Whitby Chronicle, 21 Apr 1864, p. 1

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BROOKLIN HOIXsE. 4.CALL AND SEP, SÂNDY 1.t 11 E hi.é taken the " Bronklin Ilntise," 'ln Broolîlin VilIewe, wtt ire lie will l>0ie laîl te cee %Il i ii, rienfl.. u r'ile r-wl Ott ed up andl ouxveîietit, atid the cc'înia tien goual, very coal, thebut,-lo te lets i,îi the cnfort of man îai-dlhorse iînief. litt'inz heeti prenoted te ineide as well ais outei Boie new. At Rand 'lv'ti take veur test, 4aiîoctA e tslMe ih fuio hait, Saî,d a o atondaac.intnoitatlen, C;iîm'i le thent lm A t lie nationr. Tie niimeroiits Iti0p ( ilfhrdvnl Are akeil te give hl% hiîue a'catI. ALEX. PEEIE. ttrnek'ili, I)ec. , 8 . 0 THE COMMERCIAL HKOTEL, 1BItOCK STREET, WHITBY.ý r.iVellem m il. If voix Wunt te dii wel- Whert nt %Wltîthro t),lte OnimeciallfuJ; Yoil'Il-ce,' al l efrïati4ïn. e.iîcrutaiînelit ha..- hile. CAi the e lît t good tquartera frein... i t' 1fAitiY NIeBRII)l TERRAPIN RESTiURANT, 89 KIng Street East. JUST racived, peir Exprcî;s, ut tas aboie esablhmienxixt, a splulialo ut or PIIATUT E CIIKN QUAI L, SNIPE. Cievet P'atrllteem, WiiatDuaki tend Vectîon. AI-%O, SHELL AND CAN OYSTERS, Loleitr, Are., lWtictolc aial ndRat ail. 3e VAIISIE Ar Mcha>)NgltY RUkoiS7ELL2S FIOTEL rj Il I iierimiptmrl1tiriaprieloorcflb. mhcae I :itme-iitl 01 I"hoitreipetetfuhtv te moprîze ltaoit <nouais aiai aron, Char tîtef have tho.. toimlul!reiiviteI t uîmtcîtlalglitmceilt diuîri,g tic e-inter. vîmicenl*tihoilunov le effet to the Mu-ml-mrsomf i4ecLeitislaîccre, andl t-haTra. nellitall Puie muesetu rexnrineadiialon. ln stîciin toil th rmsx,-te nbal test vhs.. tan. ii. tean-c t'arore anmfd .rce Iltaà titn i,utae iran tme tVit. vbiclu, for mefir autîl rtîlnene, are exmsîrpisc,ýd 1'ti. e I t -.. -- -WMI. RrU';SFILL 1 ON nRrock *Street, Whitby. Noit Door le Cie JteRistry ffi111ce. 'TEUNS S150 PER ANNUX. ADVERTISEMENTS! A LL Atdvertiaenintm'mnsuured lu Noepar. 4Llt, andl ohargaîifi lite rate cf 8 centi pel' ain, 1rmiiMrtlont andl 2 lente par lHue, euih tubaeq ýueîît Insertion. S peét ai cont nets madie with alverlgers by the ye«?. - Ordene to discontinue advertligeneta m uai. b. ln wriîlng. - BANK 0P KONTREAL9 W. lRt.DEAN, Manager. STAINE11 GLAS 1VOR1<n. l%1i11w;T-ERR AW1ORNEtYS AT tLAW. ttlîî' tiiik f4 m alnmd 5Mo ufitlt 4 1ta h fl t ire lilîhqnltl e i. irirORÇ**E 'IL.DARTNELL, B tice 10 Wlihîhiyt-. . 01e'Bo N. .. IAM t lSi'.,iLrAN 1' rrfiii Ny.ATLAw Tot.ieloti New I illi3. SqiIn GLOBE IIOTEL. I fiiil(V (l at luî.uuie ial aii uiauaea îY thie sa iO Aatl"I, i p e ie ta mtîtalwavnua lie ,mfid .îandtro.arl.vte atenia I rmccîlly tf, ti t-m-it. .1 h. giei., &Ara eaaiifrtieiia ltxe%(I i p ta itl tui ai, r wi tî1lemtrfci- rf1m 0fIl c f tiwmA t 0re t eî amiei miîute ritamjnýtviii t a t I lle T r~~ a l-' ly cn itlheat a I i l te T lt Notice tu Farmors and Othors 9111-11 (u . ng l Iti rt arrel ema tiiae 'l". 'b'~ l . - il ý Entra h-tt i nd Mrs iii tt tiitttt- A. 