Whitby Chronicle, 12 May 1864, p. 2

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b:7ý i I \'riw' ~ thig uDRY N.w èt~ ' o nd stem, ý4sA-. Grand Ril tehê >fUeB. O .'Bsen. .ýeih postpùntaent of iusai aaéS. . Absùt ctReeipts %d aitie-Xr &ad Rama. U.& M I.e-L. sba'r r.Âelns. Avétis$61ls-John Kailt. 'nes mmmd lapaitWseliàird Estels. 'litésand 8ngar-T. Broc.. New Wilnery_-J. Broit. 'Kid Giové-J. Brama. Blackis Havi sif-.L. aibkm Omiava 0a"dénNar§,-!'-Tisas. S itr Western Assurance Co.-Tisos. hyérà. Keep your féét cool,-.Ban Honméhold'furnitare le., prapeeY>'~ -John relt' Bratk Strééh., eithy, Wédndady, 25 May.-L. IPairlaniss Jr. Aactloaer. RAL eSTATS. 150 acresa, Lots 13. 1 od 14 thorai, Thumiday, 26 May. -al eteld Castes à Ca. taronto, &ncionerr. 160 aérés, M4rtisimaltf lt 1. Taésday, Ilit Iay.- L. Fairbanks 4. Witty Âne. Anderiçaa Ya. Tréasîynée t Whitby, on' ldth Nfty. Wasinton ve. Newhal . -Moaday $fth ,Jone at Whislby.-L. P ir aaks P.Auc. tianeer. 0 XLY $1 50 CEN<TS A TEAR Subscribers to the 'Advocate.' ment$ kerefoforeaanemadle toiUè .MrIMiodn . ubicriber, ta tme1 AD OUA7.~(noctairedy on Our1 ýbooktolt ilet >b. sent thse -c-IR 0-VIC4Lindd('eo f cthe- for. mer puepr. T/A(ie r/t.do ??Ot wî&A to plibsilitt.#hi* pper 1.rt&teAdoo- cav "nte p i n rtimnte ûêir inters- tion My it'amr ti" ti ac A u lWhto mm. ,ive t/se poper asuc una Noi return st will b. chrgel aits ssbsrribers from thmne foward W. ?egeitisai o0-f Corepcmdent'a let- tél. truas1i iwei ntimé ibis uééi.- *l ie5I*. r,,ais isre until 3 P. Mwý bfr tsé CklOvcieLGL ad bé« esuet 1te1 'Press. lu la neesaav>'Iat corrueodenée, ianaOdente hé iumSiqhisoniçi arr Sive a 'aymiier. Wio are thé Truc Itaesfr This qestion vras nét'én soant polaWIsei isurt tsséit mas dosii at s U*Ws bll, Il AAc* la aauad théeLtaIW j ae I' e tu A.PwbiHk Alas.u ad thse mss isépreis on, stlmaie muOcéy ont 'ot p*U"-é-tiiitrotr. comi!, and coaiy '1dduraatrfroin tIse OriN ,bat mauy af îl inrlsitg liait e tt ose aise- tiaém se peraistééuly adé. sud urcesingîy teltpratet. For example. tise got!oit! pollIlml pisi tisat mnamoney skSnit! e ePnédmd iy tise gasseetor thé day, vultî nsî oiaiaing tise approtaI -ofý Pai"easmi u, embodiiy appropriatét! hy els ta m as apéliy beion ÃŽgitathé..- §OIvT* No ose, iCoasevative, Moderatos - or Gril, deisss or gainsayedth ie Jéstce of 18 Princlple. NAy, aoi the coutnany. $ai £pmi~ptl ms.éqily aucés t-I stae! lcre a part cf tisé lau of 1linlaid. We miay appadj, fon àtlano*t rtrvét!eyost! cavil, àthe l be p.eeiàlsniyibmir wand t ta ae, teir 0"u ling"e, si "uiffléd t thé iatheit!" tls Mm of powv te ypréage. -Nanti iftsu. moutm tt*wety.f6aréroléitput,- sud dirng theine 'àWriod thbe distinct but aot 4he frst atep, mas isisen by tise dilmmaemlts" t.) glustise fat-esof lair ta théir«oun Icet!sioutbé d prfeuon.- Ami; çthiemany' mesaaies'aumsaéneed by, *6hé a",«taes t msî tié n of é«eh àses stan , y*é çnéôin vain fox miai important oue-.ilé;fdétecomitri by tise'Hfousa of tisé pullit fandai. Opp,.-eisvmg obtaoiue ppver, Mn Sands flit edgcocail ltsnd bh haut!.fuflit i endeaa'oiagta relai t fIn baisajut!gnsntv eaisallifn- tsiis Oea-.Bron onbuecostrue1 tans, snd UnIe DputyIàpoctor Géneral. Wisemsthé Audit Mliiwu iras it Intirodtiéd 'b tbé hon. Mr. Cayley, ln 1855, it wu1 lttsnded tisati aiLpayaaents àmae léthe goverment Sbou iahl Gralad hfore the Boardof uditl xperlenee bai slows tisai li Ins-" partienlar rése«t tise andit systemea béén a failure 1 for réally bai fév of the Munypay,nia, on aféonat oi tisa provlisés, aie ma& t >réotiy' by ti 1heBouiiaof Worl lm Indepondet éht*gé ov4i ttc *0 éxpeaditnréc. 