The youug atranger, filding relatanco i talà .,- teck the bridle cf hehembrs.e ver amips, Ju3a IpJ) hlm atmsud walked wlîb theo ld man te. waudm thé bouma. Theo thor young mon,- after talltlug awhile among themeelves, 'The great REPECTOR LÂMP' separated end diaappeared ini different di. (;ivîai ont a lghe4 ual te thLe meut brîlliant rectim.1 ga 'or bllIe nt front 42 te $88t The estcf y tae i OMT>' old-tu lÀîng'î Builditngs. Brook St., Whltby. the> yonng strauger Michael diaoovere-.theb. fi 11,4Lump la the bout teontod yet il@ a son0of a distant relative. and on early treet liulit, end ubeîld b. ut oery hoeol d<îur. seboolfellow fre d ndcompanion:- 'o' t of aupplying the oil oonaumed il, oni> uobol.falo frindabot, ntuoe cent pr heur. Risfater roaldod amaito destin milea Lntîulq à eeo> ,l 'ru uit' c off, end being in comfortablo circumstan. ut ail prieeq. ces, and lildng the fortune old Michael propoaed uivingr ber, beaidea thirikiun tho innocent loltinir Paggy Wnuld muîi.unl nRaatatcepstrts gcod law, aud knowinq how Befialctora, Chîhncys. andal] 1 01)er lainp bis aon wuattuached to ber- and she ta hlm tXii, b. eoceaetd te their union, and the>' wore 5 j f aceerdingl>' married, much ta tih. mortifi. catice of the young nmer, wbo aapired ta 8cr itttaeior> et a&l kin'la, Clteap as Toronto th. baud cf thte fair dumegel. After upend. -priceh pi to a0G CY,ý iug a week vaiiîbber father ahe wau carried OToîegruph YBiiliit*.:S lu triumph ta tho home of ber busband, î'rîî.Fîa oatnvuap, tva., n<d ilote wbere wo wil loucve ber in the quiet enjo>'. ic.niai croate laid, wove, &e.; Il-kgc, Pena1 ment cf ail domeutie bapjtineau. aual lildera, 664uc*a-----r.l i.Vrayulîlng l'apers, Cnrduq,thtorpî ibîc riamiuccard cauna1, &c. MAI.% Drîtîgtit ÂAeeclempoarry givea the follosein£rie IlIN Vrs FOR ncODu OD, amnaiug ucceunî cf iis cexpeýrience sith a ILN FO C RD O , dog hichLe ougb-frm a ~slr anhi, A lii lut of Vio us, Clioai faor our Cnrd- dog hief ho ouýh__fom adealr onbis A t i,, lowe, Strinea &uéte asurance tbat ho w s pea t a r atte."l Fiecsrtatteury itn grealt irier>' it Ile bud nome trouble at firut, in gètltiog a GEORGE YIJLE'S, rat on whicb to -try hise "pup." Hoesuanc ceded- a ut a, und as igap'c tîlng'a Buildiitiz, i us Brack Street, Wliiiîbv. Hoseover, the itexl ulcy 1 sca0oofortît_____________________ calte as te uccumo froten, abey in the market a fine clal-line, -bohîttileal r;t, sehose ftor. 864 ioua efforts te chaw eovcrytbing wlîhitîS F M BO T N TC reucb gave promise of goioiua sport for S E'- <T OT C Nip. Teck the rut home, clledindlumir doge uud tbld my siffe thut if uho wanted TItE NES' FAST bAGlN STEAMER ineteeob.wuy the toniea isd rats, ta 8< came dowu lia the.baerit. Ste came -i- dowe andl ulut te dorer, juat iri-itne, tore - for Msscore as Nip sauetire rat, he, Nip, ~ ' cia> ratier, for achich 1 paid the cii garai five dollars-. isiiti -a ost utîItaaul yIl O H ES)R cowardiy triovemnti oward treiuil. Wife, U5T. W. T. GRIE"ENWOOD, on a chair, aaid than uog did not u;<pncr ta soa n erat. < Wil!