'AtEXANDFIt ttemaiui 104n.Cli, -.4 N!atthew -Tee(y rua*E WRITBY ORRONIOLE ~àix ILiUitur O ui 01 ?tt 11Kttor iv ues a ks, un W. l IG I S At t ruigjsahemna - ---- -- - -- ---- - _ ___ bei-lce Mutituttil 1 fV lty(hl1TCAKI-1--At aTEil EXTRA- il urtl î,m mal ta-nii- mm lmmueuv i 'I r A C uiE1-1 o0I.JS îE ROREJIT J. wiLSONf. ISAAC FENT(N, BA Ahii-TEii t -ATrIflINEY AT-LAWV, (111e, -'auuiuit hîililima liait 11 -t'aalSTi'V*iimi , la - R t< tI . AT- 1IAa'a ANI)S';,ul.i'IT9 JR atteitiare ttite. 1 P1AIÀBtON HOTE8L. . 3<G(ORDION,iiYutrmenaui-. AT'PuRNEYt T4%r a ~simLIcvitallINJMI134R huumriita u eatîl-e., iuaen lovas p iunprtemoe. ----- 1IAT WNi-SOR lotitE, 1VfffTIT,' K ELL It L % [Ifo 1,Wu A nim tl-V-.1,taya.mal i n'if -.i-i I N Ftev- -l-4-1,mt -iaiîtt tea d liver Ct-<lriaiui -- Blin--la gtreai. h 'it - r i tnidpa ri cf( tue PTewi. a. Ltitifeitee <'1 4<. t K itit-l, iM I'a a i, Stublitta axdiatittetivOtîn e lire 22 Cli ARLE<1 C, KELLER, J. ILVMII <SItEENIOODIl & fhNitJLNG8AN'I L AIT uit>\tiî -Iwo 5 u'i)ElANuti J. W. CALDIIL i IOWN, ~ IlI'EYNC'II, tiNI lSIÇiNEI FOR tiaeiia A lhavmAia îan it teanl in-t- tialtriîie.ult1aa.Uuur-treot, muerîn epîmeite N 1-111 iiotiiiîa,îrîel t o1ene Ica yl heiret lituti-ellui t, 32 If. F.. ODELL, - Ct. Itaili. tAacolin ,tat tutotuO ixcet Made. K. %Y. C L ARlfi . D. llilEli, &-qt% Itîltne~ti liur KaEu4 ti oîuilit.et ill li. J. (.lYNIq. M. D. ,t wi-,t)Nt iro tE iv iInTr (IA4îL, TIIOXAS DIEVERELL, U)'l L 1)E It, &rc. &c., G R EH N STREET, JMUN rETCALF, M41EUM tF TII E Fi F111lMiVISIO)N COURIT, ueontprlmisîthile 'Tauwtiuullp rocle. Ad- raset ai4iiiton.14 C tyI AND) TREASUJRER ()F THE Ieownm UitorI'lrilgu. Admres, Uxîîridge. - A. PRINILE, ~ .ElTI/NT TAI LOTI, BRCCK 'STRIEET, 1) CTAYlN'I-lairîeuifIXrle axialEx.. i1qliîiiîlBteais oroxito. Jtefrepliintt TIIOMAS IIUIqTON, Tiffle-Townhliit -Hetîr# O to i 'eioak. C LERIC0F)FOURIiIVTISION COURT, cUxb'tdgfý,c Iivoyanccr, Art., Uxbidge. 19 J. SPATYLDINS69 ONTÇrEArL îîoust , 127 King St, West, M<Toronto. ô 117 - JOHN. 1M. W WiCK; VA , Ma& rET]&R$S9Np A p Dental Booms, directiy oppo. M ' st tlï lont <iie.-Entranan ou Bitume.Stwet, tirlidoc ot fh 5, Bnek.- FELIX DROUILJ,AU»e~ rjoSAboNt8T IKWIRTEB Wlctsal. a& Usiseti eleir la Tobr«ox igaxe, saur, &tl. à(trohtiseipog andteS axiey ooha, No. Word, reat thonghte and untiring industvy, WIIITBY, C. W., THU THE ONÇTARIO HROTELJ BROCIC ITREET-, WIIITAY. T Il E undareigneal bega te lnfcnm titi triends tit lie hiel taken the ahocs betet, tatety icepi h * v Mi;.iDawes, anal truite hat lmy strict atteauil> i i uinessansd ru, te vian's of lit t t"14Atua hv iiicplig frat-cinasa tabla, aiminoce :1 tt tire f lquocra laxthcsBar, te matit a tare ail Public pitroncge. The sîtaitliugIt" ,e'e-rocxn is f tuahe et atemurltte;x, axial curefîtî Rigîl atta.Itiata lialer vil I lue iîlwuayîa fiii utI hm ie mt. JOSEI'il REUBOTTOMa. WtIitiuy, Mat-ch 2, 1 134.ll-ly 1NS'URANCE. T tlEugxiterIaiel"a hein atmtinitiait ALrent Titi tlîlî tncality fer iVie foligitixirl~-rIieaii lititraiire !'iipaucii wthii h- e it eeipatcd t) nac-pt tioks.-fire.lilfeandtalmarine.