Whitby Chronicle, 12 May 1864, p. 4

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44t IU~~ >~~N8 FOR SÂl FIRE ASSUIRAKNCEGO C r<> cIa Iegi ËST4BLISHED IN 1782.O rofrte nn Lvr onerdU'iPb 1 l m.dnlugp4 yeruagain coi0 bothie > TYiio 9ILLEPIEIIC)eAIf& C0."'ýAgen* fo 1%clicit09YOr filrtet auppt)riid confidence Llo ue Otioneer Taluator and Iw ho erbemy-dnty enei tv od dn*Yub"wmeciheerftlilyçut( Mie IE NDERS[QK-ED RASPOiSL ~tl.Mîîga~ ok~, 'rAtI ryauJt Viuo.rof otst J*t.MEIS o itu> c"113 bethe W4qtalt.v,.manîufelctured ngt*nst LOSby MlE are il jtiong'ay ý4i1 lu uu4u. 1 ého preleou'uuj ,,mree foi'.tad osn the uaot favorable termoq, and 4diOlod, n4V ý Iln' erteteni. rmleàt-' eIillarge. sdor wat f<. , ettaremidence LoIlin& fo flh ileglutr bela ruiit r til. BOY And.i0î 7 v od or- ~> iriaou'Alex. Nieseaalî1, ami 13. o'- enlarly kept, Ita11i i tteu<led t<e. Pncun ticle lluqic e)ot he Aguu ht' oî,oAuetinnensj 'fourotito; J. Il. Gcnrin, irgd, idtinTa~s ired, withoutit -etronble of the je, ' em' ewl July 1, ? ' M.ie, chù T hBr oiu m .S %Ir.Tlininpgnii. t hs 2. - ~i't ~ ~ BilIiil'rinte ii t;Ji %VGamiobe Eq~ A E c' vndfedORi ,aà ;1ý'S L ,THE CELEBRÂTE I.et Iifh aw tion E, Uxitrn.mekiorc1 at îîîe e014Vtermg, SOîîtlhîîllof Lot No., lui 3I1m rtliuaI-eriOtheîc ,hCon. of U-oc-9to wn acIereil rI.bL OLLFD iItitUD The rea RE:KEOr4Ã" ~ ii~oUu MA-ch21, ~8I 111Y Mrklîîm 1WPu oute deaircu te ciii the atte~ntion of Iviflk ont aii 1>1 c eqi fet hnrlliiiit B t41Wt6~C(fI i e ll3llli i hayvj~c1~~i gua fbrèae tfroni ttu$1t'l 'f .,JM S4CE~~ oui le nLthit of wlihi' IOfTfer monaile eitlier Pâle nt Ll<l u q 'j ~'VATft tardD '.f6rTowitthipu or Oouotie in4pnliul, a..î% .î,î.ieBrook<St.,WitII> .l e t»i ltritiienwoi oth ff T h * _ 4 n p I 1) A T I ts ieî iîî t p u ch, w cR D I L a b o u r -S a v ln & Igvt o n in h l ntii(- mle y bha lur F.îuoritiw Mll%. rrither ee iunuwth la ,c>tb ohwîî datc'e- i The coai4,f umaîPl)o ti ilcioi1, 1,i,. e iirie Wl-eC ( h M iN' éU iantw, as 1 Tleer- in, iglr.k ale ec about due ceut per heur.toc vîiaiip.Iiiiilau c eat Lanipe of eYenrvkinul, Ili great varicty, andJ . -' %VitIleau hec h ailuatiaoofacttir a ~~ aqie tcrîîue, wi~wth iii, miel p:uuîtu.lîtv, ean i aie ., lM royê et ~ et-nf e Povit-e l< r> 10111 li,frenth reitv 61oi écr1 ~ri-er îlrceelllnre Wine iloti oui-yelt-hli j, naternl,, 14,uo imalrceî itM eîîîf ctor ', Box 4 $, Barri e lo t Office. o n ito î Wholeildnaod t Ichia et ratmi Tlarjp r Refloctoru Chitîitoah.auîdliai llihr Inini)i And,'h-V i ma l e mohtntho tfjrh, ~-~~'~-THE UNIVE ISAL pet da'y 1more thu'itlî thîe- rdinau-y pi-li ONK - TROUSANU HOOPFS, PorLOTHES WR1etNAI]kiR Cl.apanorontoIîî toat etlesat <rou7i nlet*.p;ix to ni ety- primaes gto The only Wrnger wththe d= for 'elit i t ho Li b rl ier tnd Icci bUe tuit creàicu laid, Wv , it.; Lku, pen l'.pil-etr't t h ahn, higa Panl ltSFim olep s.,,n ot ' Thé rb.irif r ile oWilunite CIicilt i oe > eut if AN T11 "ins fo fismi ornleln.f mkIl SCIJ001, -BOFKnt "S tb SLvm t 'mildl loop ikili, or 'hIe i~~~~~~-II SIIO BO K ,TELARG le~T SPTo.1KK NDi),iiEATEST W4uOdeLf11lige, -ut leeinoî liat tju. Výh' wuoe, c, ue -e ceè t' te Store i1h and C11644 MMue.,auu aîie, * 1 .1 VIOLINS FOR CQRDWOODY A fi,îi.Veihtm e f lueceî, tp UciulonC-rd. wond. Am ein os nmurag, t!