Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1864, p. 3

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quarter fUeaa¶oUaad Cesuty court. TheJaJeQauter essions cf the Counhy of ont464,. opuied at Whitby on Toueday the 14t.hinst, hefore Hie Houer Judge BQi'lhru, cbairwan of the. Quarter Ses. #ions, an d Judize cf tii. Ceuni Court cf Ontario, sud William Hatick Esq., J. P. The-pane! cf Grand Jurera baving been calied over, the. followiag gentlemen au. a;OMdto their names and veresvern:. ansaT uoPsINO s,8q.,VOSENANU. John~ Anderson, A.ý Hamilton, Joaeýh Bagaas, John lanson, Francis Clark, Michael Keenan, Woe. Carmichaet Alez. Mustard, Isaac Fratickt James Milne, James Peters, Joseph Thonipmo, James Redman, James -Warren, R. S. Wilson, BIs&tionor lnecbaring the grand Jury remarked upon the 1-ightnese cf the. caleu. 7dar-vhich contalned only four caaes for trial, tires of larienyo and n.e robhery. Se explaioed the !aw applicable te the effencu, and «,apecially the. statutes rela. ting te tth. offence cf robber7. AS. H. Cochrane, Esq., County Attorney, proscetledin the. severa! cases. f COUNTrY COURT. »iird va.' Fgrguon-Promissory note, NVerdiut. for Ilaintiff $0~7; C. C. Keller, Attorniey for Plaintill'. Immnediate execu. , Waies ti. Currie-Action on Promis- sr note. VerditcL foîr Plaintiff, $121! il,.A.. Burd, Attoroey 'for PaitIf. lmi. wedisa.e exteetion. Court adjourned anti! Wedonday'morn. I COUNTY COURT. Wedniesdav Jane 15 1854. On tai'io Bank ns. Mleni et ai -. Pro. unlssry note. Verdict for Plaintiff$282,- 510. R. J. Wilson & S. B. Fainbatîka for plaintiff, ifflediae execution." #jon ro.. Kmep-Ab*conding debtor, 'Vdt .»forplaietill $858,37. R. J. IWil- sen forplit. PangClrini'tcff i Xfp-&lîscnding deb. (orl. Verdttt or plintiff $284,80. R. J Wilson for pla;tbtifl. brase,' va. Xemp -Absconding debtor. Verdict for plaintiff $174,50,. R. J. Wil!. son lor-plainti&~ .-Parhla:eutary. -The. follovlng billa have been rend a bird time andI passed. 'Mn. Morris, bilt te incorponate the. Mia- &!"isaga River Improvement Company; Mn. Dunkil, Liii tue nable the, Art Association of Montreieto . eatab!ish an Art Union; Mir. Mackienzie (Oxford), blt te amend the éct cf tincorporation of the Canadiat, *Litensry Icaîiiuie of Weeditock.: M. Rose, bil tu remcvdÏoubte under îLe viliiof the late Joiin#Gray, in is lifetime ai St. Cashb urines, near Montreuil 1Mn. Abboti, bill te attend tiho. trot William -tii. fosrth, cap. la mcd e crponate the truitons cf the Ameriçan Preabytenian Society of Mon- ireal;1-Mr., Abboi, bill!tt, ameud thé, ,ut inèiitpcradcg the< -CanadimaMarne.Tuaur- aulWon8y; Mn Aiiiot, ii! te amend ,the &ettincorpoeg ii.. Merehant'a bank ; Mn, Rymal, bll te grant certain polvens te tie Canada West Fanmera'Motua] Stock launrance Compauy; Mn. Morrist, bll te authois. tLe Iicumbeni and Chureii Wardena -et St. -lames' Charch, lu tLe vil lage' cf Cai-ton