- 7'he Edie.burgh Lîfe Asamrance Compny 1,4e LimrpWoand Lonnq. 77%e Montreal Pire Insuronc Comspasy. Te Prorincial AuuraaaceCompany. F. K ELLEai, Poetmaaitar, Oiamv. Oshawa, Nimma. 18, 1888. 45 rwUSritUfn i I1l U aflfllfgt0fl.- - - - - 1____ Brntt.fb Ampinamsuran1 e Co %mn ta,~~~~~~ ~~~ ,4e*jkir(,gnà,a im armie lé Cf tiie Eienenth trevicriaî ll'ie- la a i-t raihie exttiiandl mote e utli ni Of tpct(ia mii re te ,aau uil ri mu t , i eerurei Iiii, ati i, T i a e i r a i um n- i thsil 11- ua.tuaa pamie a uijf .e 'tsttrocas Iriquruaxmtw mittelon Bti!iil 1lil in ilthleix Wif p ni-i mat1ljd c kept ni i eximieeî Ceiitiieitm. Entîri uluiiahu î%piî nci oti dq aà iii tais. ilaritti ti tta S.umx rfîIitc -1,tiiidi-reaa1ii.-1.t. mway i tiieni- .101tN AGNEW, tri imishel h~DiiY *.tem mai-e eiaraifie ci Travelliiiig Agexît, lIvrtiitréet. Wlulthyi Mt' îtN W A ill. 1 - --_' _ I-aia- 1i t~ ~41 JO-YNTON'te JIIOTE'l, To the Travelling Public. M. tl'YNTiIN 'piranstii îfrm the in-* Vi.la ,a eutt ieix. ;1tA 11lîînlnoe '40.1t Item titi, iw- c ri aalilifii tuapiI tlmslei txnei itt ' k i .î,, I1.waf. aundrlm tee I t a liiîit ffil d aieiIl Aît tii. veom Ila-a t.,a, ut ril li ihre laItet -taIr, 'jtu i iel l i i-ti(rS Clmîvu 'ai --l li illtf tt tralie t iii ali t il ma a fu a-a.. ,î A ami,.a-iia 1,:a: Li ai~,f as . 1 8 . ,lulTE 1'aM T ti îaaaa144,a. Miette11 Toronuhto.m NorghBrît th i n1 WOO if n'surVTeoEL, VICTO&RIAe Insurnc. y.m' THtOMAS Douw. tOia tcas-. 1k t A 'h»Cusl. A NG LOA3FRIANI(>FL COLLECTION & COMMISSION renia-a ~ MIL F . b,. *ow, nomemai, C. E Lam t hiifIliî tea l w unil Ita - lue n W.mm f--t ,ilirimaar iiamatt Piaauiet. tliîexs, in Meut, euh uinia li it ia . i leliiutt -ai io4l,i -: 16 l- t iii'a.ie A illeelif)q- dily repmu' t- UXINiî M-OTEL. Ijlaxîtv,-i v-AtCutieniit M ateal aauiî, ,eit, .ant. MNANClF.SýTElZ, 0EA teul bte .îP at rul t&A' %t""' ;tultnue (> iCnrlee 'atad S-atteuuer-e, Marîtret,1AoiTe ente). 'r i u lt u itleeitratl% in uiutet iîu1 a aa aja, eandt thau it 'P 5-te j -uir'-uar.uirmtuntllua. It hal riara CHLAS. MeCLME SOLICITOR, &e., &e,, 27 A tFpFi4atot, liiie- L ff5u t' 0taite IT i~ tti IoruVt111 CANTON HOTEL, Rahr mi.. D UFFINS ttEEF.K, PICKERCING4. GOOlD u*- IJacmmndttiona fo)rr riti-eIlmre. W. CUTIIhERT FIIEm INN, ATJIERLEY. Cc Sua lîIroptitamr. I. PrEL >riiai iIANILLA IfOUTNE, T frietltÎ* and a1if teu<veInltnmifmix;, hua biotace tulei Cu aanfive eli kuaievîtla ltuet, ail tuatuSetit e netion i tmntneies, andl'hi eleiiaunriiaa b ndo teli i i timpwer fýr rtha com- î'oîx îetahîe accommodiation forn mauiandhut hee.. An -'ttextîve axi aat it 'ler ats-p nysteax- tenance. 1 Naeililu, t'ct. 29. 1881. 4Q - ROUGE HOTEL. Tu)<1EPH MeutN, LATE 0P FIU NON- tii mou bidtsl dfornuilea cv f Wlsltbni, mmi- mnceetIoits tieusua dt h lte pubtic-t ttxlle bans rènealt-be thova welilkraemn hetet, vbicti t'a tew htutrt rtaie crier tor thet reoeiution et gimati' Winas, tLquer. andmmi<tgatc. Gui tbling andinuttellntive (imler. 