Whitby Chronicle, 5 May 1864, p. 1

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Xatthow Toefy ?aIR ITEY CHRONICLE 1i S M £a W51, UT W. IH. 1IGGINS, Ati li, I'intmng &Esalbiiuhment, -Book treet, Whitby. NeXt Door to the Rcgîutry Office. ADVETSMNS &ILL A-1,vrtlmolro n nîîesured lu Nompar- CHIARLES C. KELLER, ÀTrtOIIIJEY AT IAWV, 90LICII-ORIN. J. HUXER GREENWOOD, A TTO)INEY-AT-1LAhV. fOLIVITOR IN ('uîuer N'ituurn lîllc. 'iie3îu'r ttc. Wtlîh,<'.Wl RuiuainVitoriaIlltît, noext eItlcaitrn milfici. oiii lroek iii-, o. 4-; L M ll.PrnA bertY, tit Ci)N rYANCINGf J. W. CALOWICLL BROWN, (1QNVE)t"Cxu, C(>uMSISONEiI FOR1 laîtkirgAhliavîls, Actunlant, Land Dlvi tien Court, Ncilary Pult'>lieundcutienaral kgenm, Uxbnittige. 0t>tf-ictre lnet, nasiyoppoite tht, gedical liait. N. Il.-Ailtuusiiii(ttunut4dto ises ovilii ha proiiplivystctecte -. 82 Il. E. ODELL, C (NVIIVANCER, uid Oommia4sionar imuQ. q 1 Il- &o., &e. l)eimsu eIteted ul uxtiseiiiî esenelle tennis, sud promapt ramiltaucem made. iheavertou, Sept. 10, 1861. 85 xR. W. CLARK, M. D. CÎîRO.NEI, t&c, lteidenta--Osào enEiton af Varueiti & Gih R0101% store, BrcItrîeet, Wlutby. 44 B3. BOWMIAN, pRYISTIAN, SURGIEO>N ANI) ACCOU. CliIMU8, Damfne ceek, Piteing. lo»All cali. Partiauiarly atteudeil to. 50 n URGEON T<) TIM COUNTY GAOL, ~Byron Street, Whthy. 4 THONMAi- DV ERELL, -B l y LD E X, &o. &&., OREEN STREEIT, .>Whltby, C. W. JOHN MHTCALF, WSLKIOP THU ITIu DIVISION COURT, c omprlelng th* Township Brook. Ad- Oinnngton. - 1I ROBERT SpRARs. C LERKC AND TREA$URER OF TIIE iTownshi p of Uxbyidge. Addrets, Uxhridge. A., PRINGLe-, ERCBA>IT TAILOR, BROOK STREET, .LJWhitby. LOUIS »0iois R MSTAURANT.-4jorner of York and Ex. lgptna4e Straetoi Toronto, Refreshmunts TIIOMAI HUSTONg TOW2t CLERK cbTIIEASU1tER, WIIITBY TOffIo-Town ll l71omolow' io'ô<k. --1JoisgPÈ* DIOKETy, CLERK 0 OP oMTI{ DIVISION COURT, CUxbrldgce, Con!oyanoor, tte., Uxbrlde, 19 0 NTR KA L FlOUS E, 127 King St, Wet, fLToronto. ô Iy JORZt. K. WARWIVK. pRAATC4L Deiatist,Oahawa. PDenta] Eoonua, dlrotly oppo. este the L?4at Q -u~n.on at ;hlid ournorth of thi.-Outarlo -PELIX »3R9PZLLAiD, RetIl dàe~r lnTèbse4oQtg*r#, qtuff n. Xar.4,fins Pipe* tn4 Paay Gook, e# 'y K inga*t'At rrno., The Port Pxllow Affalr. ,Tbe atdaid acoi ft).cf turec c otPlo htbsrah4 sj containditxeS.LusJeorfoe IC»owIow afier 1h. fighd, ofdCo U Ib 1 h a ; - ;__With calai Prlnted word, great thoaghste and uatiriig IndutrylueOa iocato poace, Progresa JoidgBohCraoi e. CW, irwihh VO._II,__TBY e ,TH-URSDAY,MAY' , #i 4. .No.t17ae JIROOKLIN iROUE. TERRAPIN RESTAURAN", TIE ONTÂRIO HROTEL. û ent fond h Sef, ud h et)) awn CA LA bSEE SÂNDY i1.8q9 Klag Sret Eat. B OOK STREET, WIUfTAY. ý Ho'itQ.fp , an thegrn alr cffai-ngb w i 6bt, weu wos hoidhse ebup h o iadprisiufel ie o'l! Haue, ud ucro.waa Sitting opposite iug In1 te emuu bttwo gentlemen.thfotudruda eod'b IlE ia tlii Iit Booîu î~ee" uJIT receiveti, par Exproe, a etfi above - - ,te a table laid out with cin, aud a table One cf thei wuaaee like au ofinôw bLindo Elolim ikoVtef l B î re lia wIîî e l i establishmenxt, a splendid lot of l Z Underslgned babilstnfî'rm 'bisfrindcsna1damsed fficeTLinday, frlocry cf aîcha tt sec ail bisi friands.. The preiqnia are Veil PRAIRIE