Whitby Chronicle, 28 Apr 1864, p. 2

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----------- w ré sements Ibis Day TévÏà Cýuac1i. rateyayers of theïewn by keepin- up the wlift 1 subscription ligt Grammai Schoël, ho (the ",ilâ-difogat fuir. Exhibition,. Whitby MïÎidýy aveulir- k4or") denied foundry alerte $25 ta ce April 25, 1864. th, tuth 01 il Mmencq wi 1Xý _' inN Concert--Wbftby Brum Bond. a, 8tatement aitogether 8TREVris balf that pric The COincil at the Town Rail the achool was fer the beuefit of the wbole Mr Party 'ilo t'et th_ý1 Mr. SheirProsident of the Coutity Agri. take the 0-ee neXt the ot ce f at il Id Ewmoul sud eougress Bonts-Ju. Bain. lhortly atter 8 oielock. gI& gave ry g4 not'CO th4t il nid cultural Society. bas handeil us a circular additinna-1 101 Worship, the town irrespective Of What Were called-1 the InOve et the naît meeting of the ricil Spring lmportatlonà--T. 111. mczillau. MaYOr in the chair , the otber,-,; Mombors 0 tiing a the 'Icil rieb"f Or II the poor'p-and inch --'a# -a thit thcý suffi -0' - bc appr( Èed received by him from tlieýProsidont' of the -the pulling. Dry Goods-T. K., NoMîlla-n. place for obiainiag superior e for stret,ýtaý"aiid improvements. Provincial Agricultural Association.. Thalle 'of flax will Gibson, Gunn, Rowe dùeatiac>" -it Uquors sud Wineî - T. RI VeMill PetryandTbew-.- vuacredittoth' 'rite Couricil :thon adioprnàd 4 wo- are severai alterations and. additions in- except in ýtb an. absent-Meu'tï Campbell and Deverili. the partift e, town., e Was one of weeks. Paremptory Sale 1ý- Auction -S. M. jamiti TOWN a whù "Uctioned the repaiM,ý for the list the prescrit year noted in the cir. wi-il cent $à't Auction Sale-L. Fairbanks which the accoutits had been sent in and p Couac cular-, froin which %va extract the follow. bar i ir- 1 Pich-crisig Townjhi ing as of principal ipterest ta oui Agrîcýl- on the first Order ail the day beinç, wu willing tu bear bis allure of the re. and the lime Parm ta Let-privink called -for the vpoin"tment Of Town Hall' -sponeibility ; ho believed Illait, what was SATURD&T' April 16 1 turil reill' Tamm for Sale-D. Cameron. keeper. doue was thought the, tient motiveo,,and 1 It May as-wel The Couneil ý 'of the, CùrTform In theisevernl clacwes of Shect), eviden. Notloo-John met' Captain Battre ex ressed bis desire ta would meet wilh the geueral approvi rouant ta adjour ont. bare ailler the lot April of the 3-car ï Cut4g Inachi P al nf cý- tigt 'bc given that they were the cratile, ai lotit stand avoir, in the absence of a full file mtei)lfyert;. Pickering, met pu a in Graceries-'T. H. MeMillan. Me COU,àcil. Stands over. Dr. Gunn held filet the Sebool was net, aillons ail prenant 'ted. bis course if] which they açe,ý exhibi And a, clams Boots and Shops-T. H. mehrillan. Minutes' g react a 'ap. fur Shrophiia,,' Downsi, bas becTIýidded. va, in, . for the getieral bonellit of the town * ul3leu of labt ineetin ý 1 - - le'- idea New Milliaiery Boom-James Broom. proved. In Cattle-From the contillual ýrnciice lasp in the--fib Mr. Perry brought up the report of thl the whole of the ratepaYeri participated in bý too, 1 _ïf P a' -, ' - 't ' _'Cat. ýthat th' fib' Xantlu and Dreu.tnaking.-James Brocm committee, and on motion the Coun 8 if, whieh they could not. Read by the Reeve, a ý comma fi on Il , nal.y 0 ce Ing, up reu ing 0 île cil lie foïexfjibifién,ýMiccfi, ïi3'-objectionablc., Mr. Cameron consid- frOm the Crown Land De-partnil of 'th, rocit 'rentière for Printing-Thomas Huston. went intO Cominîtke thereon. many persan i cred that a gond refèrence ta thèlour ý1r in the Board of Agriculture bave deerned il W ! grumbled at supportipg the vey of Lot'X - il] be found, Cricket-John Killip. Mr. Brown in the Ch&ir.