Place, te tees. certain minerasi, au ai-Poq certain landsa ote 'said chancihlonging; Mn. Stiton, bill te incerpenate -the Peigna, Ylora aud Guelph railvay company; M. Duifrea. <Lbavill,-leo mmmd ithe att of incorpo- ration cfI tqe jbr1t, aedejuy, M. Gan. -det, te erecitih. Pariai of St. Brigitte and ctertain, cher lotalit,..icte 'local munici. palilies; Mn. Carvnlgbi, -te iccorperate the lownee- Napacee., Mr. Wbite, an set for the. relief ofritheîern Canada Pan' toasent Buldig Soaouiy J. B. B. Doniîn, to change i.liaite of certain manicipali. t~,i aii onyu rhbasa; Il. Du. 4re Mntam), te estable tiie proprio- «1a cf théeIsands du Moin,, and- des B..r. quoi te malle negaivuiens for -heé -btter goveremeutote isd i.luds; Mr. Mon- -ris, te facilitate the administration cf ithe laie ltmbert8ta. Malter and Elas MittIt. ell*v1ife; M.' Putîpene,, te exteni the. chanter e(tbe Upper and Lover Canada bridge "opany j Mn,- Wright (Ottava), ta din de thei. muriclpalitf o e towtnship cf Lochaber ia iva wseparat..manicipali. tics; M. Mrrls, te ameni tha att incor- poratlng the. Lt. Lawrence Mieing com- -patny ;Mn, Durinitlu heorporale the Con gregatiocal Cellege cf British North Aime.' rita-; Mn. Tiiompson, tri empaver the. mu- eicipaliiy cf ithe village of Caledonia le issue njv debentures ilu lieu cf ticsé out. standing ; Mn. Muera, lp ameni ith. aci te eesoulate -the leit of tii. town cf Boy. mantille ; Mr.' Coven, reapectieg tiié Waterloo and saugeen railvay cemnpany. Ontmotion cf AMr, Oeil that the Houa. >go ilto Commitîe of sapply. Mn. Dorien îcv.d la amendment....tîat the Speaker do net Wlethie chatýir-buit thatit be reilted,itat an humble altdresa bu preteutedl te Hi. Excloncy the Gaver. nor General, epresentieg tistian airvante of *100,000'vaswu ade fromt the public cheat viticat the autiority of Panianent, fon rédemption cf-bonds ion a like amuatÉ cf the City et Menîreal, viicibond& vert ( ir1j"'uube-by tie Grand Trunel railtroed co y u tut by the terme ef tie Ondèr.1 îla.eeuncil cf th li Jane. 1859, the. Re. - eever-Generat vas auuioissi te rede.. tie uad bonda, ca acceunt of -the ct ff _Yeatreal, and- te hold the samu onti! the. amunt noadvanced (*0,00>tlth le- taretant six per ceas, b. repaid te the1 goverument by ii. City of Montréal, euh.1 jeet to thé o-àition that iaid -ii7 do lmi. nedia<.ly levy tié eeceaay rate te met the. ludebtudacs nder the. Municipal Loan1 FoaSdi.ct, and that'tii. aount' 80 adtane. .8 b. repid vithin titre, menthe; &hatd the. City of Montréal havieg fulfilled the condtlion cf paying il», indebtedueiscolderÀ the Municipal Loan Fond set, the bonds in quetiton vere delitered by i i. ecler. Géanalt te iCity Treasurer on iii. l5îi of September, 1859, viiereby aIl dlaims againasthe Cty, et Montres.!fer si #4 ' vasne.vu relluquisited ;- liti ider lu- 0 siruogona of tiie tii.. Miniter of Fitkn.9.0 couvoled in aletter ditedlondeu, Sîi Pe..mubev, 