CIIW(KEI;S. QUAIL,SNIPE. kept by Mr. Dawes, anti trusts that by strict f t e d i ) ap n d c o u v e n e n t , a n d wt e o u o a P >a t t e n t i o n i t a b u eI n e s s a ns d t w t h e w a n t a h i o f b ict;s n a n u ls p o s sdoenr t h n a l , a r o r n b t b x , t e t e c r isn r e î b g o s . o t u a j c n tg1n d m ee s e u - c lie coiifort o f nîai alla bhune lilinqelf1 iavlng tcs Alieo, fut the ut ofquors ln the Bar, ta mnit a Iberô ilsa a venly country dbeefsîcs beo reul.Jm àuh ewa bp cu cbdwit îb gi te neupontdt rM ewl sot osea, t puli clro age aTe tabl a ndlîlewu dUt e ig h ý Theacintedypcdng b1c;naani haro snnligebt neva, dies;drain-bcrbbed bis oyez, sud then bis forhaIlas surethat thi enemnho Terbsieroret Atnailo ' k ou eeSIIELL ADCAN OSni edromis of the hast description, bild aa rTe i oi ilusionbuswt Y adtc.g,,tohmeci [0.careful aud atteative Osîler llbe riatiil By datif M ...hlisgrttean il amornesaliitI 8alidy's *table inst'ie bhast, Ln bsters, &c., Wboealaui a t a i]tl. fonnd mt bis pont. y Pt u repared te City. l y'1. ugaîd u i e aaabta shm eS - iby M rig h grio fb~ci~ i. Smndystoud accommodation, go CARLISLE & MoCt)NKEY. JOSEPII REUBOTTOR. AntiI arn goang there 1plenty cf becefstoak li!tIof ail."i He fllne present. sseic bu w ude fIe1î CanIl la boat ln ail tuie nation. Whltby, Marc' à 2, 1864. 8.1> Thollasats of souls have a bgtucttn aa btb.bd sen1 Kvnab',ad farry, 'yofWIFT.nnes The nCiaînerutoîmie es' frolendinhaofd Sendy.Il-al Ten, Are salked !o give hi@ bousesaolt. K UStSLIA"S 11 t>EL,_____________________________etercdlwtescn i fth qietifi uie *udYdWe ot o ao 'WF.eEIE EBE .An r owusananan clue.vtoscodbto h qie' nti uies vadyu ihmtob ao eî;te îaot o a Il 9 u demrn d Prp ieo s fth Soearin the hr o fty epurai sswalowed no m ch butterm ilk ho w as -not ed 3m. Il Wold! liker y en 10 ,a talir tà ko t he t o e tr f r 1Mît ndenuTlgPrpilteetIan ie R idrtn albr ponait Agnten-bel hal r iPriii able ltdw w sp H kd ntomeueon achargcasians &Ohp,' atetL tvrfiontis anti "ttrons, timat Ihey lie T ie. n tîliu locmlity for tVme foloig ... cliâdam n talle l.r?. ~ n neêeuI [TM COMMERCIAL 1HOTEL, rcnigly reulavatecl thaîr eatahilneuini î:gIitnroiite <'ompanIea, lu wlhiel e lprapareti -v1elý.giau, suaintead faseeng aIbay.V'leantseor.'SrHart h eir mntnîyr1frc a4 BROCK STREET, WHI theY. iba len, whicb enablie tîmninow ta altier tbt> acept rhks-Are, lite anti marine.- mv <a liatibloayuI , ont handacinoyouug flov, ho sav a *11nov bhave rare spor.' Immgt hi nst h ie n t ie h BRC TET Hr]Y hueucnharttof the L.cglillture, andthie Tys. 77ieWEinburg* Ljfe I=yUraieCOoup' î 'B"toftentlînex il @cents, utile creature vith a croolced rnouerai bair gladti tebear it,' Jélr replied fr aîfort.Tegrio nIetoclr~ -vlling Public snenior accommcdatleîu. lu 1 llIvthélaeuo( c fo 'esnellarsa *l i f "u uttatdo VWeil- aditIon te thce pmOtnt thay hati lestt ulu. 7We Lewd and Londong. me Iun My dreainsq. i htwànaryý1tI_ talr teobls1a,ýw VImimi lt WIithy.-irot, lle Uîmr~aZ e ina iitrxS Movntreà ad'edromeM a zlFre Yemtknow 1t»hall ha happy - as long as the. est cf big faca' together. 