ý the 7th Con, and from the tu ' ln neceésary ito gift power ta the 'Judget; to ail illeh abolie Cbancery sale,-Geo, FI. Dartnell. The report rPoodimended paynietit of the granimar school ; ho wanIed ta bave a Agriculture, and Statiâtica ia'rofe Of reject such as in their opinion have been pre accoLnt of W. HI RIIXillg. and that the vote taken ta ascertain whether the rate- rie- ta over fed. An additional class lias been "th'n-ý' ta Shotifra Sale of Lands,--Nelson G. Rey- payera wanted it or net. employing, emigrants. added for Angus Cattle. 'l'ho Prince Of cutLing if the nolds. dors for printing in the usuai way, fur the Mr. Perry look occasion ta observe Petîtions presented ýOf Robt à loin, Wales' Prize of $60, will ho givetl this mont Importait Beed Barley;-C Draper. filet althow, . prayin- the Cauneil year for Ille best Portable Stcaw Engine, mers, as the Printing required the presentyear. Adopt. ýh ait may nut ao, te reimburs him Notice ta TWehers,-E. Birrell. lipropri extra coats incurred by bim as over, Il of not liens than Sixty Ilorse power, Imitable cases, is the ad. -eti of file course pursued,- yet ail liîghways, in defending a suit in for Agricultural purpose. 'rite Associa. 'l'ho eowth- a would aeree (liait the persans acting and Ch 'erY lion giving il seront] ând third prize of $30 Childreti's Boots and Shnes,--Jas, Bain. lt£Pàl" OP Ã"RÀXXAR 9611001- bY Mr. Haight. Of Alexander Bilay, and tain thini, for i ordering the work did sa fa# the best a ta be$lg2eot. inTnliiroetieonEnorgiintiei:,-e; shown inthe e Loch Finé Ilerrl--g,--John Farquharson. On motion of Captain liowe, seconded and bad the mou and cthera, pruying for aid ta iali - itplement more especial1j certain road, by Mr. Wixoon. ready ta bc applicil to aM Itarrist Igttraordiuary Lightouing Gallery. hy Mr. Brewit, ýthe Couneil went into com. doing if thât the Coucil would approve of On motion of Mr. Wixso a Blaw wiiich it rnay bede4rable tu tesL the nork- lowfigureý ait Ambrot pet and Phntogmphs taken ta rosi nititteil on the accounte of Meurs Spence il. But, coming down ta the accounta ni ing townabip 0 of. An additiolial section lias bceii The fartnerzî ln and Cormack for the repairs doue ait thé themeelves, ho contended thut if tbêOrpqu P t Pu added, ta class 20 in Whe ÃœSS ý ap lut fficers fi tàe 'ng at, and sever' 0. Barris. i present yelsr. :11 alive ta the im Grammar School. Bite approval bad been oblained, il, the aiteratiotis malle in the in Lhe thev are in mai In the Preu-The Ashburn Case -Gilbert Mr. Gibson in thechair. firet instance, froin the Conneil, (which i On Motion of Mr. Raight, an or& Weil nome sOvOral f 114)lse-s, Cýtttle, 1 cou!d gmnted on the Treasurer, in favO nf Poultry, Fruit, etc. An important feuttire Fergusson. Captain Rowe explainéd as 'ele the bad coutil without trouble,) filera would net Richaid Dale, for the sum of $5, foi )ay. oF the fortholoiiiiii- ["Xliibitioil, Will lie the 1), aes where M Tavern ta Let-Frank Evans. staite of the building; how thit the work have been ii-particle of objection ta il i- ing a Doctora bili, for and keep e a Grand illoughilq, n Match, which is tu falot., this year; and Wbitby Race@-l'humas Lawler. h d been ordered by, hioself, and the the Couricil tvould have ordcred the work M