-<-eceriiiit~iîa laiRochiester au Ilie Toid bigi. ifa t t-urp ber breuuh. Thougbî 1 woald troi gzira Nii any tenson 054th of A.PRIL, 1864,-C8O for not saeimtgthe rut uguîum ; sui îiedi the F ru O îlýe I*a7~i r vîrv Murdit>, Weul astrlug-that heu the alt thé dogeusaii iNiind 'l'"411. karin leg. Benaw- therat titut tiir ncd jum irue '-îuî u :t..............i7 u. m. ped on the echair b> wife. 1Wifc laughet ii. . ... . mta aud aboved Iiiinoff. Tricai them ta,îe iamirt 1< un................r1c. ini. nemi. Got off the store withouit bp;miiy Direcrt for rtutE ii..arrivrie huera ii in -e abared.l.'liec rat, iîowever, béiiag au oid ue-tact eth i<e, é*YmrkCýeaîrl iP-a atager, aud ont btin-mag ed ta lurtîcrIear fierc lit aion Ei t tu a i î-t outil tcAarni ui af teaanuu-rii a-,ian r ua-at uîuîd tSet oielte le moiti, mcdo a demuntmiioi ori Nip'u, rar, us i h of'1'aik- 9titaria. auddaoc't beliivo littie Fuira Temple ever R l i /eater will ri .mi Viec 'urn made botter lime in thte came uitusthun Iic t ti ' 1 eta a'bi ea ta' that dog and ratmaudc ameunaitheicroom. Izturin,' e -t irrimr a-lit louve PRcleoa First haut, duig ba t, l tad, close ~,le iart ilaTirauyciatrt, a -' il. lur ient toc Port Hope-. unîtttile ie ioilowed hy rai, sWbo. ou utrîieiie th all' ti,î u-n -¶ui.îiîsl le tht ataticd mile paie, (fotetool ln the ortier), broke r- z t:duirta liue htevx1 Mail Siaamuliru bedy-ie faci, neuri>' -brok-e-bis îback- 1 1rco n i Et asî id et te-nrn ae. anid befone ho coulai tie bmazmght dîwn, (ho*e,in ii Vire " 'A , Dock $2, uiextcra. AIl wuma alding an bis bock). di>Z led him by -a lla rattem i lt ser r-euiiik sehole lengtb cf string. Didi'î aloi faim Fr iciolr particiitia eliqiire OFIii. Sqcic, wiad, but stanteai on the secondi heat. oct - .lroao W. Qutck, Plai1tIie J off seeilItogetiter (lied) andti irnt faiv /ti-i-rii Wir &round neck, andtaiIlau.nutit the1 nreached Fi-imr Mri 2 84 the juduie,'&ada. (aif, standing on a ----- - chair), uguhea: whhhdog broti,,ht up solide NMOTHE R S 1IC bricgiug tire judi owi n iia stye lire. Y.uaui i <t inoîiiralisons fan uuiagt emineari>'uulaeir, if tiot diuinit'rtd. arhe,.WI v alo IeuxatuI',V.oI Confectacua:gli lieat sas decideda giiit lle idotge vou mur ,1J--Ci iliinaat i(un uia odi> slii> bet, and h wsauouI>'after mach liamuursioa i,îceut itt*l<muiliutrn that the judge would ogain take bhrn auial.o 'aiuetcetma! ipcar Tte third test may' e upu>' îenmed a 1 14W4.1i id l itiinL cjt iîa diad bout. Tue>' gai off us wadi upart il -teuiaitit nitîitorviti.i- u ,trae tii the dog convenimuriiy coulai, and étiileif ii îlirtu tic cltu-i cici r trl--lui liiiely until jusl as îLe>' aunuck the am >iremi. t , îîîîî<e cmude.b>' qutften, wseavuhlerat, whiic rta uI un us VAN DEUAEN llllIEltS, weli on bisla hck us ceniis legs, shied tht- Kingston, litauor Ce.. N.Y. track, -and gaît ratlirn tîeecu>' soui.i :d P-{eoui>' 25 ai*. oaIBox. &roud atable Ieff. Datgkerpi on fus fin AE . Il tERRIE aes .tring anad leogth cf hiT leg setalil iruirîli tiibv. let bits. On raisiog the rat ho seau fouti zWioeae nlFeul têbe non ompoir, totatl>' c f'înctin tu[net,Agl. dead. Nip ua oi inucih btecr off. Wif-o aid tha: that do,,, couidu't kil mice; tbld liec tiat h b lenr anilykille il that rat , but, an viewinn tht.c feu'ti A ucieuîîhlc igit, r mus% confemun 1 did cuit 1)VI ON c u S feel quit. aatiuflad uiîth t-eierf'oîmuiirtà ofu t liP. ,VIE of My pet, acd the o nmImonuinicueb nr sua>' te a milkoxuu, sebî acltQua luiratir (OU N Il O F Jý1A fl ,Q e ta, free hbu atable front the depreduticias of te. vermîn. 