'Oh I Y,,',, a brave fellev,' stait ir Har- Or nuibnadaotCc vca roli'll gui al informaion. entortaiunont ho. Itive hz#nse flntr ina nte'I. whialu, for comnfert 7 aw S ir m V opa . ÏOtamueit not thon deaqpxtlr; 'Faitb,' Saiti h ebimself tt il o s r. T osr IS , nwrd Zi, tenat etrt o îefr nte 'vr Kd late and at if guol nIarf unîeirpasod Ir tte cil-. 71cPrc nia s ra C mpn. For. oh I therel;u baeini, ot f-9tai o i y T esr i a8ee e, Ku ile, anti onventend anete.rs fcd Com413%.,A1 am gommxg thara 1 handseme a fellow as JZa inMGowau ;but diint 1 iap the grey honte over tbe hig aere tilgtwsmi3ie ihna o CiAiLE>%icBRIDE. WM. RUSSELL & SON. F. KELLER, bi rs elbte fadts ypn btn -________ Q lichen, Marci 11. 1961. 9 ___ sluawuer 18sh8awa. 4 s ThtIi"1%efl $baud, Osaa o.1,18. 1ý 5 '%tbi tangimi andcomfort.' While Jeai was thus- îbînkiag The gentiemaii with* the box and IeToao 1 the fothrenIb rail LOBE HOTEL. Northern HotelCannington. __ litmoderb inIlandor,-r -No- ____-ii o der it hri foe ltebimla Sir Harry Mianns, Squire wbip ber' came up le Zeai sud bis frnientia1 elver a gn iciiy lae niful Brliîuh Asuaxica Aseerantie Compay# T ltne IR on tuleur foreliami, Bruen, sud twconrthnce other grand gen. sud thea wliip.genttaman took cff' bis bat, exposEti1 uim iafenîàadsc ahi knn ta, asIavr cCoteRAEDAlntAiconqmnarine ptlitna îbey hear, tlemen came in, anti saii uo hum, 'Kava- anti saidi, '.ight 1 ha aflan asking.youx, lu the forAothiy asfen<h n t e andl'mhaveer wlîe e l 1Session ho don Eleonoth IProvincial Par s- n g ,ynunningin t e da o 'r o th r ny o e o t' Paii tt usgiasi,&" tsb ert er ten t atlr thuronla i es jýnmuî e n f p) eaaa.YA1augo gthr.te rsri cm ay frtl ,i ii îd 'n lîiînutîîy te l i îl t end on donc it n tea ýon;itnhile extalut. sud made'Om rad lo uelx .idv htye iI yn )Yt ew i r i fl a -.d cide your bot fer iv e bundreti pound , Squie K um;nagh.' e ns t iti n t lite the the fron , a t e ae p t t e b to n a Th It4ba)elv Iilli furtber tC itenot îf.u oeeiitnoialon <if CAPITAL £100,000 Anticuill me theirdeliglît! Ti- heuîla' lasb eîî coîun r.î t, e t*, roasts. Ttc taible i l1wilva prniid ti lt10 i li W ter pia "reg, ad vititeitort"iè ofoft waer to wsil, 'ld fil host n iAeaxtlati flanc!,ut fic bon randieap bers.e ovanl nba widaIàglookteecf-limeofgentierilu nliantiemSmyH1anryr b.ahitaidone inoml 'Yeu fonth ant i nht ceai. nalriinipirîoem,.,iiteuniaitet,'iacTr leVr' , f Wiiuea ,and li.innrc kept n e i reînîes.ca. olite1t.. Ever ii,îuinaiorium ppîied enap. A aPasilc etaniai, ai>boealifeeJ Oh botbeir,'anuwered Smi r busne wiî6 -uai fIorn.'ac heas aeiwtxuîdnhaaiu.eo lr ld îaTu ltier *ufnl a-n ke a 'pplieî lVtoleala.Givesa p atettt ;. intiers a du. Chrisit idI for ne prepmre ;- U Xls tl ia? Ia ctn ae r*i suri li t i v nh alme,. cdif l Tire periuili.li MarineilsHar MMaRs yo akjkag vth 'a ClnaYufimMaieZiIsfentheoîorforPnrta Iae û i iom m inoiomea Ru7andtx Iye trihkigaiteu, arînd midI ae rgh t 8klb fei ietathntesnal ra f b.fot ylipl(l it.1tms oh fille'renogrned Olir. ciwltgIi , ai -JOIhN AGNEW, 1h41 iin um'lmr!sinca yentolti s yonrsalf that ýeu dtit lquestion.' "Thepi, l'Il teIl yen wbat itsla'nsd, Cro, e netervnweeî *,nec,,,ainîtf 4 P ick, ho laIte chanrci '-fteants. Trare-1ttimiZ Agent, Bvroi utîreet, Whiîhy -_o___- gcn mud t lem a 'h. nuti ysitr wr ' «tweuty timas, anti thora'staeEngliaseuuea, nutComl-se .eeaelesi ri lr y h tapiu l o t i c e t e a r m e r s a n O t h e r s J O N W A I W _ _ _ - C ~ 1 ~l eet i bt a t m a te t b . b t w it h y n , i l b e a i < o N u u r a c e s , es te r d a . ' 'O h I l s .id w h i h b t b a h s i f î h o e x n I itr liiisaluî and lReaidI. ?.nrisoiieFithi- 'auiîgn.Oc. I Fnl 6. 