1859, addreme.d tâ -Mr. lIceon. , atein, ef the Bsoeiler.Gepemnssdeparl. - z»enýthe tamount et te Se dyauce woie tranfenid tu the. débiit iii. naWai decidied by the Speaer nat te beln order. Mr.r Galt made a brillitut an4 aidbe OP"$eobb"sid tbat the. motllewuvOUs OonveYlng a p. raonal charge againat hlm« belt, and Dot cf non-confidene lu the <*0v. erumeet Meurts. Cardier aud Melleé, and oter sembers cf the goverumeetý declared tïhat aitiiough tbe attaok wu aa persena! nee against B single xmember' of the gevernieni, îhey would stand by their colleague, and tuai. his clause their evn. Tii. amtadment carrled on the. followlug divisieon s Yzs.-Heuare.' Anl, Bell, <LAaak>, Biggar, Bourassa, Bownan,- Browa, Bar. vel,' Carcn, Chambers, Coupai, Covan Dicksce, A. A. Dorien, Eric Dorien, A.. Dufresne, Duakin, Dunsferd, Feater, Gag. non, Geoffrion, Holte, , oude, Hovland, Huai, Labreche Viger, Laframbois, Lajee, D. A. Macdonald, John Macdonald, Alex. Mackenzie, Hoe Mackeenzie, McCookey, Macduogal, Macfarlane, MeKellar, Movat, Manro, Noîman, O'Halloran, Paquette, Panier, Perrault, Pouliot, Renkin, Remil. lard, Walter Rosa, Rymal, Scatchord, Stable, A. Ut Smiîi J. S. Smithi, Semer. ville, Stirton, Thibadeau, Tbotnpaon,-T. C. Wal!bridge, Wells White, Amose WighL-60. NÂYs-AllynAnchambeault, Beau. bien, Bell (Russel),, Bellerose, Blanchet, Bown, Brousseau, Buachanan, Cameron, Carling, Cartier> Cartwright, Ceapais, Coclubum,,, Conger, Dornellier, Dacûsi, DeBoaciiervîlle, DAnia, Duekett, Joaeph, Dofrespe, Evauturel, Thomas Fergnio, W.. %m4,on, Galt; Gaudt, Hawood, ffigginseu, Irvine, Jacesç,, Frauda Joues# Ford Joueas; 12 1 , ogvie," LeBouili lier, 3.A.Madead, 'K#Gâý , gMrna, Pinsonaeaulî, Pope, petila, PFowell, Fric., Raymond, Bobitaille, Eue., J. J. Ecea, J. s- Rasa, Siiuly, Simpson. Street, Sylvain, Tea.,Torcotte, Walsh, Wilson, Alonso Wrigit.-68. Tii. Hon. Jehn A. Madonald-ihens mates! tth* adjot.rnmenî cf the Houe. Leteat nROunopea. -By the BdIgiass and &axonut, viich ar- ived on the. llti int.,-îie fermer front Liverpool, on the 2nd, and Londoadenry on the 3rddinat., aa&te ltler from Senti- hampten, ou ticelai, ve have -ithe . lateat advic.s from Europe. la the leuse ef Cemena on the firai thte goverament va s ked viiether the cf. fer Wa eell 1ii.Mer.ey rama for £300,000 vwu made by ihem ovuera, Umsm. Brava7 on by Mesans. Laird, the buildars Tii. Attomey.General replied that the ocicr came frant Meurs. Brava, the oveena; îLee WUvDs c ommunication viii Meser Laird in regard tu the sale. On a motion that the Houe go int commiie. ou the. bill te abelisb the reigi- ous test t the Oxford University, an a. mendmnent vwu prcpoaed by the conserva. lites, rejecting the bill , but the liberals gpined a victory by a majoriiy cf 10 lnaa full houe ,of 462. Mr. Reveil, one of the direetons cf the. International Telegrapb Company, bua beeh giving explacatioesat Liverpool cf