JIfttlev Teej1rî 1 TWgWHT-BT «CHRONICLE s.a biesu 0. ts TUE oiiie or At kifs Prlutiiig Exiabiiilunent, Bréck Stiýeet, Whitby. W Ifen: fboor to the Rëgltry Oile. ýrERMpS i 50 1ER iANNTtI. AL~Avosees tr ns sred ln Noi4rar. £1. II, titi d e.s t tige tâte of &acettm por jine,-ftrot limortion. and I2,eitsi per line, oach emueg cut mssrton. . sp4laj cofittithade wltli ndverd,,%ersby the er. Ordéra te dlmostinsie îitertleieutg mit 1>. Iu wriUng. BÀXK Ã"IF Moe<fREÂL, WItiTBY ÃŽ3RANCfl. W. BULLOCK, - - 17l With étim Printed words, great ihoughtm £nd untiri Indestir * dvocagq Peace, Peogremus, Knowiedge, Drotherhood. VOSviii. T3C., THEUJSDAY, AYlIIL 28, 1,864.0 O.1 B ROLI OUIE. TILT m I ,~MIM---- - 1i - - - .-_____ b' CLL A»D SÉE SÂNDY I1< hl sAuteiken tise " Brooklîn lIeuse," lu Brooili VilI.ga, visarae viii lieo glai »0 sets s .triensui. "lise premîsies are veli fttse4 nîs and couveujeut, assd tihe acceieoda. ticu> gosd, ver y ostI sil-tar ho kees te tise emfert ocf us:sissu id onse hîsuassf, isaîiii been preutotei tOtaaisn" as veli so ostisitos, -At Sassdys' taires ytilr et, *Sassit>'LçîabIe ia tise beet, 1Sausiv'ossiod accommonidation, I(aiil' lie ut lu aIl tise natiOn. Tise isimroue friands ai Saussy-.all, Are aakedt te givo hie fluse a cuit. ALEX. PÊERIE. 1--,'roitîeslWusie. 75 Yntug Sireeot, Turrissia. - -CAiEION MÀUONE1L -THB COMMERCIAL HOTEL, hAIIRISTEtS d& ATTORNEYS AT LAW, DOC TE ,WH BY Siitris te ils.ellsnk su Msustrsl, and Unoaiiy Crissei l istanie, Witlsy, C. W. Truivellera ail, if ysuis aut te i veli- 'I Liiese (ilst it usue-5ouatls Wlnst. Wii1 ut Wllh-ssu i tise (1iisajeesiail lsteZ; s~ SSII-a ai --Yeu Il gît ailfeInfernatien. iantertssinieus be GEORGE fH. DAItTNEýLtÙ, &srd these st fs odie. ren BAiiTIATTORluN EY N%'. 'lN'AN 1 AleYMIaIE B er's !&t.,ko.fiH;(>lltosirlv islso(tss lte m J, . fAM~GLOBE _JIOTEL. 8Cr st t 'sliist ' t'. .nov el torn ý -, - ~~~. T l otu 5 iiid r 55 l.5 lusse tsiei iirelraa.tu V N. No,.G.iAMt, - - hitise w1iss'isc.vesre)lie seil aiWAVA l'o Y - Pol55issuisn itessi rsiy te tttensl l'eho « iyt tRRIlkTER AND A'rTOIlNk*,'-AT-1.AW' ilrs',essrs5e sdt hliu Cretssa. t. nl (LSîutee-îIppaî.utt is.ritrý 4sitUva. iocie Thos. prs'..«. hmossueheen enenitîi ansi tri-at, w l4ry- I s' 'îs vs,-Is t-rs'trP ; psitsslît sI s a erei, tre. --_ _ _ - wi 1,s.s Oasf -stuweî,tfJ, W,1,1. s 'siI s..- 1555555 s 5 ru, ti, o i ll i t T tu, sa i i,'usn ANIlU8 1i fllusN .1 . A. StPO.Notice tu Fariners and Others (, . 'Il R 1 !N h8, . d.L. iB lauu. tîsî,s s IArsi ssse .isss' T lsi t5rrtts-r susi '-S i u 15 .lsb sus issk IrassI v ifor tse ise ,îe Wittsalieu o: tiitur lit V'lsiss-trs , Ns' ai-v I'stisi-c, & ' sIqlie tl 'i#str% dut tise tasu-1 ss -Ilifiss-tji l1lr l n' Neuw llsrildstz, fiilstss t titiv - i-tlrt, asdi toiss ila' iurr. G.Ili. DARTNELL, lssîîi iîs rl uii D PU -l' II.siIS'l'ilAlî.MEREXTRA.-~ _______ _____ entiîssu tsti itir -n ts Cianscery fusi ROBJERT J. WiutoON,. bAtiltTFIt &di Tr'oitNF.YAT l.AW~ s ~NIO< *>Lboîeinrusfhst.s, ir. Wlsithy 4' W'. I'nsprituen - -- - - T) it-'T qT Wisi tr i, ILs cur, spissuz. M. 3M. ARVIi4, 13 Ustlssrr 'rsetn.~sslsssigrs Ir;,----. . GORIION, tl'rui A L 13 1 I FI1-0OT'É r, J. M. 55n"55v5s5KEi'T, wbitTY. STTORN\V ÀT I. t -LIrlTORIlIN JAMES tttArK. (,'issssseî vr 'si5lif' i '., ver [055e'. nlro ri or i. iovrid' Su usî , t'.'lity'. (i1.W' 49 ____ -Pssi -. RP..LL~R & AWON, EAST INDSitOR NOlISE, W IFITJBY, Rien tise tlnss i ffl 511 k.cst$irs.sul, wlii resIntîsî paîtsrt r se Town. misSlli routiia MIAX., K à .î, iA';l I.%tMfON, itall i llasl sstlt ive -'islers. 2 fsssu«ses 1. 