Whitby Chronicle, 21 Apr 1864, p. 2

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1 I N~w44vffin~ t is- Ny mmkraO-at~itr8w~ut--nee w"xe*ue -fige, o~1ofv htI Iteted-nay absolutely diaccursgod by the throngb thoevil *company by which Xauioral and congrees I3ooia & Js let@. governueat...ro entrusted lu sa&r Foley wus surrptoded Ibat h.ovas mis1 ]Bain. hands in. charge of Mr. MoGee aud Mr. ITader the gond influences of bis pres Whiîby dilub.' Campbell. n othér man fi, auada bu a ollesgues ho will think and, judgei Xloging Mtc.taketi snob an juterai est se ,aubjec t ofefrently, Bat eveu vitls Mr. Pole ilack.skln Shoes,-James Bain. Immigration as Mr. MoGe; no other ha orst (suite, ho in not for mne moment New Grocery and Provirion Store,-Joh1 urged fia impartance vithu more persistent ho lplaceo o the sarue level' with sucb Parquharanu. seat and eloqnencee. Hoe hai madle the miscreent sas Mr. Macdougall. The eh flible Depnsitary.. E. sbect a apecial atudy. .And asded by his acter of the former là genaroua, ni Omnibus for Soe, -Rt . Campbeall- enlighteneà d edgnnt, and jedicious and open-hearted i that of -the latter Britih American Express Company. management, as bead of thse Bureau of that ie vile, low, mean, aud dishonourab olgic of ocean Steani Cnmpany é Glas- Agriculture and Immigration, va may reat But te return to the-threat of resigi gow Lino. seîisfied that sncb a vise %A dliberal policy tiran. Mr. Macdougall is acting a part; It'hsncery gale. will-be pursued by tb. goverment. on ibis assumes a vina., if hae bas il. not. For t t)entisry,-C. W. Card. bead, as cannot fait te ho productive of constituancy which ha at present*site Timotlzy and Cloverteeds-fiomilten & Co grest aud lestlg bmnafit to, the country. bas nto eartbly chance of being raturn Varna an i Li rde nseeds, -C. Roberts. Tosoecure the equalization of the axpandi. te hbRuste, ineuae a general eleti, r-amily Groceries,-C. Roberts. - tore end revenue of the Province, nmia verge to take placa. Hoevas rejectel Staple aud Fancy Gond --llIamil toi' & CO. could ha battez- trnsted thon Mr. Gaît. North Oxtord at the last gengral elactint Fantil Gz-oeriaa-Il L, C&ou. M is, great financial abilities are admitted hae vas rejectcd by mai17 other constitue IReady Made Cloi bing, -HlansilIton & Co-. on every sida; hie large fleancial a'xpence ces fur which* hao fered himeolf berai Sometbiig neu,-Jernes ron.i4 nndoubtiugly acknowledged, and wbat- fore, and etoongai others by that of Nor Millinery Goode and Dress making, -Do. ev, r bis Grit detractore and the -Big Waterloo, uvhere ha suiffe-d an igui Great Ilargaine et McIMillall, drummer"l (Wbst & happy uick naine Mr. minous defeat et the bands of Mr. Fol, New Shirt Store, -Mrs. Cathzerine Ryan. MeGee bas given the aditor of the Globe) l'but ha could find ini ail Canada e sinfg Assistan't 'eacher Waned,-Whitby Saur. may prae'aabou.î corruption and axtrava- canstituency to setidd bu to Parliamas Cotauty Orammnaz- Seool gave, il cannai, prejudie the Finance egain is probleunaical indeed. Mr. Mat Nev (Jcod,-Jaaes Jobuston. Minister, îànr lcee the confidence u the dougqll then, lu proclaiuning himself as hg glewelry,-Jaes Jobefeton. intelligence of the count.ry je hie futegrity doas, is but nuakiug a rztue of necessiîy patent jet gouda and Irish bog oak. and ebility. He in the righî nman in the But wea but sec what ha will do. ThI Durham Bull for vla-John Thonipsan. ighî place. To.moure -etrechmeut aud Poat-muter Gencz-al' elecîjon je certain Bey et the nov grocery sud. Provision smore economy in the pxbliqt; sIepartmenwa the and*wheîber oz- uot, in any eveuit, Mz-.Mac -John Farquharson. Provincial Seczetaky 'si uinenaly qualified. dougalVs fate je doomad. Servant %Wauted. Whita in Partise t ite bas given ibi Abatrmicî receipts and exjenditures- Coati- mcttar the closest attention. As lo z-e- TaitCOCRcuT et the