41DO N I'8H T Lte t rc 'ruî g!!tii -rta-tl ie cimhi ia'e iimi ieo NT PHT-mrE .) sayiug, if yoa dent uttempt it, that the Jo 'that s an inf',-oal lie.' The word coîtaen agatoiinçne.it h T, LAT__________ ml'ien o g ll-It, d. i. IIutI)sp*t E uRetiiti i T'o the Travelling Public. bM. ue lep he'ondor6>h m b ay.ac Oua tnfiunm Ibe lu-bs flethefé 7limkey,,-1wi0o.'bellul'nre, Sherry ii tutuN O osfo tei-T e Wh .frrlin nyu oi od te C tzjlliîcik Brandty for ut' e ik.withi i 'iai ni ftit-i la0- ta lt e toiion 'ilnah yu insllap b.ped c lghtai i cackcf b i'il, i cs bdisn act hefrate odn afa ftrcw iu u tttlriittaltîi-'t Ntlir. lserv tir ha% T.f.ileu ~i f)~ol ynd tmsî.I matt H. catugbi lhld of the gentleman, anti The appacfrithrvnaws.'rog hill;IzefI- cil Ep a n ,] fvli ltéltir lI 1 Il '%rtiii cc ie LiIan u ade A. XI.EXANDER. l~yugf'.i tmutJeWuat ar "li-bu, lia It litctiaul lurnîafi- Pt MGovaa .azy yugvgïodfl nwr eàMGwa al iii iling fntu bonitt foot 1 CetaTily itsetîmof theÉtrgne-h o 811tieiin w"o van v'ior wi iiî1 vey eu ev, am hostretceeti ven bis laahin fe ha î fc. Cnliuy intet c hesteg'hcfZesM'edésaireiecntefot.tlel.sacba ??fi, lQl,1 4 kopie tithrabut nei- %VneLîjui-a autiCigar ftetrfr' arsoforai gran«thaither'sae c tKaysnagh,' rapliet Sir Hanry, lie hadenîy, the vemiumsu ef Squire Ka -v as aet4pa~ iîl~ voeî~ S i' A G. E ~ -~ ~ TYKE fIEST OF' LJQhORS à CI AIRS WAmu ttontivee otler alwrays in attend-'s e n et dablaze thatvanmeti thens. 1Oh I then brnxg out the herse, hmaniumpiacaIbskckgatirrngieeaeatialn dfn.lhrhe Antli lis "la l lusl@ lfrtlaiAwil, lhal the. lu;uulu eb 4 16.6 1'Yetzvish tle he a lord,' ansvereti pellet3cm, wiahing ha was no longer b. vuns liathered vitb the big whip, front anMy)ws eslat tfrm ,Oî. Mst<l.L. *dilicarex sof the setasn. Ait tefitOatlmr y e.4 58 al-vonin.Thcwiofor i in- ' .., .. 'Oh, then, a migbîy Sqîr thengb 00otsu atobfrf1 IS A AtFENTON. Cai iirly,-ii,iln beaiint a'refortehly accore ni y B AIW .. quar ig d t)a oalti maitebut long sa Iu a minute afterwax.clsZem foud jxiu The gent leman gelat laut a littla ttii c f bers hegaoa bi 'ruprietor. 1noutate. antiWall tte*nda teO. jeu lire, Pat, nover vihh*gain; for whe mlf ont In the lawu, anti a pend that- Sp. beatÃŽnE ,hlm, nd liigiug Jrnatwy o bat- innt) limi furnr'ratveea ;it slihi,itîil lu-aia4d 18. eit biga e isit. RWy, ait ho, £yen migbt as' qaits nabout the re labtyu anidv n fso nisoI h rt2i hia enlise i'i-tlir. 14 X V O O N S I-LO E L. 'Gtmys, ~ uy, ~~ hi vn fer elsIr ae t jmp ove' hooceanj. eo saiafaciouà foi insplting auj aluer. -and. as taiit eb hs h ol sa WO IS HO E .4G&ma ran,1 ibi vfrgivea n Iip-mup-and-a leap fremin Hcvh to 'Sathafactiol-'reaneti eutZainas hawith mireln ucidn niwih~aa -Z~rl H 0TO-; 1 T Le.uaw[VILfontber notion, Trains *ui]rua' it's 1I bh venîti wisb le bave aiy vihb,'Halybeatus te get anv herse te cress that tvistîd anti turnemi abeuùt vilithol'pain'cf effeut.,MjrBeh.h'a Àix îYodre a feel, Pat, anti hava no mari laite of a pend.'