Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1864, p. 1

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ï TIR WHITBIýCKRONICLE Q&iXD UN 'rilit VORNING OOP 4 lu àc,&Cii et J", W. H.ý RIGC-fINSq ýAt Üllil llrkriiltig X.-Itabl in h trient, Brook Street, Mnùtby. Mr Niait Door toi the Registry -Office. try, M alti PEe ANNUM. With calin Printed wordot greai' thoügbto and untirînt indus eace, Pirogremoq Knowiedge, Brothe vol'. Vin. WIIITBY, C. W., TIIUR.SI)AY, JUNE 16,1864à; A Lt Adverti,4oni-nti; tirensured ln Nonpar. ZIL tel, r4nd.olittrizred et the rate (if 8 cent% per IN IIOUSE. lino, Rmt in#ertlon, and 2 eentë par lino, ciiteh BIVOOK L COMMERCIAL IIOTEL, *The Enchanted Mill. shaded by birch-trees and 1 - - - upens, through by the 'sportive elves. BRUCK MTRI:)tT, WHITUY. wbich wind 9,98trearalets ran. biliaire main wo d - ý' f3pelal - contractri malle ivith advertillers by 1 a - laïd the ysar. : D:J- CALL AND SEE SA»Y 1 VIIAIZLES MuliRIDF,, PROPRIETOR, A FAIRY TALE. A warlike inreh wu commenced ordom » disôoiitinue advertiseineutit intiott 1 and necesszSy ta JQXtý'lý'LLEN'U iiceoyntno(lation for travellerit. regimenti cle cavalrY came up on ail aides, agàin intobàp ho In writing. E lois tnken tire Il lirooklin lieuse, il ln Ju (.i(nnl:sttbliiig and attentive Ontlers. 20 1-I (Con4uded,) py -mort Brog-kiiii ViiiiLe, %vit 3re lie wili te vidd fOraling a 41low square, in which the Whetber Oberbn an ici mile ail his triends. *l'he prt-niieâ are weil TZRRAPIN RESTAURANT, He wu about ta fire et the bruW, when Judges, from general clown ta a private, showed themiqelvea s ýE fitied tri) and etiliveuivrit, aild Ille f49 KIng qtreet East. They solemaly seated py beings eîther fils timi gocl, very iri"Ki, t1w ?W.4t.-tor lie %t,ýo'q to the dove began fluttering backward and took theirpl4' of ritici iit-I horse hiinself, havilit, forwards in front of the muztier 80 that lie ihemselvcýeà,the batiks of atone ; the lie. other shape, J'reàlly e beed loruilloted tu iniride, lis Weil ait (Iitt#id# Boita VIST retoivo(l, per at tne above did not dare ta pull the trigger. llie don- cused Waa.foýforwardý and iÎhe trial coin. py people ai 110W. 1 J a spleuditi lot of w4s ses, il At Sandy's t:ike ý,1ollr reilt, key tact- adV4ntage rf the delay ; il boit. grumblers are ever BANK OF MONTREAL, PUAIME QUAlL, SNi Il E, ed through the open window, the heu and A Prlva" ýàfacrct0n stepped forth na ac. tured spirits; and sa wiiirBy BliANCa. cat lifter il caser. His ïarne was 4, (!Ieli*i be tient i il ail me fial loli. Wilil Ditelcit aud Veill,4011. , and lifter a while the dove fol- >ý -_ Butterfly," and world'a end. Aise, lowed tbem. Now, though Ilans, anger no name wa Tite iiiiiiierlýtiI4 tritytiiis(if Sitndy-uii, 4 etter wited for him. He W. R. DEAN, Manager. Are auli-d ", give Ilis houqu il éall. istal wao