Mlechouice' bell, ot tu Ontario. formnera where ara the' Canadian istatee- 3îouday evcning, vas very fairly 'tndec Aiaets and Liabi 1iies -Cntuy Ontario. matu vbo bave doie-moige ie this directionu-aud by a haiglîly appreciativa audience, i Sugor-curad Smoleed lise and Ilaconi-- hlant John A, Macduaald anmd Mr. Cartier? vo are to judge by the expressions of ap John lIowall. Were tbay utal the men wboasettles! the probation manif csîed. IVe should sey therE .41ERIFFS SAL[ES. ýditNcuIt questions of the Vlengy Resez-vas wvoue-ovrtwo hnndred sud flfîy personi Xbzaham vYs. Bt-awu-Saturdnv. l6tli -Juidysad Seirttozial teneze? And wau i not presant. Thse uamber, bowever, dis! no Property of osephiPurvisatutRaglIan, en 1*ug.r their administration tàat ouz- Muni. vt on pt h xattoso h Priday, April 22nd. cipueI loue basberaieiiises!, aniended sud promoters of the concert, who auticipatac OIA tiSL.mm1puoved, and! the nachiuery or aur muni. an overflawing bouse, îad mode preparati. Andrsn s.Tz-îîsymeat Vîitî> ~ cipa ui liutjuîuîs dotveLiopcs! end!nurféeted onoun a commensurate scale for the s 14h tîy.tp the eximent which WC nov enjov them 7 commnodation of iickaî-holdez-s. Misa Kats - 'blc uther ininisters, iu tiaeir z- rcpective Macdonald wus the great attraction, aud A1tTl ~ 1SLE. ureau,, are mim of eulightenniaîi:, in. ber vocal iàbiliuy opon this occasion cer. lieshw, on uidayu.liEunuuture. r telligetice and liberalite, of kuownuagd. tainly eeffered nothiug ie the good opin. baisJr. Auctiouieer. mniitratiu-e sbility, uebo %gill worthily on or a Whtlby audieuce from the fume Farin S lc.Imiplemeuuts. &c., onuL-t second an1d gsutain the efforts of ilieur coi- which precedes! hpn. he V'&% ably assiat. Xa. (1, 9tlicon. cf iVlttlu von %rondaylogeinteCbnt-adatctrd yirssead M.G L. ad April 2. 18r)4f. tho prmpertu- of the leauss b Cbnt ud loehr c ybrsstr u yMm .L e! iMiles WVelliq, 'lhos. Myere, Auctioneau'. ve bave iin the personnel of thse Aciminis. dison. Mr-. Macdonald!, (the fatber of the ization, a ur.tethite eiy hu young laies,) prasides! at the piano, ans! ~~i-in. ,r~. J Itisey have announees! uall be faithfullv ad-. the sccaimpaniugtuiu, were exected by fhim L.~QtJtUIJ '.t-~JlflC f.beres! to sud carz-îed m-et, aud îhat,'that muai sdmirtuly, ands! ueîh muclteteun policy yl l be onetruly Canodian, s-id judgîhenî. Tlli u aas ona of Rsner's O~LY *~50 CEN~  YE4R frmttif-d ta promota thse bst inlaresis of splendid o- -ueurinstruments, and was _____________ the countr-y. Lai this governusent but îurucuuued for the ,cesasioni froni Dr. Ham. 1bove as fait a trial te des-elope tIsat WiLtbuut tentiaiug a critical disserte. WhlbyTlîrs~y, pri 21 I~4~polIýry asi the Oppousition afruled Mr. sien an Miss Kale Maeulouald's menite as s ThaltIi-nstetatIllelmns. Sardtleld Macdonald'& govertimnt, sud vocalias., wva my observe that bier voiee is thbat -faaIl vo sai for thetâ. moat exquisitely tnodulates!, ans! in tbe fine Eight Meuibers bave tînw been elecues!, 1 blemding ti the toue is n uadIt-ss vaniety sud the electiona of the remaiuiug four iMn. iMncdouanll ubreatene tIo esigu 9 of iutnnuauiian sd exlre.ssou, ao musital take place ibis ueeck sud uxt;-ettolast M.Wlfm Mcoglj u ftevoica thui tvorebava seldoni, board surpasas!d. eo e fllyanici-ot. fGzit pack nf mliukiug haenda výo au alec, We niver heard thea sangs of thb.IlAngel's Ai-lb.nomuiatiouns for Cateraui, Weî uo ie îrnhtecumîy Ii l," eas! 91 The hst XËoâe of Simmer,", Nonîhumberlans!, sud Norita Waterloo, berry and cry do-uoa politicol Opponvl. rendercd vith greator aveetuae or more the Ministeralîisad !the' show of banal*.' MnrMelaugall's iualcte adâpt . hafa i uîteeelTct. InuI"Cumin' 1hz-a" tbe At lismilton ibm show of hbauds (il s A an bte voz-k no veil, that ýue generally lesifs Bye," sud Paddle your ove Cauo*et,"1 v sertes! unfairly) vws daclan-ul b be iu, fuyz-on hr thisdh;ha sudanifn-îonghîtihez-e vas e grest deal of Madame uf Mn. MeElroy, the Opposition candidate. enth ý r-; ndls- Uzet n c u fa. aA alihoahppmunrcfeesua Tihe polliug tairelpince ase flova:.whîcb a edues te is.lneas.. , W. neai osevale. Minas Lie bMcdanald's West Nor-Llusmleslaaud -Tseratay 21-at« nvrtrt s pfmiywt eii ~~îoegod nigbt,"wuasranderes! sud Fnia>. ~l2,d bèpunaees!Mn. Patct tisuaub Sogeeii-" u4e l eucb hormonia ta fllnesaand pathos; Nor-it hi'ufeslo.