'Ii t si, t-W, - -- - - -- -VICTORIA IIOTPld. m4zL~1 W. KW..R si r ..ssv ,ItAIItER (iRCCÈNW<IOlý ýittitsi leie lsi ililj5 ë. luirrHs lu -1.4.fi JOUX iILLINGV4 PrseAbtrt',two stsrr% wset iof iîNVEl'AN1':1î, ('îMMISSI4iNEi$ FOR su ~Uxhlrisige. . 's'- icitresit, iearly opposite Nia. Miuh. rt all . iromltly attensiesl tn. 92 (,ÇlVEYANIrÇ1j iasld ossnlsini4r uQ B., &e.,s di;.. Diluas rssie'tusl ursstise smon essîuiale tarisse, similrrsît11 reilîsittaiufee fleaverteii, Sert. 16, 1 Ri1. 85 * - R. W. CL&RK, IM. Di. y ~ loi'is Store, îirocsk 4rrsiu, WhIitisy. 44 iii~D Il OWMAm. i llllimiI<, Dsfrurr'k l'ickcrisig. fa 1il R. J. atiýNN, Ml. D. L49ltG>«iN TO TRE i'(iL'TY UAOL, 'h TRIODAS DEVERELL, ~1<flUT L )ER , &. &o., GREEN STRIEET, w'litlsy, 51%W. litsLEUK()FfigIEFTIiIDIVI$lOiq(,OÃœRT, coJ rmp rîiuisgtise Tuisip Iltouki. Ad-1 si -! ~eee ('asssugtut.14 ROISIIJIRT SPEARIe% CLsERK CAND) TîEAilîjiEi OF 'VIF ri ,i,.£ EUCIANT TAILOR, BIIOCK STREETr, R MTAIS MT,-Csraerork ntsud Ex- lia- ItplanatIe étretoTiruuta. RefreAeisrsntm C. ~W C~uNLEîtK dTaEAUuCEn, WIhITBY~ j OffiMc-Trova iisl-ihuurm lita I occick. <1LEiiýk F FOURTII DIVISION COURI', S Yê,.J ~b"ilgeceiveyoneer, &C., Uibnld5ge. Id - oNTIEAI, îî:U :i, 127Kini tS, Wobt, I i?'11Y ANGOLOANFItICAN IIOTEL. l'al ,tlr, ALanir. tIl E.isch'u-rîbwr u-' iss ftll tirs' e s <.51 s-ssailisflsl hrni, lwe-th s lic %-ss'v isftullig C>-Inf1 .iint t 1tril MOOliItipule. tJK1ION IIoTuIL. 1118 hr-isitel lm cesstrally Ait iatsi nîostasmtea ovory hu b5dieeteouiesI. 27s wiis-prieLune.an cia" SICNTON JIOTEL,ý fIFFINS CIIEEI, PICKERIING. COOuD 4m Ris Pmpieor. rrfnilisî, aus.I lise trava!inapibilia, tisatiSe ises talueistise a'u'î e s-ilkusuvusIotl, muid trusts lsy msuie astestîhu tohuslneseý, sud by eleà iev4rig ts sicail lus lis pcaserici tise delsi- t-rt sîsut en'veien e u utota.Lumerit a.alunis of public puftrosunes. Cold Liusors andCgmtsu. ctoIi table accommotsiion fsar man ans! hýrî. Ari -tuesissi'iran.] tsietul i Otlîr i sia7. It a. - 15ioprltbn J CIS3EPII M<isN, LATE 0F '114 ION. P- qusin Ilutal, ansd forriierly of Wiitby, ait- folete140 .s is rimosîs uns!the. publie, that Ibn lias rsitrtndIle sthus.ve el.iown isote1 vistiti ls tuet, lu euit raie eider toe' tise ecepl.lou of gruetta Wliias, Liqacra us! 'lgtsl. Gqii Stabliusg andiais altentird Osîlen. 15-Y Grand t ranie htcay It16M.i <&>etAsia f Rzili e spot, Port WA445.) Tlfr lE moimecînliiut ttes! ip tise sieve ia'ilI T kueournsisite vitise viev or .uîçirsg tise ein i i ,uio i.,tratveilling pi. hIe. lIas- set susd veihiclis leilutlisshie a e s t ôt e otIrili b. îraîueriy cames! fer, a#alil g tise artlalmîof tish se lui1 «vtishe t-s It or %Veogt. <la44 Stuabling, aud careitit atteltion JAXESPRINGLgS. Wlitby, April 27, 1M5. NOW 19 TIlt TIMIL, GET TOURC LIRENEIS AT ., A. 04là tkes lot P"rItPéaure 4ciilaêt P? yen, à &lr a acorrect sas! ife-lîks AuSSiet. t teCauuiselipe, I.eti'g bp,,or Leallir 1ýaiii-,rLieue§a nu lta I.,ktBrotellur poyt'l 'eudeoilintbh iat tylèb, tueKISTOai'S BI1Oce., 58 lrxeel8fm Wel 89 Klug Street East. JUST raoelvsd, per Expies., at tae above elea*Abisliiment, a aplondusl lot of PRAIRIE CIIIC ENS. QUAiL, SNIPE. Ciever Patridgem, WiId -Docks sud Veisteesii. SIIELL AND CAN OYSTERS, Lebatera, &o., Wholeshi, andi Retail. 39 CARCLîSLE & MoCs>NKF.Y. RUSSELL'"S ROCEL. QUEBEÇp,. 