Whitby Chronicle, 7 Apr 1864, p. 3

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M-mtI - -i-I____________________ Spriug & Sumnmer snue ot I If A ts, euawera-bie for teptr l id uuier wear. Thoi publu arc Itîiil to tînt OLI ED V)ZF 3ÂIIES BAIN. TRU-NKS! A Irge safotteut of leathar Tr4uka, Atuntle, sud sinutie, lamue *cd smatl, for male. nt the QbD RIC> tt'roîîz. - Spariish Sl ~EATIIER-4 S :UI 1RSttcih <, -ot<rfâr maluI t tii0 .10)11>IL l>l )iIE. $24, aîud *$flfi pr JAMES BAIN. SI*OEMAKER'S KIT.ý TUfT iCEOtEIVËDh t>,,u&t - ortirî it i r>i iî <rsKit sm uah t thîe OLD RIEDI sToutb. TEORMI-CAMîII. __ JAMES BAIN. -FIN DliNIs. IY~W ADV1~TIE~UK5~N~rL A Mdeetitilz ofthte beimîbera of the Ontario Cricket Ciel. willI be lield eIt te -1to>a BSaturday Evening, 9th ist., At 8 o'ehuek, tor thm parpoms ut re.ofquaig and mrtkinit vrrniigrcmuc a rs lGranil'ricket Muk-h ogi thee(4110011,Birt.dîy. (riokottie tire requcsted to attc'ud. <"lîen îlavers will bu clioariufIn by tItm rexp.ctv'.' i tailt. JiJIIN ILLIP, ~. NUU8 ~tecretary COMMERCIAL IMOTEL, XI ir4à0ritT, iAWA. El>WARD IARMAND, l>oprctor. F? IRîSTrCLASS, lfilllar< Ronima, (two or 12r.larp'a Tables > iuuaohind. Good uccon- modatloon toi truvelleré. Pull Bred DURHAX 1EU=S FO0R. SýA lE! A pîu f iz4ý t' t rv titt i t eleeem Pro- '.lîtîlrîl, <n <vî' %l l l.tip Echib hiolns. wîît. lI ,l l ji tk e ir 1 :îf. ruhîî BIa-ek Douglas F011S AL E!1 T ill. heoiî i imlî urse. Altî I N l it1 L R ~EitN-&AI, BAIN. C1ANE1YNoT1UF..EýTo LE T. TO CREDITORS! v ' F'IFTV ACRES, N -0H AN CE RY. la the mater cf thue state-ý&f William Coran, iste oft he Towumhp cf Pickering, in the1 'Cotny fcf îtrio, faruier, l«tti',nuuim ghvt~ui et ',t<v'e. Aî<î'hY lit E. Il. maTîf'ICNKY. I eh o <i. ilitit'y A ril 2. 1sf t. decuaaed.MACHINE ' *Eri %-V k'1 IE subscribi Ilobert McCurmik, PlainfîthIE -1"'ll ]Cîngdor -AnuC ukformerly Anii (t7)\Fi.. Coran, ridow, and Philip 1 l%1 hi inlF118?eti hLII)i a Cafuslty, ber huiband, and LWtiib'Ott' i George Coran, aud William .i'î(ii'if by «'iert>tr i.tî e tcTlat îhey have Coran, and John Coran, <"~i Elisa Cowan. and James Cor-w. El ai), jntanta u»ente h.ai, te of ÀM O$it w F. Iruunty.onc yeari, Defendants.i, .-o thh '1 m P UIAt n i i rîhîr itiie liitlligiumt- j' --1 1 1II WILLIAM COWAN, O_ f the verv bbt L411e ut' tho "rî,Wlilteî Of1 <j ictetînli, 1ît îiuîTOR)lONT'O tin, . it i, ilti i tt.ý i oïýrr d. t, r,t htht ar î -- ar fti it) tt rhc i'.4.k iin t), - 04 ~ .