Whitby Chronicle, 26 May 1864, p. 3

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I I ltoot 8ow.r,, and Kanure a=d RI~P*ibr Dh i btitôr.e~ o 1 nrodoete henotauo( heMrmogcommit. mevtwil o,ad ,vènly diatrihnto iliindïa of rootuioda, btas»' roquircd troportIons. It 4 11 .4ttesine tlq dltribute mitauraor esuter, lit any requiti -quntty. It viiievw -,4b diaiuibtheosd vItitor vithout et»'. atasnré or plamter. lit vii diatrlbute, vithout Wury,witélir or "boae over plant.eviton they oqmst rog"hégromnd. It viii mcv eounl, or-utge-two rowa, or one, et a tint.. It cati ho vorkeod by inauaul labor, or by hore power -on. Umata*111ib. eufftltkmt to work ithe me- chiot., whon l t cneot qred to dixtributo mbomt. It la the tacet oontplutea rtiole ci tiie kind, nd cite cf the greateat »LABOR-SA YING INeENTIONS Tot bronght uctier pitblio notice, Poate Mtgita for Oonutte unid Townships for saie Application to e, uade to Farming Tuplentet)otatnfacturer, &o., Whib>' Ms U, 1 6 3 , 0 tPro vision Store., 118 underxlgned boger% ipcetfolly tu se Tqtaltit is trieids, tand the. public, tiîttLe ha» opetted bueitneatnthepretîiet.. atjolnirg Iti t lpîhor'm iliot afid Slito.Sto, Brook St., WVhithy, luielyincltur,çeocfMr lo.Jtutn SUGAR1, BUTTER, EGOS, HAMS AND.BACON, oittmoul, Salt. Ilerrinesr, 8op, Candies. &o. bond ail hcnoskecpitig noeaantrieo of0f etr oualty. LVer). article f hte (ironery miii roieion Il-nt,*omli t the lowoat liing pricea. leuse giv. a oeil. Whihhty,'MeV .184 E. iitJttZul3, 20 QASU FOR BUTTER. IEGGSI OATS, -POTATOES, 1 Aand alilkindt. cf FÂRMERS' PROPRJE! ON HAND, - MAPLE SUrGAR, DRIED APPLeS, CIIEESE, qc ~. ,iOIlN lii)WE.-i, Coii i reu tuî, &c. I)uîudnr, %t., WiilliyMay2<Iu sOîiîit4the Poet Office. Whty My2,1864. 20 DIVISION COýU rUS C F(OIi TI I COIJNTY -0F (NTARIlo. Ne. 1, Wll',....... 1i- ut 864. 112 ic If, to, 4 5 eiea...........i lt u ~ ,Utmule ...... .....iO ilil, Z. BTRNHAM Whiiby, Marl M.,:Ïa90. ~tào keop your Feot CoolY - U0 TO Tac OId, Red Store, Cofropw uid Dilai Streets, anal bus 1 rt. oltre iir of MI~~KN 81-OES JAMES 1BAIN. d Auieu" GUnotemiei'. mîll îil lîreriuu BjLctamiof1îue. liti ore aîitu.i, itualle for oasaahîr emar, e nu.ncat eo lly le luîe fur amut. C hance.y ale IN CHANCERY. William Henry Tramayne, - John Bcîdway, -Defoodani by - original Bill. AND»llSmWEUK James B;-, Biokeli, Agnea -- Pownon, andl William He.nry -Tremmyne, Piaintufs by order cf Revivrn John Bcadvay, Defendant. TO BE SOLD DY lân"Parguaee cf a doec m d liin~a ro %ale, cide'by the Ceuni et Chanepry of Lppar Canada lu tAit cause, basting date repectisely 1%4a b.tvputy.thid day of$epteinber, A. D. 1869, t: the twenîleth day of Apili, A D. 184, by Mouday, tue Tbirteenth -day of lune- - A. D>. 