitzgerald EW4,, nd'.C, B. Engllah Esq. 0f oui local ban' Vexe pie. set P.L. 1Y'vxilson,Lyman7 1i..R ilîg his post, as ýdQuty.Rei_ ro! the. court. Thé r eediuipose4 of vas'. ranzaut t'a. W uf- bk as a bill SIed'by onu 'ot'ibi' parties 'nhterest.od lu tbu esiate of ýthe late IWilliam Be ptoy' o! Brougham, against tho acting Exeouton and trustes of <ho estate, Iftr. James>Wood. ruff : a doorea byconent vas pronounced, ot.dering <ho usaut accoibte ta ho talion bï. thb-u tet s aiWhfby, aud ani njuno.'- dion te issuey aec)Roceivr o tbe appointed. The master te report any special circnm. stancen, for <hein ,directions . nd, posts rpserved untul tha master sahi bave made luis report. grI. »lske, Q., C., Counsel and J. R. Grooivood, Sgohicitor for plain- îiff. Mr. R. J. -Wilson, Counel, and Se. liciter for defendant Woodruf~. bMn. W. B. Ilillings Solicitor for Hlamuli, Mn. Shan. raid the inhant defpndant and Mn., N.' G. gtm Sohicitor, for,-defendii>" 5fÃŽhaèl Ceude as Siq, f"B l iledby by Mu. Cà dý of Oqhawa, aan»g,.,,ilý ên.j4 x QP Of'rî Pêery, sun'd 'nfgainstuui ë4pahify o! the Connty of Ontario, prayUýIng fora a econveyancs o! six acres o! tbe soutb-tiiif'of lot 16, in the 6th CQticesiou Of' Roach,ýsotdî'li error for taxts dute on tbu 2North.bahf o! the sane loi, sud bopght by; the dut endant Soxton, who subseqîoant. ly refuonqid to reconvey -te the phainslff who wsu mortgagee of ,ths properuy. Mr. Bîrown, sud Mr. Bowle3, calhadl for the plasintif?, proved tbu piaintilPa titi.,! William Paxton jr. proved <hie 'rror inah bubooks'of hi& office <bat <ber. voie tsô taxes due on.- the plainîioes lot, and i bat tbu land vas sohd in tuistaka. Joseph Bigehow 1îruved a tenîder te <bu defend'snt Sêg<On of'a recouvoéyanceofo!tho property. aud o! <be utun of fittecu dollars, te Icorer hisetenses. Thec defance *calhud no va<nsaus. dis Lordship after heaniiîg tbu aigu- mnenti o!,Counsul directed a referenoe to th master at t1 hleb, tu<o squire lnotheb ptaittifr.e <lUe. Fuither directiounsud- colets neserod. Mn. C. E. Engliau, Censtel,, sud Mr. Lyman Eugliuh, S.l~tr O litf Mr. Wilson, Counieh, and,)4. Hurd, So- lii40f, i4fénsw &xon. Thore vas nua aîqtssiauce for <bu Connty. -M LOo,-Actionion a mort. gage, payahle inearork. Cees settled be- <veen <ho parties. *R. R. Loscoanhe, for phainiff, suid K. Armour for.dufoudant. Coltynan Vs. GLanoiil.-Bili lied .ta obtaiu Exieutors' uaccoante. Ris Lordabiu directeid <ho usual accounts to bu taken by âg, MueîKer uit Wbit1y sund.a Receiver <oebe appoaua:ed tu be approved of by <ha ssid Mas:.er. Mr. Fitzg~erald Soliciton and Jonel forplsntiff, Mn. R. J. Wilson Se. flÊtor and Couaae.t for.d.eft, 1 ' &ler v. Logh. -Bill Bled for sale, and puariiiion of the estat e o!' tbu'laie Mfr. i,îehuke- 11 lTE% i .iece M ence idî hé, lasu'ér o! -theCourt at Wbuîy <o o rquine wbat aire <h. varions in. "M ' et&oM the parties to tbe suit in th" es- fate' , "o f tie 'i'0 e pLIrt as, to n terasais- -or s&p%ýiition wouhd bu musi forthj tnter,'saof th nrt iiet ' con. 4rsIrnqd -14ur. Cochr<nc Coun'ei sud GC. 0 ra.d fuir dndat Athotie 'aud thé infanît 4eýdptî-ur. I. J Wilsonî for'detend- .tut ftiuijagnube Lockst. Court adjouined sint 41'e ', hlf p~ut ýNoV", f thoeiW Premier b41ieveo,. ÃŽkeo! 