9 MiE i'uderxlgted Pioprietara cf tihe aboe. Siamo.] HOTEL, bagnreipectîclîv ta aruprize rhoi redi n pa n. tiat they have tlîe.. tulie vîssîer, wviilsenebleoi theusinov teo fer te tise Mleinbeus of tise Legialature, sud us. Tra. veliiisgPublie tenn 'accommuodsaton. le additison ta tise apisrtcncntt tiss'v a.] lest ri r. ter, tisey have novfl'aar. sisal lted-u-oocslu.s lagesa aa ar tae Ratas. viois, fer couuior suid uuuvesience, are un.suipuind hir tjisa City. WM. RUSSEIL& SON. QssieMri l. 1561. Northern Holel Cannington. Thue ssare&tiug h>111ss1110c98ilt.ti fboeufauser ruhkuisr I-ctIli~as resieîesl il sIoceeeeirv ion l"su"ssihscriher 5 r aie tisflie. and mads isi-isci lleratisios snd Smiirovsunseunts, ta ceocre %sill fuitrt4i tuscssfert Lsars'sureTmodar.liu s-f li, assea,. Tise tahle I% alvavm prAviilesi viti ths. hieu iaurssusi.aisd noune l'utni ti-l'est bhiidn nf S-isseasnd itl..iursi, ept s-n ths e- us Ti.r,.-il ké'pés sup1lied vitulesele. Cilve s s.ail as0vusspisser. Bo li '-rs'novn.d OclA alwaytii itent- rluse, nsu-eud iyi i-k.te salue els'rre "feuants. Pro1si>îetar. <!arinqne tii-s Ict fsi. M51. 41 To the Travelling Public. T I eip secs-iiiss sîrus -e.esîirni'îensi- T -s lctrlv xxmi- sedt ly T. Encis, tulntise Villssge nrf Fssiuu,,ansd isavisir mfltes titi-s., inu gufis1style, i- isit prasl tsisseis'idt ail us-ýe vis" Luire lmsairail c li îe iuteusde keepini ntilg hut TUE E 111T OP LIQiJORS à CIGARgl ,l i- us*will ili lise frrisi«lseui it1Isa lt' dssetlii s-f tise steamasi. An st'euiiv,' iltî sîvave Cuu i imui. Tisciisa hofavusihimsi itis e vali sisav rulv isisn suis'nifsut shl essuu ssiscslaan sd veil stuenulî'i is. JOUs l I MLTOs'. V-aons. S-av, 18.1 WOON'S HOT EL, WON& B90T H R. ItL LIAI! KAJFFIMAN AllWHITEÇCT. t> 144, BaY Etreet Toro'nto. -Noni rtlh asiMrcUe "i're- &-Life inisuranc Comy. -- TtIOMAS T)55W. Bavk miMntitrýfti ileai., w 'ts>-;p 7,16.ul IfR.E.L.çOW, Monîreal, C. .. ( FcI.lCsTIONitsimade fnr I'n4slalie"r,. Mer- Plssslcsiaxsd otisels, lis Moutessi Qssisu >tawaLf sud T-sreutc), sudstiser ;lfe -eIs nsaa Aitl elocis- uss dsy nupat- su t ni ;rs.~sdn ptrsptly paid eVAP. kulis'es emisaiucsltsio "Misres ts l-trotrMontre&,i Gude ,laisu eeli, l'uî«Ilier <'suad i lreery, Air., &t-., Mon- -tis'Il & A. Stier, Wises.le Boukeler* asi ilisrmi, Maorîreat avisd Torouto. .%entreui, ileptemniarr iti, 1862. 55-ly SOLICITOR, &c., &c., JAS RI40MVED liasLv Offie t4) outarla Chambiîuiersi, e1.rQue fler iSouth ai tise Reîltry 0ffie.ff FARJIEReS N, ATUERT. t.. STEEL, Prepriater. Viss. ots-l i. heautiiully suiimîcion thse mar- sdn iii Lakeie ,ilneuai tise Norreva' brigr, cauis.tsa rlaeili1 mvai rtuh Lakeanti murroinlur pictsireisquaeeév. Rît-srticu.- in s, andIuisrcan ise pramidedtlwis irioais asil, iig siee andtise fimhing a bng tise laie, sud arrove i. oftlia best de#erptlaui. 24 Tavern Stand for Sale, IN thse Villsase et Atisenlîsy, near tisa Narrova or LIke Sisncoe, a geed stanud, Bause wlth large euccomodsrloui, andi quasrr s- ers- o a sis. Ws,1i situatird andsià agond truie. Apply ta Lt éTEELE, 24 ~O hu Fbe iot u. 24 A th riy P. . THE ROIBSON HKOUSEt, (LA-rE maii'nra's uerxi) DUNDAI 5TRitÉT, WHITB1t . I - mEi OlsN, Proprietor. ,rit Fsêisererwiwbegita uwtnnoue tisailis lhsm AL 1oled 4tie building farneriy 1aîoviîrq Sarir,.tirlesDIowe. whiekbu»isbeeun ust'stcul refuruisheit, sud dtted uap tisreûot,*iîî toifs bst of tyie. Tish seusi ueueuià .nJy it- uate!, Oposite tii& POU icidl teen tris et tise Town. ilasdlstsaeu Tise 1ra Osy.is,ît dalis a thus l a n sd tise xtaire.fuUxbirKigosud- M everten feavo us, dea vsyuiri Bord Si perdsar. WiItbyv itss -1$69 20 =sa*a 4,tnie BRBOC1K 8TriiiT, WaIITA. thst lieo tak . eaboye bote!, lateIy tenlon te business sudntte v anta tif Ma g cot, b! ireepinin a ffirit-elas table, ans! noue b t the bst of liqeors lu the Bsn, tea matit a sisareof tiblia patronage. The. staellug sud sises-room istofathe o be,ît deaorlptlen, ans! a issiaful ans! attesatîve Outiar vilbcaslwnyit finud ut bis post. JSEHRUOTm Wlsitby, Maneli 2, 1864. 