1 bave not boom, able t0ea- ~î ttl~......Aphl «Il, 11«. certain wbicb loft imnafirat, the rats on the 2 ietcni.........L 5,irc.............. 64 I*g&siataintio.-Q. What ia tie dif. -.6, teacaertotu ..........April 20 :: Fe ference betweee Attorney said Cunusel 1- Z. BURNHAM, pe. io a lawyen, and the oîbenujawjer JudiTuC. O. E 1A Western Udter malsa hat 'a cbildua rue eter ini tic atreels b>' a seagon tbnee loara cid anal Cros oyed, seuL pacîlets ou, wbich acter apauke afleruanila., A. e ut> trgeon loved le prescnibe sait sesuer. Be feilI crrboard une ca.- 'Look, Will,' aiu a tailion; tierema the doccîcr 'lmbled lutta bis oun modicine cemîf i A country' papor apPukiug of the arreat of a fellose for Relling a apurionsa 'watca.-guand, gays 'the cLaie of gut lu --Complote ; ihbuving been uacerîaiued thet h sema a gilI Chain.' A cccol apocimen of bumanit>' atopped 1nto»Sa piniîg offie eout reat te beg à , paper, 'l3eCauue,' auid be, tue liko le reud nesapapera tory muchb; but aur neighboesamareooe ainry te lake eue.' A leur olaT bacbolor saya ho aiuaya looles under tieMarriage heond for tb. now of the'eek. le the maneb, do'î lîoed the or- drof rigiitabout' sehou yen kno*yIon are about rigit.- Evon>' mata lcntowu boultseen he play& -the knaea'o; ia ueéigbona kues esut wse lie pl&yu the (ccl. If auemetpty, éÃrsie-could apoak, sehat lore-like aPïecir seoulal il nake ?-YoelI fiedio change iii me-' îlcw can yota turc sin, Into beer by meéana of 709r'*sef. -B>'pultieg %tent te port, >ou ta taio lpcor, Puch, ineilIa fashioable Iratie reort,, ,ays isatorÃeasfor ladies' dreaesofeal coelurs, are in briak dounand, unît brnug Seoci pnlces per acr e. Tbe ancmumemsnt of - No Carda' in a asarriagenottce., doesa cotaignîf>' thttle, b lrid groome hua glye uap piaying 'poker' or shist. Thé lcelieaî faces are lo bh. seiib maoulight, *bon one oesa lf sith the e>'. andItalt neh thebanci. mu tht>', Marc!?2. '865 s WISTAR'S BALSAM iom B caa DpoteNtivL ..HALF A CENTURY, < Wirb iitheuot utoulabingsuncoosailu ornrug LW7Coughe,<'olda, uotaronenoi, Sore Thrvat, lInenza.Wo>oplui Cough, Croup, Liter, Complaiet, Droni- chattua, bllIcniy of Brout- lsg, Aitmasend every affoctionaet The Throat Lungs and Choijt, Tioe là o caresia, one ledlvid-1 ual ie the.omemunjtyseWho aLoi- 17 eocapeo, durbag a aeasen; fremî @Oon. o osever allghtly ide- vaopovf tLe abeo u<uptemna -a negleet of *hitinight 1usd t te lut ased, un it ttoat qsale-gae. The power of tLe 5neelicinmsl guna»f et li lid rot Cherry Tre.e ver ttu olitua of compiulnhi la se oi noa graest<gedtbon p*rfoci-- 1cd,' aindt60 &grat tihe popularlt> ilý baeoequicod. fia ts prop"a" t i du tut virtued of tue seote, ti hua, te to/jupe, and t cuira iuc, , N tt in neofltr uadictens e i&vloed. Ce rtIleate (rosi L-I. Raoinep Esq.a o tf the Muaaervya. 8. W.ale & Co., Soidou, Genleen-Favegexpeiealee thebn-nct mrtifylag resut. roua thé wof Dr. 1W-,tar'a Bi )fa uaWild ahrI s x> a wqinA te ex S AUCTION BUSINESkS. ERASTJS KESTERib Ltcensed Aucîteuucurý, Valuabor 'and, Col ieeer.