*'tr MONDA Y, tke NY nth day of gay, 1864, N RU R 'ADVE!"ty" To cumo uinsad pnove titkir dehtgs be'iure nie, tt'e .iudrIàt*etliît 'r it -tr' 'tie t tîld GEO. LESLIE,- Propriotor, 4)'<t)ii-t; aI i11 m1w-itî4iiîmittîr Ptt._ E r1 O -S GOO DEI A L wT< eL'aivid De tu di 2 o 1*4 THEz Fruit, Ornamental Troes,&C., nukcc ur-,f 5 r i ~ ~ ~ % lci %lh4,111 1<, fo telac i nsd bi'st ev.c- OIrT <iJq5' 0lei-dliit ti-ronirt .. Pot atoe a Oli rtiî tivfuIl t h e v ic'. b A perempi i. lnari <L-'îrp1 i u.î'l Iil<l'-.ipmenti gratlis t, ly eacitltd hi 'mfi ' ti c au i liptrIe n dAuj ci-licrt, e<îet.esl.t'tg ijt, etlit Mii'k<1'C tt. Usn uf thei.tonkcic htic 1' raît trf p rot Umns .m<-*FO>R SA -Satutrday, (theFotsrteeaidtday of May <t My 4 <<,h.rs h utpuitctt for rol uîeli tZ li<îm ih4e .. <hi îi* < Ilf îîîut tuitI ela wcd iie aîne il) hie feardeund aîjudictat. *xicdqut i u> alt 'h;imbero, ut trotte ot'ttut Thrway, - be NbLtecnth day of' May Datcd, te twuîty tviitit <ay- uelm, 1864. 13 A. N. BUELL. riyato BO3ARDING HOtTSE. OARD AND Lî)DOI1NG F01Z0*2 lPER 1> n'ek, nflaue Byron bt-retP 1Wh1-QyUADRILLE BAND! T U- a , ~oî,(~gP.,Bla t.,o e.uî lible term.. ternis adigugunenta eddrcsam J. WOI.4FENDBN, - Whirtry, New TiR Shop.4o »TYNDAS, TRSBTo Tinzied, Pressed & Japanned Wa.et Sovre -ipes,i&O thelnlabf»nerthe Town of Whitby, «mmnW dbusines ju he&O iv on@ o.lisadestanid viere wilI W' fouti'ddosuatIy on lband everyëhhileuli- Iyke ndapîIg uli ill.. id It to 0he1? ad. - an t r iv s wlII n otrepro ad4p!lu mut thé thlw.. <pa;toueru1an9oeild.to jrÀre»17,UNGAND JOBSING All wovk dons oh thé lateu t approvad plan,< WIieP è*81OUnçd .xsmln. for oursolves, at14bcs beant 7u *fuI!1W5. ombined. NYW, AXDYBtR'T'l$EM EN TSe. STOREA Give us a cali and try the QUALITY 0FlTE GO'ODS,' At the New'Store ? JOHIN FARIQUITARSON. IMPOCLITEOE9 eérs beg to announce thse arrivai ol the largreSt stock tif ex. ;5 S. Unï<ed1 S& GARDEN SEEDS, -ever offered inu Whîtk .Also on hand, a large NEW ADY~RT1SEMENT¶S. VEUBTÂBLE ÂÀN D FLOWER lu great variety, Imported, at No.1, aiig's»jildiegs SWhitby, April-6, 1864. Seéedsman. PRICES 0F SUIGRS!1 FOR $ 100. Save your mooey& buy for' Cash. MII N11aIr ROSE81 WILL BO OPEN SflORTLY.. For 'Cash ooly, ,and One Price!i RPte& J. CAIPBELL EG Lo-inform their custorners and the public e eÎeralIy,- that -Bthcy wiIl be prepared to show the balk of theîir SPIrING -&- SUMMER tj 1iiii.LJitWIN TIIELIL [Iiv&CorerS.