8-l' 1NSJJRANCÉ. lEnuderitiltned han been appointes! Agent T!iitssocality for tse foliowinr draNt-clas t> op aspînas-tslii. ans! maiti,- T7e Ediabsrg& Lafe Aassran4g bbmp'nj, The Lii'erpWo and Londonai. 7%e Motr.al Firé e magas Ce mp4ap. 71e Pruvindal Auurasice Comapany. F. ItELLEXt, Oshawa, Nov. 18, 1888. Paaiate, 5saa British AmeuenAusanue Conspaay, I NCORI>OIATED under an Act of th, Tbird Session oftise Elevenili Provincial Parlus- ment of Ujsper canada. CAPITAL £100,000 Irmurance euecîed on Buildin5--bsua thiel coutratis. Every issiarînatien suppliait ou sp- plis-atiouit ustise isiseied. Marine Iiisiilaiiunîint JOIHN AGNEW, Tiars-Ulig Agent, livrrur Street, Whitisj BOYNTON'S ZOTEL, (LssA Jv'r'. WNi. It<IYNTON bseta mmmri tIse lu- VV isictasl r th ie Couility 'of Victoria ansI eiirrisdissn ' sn e. hat is. l:as, ee ise Ilis-el au til iii Ssut5sreet laieI>' rcipied'hy Jewet ruesalise hissad it lt-eu aud turnsisi - ei lui irai s-unie, esiiora vi i SI ttsrI n uii te ct l. . ',ueb, LiqsuomAnds an a .;± ofuusls w ~Asiftts'ntive asiier salyas lu attelle- suce. Li dgas.. eb. 14, 15S64.t P.R. L& B. RIWY (jNI a-ler oitie, Traîna v511 iun a --JTî'in itMAAit.....u..s. -t 5. iM., ar- Mait Traits ilIl kane Ps-rt Hope at 8.110 pm., arriva at Lunlssq 6. 40 P.tu. Thse sbeî-e trîinas rue lu enectIon viti tise Grand Tmuni e aya. TUOMAS RIDOUT, T. A. WILLLtMS, Musgr Squps-iuteisleusi l'on rte, Nor.., 1843. 4 TAVERN STAND FOR SALE vith exeslileui t &hle, $i Pa1.ans! oit boes. fui vssshit, ecklng, _&e. A hmverfaitlnt "Pfoc o wer, vhais sWs *noarly tisa vlol. %sillage. *SgîeiOf Tevemn-e bigo toet tuiu Aasuihait lli;Kitelbeu 1lé ly $4, stebl' 10 b y 44, iheu7 fe4,melanae50 hy A Andbuiai- tifas Sx Ias& aivaer oInten sa su.sluveTavern. Sitiat. onti tsiprincirm orneroatiseVillage, onu tisemain rmasÃŽigdte Iiertun, MasIttl suit Princes Alberit. Thé, remssaste i.préent. ureprietor vjsuiseste dspot tse b e ve valaeitla property' . tue. causte ho Intenda euearlug lu,- or erecîiug a Griot Mill. Puooss.s.aen .'uAt aisy <liarequîtes!by tIsa litrcbaaer. Tile Inidlputable. Terms e hs tesi iepu rcsuer. Ve etirpartiloans *pply, (if by latter poat-pals!,> te tise ever au thaIpremhIes. JOiiNWARD. Csauungten, Nov, 10, 1843, 46-ti AD VEIRT VSQEMENT.e Rofoi, Britis Amseenlssan sd 1Laer "91 anmd Lasedea Assurance Cotnp'nies E!mbraing a spital of 2 to ea. et 1dollars $2,00040000 Itisk te thsA&Mout of 820ff vI ibctikon lais o na Pâti, on application te JOHN ÂGNEW, 42 Tii, Cempaul s' Ageit au Whftby. MONEY!_MO0NEY! ri)rat£a uri a po,t 'MIs oa tey eau b. had imnridlmt.ly «a pré' Manaer, Canada AiÃesey Àaitoolston, nAlpplictioate he madle ts 42 ýValuator, Whllsy. MONEY TO LEND. 'rrt *tlb4ysebser Sa nrbp,%.sI te a iae Odi*ide thé'Choreb. Ib boein theadoiuaî, 1 a thi, orÉ%u's paie vithin, 1 the prayer with wordm thtismeorsri k4i arkJrM ail luvertesi torch, 1 t 0 on ,upeu gin, thre atgm orithe laxitaccount, a1 i i nite iitihe air, d »)h me but asoncidlait Lard'à prssyer, et emou os tise Mount. I 1st t b. alvnd net ChrIst i. ~jt h til enasqiau oreeits, týiOly'water, bcaka, sud beads mg igPusri acotet ecenoueils sund decrees of Treut? 1 OU it hi tnongh for tiese 'Cls4uian Gisurcis the year embatis evt-rwresst fsud houglis of patins, Ad lui# the air Wiîlî litanies i li4w tisaiyonder Phariseo 'iîr»Ukistieist ho in net 1k. me; IqsY=ud sud boat my breaut, A4pray faor humn ig rity. to Soeechurch abuse, but sevon, T V eie presphetic spasate lissaven Aielite esais the proisirie catie, I*ai&id but xtill the sase; 'FI ih ttisaiovertiotetl are usie Dmes vrîilessils.n te tone, ?iâtbmsut visite, theî rawls, thse titrasse, A[% 1 wil give Iini tlseMu, sassg Star! Ali t hsew n u sils