-Fiiday simd Satuz- yadi".i yne 'v îraS day-22ud and 23rd. Mr .Si neySith throngh Northumber. ss!un îf bylier tb>'m n ornAvaia" ast Ians! ;.or te thea instâce af Mn. Perr nnyw zdred i intsaevs.netigams Calas-acpi....Moiiay amis!Tueeday- 4 iiin huib iieesvg benviuly. MissMacdonald bu asoter a 25th aud 26th. I coutil ual evpen loi the honores! das! rest, Meile figura, sud hen appoareuce at final Ilamsltoss.-Monmiay sud Tuesdsy. -bat inbumanly drogged j inhe naine ot tha sigisi doges eut alsogether prepossesi an t el tise héat attention uft ho Ministz-y. Tise Th rus agss ba-i tcuscounit purîuk of aimait a tiresome sainie. mou nov un paver ore Ibose vio csu lie aTei hey mw lugit he "Ykofvcasseanaea. Hiasin& iug, bovever, vas tueZ- tzusedan! elas eo l uislypln nudas Polit-e i vlu t.tise prenelosas Wuocetionable. t trutedandreled Po (0w'sly lananl " notthevale oth prtenjou teceThonunavoidabloi absence of Mn. Buck- meute, aud carry out ta thseiz fufilloseut, punI>. set up by the urnils eoo.17vsti srîbrada-akt h tisha pon naet cmrbu ngue tisaIvas indalging je thase h fucs lml eaoSusofuthtie concert 1,hie inimitablo b( mcaprgramme. Witb Sncbl an ex- vbweu sddresiusg tbemf., They oould 15n o uas aladevolshveadod a peniences! veterae as Sir 9. P. Tache, :have fonguttan fthet tM s ibmhea=$ute tsevreyu ie ntinet asMînter o u t au, vahave overy mîu vito for thears irep Qtsthe vfisg 'for te. assurance that an iniproveel Mflitia ,>po- réenttoniy oul4s n ebuuced -a giron eplaaure ta su niany ofthte audi. licy vilI ho inaujgallâ Avoluateer un'ý"' ifully witha &1ldh s'eisom ' of hiei?~w# ul prcaats uirû bimamî, be-yll ot o t do jostice tae m ou ua h&s-fsied tne, anIfwhu expectes! ta bear bite. Pl tbm dlaimis atise ill.nsed vounuteere. Tha join bite;-fa tise cry, sud visao ePut wenlt .t 01SO tba ii oowsata tb~Oijfl "te mlitia billopevhlcb tIse Cantier-Ma- the lcngtb of deciaring in bis placeinu pý are deaervedly due bu tise isanagers of tise s! dunals! guveremoent vas defetes providas!, ianpiut, tisat ir, te $tatst'dtise jNechanitW' Institute for thse musical treat il wilI ha recullecta*, for tbe payiug, cloilà. People cf UiIper Cs.¶iaa £tmzoC Sktàpre)vides!, ii wriviug theni thse opporîunity ingi ans! orming cuf 10,000 volanteïrs, tua shn e yAndthelèudntii of àrgsMe at &olani b. lept un font in tise principal citiea of lu nacllect, that vison theaime patn0iate dividnolly, t4 Iselhve h~ms eartly. TI tho Province, aud 30,000 te 40,000 in Mal<gl u etf ieOiievt got aWsent, in the CJ wsine-.-Mi. John--mi thse rural districts; the expenbe, ait vas$5,000 s year, b.e brazeusl>.tnrned round!,eteansuc iiaep oalrgsoc v cubtulatos!, vaqît net eaed$400,000. vts1 e i:pl. few$-in od;Gi n!fi~e Fan Ibis expaeitere va wosld bave late s!e.las,e<$ e it Wea $ humusgnsjsandvrssasscoeboeie clso shaow 60,000 meneial smills!, set-l armes!, cansequecîly that sil hie lievisile advo. er atanes, c ine bas autalar ss. o n ans! vel clotes!. As a subtitete for itcasting it w4es'a lie i It w!¶the tan wisho si af Jret. edsf.utpenlrgess &mot visat bave we, under tise John Sandtiels!