'the smrnéla thé' came mitisthé Cràma isimadu sud 'Post Ã"fioe deearttmeats, Thé large aus annealiy diabnrad\ by thomn thméé léaiugdeullrins f Iiêgo*limeat. st pald à ncth aot"l~re seunta the Board cf Audit;. consqohty thé board, asnô acnstitntéd, reaifj' éxprcises ne coarôlov d1 éesati bre actuel To reméil>' ibis kàe'g ~<afcien ',it;i propmed tlisis téri iUail héadded ta thé. Èosrd of >.adït %té Déput>' Reéivér-Oea.. erét, thée!)éeùty Postmasuér-General, *and thé DépUY Commiaaiouérm af théefloard of WorIçs sud CraMa Làuds. Bach'of thés. kebdeémeo are énsiaéutly qaslàfed for thé pohition, hélng thoronghilyt6tmvérsaut mith tise monay ~fietieià,tbefr Népective dé. Iflcu h là fi4hér prcvfdia tna pt* méat hé made. on lbéha1f cf thé gavera. rôeat bntil thé aiscoat rot mabmittédt , sud saactiaaied by thé ném l3aard of Audit. This iii providé a cotmplété sud thoroùhi chee.k uan tdpéadent depéettuental eiisén. dittire. The eightsetoti ô1f Ïe bu té là ' pa#. siule, of ail, grea fi ortnotaLt baliatry. Ih il hère éssaéd tl.i mdaex. peaditue ehatever hé mades hy thé gavera. méat cf thé daç. itmîtu eèëimu onnâ" ôon Parliawset.This in triring au O~e'very rocu of tisé évit. J&r. Gait- approachea thé anhjlect mitii bis mcii kioma skili, aud nette, and With unôaparing bau.d probes te- the very isottom, thé isolé ques- tion of fànwirrdil*a&e ,at dim4.C éxpénditure or thé pulo shida. To carry 'Ibis fesmre ont ià hçdttflisu eftessaryta ehaussé thé end cfthie Wacai yeir, fr:ns thé 31st becember Ia thé lhh ti .ne. W. hesmtil cn'raMtulate thé boaatry on thia earnest of Irtiérefera, ahýi to te ién. sugnrsted b4 tiséprésent ami, iitrtin.- Whm.a such mea as Bolt.on, fanon aad Surdield Macdonaldi rime in tbéir places one after anomber ta apprové of Mr. Galt's ossare, that genui.una mnay mcli féél prond ai thé reforma eonPttesupWetd. thes lité udm;nisuretiou pronsiséd tmach, bat per. formaéd littié; and even thst littié net ai. irsys créditahie ta a Casadiari gorment. The présent administration acta; prmme littie. but nerforass mach. The diflerene jei idi, ih thé country iii not hé slow Io aclrnamledgre. Weil tise .ay me' ai-mho are thé trae refermera> ' Thé Chrisia politicians tanding îitie Mar. ket placé, procisiming their hosscéty of pur. paue, aud paéity of iuteutiomsa-miichesir éver> sc el lies....r tie M-nov tn pav- er, uhc havé, a repélatton te preserve, an ansuliiet! isattr tona itain, anid mise euiy oh3éet tnt! sis hto givé tO iis - n- happy and 4ividletatry" that syse. of haaest &M !goctigoveebimttmhicb may accore lb. Most happînemaIo hoesgreatest nuaniber. 'Ire tra,,an Stahool ÏM 51 TMa le su' éditorialan t'ieii aubjéa lit eer, tha.luellgeuî reuler ml ut l th 4b., caver thé vaut of'oaeionbiestise héglnuing cf ihe ericIIqmd 4uoodustton. Severai pages c-or, asarjs lsWb mat&setuimtt.d -fýrotIi! tje ldy cf it*ié,tdmreby demrayiug its enoud i amiég. As in -44 pagés sua etsittéd thé piths etsr sr<usénvumai estald,> iré huat 0give ib.I agpnmuiou, Icm- passieg, bausevér, li lt lè as pomibi au thé grous n l gc kne eTr, The viemsexepréusd >y som e i Tomwn Cceacflioré, la #Jas4lsumiam iii tok plie. pon thte propbsét!appropria dion tuthé-Gi-amemar Sitalu as t he etitit>' of " tinsiitutiDnmers a eà "alraî bly illihéai aimi . sp«asisailosa asa againit &et Tram esso ugecercu and onfonmsddd, tisat liay démrve laore " a paslng isolice, 'Ir* pemis of the Seniar Ooéuty Grmmr &lopj m othér tissu a