the. design cf uhai company te cenaîruct a telegrpi te Ameica, sartling <non> Brest, via the Azoresanad French Islandt, oai Nevfoundland, le. A concession Lau been chiaied froni the. FrenàL goveremnent ln favor cf tiiie.., terprise. A capital et half.a.million la ne- qu ired. rihe London 7Ymnes, le referrieg te a ParI ismrenîary debate on China, ala thai, it vau prGved by Mn. Cobden that atmIeo presieni moment the. Position ef England tevard China îL e moral attitede cf non- intervention. The instrucdîoes te Britishi cavai eifEcere are te conine hbemerîvea tricily in -treaîy ports ln Ciiiit,aand îbd smali circuit &round thii., WJ.the order la nov onliîa vay. if coi already arnived, vhiuîb wyl dtaci Maj. Gordon Irm i theservice cf the Impunis! goveroment, The. Conféent. met on the 2ud, but no'img defleite vas arrivai ai. à propostai vas made and atcepted for the- prolongs. tioa of an armistice for fiftee., day. longer. Tii. Conference vil! meet &a-ate on June: l6ti. Feans gain <round that Loatilities vili recommence between iiie Danes sud The. London Mornng poil points ouiAJ 3T thât the. prolongation of an armistice lsaa matter ot immediat. importance. h la ne. preented tiat paplit feelicg enengeticall demande thi esmumphinaof hostilitit aiu tii. preset seasce, it beieg esipetialhy f-i. tenable Ite Daces, while delay wili nen. tralize tic Dacisi cava! strengti. Tii. leadiîtg journal eo' Copenbagen says. sheuld the London treal, h. annulici, and the Germa n iahutants cf a monarchy theunsulvea deïciii on tbein destin7, tie mset- tlemex ofetsucessniceyllbecome veid. p Ceu Tii Danishit hbianta yull uhen denend c.-e, dat, equal nigiuin eooing theiselves a Mon.- 'nditutie archial cr Republican governet ; tii.7 day ot Mai yull alIea decide vither te joie Germauy Derme!!, or 8veden. Tic laading Danisi papora violently de- Tuesday, neunce Eegland's proposition au lie Cou- fenence ton a division et Schlesvig, sndA.1 14 call foer cet resisiance. noce, at A French btoek-homuss been captuned ai Senegal, 1,500 French seldiers mma- Te- cned b7 itie bleuis. -ho foîîcv la the. Hanse cf Ceaimons Mn. Lindaay- postponed bis motion relative te îLe Cen. federsie itatea, outil tic Itl.1 Coni de Parla vus marrieS to lama. Leilla of Spain, ai Kingston, on the lOti ait. : rr The Mémorfat DWOioudgua, Mn ii. ZW propahie reanit et negotiatim iusvii h Holstein sud Soutiet>Schle.vfg, «etaaic rnem Deuanik, beiug enlied t.Gemay # ( aud Nenthen Scilesvlg iuàerporatad par. petuahiy viii Denmafr. Wietcaîvasfrier, viitt s pv..d feu. 5W O lent,, flour proviatou à »fl. or*icr - tir.a 4Il Irri tt i hi per.