1864, at fles,, cf <hae ck lu tht. fore- noce, t the. Lm4mr$ cf tAie maid Mater, la te TOWN 0F WJILTBYt In te Ccaahy of tOntario, erta freebohd-pre-. tu ee h te ecth-emt q=oir cf ot ae w u ln ec. 4 cenesCo caof thAe 10WNSHIP OfF REAoR Andsudinltsg by edaiuremtat FfyA -V Y.Laid Loyal OrmpgeAssociation of 1!ORTJK ONtAXIO CQIUKTy LODGEr held aitBm4. Georgeý Thotnton'a In, Val- loîtn Cornere, lu ti birpfBroci, ci, 8ATUR DAY tht. 28ýth dey cf May, i1sU, e t the hour ofIo ot tit Ilcoa-e.n., viten bo- * a ulesaiOf gîcat litipor- teut theboorder vililibe hrought tofore lte Ltde., A ful tt.tdanio s expeed. GOÛ SAVP. TUE QUEECN M. MePRADEN, Valieutynoe, 10h May, 1864. Cet .rtr' Ohancery Sale James Hamilton sud Chinles Roberts, Piaintilus. ANDa George Robineont, Elias No. Jing, andl George Nciug, and John Ncling, Infants, by Williamu Henry Billinga, their Ocardian, Defendanta. p URS UA NT to e Decror cfis uHoncralle Court. salade hai ilîla ceue, beaincg date tiue fourtia du et Juolie, je the year cf or Lord ont thceeana eljrlt iundrud aindal xty-une, atnd onuorîler ofti hll.Cuurt Aeuritig datetiihe aevsnlte.ntiu ulv cf tley, il% î#o yoar cf ont Lord 1864, andl vih tie ,.ppreiiatiotiacf George fieery l)ttrtiiîuii, aqoire, Maater cf tiei. ad huurt rai WWhttiy, nitilue mciii o aSaturday, the Eigbteenth day of June, A. 1). 1864, ah the tucur ci itîrvon c'elriýck in tiue focnuoii. l.y Levi Fairbanks, Auctioneer, Atte oSo, of tie slmai ater Ini The fol owiig laîuoa SOu rm'îetv, ltIt'O t gay, pari cf Lot iitntuor 'Tvolve, in is .Thilr- iceîlî coitceuloi cf ithe TOWNSHIP 0F REACIT,- COUNTV 0F ONTARIOR (ýtitainitig uy ednieaanreineut Antd which tnmR lue tetter kîîuvîalaid decril- calma icilowx, th tt t, to sm- Couuiiniuceing et itlin ot tii an ige of tiie ,aùi Lot; Ilieuce giuutltmveuty tour alearuea,' megt four eotiiila u ilfty iii huo ee gmccii elxteen devrrie, emiîh io c4uinto; Oîence norili liuku, ;thieuic.u ilrtia ixtouli ueure,, wc,.t two chane, t hAe plaline cf iegliîitig. The nomit tend haie epen ila cgocd -- MI Dwdlijug Hoîms id Siome Thi ou irohiner rimuul, it tAie lime cf ,uilo, pay ulowila «a iosiit iii p-oporthiiu cf £1ue b <mrv £100 cf tAie puch... moraev, to the Vendora or thoîr Sticiotor, morît evtai pay tht. rermnîder cf tie rie e11mîîtIevwÎtub itàtar(-at frein the day c ae = uaiîg ia ur wetm oilt-ci thie utv of main weii hejuiirotuaxr will lui enitied *tu ac coaave>aiu*.. lit mii ther resce, di tAoiiliiuA or aie- are tiue eeutiitied ii ia the(otie-ai OruerAi cf caal iCourt.. For Ilrurtin uulur, enui ttue dis 11- tsuneer, MR<. 1.VI FAlhIRAI Kit, itifflitT .1. W 1i L&îN, V, Saa'iiliciîor, %V. IL. lL-. IN i.Empliire,.$uiiter fa tii, infnaa- liritetu Alu>ei, uuiu-t thoe ,tir.gicimuter oire "tlut uirt. Munotrat Whithy. ROQBERIT .1. «loN TWO NOTES LOST! ~11ipublie atre heroby forhid nogolailng for Iiwouromleao7 Natt, dravu by Wiliney V.oite. lun favor o(lHenry W. <Jtranin entîl reepeozîve éatuete cf 38 and $tu, due 1In De- vetober or Jotinaîy nexi, a e..pynnt "'thij marne hie hopeîi toppe4. They e.f thec patinîirht tcf tuir,,'e Grain ndScd ver for the. Coutant of Buruain.