-'. Comae Kavauagh,tait the h-ating ho batied t, 'by ai, suiokins VIl -te l~eceot~fji oxixtdtIee JANtES lBLACK, reur* "'- i rvu Mtvv cIii bie P oe .00p M.a ~ > bsSir Henry, inenensense wî s eko oa-h aila iIae7biel erfnce Ytgiocolaekiaq . tIitifjMaAFF A N iTrai ll e Lh-t dsuy 300p.in, ha.c f a abicitan intitiaof Il. MAY yen can do it if yen like,. aud nov that ngly body la brûelin' anlry, Bsli iîlt k eis arrIsaA111 Kp. mîuI IÇe joudnover cesse repentiug .cf your lyen axein for ihycimuai finish the busi- fVval!l,' khid the getiîlernan, I'au "e aebirlrsdanihalcoe- ART IVINl)MOR HOISE, WIIITBY, -Thi hoetri aram ian cîinnecion vlîh ti,' viehi caca uunsgel it' noasai once.' ' Oh 1I youlfinish 'Dy friand Captait% M'Geuuis la corne preparod .poerèd4H enedt ux uit aunenT-. rJuumraARCH-ITEOT. (GruaiTrumîk kralway.. T 'A 1lDU Maib. sa, granny, btfor ail that Ild -busins 'aiafaiti,' sait) Jei, seaing tbey fer this.11 lJp0n iat Zem gltae asquare' ever, s1 fxgtt~ et i mIE,~'Ilue 1 juiialii tlecjt.-> 144, Day Etreet Toronto. MnaT..io lr.-Thim gaay lin oe aesuitvtblii btvat il bopnei that e theaghî vas fle! #o.n-nivootryh*taiuy -ft of ftiieTo'ri- i nth;- ftitii<. TdA.omLLAMI tesminute ceaie tht a bodlyoe do if 1 am drovuet il 1tDeamt5er. vith abatfipaso e ia o honk! si0lauiai.. blituyz ctil attetiveulle î%. North Brîttab auai Mercantile l'Pun Uewý, 1863m. 4b8r ta?'etiSir Henry, f'Oh I malte yearteif easY te lis astonielbment, beheltifour vicked fighîthèereatllr éîmu.1a - - -- Pire & Life Insuranco QoTb-*,-Pât- l'hIctel yeu, hhengb I 5ée on ibataceant. 1111 teIlyn b*ve1 oolciug pistois nicaly anranged, aud 1yi;ii>r vftb tht.baeysdconab a~m VICTORIA 1 lIOrIEL.u d '&h ate "Igth bdý X te a-- &S,- hllbaeth eado hohe"h L bieid.e TIIOMAta îuîmW. TAVERN STAND]FOR SLS ifAM ca&b Imr s&alMtîsddîPatensl hveti.cote.l or eclaorx. hts nusEv&tamDar-,i.a et ltiicirspAgent.ay a..a-.e rcîat-m clama?..1-t M., î 4ga..~t cuuo s.tesl u a.~ - Weitut inilA.) &N(,LO.A>IERICAN IIOTEL. f.lsusckc LhKx". T !IFt 1111. iA iait il!Ur the mhove ký eallitt îî,ýie icoee, citî thusew ftlni tien~ ~ ~~t4 i îiet.ualnithe Iravellint patitc. (;iveIîiun a cii. Go,tuRt tatXIIu umimteri 14 CANTON IHOTEL, D UFFINS 4'IREK, lPICKERI1NG. GoîiD fcçulultli or' Tranellena. W. CUTIIRERT, MNILLA HOIE, T IFa.ilanaibrmud egti .lane)inahmforinahie% friandet, and ithc tnu(.isi'lgluiîluiîa, tha lile huitu l.alcuuthe itab ve i kuyn te htel, anti tr-xts h"Y ci% ittention tohaiuem,and hi oe'vovc1nttu do ail lu tilt, power for the cenx. fort auide ccnvciiencaufnulut, to ment a ahora Cm,înjttmtlmlacounncdat.ion for manantubdna' -Ali itteftie anti caretai Ostlar alvaya lu au- S. CONWAY, Proprieior. -auilia, ()et. 29, 1661. 4% ROUGE ROTEL. Th>'3PII MOIN, LATE OPt TIIE NON.- ciquen Hotel, anti foruierly cf WhIlby, un- iuaiecii n hi. frianon altth e publc,tist lia bis rantoilthe i.aboya weli-kmtown botl, vhlcm la nov Iln first rate entier foit tue recaeptiin of gueuto- Wlueg, Liquocr anti Igarx. Guet Stahtiignimils' attentive Otior. 11-Y Grandi TmouaiRailway H11.1 (&oidg "qfRc4Uaccy Depet, PM SWAUb.) T'11E sahacrihar ha& fitteti up the aboyavelu L tuown preiiassvtb tne.