quite allittie fellow wu aroused anew, and lie fired the p: , in a white bar"- -C 111 E. inatils COUNTY ALEX. IZEI SIIELL ANýTD CAN OYç3TE c1cîaý'like the Onction of a butter- Aîïiýîî'()14 & 1 hapbazzard after the fiying brute. Bro,)Iz!itl, 2-1. lluhsters, &0., w holettalo, and Ratfill. MMISTRI> &V ATT()I.tNEYS AT 1,AW, ffadhe bit one of them ? He dîd not flY ; the' WlItS Oe bis light moustache June Sesqi ýJe( 0NKEy. cd Outil Il solielthril to tlle. Ilank Fif Montreil. üijtl know. He could only see thein disappear 1110 like two icelers, from bis r 1 among the trees in the incon Ontario Dining 11RII& ReKtaurant, lirht. The plumfr round face. He spolia as fol THIRD %Ville. -J:Isr4lilli"s M ) lows r,-«- Offitie lit tire 04inrt il il S 1 ELb wateb-dog fond allia broken its chaloir and Whitby, Thursé sT, .6 se GEORGE H. DARTNELL, c I)itirlfýr,, Q u E B E C. wu fallowing them, illere judges, since the lut full moo-1, i littit-rlt.ý;t Tho, %Varden. tool m, ATT01Ï.N EY. et)N VEYAN froil o'elL,,k. - Il Wols ait over with sloop. Thé soldier'â 1 bave been on duty et the forest-mill, t Il Ï" il; E Proprictoril of the alitive 0 elock. Ail bemer le 1 ches, ililors, tel ail lieurs. naincil 110TU, I)ecrc*leettilliv to anpria, own tlLouLgh1s allowed him no test. At where th*u'draeonn or, grçnadier came. I > cor, Lte., &e. oitirq iwarly ri . il Litiliore, Ite., týf'tiit- Ilest braiiiim. m ýM il J011N tlicîrfrioibds and lLntrortm, ihAi tiliyilavotho. one moment lie lauglied heartity al, bis anal hirâ taL Possession of the houîe and V. , il A.M, üýtr &»-tahii^lrneii.t «Iiirjtxý h roism, at'-haring driven a poor old don. ýthat withclat any Cellemuny. 1 ' Of certain ratepa rhe winleir, wltixh enablex tiht,ýtti hov? tit differ t'O ' L' »W 'Blin lie" NI#.-iiitieri% of Ille Lezimbittisle. aitil kev'to flight with a plaint. Then again live jOllil"t the expense' of bis lost, eut Îng for the estab B 6treet, wItiLli%, ri. W. G 11( BEJ 1101 1% Fi L., vcltlitir publie muneriar a feu wheÜer bis bullet bad struelt bis bresd.'drink -bis wine, Bleep in bis bed, Zuyn t y Crammar Sc a-tilýitiin il, the apt-ritr.,tiiti& thev lind 1111-4 Win. Mr. Brethour. N. G. 11A.Mil - 1,!,v liave ilow I'jtrlcrm Mtill lieIi-ro">M[4 il, a any one in the lofflt, for lie fancied lie and saloirs bis pipes 1 saw bicot, on, lut h,',uýe near toi, -ilieil, for f nnirort beard a peculiar cry iminediately after 'tiîght moreilessly drive tbe mîlier, with REPORT OF SPECIAT. C( ANI) ýTTOIZNFY-AT-1,Aw. Ilotel aud loremile- iiaý,, lin-' -ctivenienee, rire Ir the City. Thon the day et lut hd wire, child, and maid, ROAI B O he bad fired. from bis home. I Ille Regristry ý)t1JCC, Brock Il% tho 'il'or, wlig-r,, 1w it ill 4 -N aaw hitn fire a pistai et thie fugitivts which Street. W hilby - 1 fil,,tiittlit la ll(,ýr"rltt"lly t) irf. R(JSSPý1.1, SCJN-, dawned. Mr. Button presani lit(, %vaillý lit Ilis He did not enjoy bis breakfast, for bc mOrtally wourded the iniller'a daughter. specihl committee, ai XORRiso,.