-1 L. D. BROWN. tlxbridge, Muy 13,18". 1b 4w Gardlen anti Nurseory, Neariy cppcaite- the reeldence kfaS. B. Yp§,IR BIANKS, Eioquîre. N 0W ready andl for Raie, a centralamort tuent of early andl lit.. Cablrngea, RedlCab- bagu, Ciuigovour, Boreccle, Tomaiot. and CoePliiantei. Aiec c viriety cf GREEN-BOIJSE PLANTS, For Rocine, or boiliîug ont uia a chuice col. letion oftihe neweî. hardy and h&Ff-Aiandy Annuel Flcworiîg Planta fcr beddlng cnt. Groin-liunie. Boqeetta fwmrehd cn thé. Ktcnest uctice. P'ersonae visiing, eau b.eapplied vititCc. cuinber and Meloit Planta in pote. Alec a»Il ti,, tîmnai culinary Vog.î.able#, lu their mmenatimoderaet.pricea. N. B.-Ali ordueu by post, or othervise, prcmptiy aitended to. THOS. L. RITER, Proliriotor Oanawa, May, 1864. le AUCTION SALE <ROBSON IHOUSE," DUNDÂS 8T.'$ 1 l u th. TON 0F WI'IrIBV,1 09< Friday , 31 ay6,1 64 - NEW ADYERTISEMEBNTS.Ii WooI! "Wool! H-gest Cash Price paid for any quantity of good .1esiu Wool ýat No. 4, L.AING'S BUILDINGS, Femily Grocer. V-o- Fresh. and'cf the best quality, -iril1 be found, Skirvin's superior purpie top, Laing's improved purpie top, Bronze top extra, Aberdean Yelow, White Globe, motdb Ce. ROIJERTSý Whitby, April 20, 1864. Ohancery Sale1 IN CHANCERY. John Washingtoe, - Plaintif. Benjamin Fratnklin Newîll, Defendant. TN ptrceauica or thie Docres anal Final. Order fur foSale, made iii tiis cause, bcuurlng dat. rearuecriily the. twiîîîîy third day of Septotui. ber, A. D. Iffl. mîîd t i.Aiuh day cfWiy, A. D. 1344, there wl!i Aie eclulby ?UBLICI, AU-TIONT, In cieLotlui (nec lienry Durtîuell Fioquire, tii, Meuter of the Cutit 4fCliaiuonry et Wiitb- ut hi, Clio in etIi TOWN 0F WHITBY, At TwleM iuok ok n,on Monday, the SiXth day of June Dit, The foiiowing prcperty. utAhanal ainclar 1ln iruliprc ofilandl. tuait in the Towio. thel f eb1lat(Couty of Qui-o, and l'rsiiie t (iuaabei part et Lot nunuber f.eî-eaue,-t,, intie silctiat oomlon cf thie uad TO FINSHIP 0F IWA Cff, Bcbng thai p4iut of Lunal foreteol iy tAie Inter- section cf te Eoosuurlv Ifit Ithe Windsojr and ituii1Or.uuCut, v'iigt h, WC-eerls li a f Simone trtreurI..mdlanIcuove maéi Le nuber Six, os iîîrk-l 0u1oi iait Ieo f VhlliairutLoin laidl ooitcensalit lot lii Johnitrtier, Iliquire, P.L.S. The abova loi ino wel ituateof lu t'ha VILLAGE 0F BORELIA, Andl i hi-re are ,red ea u t0 1, a gît-d Store Atone", ana l ltm* iCncwu an .aewet'o hiotul, edth uperlr It&- lui. tnd cet buildings. at preseutot ceîuleî by ]Mr. .imeu Jevot. Th preax c f the above jptopernt, mtell co (et tle uid gtnpou thte *ot4rm (u" the -"ft" xi a-edu. efto epnuiof 'of beuIr .ees5eeiee ot her ihauî hut offor.ed,by t!l U"trv tue cf Chue (4)uuuiv cI Oniarlo, esetadth imt ee,- grit etaî Acignmentts theroofçut tAiepliithi. vluich nîîy lie Ai«pecteol