great local hénéfit la ta spuaiieiuhsr in ignorance of, or idhi indiere, a fcis Thé attgudanée cf oreesixty students framu thé tara sud- curraamsdiag lacalities vanésieu ts popar;l, tmiile tise éau. diabyexcellent training thén. -given, ant! thé admira*ble *baist!tiois laid for buildingl iénrlite, tbié pécial kmom lég c base ésllu.gis W wicl thé future carer f lase sndpts'uabe dvotieI, invésmit wfIrâba çlaratsr af mhicb &s tmen e have evér>' renis'ta féel prendu&IlO oi asay Conit! ri- Point wmtdaat sê , ait!elmwlsme éagawed lé tle lumief pW(tusious, and inl othér bonormi>lè silIi n4o irsthéir ed taut tsa týiy'Grséimr Sehool Numbera.m *48;.&Atvanttage muieh théy Lavé ginéd léia fe'a race, aMd ln the putschtor o.f %e, u, tley- îl tell ycu ire Il omimm$ îêý' thbisupeior ln. stracuion tisenra reéi lv 5.. t. l. illili lie uIlcsttag Ste position or thé toim fandés; ant, mas» eégeâ ai t1oe Canacil lad-t oàna insg in a mots. posi- ti&:n B44tisas it vusin1856 id idithe gamrscisool, me might netoît timi tmer-ey anclliorm -Who mère mcatoppea. édito agrsmésamt s.isouigrant tratésfo*- aldieugls tisy spoke spMina. t--Aaap- propsIsti0o f $100 towm&s a Volantéén RZfe Umath ansi bacei uhir vote by a isanhee private denâtion a i thé Concii Round, iesidés. We synothing agalia tise *oas r lia paemrety ; butaurely ît 'comment!abeet!ndthé tam fonds caui sanod lufan tva d&yy' misenJent and isatratios fetisa volunteers or M~à t "*I Jfdary bhfric, lst l fot st leeu hé eqnally éommseutabié, at!eqamiuy litti a ba tathé reem rt gaé ahic. dtIi~ nif tey ae tiss.of tisé mma tii vaepayera"? - Afowl' ibnant is us astita héhi ldéstrué tien,iund of a verity nimy Mr-. Sandsili Mac- t!ouaid's hé sadIt ta at-himchsu cansamu mnation for bit.s. Hlm $do upais théI Géalogléeulmvy, mai meamreabiy ex céastale as the rat o f a ver>' ignoatu petmas, ou a itittér t' mish lih.item shrluk fom bearing. 71- hq areCslIed apon to'glve largely ta Camman Sohoal s uppurt, where, if their children do ualt attend, tbéydérive up direct benefit irbat. tienuhanold nol ou. lite b. met s&Part ,t'or 'inlanigthat publie mehoal, wmieh lu Iopén toalal, but ia which tudr amas f. 'obidrea atie .dacated t Carry theo lilsc a litle farihêr,anad wuat l.4tter aims bave thé llegé9es and tniverîities of aurr aira sund other lands ta endowmmét ont of 3thé publia pars., or ia iab1ic o iary aid 1 ýTbieé 611 mithtu the saine category sud ame onuotaprecuaely the aamae objec- tion sasÏbM tbtegd la the Taowa Couacil aglust tM àpprapriatian to the grarnésar schoh W. doubt, however, th&% lic wisdm Ïnwaéburthéaod with ftccli réeu. or thoagýat lu thst. notable dti"osion; At. ilIast the. argument seétes retebediy no- fortnaa:.e-for aide lrôm sbsardiîy, it proUôedâ apon fais. Prèiîses...that thé1 grammar sehoal chilareuam areh chldren of the weaitby ratepayera. Au niectian af thé rall ii ahé* ihat thé chidrea af many not repated làô be overstocked witb tieis orld'is poBikùohm, are there acquir. iug %bat knowledge wmhtch' wlli.fit ihé. tu bàtte mith, sud ris. in life, and attala ta positions équal Ia thé childrea cf the môst favored and wealthy As if, homévter, It wouid seem, tô remove thé advaaitgeî aof machbusa iiution, éti uirtheui, oi tbe resliy poor- mizit' attain. men, la tleedî 4ik tsfioàfees areé 1tOfÃ" w, asd o4lu be iulcreaed" !I If oaiy '%ealt' avoa itself of the bene. . u of such auis asitatiots now,-Wnat shocid We have wmu fév,, mades heavier ? The cooiplitcf erxlusiveaesa iii accords ii sath a demand, and but serves ta siiav etili