> Ftu îy tiiuiory iii i-oct vcranty mit * GEORIGE YULPe'S,e 48 Tir"- k 't-t. Whitbv lSi 804. STEAM BOAT NOTICE! TuF. NE t Ati A-O h[ «#stEAMER It Saves Time, labor, Ck/'Ithes & Money I. a-f e-j le p apl d utconu aies mute etreuit iu frmiuet, capW-ity for pre.44;ie. *' 1h W111 weàr for yeat-u withont repaît-. R Où il, T , AcidigVerei i Ck~'. W.T. OtEENOOn, No caution orekili required i fuspa. Whll ommece runium te focheter Ifth St e ts hucostt ui Ciothlog every nine b'4th of APEIL, 1864,-0O or twelvee nontho. Frnt %Iiumflhowmu« rPonts eVhunry Moula>#, Wcut Evetyrinue-tg*wih g-w heehu le, hicu'day li kay ~;Warricoed ix cveay bartieuIAr. Brnituon aet....................... 7a. ni. Tua 1'evtht ýtcJi okl ie,1 FIR *T -csuionne fat-------------------...S.O aunM. lIshl117M. a Sus-en Mu-d]am îîli iphomu, et cohiiru&L .......tc.11 c. o. tue 'New 1 ii-k Sîie Fir, 181,mumit proçtc- Pont----------------------l)a. t». eetu < epIo iail001S-ein'-,ltce Woil1il' )lrcoL14Chi~R~Tlr. avinvthe'nciieti-te.' Fuat0ht.eJ 12.- uca oonnue w ilhthi gourlicwYonk Central Iti1rl,'a. for aih point. e lp l Wýemiîasuid tieeAnîieiui Ctinuviiuiaru Wauied lu erp-ty Town lh- Il ne (if ItuaMuen Lilige 11.and Wfflt outhie Cauaut.. toute,*111iu h e Ap uc ý inutîIîean hutaI ear,util apioCL i dttelitL' -thé uiectoun Abat Preeqa'lle '?iau ho'r sa opam. i-e-uc h lWOigci-hiy Eji-re,, prme-p#id. ltetiraluj -1hm lcaast-lwjiloueReîe W. iH. CEILTiS &Ceo, Emilton, tce very'itueuuhe-, Tliunsehet cd Soataiku'ltt '.0.ccl'rue b-part Hope. anmd lie t>t.à 6-p:. Gn-lAgentie, -retcuephee teneulmm iiz th he Gratd AL -M ?AwNý ulîiairueul, anti the .loyal Mail SI4uirey* fornî ah%% Ehjplcmî Aiuththey Amue à Dnsi ie urrlit -aa ~ - 4mae t heri ,o Cioowie Qub"eGovernmozt uuflcy Pal' lther pgrtetchrg Pni'iqii of 11; $Agircu, Bmh co vÇh ~u ealèr, J4oru&' Ohie-ia' Efliott, (oçuciff Mit. 1*IIilu I'lh 2Ii. R01 KOTHE S!! -andu4lup W ? -e Ore eOrl~ PUBLIC DEPARTM ENTS. l-l ihdren ue o tîhti creutiy u he t-tut quI" wl bou;bly wllzý ;ai , 6-IL.tou'u la1îb hnd Ivigon-give lustmeta oA.fe~4 - iUgtou, ulster Co.a LxT. - JAXM. il. <,EEIE K Rlit Stret, Toono, ejr W, I)rpgxlot Wiiftby. 1 ,aune WIouah al Rce .l, Firn door iuMWae O cve*m 160&k kum. THE CANýADIAN WiII roatoro en hair tu taoriginalo cieanth hdof Dandt, Réro». wil ANiD CACUIJl TO GROW ON BATà UEADS. elaIm-d for it-the best rnI.Jyyotdkloovredj fnorj eata*l11 d4Iuuls or the mup and okUn nuo etlzoiUit.afrom the mot pepIý able arleb11,auProvine-Lat %nd W 1t4 are num p8ose o f th üdemgld,$mt t greut um~y, Foruài1Ie t ehe oqt 0fILv B U rWaçbp4eý, Irno; Mbi- uik gCrwethgwa; il. Ouilnford4 &hndoI6tp factrerW. LENIT Bo 91TukISUAprfl R 1<4.