-vîev ersuiting the conreiieeo theb., ravonp. lie. lco1r- se.s and vebtale,> loftin chargeat tlAeRote) v"I ha pnoporly caret fer, awaiiing lb. amirais cf lb. oliieru by the Cars Eaut or ïVext. Gocti Stahlinq, anti caeful atti-ntiou. JAMES PIIINGLII. Wliîby, Aprîl 27, 188. 4 NOW 18 THE TIME. CET TOUR LIKENE8 AT J. A. Olarkt's aiPrise Plctgte auIîery TFYcîî tesire a corract ant ifhe-lite Ambre. Jtype, Cameetype, Lettongah. or Leaii.em Tranafer, or o Likenesn ,uZa Le 61,abo Ring, foi-J. A.. C. cen do i b est yl, sud at ahorînoîlce.i WILKINSON'$ IIL<CK,_ as .Brook slwi u Uby. L UXBEL-MERCHÂNT,Oa&rpnter anti lily cf m1 i tiof t Imbiraouatautiy on bUd. YJ'?lERALR fuîty stipplieti sud attettied . a J2 shitoît ile..Coffine kepiatanty o landi. ioin W'A Reast itre on lîbersi taras. GEORGE OORUK, Whiliby, PebisUa, 1*8i4hy W ve1!8T sRA(se rat ~ For amesud uuggasuentsa ddrs.' 0 3 RAhîtbof,8eotçi.~,14. COLL'ECTION & doMMISION BV. . L. SNOW, noutreai, C. oc (¶OJ.ETIO$ made for Pu lioitprx, -Mer. Qnvllec. Oltowu., and T')ronto, and i'ther el, ad proeeedm prnniply paio1ver. >,dmregs conîniunicatic>ng tW "Montre,,) el- lr'itrMontreal 004U4L; JoPhn boyaui, Pm4elier Canada Di)ro,,orv, &c., tc., Mon- trenl : R. & A. Miller. W hlepaJ. Boulcaellerm andi Statioerx, Moîtreai ail Toronto., -iontroul,2$ePLcmbcr tth, 1$62. . 31-Iy 01OLICITOR, &e., êLO-9 RTAS *tMOVED hi% Law Offie to fOntario il hambera, t'O On Door South or-the Regiatry Offie..~ lIitby, Jan. 28. 1862. PARMER98 JFN, ATJKERLEY. L. STEEL, Propriotor. Thie botel le beautllnlly eltuated on tihe inar- gin ot Laite Simo., near the Karrowa' bridge. coninanding a bpleudid vlew of the Lakte and mnrroundinit pietiresque cenelr>. EiurtUou-- lite,' and otheom, ean be provîited wîth bouts 'antin UwMî~take, and lb the shing a long tbe Ilaie and narrowa lv of the bet description. 24 * Tavern Stand for Sale, N the Village oot Atherley, noar the, Nàrrova of.« LIe Simoeo, a good stand, Rlouas wth large nooînniodatlon, and quarter acre ofianti. Weli situatea ud agouiitrade. ApplyVto L. STEELE, On thé prenii"f.. 24 Atherly- P. O. DUNDAJ STIREET, WIUY, C. W. GEORGE. ROIISON, Proprietor. r r r t s b s e 1 b e b e t o a n n o u n c e th st h . b a s Seripîp1;e's Mote, wh" #h en n b onv&4ei, reffruîahed, aud fiîted, ap thronuIioat, lithe beeof cf tyle. The promises amep1e*smnUyt-ýst aated, oppo$Ite"tht fost-OUa., snd In the oen- tri of the Town, The IIWway Oniubus calîs at the Mottl and thA attagen for Uxbrldgé sud Beaverton leve Midoor overysaortlu. Bourd$l pet day. GEORGE ROBSON. tCaeiI Eostai d ways iu*ttexidsxia. r VILLAGE of CANNiNOGTO. I 7tIE cmumoilncTaveru owenpied bhv)Ir i JohnWmsaiicouteigair an Acre landi- vihaeieiStAtul, Sh . &ndtioheu,"s for ussbiug, aooklng. t&c. A nevertaitilig aPIing of wVier, vhmch serves neani>lb.theholi 1 kc flge or ufTsuern--LS2 lu> 80, tve stnrleti andt a hlaI tigr thoîlce bYI4, tablea60 by 44), xlid7o fet,,Wliar 50 hy4L A i..l huai- tica. bisuss $o$baei eu i hiu atone Taveru. Situât.-,uMu lIme iàucl ce«,rumer cf thb, Villae ia, the main ron siln toBaksmerton, Maali andl Prince Alhcrt.b a The raa.soitha Promcut proprieior viahoes ho dIsposeofethIe aboe.vaituctie prttpaen-, i» bct. osait, te inth etiatnhîmgc iu, tir erecting a Grio§i Miil. Poascutlon gi.