-madie Sncbl aaconfaeion t'4iat. býd t îc g >'the îe v i t* turea cudn vr'f -nal u oe DBonjon psn ? A nie'os re provisling for bueeu to 4eci eol ýpw ~plo, ý bn"daî,atjr1?whoi a4 six ,lays drill ut 100,0oi>srural Mesiid tia a slign lt.eisaracs os-s ofvôneo«-,ai, éoo-s pe~l somt-wt se eus day h Tise<ni establishment and pricple vise ivouls! noiý stuo e do. te iee !J..Thse clb~~IiiJ ~gok wits 0i t'cnrrrent appropriatfionstof $400, grade theuneelies as bhéd< setunaOi uuess t~iaeia-., 60> beissg aiea retainos!, ho - u te ernodlla ýt ï oa 'g'f4 ri expoudiiwoe te tiseigitre rci moeooL he -trs fýorhf4ýF 'Ti 0.Telarge stlspnt b>.Mr. Send.the ibm 1 Ofpoli Pltcài-oï*li cbrcor ea 11ra £oth belli d uo nforwarditsg the valua.an, à r.ei V ýJw 1e els ush ', test moyemotit. VU in greaier part frit-.tient1 wero Foi 1 ,4or timao away Us pdgte Majore, andinletes! foirt ion~t payisg -thefr trvemg expees, whiia ,W 4' f ha; 'r thboffeem and mon we..iou dgesand ! netau,"o C dlgutet. Ie theridev Më-ifthinge allvlet, , ieui, 4- «,, liseÃŽl iie borruptti sa>Mg7,uu& têlyî - savng in tv~----- -«-ýl---.---.. -. -.'-----liii la 1 ,- --..------. - d'a niez-sret, pricas visoil>.nomuinal. tiouls lor sala of lisi, nserast ; uchvas ver>. contracta lis pries huere bt-ci about doue - ___ remote froi aur intention. Buîtishe trutîî he tousut of aur chez-g -s ? l'art of theBlT . us4, tIsatishe mat-rial etftisa Wbiîb1 ui ork requirealin tic îresant inïaulce eus- IRYAN-Ât Wbitisy, on thse lifillus zelte ebn'~- mainl laMu.Iteo. î" bruce, 50OOpsîpblats, ans! vhere practi. tIse viCe of Mz-. Jacobi Br>.an of tbc Roy ueo-s onhy rafez- ta hast ueek's issue of lIse cable-as Our couîeîporsry vali knos__i iolIcfe on psper,-îthe article quotas! by tisa Leader aucli deacriPtion Of varIeLI; always lît by 1119 A hiy nte1ttis -un prqof of this. MarlebaniVilîs aze s-w c .su et Lî ur Otsaaafriand Bumother (r o h bBeA le iit a e Mr. i.îs inspires tise Wiiby 6azelle ; ss and te 'Io bis disa s! îl ad ot citiibit "eàlauHobbu',. junthe 2.ist yeaz- of ber agi. onea tht Mn. Willien tu Ms!ougall hinisaîf place cf- beau spitefuluiesu" i Ibâistuan- lPAILLE-luToronto, onuuî tis 0h iîst vas tî)t lise autisur of tisa temporiiiuig sr ce, as hoham sin 8se uny> others, vIsera bo M a Iry Parla, of tIse Counu> Wexfouc ticle qualca 157 unr Toronto cuntompoz-ory. -'vu vu-ais unsueassuinsucoiupu'ttng wvus lishe Cliito.xScSc for, cîtitraetà. jat laju iMact*;ut ofhuard of Selsool Tneutees. mule suchs nsoniolle ebuirges as viioan Tiah-sBur! of Seluonh Trustas mal in uî i liisu,.cess. IUniul ha drues tîis Ihu tisa Towan hall, osilse Suis inss.. .-ouglat tableuie nmîody but bjmuseif. lu Pregent-M. Thvîîite, Cisainmau; Messisamiuug aibaere aubwu asOu 5ft't BIov,, f'u-ausr, Man"id Pov~ielstfess and iiî'usaiîure - Qeantel>. raez-ns fro tes s chisois Wfe 'lunconclusian wva assura luith liai vies lois!~~~~ el 1aihiiswa le o!.S Fesese& a in p- azushldtfsittbey'e'Ii 'ibmy rui fi e4oît*.a dk bis bien' semit frun tlii-'olicin 10 TiseObsiz-mai aheso lais! on tise table thse .Osbsvwa--eV,'n ira vilIlia sittjaflud. Anti quarteil- repoz-t ai tIsa Local Suiperiuteu. va trust ha n iai> put tsakiîsg it &s a dent sboviug tist tise sciaol-ank - pate-nut eec iug tisa orders of huis Ps. baimsg pusses! frrwa-s! vus imereases! dilii ros gatîce uni] attention, and recoimmeudiug c in a lte r 'tâ i os.nd ii p ro v u e liîs i MM sa . II M ii. & C a ., a re n e v A enîmittea, cansistine uf tis be iré potité o pleîîditlstock of Gonds suitabla mou, Messrs. 131ev ans! Frsr, veno Sp- t) Ibmhesetis; he>. bave Freanch kis! pointes! ta takî tta cansidanauian 'iisï"t-.'glaYties-th nise mastytiss kins!. Grucenfasi commnieiaatians outhebmLocal 8uspe ona. a»alsu -nds ee n-heohr ea dent, ans! report nt tisa nazi meetmg" - -aeôsod uhé<brdpa. tise tisua for diîsuer st Henry ' treaticol BiBLe Dgt-osStîy. tishe Brancis is.f an isour, tota uka affect fron tise first de>. of Mb>. - 1 Bible Depositairy-Mr. James Baiu's Iscat Tise'Boars! e4journed until tise fret andi shoa store-tahe az-gcaîcollection cf Ttad&y'in May. Bibles suis!Testaments Set z-cceived are On alhe. Tbey amna.aIl, pnicca, ,ans!tisa FRUIT AND , OauaAMaw.