- 1 te Rugis 11-', " I ez, lcate infon-tieon ', the liiget clion 1 etatesaont Canadat. Un4*' -n las d iels pi-epareit for the UtA tlUiewocf iconCtnng lomue, onfon wun ia imeroabuainees with uvtemianil th -étvehr e Thoec4Rhraua hnetrnitlitIiiDoobie ltrhv Boot-knt lui-, Cotnnenciii. (Jeuhtlonu, ecommtercialov Cotnmmoril I ou denamnd otPent ip emaamy auount cf cehiandtt meneheuixe huai- g4tusn cîilnt lumye eut èeIlo nMatetiat., mi etc,. u-htate, etc. Tva Bankia bave. Ieeu tduàlbilitt with a boua4i cauhi eapltali whieh euaiuleelbhe utndeiu-l, fet u iIe ebo~gu, metee , out,to &O. iiie pop11eel.- eo"Eitde Ptoagteraii rxpena.e ofcour",. I Soseeefoac-ystyle auîl'qnahit,Çaui ut ail J Prnce Thopiiir îcwpatten mtDo bue been l Iutieuilcnt reh m mc .ule-<aicuic-u: IÇ-D#7KE 'GRAND TRUNK, PRINCE ALlIER?, DA FYVRoCKE'T, PROTECTIONIS7', e WILLI "I ERTAN. j Brookt-at., Whithy. MONEY TO. LRND! L. - -- . '~ oe ~ - e o 1.. e-M ~ lia 0 bs t-~ -~ 2- ~ o 1.. C - o: e~3- O ~ ~! e-~ ~ -~ I - ~ .~ ~. ~ j g -~ e, c, - udee AMlIWclntt Sur:W GRAND ?UNRAILWAY Oh CAM A MNOeT PICE' fFeI ,fo The subscrih-u-s are now opeingùup a- large and well-selectec- Our stocks of Diess Goods, Shawlo, Maruties, arnd New 'Millinery, are very cornplec-te. Fricruch Nid Glov-es,- iR EJD Y-l)LÇ,ID E, CL O TIlItW, WITII OU[R ISUAL - StOCIi Of FauItily ~GCtries. 1Vizîes & Spirits, TIMOý,Il Y A ND CL O VER SEEDS, Pielc-aîîd U arden Seeds. Vfhitby, April lflth, 1864.& o.12 O AT 1D)Or TÂNEVCO ANI A,"TFiCTUjREIt 0F iée- RAS REMQVED TO FORD'S OU> STAND, I3ROCK STREET, WIIITBY. Offers the following STYLEiS 0F CUTTERS, .Viz:- (àin A RII-'uNGEM Liavinig iîeenmatIein j tic Montréal cceen teminakp Compay ur'trFroittht, duliiu tht- maqiner., frein Mon'- ci-àeltJie firnd Trout Redimiey Camspfua>willAlofw hutoim~othe c pooiiigofnav atiiUeAUo h M#bumi'-ul. ho-tiuie lirmngh 'bileflaetiu o and pio etGhagw, ai. iIl Itir îprinceipal a lO ver uqtýtttee att agucaitu. -- ered, whic i-ediicouh, onudcri-y eepateli e-fbi b en a nd tîys a1l gooda uhippecib> thie route. liciponrersateealen notiflec i t thîe Companyi> k t ras çeti d-lît Megqrwi Mhuucm, toi esoie h-o 4 ý M1i'lLetiugn Zugluei4 ta ail planta iimi- Jý noand u4hueTÀhrstitm ,e Gootu ulppu-c luin ceh f Ictiaie, w1ibqferwnr.I J ta d.ehiuiiupithot détentiomn or coanrea mfoi-wi Tiherbie4r dein e ontroai e*'Wb*. th0cul> Wîthin a chearge, btt*idea tLe thraugh rate. ÂZim, e tceey, in fat-or of thc Grand Trtnh. Rerlwy4atpany, Wlim e"gt-q nld o h. ecuit ou> InnyorteasC>te eeulrc tInh Ordei, > c ee ut-e At lb.c uawo m ie et tý o taplk-tie<n t4i the OeunderlF-czti Arenut t-Mentei-An ud Toronto, aou iet the prncpal Stattie. . 