-an at auj lIme reqîimratiby tIh, parchaer. Ttie fhîdlrpulabl,. -Terme easy hosunit the purchaar. Por-fnrther _part.oulat» apply, (if by later post-pitid,> tueZ»wnerontemI". ('anulngten, Nov. 10,. 1843. 44-tf ADVERTISEMEf Royal, British Asencas, and Lover pool uand)London Assurante Comp'nies Enibreîng a espîtalof 20 Millions of dollars. Rluks te tbm ainount et#1,oo yuvin e tee lu auj one u nuI uapplication te JOHN ÂGNEW, 42 Te Cenipauls' Aget at Wbltby. MONEY! MONEY!! TrrE stbscniber le praparot 1* negoalate IL h a t , U lp o n liah o * e c t rlty l m o v M t F'tpayabmie lu lhrce orteofîY"mprouIla able rates cf intrmat. y- aairasu The moi.ay enbbc d itnsualyobupro" tintin uftatcory tile, ÀL R. ROCURj Xt. Manaer, auaa AgueyAbsteeation,- Application to ho matie te ceu, JOHN 4QNEW,1- 42 Valuator, Wbitby, MONE-Y 11O0,LENDi- creature 1 u the ainlncky chance te visi on îLet Iistant, bis ulaL, uhoîber il Le fer gzooti or- for ba.t, fer et-il on michance, for 1f. or foixtieatb, for fortune ormtisforluue, for sakues er health, for' bimueif 1or for otheri, iho vis iolucertaiaij 'grMâtedta t hM, but seldexuo tee htara eut fer gone, ta th* viaher,' beanu. t shows b je nont taiati$W vi(.h lii lotMdxi t is coutmaryte vhat Go4 i bis geoduetu I, laid down for us ete do snd suifer for Iàuitsae but, Ps, jeublagurt, t ejeu oare ianvhing>at jour.oit ganuj because je îhiok l'a goiug te presoLh a sermon 1te jeu, es long as oves bis reveroace pteacb. dat'tb.ashar; but you're mluîa'imon;Icai goinif té dit o necuai ing'. 1, yl 1011 yen vhat happened to anonucle of auj ov" Jeta M 'Govau, ývho gel bis vial lb.hela. stanth, ùkd 5b It .!e~ i scoeuudreV obierveti, Pst: 'do, ýguanjy, toi-mt W 4labout hia.--Got bsis fi l h, Lord, hovîv ishl vuaalord Il 'tttemePst, antidoa'tb.el- tlng on vida auy of jour feoisebnue.- My necie JesuM'Qava&a, vas tien 'tome hifng lk. jeurséif Pst, a 8lrapping able chap 1 but eue Ibat 11ke jeu tee. voulti sconus b. scorobiag bis ahlas ovor the firei thau eutlug the. turf to malte 1; andi wenlad imach ratier vath the pitatoi bèIsin, ibaxi diggiag ibeusotof ithe rlfge.-In, uteA. ofvworkhug ?or a nov -ceat, b vol b. visluiag some-oene gave-t to bim Wben 4e gai op ibhem ieeg hogb. iabed for Lii. br.akfontaman aeswallnweal alias is ihe late Squire Kavaag.If tbat tOesu't kmew net vbat shoulti becomne -of him uatisfy yenibeme's no_'plaasiug jeu, se vhen fie 55v CapîtanM'Gen,is aii bring ont the herse ai o*nce sud let us Bee dcar frieut, Si. Harry, prnlriuti- anti loati i y o mnai.' OL I murder I murder 111511 iag tIe i« uols. 'Ohlfnînreler, murter l ZesJeu:tLhmnself, 9 ian'î ibis a priîty ttîb)gibis is versetIen th. grey herse,' b. saidï tiat 1i muai be drovueti Wemake a great 'nov l'i quit. sure-of bei, gkilicclmde.r-S abaraclerfer sncb a dti- )1spalpocu au iy.'1 Ha caught Laitof 'Sir' Itefry ub y the 1 ,squire Kauagb,- Oh I thon, it'u I uelti ceanti stuttereti eut, 'Oh I then, vbat ai visbýi he lieJoim ]Gowsn'back again- luinthe vorîti are yn' glgniôtédo vif W îe? e Poer Jat i a1is <Le vrc3' ye are geing 'Oh ' rplied bis frienti, 4juetýrgôingtu ] te b. drv'ned Mie a a m . oli motber'd sand &.4hsot' Thedevil7alhix g111 ie týîo like a blind kitten, aud &Il for a vagabond ansvored Jei, ' TH rus au ay ibis minuate.'