ç âz, Til illi- l1ftý ý.vv'l Of)ltVl-tili-lltlv nylli, ta 1 accuse thns Quak-enberger of ail of Atiorticy-, fit'e'l lIll; 'l"ili tell. fult sa de"ialle. No dove flow came the propriiety of pur AURIS %,hier tl. %VI,- i il -iti-1 1-verv of theqe." 1 Northern Rotel Cannington. feedoutofbitihM. Hefeit ashanied B and Scurrog ro3.d, il Churchetreet, 1'4ir,,iit4y, tl. \V. Tlw lllerpaýî!!L, biiAitl"i; nt the I.bove fnvnr bis melaticholy, and yet ho cýouId tiot drive your pardon, gertiemiii," the Ille atý6" !11-111,3,1111 !,L! h;ý tttý. atill the TIýllc ri accuselî but the Buttterfly is 8 from Manel ut al! l'l k'lnw" ' 0101, l'al, rliflûrrl it liereilmarir ter it away. Now lie felt tired of the mil] The report cont te) etilarce !he I)rêtnit(.m. and ail connected with it, and reedinmendations. ni v a 001illidi riihlù exfélit. and innde decidd @Pe-hiug fâlselY. tu armers and Ot on seilting ý ont a-ain on the next 1 9 il Prudence the witnesses', gellers, Il the rond I*rom whilb, otie hers th, dered. lier tlp e-iniflirt i.r.,il or even if bc hâd to march throuMA L. H. S fi 1: t'ý e ri tire conditiond madel 'TYCIVIWN and NI Thé titt>li- lm ulwa%'m willi desert. Vrýma cave came forth the donkey, the 1%. Illî lit linne hnt t hê he'st last time he hud inuch ta do. Th order in couneil. 21 &!citer lit VliiiIilprýv, N'll*ttrv a theBut hefure he could retire ta bed for the, heu, the cat, Ille watcb.ddùl. Beliiiid ttsrie>, [lliri-'Iýtilr gLit 1 ',W overc-d with a tiorth of Mancheiîîte 1%, fur t'l C) advisable ta improv dcin 'arried C Biliblirir , And cloth, white and shining as r hly falien %'Ati 0 makin, it a toit ro bed-rcIotn looked liste nothing soi mlleh -1 1 l" hem &ýlitlcr wM V the report recourait w11 Civiirll ,i tiie 1 est olished fortrees-beds, chait-IL Pipes ""' l itîv,, I)mtlt-,rm, tw) 11,re. ali had triton diâpesed of durin-, the ci t- ýlýg;stt l là Oeta il h% -k. to iakp charre, ift(ýanim. Il ' 44 Tkese are the persona", the judge debentures of 1-enty 'TFlý EXTIZ A Wilont, you ill-trested. Clin yuu de, the improvement of D ortlinary- grill q!xfbllgillpr lit clinalcery flr Proprietor. rat coutest , intai 4 0et. 28ril, 11P61. 41 ho 4 After dragging the mattresses with soine ny the facis 71 T 3. WILSON. ffi lie turned the " Atking your pardon,' the accused re- ho apportioned as f4 plied, il if ibis lazy donkey is a tailler, titis trhooadcoNconityth. o3rd, T 1. A 'Ç", S T A G E H -0 U 8 1ý', Te the Tmvelling Publie. di cultY Out of the heap, ho noticed lieder RODER the bed a broken cheat. Mail -ATroRNIEY AT linvifIL, lestilloil Ille Preini- lump un il, and ta bis surprise bright greedY heu a woman- this stealing élit le $10,000 ;' the