1i&-Y Grand Truak Railway ][Itel, #Set ide qf jeaUway Depcif, Port WAMbtj.) T H E .imabocribar h-ititdup the ahove machl kxuewn promtis vuth thme Vuav ofr'auuttmg asq aut el miicles et li ehararset the Rotai l i eps curaittor, maaticg the auirmiui of iiplo.,ý' bvirahaithe (Cars. ICa't or Wet. (04d hhiabliiigi and careflut attention. JAMES PTCTNGLE. Wtcithy, Aptil 27, 1868. t NO)* 1N8 THE TIX E. O'FT TOUR ,IEF88A J. A. CIarklt PrisoeJ.Ictnrs Gallery Lyo vo dex.a oret, ana l tf.ilks Auubrc- type, Cameéotype, Leltenrapixr; rLeathan Tranb< f.rcraLkestIin e aLilnst BnOsoar 11t, frbJ .A. C. can do I l'anihe Ulistyle, sit t a'hortnottes., , WILINSON' BLOCK, p RElt, ndprE HUlly i, -avlln i 'Mltblt t o hm opsnM dthe Abe . the nsgtx=Of 1106. s sdp enl Hl4.'l attsotteleU0 1h.iThi os Wlnoscnd (igaru* W.F rlfq VlASnia Ia aiatttlitaatten the mac- Lialui L.4i aieeueeaar Stenaiss' binrie. nC0111 11 Ihiatau-tlendiaibal n ft it ie Lakremuid lasta- iJîuarCii tac t laaief 1wmlh leuttai it-t ttIatîalli tienkî mimnd lthe 'Ithing etongtibe laka tatunre iisiol ic leat lmeniptonc. 2 Tavorn Stand for -Sale, tý[N 1ai llmtait lluri"f mcil]&t Nntnimae of iflat I-mk m- tîelte Hoemaith tarare araxuuoliimal uml qartrtacretu ani 'al ît imtait auaui Cciiitraita Appt> t.. La.STEEIaBi .U the prauuniuas,. 24 Atlaarty P. THE ROBSON HOUSEl DIJNDAS SITREET, WILITIIY, Ca W. G5EORtGE COISON, l'ropttetor. T IE 'aceihet hexateouncxme tbe bas h li,-imel te bffiingferierly ktaowfa a r mlfean imai d up- brescgheu,lu the bit rf style. The hircumixea ara iifi etnttly bit-. iael1. otawiute l tclPeut Office, sud in th.ecn *lieltuisay uiuexxtiujIi A alse lioCet stial ibhi stages fuît Uxbiruge sud Beamnltton isuve the d"otsryxaaearntaag. Eegar4SIper dayi GEORGE ROBSON. Wlaîtby, May uss2 Oshawa Âdvýertisements. Me > 1- ýtiti. WJLLIAM TEMFEST, M. 1). Recret I N G 8 T E E T, OSHAWA, CAN4ADA Applii 'Wst.____17 F. LAMBERJT. 4 and f"ahieu. 47 P. I. L. & B. RAILWAY. ITNTh j.iitier notteu Traies witt rnt«s Mail traitn, eil hfýse , Ightlsav ut 9 40 c. m,tr- ai rinm1enta v (i H peti. t p.p.nte vaî r aui iCat d .tom&40lIa. t.0<p e p %mbaveeir-ain« lm tte ttnel-ion cwilb Cie (l-Iai ndruttlRlaih#i - ..- THIOMAS hîISulUT, T. A. WILLIAMSI, aien I - snthstaxdeni. tort hIaupe. uiv 1. i.4 TAVE~S&DFRSL VILAGE of CANNI\,OTON.u ;TF mucuti aianccupteil bv Mr i 1 hi T ii, 'aî.rttang . m au rrte laial maiu etclieu itsiu he-t. acet ô i l oan*es ,p1 iiia cf viaCer. sahieli serves ceurl5- Ch.enrhule i Iae illIar ze ef Tsta..rn1Nsliv 90e , aimnnita, mat i a alfbitlll; Kîlcue4n 1 iq )j4, xt $0ui«Ihi P. 91-d te.0i fa-a, reln 150 hv 42. - A ril luA. Siiaîteasmi wlaos beetta ipeu eli,so fte it. Ln iematxxnemoauftal ittateButxoi, Manillua andl ltines Alier.. The reiwon rtue present rtupraetor vita' i dispose af the aboya vol *1leia pnr, laeu.q ýmeau..", is.tenrle ti gluiunor tctingag mIme h1rîiuisCnf. itlti iîaisutaile. 'rrim easm- te tuit tj t- rtliger. Fiar turîlaca panieulteaîtphy (if by letIt pee-pahl,, ttetaos-mer t uti.; emiiA". JOtiN ARDa (umaititatota, Nov. 10, 1843. 4-tif. AD VERT ISEMIENT. Royali, 1Brlit Amenas, 'nad Lavrer pool slnd Loxndon Assurance Cornj.