ÀsT,& sues.': îi-sis binsting' of mutuy cf tise;volumes is su- is tise season tfor plsting ftnus.aund uens,. paris. - _ mental trae. Noavisera con pansons z-e. quir-iug suais le, better sepplat iuetIs a 0:> lz-. Hovaîl adrtises auierior Isexlts>.anti choica soelection of tli e ry gaýr«curead uoel haimis! hd acone je test kinde, tisean aIbmh Toronto Nursery. cther athunis foi sala. We are nom' speàkiag fs-uni ersonal kuav. W-. Nwum - etga, antidusthe concurrence of paz-ties vione a rdea Mn. Leslie -bas filles! aI bis Fort Pjillo bas beau lakan by tisaCan- nurseries. A catalogue aboutds!ensis for. federates sud muet of tise garrison massa- ares PLotouîao Âs-ir.Tis tiaI lunis. TIse Confedaratea bave gidaf atbsriillant ung match of "tho Wbuîisy club'$ je oavar-rcu-> Loiîn - - ises! t0 cama off-onSoins-day nexi, an lie -- jaI! c Mn Wm FietLotNo.21, CfttcÀacs, Apnil; iPa-'Thse uening fiel of r. W . Fit, hava . 2ha 3rdJouaepqihbes lettere fruni the Me Concessions. Plougia a"t e-o;river exrpedition, giviug thausils of- tie me te gruns! et mie uolock. -, Se a pticu. ver4 Union 'dÃŽ$àsasi- 1ieussnî UHi, 'De laraïa advertisameutle otte-columum. Sotupàviebu, La Omir csirslry ofthtie Srd anti 4h divisions, lltb arniy corpeas-ian s Dusuvzer.-ttentiun, is calles! ta tise ard-.fougbtation u'reoverpovareandu dretismen etDr.Car!, ist la~ -hiepet.lu route h>. s las-gel>. superio- Conta' aderismetofDr ar, hoisat, i derate force, - Geeez-eISîtise wu inu cone. Id offag ou Dündes street, vlisrei s monti af-tise movemet.t The 191h corps prepare! ta attendltahail diseaMs'ýotJ-tb renie uP anti flnaiy checked tise eneniy. sals.î-ad u ujrusal nv sta( is IstOnu' besi fs'vz- 2,000. Tsusenern4 als tesbt beaiil'. 4e eriÇè4t eseiptausmis! a lie lvou rfe~si - mandas! tise-3rd ans! th iis ioyllns,- vs Boor AND SHSaS.-M ws~o Bi a ouindêdsin e ea-Iypart of th ise ' srJ r- Jams ain18Theo'Chicago g15?ntule bate-y lbt ail lipplie vit suspers-b ockforus'oammera. , izuns, fiez- fie-s jand 22 nmen. rhe lfghu bucksliiu aIme, fur Spring andti Cuitoàcu, Apnil 19.-A let ter- tp' the' inmmer - (latest -style) vbic[eh la snow EsÉn-în9Joe-Tm -t ul t'dGrand Ecore. uucuiiu, îuin e 1orn ear ouit liai-ce. (TouronutoFreemae, pîcage copy.), (iiOi!IIS' .JuuOsheia. ou tIse 17IL is, Mr- J-!u Ileb(,1criet, a-es!.38 years. M 1 RRE D CI-IAPMýANZ-JOEINSTON..Te hJx bridge Villagre, at the rasideuice of the liute Win. Jotiation, on the avaiing of tis î 15th, istis, b h>tie 1ev. J. T. Dovhimug, Ira Ciamn. uq-, T ovnsiip Cusucllor, lu Mai-garas. Dckson JoIsson, aIl of Ux. bridge. HEWIS-.-STRiRTEVANTBy theu lier. J. Lawv, aitIshe rasidanca of tIsa bridesi maliser, ais tisa I6îbalt, Mr-. George havis, to Mies Anu Stereven., ail of Wbiîbv. S-li,'1rRTVANT-PIEFt5ON4;. the saie, aittisa sanie lime and! place, Mr. Johsn Startevaut, ta Miss Mary Aun Piar. NEW ADVERTISEMNTS, Jusàt' to2IfandI A large assornentofChlJre, Balmoral and 1 ongrèes Bootsi, NE WEST, STYLEs, For Sumfnc.r wé-ar, for male nt t!,, Old lRed %te. TE liS-CAS. JAM.ES BAIN. Whithy. April 21, 1894. 1 SUGAR-O(URED SMOKEDý 0f Soperior qaiy.t JOHN HOWELL'S, WIîi1by, Aprîl 20, 1884, 15 -3v- BRITISI AMýERICAN-i E X P RS S C.O-lPAi-NY! OFF[CFlroek Street, Whiitby, tiaxt ilocr tejiRe1isîry o(Ilco Agent. Agent 0svf fr tise l*-' Mantrees Ocea $taeMnuItCn a ny, afsd fez- the Glsgow U, cle .' 'nf~ bWf t orl' nal a0r cevaz->, vas so demoralizing tha*,th "iThe dement? e mi , ù ,.TréieWi -insretreât bliaea erout. Gen. itensoni s! eCji ialsruiu t i 5efli ez.Me ugll d'lrs ht owndalin bis paver ta z-aly tise mon, but Giad It dailyrpapar tis &a R cin ï t 41ýb a e resigu hie seat in Pazliement if Mr. FoIe>. ing il impossible vithout rél.Uforcenu dtf tv poivraiuua t baus isii.r hv cý craisci,te timjsnU# utna r Ou r useme - eete frNortis Waterloo. Thisalho mati eavcryfot aLr ts nille- r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ yfott tsiodae t,,eil the svuraie av nd vraeacei o iuses. fttîuuldibt spraeruce