tepetI pauper for two weeks. a pInce on the Tuesday of flic weelc. - The apreud over the Bible Depositary-Jarnes Bain. Trus and L'ait ÃŽt bad heon done to bc donc. lie was not onn of those on motion of Mr. MeCreigbt, thipy- first 11rize will bu -le 1 irkýL Class Collibined it 80 %veil deser -T. and 0. Paxton. du r!ng- 1 ho vacation from motîvýo of con. --wlgo believfd'twu always well ta mîng out law ta alla 1 r the side rond betweenýots Reaptrf generous1y 9iVen Lv Mr. JW-ebil crops of the Auction sale venlence and IIconomY'_ý 114 stated filet a' popular cry niminst what was calied llmll, OIiava, vaitied :11 IL 1ý-l" 'Ille SO- remaxlis, imper 0 221 and 23, in the Brokenfront Conýwaâ altho *, in laiv, the building was Courity Il the rich.- Theroi were coiid, Third nnd Foitrrit l':rizes lidileri bY have thti lloitiou CIIAIÇCERY SALES. propt (co9Îëarat';ely tead a second and third Lime and ' ed. -The Svc()"(l 1'l'i ' ert5ýý lie town had airenfly laid out speaking,) no 4&rich" or "poor" in Wbit. 9 the Association. viz: 1. t! Sir, Andemn vs. Trt-inttyne-at Whitby, on nome $1.300 tipon il, and in view of tbat, by. Those who paid taxes, paid in Pro. - 011 Motion of M'r. 'Wixson, rite Ow. the Troll 11elatigh, lyhich takes the Virst Ing mums were orderêd ta hi-- puid vi : - Prize lot 11m Exhibition. The, Third the W. Shauly, 1 14th May. and of the ativantages from having such portion ta file amourit of propvriy w ta Alex. Fercuson. $2, Io Wm. Wireii, W ooden l1lough, whicli tilkvs tile a sebnol in the town, ho wils one rital, was they owned, and in Ibis- coraection the - -t of liarness. Fa- 1 SHERIFF'S SALE. prepared ta go fer rolacing rite building inechauic with #lie deed of bonne and ljr., $2, ta William Major, $2 t'a Prize. 'l'ho Fourth a si, Jii t0James Bell,14, fur services rený.','J as vorabl e arra tige lit crits will bc illetde witti 'a the Editor IV m. Christian vis. Gon. Araistrong on in a riroller sint fd-repair. He bolieved, lot was al; inderweiident il@ the tient amenglit i Ille Ilnilway conipallie and ste the 18di Aiigtiït, 1864. bel- 1 ides, that tindpr the presiént malitere the cominuiiiiil, tend could :lot bc clagmed urn tg ffiljers. proprietors, for t he ronvoval.ce of -articks, Mccrvicht mrives, thst the à of 1 SIR,-Will yý ?te rchool would bc selfsustaininz. In amotigý4t whitt wais calied "the poor.l' The iiT &-r., Io allil froill'the FXltl,)itioli. l'lie Ci- AUVIIION SA LES. rillspect in the prosent accounts, ho said, poor-properly Perry,) tizerfs if litillil, 'l arc, r In YOUr valuitille $80, be aïfpioprialed tu the Colline of 'il. Ilèteronified te) (1f)ý At Robansi',; 'Hotel, Whiiby, on Thure. that the Trustees bad airreed tu kèep-Mm looked upon ai; those Who eartà(,d their each Ward, i-j this Township, ta 6il ex- ever.%,tllirig ili to accollilivedate in reierence te) L I>etidpd 1,)7 therii for the improvemej of the visitor.,; ta the Khibitioti. Ait effiri- iii,- match. I il day April 28, 1864, the good& and effectié harinless, s.noi ta pay the money dut of livelibood by their day's labur, and taking tonds, in their respeciive Wards, audibat tlit Local of Gratleiiien are a full report of of the late FranciR Braden. thilir own pac4ii; if) case the couneil this classe in ILhe, town, tbey paid very )jgýjliiud, an(j are in-ahing prellaration 10r -eve do is order on the CesA of this cial On>Lot No. 21 tilt(] 22. Sth Con. Whit. oýit,ýettld Io pay Ille aninulit. little, indiIied, in rite way of* town taxes the 1ýc grain il litote kevl)irlg and Cili-L, tel' Oiv 1; Ille l'retsiur".r for the- Ilium. -Carried. the. ' ' front the by, on Sa!urdiýy, Aoril 30. 