fsrther thé abeardity, as irélI s thé diiagénuoum béharacer of the arga. Me ltà 'off home uho bppos.d the graumarC aerai aPpropriatidil beforetheé Taira Coalicil. After Èfteea yeara itnstaitccupasion dnriag the latter period of which ao cou. uldertble Som hau at "fy urne bea éexpended la repeir it is Dot malter af mander that thé balîldiag sh'ald nov réqaire ierbaul- ing. baur aia experiacés are iot mo far rfmoved as tau siabtu obljvices ta thé fact tisai schoolboym théirer are, thd iVr eau hé made carefmi tenaats. Be thé supervision of trbxi and ateachérs uhat it mni)a> cooiroomsa and their aurround.9 ingeu nles far idôS sabstaatial thaa tias. providéd lser,' sooa fWear a dilapidated and *rêtked air witlsaut san kaown réspousubuliîy 1o aimwer for it-f *nd ia ach quict itu.es that un prtcautioa eau guard agnaut it. To tust t6s bism. ocf tho- decay of thé achool -building tspen the trefstPA% ad Iocharge moch ta thé 0 Truites' negleci is scarcéiy fair or gea.0 erons. The woadér la4mjat thé Trustes havé hécu ahi. to do 5 so ci bwith thé . Mmean given. tii,; uaid certaly t ter tffrta, and thé srvicem mmih thelsc grauitiouiy reader in the cause of edîsca. e tion, ougt tu have savaitthos . rom any lm -ai.éh aiCd e 1.1.4. taN t! tah yaang men a!ft'tgorôuas1eat mat! cnatttidon, jututLité claam l-4aire! ton or eý te omnipm, bat, paon féliowé, me fear tisat if ihey atenut destinsid taat t thé myried tise trpplutor siain ar thé tlonsen armiés, thé) *111 èém à itifecf tshil, taxi mi every drap of'srem t!dmantui of fo04,la théesieunil- dpopnuate s tatua of tisé Wesi Wée bavée nôàoiàbt uhtt min ier mîniaténs ruil niaiséthis mil lifipaniaht Oaleet ane af thein earliémt eauidratlcumm nee thse lac- seont -opposition of a pmrty mi"icsthem prou. ed itaélf nabié to ovemuin rovén tagae amang iii a0« eocaet part m inl. qiet&. devis ud pérmnits thé prticai bua, tuesu of thé adlministration >p hé enténsil It hà "Iéiy mndenfai that uhie bath ini Panlisaiént sut!in tise Prese8somach éal sud in tao tmyeca, sa ucis nacoan, is dfisplsyéd apon mère Party and! peso.nal, qaestiona, thé great qécétion -tsé encaur. agement of émigration-l lot i n abeyaace. Tisé efforts matie by Miedonuit! said!Cartier darnag uhir adminiatrmuias, ta énuligstma intening émigranutse a ir climats,goeil, raaoérc, *o.. tise iauatry hmss aat fargat. ten;- but, ai*lot a ttent!ct!v*t" a large ainunt of gnmtifyitsg î'uccmthéeulde îism Ssii brou s.tuiug fanryera téar!mthé' t. Satea Ctc etnî t! o:h med lu a day., Thé fisnfiétd Madotmibl admliattidn hardil gavetise sabjeet a thoaigis, artlongis a mas; Uuing cnse noyer ptesentd itaeli forth tié oes eOf the émigr*atconît!reat!ily havé lises apénedt th a tis iutisai in iééing frou the burtiseisaatfhm la hcanaltry1 hé la, by séléctistg tise- tu;tud-Siaîém, bat piacing iimméif un>der lins-liios by for moi-e vcigity, and mitis lqus biiity tau beur Tie ibmae of car Canmllianmst éoeg fen île lut ilt whylem aî isbeeu réaiiy- prodigion.., wIst if li l beyrptd ;-s tise ouat couple aiftiecades If tst ream nof émigrants. W" ics n 150V -enrthe'. véak usanndérlngs of ,the ones tué logo caressOf thé othér. Xhé an -"I mai péniaps wéakly iîtend a basai-givs.thé eue ta 1Mr. pisteitat nnregsoning vg ligoagé and demnanour whie chaîqc sotarited hit offfficiai 1canduét sa a ahi et minisier, a!dariug the feu ulymqýf thé presét uionbu hai assbit icpas ila theé délibératioaa of thé Houae Wilfii>'.abt onî;fromn pblic opinion aad caaaa , h s la htdta thé. judgmaent which ail, (out. aide h li