-Residence. Brooklin. A UCTION SALES and'Vtuiutiaea la aay ML .part cf te Connty of oîtitric1 ulttetîîtîd ta on moderato tuains Caj4alucrvune oit Gocdt,. caittied for ,ela.' REFtIr.auuCEa.. Alex, Mieoduuiial, uil B. 0'- Dentca, Atittianera, Tcrauiow; J. IL. (erriem, Drik-gisi, W Iit uîy; iS. M. Tîmtoutîs, andi T. J. -ililîty. Macitita, Breokit i;Wia. Wfilncx, Praittntce Alimr J. W.Gasuîlei, Euqq., latPri..C. W 1alfied, Bailif?, tad Suatd. Wialdifiefat, Eut., Uxhriiluo. '>rdeic1'teken, alid temma de kusion gi iLia LATE LDÀOýNVA WAU C O- 00 AND MANUFACTURER 0F ýt 1RAS UEMOVED TO FORD'S OLD STAND, «mj Offers the1 following STYLES 0F CUJTTERS, viz: Canîmdian fiatent Front, Rollij ARIE OYBob Sleighs, MUA wiPwllCitosWi r lt Alo hihh sellinxg at cJr-af/ly Redured Prwiey for Cash or trFchmrMlar Vie(thappi oveit credî t. Sojevr JLa.LLAii~oe n O be Rinij lie t a01 Barrie wire cî<i 11injc ered, which will'be 901(1 very lovr. Two good second-hand Gigs all cring c ,U' 4 «nt: i'i, tcuiWa.% i anyand two sets h eavy Bobs. pare nfi l ravov e. _________ ______ tF4Ordera e sd arîW ire (loti iefercace tta %dwjtitl Caldlwell' Wilitb- Thineck ______ aw. F eh) Lot, Just Received, tiarrie, Feliruary 12, 11864. 64M TIIE UNIVEASAL CLOTRIIS WRINGER 1 Teonly Wringerwith the ! IounS IIy son and Eoglsb U ack COG-WHEEL REGULATOR!MÃM Ã,% It Suives TimC, Labot', Uloles & Money1 T Tic rtenriialtînt iul Irutial- IVHtieaýr linor f- 1i ci i l iii ii moriîue itrcmig'lu af fai i- - aîi<uiima - uraea. ait taccmae ici-li, Itti tta 11%nluîr nuacluituainade. It wilI aear foir yesrc witout repair. No R(rrant cen break .t A chîlcI ofght u<eatrsOd citeoporate it. No caution tir qh1ttreqIi rd l i Ita-e. Il sarcu fia <rouin le tthiurr erery nde or twela'c moatha. Erery %Vrincer with ',#- aeial Wnrratted lu every ptarticutttr. Tiuu, 2Uniacnnmc Wniugi-r tîîîîk thae FILST PIE Ilmn ilvec Mu--lticit I)ipima. i uni Ne-a'Yornk lte Ftsar. lii±,nia- « ie.uni 11iuttiaat aîîenUiîî tnahut--ns îuu rmua LtjiW Fairainutomit-612. Canuasors Wuieteu in ea'erY Towan ln Caînada. Paccuu ruhuimnr -tire t'. i-r e <t ',Il*rnaec re-ici il t SW riil ,'- u1n'. ;t-;JiL W.HI. CIIILDS &(î. lndoi e-6m. ALEX. MARON, auebec Go'vernment Agenèy =- ln.*-- Bainnna .iiicr-ti arll te M~OWN LAND uit aller PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. E. J. IELY 1 Latîid atunduîan.Avrent, isè %urchuIrl. Wt.- mciA "ii r.-tn 1i >'COMMERCIAL COLLEGE' - KIil,g rtirm , imtao, V. W. irat door East of 17eseyan Book Aom. s iT.ùiEl)lu mtmeein a sith BUreAur ij ;Tu%Mx & Co'a eli;ii « f Inturitou thue langeeu ti44ou imiahp taSict I Caun uacala. Deatignu. ynuutcmen amni 10t416%a nrepar.ui for îhe prahcidad dtiiePtthîle. 'taitmimiorifoupa, or flac mâaçingt thoîr eue bnaiuouc wit sueand idntucion-i oul ntyBo-kisulual Thertiel Depntmet. ,ýý noetiiaaiepuîrnent uemrît reiaiità nl- nuteg ieiîliidoub li hntft v oith kctheîîg lie. amuocml cou<amitecoa ati Panniratiluj fl, 'ore lie atttatentera ttacîi est-v be-, eotahlîheuf selîL a boncS le cat ouptal, shetîte nable% thne u$ueieute la ect Lia exclami. chages, maTie deaihi, go'. hie papordIa cauned. etd ruituel h eer Ibuiness tuer- dental bu geviral (radfi., Erpé n e of coursae* Tqitletî, Text Book#, oaidulpilîtk Yarcaa, ?ifty four etollarp. Unitedl Siâtea Cirreuey, e--Fort>'- isea dollars Cataudas lmita. Readinx roou ed L[brar>'. Yonne mec and ladies pamchaig a Scliolar-dl cLip sii ho preaientoa t La Cardcf t misasion tte u oRsdinq" tin aiaidjAbr. ary o.f the Mochanins' la Istitut@. u'Jem. Milrray, 12A., a ott ar> C. , 'A. K, iutC1nueor, ntt lMiitter &SNe- ow;TiionattoC. T(efec. Tyq. .P 2 Wa ylesetu.