1864. the pro- Dr, Ceutrii ;)rpfaced his remarks by for rite supput-t tir Ief the graniniar school. of 'S Yoùtlý, ; but' Si Nir. llai-,bt 4'ives flolice, thut bëwill perty of T. 10. Myers, statl" ShAt ax Captain R,)we had 14(-tn fit We hEul for the accommodation of the Shollld 1)e rt..ýt4ly in g4jod titiii» aiifl fiave Auctioneer. ta order flic repairs, lie would be willing community, and for this empecial class, ut Ille Ilexi, moi.tirig of the Couueil, mufle i their Sloýýk MýIlltlfct!lr(! ),, (ile particulars wbic iviii omît brim'i ta put bis band in bis nwn pneket and biiiit the schoci lionnes in tbe North and (P iiitroduce a By-law forthe grotitiii, a iid in their ar- for loav tof road allowallces:t)ot 1 sufficielitiv earlv tri Ille Jud- %Vhic h is the, obji refund the nitiourit rallier thon the Cap- South Wards, hept ni) the fichoci UbLi -(Iuties let the houf. 1 tliroueh ynoi. col tain ohould stiffer 1%%. He waq, however, bouses in the town, and did everything required for public travel. ges te) C,)Iijilàeflct Il 14r. 'ýlcCreiAIl malien, that the Culot. in order thut yoL totally oppnRed in the payment or the ac> ülse in our power to proultite Coutils. ait priiiciple. Ho ieferred ta a the interestm cf colucation ; and who did cil du i.ow adjourn mail Salurday, the Uth ILe WhoI(.-, 1 will day of àlay licite ut ton o1clock, nt wbeh Whitby Cilibg illioughlug .11atch. undoir which the ov.-L'y si 59 cu rS A YEAR report brotiAit in, in Julie Tant referring il ? %Vho paid for il 7' Those people lime! tht Coutcil will sucer un Court of read lig follows - a, peiiiion of the Trustees fir aid for wlir) were c4lled "Ille tich'l; or iti other lieviglol), weregltet ihat the inclentent suite of die putting the tippet 8torey of the achool words, the property-holderli of the town. and lilial, the Cierkagive Jie !1hais six incite$ proifer notice, Orthe lime &Bd place of; wcatitur prevented our pvrý;vfial lowed if) tb(i pin %Vhitby. Thursiay, Apdi 28, 1864, huiffing in repair, Io a ppecibl comfn:ltee %Vbât the other CI.tâses c(ilitribtited was li(sli.ing baid Court-Carried. al tilt ('1iil)-s" plotiuliit- niateffi. sêt. The tinte L sting of Me&%ts %we, Deverili and but a vërv ginitil fuite. The Peuple wlio CODAI wlii(!i jo,.-Ilý place on Stturday lnst, as lie]. Iwo hours and fu Church WElluinfid. Perry. Thar committet, be said, 1-ad xent tlieir childr--it to the Grammar school the ruleâ that we Dicter reportold, and ho (Dr. Gqnflý) ex- Paid for file of the children 6131aux1nuublier in Whilby.et verfi>ed 1;&àýt week, irmu the ill", Scitvicr al( fireased hi% surprisiol ibat Mr. Rowe, k 'te il Io the comtffoti scilools of the town, Lut eveninr Constable Follis, the pit, adora wil) suffer tiothing toy 0(,,. and all ai and tri maijy instateccs, beailles what they oui re John's Churrh, l'art whit4 * V* At 11 ing filet faci, and knowing alita the f"ý, t licelliail in tilt service (If Lige Grand Truiik- i hud ju8t ont! roui o'clock. Evenin&-.Vecb,,inir-4;' flail, 6.