'eChaîiâagaînut 'go, t ou à hvlib h o iutecou k slspe o fa comtulision veni!y, hé":is guil<y ofthe viles tuenonolsten<cy, <ho grios. est~~~~~~ prflayl <en<kto Make office, almosu on eny teris, tbs'7objeot -.of bis persoatal poljqyo, 4dif ho. dsd fot ho. ieve <bes charges against M. Cartier and lt adiitn<a W bbLo lent bimesf acivsly tefo pagate vbaî hoe regarded as f Ilbeusohdll, as grass libelu oun lhs man, sud "bis colleagnes, 'vitb whom 'he oll'ered to' Ocaalscu, .ou < ho- humiliating condition ai re@iXniug'ýthe, P"mimobp, snd forcing'M.' Dodnn <o fie up "<holenao!' Lover Ca. çada. Wben n. J. S.B.-Macdtonald npened tbu négociationu "iith ,Col. Tache and, fait. éd, ho eme te bave purposely rofriinod fromn subuuquent1y taking a, prominent part. Ru know, o! course, thit as Sir Etinne vas dispoeoéd, even anxious <o con. ciliato <ho Upper Canada majority, <bat it wssllrey ilt'obormembers i o! <ho ad. minisuratlon voutd lbu conaultedi sud lu <bis Mr. Macdonald conjectured iel7 and ~ud , ilôv~tIb evoulng 'or mfght o! <ho samoe day,' oentainly subsequenthy <o Mn. Sandhleld'a !ierniew vith Col, Tache, <ho nlebrated caune vwas lieltI, vbic ne ceiud onfidencu bothlinl 'Mn. Ssndfluld Macdonald sud his policy. ,Nov '<th. pub,- lic ha!. a8 rigbt -<o lkcif'a t! ho laie Pru. miOr,'set <bat canons, -.witbbeld fiasm'bis t'ollowers <ho exact nature snd termu o!' hi" "'gotiations W iihý col. Tache. W. bave-noeni*deneeco bat ho uontioned 1< ai, ahl; " or, ijt"So aIludedAti t:iw ethen lu .a general way on as snnouucing faihur!*.-,Te members of <bat caucus had s _righ t<o know evuny turicnarefbis, iutefvie"ilth Sim'Etintiu Tache, the précise conditions ou 'which bho oforod,*<o coalesco' wth M3. Cartier, sud the porltion ho wns iilit-ZIn~ assumfe ns suhondinate ln tbu nov govorn '. ment, aud coparnen 'viii tbu man hoti 116'- and bits supporters ilenounced.. St> fan as vo linov,,ibes conditions were coteacehd frosu tbu canuonsuad the- preutmption le etronz ahmost ta direct proof, <bat if <bu negot1ai1os. 'vith SirEtienne w-ai smention. a'd aý al, ie conditions on which <bu laie Premier- u ëened Io join the govenument, venu ututir Ir sulpreseed. If vu' are <o daldm ti eta< hie caucus, Mn. J.. S. Mari do' gd aipe s vuitable accoutii o! <ho nogotiations sud <be conditinssho sabauit- ted Io Coh. Tache for acceptance, <t bu honesthy tsld <lie members -o! thet, canent <the ' ho«oered ta ltae ù. -Cartier <o bis brenst and embrae bim 'f <bat to do <bis that ho was.preparad tuoactin -concert vith M:. Canthair; <bat, <o roscb sncbs consuan- moetion ofllhie pensonsi policy, M. Donion -as Io einqisb tho leadership of Lowur Canada, add toits s subordinate part under M. Cartier "...if he o<oulail, <bis ut t<b; caucus, and if tbu vote o! confidence lu hiniseif atd policy vas pastedl afier such-a révélation, thon <lie muai <ho veeuat <bit cancus are bis joint parttiers, active parti. ci~a<is wihin, bjétcorrupt auxiliûr- ies despicebte adulators ; misérable syco- ps ; ';" - o, 1vo -e 's, nW pfnWi phed. W o have no high esti'sate tf <e politicâl morélitty us! ba< pa'rty; vu eau have n Qe wthreeu<d ai s of pniu hieqcIëîýU4 case <b I'ÃŽ uso eJ r they woold 'non bave suemepha<Ica.I1.' oen. doreed bis inc îasistency, by becoming pur' ties in vbai, <oluhout. mocÈ violen~ce O! language, .may be"calied ' reachory <o ibis -prty., WO Wo. tkMOVV <ils;'7for if'.Mr. Sà asdfield Mî uit'(bdcle <éparti..