* Ecq, - John Muoidoncild & o i.;> Gerge Tuichie & C.; Adam Cnoku,. Egq.; Vpsa. J. il. Cueerta. Toronto. sc, Lqn;s lýl Touch.j,#r_. P - 'XsRentIPrineipà l. unditc(utefetruotorle E.,Dy - Praiceof, Aceenutik-Jmeu Troeler of Spenecnian emtau-.W Leetairema on Conmemoil U a-la. A. fier, Tison Em.a., B. C. 1L.,n stîr;iRobert SeUl1- Sad or talze a"4 Ttter (enco4» Te.Te 38. 3s. 9i. -As. 3d. 1 .T 5s. MLS% A PU BRE .JAVA O6aFFfE No. 4, Laiugs Biling Wiiîo aîsd Sp)irit Merchutnt. Wlitlby, Fe.b. 10, k '64. 5 Wil11 lhad xcllntad coul'ccuent accommnodation. Within a Fow 'tarde of the Publie Hall. 1 1 -04 c' TH erivate Parlors ,GE$ -NO:.H0IGiER OTHE RHOTELS I WM T JACOB, BRYANI PPIETruts WM. TJLL,- MANUFACTUREft 0F ALL K[NDS 0P HOIrEJYIADE FURNITURE, Of Ctir% foi sale a tory large sund excellent assortuaenît of SOFA."';, BULREA1IJS4, OUNES E DSEIDS4 T&ble, 2Wad b Ce-of Draawes5Lo6kiug GaM.soltTi ln t mtrésaejs, Par- ler ~ ~ ~ ' "e ralgRom ai-r e" nRockli harsflmIce Chairs, Çane-seateît -' b*irs. Toulef Tale, To,%vel Sudu &cc - lu greot atry, and aIl greati>' reduceal pniees, Warrahted to e madnce f toe boit material and wonkmanship, Uc reapectiuily inivites an oxamninatlon cf liisste<krc-L 11p19 And evetuytling inthIe E cocstantly ce band. I Wbuîby,U ÙW. Lafely from Lonadon, Paris andf New York, huit thve ltouo o t anoina te ftue inhablitant8 of P/itiay, unît vtarrîualincounetctry, that he lias ted up (t/ aselrgeu, pecaciad ce- mac/voua reoronu oer AMv. .Ie/l Bifc- /ou's Dry CaoeelsStor-a, innhcre liin. pi.epcree/ Iota/ne LIKEV'E,ýqs in, theu loteat and mcst vcient$fiv, ty/eo fi thte art. Amtircety 8ea ici' Photequp./is tel- e feu re,Ti;" a nd, ed îlcî.r!le<îla e il a'eqiuirce.l iaktnd2 yucrca til, or rio gea/e, att/te /oice8t pogxz*,u/c liemii«I pro- Y"Ora re»pect/'lv/ly, J. C. BARRIS. Whitbiq, Judy 1, 18813. Y i--t etlrotypes a tenc îliucer ava-/ uiperir te ma y t/uî'r /vetiaî aui t/via conrtinenut. 2 5 REM 'ïf 0VA E O FFICE cf ithe British & American Express Co. Molntreal Ocean Steamship Co and Glasgýow Line Steamers. ReîicX tucmioan rieutît of tii Iicegiulny Of fice. ROB3ERT E-.(CA MPBIELL, AI.StI-Office ot C/tSit'h3ELl'ls t t5Ç I US Whiutby, Apr 28, -ý862.11 FIRSIT PRIZe. SEWING MA-C.RINES îuaea'( ~ .e4/ - niai \7< i - i K'k- ~ 1 ~c/ ~ ~Eit4O MACHINES UO~ItIJNÂrîo¶ ~ 11F îEUNIl. iLIER nurnueillfor -,Fonl f T c'tu ttciiu o itadgce vit the i'cumtcîîl Ettttlta,, bli utLon(triti, sapl SViitte'r ai "t,« Tue> lalm ck tua finit paiîe Fuunily .Sciig iiolîeawial. M 8, W.uitzn & f e'tp. utittitiiei ithe P(incitlal Puir luciultiis Tar6ata, Sit. 22, 2,2,'5ttuli 82util[ aise first ltrizm snswanîddlu t heir bimger lfor Tbe Finît Extra tPmimo sauslo g itou fuor Nuit., 1 ciit 2 Singer'i% >14umati actcncr Inî'ce i'pniz estfau! lar aetiarctr eore aliksiîtrdeuî 'WaazereiOm -'& liruil' rociit-t Maicitte mliii Wcuzer & P.aSitgen's >thià ciiiîra aven aIl eitlem,lt>'lhoe Boardi cf Aria umitet M-uitiut- The>' ailta1 it rmat Exti r hmut tirle noverai Coauul> AîIrnicuIrl tti na-- a iiti- loti, tatisOit. S.ilc It, hitnssIlle, SS'ibl uhitre tirer hure heenexihilcîel. f,,r " Warfzr & tht (Ta.' fomtmatioii anad ýWaizQr '& Cala ingerExctlun>' tîceila iLatoertreq r autitaeitred lut te Urtiteil R. NM. Weor & st(10, hure Steeelin imi- or ai ilien anti Singerm Mlehino- an md remtor- 'Imag tinse pointa*elich s ecfnot dioilo i a c Fîrstt llaaulw eflcmtlb>' tftilng -some uiew lurentlattu (for sehiit tto>e' hlutt emrcul à patent lu 0attadiavae accoced in h rodlig -o perfect tesing-Mtthbiue, îtriiclu livingalimapîe- loaasthan fun utela,iîtn tiuioicf nkilt iliIi J oporîitolu i actu&etunl t etndersa ht little liablo te-gelouI of repair, amud it lataii il' alutel. Thme public, oit exauiccitlnn twllt ze & polit.cmitalou ?'anulvmaelui[e. J All Gentil ne Wner &C.uiwtcMtll 1îcor tire maamp of iB. It5Wnzer & l.,1inli.