ýtIPS Batheacienga a pîtati cf20 Mitlon*i of duilicar $2010001'100. Rimst tetleaantiotuifi i J vii ha Ca ila amy oea taile, omusplieiaimtte - ~JOHIN AGNBW, 42 Vieîtonpatul a, Agautat Wlaftly. -MONEY! M-ONEY 11 suhTE a.tthFie, tu prepoeel eao- uat XT uil, InPon rne Snity cf iuproved laJ chie ratas of uteret, 1The moteau t»ch beaimnsndW.iy on pro 4. R. ROCHE, sq. Manager. Canukda AgecyAioch.u Appiion ta e .Modail t JORN AG"EW' 42 Tltr Whitthsj MONEY TO LEND. &a.,etwyaon 1.11 Kik8,50 it- É ý- -.- aleing g#s foi Vtict( abouti Wbni ltiAU Itroia andl ha wrapf îmxîd 4* vio Attl STE 1TUEh NI Wll~ 1'rctl fer MIt mute.. 8dVoCae Peace, ÉPrTwsi o*ledgëe IrOther)kiÏd. )A., APRIL 21.,1M64'.-_ qis, Lamps !a REFLECTOR LAMP a ligî,u 1al tote aMailbruItfant eatfrouai ~2te St UF1ýBiiJ llG E Yt.Uwi'S, m? ia tuae ilheu jted 1l i îaa R1141 M110,ut11 luei etery luii el or. ruiVil itt(î.il of i Ctsiinleiî 5u1only ,ent pun hoîtn. atarle i gr vretvicu ici Re;il itet cixempofit tti. t t, a ai Iey . 11d 4,liar I tim (uI)RGE II.. ..iul taîeaîîîSic., auial iAtt ieaia i ti~ uiît,, » .; tt.li,t itas '6'l"1001,BOOKS, ara;f,, CatIe, I'hrit graph Altîuxcs, Ici, Mdru cca9, A&c. Alan i>taugii Pioi4rdit, 'his r Ws FOR CORDWOOD, et) Vilins, (iii ap for (Cash ror ul. i. iti. ' riiaia At&e. gliaiurY ili tra-it varietv t GEOJGE YULE'S, Ierp flf.ii i'tr1i . hî 1864. ý1 BOAT NOT'lICE FAST s~;t'oSTE;AMER DIIESTER, W. T. GREENWOOD, miS tuuniug bto ocheiitar en the L -of APRIL',184g 4tntalteg Peres atcvry Müiiiiy, 'aV0il - i... --...............7 a. ru. ...................O8.0i.m 1 fIla lteNea VYork e CeitmIrat}tilroae s Eaa4anidl Wtmtuid île Axieia wru iuoar i itid Weft ait ticu 'LTiiitatt m, Romceste mIl rt ismati tlac tieme tla 04 ,.oieaathuie slait >ear, itutal '-The %tttaar ailli icaeRe oettes-. meulai, Titartli anal $aiurday., rt L-ixt lur 1trî ie)i, snd tle ahlove bsetes, aawîeiu ith tttIritîtail ldsl liale iiyîtal l tatOr* fle0 nt thfu e tif t1i iciie"', cidsaboute. .. E. roater, o .qiii.Prequ'in[e ; J.. Kiefl, <nlone tlEllinit, boig unid A,.l*drnli:Iîo MOTHERSit Fw Birve yôen tlvo r irnaressens for msing va.. t)euset'e lctaConfectionxs m-JliIre i acSit thutes readiy as tliey do aî. 2-Dette ont Wortms tbcroughiy vithout tIhe et-oIaeîiIomplûtelir.- 4 ..Cure !towci à1aal elingxoxaes (-k4tere h.aath ltvugwr~lm utet #10'li sî ctr tu, tie cheek wa i eeriiiluem% to Uw lit tiC. 8Bt aur sd fat t iythue made by VAN DEIISEN BROTREMR, Ktngsion, Ulster Co.. N.Y. gWPle otiy 25 ati, a lBox. JAMESq. il. ClERiCIE itaughat Wilitby.' WholeandBestsil. Il. Agent~. or 4.HALF .4A CÇN7UR Yi WI* t hao ums4 atoginhngseceus hltcurlng W~COPgh., Volds, - mourgeueuît, sors Throut, IieutwWooeing cong4,. $CfruP, Liver Comlpaio:, Droi. ebt 1Diffculty of Ureatie- 1,-nlAmthm, nd evsry The Throiit Liungs and Cheat, fTharo e a,'asl1y one Individ. ly eÈeRp, dtiugasaaaf -D)IVISION COU RTS- FOR TRB CO JNTY 0F ONTARIO. Ne. ~ Ililt~~.........Atri t 41h, îsé4. 