~w âfMIsx st qtudîty'. il at1, 2«.th, 1864., Lfld Barley, GOt. LEtuibtE, DANIEL HOLLUI»Y. T1 CANADIANX Wihhrlttrl 'e lir to c r-ma color' cleatie tue lahtlorf tdruflt, Sor-0 ., ilii PreîunilitU Hais' from aUling eij 1f~V 0F W L BY OGROW ON ALD EADS. Atwo-a.torey' Brick Store and l)wol- * lix, st'ched h theore lare ton URSrKî,inv Iftllrttit,,ntsd ail excellent * CVIar, , )zoql l>nîup, hall'46au acro ut L;.iJ .tocked i ch Fru it'frtee. A two-gtory FPrame D)wcqllg, 8 a'rîîct. h"artltntlv A,.ltteId, Veràliditllî, good ott bti timt, t)itj,m &c ,cnft and liard wmter, t'îthlmr with orim-imd.a h<mh1tmret. or Ltn,- Sî.leqiî.liri l;-rgo i .rirrd, mand Fruit Tres t* eery dmesriptinm inmtmmlmîe, 0>- RENT MODERA TE. d>~ T1r to tre maid building amnlninu<, villibe Let septtrat-ly, or together. Aîîîîicmton tt te iade to JOHN HAMER, E&q., Whitolmall, Ail 4. 1864. tg"hlby GRAND TRUNI R-tAIL W»& OF, *ADA. motemamchus8,IW4.,i NOTICE To import«e ,#ofJr<re opoprohdun h, ýpw;u of vloinu frp4, MI)tJeinîuIsueSUOthrptngh ý ilie« a silug 1 Liverpool i logi3, et eil bëoir pri.îclp stations and ageuelima The. rates oft reght haebenc0sIeAhy rdcd,an d ev dus tcb consdrabiyt Imporiori are so)tioueAa4Sbg$iâtecon bas t;rraned with -Meier&. AfLua . teI....ii Iixla ni.. od Ion It lias- h'eun tnicdut, ii prtrcd cl l tat In cnirrd f iti-tic besi rei-er<v -ch diurciy<'cirtl nud xkin. Nt-,ntsnotie certifiaset,,fuorurIme nirwit regpect- ahlp -wurilr'a lunt t-<.the ce ti'd Wct-. amu lui pummsseiuiof olie hc nider.d<gned, as tui it*, For<'ale cml the I>o.t OClice, BIiouklin ; Jium- etuti:', Waicl.mmkertt. Prirtoit.uii ;M ark Rohinmum< Dnnggiet, Ouwa ; J. Culhitforti, Dr¶uggeu.t, Ccfhurg .IL Janem,, <muer, jPort 1l ttylesîî,îiaIl. (l 0i, Wliitbt, eand hy AiU reaipectntdle- lrugghat* oiruughoutthîe frorince. Send ordera a ott itlpropietoraad nm ph. flmqiC.rW.. C. *. - JI > EORGE GURVEy, ~fElUllî'l>cilr.Drappr nOter, )ipz*b. oentluanim's iaririietît. minadeup l-tllbe 6650 7n ewet* 4tylv' CM treufaed, .ojuut4h" paotts for àrnr tt:xSa»URN FIÂl low prices for Cash üc>ly. I.ately ocpid by Messrs JAMES MeCLtl'NG & Co.,e on 11AMILTON Xo.Y NET, Ath Âpril Disolutiono a o t * . kJ. AMpE -whitby, fach 31, 1864. i12" tu-Iierui, se hta. tbrou titis dàay iiu4t pyl<, ilintiml ceunt. iMlOUten ti .t e i- arset t ttc4 î<mil tutthe U îftanilgflcd, vit.. ili nf Oie ahi debla sthis r eidue r nl u'<ai&ut k 8AMUlL BOX. Wfktby, ish tMarcli, 184. T4 buiogs n wlbcasled oPisamhercto- foret at th.e<auneisseof, ly- 4T AU PMSIl. (<IiIRI Ftuas nit gtrcoshved. di et mehi- luniideto"emudcii, fôr 1hUrU"'U A '<pT *, F'ri-' Faiily »rug ltrpitr,,--s o FA RM TO RENT. A~11V II~~ Tl IENe.rth-Eaat Fittv Acrem of Lot No. 27 11 ,ui iu r u~ li(i the 2md Con.; W itby. h'oîusoaaioa lm. , EE.