tnteuOokie 01 <ha veiiitcr,@. suiiitcr. Tii. e-iaditlcna et sae ana tre atandieir coo ditionu 4of tlie Vomrt of4.3iitSry, vWUhathe fol- levicr iatimtno0vi: font tetîth ef ha Pl] reite m. e idLeto be pao ntedy o as teVn r < or u SoUili.r, anddie blxustu itt lot~ et bue. ce. wiltiQune mtuntl tr'OlstA,, dayofmmla, vbawhefsUepurhm~Si fliiieo,, ltttea cou- vaymno.. Poeuaeeieee to b. giseti on the' trst TAea boesprperty val boofeneol for ..ie cst &an t p elt-., or *am cf Twi Titottian Dolaire Frtnher pattaive muiet.udhtiom of ae, tauay lue had -m'hbe OM f t4 cf aSoli- chir, i le iVillage cf toltia, ad oftihe an- dureigti.d lsoter of tiin omenrc ourt. Diteal tti* M t1: ofay , aoA. D. 1"04. mantens8 i bty. LYMAN ENGLISHI, Vtndor'aselbcjisor. New TiShop. ilAScmutencealte Stove Traie od v J keop ocutanlycen haitd clarge meonrt-. mtent nt Coo, l'aionanal Box Stoves, acitiea for tovu or ocutntry puirpceam. for ual. CAiep, and Oieaep"Ieol1 ILE. ruasalsojtit reoeved, s argeéam0ort Prsssed;8nd apanned War, SEEDSMAN. PUBLIC NOTICE, 71'IIE Court of levixlon for dtiUiitod JTownî .Leiipa of Mur a and Ratit for the. preste year vii la c iuet JOHN MOLONEY'S TAYERN 3ATURDAY, 2Sth. INSTANT, ,D. <YBRIEN Towîî.hip <.irk. Mr and Raina, May the 2tid, 1864. 183w. P Oit &(ILI» A FIRST-ULASS OMINIBU, Or wili h. excbntgfio a pair of HOUIE$. For fortiter particulara epply, thie underuIuin.o, R. E. CAMPIBELL, Exprexo Are,.t. Wbit.b3', April 19, 1844. 15 COMMIERCIAL MOTEL, ]"No sa?", oglLaWà. EDWAI<D AEKLAND, k'rcprl.tor. t'IST CLARStISiliard Roorne, (tvo of .V =rp.TaM tea.Good accona- niodttota * u t atmo . Sharift' Sale of land* countyof Ontad y, 'Mvie. cf a W rit cf Ir, Wlt; Fa Fie, tud out cf ithe Consiîv Court of teCounty of On- ttile Wblt,, &%»d to ut. dir.etod aralnut' the Ledaad Tttittettocf WUIlleanCioieltî. defeniiant, authosuait cf George Artntrong, plailtUff, 1IMhVQ e ed atouenlita oxecuticot il the ccatt.or ittefft cf te al lwilliam~ C'rlîAteý, binOQuarter L"t.numbora e2ty nime aot uoevtaoi tk iuNortha mIii cf Mery otrea, le tii* Vluiie'ls îfirt pt.rrTï lai thé onfiteîa otîturir, *ail id whicti.L«fth it atol aitaota thermnt, ortilimioiî lkrid tointn, lin er- c-ýt tci owhi hahoiferior maie e t Puitie A nc- tivitî, ut mlit Uff, h% tlt. 0.oupt. iiaw he Toio t& Ç Iaiiloth,.e o,ty of OsitiLrin. on saturdt, lthe ThIlrt.u.th des cf Atijrot, A, D., Ib t twevlve u'ciook, jîittu. NELON G. REYNOLDS, sherit. C. (). - Pa'r C. i4ocat.. Wlijtby. Aptnl WS, 18"6. (uotla anl or ltht.Ccutcf ivtae, .11 W,hltb, c AtoteWlaer t h clCk outcf whloh ai anauml ther ewccn eenpouvciaanoticeam Wb Wh, iy, on 2 SPJtING_?LÂN dTmsG.4 Atth u tOR 000àonTofwi a In Town, go to i~IcM1LLAN'8. ~W AVERfISEMENT'S.