- which rxisted at the colincil Board in did pay %oýards grammar, and cornipoi, iWiway Company ait flic Union deput ii, wam t&iiiiounetid t( refPrence to-thol grammar schot-el, abould 15choul education, they altéo puid fur pri this citi', received a telegrani front WhWi'y lie colffinues -on, 'lave taken il ui-on Mmielf ta met in the vate luition to t1wir children. H,, (Mr. directifig hifil Lo look ont for, aind if Io the Editor of the llIlitl)Y Chroilic1t'. Elle ý un tot'.dinir-term. millier. lie nim., reierred ta a report of Perry.) feu quize mure iliat were the ques poi:ible, to arrest a tuait nallied Wilii«- Sreing ill'it editors fil 'i t-s L prize l"wil the 27th'June 1)456 broutrht, in by Mr. lion put hefére file ratépayers, fourfifths Atcilihu--, on a charge ni killing a inati ipear to he, sonieu liat, airnid of vem, jmnr retiliril have thc (1,011qtitt). nanicil John Cort-Il, . in a laver" in in il 1/tinz oui the peLiticIn tif Jamés 1-10désOn, (if the raippuyera of lit#! t,)Wfl go ibat towl, on ,,uesday elening. pll. ifist" 1)(!rllnllç voil Will Ilot, tuk it aittiQ i tional Party receilleil for their forbearance for $25, ta thol erammur achool, in which f,)r repuiring, Ille granimar ëchool, lies jfl report to yva, the Il( the tirt ', -It",Iiate and towarda thqýCle.ir Gritis. lVhen John thé application was refpteà, on the ground He ilititail, exerted amrdingiy4 and ploligilint', Inaieh of"' the ýVlýitl'y ND'Wt Sir, I hi CA th" fact Of the lut succeeded bet*îeti nine and ton delach, wilicil totik place (eti Saturday labt 2âtd, the Sandfield went or the beavy ,xr)pniies hich the towri vas Grammar u in tah-ii,,g tht, alifged crignilla ilitd),c plbwmcn lak school examination 1 a6t"dý' ilistalit werc ilwar(,lq È hefore the cnuotr > v f)rre-elt!etioiLtlicy met Othf rwise calle-d upoq ta pay for echool elliderice of the itiierèst taken in lit. tilt, Union depot, whither lie had goile rof tiiil trid aile, fi WC, hilew the, er,ýiftv 1 with no OI)Pfbqition front the Conýçtitti- purposemi and lie argued thot'the LOwn Ille grammar schncel. At the wlýth flic alieged intention f golui; tel Mocharlies, t, ilav the tititiiij(,r fil 1de)ýis lvcre millý111 front tional party: illey were rettirned by ne. wu in à wor.4e Position nets, tban it wam Ilistitute thën Ili(. kalk of Ille sipectatort llanlitton by the ilext trait). So sâp the tvl;at vi-er.. iivvertheicss tlinf«. ilig te Leader. luitid, thal, those clarnation. finiv dinerently Dow. Every - thoIii ta pay the arammar srhilol actoutils. einbraced thosp poorly Who hall met eager tu enter 111)01, iliat raised where that file slightetoit cIjjqnce presented If vet. lie iraist»A a g lowilig- ýmatçh J "viouir baroitiliip ta Poo, peersple of the town in fact, and tuany Johniiy Correll ix still alive and kick- flic rfo;ltt! st. fond abolit tw(.Iltv minutes 1.11 suci Ittelfto girp finnoyance, Minîmers Were the Pont- of the lown to býcaIwd Uri," ta who had rieilher chick Dur child goinx to ing, and we trust %vill recevoir, notwitli- 1 I;iv(>ri alifl the hùýrt)vs p 'f turn reu opploW. -- CatirAqui division, West Nor. support the un fumait, mbnol - Jiu orra'#Pmar the grammar sclàuol, They wore exqc-ý1y, standing Élie Le(4d,-,j--o big stei ý irig It ar- notice, bonor, ai eiriles ; wilid, arle, waicr provrol fief le, el thumbaTignd, liatqilt on and W&t«loa. achoni chiloiren were the' 1 very ââme dirty tbe bc &nid, the verj peuple ta apprecîate île our con temporéoi ries' as cvidonoe. Wc in rier i4fter that, itiul when the lllt)f,'Il caille' wfierr the Grils; reckaneï upon siiectffl, 'we-ýltbY portion «T tue M"Payers, lit, thty put forwjrdl enndiluteiî, Tlicy wnn ougbt La par for iLhoir schoolicg. The feet Couticif of the freling which prevailed us. 1 911ý*t" il !ïr Wor for their toition'were top W Otud ought In wheu the gramfnar schi wââ firat i0sugu. ICCnftjplishtýd. Afti-ï- 1.1je Illoughing waterloo wifth the ulziiiii wéallnntt of deceit LATtiT.