e ot ofaf sakiag parasa. tes irbosuarronnd i,> Mustaindt! -do as uptsiciâ velg4rity sud iùdépéucy a ai e beèna*nmaMsu BMG e Bé iia, Knlght, st eda imdétail idi wbmh hé issu caaé in constact. Thim uid ansd venamoas ra.pagie of thé ex-Preémier, <Premier by accident,') uay bé a bai. wo thé moandet! vaaity sud disappointeti ambition cf sncb asiadsasaibis ; ýbai tt aur simple way cf thiukiag it séeme marvé. Iaaaiy liké péttiug Peas lu hi& boots te comfort bis noras. Emîgration. Nom lé thé oppertiue ime far aur goy- érrimtnt1and athené iatairestéd lan émigra. tiors, ta Instituts 'vigcrauefforts fer tisé purpôtté af divcrtiug the strésa uof enlIgrnus hat lsata présent fleming tram tht United kingdom méstmard, te thé peacefui and productive ahanes of thia pro- vince. Thé uuhmppy *ar mbich is hom dévéstatibg, t!éuoraiitiag Sud tetroyIug, pbysécally land politie4ily, tisé IJitat!States, and oblitératsng théelfair pioapeète the, once beot mt tathé émigrant, eau affér t'O mois iat!trcmetàh ta ur filiai aubjectu in thé mothêr counatry ai sird-ing a content;. éd houmé far thémuelvét und tiséir déacénd. ats, if pains mère taken ta place thé pré., ténu and prasectivne condition of that country, ia jaxtapoiIWmou ta aur oua, fairIy before theni. Aiready thé debt aud taxes of the United! States are beavier and lest bearablé tbau thon aof any nation on tise old continent af a thoasant! yeées of hiato- rf,; at!éti their merk of piiîng up bts. lihés for the ion, ands.oinou"ý of future. générations Ià going an' mith i areekk-o>, fiés, of eanseqtsencea apptýeachiag go a nM. tiouai maduésa. tlnder thesé circmimstaa. Lés.tbère can bé ao excuse lfor a lack of tifo'rt on mais part ta iade thé tirfty ekts igrasu ta inke Canada thé future hotus of hismif and bis puaterity. Alrent!y thé mis ë'Sihr8. d. bu"a saiuiod froma thé Clyde uitis aver'font htsn_ bissdrét! Scotch, trih ais at!ÉglL.hkW,.i grat for Newr York. Meat& of! thés. are ors on Lais! Scugag ibis senon, asu t hil saidt hére miii hé abundaneot empoy oet for &ILi. Thinten yeara aga, thé boilér for thé lirat steamuer tisat ever dieîarbet! thé matera of Lakte Scagog (tis Woodmsau>, pumsed îisrougis Wbitby on iii may ta Port Penny. To Capt. Boreý beienastisé crédit oftiu fiaet entérpriaé. Thé Volamateér Rite Match. Thé prograsm,1ss cf wash isic mii é oant in oan at!ventiaing comua, promises te be- a grpat sacceas. Thé prizas botS lu nom- ber sut! valuéore rgs, sud théré la ovrey ,Prospect af.a lare ocouusé of ýIolnteéra and! Ridéatea, mat oaiy <ram tise nctdhbct- isoo t!bi alto fromu a greater diatané.-, SerreraI of tise mattuisabave béais ltbétiy Opessitoalimîtes, ut snay descrip- tion of rifle. Thé mémberé cf tise tire oomtpis hm v e eie n f és on ses,9 days psmîbusiiy -prepmu.ng the intts ame trnges, miaehare Iiieiy, mhéma complétedk to hé W. havé anothér 'instance cf palitical dall, e pémioneof oCromn Lasdâ Thé charge in thiacamé la made direci #0d au inmetigatiau im callét! for by thois mahingimisen ac.smé astouiahiug révélà- Voué are P romised. 