Non, $DlitltfIrin('Ilttn Ne. IA*elv s,,oýetinieii i,ý, T. Fiitii-ti. lit the trowns flulied in bis eyes. Many à soldier gervant motifill Oince- Victireilé, Bilillliilli', Itriel- St. Ilîtilv. bouridary litre betwet ... .... ISAAC FENTON, avitiu filicI tl;gtn oit r prize, but tri in wilo trvvu t1j", 1% c lje ilitentiA would have considered it a fsi illeris man-why, thert, tire èpy of a north ta die Nonquc M. JARVISI Proprietor . al 1 ur belle could distinguish between pence butterfil was right, and you may condemn Brock road, froin th ANI) keepîtiL., l'lit no me r1lecording ta law. But 1 wili uk every Whitby, tu and war. Il lit gotten money is of Uxbrîd tnnll.,itifi., f,,r i-rnvellerm; wofxl tltablinir nt,,l Til P. Br.-ÇT or LIQITonq Je cla A Tts ufjo," lie said ; Il the croviis may tirait soldier wheiher ho- would allow himself ta front Uxbridge villa attentive Ail,, ll;*,"etlila Will lie fiirriieli*(,,l %10, f-Il tho quietly fur their maàter. He may come hi., tr4tnpllOÎ on, bave his eyes picked Out, concession, $1,500 ri. w1t'i 1ýinJ Will il back to-mortx>w, sud he wili isee that lie , hi3 flIce me-âtÜbed, withuut havin,', h il on the llrocL- roý T'VORNEY AT I.AV, twinc arco Il,> bad an holleoit guest." lie carffully nail. lit hi$ e-.sailaillâ 71 Seugogbridge ta th( Cltlvolvwlriýf. tte., liver pritl WeIl aliciiil(-,I 1.), Wilh foirions glances the four witneam LeUNt)&A gTltl',F.T, WItITt-,Y. Ir toi up ille chelit again, and thrast il in râlaud, on the cet] rowel l'A S Wo, W Il It hy. C > W - ji)IIN IMI11 'IN, J A t; L!% C K, a corner. Thon lie threw himaelf on the à0ught, tu (ail On - the &PeaLer, but werol that the sum of KFLtca NIKY, in lied. wamed ta lie quiet. , for'the improvemen À Tr)nýlqrys.Ar-1,41W. IN (IIApirgu V.-Tue Il Tak-o the eloth from the bier,' the ('liancerr, &0. EAST WV% DSOU IIOIISE, WIFITIIV, W 0 0 N S', H o ýr ii-. i i, . 0 dg etia(L of road or roaà wi q >ver the (,'Ii"tjiale Milice, ].'ryek Street, Whit- i He c,)uld iiot full ultep. Coutînually ju 0 may bd determined by. lie ibought of the unknown owners of the T-be" orders virile obeyed. On a bed lion of the township JAQ. IlFahove 11,11ol in mili, and whethe, lie abould ever sec them. ofrom &rdroummlley the duvet with on motion.the cc cati nit ICI on, m'Il itiýY, (11. ILV. M OON clutâtretched wings and elosed eyes, whI n mittee, of the whole That they were liviig, ille pile of cru St3bling end attetitive 41ILIlers. 2'. North British and Xercautifè in 'lie bad fhond in the tclttering Mill suflicient, a sluel rp ark was vitible Ou itz bond- Biclceltl inthe chair. t-ýIIA.