- culars o! bis' interview vl<b Col. Tache, and <bu large o uunpa,,qw.e 4.4110 ed, ho fimp'usod oMnAsisù,hudea atl*h'eoçjuu and~ 4 i lie h Pà Ãi1 rtrithued iledsiê nuit haefes 'i ' <bey netb'havaiipuseltiou,"hey, we u 'e deUa- anppo-enatu w'sxrie1 s. eo'cfi '368,000 18,000] $759.000 *72?3.000"O o! the net Letton Postagre'Receipts,<b proportion collecteti bv prepitymenta'in %tamps w-as, in 1860, 34 pur cent. ; 18111 38 do. ; 1862, 42 do. 1863, 47 do. ,Tbrne wuan, increau lu <ho net Postal 'Revenue cohhee<ed, s cmpaneti with 1862. Of' thirty-six ihonsiand 'four hundred' sud twontyý<vu Aililaresusjd j6'ufuig4knens. équah eu about e per cent. EXPatWulTURV. 'hie Dihsbun'nentisbave boun For Mail Service............ $339,674 Il Salaries and Commtissions..226,237 59 Postansters, for lient sud Sta.' ;4 ' <iosaury............... 18,826,97 Pnlstting, adver<iaing, Stati. eétýyý bc .........'23920 72 Miscellaneou, Diabuaoupn<a%. 20.298 67 $693,307 061 The charge for Mail Senhue, exclusiveý 16r eOsâ' aà )I 'Ssirc, eovs dit ieied pnvmen< c'Of $342 as cotpared i <rth .1â2 for Mail Servico by Grand, Týuntk rfl;dy, sud dimintiion o!ft charges rd'totanthoats eiu 0,,tber branches èof'Mail conveysne, 50saiut he'cou4iaaursive Ug. ý'1nqntationin-tbpý total 'dishMrementâ for, Mi Service, inctudiog Railwvay paymnta, vas $6.218.09., 'eontho ailierbud t a à neniai iont"'o'f'postal ievéiiti ;fras the 4¶qa,u, f rntinsg, adrertisinp ai, -t. aoneny, the cllar'i,1. s t<an in 1862 by $12,081 .95. ' ion otéi'f $4,ui000 teiol,,'A on sqi,èct Dupet he lange suouit. o! posttage 'coilocted ut offices paisi by commission: iafllownce,ý ii*iWoW ti 'salgmotaion lin !W a ' pMount :9 t'Pir m9ps eld ', by eamp vendprs, vho are aiso memunc ratéd Notvîtheîandicg"' the înurespWi'-the, à umeç orpOst offies; postrotés, -and bu' <bu' iiotc'TmesWd-iel,sudilu corospoet. dence s vil ain ihaypymus"ho nov N>oneý u' rotuai !noin ilita.1st.uf %Pr Sept, SQtli. 186S.j uetion lu Canada is Sinthe -tbé'.ssui1l 'Oi 'For six nionthF 950,42. l'homo luas dtautiug the'yoair' lakt, by 1'UAt <rae the nunîli aide o! D 'hoUSOs.'ver,îaill"but niitsbeé o ibate aIt ipthà j'<.p i nul tqvt, ou nov iu OP- 'uiditionai' netiqtion havi boom 7,100,' pncducing a revenue of*- Nuau'bsr or Permils," Revenue, Iu 1861 ...5,000 *,~ 1863 7,100. ' '.2,128 - _lit bout thoe iujne. nu mjber o o a<e4t ed iietrs pnslicd' tbnougli ho m ai l n n :saî i 2l3usc f~Q The c portion o! contents cf registened lutte.ra duningïtlýe,-yuar wae,-e48.rj Of;<bete 43_ p sickaagets 'sisited-6ot <o have reache4ti ho 'pofut cltilcea f 'o irhilà tuho packages '<re dJpsÃiimad,'*c tte oînixcutrusgenosotan ci ' ; registered letters, of whtich counteno perîlibu of c6ttst weri' stnited ta bi mis. sink, on thie receipt ot' th& Isttsrs, 16; regis<uned loterà last or mlacarriedi ow. pu appnnfly <o, -careosetreatnp. lu poat' ofices su ad of.,ihiel hoh'conïtenta ,rare ;conioqauiltiy made ,éodbf: <ho <d o !lazvé hn,e to en'frm 6ut ffices or msails on route, à ;reistorod luttons acci.