- -The medical, tuen in attend- 1;ad rigijl. "m, &C eh encreased. Dr. Gana alita condemned rated. Then the tiouble was as Io ira fiihed and a elosc ntion and lyine In the allier constituencies the ataie of decxv int, e place loëatÃŽon-sotne wanted it here. others ancti art Correll, entertain little hopes of taken nl.aro. the ititices rettirned file fiel- i 'ô- "of 'War-Newo.ý sin- The laiest ftitelligence from Plymouth, til V North Carolitia, la to the effect that's, eY 1-'d Confaderdte ram, on the 18th, mit&àeked 1 be. the Fêderal fléet lu the Roanoke river and rs of jiurili, the,, gusiboat Southfield. . Captaiq k. FJùssér,ý of the Uismi,, wis killilà. It lias d h Plf mouth woold bave te bu gtle. e=e and It issiated that, the Codederates hevIe, %thù ilow, fio leu than thirty iron clads ready ývIw for service. , There are mille at Wchmonds Çharle'S'ton, and Atlanta where the iron, for theed veemis is prepared. $even of illese iion".élade' am -in North Oètrolina, waters. It Je reportud thst , twenty Euro, gouthern poàs dating- the -summer. 1 rite viestern governors --have modified ty's tileir requests of the Pregident thât ha would call but troops- te defend otates bordering upon-the Ohio from'rebel leva- Du sien, and now sàk4 that one bund'réd"thou. at sand men-May be called for &W monthse at- the - Tht Richmond E4qgtrer of the 6th bas lit& whilt purports tô.be a full rester of Gen- eral- Mead brjï4ei, "*Pd c'a ârîîny,ý éven'W j j1visiolla. - It -àlsq states that _Mr., Ould 'w- 1 bas effiected il etirtel fur ail eich'làn,,e of ail; 011-1 the Prisoners. - : , ý e - LI X - Ait>(Y or Tur PoTo.vAc-;, April 24.-The-' Hiellitiolid Senffinel of'the 22PA' -Ëayë the followi,14 dedputeli bas. been-rý-ceivc-d by- jj, General PI.YMOUI-,U, N. C., April 20. Foi Te General Braxton Bragg Uè d ý 1 bave stormed and , carrîed this placé, off capiuring olle 1;rigadier M 1000 men, stores? TOI and 25 pieces -cf a;tijje'ý.' £.F.- H 0 X, r4j off Brig. Gticaral. A telegrâm wu aliio.- received by t-Le' Presirierit from Col. J. Taylor' Wood, dated lbocky' Meunt,- Aprif 21at, giving further particulars of the - dapture of'T1ï-ý he mouth by the foices utidér Gênerai. gýkî4 y- ivilli naval vo-oPeratiotj.ý_ [le mals tihat'Y, about -2,500 PýisünèË8 were takeh # 300, tff - 400 of thern nt,-rbes; .1 c 0 piecés ofý lery, 100,OJO Pound& meut, 1,000barreis flour, and a full garris)n , outfit, Our low wa& about 300 in ail. Culon-31 Rice was IN among the killed. Two gutiboats were -sunk, another disabied, and atio-ther.amaiL ,à steamer captured. Exploiîon at the Oil sprisagi. FOUR PfOlILS XILLED, OIL SPRINGS, April, 2î ,1- serioun accident occirrëd this after.:e 110011 abOUt 1 lires O'Clot-kUt theýOîl Springs. Lt Two men witre down in the. well preparin to bhtât a rock, -uhen a premature 'érpl o-, sion took pl aice, resulting in the death di"' three perdcusai d onoi it <is feared, morý, tally wouilded', 'The cames ' of, the killed, are Dunaldàon--,-a, mon andý h la two sono. ille wounded-isý--à boy-abiout' fitteen yeaw of age, immed Abby,.-ýFru Plài; BIRTH. NOURSE-At Wbitby, on the 24L4Mý& inst., the wife of, ýcharle3' NoUrsèý PU o." a son. DIE 1), 11ARVEY-At Àýfàntreal, on the 2) 7 t 1 l Jilitles 1larveY, Esq., lierchant. The of Un gentlënlail, wlljç oncle to Mr. 1 Affl Lâwder, ofthis towli. NEW -ADVERTI SEMENTS. îtb il iule t y À1 f-111 () NÉ, "F R fflu te the pétition opon which the report vu 1 of thé, tuwn,* of tbî mAnner în whieb hQýperforened bîâzuty. Cré t h-,, hi %, i ilg, h ca r tery great as te the reqtjlt; the telegrapli grammar school bu;ld. your iiite»nds.