'h t A*assrtcd thu téhilé Cammissianér oet Croira Laads, MF. Macdaagmil enterét! into arratgementâ mitisà auAmerican speeniator, nie et!0c .oiasl Wmfllridge opo ta ,eé m smacvés 1ao tise beat ÃŽaadm in thse Chîndiere goît! ru gian, at ftoemmiy cents an acre 1 The bas jcorruption mas-uaL censamamat.d, for thé Mmuiatutyta mhich MaeodangailWUac atach. cd mas t!feated, and, thé praséat goveru. mnent étet! affice in thé nick of tinse t 0 préveat the amrryiag ont cf thé infamans projet. la this me finti a cas 10, Mr. niiniug régulations of thé, gavéruméat They are désignédto ta trom duat in the éye-to act thé part of thé cuttlé fis- ta muddy thé maters in order ta caver bit cira retréat. But thé corrapi comsspinacy ivitis thé Yankee général i ii hé breught to, light, and if al ho true ubat me hear, thé peopie of Norths Ontario misa piaged toafideusce in Mr. Mh(ngall miii stand mghaét at thé certain éxposure that miii Hlotu, Mr. CGÏt's hili î16 coanstitthe f Aq c'.udit (reférrcis ta ta athér cal- amas,) rebeivet a firut rééding ou Fntday l~Iut. Thlé i b ih ô bcrI;bMiîtise , -ood wu fripposés1b 4MnMr eGâé; khgIPPOeâ it Ebu pin'épa iesaaid; ijébaýié', h! u ipo rI& Béd ta tise iirporaionn aciailseet aéd. citi é. Th ill aarn 'or s b ua division; na biel votinâg *ith tisé afe8iOn Maadiy éévéri h it â wele ianrodot!'ed hy privaté , niiguàýt ulsém ýWbliàby 1Mr. Kaight l tahe ineaïpai.aî1au cf se veral a ininiun eiinpaaiei,wieisbrb;it oui Snms- ta hart! mords bth isèalW at! Mn. Sand!. Ifildit!matdobald. thé laiton deciarédtb iat ithé bis méré got up in oiëder t? éieate ho- o gus cotilpanib8anailswaindié capitaliste, anâ a Mn Knigbt retallated. by ehargiug him mitis -beiug Iniereétét! himuélf in miniag spécala. etions, atit!that hé *ai oni3' pàving thé uai -for perpétratiug s4'indl es pomi fareigu hapi r taliétu. A motion of Mn. Invine for an at!drééé for a retaris uisaing théenionbys t advacedt!towanship mtsnicipalitiés in r Louer Canada iîr6lght out a iéngiby dis. ýt oussion, tisé debatt asamiag asucli df a pers6nai chanactér. Mn. Mcàe wus sm. i sailét! by -O'Halaoran*ant by Mésard. Hunt- 1 ingdon mut! Sandfiéid Macdoalid, and! hé 1 excita gét!complimente mitis tisémail, ut. ter a fswppy manner pecaiiarly bis owa. Mn. Gaît bas miremdy broght dama ýhs badgt,-an iniproveméat upon- Mn. Hol. tou's dilatonineés. Mn. MeGée, hau mavet! fer the second readissg of a bill réupécting émigrants and querantine. Thé actual businesaf thé session bas consmeaced. GaaD PtRICES FRmFAT CATLE.-Mr. Ritching'ai a bayer front Toranto, purchaît. et tira fine car loadu of fat catîle lait méék, from-fanmera ia this couaty, as fol. loirs- -J. 1. Devidan Esq. fiva bemt!-tmo at, $100 eacis, andt! tréé ut $70. Wm. Mil- 1er Jr. &q. a lut of 22 mi $60. James Mitchell, Whitby, 4-two mt $80 éach,-- and umo at $50. -Dr. Faote. 2 ut $50 éacb. Wmn. Johuston, Pickering, tire fins galamways at $145. John Bell six ni $60. Ant! fraisa Càptan Armstrong af Mankisani village, 4 extra ut $60 ; -atît James lVhit8oa, S mt $70. This fiué lot is inténa4dtfor the Québe market. WaVîr Néw,. Luttte relie écan bie placet! an thé telegrapii neus frota the méat of war in ýVirginia. This mach haiern, is certain -that thé -riy of tise Potomac on its '-on ta Richmond" Marcis hué encauntenet! that cf thé Sauts unden Geperai Lee, that a trmnédâma baîlé béaieen fougbht- that the fBglit lastédt! so deys, h'iday eut!1 Saéurday. lIst-.thâ't thé cannage mas1 dreadfel, tout!the ireébI.t jdeciaive. Tise rFédérait WhiIé at!mittiug a laes, of IàI,000 wotiadéd, tise: ntbhéibf kille4 i*ad pnimoners *dot given,) claim to bave ch. 'taluét! a vitebry, that Lt .lb - retrcated, and tissu Grantisu in passait of bim tisuanda Richsmond!. >Thé latébt Féderal ici dispatc is imsud b y tise Féderai, ,Seeretary of irnis as follors: Wssuhmaoyt Mal 11-Zbgen. &iV- siDespatcheti bave been receivedt! isé evenitag froasmMajor-gman. Grimnt, datait at- There Iséd been sèet isard fighting, but, no général battle bael taken place tbere. I deepiy regret toa nnonpie ilit Gen.