- ddoolouu.p& y rfiswhiîat,,pulur con. lelloS 'way, 1; registeredý ttrs delvered rtram' apot ofice ta a wroug- poison, 1. Thot~nî 0rg<, in b1863 -was 812-70 inexcus of <heua ntu!1312 Thue f,0lhoîvlzig s u' coinmp rivo esttellient -of the vuhun 0'ism s inca 1858: Year, au 1858...... 64,418 25 18111.. '. " le 22s50 1861....... .259.332 7 The dead ' t it'lr<tn e.nefollowe ..- De:uld;leutre. oniginâte in anud udtressd tri 'tîud itrl 'the' uther Br'itish' North, Auit's:ican Pr.v'ui1ces,171,204 ; oriigtuntin,, itîthi uiteI< n4ond othcr pl4,c uîhmoa.d, :uid retirined <olouidon, 7,584 ;,ori. ginu tiiug in tbheUuited State and retiumed tc) %Vshiiugféiuý39t246 e '<outh uunihemC finutuhivenreil lutter.,a<ldreuted <ce Ca ÂMI 0_18,0184 ; ot <bis number ur-oPiuç50 4 ui5îe6i , 1629. Réceived' front Waslinigon, suadlu< roiQntimg lu Canae, ! uvichdelivery i ir Un4ted Statug 'ts.d usicai 82211; nceived from 'Loeifin, dund"lutiunç originatinL, in Canaida. ari nt.i dcliverudlu uied lCiïgdom iand' othur plae4 st<uot<, 3.2,93 ; total' numîter of &-uad let<u.rN passirit tlrouügh Cans<diati dead ]eutt-r,,cffleuu, 253,,528. lu, 18.50 tise dicId l'otteure uumÙberud 245,89<2 ;iti 1860, 127108; u!n181, 265.'905 - iu 1862258,m 853: u16,2.358t .< iuit'utotony. t6 obgerve <bat' <lctof <il nusuhlien o! do'ad lèuuurs hennita lems pro:' portion thbau fornnrly to <he urbole nunubur uttonf 'llss tlro he Canadian pogt illlco. , 'Fnthe year ouisî« 110<1,Sept. t863, <ho nusab eP one irpsisvc aud psy. alle witiiisu h"Iroyince wus ý9,298. valuse iie $776.]5d,88; thé nûmber of paid ýWt1h- lu thue yeu:r Iwu- 22,127,,vaItiO $775,!iB848; Via stuniter o! issue(] lu Canada fn <ho 1h United Ktigdomi,14, 04, val ue$M4,221.47 ; ',theu 'iunilur of dravu lu the U.nited, King. domt on Jiudit,, 8,260 value *88.8MeÃœT. Theiineuy nder reveuîe for <hoê ,ssione, 'i46À.4 W'e bave a net revenue ot *8.05.7 gaietun expeuditunoOfAl. ý2n. t'là Te1862, tho net revenue % vAg#7 887.07). sagainn texpanditure !f 13.674J33. -.1îic e#xpentire h$6 i%$ s becu bas9 than <bat o! 86c' y $2.5ff/Tfl, but,. <bu 1rqvuuue hsti no't beon se large as wnia.d- ticIpatod [tnaihast' yors ne pont. "Fér!.v.ninie Ci. ,L. For 1852.-,230,629 *27o;,181 78. For 183 .2858 t1.228 51 For 1864,..q 20, 000 379,947 97, For 1855 ....368,160, 51i,7261 16 Fuir 1856 .....374,296' 567,886 62 For.1857 . 462,163 '654,904 80 For 1858 .. 541i,53 680,37449 For 1859; 578,426 057,290 88 For 1860 .....658.451 622,347 92 For 1861 .....683,034 719,056 37 The Postal 'Huronùe for,<luhears 1863, 4s.ua. .. .......... 769,475 55 lu $ho yepar 1862 <bu sane"items- vere:: ' i 97 The' chie! 'sources o! Postal RevenueI vers Oun lëtténé, & 'e.< prepuid'118.63-À 1862.. hy postaueu tftmp'... $315.000 $271.000 Do rnpuà td in monoey'or 'sentunupsiti.....f.353'00 'On Canadien nevspsp. un, ýihbludisag, sale o! nevupaper sîtp... 65,000 On U. S. uo-papers delivereti in Canada resimatel......... 20,000 misculuneous -[Letton. b4iiei, ironieà , soj.'6,000- j' Ail aIÀI w-at hUi