-i-Nszlutiiiu la pT Tic EmpeorMuWnisiltsserid-on 0U7 dm monang cf iitheSuth lt et Vera Crus, The p intic Notr ra rahl puU I&t" Abeti "ae, Mud i"Ore tenev Emperor llber* li't ed sud carnieS vitii hlmfour primeners con.oe IenoS by Gan. lrY ems urt h ed eig iiî more and p mld t iteir p saffl <oa à , i Icra Cruia, and disihited 3,000 franceitéP mcng th*. re"aear'au promWse4Ioa&tud, !the, to thair. < mmuedilstlon "Iearrva!et 1h2 th itiy of Mexio. A îvntwrsaitçpg. ,y a [ens sud did asbturve 'tin5s. tM., tiii..!y atveuînt ce L..u. thé---- - (Txbridge, June 14, le".. I gr.t bavlng to, annoucce that an sc- Cideq 'ccrred ln Durvillage, on Tou4sy lastt 'wblch ajeung woman-tbe dau;h. ter Mm lia.lemphilll-almost lsba i e , Aafrsm au anlern, sbe waa tandeb lu stev, viin aguat cf wind d tiie lauma tire the damper, Ignlting ber dlotb- ing sîmont intantaneoual. Thboe ing neoOe preent,ahe M ra rntically about thej ard, and before -assitne reabed berber limbe, and the levrer n t ber bd, werefuearollybuwned. Modlcal aid wau immediatoly procured, by whiçb me$'%, 1 am <lad te beur, ah. la rapidly recoyring. Thon. vas a union excursinted pic-nic of lone of the achools lin Uxbridge, Scott, Reach and Breck, te Wagner'a Lake, on SAttrday last, wbere the youngstere, and a number,' of theln frienda, eoeyed them- Tii. Ubridge BrasaBand vas ln t. tendance, and contributed considerably to the. plosure ei theoccasioee. WARREN- ALLAN-At the reaidence of JameS Carniichae, E&q-, O&hawe, on the .tS init., Frederîck, fifth son cf' John B. Warren, Eaq., manager Ontario Bank ai Oabawa, b Mi"sa Fnay Allan. ROSS-MASON.-At the résidence cf the bridee mother, by the Rev. A. Mac. Lennan, Win. Rosa, cf Dundag, f0 Mary Mason, eldest daugliter of Mr. Alex. Mazon of bi town. SPALD[NG.-At Oshawa, on the 9th WRXTR'Y àMAIEMT$. Whltby Jane 15, 1804. Fa!! Wheat 70 ta 84cta. Sprlng Wheat 'M te 78ctîs. Oeas40 w o 4ct. Peus50 to 54c16. Petatea20 wto 0es.WooI do te 45cts for gond, Octa off ior cotted l«' un* weabe .Egga 8cts. Butter 10 tW Ilcts. NE1W ADVERTISEIMS. NOTICE. Mf R. TrIOMAS Il. MoM[ILLAN duires te .LA nform ail permona having -butineaa w tranua with llm, t'ut ie l b. fqund, for the. preslent, at lei.11106 of esars Keller a',,l Lanson, Stlicitor.,, iezt door to the Royal Hoie!. 8 Ohancery -Sale IN CHIANCERY. BEvvwl Juin Vernon and Joie Siepheus, !lainuills. AI> John Terry, aed Wiliam Selhy, a <b Bill,) anîd Ire Stcpliena, Mary Jaine Baài,,and Charles Buden, lier I)uâbaid,aid Pliatie Steplicux, Latid Stopieup, snd Lydia Ste. plie.x, s u Iteahl teptists, tite hast tî'nrnannîud lusg litfent. cnu- dan the aue ef tveety-aae yeane, ly 4amnelIL Coechrane, t11,dm guakrd!sn, (maie peut,. luinith Umsac'aâ ft .) Defendent4. iv Um z Ira Itephena, John Vernon, and Jo>l>e biees- PWlabf. Join ery. ,pd Nelsont Stepbecua, <h.y bill,) and Charles Stepieus, !lioue stepiensi, SsiLft! rIeplîets, D.ui l t@j.lteua, aud Lydie hie- -pl.