î îLLES C KE LIý1-ett. Vire & Life Insurance Com'y. -'y Proved. Fur ail ibat, lie felt no dersire IL ffan4 Q"keuberger, do yow recog- Mi. (,;ri-croon mot nize ibis dove 71 the judge uked him. T,)ILNYY AT 1,,k'-V, toitalle theseductive treus Tite repotï progresa bis ejet closed W4,, tbat la ml dove, tuy own ditr &gain ie-morrow, P1:i14(ýY lin Wilh a piercing $lino ton, Broek, C. W. but afier a shorl toit lie gt4rted up sglun, be çàttpmd, hë not un tý7 fur hel rantit.Ll he could 'bear the brày'tng Subbiiie, ho tbrew hinmIf dowu by the and ho wanteil ilions 1. ft.týMIER cREENWOOD mille ý thebier. Ob, wrelleh thât 1 am'l ta -.7- i-W 1 eumpela tm"Ide. It cÈý,_ eiwli malle Ut) hi-4 midi A 1-rriitN 'lui Ï41W lzýqrasnot for t6e N.da" Ilui-lie. ANL«I.LO.A.IsP.ItitAN HOTEL. what you teemi ta be. 1 faticied al first th, wii',ttY'41. W. lto4.twý'4.111 Vietorin, Ill':lek. Pi..Iîi:tc INLRk.KT. E. Y.. IqNOV. imontripitif C. FI ed agaiG ý it must W the wlud. ne jriï report, ho ask 4Q, calmer ; but ail lit onctit it aouadetl &g&in 01;ffi of you thàt yau wi-ré deâtined ta be ,Le for it lie w a>l "10;tl I-0 litigi-11 rJi, LC Ilf'. Oh ilrI>ek Itrr F In.Ifittel qetllJý.) for Mer- 1 wl- wît'Il T lit V' Noli (>iller 0, iri N1ýnl,,,I like distant bugIec&1iiý. At length he-dis- MY -beart'a titemm. But now, Y« are bis mind, 84 bu Wu llotel, tacil y«r imurdoirer Ill tollili tris i y beard the march of a dragocri mg!, &abject, joll,.q BILLINGI4 1 ment. in whieli hA hftA *»""A ;M.. ýç(, 11 Let-il, iti t'ýhn@lLIa. Ali 4july repoit- He jumM uli fro*a the hier. tore -oma u_ D-.- the committee vise Èbr the parpoîe aving the Warden pronotince lhie qwn !on upon the lée !rrag : * te report, with leave -1.o sit nÉain -forth. aptain Rowe ýopp63Ad the motion, and ledthat theý t!me had ýpassed for raisý' the, point of order, which--OhqWd have made on the motion to - commit the, ort. Ir. Perry contended thatiftbere wfw ýint oforder, it should Pe îe*tt1e4,.;by'ýý cÊairman of the,,c mmiîkegý and pot Wu lit. The com itt eý ha iü-tibk e rde -ni le banot travelled ont thdreoord,,--ýpr ond the legitimate spherç- qfitheir, en- les. k. Grierson'a motion haxingbeen 1 put, ý carried on a ' division, ý by the casting, B of the, Warden. The n rose. de àrierson s,ùbmîtted thé point of'. er-ýffhéther the select cominittee bad--! orted ' in.aceordance with the irietrüc. - is of t.he-,Courjcil. rhe Wardoii gave bis opinion thatthe ort ofthe special committec was, not accordance with the res5ilutioauf the. lnciý, and wu not therofore in orderlt* NUr.,Grierson, seconded byýMr., Sangs-ý, , moved to rofer back the report,, tu ha ended by expunÉing alf after the inoil J,11-e xcepting the-wordu in the third use-110,000 for iinproving the Centre The Warden put the motilous Mr. Perry enquired whetherthe motion a in order ? 14 asked whether Jt, -wu Mit the province Of the couaÇil P in- uà a select é.0turnititeu to report', in a ycial wayl. Ir go it jaertainly . stýtime it came withili hiâ Çlllîr. Perry'â) oirie0ge. ý The qôuneil wm compLdalt, - inistruct the cotnmittee of port it a particular way, but cuuld - noýý itruet a spécial commi<tteu or a standing < mmittea. Ile regretted to, âf,»Oý the, ave of Oshawa display ao lui.lich, watit of-. owledge of the ruleâ -of delib.e.rative, ad- Mblies. - - 1- . - e_ _ Mr.Griersonexpressed his wiliingufýsO.:' ýo ânything tha. wits uecc;e.