ýd doPý founded, whieh net alieue asked $300, ý for ing would ho malle- In Thé conteat lie the$ -ridlfxil ve regrêt'to, çatiorii; ta 3'014 ettioi the work desire to offer ail a Offlee wu thronged througliont the dây, repajrS,ý but *log a oblig gubrantee from the donc for whîch the accoon 'a gente. ig61*u4z Mr. Polell' 'The Mr. TWe!Gro%îrtý bas sent and for the attent RUlous for the týevrj;, which w&ç obligÃŽng. town of $500 ted.he arzuëd that the commiuce were Ig following ' the final renult YOU hâvc Liken,11i Per main, or fàr any de- Ben te were pré. "Yi-ho Walter shw0y, >01. IF'inp,ç 1ý reportied, every heur, by Mr. Yule. ficiency ilest might Ise Wellesley .............. . 334, ar for payment or actuated by the very béat lnoli'P&--it w»4 to, the press fur publieStion the fôllowiug diiiié-q of Our sacre teachers. &o. Tb!& latter it vas thAt the illiproper time.to do l'h4 work--there Aucrinte SALIP, The alirtion Sale of conneu rerow; but on » occulon, ho 111c" '!Wâs Vs&,-ation-- ul',>olwich. ............ . letIler,ý,received frqrn Mr. J bii A. Donald, ing elniongst us. re the, Çouneil could tàlâablé Stock, 4-c., of Thomas Paxton said, were a - majority of theý Coupeil net moët for the porpose or ord4ring 'i4ý Waterloo, Tp ....... .. 117 165 son, >on the subject oflUx culture.-- We desire aise tc &Co.,Cotff« off ongaturday on-thefartil, àpposdtokeepîüg theý gramm Sebool and the #ent1eMi4ýwW, Wýatýqrlpo ............ .. 47 -99 Mount, ' Weston, tion of your'uiiiiori àr acted, adopieà the 49 e i , and in word, duril Widin :in reP&ir. Il wa@, lie intligleà a tees ' ý 155 fimtor«e-known es Noah Iluckins&- Tbo, il L ertain which Berlin ý ............... $-.. .. e ý , ý 19 18G4.ý plan, and 1 a ji lie wils ci - this liart of the co xlictiolleer-ý-9-il reminds lis that: disgrace te the tôwn te keep the building recommends i"f bési te the ratepayers R 81j; example to'yourAt ÇA 4n reply toyour 1,ette! dtW this ý is &bout the last and !i; at the in fta prmut state, and'ir-.the .Côu:neil ofthe town. Mi. perry cocculded by ottbe 21et inst., on the utipet ofýý-fla:É-, to t à 717 8 pourided liem. saute, time pethapâ. about the best of the refuted ta entertà n the o weeu culture 1 beg Lo say in the first fll - 1 atter,, «CI let explaititug aga;n, thA diifèrenee, bet We àrricg'tiyý, Pr-%, auctions this seuon. Go ta and got bar- the school go down, ho for ont, vu qu;*te thé appôintment of the old Trostetai and have 1 boen éorlvineed of the im'p willing ta allow it te go- eI»wherý ý, Tbç ibose appoiated on the nomination o the Majority for Ppowýmjqn 163 ong or. ne providence, tnaj sains. tance it would be to the, farmers of Cane your future laboui ýpreîent dîlapidited états of tbeluilding, councit. da ta turn 'thâr ait 9 turning n; èý1io-à t'o the rowth ineans lot, lfr. Thew referre La the beavy expen. w, 'Appointments. OuR Toirlq Dàxt>.-A Concert in eid oÈ 'ho said, arase from tbe-fact of the 'late of t",ý"luabie croie jýbein#'fà-Y' coll'vinc the fnndi' of- our Town Bmid -and, foi Trustem ý (Who ' wbre appointed by the, ses which .",Woülq, Io bear 1 çh'Ittre pron 'prôeàring 'additionql iniiVotneittà, takeg County Conaed . pet 1 1 eakin, lifter it bat the preslmt yeartekilig the keeping p of Fils Ex' i ed from factis that huye been brought undèr the-true Servants, of 11.1, ý ý M e Il 1 w 1 . - Brock streçt in CELLENCY THIC GovyitrnR My und elimate of this Tuking üdvantage place on to4norrow eve-niýg: We 6ýipeak eâvlng It aitogether in the bande ofthe tO ltcc()unt Ond C01184- xaAL bu been pleaïed te thakO the fgllàw- in as-we!l adttptedto the groivth of flaxuý tunity, we feel dosir eVery encouragement fitir ý tho», wbo t- IMO tefther, ýUr.