on and à hoi thé in (asnm Gmu*rse BounBd" "t~ o eleot Iiln O m.j ~ ~ '~ e ii aalyisu1ition bi 1e1 n ,ope iNoth Ontriuontyand t lAfi twpn te cndiginsd -~ ecors c Nosli Ouarie rs&Tiri4* MIr S p4ople of Northp Ontarioi uret of Canada abroad, aj* wilI tend tb pro X 6 letat u wbhve ijabue hîhe r p' 4A"MP. 4. e n . orp~bM lo us tereprosent thent in Pari Dy. ra. s h o m e , e a d o eg e 1 a s. c e t l e - b t fAbw t l i g ly d id b c th n te ll th e O C9 dD l tt n g o p p o rtu n ity t u p r o v e 1 0 h u a b i l a e t n i a ô e'h og 1 l , e S o s u r n e AI0t a 1 Tii:~I?4wuîOI ~ ~.v 0tbE~ »ou~t seven!3j ubi freud5, d ma of b are t é aeamenda for blsj i o firmed. r1)i br~cbt ît ,~o a~ n iproet !knet, whiîeb idRt shoud $% dMwf A Ii ar eéâ,;and tia' be âpecae h- rg, Sbo i ta nu er on te mze enos nn R ms firf f biv , -È 1; -', -I , ve- wsacrtic htM. .O J,îeo, pîii 85ar ce 7, senveragesoudailoyh.aatenr aanceltanla .îwfrtotm Toronsm tW ,tuwo Pbeo rehsentng eh iterturég air01 1 toan yo fr the keup '3 e Ëied Ii iO *alCout Ã"s. - c, bs rtewd in te*i e quireW j a Ueiul 10 . oue cf P i vW lace r a sure trli i5 neau Sre 2 vrg, l.b î y O 4ýenM I itiets.joJritlntfrw - A codu clid L tiIl-mnît 1 o!1 Mm ' 4ii sî edance dhaiIfa tb uliJ Jf'ad1i ih ey sî d llitit 't. b ,m iko p o wwel f A lb erts B ertA n d erso n S tree -~i nedto amasnwi>& dnL ilcuccd$e ntletep1~ ~ aIMti~A. I~p4ua)d7~rUq' ~ jýeqJ1léthp plat.or, by R vK. N un, beueoc1i frhed *d at Joneady)son mab»tsgod ho. The, juge- cditlon à 4e. aIo,-.Billiaify ~4 b, Tis lame t IS zdtpJlt Uit4,.Téetniy~~ co the sabjectu WiLahrjà ih,ý ey arc ouiver. Ù: l à l taoiuc r'ae ws n~~g g 'ui&l p WloEsq., T. irkland. Esq,, J 4<>q.....a glolous ',lutoiinE rawt 0 M tiïul trqpis tuu, d j,, t d-r-"o" *içéi cUinga. a)aMreretaryak aîjaldy, 4tWe, à !IIuIîl Çnsern Baroaote*u ofraser, ». andiaambattut4eortiagpener? ct.na Loo-odioir of ,qhiijiDr.'yJoner' net villeGrammtr thYhl D.hFuerltii.g cdostoe priae anà d I ii mergywhich'ccêratori4'=ji'Jl'vile Gr-Xar caco> " ' rias oranizd.' "" ufCoutrc~ atiMaifaîuiigcuer ci e oîlointa vdb l [u . ene OU mqMrU arf ~ ~ BBCdt, *" - ' "'< _ È, ' *ý - candao ta Uic. eugg.dun iudntria oe~uj'lîî. "gtiltyaccrditg ta Mv Magjoaali. on ~i*igegp~t~<i>ter.oJ J<».J~ af<,J; Tbo ~* , Ioen " t do l. -' Rforera nd uil. ~ ~r4 n .oqt~ 't~ te j~uefw4u5o6eof ofe Northr. '0-î- ou»titu I séetield tin see at otluailtà î f0e. -1adb' èc êcic lei ý~-ic s *t< .