lit-, hee. fiadim âsiadow that recss Tib JqrwofetVise PisAnasigonr.' Fc *hein no Mais of Sorrns.1W]e-, Fe Whlorntise Tragcsty Dii ri gymboli isl asui, i pliseistom rcid (1 Otssrr a sdivine ureed l Isw% z 555tise lite tisev lia-I, T4ip Lsiisg suiiir laesuirfil fuet BkwFlx si, pavemenut 4)1 the etre-t, Auj 411 thpir vors ,asnitlookx rri-,Pt (lu taIrr's "siiig wisanassteet, Ns ",a vuitue, but a. à doure, 'ÃŽle f(eiy Uhis is davis srein suive. Te/ieeaîilta. /eIVeiýsLInn." On Pitre. Tise ÃSt terrible catstrophe in San- tiago 6lis vividly te my mind ane of the o4extraardinary as!ventures etfuny chrqueâ lite. Fîé s! tventy yeans ago. I1vas cap- tain of Nontieti Light, a lange sciacti- et tri between HIllians! St.Petens- bun g. long acquuitaatce vits Lie viol. achts! the Rssian climat. bas! unade mme bat neeklesa The coesequeuce vas5ý t 'one lOtIt of Octaben I foumtu my vassel i lockes Inu te. I1lias -ayes! a véék long in my eagenneua '.e ako a' fsul ce t timber, andws! Ieu tly pun. 1îlicl nmy temenity ;a pnisoner tili iii miuiddli eau!ai A pnh, ian avray frota my fnien n delng wint a livéry stable lke u caU, 6*uting nmy ovelied Bel voevercef a sanguine tempera- coils!. i sav ali tti s ghts af bt. Peters- burg& froinPeter thée néat'm oadep bans, dove tus tise Mmnietha. 1visites! eeosS. 1 vent béà r lunîing.1Idrave about lu siedgoe. I teulin 10ave0ans! (elh out ain. INon dis! 1neglect busiusesa.1 tquety atiýndad tise Eixchange, ansd uss! suyséif keown ta ithe chief taliav, hemp ans! tiber marchants. 1 atudies! Rusa ermet-ce.1Iarranges! for car- eS fer ivo Yunrsto cerne. Tue Angle-, itUalana Are veny boapitabie, ans!, thanka tatho, kibedu sof Mn. Andersons, thé Englisis Sadien, My bote)expeuissi> vire veny umaîL My -fer coatsver. my chie( exporse; tb'y cost me a lange, Omta tëent ansd 1 ckoned tlie>'wosiId lai me cuy lite, ans! se tbey hav-ai least, I -ea th=u te ti daY. 1 vrleIsIpisse! for, ise 'bmofi liberty, An kilo lite diti. net suit& a ni Of my tessperansn- one vis. lasi -bepu n at se& over sinue. h.vaa tvelve ymns aie!.' Lii. &U salions, I1vas always grunibling aegt theLb.sos, mudet atva never happyr &»Y ronWi-t luat the redr 'ot Inyi isslaisécamle.5rTe iceonuitheo Neva, appo- sie heCutg ahu sepecialy, began tel no e tiitbans, au incht or me vIde-, Il iueame dangerusito vene on il, ex- where is!enuILas $ied with snov. The. 9c * aie n the- naIs eun si brsak. I-KZU£KAIPIW 'Rii!RFPATTloAlvn 1 mimm Ammaimeà % rrdnw"IF 1 >qwî& -ý , - - ý - - - 1 trat tures!cafan sse! boos, unle ptg.1 tii owde.7 as d e iieraftat. an s bota, eirhren, ase s ise the fin caas a (et butto otsvée actly liko &theré lva il tes w -ot thén o ther . owaser '. any îsck vs o f onen cf tiaioi lwever arers;ogiseltIr ibnset$,iMostoof ngentée, fewt cf hein fu iond onnetstoat c tîre viii tlen hrrsds be1uind o'nd ii c aedthsdermusic; st wuis thit us sihioc mrthe auic; îIAiè e vm iat braen nîccOrlianica sernot c i msec1 thau coln or l, tit ne n h jlioen 4 'cash By. *uand.y5 t ededwiliajltj ui.t1ggi crdash. Tîte re* ' aip. .1iît'sp ins.tiiou asd cer tihe tup. A srâ f te p si> ou passes! oven e thétrsie Sies ai e pît.d, fi thebsuidrien ' ted tieir potittt l rjobund, v t*hé oliraés thme pruetial Jks, thbooto woetn su d eer goup, IO wa ndtaéby i. stg.ad ver ei An8 itin efest dvoan ue. drrt m e a b o-keeas h! v ginan Jitsst b tore se-. mt ambuselke ep eilgetiby ler h drik-.HtI asuednem eput a onybler gmutid hk st -and! leanos! forward vith ber bands on cci' lber keea, te drink tin eveny word. 1an( The. play, vau a litleopertta,liaill ( FrnhhliT talan. I thin tise7 calleil en( it "¶Imosé suLubln." ItW,18aagay' trIiaing menth, ans! does tint