- teefo tho plate. i Ià ulre -q 71 wiiaulcaifit, hu t hle lie applicationî oh yaeir 0a1laite is iîcw camlaieteiy ccred. NIATTIiEW SWALLOVIý, Jr. t'ickericg,January 17,1861. Dp.c t t.-lIi justice ta yoî, sind îlc Pub lie la geticniat. 1 tiiinl t Il idit to rcccîuiril yaîir Mcviehriteal Germnait (>11, forthie cure cf ctat., brali,-es, front lites, &G.,-la iquiîy eltca- cionas liellier appiieti ta citaor hbatu. PEER I. IIOOVEi. Pickering, Felirtiairy. 180?. Dccc Ric-Tan ie ta yaîî, aidlsnadniy I owe ta tii-t 1 bi eitlilak t riszlit ta recem- 11iendîtycîtr caîchrateti (ermunttil, fanrlte cire mid fi4 ba it"es, cia, tîrases, sud aiecf uoroa -<l ii..ctiiiîg. DANIEL llOOVER. Piekami ig l, , -2. Il1i actýevatrain ai iîui ruatîita acre for twti yi.a rs witl-îîîit intnruuiauiot. 1 wiiet ialimeet to Ir>' yîrr eeteiirteil cil, attd ciii îîw complote- SJAMES FITZGTBIIONS. lime cf theIra mitedicaîl m-tu luntire Couîmty serlhe %orl ou Si ,-elervryedýreauil aveuearvidt hour-tieielrt ut prvoetîa I <Slit i'itite lind k1ut e ii Icit-pnovcha iie o ttug uibiuit- -es ri T n'bitaihUitc. an ofie t ntorui acinio -r.t it his tne., anftiledcctsucta tairvag aT,-tltir t liuaire flci andrlMcticour." lii. iifiiid'iu-althua Irovrice. 6. IUTllllISI- I EVIEiWS5- N EWV Vîunluuea of îiieî rettaurte. Perncli- a lýi- ua'uu(ec Illly>, 151,1, lte>'comtprise rmw Louctaane QUrTRctmtutxConqeruiive). 'Ir u EotINetuîitt ii <tttuv (Whig). '1tie NaîtII BuRrTIHRriux'iur(Frec Chancli) 'lte v. a %FSMNt aRevtEw (Iiberal). . IIm.Ccrtw(Ooni ctuiriftMcAGAZINEt(Tony)1 Prices nrafIo ei icreased !1 Postage te lie redreceÀdI1 Vie mricas aitl ipc us[tu retafutre, vie r PtEUtANNUM. Prii tute cuocf thic fcur Izericava. $O. Oui 0 Foa'ivtiumrve-cditir i'iur Oil Tite lurciaietnracta ni lte moiio crte torir iiiur vif tua Itcniîuwa.......... .. 8tIe-nru iiiiu ' tîtiiwta ti'ite'-cuatIl tblic tacite>' Furi ii eîci'-Mi îc...........apîle u9tril lituv'us ilt attiplete seark-icg enter., tl'.r Iiiaukw.mcoiatiai ccc Itîritw.... ..5 (go i Fiuii, lte Stncit c(illti Iîctp iu ensi of 1.110 -Fmr ltak u nd.l mmi i ater1p ms. 7 iiC i 4 tlim ttii- .01. ' asait iaalpn LoI. it Ilautig-z Fr titei auiiit ald t un' e ai 19ua.. lait Iri> ttiaiei l tit m i. For t(tuîckseite a tt-IeLfoui era.. 10( ~ RL'e~q~ Patafor îLe whiilu flac peniuicals amui> ti!t>.-.a!X celis 3a y-tir, Antlres ie tc, Wiiliiigtiti'tltite; %Vin LEONA](D SCOTT ~ ~, (itralupr, At. N>alra'e; S tliî, Il<ibtiaitcma, I(ut 55lke. St., N.Y. Nl tO. îXattemSîrc. Tank W ltiee'.tî.leeP. lA, ttiokuring. ASSU A N c c Iy',PAN y iiIn 88 MARINE DEPAIRTMENT. OT*T 1, 'lî.taoIltie li itnai(IttnroRimke, ut ýt ie [ltruttcio l i eîrin tîs îîsk V~ lavtucpaalmîetaî~f~~îmonîti,: îtaîr.t votns, liags toti nntiie tfA tuint, grmiiudai nl nia igku, fo.r 1i11(g cucotu or aý 1imi cmmnmîiilhaog oaliîru r'ea., mae, la rchbitte cf twoitI' pafit r tA-?mse-diît i teWitti lie uîuppy ta c1tam.idtîl11atmorder*- ou <lie ttiti f cari e mcrtmt( ma or sounii, eiuma all an.