~ P . F.~ .. înudlately. Apply t T Ic- r i1 'O.D S R. E. PEIIRY 'WANTEI> <local, Servant Girl, vorw Who cao ok, A atsdIront. Noue utîmolr inted apn'ly. MIts. L. FALJb1BANKS, Ja. Cricket! SADDÉE, HRINESS WIAREHO USE BRO0CTI rEÉT MOýNEY T 11$Nbý 50 -YONGE STItEET, TORONTOe o> Who1esa1e Trado VrciIar, -ROBERT WIlj-kEEÈS flcmpectnily ,olitq tho e Wtnfon (Il thu encrai <J'nade, aîr4eo Iderchameti, Gtrnamitlib, L ampiDesIr eopDruggîato, 'Tobaücuniut#, 1stit' tiouers, Mîiimera<'Cabinet arç Cricket!'* ORSALE 0 q taqy Wtnus oifl-ball of Lot NO. , , 1 13the 110h Con. of ýBrock-OO m"orcs clcmurod. Or ta ukh JAMES MCCIZ-FIGl1T, Mordi 8, 19U,~ STOYES!! jgjEAPER THffl EYFR. T HE LARGE:ST STOCK AND»1ETS ZLýIVariety 1 il St.ove<, S tu ëd.- Pur, It ire, Tin- &aOrd., dan bu sau lit tie Store 01t tue Stores of o ery styloe:îîîttqiulite<mimd at ail Prlcea. Tee popnmur nmw pntterii ktove ha*e bien liromducod, 1itilgatin tr rartica: TifS KIN& o0F 87! lVS, IRON DUKE, GRAND TRIINK, PRINCE ALBERT,' p RoTEtdèIS7, 4r WVILLIAN BP.YAN. WMtby ~i rtlm2, 104. -ly FARM1TO LET.ý 100oïL'oNo. 24, luiîlmù Ord voîcmptuoui of tu v.-'f Whiii.'-v v la indl, weili w,,.r.l. 'i ii(witÉ the excleption os' a few se < iirur'i trua,) cloarcd.- Atm'. t'-)ILot part of Lot No. 24, tu :lîé 4th lae -" * ti T-,-%nabip nt W lnti , u hruîjIim."'î' 1-11, <ni Louiri..ing 3" mmrem, Wcl drailurt l ' ntv,:',.ulWclf euitc l for thi hé-,." A *'.IteA<reSrenole îili beit ih'n ta suit tict t,-.*mît ir .0 yl l cmt but h 'artums. Ap1ply tai ilIt>MÂS DIV; 1'imkerig, limYchi-8j186L - S FOR-.~1L~ A Splexidid BLOOýzK of LAM'*, El a conpoitol' tLâthNoua. 6. 1k sund17. iiitti, l. i'140 it N'Y1fTA<ASA6& u 0i( t'btid ebotWhou rb*lng ditrict io'01c Prot- S vinco, sdn. i Cicrl~ alitycitenth r belthin 'esm f e]lfimut. 'Pr rsre abunt aixl> sérea u lened ttiol6oi mn ud tiîo diuitii voil ad p ted forONOI> LEI3GA BUSII. Thoeiiund lie vel wîtonl tîd i't10ie't excellenat Tmer. mrea on the tteiid'ît u Ihosei and oins Log NIler u.aîa rd, 01<0 Eeotierl, aut1 blhockewill adifiUuit)tbieg Luid vimlé4Iinfo'!<lty A(ceLotte. ft i-4 )4trttuâec boutsl~ne mlpi.Çonm Colluii)(1o ud )albot aine [ront «ylet 1Sltitri. Abricb, the Wet lalf <a otta r.-î,itlm bt-le- eocoiai-ou-loleunwcootiiii;t'<- 100 icrcw. otchiueoaàîd, harlig aheautifiif ibdm4 heiltik, D eacredoiuwlp Irelt inmïts e Ifl I'iti .' 