nt saieot<hIlaa obeicelrWhile endeavoring to gel the Cbicaji pitskmin me d r ice tdy. t W0 ýmercantile batte->.off,;lhavws laveraj î~eiiuuaarearîa tafertusre.iu...,~iniO CostiutinelPat>.la oz-r, 3>.sec wonîds!in the jeg. Capt. Cyz-na i a W. regret tisai Our Prince -&Ibert' Con- cees a double goot i vih haecioieves! ;-Mz-r. ieke>., hie Aujutanî, vas ieètautly killed. -tempurory bafoue penning h, aoo i!Faley's election, anti Mr. Macdougall's 0ur Bas us vary large, -obabhy tue not teke the trouble of infanming h"iseif retirenieial. Tisa is an anti vorîb allain. tisousans!. Thea Mercantile battez-y lait al y t us GCait. Wht is rsn as tu thesa crracines of the allegation iug; altbougb if gainas!, va are salie. iiges. S....and a Bis e r ilonc thal, tisamalse front Toronto andi poins fies! that i il l aelY furusiasanoîhri.iethe aut. hropdision wualaa ilh ack Watvard are deaineti by tise Whitliy stance of viol litîla relianca ils lulie in disordar lie 3rd division, nuniberinp ePosimaster. Suai, vo arae segreti,' bias places! in Mr. Macdougall's asserliolie. oely 1,800 meus came» up suid waa imai -not beau lieecase; they. bave, ve a . iajeI>routes!, mal>.tisa I9tb atm>. corps * <antas! beau alvoa forvardes! viîb the The Printing for lie Oshsawa Shbole. vils 7,000 ian camealu, formes! je lina y- - checkes! theaenemy ans! haIs!-theaunso, un. ulmost regularity, It froquent>. iappens, Tise Oshawa paF er of bat veek is, vo tiI va gaI all the îreitse off excapt thot of boa-aven, thet laîters nia>.ha mailas! or perceive, in quiteae pet, beeusa tise tIsa cavai>.. TIse viole ar>. js nov feit ragiateres!lu Taorouto, un tIse mornfug canîract for tisapziusing raquiz-es hy the ing bock isere uebere it muet vait ans! or, 0 ganize bafore pzoceediîîg fez-tIsez towez-du ofies- themail for Whitb>,. ie, bas been Board of echusal Trustee, of tisat village hzvpr. desatceelt teseletersdo et eec wva awardgd îu the Oato.Nwci- office. There is e remouir tisat generel flallock Wiitliy until thse arrivai of lbhe-eeing This ia uothing new. TIse editor of tIse bas placeds!li reaiguiltion lu tise Pra3i. mai, ois! afcouse ea no hasen votbVitudicator bias vîsiues! and! coueplaines!, dent's bauds aus! ibat hec insista upon ils util thse folloa-ing mornirug. Bearing thse year saitar >.eaz-, Iecause tise -Ciaaoa.-u.u acceplance. Toronto. Pael-mark of lise previous day, office always succeedes! in oblaîîiuîg ,tise the rcceivers of suchl lallre vàuld vai-> contrulct for the Oouaty çrin titig. " Me îîaîerai!y couiclude, (%vitbnut explonation,> grenibles!, au ha dae tow, whaîuthie cou-n.ib Rcs taisat they eît ae ament bau s e>. £r.ict for the' pzintiug requires! b>.thea ealiz- Israar ls mn> thr eee township of "tas.Wliby wua warded te Tîhe Wliiîby Riaces ara anuotisces! lu tvbich iii>. aise-sucli au a portion of tthe thse Ctao-yieiur. Ans! sohae goas , and is camne off on tise 22nd, 23rd ans! 241h of mala lcin canes pai tsa Vhb' Ci a- )ikel>. ta continsue, groajra ndiig s isnliiiiug Juuie. The Perses ansount to nearl>. tjan, b>.tIsa Grand Tnunki the non-or- to the end ; calliuug epon Jupiter 10 a4sst , $ 00. articulera in detail vîfl eppeaz- rival of 1Jae mails, untul ar t>è dePar. Itin instees! of goiug to work lilca a man naxt yack. hure of the stage for Prince AIlhart, &c.,1eus! belpjuîg bhinisaîf. Thse Trustees of vhicb uvouls! aceount for thse deteuitian luseOshawva Sehlsscelles! for tendez-s in latsa esce lrsî er.e0ibee withut ayig th Mane t te dor o th tiqai avby dveri-3men. T bccauge lie aces tise deficiences of oubers, Milotlyu, le luee h oro tes-clvl.b. ilesieeu. Te ina>. lie veî'y ignioranit, becausue lia aare -tie Wiîv Ioatnatu~r.advertisetnent vas puhuishes! in ailt t e of lus avut. ~~Tapublication of the Wbiîby Ga. papers priuîtes! in tIse Cout>.. A tender Miztb is the medicine of life; zette hamit not, weunuderatens!, just yet lit-au ias sent in- front this office, ans! vas ac- it cures itsj lis, ita calma ilse etrifr discntines!alîoeîhur; he ofic - -f corsa-bcczuaeif uss ite It lgentl>. amootha thea bro,, of care, dicntiud loete; h ffc s et cpe-fcMl -eas i a le Ans! wziteî a tIbuseus!graces tisera. open for tlue purpuise of eudcavozing tisa l'Rt antionget the nimber rece-veI. - hetter tus etlfic alet of tlhe mateial. Mur. Our eufrrpa-iaing coiitcmporary coiais have Goîsa ITO Ta uP Win Bî'aitîss.