ý XcC&4. Ille Town quent high taxation ; ho was in fuv',3r of ing appGýntM"t», vilr-. keeliitig up the, sebool but urgèd' (hese William Gco sny countr.r in the world. Only a fêw deep rëspet-t féeMr,.s go mueb labor and trouble tel colincil W Dow Draper of Oigoçde nIM,ýq F, -ýinutters borne 1 Viâitýd th6, ledgingi on 'an onderstanding arrived at with the 1,13eoitÉei 'ýof 'Ki- - on afford us &o much musical enjoyment. ýy 6-gïl ý1o-1Bhiý ormaý-Ctîai4 for,' tbe V her discu 1 à4ion l th' ayi aà(T (41wal -ü, reported progress and obtaitied Barrigter-ai-Law te be Judgé of the Coun. nàh i ai -Coanty Couneil ibat the Town Cotmeil ci], ro>ý -th, ili -waàýpUÏýih operatftïh U si»Risa imporprAmoxo.-we a&jse our ýabgotarberenfter nominale the 'Trusteëo--to leave te si t agiin., ty Court of ÃŽhe of Pron. 14abours 1 amoi last jear, and seý1d -friimdotopiya, Yis1ý to Mr. Mc)4illan's be ap"inted, and comequenfly Ibos(, 'DIL d". V's, illew uovar- tenac alid Lr-iitidx ud,Àddingtýon, 1 ié ýbo1 gn'ýha> -'i ë-ighboùbood fer ' b -of those conneeted witl stoM 'after rffling the adrertisement ln 'Trastees would ho responsible Io the by room, of Ken'neiý,.Uacke='e , ý Paqqzie,, t, o purpose 01) motion ôfMr, Brown, seconded gowing. They have. produëedý, the béij ýef1 4wit Re repudiated tbe'idea f D' r. M î r. coule )1ution pamed giving ton a res( flak in this diâftieý or è0îï1ltry ibat r -Eft Onon a voting tor ü* motion un hig James O'ReilJy, of 0igoode, Halle, and liberty W Dr (iuriii ti) lay ý..qown material 0 'ho. lud ig a deép' indm uftelî, B4eds"l seenin, Uýý, anada,, t, beir ento4f-our, reg Lom fixt REitFuxis of a sùperior quili - (Ciptain aceount; ho did net for bâilding, on Byron and Colborne of, the City of loàtn with jjtûçrallý OË -a ýssurçdjf pur m ty are fer sale at Mr. Farquharsofils --Vtnt him ta do sa by any milans. ýter-at-1aw te bie, B"èrderr 'of te fl te n ivellutur&' wIt 0tÏt'etatitu rchibald T.ý X; grobery and provision htore. Dr. Gann rejoined thït - ho meant Co $100 YOk, TIIE VOLUSUF£& Kingtonl in the 'room of À best ï;ný d ÈO in offence te (' aptain Rowe b lacdone ny, Il; î4quiri je!ýq of l We iiv irhat, be bad Mr. Perry, sccotlded by capttin Rowe, S,404tla- rare and attention, a .- verya ectionA» di-- The Truate'es.' ho ïaïmied were te, Mes, 011eilli éf ci plith District Volunteer Bige notelà. nIbved the iýllowing résolution _,ajý 'kW *f kiad-oin -ho made-îo,ýýà, blâme foi pot doinj their dnýj7--tbey were That in View of the>ý.1rôtufilcoe #oý A#> ep behilf of the congrej 4 s - 'i ý'1 Or, ":Çit ton -grop, in anida.,- ly, " ft b x h.,-, 7 At a mtetilng of Voluntesr officers, eom- an irmponsible bod o -àoctor 'Mateh nf the Fifth Mî11tRý 5 iopui si "' , , . __ - - ý - , y diiitrict htlàîin the, tAwninf "-.l 61- ýrirA. .--L l ýq_ - . . . - ý 11, ýt'jý)W - -VIA $a ý, cffli vond Min Brsidu MAij,ý- fioý bc nIlifloratea t tijlt -For til Aq jjjj,4 im Problibly tbe jast 201w, or the ggmrl týiir la' as oýétockjýïý Mý of.44, nd nrmior,,(,Ialll - over thilt 'l'on f. 41,4% riiilrii"liiiiit a jr)itit:ltl.l""tle"ý11,11 wýriet1C'üe-* fýfertitý wheil duoi lt lut. interusicKargeâ frélin P;Op AilgtlOneer,,, ýNotjce ]Cul th "Wi John Wo. 1

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