-» 1 ajanipt, i liraI,uta i Ioanrtle uie tinouit o 'et icartoal oit <*eilal1Silu<or or Vtittimnted-j 18o îtpatysiglnia>'onli ret îe tit mat ted it itî. JoNIL , ~ u otutdlîebutpabe Agomat, J'irtienior ruijtîa1ud thte rezuitiiciiit of - t'iînttltitiî>' ldrcti'a eeti. Ail work aa ratiteot. St ~ ~ ~ rr lttlv.l'i i-h 162 fiO1SE'II F%. RAINE izFl F ASSUI1NCE C0. Piano -Forte lMfanufacture r L MiA RETJlGl>h -7ý WM. Mofla TILE CELEIJRATED U STEÂMI-QOILED fHOOJp. ÃlIti la clte cletire to la cil tho attention 01 th îe publlic ltite iho "l'e npanrrt lit le»- Ilti*), th,' inlut afrluit, lue'm"...a rateoltîer tam Tauaîisliii nor iuuie- depettdett ut Labour-Saving InventiOn, It lua mu rua lte followiuîg adrctares:-AI! kintaîluof Tiinti-lelin, t)ltik, ple,- Beecti, &cr., ctib eau buinact u it aafstettice f-iltd tic pst an ttia lîia, freinîuhen c-mu>'alimyorte erdi- mrary eîîlit-iîoop, tîiotentali, lane uteurît recoin- iondtulion. THE HO00P 18 STRONGER, Ail il ciiluat l-î,ueor thoîsti te ardltry hloop. A C1eoor czinmake trmafqlr am l Se jarreIs pur îlay tîtare lalIit i hlatire ordutrnv plit-L..e p ONE TR{0[SAND 'HO.OPS, WiII nke liit ieust fratt ti &iety-six 10 citit>'-. elirliu laurrl%; ithoha uinoslà ielem aw.b ten fonr ~ ttigai.Whe nevoc t'il hti Ias ia,,eu iin uni hImua <iviUt 0f:.COMPLErE 8AT12FelOTION! W FItEÛE May bho found a4nf, - VI asarîmentaf Piane Fonce -ia Ilulta und .lrntcetal (laces, frata il tiu 81< l6%, 7 atîti 73( Ocbiea, ni.itcfuc. ttrat ofthe iL< ntaeriafn, tad pnotjtuid b>' 1th. mOu eiaiiugiuhod Artiatt, 1té e Laîninr paiseulb>' airongiuandptrit>' cf Tous Wil - ebe reums aoaublotirmanatsd ur' ,prtf e otatuirpan>' cllrnait. Oderu/cenaaj At i the rOIrnel lExhibitionta ld Tin Londona cii 24 to 27 gnptoeinhè(r,. 151. lte flrst prise ws, aseanled ttfo p[lr F. Rainer *for lte fuperlor- -qoalit>' -cf h pýli Fo -Vites, whiehaiwere test' »itlit cegri tsi lîsîvohTon av lsety of 12'm' aind Dtruîaility a/f/lluieduaalto tare extra onizeaq for'.h 9LusPûrior Peluofli telualremetig, 1He alot#ok lte fui ;prizsute a i ePrcarlnial lr, Inî 1858 sud 18591., TIpi 'imites of Jos. F. Rainer, seegplacod-lu higeatoiaa utt adiplOnmu ,,ddthi. LImItPS ilu Londa Julyl, 1808. w wiUa ,4, Bmck,$ru a"" DOCTOR DAVIS, ý continue& te trut $ypbiliusuad other Dj. aoaaeu of a priva-te .1 atiirelOstr rehud fte Ait igil zece, corner qfilap RAW AIND) L JU'1JJJ and Adifaid6 SMa, (Up taira.) Alwuya in reudines aut thé Oyster Saloon, Ife huas devat .1 eaute BROOK STREET, WRITBY, thefreîîi'tievnt thevîtriout§ fora,, cf the Vonecal tlimengen.,und b>' ittape- -Nearly opposite the Mentre-ai Batik., cutiar pi-cehs cf liculitig lb. woret ntacesaure O EIZ mchlueil ina uc>tttparittvely nhcrt lime. 0 EIZ Seontory .Sypilis, pronotiieoad hy mA %Wthiby, Don. 0, 1868. 48 mur.>'pltysicinia n cu rable. cn,,bac frciaul -______________________ ly ccired l'y lt i.i1 j rcteic.Th Ycaii iie ivo a fil a a'iîlîs ttie Th Ceebrt0id G'ernan Oui drçaifi affects ori,î on r Su'-n <1150 (5<-(O recela, iiiiîuediaîirelief 1i.îi, loir ta Dr. Ut'CIEs entoi. r'ieca, ,fraut bltep, rcînitig Davis. i ne, wiilkna tla tiîd>. Yntiîintsa taiatane treaci l iYtter,nnî t l ithe nrojittremeùdy littow,îfor iîtîlng meulicw ment ta an r nîlrt cf the ceaitry on u. e- ails îi c>iiiiajisudares anicuti antndhort. ceipi offia reaisanit i 'c. 