put luin rto is test- cup) The Adtni1'aty sqaspre vristtevn vush nutaislîs; liera and thenus a* dru pken iiear of a pensant S.me reeling butadîcof greasy sheepskins, jsutled against me, ans! tien, with Lb. simeple beartes! palitenesis of bis racé, took offis bat ans! iccsspped eUt 1 "Pardon me, Mylitlîte latier, but refitemben ii laBttter vece." One day 1 salîtes! outintia'the 'great sqniare about noan La sce tise granduuis af the capital drive timougi tise tuin, * ans! I neyer miv sucis a gigisi. Tii. une vas g uaided! by munuteit gendarmes, dre-ses 1k. lancers, and! wearung ligist.bine, uni- faiil ils brevu epauleties.Tiser. eee Chineý, Tunrkei, Tartans, Germans,.Eng- lishmen, Russian princes, prierais, salditirs, beardes! mércisant.4 ans! tbtir parîly wiveizi Ciesslan office r. 1colaneis of thse body guard lu tiseir eagle croWined belmets, ans! serfis, in a long procession of carniages. ich, beglnning at the rock an wviic Peter the Great statue stands, reacse ta tise base of thé .greai granite column of, -Aléxausulir fading ttp isnsmuus ile, et1 Tirés! ai lut ofthe processiaon, I turnes! aside ta onueofthtiselarge4tfthie .ooden theatres. A clashiofaiui~t ram witliîn announces! théecdnitnetiremçnt aifaie# performance; joinfing tie tannent afi pea. pIe, ols! ans! young, ici ans! paon,visa *ere jestlisg for admittance, I ai lait mas!. My vay ta Lie psy pince, wiere1a mnobôcf lamonousutieujik-sr were tirusting ont tbeir hands viitiste adîlîtance mney, In cisildishis mpatiencpi. 1 drew back te mako was' for- a respecta- ble ols! grey brandes! nenebint ans! bis pretty dauglîter, vho, mufiles! up ti s cieak trumes! withtise fuaioftIse silver fox, ciung te lia aria, ands! lrunk bock frem tise rough gcsticulating crsnid. 1, tluought 1 hart never aceA soa inirsg s girl, se tender in tranusen. so apniisg-iike in beauit>. The mureiaist riil usiq duigiter baves! ans! thankird me in broken Esîglisi ton my politencas, puis! theirnesy, ans! passes! lu. 1 feiloveai rapidly, but n cnovd af pez- Rastts-thnust tisemsrlvseInbelon. nie, 80 tisai wien [ toek nmyvseat 1 cosuis!takir ne gimpa.e o the mercbnt or Iiis pre;tty dasîgîter. Tise wveintIenre nf tire Katshellvars an enonmous bsuilinrg, isuilt, ns a peascitt next me mais!, ta bols! fise tlaeusagsps per- nons. lt bas! lange gallenicis, baîcofsies, ansd Corintliiin pillais, liîsng witis cheap drapeny, ans! gay vitb nuis!and!ilue psitis. -A vast chandelier ltglstesi up tise teut Mek Interior. Thé tiseatre vas alreasly fusll vison1 entores!, m tisai i bas!to content uuyself viii a bsck sent in an upper box, net tar fren tiseliens! ai one aifthe stairctrsaiaa 1 taon touns by tise kueis esige iceu draugît. 1 amuses! mysieli, vile the ovénture vas pis 'ing. vith, th.'usotiey' viev belon. me., i'Ie 'rartai face., ossiy parti>' neclainies! freibarbiim, venu vorth studying, nov tisaitiîey bées!e viitfue...Tisé utile oblique eyea gliateus. e4 witS enjoyunent, Lie greai bc.srs!éd tangles! béada roles! about, iii eçsay. liere sud tiser. thse eye fell on a Poli or (Jincaaliface% *iti large fine evez4, andl lnota reek cân tour, E.ei a nd theï., s group of -grave partly merchantis ie t I k é g e , - s i d u s u a î l ' u l 5 s i so e a u h s , s a - ,astmà t ib iî bulItbfiiu(L.A tiogh~t' selr pre!