Whitby Chronicle, 21 Apr 1864, p. 3

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- MUS. McLANE. Whitby, ApHIl 0, 18". Shorif'. BRlO of Landai Coeii Ofoltf (itlO', ()N SATURD&Y, tie WIt SIXTRENTF1day of JU> . D' 184, t twolvu 'ock,imoii, wvIu b gela byPublie -uctin, uM my ofitce, Inth ourtlo'uq, In the Town of Whitby. la the Qquuty ofOntarin. the rittitl unud IuStOfSt Of the. UDdeono,:iolied I)of'oiditnt, in the0 uneuntw aid gind teluTnont,~il tre On, aulu.d by nie under juiid hy virtie of two In the Clesnty Cousrt. ROBE~RT ABRIAHII, GEORGEIOWN, Ieq the Oounfe, court. r4uJ~N, BUV AT TUE'NEW tGroccery and ý provision DTJNDAS STREET, WIIITBY, Wliat Groceries & Provisions you require 1 Choice Frcsh <rocetîes just received. Provisions of ail kinds o>f the best quality.. AIl whio deal at bis Store, get the best they cari buy, Anid this you'11 acknowledge whencver you try. I)cfnd~n. The qtnality'g good, and the pric-es are iow, An~d you cannot do botter, 01, eheaper we know. Th ,~Q: IUtN o i~ity¶-JOHI1N FAIIQUFIARSON. Dcftiduilt. WitY April 203,184 Dundas Stree loot tumber *Thteu, iii tii~~e >:iti t"(R SA ECH A ,ho 1owinm>i)O*hZIaei t;u9ol tt (faid Servant Wanted. f() AL ~IA ru l ~ itaiilig teiti*i i e O r NELSON l;G. JREYNOLDS$..9.1-4 1 servant wjiî flsj,1 aplc A e bI.;eilqtil 'gut the re.jJ"IIce ý-f wUJSFTIsBN;WAGO iIoitt flc 'erg' N~. MiS. CHAS. NOURSF .~ o d * hgrl tby )ft r il1,i<4.4 % ibv 1rl13 ,Applv ait this Office. ABSTRACT 0F TUEf RECEIPTSIANtI» OF THE I~CORPOI COU~rTvOF AS PER IREÂSURER' qu JL JL N-J ejL la 1l JL 0 Pt. )N 14 EXPENU)ITURES ItATION 0F 'THE "S BOOKS, liOIt THE "w!,Q 1. 77=7= 77 0 LegisIatve Grant....... paid Municipal School Asae« ment, in full, to the foI1ow igTowniships-Pîckering Ma aand R ai, W hit'b y Eaagt Whitby, Sougog asi4 Uxrige...... Bui Lt Whitby, extra Miu4i cipai Sehool Aueegement... paid Senior and Junior Grai maï Sohoolu, on Bcount, 1883 ................... paid Local Sohool Superinten. dents, for salaries anidnt. tendance nt Board of Eau- cation ...................... XOADU ÂND BRIDGES. Paid.work on Narrowa' bridgre 16T. Paxton & Co., work on~ Scugog bridge........... paid work on Dayton's bil, East Wlîitby............e paid work on Centre rond.. di . Brook road ... 's &j Lake Shore rond, Debèntures u Paid Thomai C. Keefer .... IVW. H. Iliggins. -Peterson............. NMCELLANCOUg. Pid Conty Cotnnilors, for attendance ut Ja'iuary, .Thne an d September Ses. siOfl...................... paid Warden, allowance ... "Township of Pickering, pesna property tax re paid Jolhn Maili, fine refunded "Jasnea Mir, Auctioneer, refunded on License for 1862.................... paid Printing ................ pImid grants to Agrcultural $o. cieties................... Jirdd Wolt bountict ......... Paid sundriem for Gaot supplies,- àwd repiirs uit County itaildin. ............... .1323 38 pIdd Inisuragice on Counity build- in g s .. . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 1 4 8 3 N E W -EMET S ----------- - Fà ArI &GretSc 600 00> 50 00 75 ou - 1919 34 601 10 100 00 il 03 16 50 447 72 440 00 48 00 - Paid six xnotes retired.,....... 7510 0 diAvount and Bik agency on notes dika~unted......164 79 paid Bank agency on remittUn. 1863.TS 25EXPENDITURES. Iaid 2jpet- cent commuission:on 2~ joli 1,Batti-c inluqgls f TeasrerCoutity Rat.es for 1863, to, 182....... ing MI Uxbridge, Whltby& imiAEOFCUT ATSpi s I>;v:tlhh, titt:.......WL .......2i37 ......... ... 2800I00 Pec. 31, balace ini Bank of Montroal, 2574 56 - uaclh, in flil ............. 81ý8:qme teTw bp f hoJ________________ Iteceived fronat osj1 f raih............... ... 186 00 - .lim5 4e P <I ani .Irx IJta, Ofr 041.1.l 61 The undersigned, Audit1or of the Corpomg*on of the County of' Ontario, for the year 1864, a.-................ 383 1;;si 4 r ' ti - rdo heeby certiy that the above in a conet, béutc of the Receipts and Expenditures of the J~ec30tJ.......w i mip o I 8b 0. ,id CopeorU i o r 0 the )ear edim g 3 1m om « r18U lnoai.......; t;:oPi9'eIeclÃŽtîjill-ls,.......... 12 0 JOEHOIK flocived furI 1ie<rest on bacek ".....[...... 240 p ayrlelgts tii lI:»va ai tunrforj ROBERIL .L..WDER. MMI and ltla. .........2 ,5 <(0 ........................ .... dod ot1962, on ac.... Grant to Gi'auun:irnr SIos for 1Ae ... ............... IReccived trom onerin,ît,)r S Adiimwlitrnoliof (nziiinail Jw~Uw, .....6........ 11)5 on0 50()j OÙ ),.illfv CuIfOoLGRANT Fout1$1 Reoeived tor the Township of Brook .... ............. (10do Mara & Rani:a do du I>ickeriilig. djo o (0 Itenci do do ý>00tt. do do $cuigoL. do do *11o*i.u..... (ln do U ..r..g . do do Whitby East. do do Whitby .. do0 do Whitby, extra ~oi 1862.........~.. lt,,cciveid for thceCotnnty Grain. Ma chooi ............ ('OIVTY. RATE FOR 18631. 267 920- î 14 '241) 186 452 421 .117 -4313 001 6850 Rleuciv.id from the T'owiisip of Pickering ÃŽli 1h1.*......4695 i100 eceivo-d from thi 0wsipo Uxbridgc ..iI........ 1588 80 Roceived froin tl1 '.rovnt3liip of' Whitby iii fitl............ 2056 63 RecüiveOd fr9Om tlio Townshlip ot 62 East Vhlitb4ý in fi... ..2060 6 Rece-ived from.t I w ownahip o Reao, o x~,oun.- . 1574 58 -- 111017 FINECS AN»I) 11C>KSr6. Jtocived troni Magistrato, lir Reoetvc>d frotnuctioneers, for Lict«s .................. Reoeived fmmtuPcdIars, for Li. 188 50 236 00 70 00 MLp........ .............. 1332 AdjOU liledS01 >nsorders fo101i-~ plu W3 1669 58 PaidLol t eituvis 4lnes if' 1862.....144-0 I:ijd SintdrN y >tiIti~o I*qoltidl :iI;l briIges........ 756 26 Paid Pekeiiîg, and -M ira anud R.111aiîagr 3lru ocie. ties. grattfer 1862 .80 04) 6750 17 I)BCTt~AccI2ÇTrIltT TUICRmEUX PAid Coîtîitv Debc3ntures Nop- 15 and'16, due lat Jfnnary 18e6.................. -. 1200 00O Paid PrOvisioî,:l Coiîity lkhcn. tire -No 25, duc 70j Sept.9 186.3,............1200 00 Paid .Janiiaiyviitlest on Couin. tv )el>enitures............68 (0 Paid July Ilite.(gt on Ccuty Debentures ........ ......32 O0 Paid Mfardi Interost on provi. Sional CotUntv l)ebentîires, 360 O0 Pad September, Ititerest on Prov-isionaI County Debei. tiires ...................... 360 00 Paid Jaiitary Interest on Non. resident Debentiireg .2..55 00 Paid July ltLerest on Non-resi. dent Debentires .......... 255 00 - -43000 $ilAISAYD CA»ON"IGNCtS. Paid County Treastirer in fuit, Colintv Clerk in fuit ... "County ,Etigineer i fllI... "COUrt Hoiise keeper iii full SCOunty Auitors, in part, Keerr ý;arrow5'brdg Paid Mes8enger to Couinty-Coun Cil....................... paid George Yulo, Statîonery, padPsaes, Map, &o. 1200 00 40.0 00 400 00) 250 00 80 00) 40 00 19 55 A9 40 'Il44 2480 39> ADMISgAxlTI 5T 1CU. or NDET AD JOUUP M SaOIOER8,kU lPaid $be*ff 1noda on se. S couRt .......,............. .1218 02 -piid Clerk ot the Peace, on ao- Count .............. 11224 pd-<nty AtUerney i c- pald Corone and Crome " ontbi8 ......... 191J35 " ic er............... .. ~ner~a~i ~pt~g 1074X, (~ fil'5 3'r Our stocks of Di 0e8 Goode, Shaivls, Mranties, andiNew 3iint.ery,, are very complete. French< Kid-Gloôves ojbR? EdD Y-.1MIDE C TIG WITII- 0O[R -USUAL TJI2HY.SND CLO VEÉ SEL1PSr Field n n<l Garden Seeds. BROOM htavinfr engagyd the services of a -first-cltlNs Lad'yfor the (W TiM Corporation ot the County of Ontarjeo,- on lst Januaty, 1864. CAME NÂLMA» IDOumISàAvÀILAEL&U as. Balance iet Cash in bands of Tres- surei roïni 1863 .......... Due by Mars and Ramna, balance of Oounty Rat~e for 1862, and lutereet................. Due by Marsand Rama, Connty ÃŽPrate Jor 1863 ....z * ..... Due by Brock, Co. a for M83, ftThorah, 44 Il di Scott, « Et " Towu 0* Wbitby tg ty rate for 1.6........ Due by Tovu of Whitby, advan. ced on Sobool Auseosmet... Due by Go 'vernnii, ount sti mat.d, saspropoitdou due Couuyof expueofÂdin* in 1863-!........... 117 12 741 041 640 35 1073 91 3" q& 92800' 43200 IUO 12 '77 00 1SmOOO Âoeowftiedue to thé Towashipsof Br o , B ech, Sctt, and Uhra , unicolp<Scho l A» Amout due to th, Townships of Scott and Thombl. hftlf of LeMate Sobo<>tgmat for 2j per cent commission on Coun. rie ,r 1882, Mars and 2à pr cieùt ommiuon ncoun. !Yratefor 1863, ~fr oc wATE On the shortest notice, aiid at CASH ONLY. B EG to inform their customers they will be prppared toLuk W@lUBIIY 168Ã" 04> 210 *1 I. ~WA~AIL4ILU 8ALA~GhS~ A~D 8141. ~619 43 1000, oêl --494 50 LIIYo UINAL JtTUTJO. ni Gornment on ..... .......52 43 rJ. V. Hain,on rM fe ........ 267 0& *77 00A.uiacigerlsckfal kinds of fresli anid gcliio Gnc(hrdeii and Field Seedg, at 685 00 No. 4, LA-ING7SBULlNS Comprising-Olover. and Timotb-y'Seed,> good qiIi»pfeSý , * * 479 90 Belgian, Long Orange and Red 1 -ot Lon7 led wlnjiteb 7893 40 Mangel Wurtzel; Itape, Tares,- Flax anid Hunigarian 'Seed 1 q-iiab Corn, several varieties; E4Àirly Potatoos,, difleront kids. 87 >7Gardeni Seeds, a coinplete asslortmont. 157 07 ce R B Iê~ 200 00 300 00 Whitby, April 20, 1864. EÙMN ..00 00 250 00 ORua.................RVET 1 1-. - . - RAMILTON Whîtby, 17th Apri4 1864. TIAB=lu.

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