> i f ulw me ditls sgeet tv2ty-c.o yoara, b>' fiautel R. Cochrnane, ti! gard!si, tArY Jans Bordai-,sud Chai-!.,,Barder, lier iaabs.'d,(ruade pwartiescet bitta'a fce)efaa'. John Veruet', a&WIra Sîspiena, PlaintIf., Jein Etepiena, lMry Jane ihor dur, Ciaies Urieor, Cimies Ste. phot,.R»Wlelstaplena, pliat,. Siepbman, Lydia stie,n ud DaviSd-Stepiena, by Robent il. Mioore, theI gaudlan, Daen- dont». ANT te a décof ti Honorabla' ade linlteeIlut aboie tuentiened id tIte 22ud day et lMareli lut, pait, âw ender, uaie la each of the abois dtire. ease, besntigdate a i"s q luat vill b. aold bI iGemr'eHcry XqlreMuterof 6i .sai ourt at lhe Nieteenth dau or JIdy, tat Ficten cf the. dcci la tic fore- t th. CIâati of the osiS Mater, B) ren Street, lu tihe "m rN 0F WRITBY, ring Inn&a and propery, thatilàto teey, t ithhie o« OP RI4RA Publie Meeting DURSUANT tw a resolu ilon p; vthe f To w a n o i l o f e t , o r o i one W 1 yrequi.ring me te cal a public Meeting of the ratepayers, for th, pur ofettakinir into conxjldratlon Lthe proret orgaulzlnig B 1 bsreby glve notice. tbat a Public Moetinir cf the. ratepayera cf ibis Cooraiow!!!bc iield a tte '%O T~~ = & Xi xi a Z IMonday, 2Oth June, lest., nt ithe boun cf balf-pasî Seven o'clock, ton lhe above nîetloned pampa.,.; snd I re- quueat" atail,3.érmats ooncenned rnay b. tien and thora preseni , acdgovera Lhemlve a- cordingly. CARD IOP TRAMK. T HIL uderalgnad takes occealen to a.knov:. .ledgeImemnt oîIthm dollare. froms 1ie EysiLl verpgel Loundo, wad Buitai Ileerldc sÀeum~ics Compaulea, thou ibeir Agent, >Ut. . w. for providlng creakfsaîfor tiVh Ulwà lIre Company, while saastine te txtInpuli lîi lie 1.dàaaireus Irelà Whitby, Royl loe! Wdty, JACOB BEVAN. Bor àîw. hityJoue 14, 1894. 28-l1w RD IAN WANTD. A amnmttn, vie cen attend a Gardon tek. cars of! ermsesotd mire himacl oeuerbily usefui, can obtain attady empley- men, b aplynEV FAIRBANKS. JR., W hlîby. Wbftby, Jane 15, 188. 23 IPRETON BUGGY for SALE, (nsry ,ew, Ford'. ,uake> apply ta M. 0'DUNOVAN, Carniage Manufacrnres, Whitby, WIere tthe Bnggy inay bc e#en. 23 COMPANY 1 ATTENTON! T for il UI. tn11 (Tli?'98r Zandtmrd row, (FRIDAY.) evening, lAr- insifection by'*oL Drzlax, esci evenlng a&Il8 P. Mf. A1 Salsttendance, lu unilarm, la reqaeîed. By DArder4 28 Captalu. WH(> WWS BARGAINS WILLIAM LAING, Boots &Shoos?i T IIE undernitned bega ta ;nform île4 nu. Ircis nfriean d u Cgtnie«, tiat, for the promilt. ho in to e b.o(ùud et hi. rcside.îce, Dud" e. rrt, wl.ere ho i. prepaed te attend tO lia wa,,t,. or hio41itroux n a is ,A lsrpe lotip ulas', gent! imelim' aîîd chIulîl relie' Boots a'.d I;Iàffl, li Varia., ayli. aVed Ilroi',.the. kte lire inlre k breet, SeIIing Be Iow Cost! Ail Who vsant Bargdaa,, il! oeat once. wU. BURNS. WIiltly, JO eelis, 184. U$ Ibe! be! Inn ! 'T F.RUSfor sCcpiîving 1CEor ,lnirg th. y"? J !uf8, to be dolivered ,ieily, (double sup. ply au 1Satundal f*r Sunimy'. use,) lien. tim. 10 Ibo. p.ir day for thée euao.... 84G0 20 Ibý... .... .......... $00 30 li. ..4 . .... 80 40 1104' i'ayaîente--Cah laudane -JA)m SBRoUM. Whlthy, June el18m. 9n NOTICE: t! enoesy: 819i, 8100. 