- Sedgwick mau kiiied iiyWitday,'a ougmie ment, eai SpotîsylvaniaL Bis éwifi , at Frédérickshtsrg, sud arée elipeced hée Ricbmiônd papéné pisslise diapaicises1 fro, OeilLe.ea t eénsclaiming ta havet répised thse Union trope at ail poiuts and. At -Wiitby, on tise 6 Robunt Campbsell, Merci SMARRtI 8H1AN-PARK-l ýTaesdày, ApIhl 26, by ýHom'ard, i, H. Sbaaé,t cf Whitby, second dangh Park St. Ross sear-Mot AUQTION SALE Thùiisday, May 26th, Â. D. '64t.. iÀTHZ AUCTIbN sOaDD sOsP Msr1Wakeflled, Cat~&Ci CITV OP TORONTO;- AtisePbasinof 112 ocoiok, nou, thé FÃ"LLOWING PROPERTT t B Y vine éof a ÉwPomae c aéntaluet inna, certain monigageé uhreréin James wisite la e =ont0grUthactinprtof Lot No. 18, and th. brakéiLot No. 14, su ýthé Ttb noéuion cI thé township of Tisorh, Couty éof Ontanlu, (saave andt exuépr, omnmuah cf, sald Lat Na. 14 as liais ti thé south cf Whitels Créek,) oontatu. Wb.ltby asdtIst Wlsttby AgtItisltutaI Society. Thé foilow4rig l isée primze titIatnon luit wéek.. - ýBf ood Stal lôs.-lst Eduard Àrklaad Stalia'na, idle or Cariage-lat C. Dawes $8 ; 2ad John Kehoé $à; 3rd-N. Ray $4. Siailioné, Général Parpseo-lét Thomas Evanse $8 ; 2nd Ira Chapman $6; 3rd IL. 8S. Wilson $4. Draught SélosltRobert Coup. land $8; 2nd John Sandsa $6; 3rd J. 'Assly $4 ; 4uis A. Wilson $2.1 - Draughî Brcot! Mare-lot ,J'uKitchen $4; 2nd William .Jéff'ery $3; Srd Siuas- Iubish $2. Général Purl7ose Broot! Mares-lut J. Cauldét$i; 2at! Rôhert Orzàstosi $3; <Srd Wini. Jeffry $i2; 4th Mit. Mékéazié Tma iréar. dt osGênerai Paurposes -lut John Lamit $1. li r ear Oit! Fsliies; General Pârpas. -lot C. Spencen $3; 3nd W., Shelppard $21; Srd William Beaul $1. Tira Yéar Oid Colts, Dagis-ist T., Scaîî-$3. Tiro Year Olti Filli es, 'tinaight-Iat R. Powérjs $3; 2nd* W. HEeriapû $2. Span Carniage Horse-lét J. S.Sprau.le $3 , 2ad C. Spencer'$2. Teani Gênerai Parpase Ilores-fét' C Spencer $8 ; 2nd . Lyndé $2. .. Teas Dnautgbt Harss- lat G. ýOdge Single Haràe, Saddle or Harnesif aI B. Arkland $3;- 2nt! J. 'ecitis $2. CÂTTLE. Âged DurhisasuBulls-ft tWilliam k'err $3. erÃ"i ufai nl-jtJh TomiraYa OdIura$3Iul-jtJb Thua pr $3 msb dwr rkad ESpécialorémlts a by Edmar ,re kandh E-qH oreCalt sired y bi hper $3;éMe' Colt, Mrm. Diavidaca $3. To CauumgSPacwazer.-Mr h~oiiisou 's le 'tter is la type; but me.,are abligédt! o léave il avér ibis-uéék for waat of.space. Thé Ex-Premier au théeBguisMai LEVI FAIRANKSJUNIR, Â&UCToi<)NEER, At the roor4ls iséxi door Essa cf tise çtRMBSON flOtSÉ;"" d "J 11 SÉ;ST l itho TdWN 0F WHTI3Y4- Fridayý Mây 69, 1s64; 0f tise failnp'iauli sinclr àa e o' afSald aontainèd la a Moinge madi hy Angus Mata.: niad ire, une-Naorthhait of Lot lnanber W11'ève, la thé Third oneessicn cf thé ro Éwiivsfp 0jlfoRiluH In thsa cuùnty of0Ontario, oatailng ONE HÃœNdREÙ ACRES; ixt< Acres èlcaréd. And ent-buildlinga: -TERMS ý-bASù OR -CREDIT, At thé cptioa of thé Vendons. For fssntlserpanitioniare apply te thé asubacriz ber, o lii,'Torumto Street, Tronto, mIsère mn. abisîniét cf the titisi, mut! titis deédi,, &C., mé9. bc acon. - - -Sale tW cbnltnène nt i l cok.a. i. 8. M. JARVIS. TorotoAlsit-ý, -881Salialu-or fer (ert!ors. PO-STPONEMENT. Thé abuve tale huas been pesiponéil ntil TUESDAY, Siat ]XAY, 1864, Ou ii o'oiocki.i., at tiséesîme Plaoe. thé *ifé o!fk i o aà uci.I Nisea Tisé fo 100 ACRES, mare or lss, on tvhiolsilé a large BrIck Diréli. tnuilhanse, two large Bernsand othér out. Termii or conditions ofslé May -ba scerta- ined from the Atctioieer on1,thé ýday of e -or up. ta thattimé from thé Vendori'sfoicftor, AV4+X. LEITII, OChuah-street4 Toronto. Toronito, May 4.18 AJJCTION SALEI Ia tisé -Assémb>' an, Weaesdîaýr aght Mn. Powell sait! it mas inné Mr. Sandfiel! Macdonald! ha! gane-ta Bu'lo-aboutcaome plot uhicb it appéare! neyer exiâtBlI Mn. Saufildt Macdoald - Rave yoa rnad Seanétsiy Mallorys report? -(Cries of, Il that iras a fargéry."l) Mn. McGee sait iis was céntainiy mima. îing. Hère was- W gentleman wmisadt been ut thé béa! of tise Canadiasi goâversi. ment irbo dit! natyet kaow'that that repor but! been t!eclaet! ta ho a fargény in the HoaséetofC on mns -,isy Mr.Jttam&1 tiséU. States Miýnistén to Englaut!; hy Secnetany- Semant!bimsei4 and!hy thé nemépapén press of bath cantries. At ibis laie day hé (MnI. Sant!fiétt! Macdonald)> badt! ii filet ta learu; ,a-d it iras amaaiug ta hear this Rip, Van, Winklé appeal toa m for,éry te sustaiu hiaisélf.. Mn. Saadfiéld Macdoanalditi -hé ba! acsib-ehitigta do.bésidès readiu'g newspa. perr, mhicbho ééBldom éaw, but ut' ýisich thé Ministen 0f Agnicuututédevote! hi,. self, bèause hé ba t a-ing mare- uuéfai ta do. Fis lïHas djo,-Ou -Fridaymforp- imi abartoà clock, enf ré mas diécovéet!d 4.thé ppmieîé est Wr l'-.Whuî.e.bad, gèn. érél Puéésn.1y éis-7 ,4v ioas of thé i ilsager%ît wmasput ont héfore aay 1very-great daiagé wàlj - doue -tathe build!ing! but a véry lare q4taatity ai gocds mas- damage! and déstroyed. AI. tboagh imisueetfôn sofit, 84,000, $8.003 lis tise X-ent B I3itmh, ahit!$1,00? ,ir1 tiséPro. vinciai, tisé fine miii ho a conàidélsble in jas-y ta 1Mr. Whitebeati. Tsistsub of tise Ert is uaknomn ; the étovcs bat! been tisen down acmé tesi tay povislhly. Geaiogy of Céiadkt. -Ws are indébte te tahie pahliheré, Mênsrs. Dawson Biothérs, af Moutreai, for à copy of the report--of thé office rs of tisé Geolegical aar#ey af Canada. Thé report émbraces tise progren aof thé urvey frôsi imat8 rsnenceknenuta l 86à. Thé volume containe mare thon 1000 pagés, 8 vô. tliastnut'od -by 498 moat cus. Il is accanipaniét! by an atlas cantaining ai>x mapi and! humeérons mctin-*Il engraved onusteel or tiapper, and! printmrd in ails b>' chrb.lltsagnapisy. Thé Atlas bamevén, mii lnat hé t-éady ior deiivéry for aome iithe. Loakmlg oui) at thé onit- aidé af the book, as it mêlé, (for su éxami- nation cf itu valamnoaé Pages--which ire propose ta aunselves hereaftér> là a lébar th&' miii re4mire more tisais airé uék's mork...ité typography, bindiug at!>a p. Pearance are uaiexcptîonable, mut! highly ereditabié te tisé puhlimiers. _Thé geolôgy cf Cansada ia iu jîself, a atudy of d!eep iatém-st-especiaily aboaat the preseut tume, irbea éselany diacoveries o! mnbes at! aili kinda of mineral prodoct are héiag 'daiiy made thronghaut tise Praviaee,-asd iré feél aatiafied thasi noué Iré bettes qualii. ed ta giv» ns conet informsatian on tise suis- jet t+sls ir W. Logan aud hseassistants. We miii favor out' lSadértmiti soamse ex tracts fnam thé mark the firat opportuniy. k avigution On Lake scagog. Wé léara by tise lint!éy Advoca*e af Mal 5tis, that Navigation en Lake Seagag bat ausmeceil. Tisé,adyIdasud >o'it "ans are, an tbeir regular routes ,bet*éen Bohéygeon, Lindmsy at! Part Perry, 'Mr. Wallis' Steamser Or 1eua sczê a ntergoithg re pairsansdt viii hé taa!y forn ber regulmr 04~s tasn c a la 4ye-.The Nordq acmu $ jare ~daiiy eéépectet!t akii.tior T"é noir *tetsaok brit sy Osj C anli, ta hééàcltés! théeLenbays~, ws bélievé, -vas tabavé madéer ia r

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