'lierre mmcd>' lu ifttilible ttr relic.vitig ltîcc Peructia wislicg te conlîiîl the IJcrîr can unîd ciittle siiff«*îcg fruit: pin. dua 80with li lt rcaut asceîecy, auu is 1ce ij F<ronît tliCriatttds of tantstillasas Ite tLe 14o arraligcd titat it la ilcpoSibi foir laleitatc afllcticy of titiÉtinvitluaîlo rom dy, the foilow- avec ecdi tier. ialoa h y cotjient Adrîce inz have beeti aelcted ; trec Wlien oh-Laiîcd tftie office. I have 1 acti yerir cil the laut mit yet'asd Ait tettora cuait bc uddrouacît, (at~al)arn saatiflecl thait i i; unqualled f;ac11091111 A.Dtiui, M. D., Torcnta, 3. W.. anuj cetîtia ocet.g, anîd carittu frost-btt.lita vflecy ii a Pcat stamap ) f uin aaver la demired. 27 aqcual iiygt Pplied t t aaî or ),iLt1 JAMES l(ltÉlo Harris's Extraordinary Liglat- Ta A. Knncwtzp, El O ening Gallery. <tg11jus~tice te Yen, und asea dult>' I 0*0etue nuibie, 1t îiii miglît te rc'cieiid ct cr eritud terctians011. MY lrttlu inn gjot ue- j, C. HIl RIS9 veruiv sacldodet i. etiali Me, tuailieir cLQVcry P e 1 i gE GJLT(ON'4fer tho ai MMLr (JevertierGounera in lu GpuuU, i. Thtlthe arceta uhaîl «derrle Det Itît tholos faut-hnndred,,ucrua. 2.- Tho the 4elità oetiouit cf the .tracta nn - itirvoyed téJritory bc forty chainx in fDont bY cie laiiiîîred 'hitlu din lptbfandfbeunted b>' uines rtîcîiilig due Nortit rra Seuth, outil FAxt uiîd Wat, orc nurieur tu theuo dlinen..lenoitoi the onfarigurutioncf t tue l5tlity wP il dmit. '8. Tule upplica lit fer a -tract ln dfluorvaygd territà riv iteut firelalasaplant and dfà ripUion tlîoreofly a P'rovincial Luistirvayor 4. Thae price »atll-bu ' dollaran acte, py. -able on lthe tile. ,ïD j £ýe o P. Titi-ta taX o<r duty uf n dlrelz l'o chargeai on ail oc1. ït ritedf trhel. teaoti paichle art roînevul frem îthe mine.- hNAcanu(ltieîîîîppliesa a]Miitatg lanIA soll siintrlot dy to 1apil aiida0t0 lieu of'ti o yait>' o u W n b prè ohargeableonethie ores forum theAe luands. 1 . Thut 1i siïrvoed t*aîp daprogert- Ing indieniamis oefInitierais.eho ld on thl above eîîiiitiaaa, bult ut cotleoathan eue dol jar par acreaiin au>' owomsllp uD!ut the il pric as thovther landsa letbe township'~U I l, mac tin onedollar por ato. 7. TVonît tnmre thon oe t ract et four hue-; hred neres bai aeid toeuperaceu. 8. Thealaso regrilaeiotaq do net oppl td1 iiltiÃŽI, cof Gôid and i uturi ' tire ahuia'e are î.ancelleud. WM. McTIO)U(4ALL.. M-.111 Loautions cf MInons!llancIa ou the 1<amtlt Shores ef Ilat§ Ie irnon -and Superort antt dîtlthe adjacent llialad, sbicL. on thirs Ih Marci, ittOl. wèe hable tQ forfolînre for natt. perforinance of conditions of aoutoattd locul ioi ail i ahictt huvaregeîttedlablo le fodailtureW t lthe Preseit ine, are forfiiitetl. Tii, iacittée> unadtheir uaaftuia.n. providel thu RAA l iiutîîutaetior iide taufere ttîu dite iuroef, are nitlownd teuppi> l the ;nytneîtts lthe>' may have itiade o a uuy iectloti, aier and oute lth miapelit, or firat Iitaitcloî, toseurda îLhe p choase sf the naine, or ttc> other location wiieh bcitî h peit lor suie ai the dutl of tîtecir ap Ptieurtion te avuce tlaaautocugo.îppllod 4k4ilsucl a Plic!lttiorîltt1,11 bcrexaaued ta a- ntpn Ctone, aitl icol tt exifilting iutitions, andi at bca tutu lit tire Dpparîtidiît f '-nown Latnds oti or I)ucbrc tthe Firai dît>' cf Nxtebcr A. O.,