ïsary, toba.ve o'proceetIiuý,rs orderly; be confeued,,,,, athe L-neelittle or nothing -o4f the irolei order, and would-w-.thdraw Ilis ra.401.111., lis. -The coupeil then. went agaiii into ,çom îtee 11f0rthWith1'ý wheu, o;1,ý1uptiqià 91, r. erry, the committeeý re-ie,ý ;rcpt)rtcd > ogress and- obtaine.d leuve te tût, ý91é- ýADS "* D amagg,ý Tue SPCOND RLWtT. Mr. ýu 0 obtaidd leave to present D report the standing 'committen en )ads au Bridj;e8.ý., e ýiepari read m [Iowa,: lot Thit ili't'he oî lp[nimi ýý0ý îhe'eoýfnM1t- e it islesirahle-a 1 nd foëthe be?;'t interedi* the corporation, fliat the lendia- roade erein, ghould be improved ; afid' -hat nu Ils enefits *ôuld be cotl*l"e.ri-ed lupon, the hab*,ta'n'ýs of this county by' the purehas. Of the Whitby and road, the 111,nittee therefýre recommend the pur. lue of the said 'road ùp.)n, the . condi. )PS nainècl inthe governtnent order in luneil, confirming, the %ý.id road ýto the ý?hitby 'and Scugog Road Compa'ny. 2nd The cogam-ittei recoLninend the asinq by Mentures of $2101000, l'or the, aprGvement of lelading roads in tÈe coun. 3rd The om e c me mitt a &IBO .'ré dm 2e approýr;àtionsý Io ý 0 ý à P, P lié; a Ri f,ý, 1, :>ýs : Cénire roilà, 1ýorth 'of S- a'n"égeýstee ilOO'bO; Oà àirý'qo'e s'i're>è't, rom Dayton o hiIl nohb, $2,060 ý , the ;rock road,-ýfioiù thý M ,'clîýcéîslolà a pi fýàrn Uxbeidîà,-Y-Ulàee ù&thý t4è h. lie, uàog bndgi,' -40 the 'no Méra qi, of a liliknd 1 $56 - dii ihèý Àîh, ù- Wiciwé"'ýfxýin Failli Pltnctn'ally attendocd fi). iX; - 1.111-, - -__ - __ - ___ ---- ___ ---7 ___ - _- --_ , ---- __ ý - - - p - - - - - - - - - __ - __ --7 - q tion flotel. aud formerlY or W hitbv, au- aight. ne began to growdizzl ; bc r" ci white a âmall red mark-wu apparent ýgivc ample timé to) Io his trîendiq ana the publie t'bat lie jr. the Villaze gt Atlkerlëy, neiar the hax renteil thelshove well-kiýown liolè,1 . whieh JL of I-ýke Siaicoe, a ger:d stand, liouee, wîth Ru J- C.ÏlNlq, rd. Du titf be Te e Mr. Grierson oý: (; A01,, lm ilow lu fli-mit rate qrder for the romption ut hâi amommodation, aitti q iltrter iUXGEON TO TffZ COUNTY 4 iriieit»« Witit-iq, T.iqitorÉ4 and Cigar:. (k),,l WulimLtuatedatidagoodtrade. Applyto ravine. Ile éutered it but aaon saw three J!ans stood for a long time a8 In a tbe u1Rtteý tÉére Byron Street, Whitby. L STEELE p reU., Lje (Qrý sity for it the nuit stablityranil an attentive Omtler. 15-Y -water-falla At the other end wWjýjg ý buSd dream. -On the prein. bâclt but Ahrse A sunbéafn played Jbrio,,h the rocks york and Féel, 'go THOMAS J)EVERELL9 rog Grand Trvink Railway Ilotel. 