4 U.t ig.............tl)th. 8, ~April u20thi, C Z. BUR' ;HAMt Wlîitby, *Marchl,2, -ý6g3 RICHARD SNOW9 BAKER, CKETOEAe To Brock s -tract, lSouxth of Blaek'a Iotei. fxihixhn..11tuila ItJ882. 201 VINEGÂR VINE(*AR!! T hIEhYNDR~leE 11-AS POP. SALE TVînegar cf the hesi qualîîy, monnufaetured hyhtnîaetf-on the pteîisea iutuiaa Street, %Whi îhy, ont% lonr vasît cf (,. Scnttta ramatiéen el miilarge suai emaîl quantitiem. vîtelesale anal r lail. Bin achcap, Andeal ly gond tan- tiela,--aanartice teLug~dby cbemicia itests te ho thîe liext anr preddin iithe teamai. NIICSAEL SCINAPPAUF. Whitby, May 9. 1862. 18 TUfE CELEORATEiS T- iIF El'a entes tacites toetcill the atteuiin ci i. teiii leli the lieahane iitpý)rtatit Invox,- Omii. iii, riarlut iifwhteei lie uttri <rauli aiuher luit l'evilputor CocîtitiAcalaateiofi e Ira iiitrtntc tieitl wortiîam a! Labour-Savin& Invention, Ithn lias utta he fetlevung ilaa:ttz-t tîtuglxor îaf lmrle-i i, <hiMale ' li aeolti, at-n. cao bu > îîauiniiilite miiniiîumt te l1h j le imi tis, fro,îm tti -s.ira-lt t the t)i li n cary aial-.honp iia riat. 1usmi11tinaai recoin- iiitdiati mît. THE HOOP IS1 STROÊGER, A ill 11hatloxîer ttisatthe i, lrv 1ia elimt. ACoo per connciftae itemfotir Cthatstîarreaat tir day mnes hart wit h thetoeriary stulo ONE TIIOISAND 1-100PS, Willinktah e tisifrm ninetn.eiîte ctîîety. ciltt lîtrrete; it ot iot aettqle. tizlittor sat he ten for thîp &cA. Whr(eur abs itnvex lion batat heets lixetîna-,,It hua tri «ail thea Itinti Cr:jCOMPLETE SATISFACTION! The proprietor 'etc cu) tie mieuttiae, ciuee notthiiig rfor hbis 0e-c tinie aadiale.aie x.îney cîîtttb lteayea it li cotplate viutkieg oraler. tFiiiaibn, the SteaixiCotited 1ti nt, of<n bc h e-nxid»r-,cM th-a. *aituaatluispeetion vili antis.. fy taylraetauahmatai Anartee-Gaira, WellintgtniSquare- 'e-m stuepac-.ott Briaige; WA J. fiegg, Y,arlt Appmty ti» lii prêpetitor andelpat entas, a -nfA SS~,I1LNO WHITBY 'BRASS BAND Il Whitby QUADRILL BAND1 r~HB~ lmeda (apataeivor tofltber,) T are peparealieýfurcisi Muaaic for Piontos, soeis.wpg , CemmeerTtu, Ba ttra. o aison- abl. teirmce. - Fer tsrrnm nd ecgaaxntâls detas- J. WOLFE"DEi, 18 ~~whitby,P.. 92 RING STREET EAST, y)BSte acquaint hîs ?xaiecls,- analtihé u.. rsk eil. Vit bu, 44 aisopensd tbe micsepsuo, *heré ha; wfli kuep sa large Leather--& Findings,4 Machine SilksaundThreads, cf s Wý1et hotibeytIlIýel àii ch spti.aea. for CIAStI, a xs daT>' cemptititou. l IwAltltusse Wb* an t te save moaey viii Wall neateo 9 NI STREET EAST.aai,~t To!root, Octobor, 1M., 401>y Wei) XAIoR BR'ASB sBAND. '~ ADtIRLNS JOUX DJ. 8moPlum a 5 . - a upot WINDSQR"S'QUADIJ»LLE BANDnd grn.h5~ Milden Jjeauîy. Her hand'm liks sa liy- Butjutatietp I t h ' nttoft UeIf i tî Tike ihe hue o ethe liii! Ber breath's hue tuMe mornlng, When hyaotntbs bm6w; licr feet lbave a t4emeic WIsraver tticy go I For aach cuO tha'h omotllxlnj To oomtort to cheer.; Wben ber paLrue fails her Wuahes. sbeKivesthemnaýteanî BOOM@ to blritni reief'; Andl they blemathat êawqet fffl, He? moxtll"Iiica31 bl.aebild 1J u a t b nii igln h aiTttî rO iý h, scar %ie)* right et,,, And, for#ot