'e x M ts nca Toroo -O7I*ALF A CENTt*,4 Wlth tii. iuat &uctoting enj min eju cr $WÇoughs, Gohde, Uoamueoa, r Ç~roai, Ia(leuu91oophgBCou.c chaisu, Diffiul.y of Dreath. *aAths, ail4 vgy aEtcUU e Iiai PtetFo, toling' Seat a Anlerican Juînpc;, rIilo-seated: Pleasure sIeighs, Por{and (',Inlters, - Bob' Slpig[Is, ich ~ r hoiisirgata"t Suceyl .>i'icetfor Cash or crerlit Sornic vcry îeuît *dARRIAýiGES, open and cov- c~l wtl o oldvey lw.Two good second-hand Gigs sots heavy Bobis. -- -3 il find excellent and cohivenient- acconzoajn Fow.Yàds f the. PubIi all Private, Pariors MAJOR; BRÂSSBA-ÂND. JOtIIII4iD.McPIIIE.- , WINDSOR'S, QIJAfDRILLE -BIAND, ffIAX JyICESS t BlEUi 1~'ltfDSOlt, 8-6 ~ ~ G ni BNG O~-GERI,5DR UGs71OJ2e, Ofaidecniptiolis. Chîliýneys, Globeu, Shinde Broulmes, JAMES H. GERRIE. BUTTCHIER' -MEAI!1 M A<hlINLI),thie butclien.beL-i tr ai.- tlmttlie iîa iotlliiiugwlîatevon to do with icieslop lu whie'îî lieé IlitnlY dit-huasi- neici iti Ilmet Stre-et, 12Ii'i l îcw to wnm-k tIi lia 'uweî lmook. tîî4iltflîds to Il puddleIscuwiî i-l t. amtivic sa.lll ueu Ime>liie lniih Meilit <ti- (i-e lt utacppiied nt tlir lîloor,-will "blliLo by a ltiil t it ocîl ; i culiciti, then ;ayon, naid nuedsctac25 te- givue eutif ttlôi. 'Met tiiCulinho ptiitiiedi ut tlhueiilecrihen'ui S(i)e-tt totli ut auîîuunt ai. uihonni- iui'>irnlmig, mîî-uîîmi nîglit. WM. MR ATI)OSL, cîiutjiiuic to ti-emt Syph ili'.anuitohen Di. emucue of a litie 1%t cmII tarxtc, tuTu XtII u Ef 1)M1:(l j i l f-n-ci-- PJa Aut M8 4-leeP, i q 0 Baj. Antu'aeu ceeum AideiI i.e 1(is lhailVtel iiucto 1lut'9 rnmtiiit of thîe Vaif)Ieueu fou-me ;of thie Volnercail dieceacce, atlel hy i, pe- euirp- cucof hcalinlgits e-onst ctcugeoi-ce nfîinry îeluv$îiîîi-e îli le eitiiut, t-ai l bc clftmal- I tri - e 1-1h1es et I efilli bi, eiieie -r' Ycemm îisli hune fallei v*ictime qto ie Ieev ieeilemIli-tirlt-f ley ajplyiiîg ho' Dr. P'atiets.:il mî uimtalei-tu-eictl hSe ctr, uand mclcmu-a ittb îuyeIYat of tht c<îmiti-y oire- ciptrofu- eeouuieutilo '1e . 1 ei-cons ainleitg tu contit the Doctor i-ami uI0 au wltitimet Oteuomt ceec, mua hile office le mo irri-,,Aegeltit yt lesmîuechîfor Iîiutato mtu t-ie-lu cithier. tîuiilee.by CoWiusct. -Advint hi-ct w -ému ( oýted uit tlt coffice. Ali lc-tttei re igit hbedneed,(Iotemi, &. Daicel, M. l)., Teoronîto, (V_ W., mulid conmîuiui a paeue-ciiojfw ait aiuwc-le Iccirait. 27 SEWING MACHiýINES TîEONLY lx Thiey icu tcak SelwingUZm6chikieec 1 Coluliinatcmu, tai i Toronuto, l8e I. 22, almia ii-t pnizue -ie mniif;lcoi-y. Tht Pli-et*Extra1 1 eut e Sintgerut Mlu Wvaozoi- & Co 's, F 1T hey aIea t h,ýi bye cobouirg, Bowur whe he.v havk.. c f N llaf Rwuinew paIent Flux ctchln ... Muei.c, nnWt.red ut Iit-cite,, BkcIlît, latitThe machine cati ut ceeu aht the' waîaheouàeof Ji. IE. Itmrry, Eq W'Idtby. - I Application, (if by letton prei,) cuit ho -piae to .