§rvation,-surIy sent traigit ;ou -es iîéaree, fristis! Lrotîgis ybae n sopé il an d d<rçmw o sA h t u. ~ - ~ u i 01M isk é va y he ro p i< ci ii uo w n t h etlio t a 94 lu i t isai. to p s mn e l' I -dI if te ! iu t , in b Ir u. ha -n Ruan. (1 has! iglst, blat peSllssed a few ta vêt rvý.w8vy1 usoti I5jrteaeiedthe -battesot ofing id tturs, ase!thé, baSpIlnk.aillefthe ho tnt enclosur.et bth hetre brfdré tme. - es! vii la ve y"i il I ciud, 14if ,yoisi 1 1 1 .1 l -m e f r o c u Y : u '- v e r 'The <>1 veruat)s ti 1 c!uljg lb rme, but as ed mdvarîçci to, esinike niy fir'it low1e attse tiur [Ail paa'titilin tint afos'betsue lité and do,! miS5h tiser. -caine a rusW hibciifor a mo- int sepirat6d, us. 1had'n'oti me orsram S ur ei, ou t i ox i. i o i en'i bl-th ev grasp au p îîI ftr!Wel sud clesewsr - s eturt r on tué groausa nloan j >thezn8ghhsay t i ei inounhé uiS ofai WILLIAM '5IEMET5 M. I» Baudin 1N G 9 TE 7,-OSHAWA, Q"AAAA T F. LAIRBDEhT. __2 TAILoR and ORAPEEtý-KiW* S. oisla*iiu Garmants ma-de te urder lu tisa bWsf tyli ans! feshiosta - r47 s gOIITQRý NOTIET PUBIJI* i snae Iot pa tIc i The. theatre was on fir. -The baca o ad eot. been felgning, but torribly in carnest. 1 shall never -ýfrget th. s<ereim that broke froms those four thoumand people wben the. roalitY'bi0ke à ilithen'.il Ihad only an irltsit -te look, but in that in- stant I saw owafer rnw of white fncem turn as ir bhy bue itilse ta the. door Then came a. ataniping rush lis or a herd of maddened animais Marly tare for. yard withoslt à thought of their dwn' mefeîy, others snttçhed, Up thdif children, ethers drslg-ged forwitid their oid suothers or fatl ers.ai&-bore tbefr wives or sweet. heurts in. their anS.L Then. cameithe grapple for liFe, tiie trampling& suffocating battle for existence that only srved ta hariten on death. [n many thingatt sut cownrd enqù'gh, but in suditen dsngef I haVe always fuund ,mymeif cool and dôllected. Perbaps a saiior's frequent-bairds, and tbe constant thought of the posmbiiîy ot death, isl a sort ai trainisgý; perbaps it is a constitu- tion~ai qualîty. I1mow Dot how it is. I only, iftate tle_,ýct.Isai im inidia- tey tbft , th igli- f " the moment safe and fartrain t h'e -f-ut ýtorrent of the mtrsiggle, my hopës of escape *ere quit. as despersîte as th# hopes cf those wbo ivere trampling éach aLlier to-deati at the' entrance belo*.-Unortunately une af thw-ùgeat foiding doors opencd inwïrd. In tb. &rst rush it hâd liqen ciosed, and now-thc pre.ssure was mc great it ceuld flot bu inoved one *ay or te Llier The fiieS *er&-spreading rapidiy, the smoke roili to*ards sm in blinding ciouds. and frein s har t cuds darted and leaped iserpent lonrguses aoflOre. The flames seeni- ed witl, cruel greeulinssosmpring frein seat ta Surît. qh. isiqs wcre biazing, the orchestre was a meeu.iig pit of fire. The screani4 aand -trasun aill idés were heart-îendisg. 1 hesitted for a riment wbether te reinais w¶nerIwm ;,.fi meet death, or to brcrs'.t ilu hum"a1%o sir1ipacibelow. At that Moisîsit R, surgis oc dame ran along th. edge of tihe nexi î.sc ta me, biacken- ing and lstering as- r.went. Tii. heat grew intenseg. Idlett;s.sined ta make one struggie for nly lite. trana à the, head of the rtzà ir-. and la' ..ud down. There the hersi of screaming, mhouting people fouglit with hstnds and feet in a horrible. tangle of lite aiid deatb. I gaive îuyîrlf up as lost, when a band ss.izrd isy coat. 'IL was. the aid house- kecper, sss*eaming ber entreaties ta me ta t4avir isci. 1 told ber ta ding to me, and I wouild do-vhat 1 couid. It gave sme courage ta tbing thât I was struggirg for .gmena ie b des myseil. $he kueuicti and jir.îyed for us both. I bruI placrd inyssili aý the edge of-thse crowsî in ordsr te husband nry strength isir a lam~e offort.