their'ownheuven in, that of lier breast! Lotukon me, Aggy, a&y, tlook on tme, sud shako vour head, and ga>'te yocrself, dfHônor !Ipàly-is net long, for t1is vorld the twistfd wbite garland that becomes a virgin. viii saon ha planted on ber graave le -gay ioi, Aggy te youraetf, aud thon turc round la me, aîtdd a>, ike the faîte venld Iaa obnt olasar., tHonor Ileat> yen aro daiine bravtaly.1 1 6 Itiileel, Honore tl'I a>'ne suoh tiig, fer 1 do thitak thai. jea seamta be vcty kocrly ; but %wiub btheteli f Goal we mai1 gsi. yoa oever it.1 4 Qmer ui it ever-amid witli h-ebe hep eT Qed »In a 1Oh t Agi,,I1dessirve uto belp (romn GAt, theugb 1 de from man.' à Oh!, tienor, Houoe, hia la verse than Jeia odeaîb'ae'-"r. Wclc, Eeonot, itou bad an boônasi iîuc and mollir, taixlhcugbigthey disal avtruttjeao vers younc,yeît efi Ibis wvend wiab -due priess'a bla.a(ingupen îbeuu. Oh t Iloxer, sure yoîe tuave.caver idune ocyihiii; inuitdi- grrace îlîein, or bnîng- upon yiiit a curieu froxo <(;ma.' a1 h;lfc' dons kt yel, but look ui t tis 'fe haperacca - hus lutreducen ta te:s readet mae e non Heaty anal Aggy tlien. The fit-at a iovstye youg countrygirli, siitb light ien ingleta, s pate drlime le in, anal %.cheek vhilh beruasalwithý ibîii daz.- rlc ed spot %ticb marks outtîhe, pordn vbo beurs il, aunssci> vitm ta tae give lien vasled and vitered' fi)tm (eui das the- as) eoueal in - voolexi' garulouls. She raiseal hersaifT Icaxi pos.1 tae os- the aettIo.bed, -uponu maijhab e liadb lex yiung..snd bsndeiL te bit- friaaad I Wlth caim Priaisai VOL. Viii. a'Titis il euclaiuued Aggy, -u nroiltiegthetIb at goes td6MIdee i Maer, sud Iotcixg fit thswlite pevder thie visible fooî.pntn contained in ijai nd ibsa tauticna- itneaI ibisl pero rap. vit>, taat oa u a bave 10 do with the We Chictç bonimu auste of your ouet t-Tbis t wlam,; tbis is thero e We in the b oe sugar-lio-it is-lHenor HIalay,ItPtrnow; ef poet>ry and etlque att t 1 boehît teo k vk-eti-it impoisoul makre ber. anal ihene HR'mon, i 'oiu Qyer bepe, for saavatiou1- ïi' 'ae chant te rork -b Jou veutd net h9 vstked upon huy evits inu smuait ita-nalfuh for erer, I cha yen, onCthe .ap 1p arel chaos. ta <Ptril) cf yoc'uhr on],tll ue %vtyou xianî Nov bo pics itup - Cc d o ith th is t - my y - - Y u n tâ b eh o lid s <nt i e Wis shbort- atory,- aud l'Il îel mît teýGýsEegfl Y0t- I liedît as> toi yô tho,- ulnîow bttned tmp eI$,re.1 lit, h o w I lo e a na x $ e g rd e d a, a m >i p u tp p y ,m * tsio co ! sa n d m t e , tM >'sc o l fe low , and be4-fçle jv eH s-r nye t b ride ýi ii ;oer M acles. -A 1gy, I doated . n - sonet in ' -Nàparei sud 1'veetd do mb-tlt, 1but thài t d hé a-~ tip~ah fltLM. ta- Oh1 . hwauA .ni . f- .ttrsamxbse thse :vo befors me, msah abs A ho ,-bu ried heforeF me.-Sbe's ig ho boes o.day, and tha pôwdeéor slietstin' a tay.cup. ,-,Tit',f my .tory for y"x, Aggy-I ho'pe Jenuy Mackos witl bha iro - ahertty j for I teel that.! am going xighiy fast.' 