24 Atitriyp, o. dragoons barred bis prQgreu, Tbey were and shown the girila pâle^chélrs. Beceatb th,'e IT 1 L D E R, - &o. &C.', GREEN STREET, MAI e weeks; it wM B wllitby,,C. W. (5quVt -#id# of Railwall Depid, Port WhiMy.) fillàwîl mýuoctià on- o Il. horses, its bleffli'. influence they began to grow and ho WË8 ln f avý mm ROBSON 1ROIC819, apténdid utiiforms,,,,ýhite, ruddier, -till tbey pâled the very rates on tinfeover the buqini @%nbiscrîber has litted up tue above wiýý11 TllE blue.and silver, whieb ,,u, rý JOHN NETCALF, kilowu fir(ýUlisOI4 willi Vie view of énilifig IIOTEL.) lay. LERKO F.TIIF,- Pl FTR DIVISION COURT, Bor- DUNDAS STREET, ýWH1TBYC. Id W60 goes there VI our hera éried'. liar hýà 'noticed that the 894i *nd -Indu,$'t'rir':'ôýa tiâ ýc cornprî*îng the Township Brück. Ad- ses atid vel0c1uiý left in chqrec -it the Ilotel will id, risen 14 bc liroperly cared for, avraitinz the tri ivalý of GEORGE Roffloy, Proprictor.* wu the reply. but wben the maiden bai opbaed the owners by the Cars &»t or West. Good VerY gond," Rails oeil, as ho ber ey«, a suwrose before bim déatined, OtË4i ROBERT sirEARS. SLabling, and careful attention. i§nbi;eriber, begs to annonnee that ha is pistol. toi Illutoine his wholé futur') life. So ýpürpo"à t Cà 41 t Q reéýe JAME*!Ib PRNojýE. _7 11! hl aseil the building fo -kitiown à CYRRK AND TRE.&SURER OF THE SoriptureliIle)tel whie.h has Illeureo To take you before thq Coi tbrew Mmself on the ground by ber sidé,; lweeki." IL Was'.ý fie,ëa Uxbrîdge. throusrhont, in the ddy lips,' shà sat op ý - - 1 - . ,, Whithy, April 27,1863. 61 y % ývat0& 19 'likp,ý MK ýGrier ow"hip of Uxbrid' 0. Adateng refttïmimited, ana fitted ul) and kiÎted ber ru - bestofigtyloi Tilopremupmxmp)euieyldt-1- Hohe 1 for tbac T'ou will need four &ud tbey et e Il àtý each other foudl NOW 13 THE TIME, 9 thrée oj e ce a A-PRINGLE, lu trp of the Towni'. PeTâOns ; thrOe t emy me, aud-myse1f,ýif WO&ÀttbtoW'haappie« moment Mof their lius. Att'ý -'l - 1 -; ,, 41ý. ERCIIANT TAILOR, BRoCK STBEET, GET YOUR LIRENFSS AT The BaîlwV, the, Hotç xpa, I were cowardenongli, to yield., Come on,ý > . If ý- moment the iller, with bis me èe 'p' uýtï'ým'e, toi ge flic stages for Uxbridge--«d BonveWtOn ýeavki MY mooubiqe lorses, my youagtýnijk- wi e, "ked op ý to the pair, Wd ý their thel rýo 1!i.ý -il ira entertaint J. A. C Igrk"s lot Pirize Picture (;*Ilerl' the door everyinorning. Baar4eliperdali yen have b mou liko- filn"s, tops come on, i earta in, jour hanà in eâcb ot4r,, and Wd. Louis DUBOISP ryon dextre a correct and tife-Ilke Afnbr<ï- ROBSON. S' bodies 119 sir'brldo'wbo tipe, Camentype, LettorWar)h, or Uatler IlThis"ýjo ]ReýTAURANT.