-One tbing 1 tisiterminsil and thât Was that 1 would not'siaireryscîf, by treading por,wumen and clisdren nUW der foot. Rather than do tîsat, 1 wo-fflîi lot the fine burn-ane alowiy, or 1. wouid reeotmend my oul taoeild, tlsrow.myselt jnto tii. crater behtind me, ansd se die. qpikîy. One agonizing thotigbt alai shot throuÉgh my beart, and -tisat waa8î ilheughit for ithe tdndei girl 1I 1usdime n .s innocent and lhappy ai aunbisr -befr'-. _ SuddeR1, as I teed éhenle like a ,di>vtr ri t 1 1 1 Emnperor revarde! me switis an onden itat ,1 higbly priie On tisame day -tse piesta offcredup public prayers for thé', moula of tise Assferera, a» the. site of tise,. burnt hetre. It vas jIt aemn spérctSeh,, and caw Irose froin tbam& ýprayéne 'fli) of gratitude to Gos! for iisy. delivéranos,, g rougs bad grssped mine. ht ývas thé inerchant viiose daugier I il sà véd.- Tearà streanie! tram hiwseyaii as hoe embrace! me ans! kised my fîore' iseas! and cheék in tiseOrieéntal, ussunen, of buisnation. -,.-'1e .ý 6.MY'litte tfatser," le maid< "1.. t #ul4 ratser havés founs! thee tlau h1ave CIejà .u s t is eu s a n s ! r e d r o u b l e n o t es f l tt e U titnine, -vilôniyou sà vâ dbis beenii rsn forn oudIer aince. -Coist, soe utu$t din)es ith us. I iii tke na deii,,frdo L net oive jseu more thai my lite, oc s dhnossky there-qisck te the Fotnsa'( Catbnine -vii lcapfor joy wvien aise aees. y a u . 11 , îiat.visit is an irventui 'à : taie e for on my third voyage froîn ihat -date .- marrie! CuLmine Miuslovitch, -and sf, ioving and devcîed wife I founnà lier. Site0 is kissin- my chenrk as I pen tics. 'varda:» job a pariter., Tbe-kiuderisaok "'Rocugis N4oeea2,eii' ai!'~~~~~ 'h 1loigjoeahir a: 0iti supposed by many unth isihugpern ituWwhcE_ ,read tise Seniptures lu tiséhanie .e 'arelWs ' manner tiseý rosi iliougs a uewSpaper- taking everytbiug they - rend lu a Aiteçsil, sente-that idJob vus étiualiÃŽ' aIcte'd ih boilé,1or éruptive soris. 'Nov, testie canual.readei,ihis duiduct1ô ion la1an,' enangh ; but visée bisocuaonltaet lion viii hé artyed gt. Job it viii be ne- m ém beres!, v a a :'r uter' 0 Ëà t a o t t i i m e . t b in g , b . v i s e e ' a b is a d s i ver. printe! in a beok;i sud îbdaée boite' vere notising more than bu cil t.pyiig anisecrîbera, the iheuglit ofsavisoms tdétits quenci er. îeà iiy s plage % u iint vbctaéver a bill for pape*r, on athr mate. niai came lu. ns, ibese subicnipionua- vér41 dependef upou*ta resiaS tise ailiatnt dune.. Yet tbey merely Proved tise évidence of ibinga isopes! fr, but *thse subistance cf- thi niga -snot seau, tisen th é8wco ie rte i ibai anrou *ndéd biis .--tsey wveréses ré-diÃŽ1 tora viieécontinuai ciiigfor pay vas!sý e l o u . i s t e um a ir e a s m i n ev e n t t t h a it puted patience, to feel smarsiidiser, ast veil as ilau erinugli ta creep ,into 'an tS - iséap. aud cratch hisuseif vith a petisassW or claîmbell,by .vsy cf *erking aoff h- extra, bie., Wb cas syipathité-- vitt' hlmt ýfr *ve sasien teplaces! in thiea'n iU, sais!bave éveigaicb a pélVoi, nov. Sdîe niaiden'ladies mad. SoldiâshiT'i14 about a foot od short having nô liattenif ta go by ans! but , Iu tIe i fOr fflatidu ý 41 ; Tieù udlt tlsisrlit inlitc l a eaiinwiffsout s-.4Érnpsrleonguix?ý A fev eve.ningm slnd. a girloet féveutenl at Toulon, France bedoîning i, iila lier matisér, preci pit a t 0 hnei ro ý thîce stJry indav 10te p eme b. - 1ev but owing ta tiila , 0w t 0( criolne whcbSces!asa"a" iciu . aie. roeévsd liitiser fracture uidé on.fe this cincuitistance tise fasiin vilii uncbi. tedly b. extendeil, and petà lant flii dî'.i resort boan éai faligit for' the' psirposi . Udrnigthé e cent ildrÉermances- O'rRo-.' ntsc and Juulit at Marbiehea!, Mass., thèru tain J u'iet' lq orati tbet>.soiiaqiy li-i r -fre tking tLié sle'epig rnit Wi. lintIasixtatre de tnot ark aai at?' *a-5 anssveed ly ase urebin in thse pit, 65Tntii' a a .,.. . .*iiisu nsh-.-0-;