'God betvséh bus -aud ail baru 1wb ttare yow tiutting cf doiug ?; faitgoing, befo!l Him wbo made jeu, vith bande red- witb tho bloed cf one of bis *creatures. . l'o be mure, Maclien inlureal you, but do *you vaut lbdr to ho tho means 0? injuing i,,yti more andl more;-,,abs ixas ciy eastrcyed jyour appicese iere, but vocld you , wat ber te be the iueaus of rinie ïn'u, ccl cnly bére but heicafxcr. '15hb I lionor, Honer, if you kilt a Christîan hy 'poiïon,. My etlet dîîugbîer di Od Iiat'va>, Ahdohi!j if you sav ibhé creatoe,. when7 ibhe poiscn hegan. towortc on.hber; as, the iunocnt darling, teck ituutcno t% te m > 9'tend wboný 1 firsaSL av. br afer, i,hierews '. evaa fsatui"e 'in ber f4ice tvistait fmb î went'j forma ; ber cheelia va s as blue as indigo, ber body vas rudlcd (curled) Up Iiicea halt, udthexi ber brice<s, ber cie..;,bhr agonies. and ber grns tilt, she died. Hcnor, you cn have nae.aeoif il--my. exil> cemfort, tand W&vasn't iad colâ'ort fdr a moher; h i vs te mes xy oniY -chil dyitig hefore my face,' I-vas onl>.al tu cry, Houer, vbon I sawv its neyas,, ritesdarl. Jng large, fult, aveet, innocent, -harmiess black eyes, turneal up toheaocp, anal thij loteied as if smiltig upoa the happlino tht it as- to e'njoy, fr ever, anal foeveé 1 I 'crisdAb thn,,Honor, and I or>' sit ýýwh0t I tbiuk cf it .'but bat vpcld 1 do ?, wba couldl<I do if I vtu dying ayotu re, anda after.suffering snob fnimuxbtent herc, ioa tbe persn 1 bau& poisoneal gaspin( octiie letbreath, aud 'going -before Eim, -wh6 Imode ber and xuvseif, with, ail ber ina uppa ber bea.1 a Hod meI Aguy,',s1irieked Chas uiforittk liais H1-or, betd. m-1 am giug -1ýod forgive Jenny NMiacien, taai 1forgive blie. God-forgive me for tbe tbougbt.of tiIing ber. -Forgîve-fogie me-obl ferv- giva- ' AggY, in vai n, endeaveurealt6 hold tlie convuttcd icadpartiùý furm cf Ilînar Heaty. She rolleal out'cf ber7a'rma, axia vhuBaia aauin rieed-it froun tîe groinitl, the bleiid.stoiieduli ltandl -te ollet, joie, abeweal te tuer thut dite acluerabîe vicîjinf disracin pasius ssquite iead t M. The Pniiater ur osat;i î.'ypes.a Perbapa thora ta îîo dcpartment ncf en. terprisee wbese deiit'i4 areIcaudrto by intelligent pèople, than tbe. artpr. aervative'.lb. eacbiée4sit cf thze tYPe3.'I .Erery day theit liyes. long, they are One-, ccstomxc edo- racal tae xewsaper, te ind facl ith ilbs atatementa, iha arrange: enisà ils Icoks, bté,plume. îbemsslvesupoxi'-tbe disevery of -mmoroerguuub andl acý ubatic type ibat gels into a frolicjaud stands upon, is hal orofbrn wru ib a -t*roi ',l latter or laco in--tifï-but of-the, preccas by Whixcblueýnae4appr ias-ade, pf ibeIýuuYý.j riads or Motto and -ihousanis cf Pleceïia cécesar>' tg1tailscom 1oiîic»t gboj.- knoma butte aid im cÏaý., T iey imagine they discourse of a> vou- (ter iudead ohexu the3 apeahe cf the fait white est-pet voven for' îhougbtct k- ou the- rage ticat fluter ùpoxx tuehtet ckofi the b gzar yesterday. - - - B3ut ibere JLtîouswsomèithing aorseavpna derful alti. Whsxi we look t ~he ht4., Ord Aandl firtytwu titttle boxesihat cxna

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