. w1 jeu tdon't Care aatrav about. Por0 c 1 h , ya bueranti neriocjty, if.yqo td t at ne er > vas v u o u orseba ek be . t,' eplied i S~ r m, III'!li xop youa y Lh fore, nov 10 ibink of leaphug ever.an a;biîIleî 'my h'onr ls Cnec ' i, îi8 ià oeax.-" &Oh 1 lie; bad>lnck ta Yto businae-yee aaskuti:me Ton be yoxir friend 1t Spnire Kavaepagb; tadeatha lie on yeuniahnsd t'llim jeu go îbrosghit reâpeelably;;I- aloat. yen muet eitb*r stand and, be laliot ike a,ý I À fu ine aing, spanluing, snerting, gea4limi or ll biioàt'yen liii. a tog, J4 praaciag, curveîiing, leaping, JlUMPI129Y l'Il takO xl Ã"i - otc'reyn 4han1 ip4iu i kicklug, rearng, great big grqethonte wu 'race théult ' *, u ý ooui1e ike ; you t bore led np by' ivegrooms te Zcxn'u sidé. roanti, simd aevei-' fear THili ngaif - ' Oh 1 ibe tisrliugt,' ai Sir Hsri, Stieetuhcr e taly - - 1 ':- . 1 h. go.., tbereu dtheibîy liat i yl wn ÏÏ Jem wiabed bc-vas notue-hon qi bt anti mine foir us. Tbbar's an lgant, Kavamg, u a ieydA ~dhm up, iiau freai ts tory epet tea1the pond.' face teafSae ithilatheaî 'o- tu Ci p ti i oce pon thé hrses ba ù ', plcet tbé b out, ý 4 'cg t y ar- ii -i t ee 8ir Hlari te g. rooms. The sigLI Jeu' Ihougbiiof îbe-quiots mq fi e&-hýdJ r lat Jeaus eyes the vM ' stant be ihle befoeJ>s4,ba& em &grand ýestIe- 't terrible greyjiboru.seaudt ltkno'wnas OýneDm h nnisti' b. o e : jabo ing 4 oy ý ef th e M os t id o ns de vi It i th u nr a ' i' .. ansda7 Oshawa A4dvortis.onts.--- The r WILLIAM TEMPEIT, M.»D.- Bu lldlîr KN ~LtSTEZ OSHAWA, CANADA Appit -. - - Snd RAERK t,. Oshwa. arLORu ma~e reKnthe .bt R- .ra.101e, Adailuî rit aIlimarate of 8 centa per due., ltrot licrtiQu, anti 2 otii par liue, ence aubse.q ut liwertliom. S pecis contracemirtatie wîth adt'ertlserie hv lbo year, Ã"=Onisc taontiue adveenllscmaîite muai% be lu vrlîîng. »A"K 0F MONTREÂL, WIII'rBY BRANCI!. W. R. DEAN, Manager. STAIXEO GLAS$ WORKs. W. BULLOCK, .»!'Toronto Wonl, 75 Yeoitii Street, Toronto. MANEROI'< &MACODIEIL,- ARRITERS &t ATTORN;ET AT LAW, gJnliltors lu th ime luutItetMeineaidn Ooanly Cennail of Onstario, Wlilhy, C. l T. i 5.4r hffie ai the ('numi lluu.-tesouthlim lîg. GEORGE [T. 1)ARTNELL, D AIRtiîTER, ATTORINEY, CONVEYAN v "lcor, tc., t&c. l>ficua îuîrîn oppoalie uthe J. V. l[*m, 'reet, Whity,41 . W N. G. Aah MORRIV4ON & sAMP.SOM un cîtarch $tret, Torointuo,tC. %V. ANGIIS X(YRIIION. I ..A. Al.Ot Terronlo, July '11, 1881. 2 S. 81 COCIR~.NE L. . R. XJtarie,. Ihurite i'r lttuî-u-L.sut t - iOur n b hilaniui'ry, Nuu'în Ituilii. &i-v Ctrt. 1itl e gid ut Pma G. lil. DARTNELL. Br FI'UI'Y R EG IStTtlARt ASTER E-XTIA -- DFor'Utcary. autl t-xttuiiiimue [ 'lîaiurcry Itur ROBIERT J1. WILSON. -B AIRISTiE & ATrItiNEY AT iLAW, soliciteninlu aert-, &0. Wliiihy. t' W. ()MOUa- Vieicmic BuiIîiiiit, Break St. Wlîiiîhy. 1. K. cORIiOx, AT"btit'NF.Y AT LAW, 84sLTICIT(uR IN CAtauceni-, fo &aer ., tuner i.issec noalASoe, Wîliitbs'. t1. W. 49u - JCELLCR & LAMOIC, A TToItINFYS-AT-1. 1W. SthLIflTOlt'ý In Chunineerntl'uues,tîet'e, . » h."- Uver 11mai hruîuicleoe hil¶rBmclt Srect, whii j I ty. ;Of, CITAS,. T1ptTiJI, *JAS. L.AMOiN, stiua Jlnoi'k.C.C. W.

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