- ~Yerl~o oposte ie ommrctilHOte ktb, ¶1105. NAON, Olffers the lagest and most varied stock ini the County, at un- preSden U!yawPrime, for Cash ODiy. e Fbr House, Barn orDrivngSed Buildings-I hv ag sotc Ruf aistes. ,Glss, Putty, Locke, Hinýgea, Boiteaa Nilq, *of al For Farm Ue-I have Forks, Shovels, Spadeit, Hay Knives, Straw teives, Cow Bolle, Cross-eut Sawsanmd Files, Weil and Cistern Pu'mps, Plow Uanes, Rcspe Hiltern, Soythe.Bladsaof Higgins, Blood's and Oshawa make, for har atnd grain Scythes, Snait.s and Cradies, and bay Rakes of the mostr ret ke . Domegtze, Purpoe-I ofl'er Cheap Knives and Forks. Cooka Knives, Butoher'. Enives, Pooket and Pen Knives, Spoons, Toi Tnay;§ and Wuiters, Bread Baskets. Cheese Traya, Kuife Trays, Scales aud Weigbte, Beam's Fire Irons, Stoothing Irons, It alian Irons,' with an ail but, endless saorttltnt of neceasary articles for cottage or niansion. Zb Mechania-My stock of Blacksmiths', Carpenters', Cabinet Makers' and other Furnishinga, lavery compiete. Ail wili be sold Cheaper than the Cheapest, for Cash only. WHITBY, May, 1864. TIM S M 2p.5bsa of good RIVE for $1t. * iOIbs. Brigi SUIAI for 1. New lYilinery at BRoOm'S, Agent for' A1dwell'ý_ In packages of 10, 16, 30 and 4 6 galIons, -or by the gallon,. at Manufittrer'a priee& This Aie will keep for aîîy leu-th of time, and is equal in quity to the iported. FOR TIE CHEAPEST Mýlob, Thle Spring Me-etingr ONTAIOTURF CLUB, Wiliiconte vIT ovor tiie WitAy Courxe, oe Wednesday, Thursday and - Friday, JiJNE 22ud, 2Srd aud 24th, 1884. FIRST DAY. St. Loîdget-c.$0, ith a etake of $30 outcli, titre, ilulier.nmile lueata, for alS3 eart ni]d, Pruiiielired; resnca ntAis race mu;t At itd, with ti """reary ithii ôfortuit tif'$10, ce ort-boîcre thie 248h dayof May eut, lhue ns tmore le enuter or no race. 'ourme of $100, mile-honle, bemt threo-in- îsve. opunt'Oa ho l es weight fer cge. Troitiug Pur» et i S, ilie-ueata, thtree- in-l*lep 'upen te aligreen hordes>tliittnever trot- toùol iouay. SECOND DAY. Put-ce of 0200, two-mile-uuio, -open to il bermes,itandies» Pveig hta. *Tioltilg purse 0et-$100 cite-mut. liautt- tree-in-fivt.,open te Ali e 1toto Teitiug Purse offpO, inile-hetaboat thme in le fvt. opet.n Ai toallardouteaziuever tht-- tedt fsten titan tAre. minaies. TI» DAYt 1pumae of*1009 mile -lieuttie, anicap veitçiit!à, Proslnco-brect onIy. , ->..1 lovoe bru ordt-se ui ver * hait 2.45. $,50, iith an lucide ahte i sap nB tiJnalr ali Ire . itli Po-bred- Winer cfthlite inaL race AND REG ULATIONS, - o - io opeateaW * acpteal. n Town, go to, BUlmI McMILAN', - TAreehoiei -- raem ate b. r- Club. Allent FOÉ R JI HEAPEST .-crma! lu Town, go to MC-MILLAN'S. CROCKERY & GLASS WARE AT COST. Il.lH. Me.MILL AN. W hitby, May 4, 1864. 