-1. 1l - - Ln teTiOMAS LAWLER,- JAMES ROWE, 'grti. WbitbyQ à.r A S lendid LC fLX, 0 B ET NGcouposec:f ota Nos., or tic Il nrilhioîg Townoibip of Kllýi2TAWASA5GA-,.one of ch. veny be-et whcuîtoi it it h te Pro. viîîcn, atd 1nu ot ier lucuiity cuti eicell itforý4 heuulthiîecos ufelimito. The r araabout aixty'. aici-sc)e led îi-ceoli-, aima flicrema'midcr îu itvluell iîc for ONE~Cl)MPL~tE ESUGAR BUuSfI. Tue laned je wcll watcrcd tit ihe molt Le-ItTcrc'tare ODit teéprrntiaces tWOLoq l(Iaèp it-id oreLoug ariL-Luaw r,- pnOîîart>' ia wcll corthylite atteantioo 0f ,& i .ýitai îc-siroii, uflIocatiulg tîioir famillcs t,> eier, lit the loot wîll admit ofhbelug di- vle flo itiFiitv Acre Lot*. It lIo aituatea-. i niie litertui mute frout Coliîng¶-ood, andt ilet i, c fi-oni tivc 9ac' tl'e, theW -t lirff LotNo 2,inLb.the t Coiteo-iei f nîte, conttiuing 100 Aorcm of ct lauti,.it viug a beanuiful itudt leelthy iît u î i i d l mje w ll w iti' -' i ltîi uc x cel lC1ti A'&MILL theneuu. f'hr càabout 45 iîéruei-s ,4ire. Tiilotis -cuiuteit ih a vry. ftoirimlîiîg part of Uic cutr~, elevei miles <neuin thc villaîge of t>niliic.-;Trtcu libéral. gj7'Kor tîrimer puirtic.niary c ply ta tme euh' scriher, -on if hy letton (post pait, itresa-Box 48, lkinnin lPost Office. A. LANG.- Baii, Pcb. 12. 1864. 10-S1âm., The ,Celebrated - Gezmnu Oil m.Joiies, laid aIl kiniacf fieit woond*. It l flue . i-cctcct namedy icwn far The rillmedy u iginfill'ible lo-1 reL-'Viutg hios cuit ccitt)-,e kuffeniog ror pu" u. touti thciuand of teutiiioîflclisascefo the efileiicy of tiiioa-îî&lible retti .1>, the follow- inz li:tvç- 'i ce-cted :, 14 limtve-nuud yOuou11théeli ix iLrandaie a o tîcll 7d that M le nuîicq îunlhed f liec]luig aiîtc cîiiiig fnaeit-hîtte. Ita' efllcccy- ia u q u i cl.1 l y -g i c cn t i î p ul ic d t o mn i i t o r h ua t . " l'aA. vowruEaq .JAMES GREIG Pickei-ing, Pcb. 12, 1801. "I lui ito yo imidutadutyI owethe pulie, I thiak t IL nght Wrarcurnrmnd Yont clehratal 0tnan u01). "My'littigirl got e rel ecahî111trd, co m!> ue co that0 br rcovery 1't holt;î u Y thp Lime-application of yolr oil ci cîd u otlYe0 ed. . TIE ALLO ý . Pinýceni.lotrteGmnry , for th cure n eute, bruigeat rait bites,, &(!., Wu îuquRlly elfles. iotue whott applici tho. man> or beaut.-, - - . PEUER IL HOOVERL. Pickicn2, EelaruaLrv. 18139. lhtut sîi-Iu n ustiaetoa ,and" aa aduty 1owu tcutîi>pubile, I tblulc itnrflct ta recoin- inii yourealnbrahed Gaemu Oi, for the cure ôf fi Ost bitenta, itrbnieesuau-cd caoo f mores oron sui tanuding. Pickeing, 1tebcrnary, 1I892. t~ m cuftared'tramn a bail runnlugore' for tu-o cana withoiu t liteiso, 1 wua hnduced ta i-y you.n ceobrttoai, sud cmai eow ompicte y cueit' . JAMES PJTZGIIIBONS. One ouf thi) orati. 'ediecal ma n th lma u,.v )ni ze wu TH EMMOTR HoT irf$pui 1 8-6n). 1

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