-A Robisonîhepelîishr, ns! omial dii rîocîîred tIse wonk lu>. puttiiug in a suihiujue Western ediar requesîs bis subacribars oobisnul.-îrure fr, a s oilediîbrec ds!h to-hsdý%ruefrLindsauaine eueder. ui h ot do so? % o a-lho owe bu more than six years' suili yacks aeo, anîd lu now perunaneîuîly locates! havnug donc vo, auud beiiug unulîcky i s rpî iaue, Io sens! hins a Iock of tsciz- 1 .1 util, n tdIsai, 0tiat lhe me>. kuow tisai bbc>.are al tbit Ilue. Oar authorit>- for aunoun- ssl nCiemg'ii IJi lice, f>e*Il livinîg. lI anser ta hich a contsera- cin. tlc d-î:nuiuuane o mIe ppez, ~ conue tIera uss roînelxîdy ta blame ;saone- jluarr>-soya liat if luis delituqueuut sulscrf. rlirctlyfrou li- vuft~eof isa z 1je od y lins!> u ubeau guili>.of -,îa pizce of nleubersv oul! do lises, lac wauid be obliges! ar~ofis, ns!sps.'fluesu" eccusie teuent of tIsetleava aolf editiîg ans! go imb htvis -i It"m tishe utieneum lis char fian Istýules'bca e ft e iuas bhat, toeupleds witIs lIe feet tisat the panez-r o- i!îaîla bcu ole SO loue as_____________________ lis! ual appr ouu auis regeerda u tphli at of thse Oiiitoiîu1 Our conîeniro. 'VIIIY.1AItKET.l4. caticu, oînouuuteul uo a confirmation of beîcrarysacys ha Il huartily appruve-s aifile- mue-a V ssul!r cru cntine as ha lçlâ ie? botv is il *Whbih, April 20, 1864. staleent wr td.Weshud ecestrar ae uy i." 1r pin wr tuaI eythiî, va avi. a t inever>. cae vhare lha huasaces! -'umraeli>.it eisrigwk xc edinor! tatantin-w bv isai ered hicla a-lu accoret for lIse dulînesa on tlie Fo-reena daasfas!. ext ' f e l î ii g p r p e z t u -A fin C e n u s k y , f o r m e r i > A fA n 1 mtl udiuiltur, tlî(irtainu ue routract Cou-auil, :ueiuw, and! Philip ofui tle Ton dt Vî lt«u )11ý, i1 tu eg-Camuask>., lier- sushan!, an! t-iu,. eriiiui,hi-atui uru n qu ar- --George* Coan, and Williasm- te r ;f uai t m e r c i, b u d ie s a i î,ne ,r lo ua l m , * - C o u a n , a n i J o h n " Co v n , c iul (.).,d vutEjiva Coae, sisan.an"s-ov TOWN LOT JYUMBER SEVEN, an, ifaul&uunder tisa age-of -tvauityouie yeers, Defendanla. 1 li fi rsi Tii-n oftheuu tret duuble ranur,'C i-or DtIîStUANrto an Oz-der:uuîude -ili--tlis uiiut- lîa-tul lut' iliut t o Brun-h' Slreet, t'uîîuîuiiug <tii JL &tc, 1> -thectia rt aif: inuc rs u iit-r D>uildue 'Street, luit Uic ,giîtl Iuuadali, t idito u uuu (OI W iT- WziIILLIAM COWAN, I V 1W lle ta i i o wi i L utI s e o e d c l u iis w l t itr s_ j a t e rti > ' u .t, u e ç o f P ic k e ri ui n g , i n t h e if i z i I l ] % < ;f I "l ? ( l tt r e LA t a il t a , , l 2 u î u i t t of n i t zi r i o , t ua n n e r , d e e s el , ( - w l o in d chati nillflty-i- Iik- i, ceph, iii lfurms luitor <il nuit tiie uuuuuumtls f AlunjI, 840.lura bc- pars oft le,! Northu hll f Lt îuuuurTaat-- ftr aiheclockin uefeneno mix, iui the Iluiîc-a-.iu ,'Ctliu theNA fi Niullsday of !îfaq, 1864e T 0 Nî,, H1 P F W ITPYl jbic iiude-migir aster ni)ii rduîytif te saut." 'fie hbve proiert .i uliluc nthe- iuotseCor.etnyCaxbrii rceuutsîi-ui1) v icthe , t u' tnt Williauuin C' '~. 