'E oifRm &Ji thywilb pea dlà 'N Di KCENT 1Preidc FD tteu it t ht. tiéd u l.gttoec g iva uréuclî Iîioôrtîîtloti &awili bond to tiiîr W31. BLACK. Tcftl.u ic iiy. - - 1. GRAeD wRiFLE MTC Fifth Miitary. District, Rafl0 IN IIEPRESS 'TilE ÀÂS>BU1iN'c SÉ; Or Six yearieaxPerience of Ministorial Life NHISTORICAL STATEMENT GILBERT FE]RGUBsroN, E]sq., -Tl fiE aboya wo rk je nov Tlin'Preso, and , wiii ho publiehed je a sliurt ice. As only a linlited- number ili be prnrtod, early Opplication 1 iii be 6-. cessary. je order to secam, copies. la BliLok-eyed Mairwft, cf uporier qeaiiîy, Potatoes and ]Bare-Y, FOR SALE BT DANIEL HoLLiDÂy. Brookis. April 4,1864. 13-tf R~E cubacriber le lu rccerning hi# tliiol 1.for Puâit favyoritbogu tc iitfortnthei, hiibi. tant.% cf la .Town aindil erretîdingcunîtry, thât ho viii Aie happy tai attend te tîli or dore entrueito tehsmcae. Toli ioaiertad ce (oid, Silvor or Vnicentzcd Reatter Rose.; Toeth 11lied or extrmîted in tht. bout peneible ParILcniahieetionpa toiii, regelatice cf Chldreu'à Tecîa. AII'work wa; roiteal. 15 W. Il. CAiID. Whitby: ,Races Friday and Satuürdayl,, 3rd -ad 4th Jue, 1804.- LOCAL JfXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Trhe Preiuiouitcf tii eîiln Tht. $eoretîury ecihiea 4oitoitkit. Xiiujor IuriikLiuiil=1 iria .Nlijor Widlîîee, -' Cop ote i iîWirrpti1 M. W.Varreni, h lrenieo., PIRST DAY. 1.8-Opeutlîg Datch .-ït prizo. $10, wiîI i on,-fcerih ll ieuitatnuuc aldwo; 2uunn fcîîrth tue erttrauaee., 5 %Ilgt4i t 800 Yards. Entance 2tw 6-J. Oliuîittou ali uinets. >Aîîy rn - 8 Poundi. 2.-Vcluuteerta.Mîch-l prie, $80: 2nd do., sic;Zrtndidu., $85. '200 anud 4ù0 yuinduu 5 e4hito ui t .oiIu nit u ntruîoco $1. Oj)Oat- muoei.tf ifli M iiýitry iý.4;.ni4huW ipil. ; l - .Cuîpuajia(Pr tinill Ad8ioiatiuij i nujlutAie Di. trict, cî.nirit.utii $6 ýto tLà fide cf tt.e stau- $15; 2iîd du., t$1;--5 oints iii.Soui rdâ. 'Ir- tuaicel2, i. Ohm e ut ulltboiu,0e thLî o Aoc>. outi ionly. 5.ý-Swreepetnke.-Lçt pèrze, #iO.uopd osw fourtlu thu eutrueîuu-ituddud;2iu lc, ii fniirtlithesti. itiuŽu,; 5_ stt4istii400 yards- Entraune.2eS.taipun t îhVolatuee i geluo, a u ntalmlerisocf iDril 1 %tioti:itit);Is. SECOND DAY. 0.-Rae Scarry.tr ries$10, anutit..icii fonrtiî tii, oi4ln-cIa ie uiu; iîul.Oh-uîy, tht. nutranoci0' 2.jmii4uyard '; 5 ahci unt- eaoh range. Eitiileud 6s'Su1. 0lipon ho Wîuii - luntetra, an icî iiiititeeci u ùiot a i.u l'rivaiee <rijer Muet' un .1-O 1len' ltéla.--30, vii hoele-tu!r the eîitrien, ail.-tud ; ôà iiuatr4aOyeade Entranot. $1. ,ol.en Ctoc lle,uuf tlue Vclit teer 'forteunly. Any -rifle ofnîliiitary puiterti. B.-Corporation iMtch.-Iitp riul t$1% et usoIi raizet.- EarocîS.Oe octN bere of thA i Aeutiîî i niîy. 9.-litaakeeperî'ibiiîb-iotp i , S t2nd do..410; srd ido., 05;v5 melaet 400yard-c -Entioace6,14.- ,Upcntianombere ot.he A- euOilotiou j iye, - -. Il,1O.-'Fhos Bnrigd -i,*n'tip *l. int onze. eilrr,îîditf do.rola-md tranu 1 l .Ind do.,, $1. 200 Open.- pr42c-laiî egatute 11 $10; *t do,.. ken utere aot tjie peut lyp uCMSLAW LE and k,0 ever 1,- Whltby, K TO WNZsHIP OF ZHc,R la the Oîuntjy ofOsîtarlo, eontalif !"m tut TO 39 IELD IN< ?E 1 Il

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