--(ýormer ut Y ork nio Ex- -ira ket Brosch ýr t2rC&?Oful Tlobtlers alursiys in atteudance. nsfer, or a Likanm in a lie bold'ýoùt the pigtol h f6r you. My -bMvý -fèi - for yoâ lavë' tbe'I Toronto. Refreshrnuntfi Ring, fof Jý._A. 0. can (Io it in ItInci ýe8t siyi wh4by. M&V isoi 20 againgt t etc. He *as anov-end by a tond bami e wor ore, of lackhter freed, Di' ait' froïï WILKINSONIS BLOCK, ------ whieh was re-fthoed a ýibotiànÜold frode vere ()n a bAd roýd,' býýiýwlïu now- beigimp ef- e i o 9 1 ý - - ý 1 r 411ý1111t: 1'ýX zli THOMAS HUSTON, Brück Sti-e" WAiibi1'ý Ofihallwa 'Advertîsemeets. the rockt. ai il OWN CLIMK Yon baiking cura,' the wffier gaid, Father, motber, and edîtIghter huhg, 4hié queàtiqit mqgti T 0fllo&-ýrown Il»I1-11OUT9,9 to 1- clock. farioualy,, 'l take thst ., ior your ye ÉFÉO» z CORMACK., Ipijjg Il with tom ýof- Jet 'rouod, thek Ëë1 r'ëev:àý,ýj WILLUM TÈMP"T, M. D. They" hqqý- 10SElsir DICKEY, ter, anoi d ho fired the pistol among them. ING' 9TERT, OSHAÎÏ, "À"' jo - - - 6 y ., rX4 qua ii 'J' 0 , Wou :LlyjmoiBoBerR4Gnmat.Whltby, 4la The âot p«&JIýd - ýhrotig4 thev mari 4â COURT, tity ofodl klnd* oflumbirconktantly on hând. West 17 Î. LERK vice like a thqu4erclâp.ý The ý ibree idriv falfy W i ý> C , Uxbridge. 19 -*âa Crée n P. ]LAMBERT. ýusiI1eu of the coui V N D E'R T A IC IN Gr W fett - such a -re Action J. rrAIIOP» and 'É4 ý"ei -o glý4est. Oshawa. it. style -aboyi le'rep St, Westjý UNER&LfilaUy ibilpplia-=d c«Irer ,*W« *ffeý f, F ahui notice. Coffine kept coustantly o and fagblon. P"e *mû be*&m&ýýqù1 band. obe apî:"ý - riése, SIA'the,,p fisito twresce, the regmu joriN. M. WARWICK. ýfcýâtioI îïfýjr, îý'bùùt1, -à - i nýë7;, wM reli'from *oé, "--qtjwý ne Bu ffle promp VARJI PETERSON, OR NOT"Y PUBLIC,, &a. &c. dtli 1W,ý yer'-, (Mill cloèeon -la f WQ e ýi . 1 W to folio Igu, he At j9n e Whitby, Foi 3th, làW s eAîîý. ýýl# 1- , 1 . -1. -ALDc Oths 94 W. Tbý Ilrggoùs took him M* t r tu' Pr Wou Dental Roorns, im 1 dlr"y oppo- im, -Entranoe on r*ýV1ý Ëft= alte, LI)eIl ND- ýý 4 ý1p cuit Office. 00 'BAM tom WHITBY R49.9 el B qo 1 orý. n- ed oilently with-:thea ho bâd no thon cqonuâwý»Ot of fear, but doly' W ýff>é04" cchoiYý ba ibut " re. -toi' t', icq i,,Ioxha*à. he y f, Wliitby QUADRI= BAND efftnw. 1ý,i- D, j. bed GROD him- muit, die'> LW yvot ta'ïï oilà,,UÇONIST IXPI)P.TER, Wholegale (se j - 1 ý_ 1 - -1 .., lil W, Sn pqtý)t or the i Che lie TiE , 1- ý . t ., _', .. jýjj , lý e - - 1 y - i v.'ý Mr. UeWdn'iâid 'thù bb wa ' - plýi' tfi, a 1 î.tlrýe Ime of the rcla ddâie i Ma nu9y t oeil ', Méis. pull hg "à a peu -P ýc 'l il,. 3 ge a e pe 'n no lis ea, ]à rt c t a ail t et vÇS., b, e ré e à c 'e as M Çit. ré jouer a L ty iiit e,. Ore îwï", Ili > l,ý -îý ý F edi 1 hO- èoufléý1 lai a ter',was 1 8 te 1 z ý Y., 'i Oâ 1 1 il, î iiv eý re ti tu or -P à e, Wl( _.é;w c 1,10elli, 1 g [fil the-i-e à 0 le îge WO? in whié býp mi of aüà'-eià' 'P ZI nt lin Do d'te, be 00 si lu;

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