28, 020, ta, $18,814 a SM, dravu hj Thas. g(tl, aud RBout =sd 941rj, on or ahonil,.heIsth of gay. 1M<, lu ta. verofAlfred Lake, becana. va vifli ot b. re. aosbefrtheu. or aayr of tbem, havlng ne- oelved no valu fer the e aua., O c.»,2 2 91 , us ii E B E !B R A D I O R D . Just to and On* htudred idea No, 1. fupenlor qcaIfte for sale dhep, ai the 01* JRe ýters:, -A S CAS#. JAàMSBAIN. Whlîbr, Viay 25, 1844. 21 A iUC""ON SALE] NEW. ADVERTISBMEB*TS. $lAJOoWortIh ExLfÀ Brig! SIGR FOR -BUTTER@* ý Shoied'sOl Sad Il &J. CIUYPBIJLL DHAVE ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT 01' i4~ black and co1ored Sils, Baregs Delanes, Alpac,0 &c. Shals .aues,' 'tctryOottons, 'ib6O1oi îde, Straw Bont a t, Li:egShelinu, Gent. liia and Cap%, RîbonPtr A, Toweiingatins,coliag e8 raes HoaeryandGloe%, Damasks & Oaa-pts, Under Oothing, And an immense stock of READYMMADE CLOTIIING In mena' àhd bo1s'" Coats, Vestsa and ['ants, made up on the pie mises, thelft anid workma.nship may be depended on. -GR.OCERIES, and a Fresh Stock of Sweedish Turnip Seed, just received, ail of which they offer at a sial advance lbr Cash. BROOM'se WooI!eVW,001I Hlighest Cash Price paid for any quantity' of good Clean Wool at No.: 4, LAING'S BUILDINGS, F'amily Grocer. Prs.adoftebtqo-twlib on, S-kirvin's superior purpie top, Laing 1s i mproved. purpëtp Bronze top extra, Aberdean Yellow, . tp White Globe, Iinported by Wl4tby, 2O& i.*LSEEDSMÂW 1èry oppo.te he Ootmerial HotelWMib. oss OfferstheIaigest and most varied stock in, the Oounty, at un-.I loo preoedenteLm oProes, for eash ouly. ttouse, Baî&orDi âc 1<d Bailing-I have a-large dtock cf ? si W, 0as, Putty, Locks, Hng-,Boite sand ?aiIm, of e 1Whitby, Jane -1,, 186l' For Fu»ln Ue-I have Forks, Shovelî, Spadets, lay Kuives, PIew Linep, -hope Haltea, Sctbe-lld.a cf HgiiBloWi ad sud <iawÀ zuake, for ehAnmd grain ScYthe, Snaithis ad Crîieo, and, by Rakes of thé' Cek'invaBthrsKire eie u a Tin8enTsTaDomeaitw PuroeaI offer CheaKnives and Pork& 1 Skirving's Fpie p WmtrBrad Basket, ,Cheoso Tra Il Kni*fqoTrays, moies snd Wemgbta Lai I prove huant'. ire Irons, Swoothing irons, ilàan Irons,; with an ail but <n os ftflgholin's P aesortment t necem ar ntcleufor cottage er ninaon. -' Splndd uimerGodt FREH ARIVISAT "THUE* PEOPLE - CIIEAPCS TR' (MK BIGELOW'S NEW BUILDINGT.) £GREAT BARGAINS IN «m Beat Teas, Quôd, Green & Black ('rom 60C. Ag stok.-îffMn' dis', aQ dhilde od fnish. Good Mens'calf a 32e qCflOL -BOOKS.f A -care u!Iygad well' selected stock. Sta", tionery of ail kinda at remarkably low prices. P-lease try "ThePol5 liepCs Store" ? House-keepera wil find what a saving they wilI effect - by doing 80. M. H. icCHRANEC. Whitby, June 1, 16.21 THER BIGiHEST. CASH PICE PAID FOR W higby, June 1, 80 . M . O O E & D . le 1 Mu-bers' REAL 'ESTÂTE w WeaaaTwentSta dy ofJuidy, A. D."1, st ait ]FORTE ONTAIIO lUOtzL be sold- 180f Boum 1 AT Wlithy, Jutie iô, :S& R. & J. CAMPBELL Whitby, June 8, 1864.

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