6dr,âlltw rofu(the fd<$ ty frdfi th, viwkieofi. Joi. pguuayupyt 3N .h o -~ .~ cent discoum "WIJITE JbA G"jCROCUERY!-AI] 'a -114 TIII 1'Othie large, andt ,ai sgtck wJzjç.h i t1 te nOi'r<' 1"<'ery marie ior itur l immnie amante.t ratei Mirialyin thé foieigismrkets. and lcari itmiret'nri '14s pricea au oalpttt... - TDtAND POCJCETI<CÙJTLÈILdfe< 0<r Re-drrit gien R. Wilkes & C ' e'i,.til jréý NI]CKP"ItiqÀ7 11,FCTflo.4 'LfpJImio.s t4 Aty l'OBtU, wu, <appt>.al. s chuie iSvaict te o l ii iig' Cembae. Iltwhish 6Sajte. Perirem«m is tgiait siarmriis help id large ,trk andf quoicd l1W. DRItSS BUTTONS, PINS. Nk.EIIE.. iEnreederymd utgS iwh afi liim'erntDflet pert!, SMmrîees Ti a, i'et rnfcir . 1'igtinh. Frencht Germanied snf >iititt ari .Dande i'd- et,ra .wi boletoaably teh gstt del tsit amineil lmxi l"iit the. Can"âam, 8Eau ur West. Gld andimi Sht'tt'Vaithteg WVaîch Maierîia. hltasses. &., In fua artrîo French sndf Engciiah Wrltilns Papets. Tes lTittk.i. Leatt sncflale Penitcî. Sialea,P'i. nPmuulrEt> the cma or imherwltm. Looking Glass Plate, in ail. Si4es, Esncy Cabinet %Ware, Mustýi l li iietihg i.ceiî GouedaTop,, fIla, Mglàicg. 'Po)pe, Cimîhmresit.,'Calnia. RI- Beu Gvmi hads. Glssé;01,pfiedia Vases 1- uentme lampa Pmma ' agions. Uîi . Clp.. l>icket Douta &ec., &c., in grênt vrii. nuyerninainy'- the abuier-depaurtmenis '.ill Itrilkfsiitlf,? <r qutihy Immpecit Our -stock. o'tlroi? t>. imiilltimi îr luilmlila in cel). cetle stia"tei 'rceimi, Mardi, 181. t e'ls? 0 T 1 C El-Vcktr~n l6th DAY OP APRIL NIý1XT,. ltnoe'<lrt >msA9-<ut'-itiwt tuir 11tr 1tl. ' :î"<' I iV'.uLtsî22'fil 2.1, aiii tiî lrtci.î lilcu<<j t , tf'tht 'totl iîii' f t 'itlnlt<jr 1< *,ttiî'l;itil l o trti .tmil' iaP lt-t '1 l ii.<:' lillit uitît nàmcertai hîî pttîu «<<&turipr-on lis1.W L-S., cui tlimît h t dy 1$03t<t'. , <EUX4tisi - - r*4 hln.i.. tii ii' -t.'iiî<i<*'top îligt Nortimer1Nt1'l'ait ut the .id 1J'«t , ',lit tige distarieutoff 11<0v ilnlointhe othuter'î Augle et' tue tmmîtklot, agt irntigg t<1 litta uni aixiiccil di:rui-A .twitly -tito <umll<tnEt aevrmm<y twîî l chmttmaunid rrt- Im lite lk' tir intersect ti., a estenli lltditi ieillteiwmmuèu, t'u rond et- teurlayltmtho <i lWlurit- rout, fil thme villmime of Fihrtr, timàiAimid lnîtnd 40iri tti tu thme wcitcriy Iimit thureùV' * HEBOTOR BEATON, 'fô%vimip Ll,.rkr tOr 1% Bait<iik;.1o iruy ?LAX ~CHff~HfNf~ Houses to iet IN Tas Wliltb>, Apil ft, 1804. WBITBY BI MltI. tCLdANJh UB&S BAND 1 1 1 IIïlek b.1r ývle . i

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