17T i li lirv 'T--uîuiuiull t41trvîulir i lt aus GKjJ OJ D E H A.LC L tliuidiug lieuaîl'l iaitruus uàa barilt îuîl stablesIN Tu IrALUXI3LE FRUIT ORCJLXRD. - ti>r !i aiuîuftîthiererif,-tlie> seullin pa[?rcnsiptmv- *1 1T t . i ? p ro rt > . i l l e aII t -fr ae - i m ly .e x i i i v i te s e !iefi t ua f riues u id o rd e r . l - u i- i c tes -. ) it v uu j c t t o a îuy ta x s t l u t t e te o f t h e e ! v ek ,iii t u e f e z o u u uuuuuý bedclit rauii. Satfurday, flie Foureenîlî da of iMay CONDITIONS 0F SÀLE. Nxt iny>. Ctuamta)rg,' le appoiei tge~r proe 'liecuuîlmuuîi -fcnt, ire hlm. enuuuhuu' c L,- i i lttuit t iiuthe uvli bu- clars! iul amr ljudihon- T t niu i tii ue tuuîirt v thu i ai , 1em mewl pPeriifl a ilciit t uiluIvIS u 1 s1ie I tu of bae us a-Tui L hlîi, e . -Jpî ut au> fidt Iiateiensit; t ieivaofitha OrietIuk lt-of hie îuuîy f iIc fiha ll Thursday, the ~Nbettenth day -of May -Iij it tIi-, u'clritiî ftotu ur-ekA sriumueitue Dahd,he s.wauîby uinth day ef muirch, Iffl la1% (d 4îlo îslîvrst Oe purcluuuur sha tliem-tu t tie ta i eau s u y luu ieç, u u d tu t e i e lo t i , iip é- 1 3 A . N .' 3 U E L L . suo'L tie tu-i'.lio tic.ilie ,ut ftic s û- il, -il, et- îîîfuuîtu lt.iii.or.Sii.5. . 1E Ptlif T R I,~ 'uci:ruuîe lVsq, ili tice Tow is' iil Dted l:,t, April,- A .B.184. Nîsussue. Brerf r, tsi.vu, & Ihm, s- DUNDAS STRtEET,> - Vcundez's Sf.I lors4 - Tined, Presed-& Japannéld Ware, Steve-Pipes, &CI, à 4 iiK euýb-im"erbege-tu'lva telailionteuu ta eud 'tIse clurrcruuudîng cimutî tissahî I&ha commaneied buIieness len tisaeaveliii.>, -mme dter Eiist of Mr. lanw'z' ailstamnds, viee-t -1 [OID & SgILVER WÂTCRES uaueerelnus!id utIiseravlil i tid it tu tsai- sai- -- ODAN IVE rIN, ie seller, lshe % l ô ltpro Iiiiy ul pices tu ssit the Uies,. ,i coso~rî ranaiiuiui Oe~, - Pmuztieular attention puI tet ROCgF iAVETROUGHJNG 'A -JB NO BAR RINGS, .4DTBî Ail irork duuu seoit thelalemet ippzoved pieus, FINGLERRINGS sud varz-sîted o>.gy Je îo LOCKE7I2, - - j~WP auseîll ndetini iae for youz-salvos, QHAINS, ans! sec Jtw6eî>. ansd nsaafeîeas ombluad. Ji El T G00 ID)S Ans! PvwMrItjaiic îulgforpois ko ie A r R ings, snti B racelets4, 'in4 O H R U H T O oapaee iertinant, incîuting tIse lu iarg o e t u theagromui lorz.r - 'ATENT JET G IRBLEYne~tusW fasliotalessaelî Irlish ibugeek Branchues ticlimît piui l ruuebea atii (jEau' "ilti g e G a ts a s! - a nid S e a f nsXi u , S i i . e a t es t l t > le s n u xd - a largo stock o ut' - ,GulzligJlas rpsived cdl- iL cfl'ili aill be fëtntd very lolu 'n nil. Sale I- lia eaeand! tetiuîî.O ,f JAMES JOUNSTÃ"N - P RU - W ttt o l e k r a n d -J e w tl r r-~ P e a y 2 8 , - - ' i- - - Bro1Dk86trctWliitl),., ----- QHANQERY,', in-tihe malter of lise Euuîate utf - William Covaus,- latu of -tise - t, r. t, te NEW ÂDVERTISÈgMET$1- NEWADVERTS XN S (lhacerySaleNEËW SHIRT STORE. T E xiibmcriber lie anooulic that eh,, '0 liashu olieed . Nw shr tore lu tU6 VILLA àGE tOFiviiig " Tod.îi 1011 c, tr- d ourn , ' o Frtùiidg ind enetoliuerî, ara învlted teglvI& er., eatil, and examine thie nilidid esâouitlt ,> lReudy-rnad(a Siirtajjow UIà lu'ud. .. IN OHEAI<CERY. Sit htwl vfr BETWE8NPricesq cxoeeiïgy low MIlS. CATI{LUNE JIZYA, Ps Emily Andersoni Plaitffjl ialenîtyve, April, 1864. 1th A2'AÂ~i tant Teacher Wanted. fW i l l i a m H e n r y T r e m a y n e , A N e e t a t T a l r W a e d o 1 h * ( y B h, - A r W h itb y - S e n ir <o Ixtny G ra m - r- mnSolinl. alary .400 per annam. Appli- ls ND wti ha receive t uti the 28t h mant. Joseph R. Partridge, J. N.- DR. CLAK ýkPinchot, J. B. Warreni The - -ldtR,, i. Ontario Bank,. and The City 'Vh itlh, A-11ril 19, 1864.. 1-5 Bank.nmade parties in the :ZîDiIy Globe and Leîî,ler giva otie inqer- Master's office, Defenctants. tiO J N p [ r s n u e e o f t h e D e c r o c i t i l i e . c a u s e , 1 I V f I I 1 C P l I - I)ojriiý ittath w(ttyfrptday et' April. Vii.1ANJ24i i-NI0.TJIj O 1 1 3 a n d t uje F i u ai <rd er fu r mule, '.'eiarir.r di r- the Twcolftlu dav or April, 18,A4 :îd witlu the TO CREDITORS ! approbiftl(soo oîWhliaui Lt-irgo, Ëiiu.qwre, Mate- uotl,. Court Ut Ilainilto, wilI ho euld by PURE.C1 IJCTIfON Tho riou, coi ~bei 1 4 ue te intis the au Levi Fairbanks, .&uutioneer, ATTIME COMHMERCJIAL ILOTEL, M it rd le

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