~wro$e reetd~ berva tgve dowI L u a d t- he1aa aothg b ~ tii '2 t bL~oojcin"udb al u Mr ~dLi 1 am n4 foâ ou1iiid<u rvyo b Ao e 1èir et . ji ns th',iun The o !X Qel t nei" atr4t < ,esdtenaeTece iteBar s Omruooekiéd " ~- -'~ -1 o l t r o vl n e s 1-a o t u b e- ri he T s a n d a w 'r - dè î o tly t e b o w is b e d - -cfs A ,Tor w m n y à tpr c e v e jl'in~~$ lia ~ ajoeing Tu P<îic o!a ~~ t n ~,>j g ~ l. ~ ' o nL ,~,.. tya dicuslu l&atetoreuieofAÃ, ,'e- ci',fOag trs e .ritiuc iaisre iy atiotb iuls rviueji ba Gç er 4. -'à ',¾uee<â f- R d n i el rs~p dnqlêc, wenM. ddnl ovideçea t14s grat Aiuarcs, udBdpreoumtio au u 'nno-ti ë1 H d'or.Iw o otÃŽt, a, loirUstJu u'n d i ler Sr. <enetru toiô r awo~~ uo oiec î ~ MTrs !lvol d, Catit u0 at1t t e u ilsi aéui-t #116 etieis btoabog s'libs p- wIor i i otôipcs wîtbrze ojwcreln w w.om dvil uculud danttra:tan~T - able cti'a o u l' whurt diielia nd t1 on aycatc u.fu"i co 84c euL to retaalak- .in 1u<,O.dwiI"tuewor' ut' M<>roîopsse îbM., Mc.o, Wa. , u Prcvacer -for Mv.Maeoug~lI 4~ôa~r -h~ ~ 5 itw-a ~ 71>t/leEdi~j~o/ltuce7/ltel i ,t oa fJ t e qare ,14 w-rbe.flKJi ',sych1b -cueTeuua a g I id e .c s b i s P ro v n e , ri s otj ý à r s e U l e - q ws. t s cd*li u i i ' Mca r d e rt I r e Q à < ib ig ie sJrel o I e n c>le t " ' e r e hs a c t>o . t âti, a, . ý- 4M . . M c d o g aîspee e d e i l ' i î h hio hu e i e & ,n* h w-ib uy m ntar',<o e e & la or t bei. -u' -- l- Prosjne,-wuc vtlb.adbtoePrai b o.aio u h gtu ad ula oisytie i-rbrgi Pt t o M thi*t<grgaé giero ars, hs~ l~ toehI èfit lier - (rtjî lu. luethe meu forsti.i Mr.l sd ima-f Wig u'teted a îpi)doîbbe" Bels uedwetl, oîiu Iry h aisa al~e ~ sae ~ b bo 'lW A-frOik* itsrtou u)-w~ J. ~~. -le'aîr< a I i i " ' " " cba a r o fiv a i e t hI t c i t fl i u t a * W t i u t g o m . ~ h i r t - d Ao n n esx ae. ' o f b swo- u i l t. b UEr e'di t &o c ibd t e c o reÈ! M r q g . . a i . s t . . Ben.rninaun,îie byî -ýsi , ' ù'li rt n-ýe ) 9 ionothe aii-toutin gtothneuî on'01theorepure ooaty &-cutand the 'cidijEt, I ce Meruî ZlCo00j v tb y r ad b c e îî b ê'c en î v.a lt aa p la n fôl p rttiQ e s s w o eM ri >. B l ct , v e s e a e c a e. W:lW i tliiV t ' c a i e lnto î t a s u - -' r 3y n u - t o a ry , uep uig l y t hfis it 'B u t e .u sT b S . E .zi i B r w ii, a n t i >i &i l to f ivd d sN o r w - n. a m o ~ o d l i J J L T c e v s p t g u j j n n , ' ' a i i f < 1 0 À .tî'ýw ii h w i olarî ic î d i Ç' ù a rtie - 9o t a d i îtat rsy s anjuood, ai g iir ti s . «ac . M r . J. W 1sýjuÙep o'o e y a t re t*li e T uih elf h a i I u c ls ota ann tiaSail@as tJaufl tid g ,lient. en t e - u ho f 4 - - î c ei8e d o-u t.ijjy à u'r. qualificatih{n Itten4 -- ' M1rary'Utior- schà . rondere.). To prineipiesud 'promise Itue 1eriRk'rriî,frto t ionu,îe e frapregs tapoa yolirele Iîhe mIle litj to of xfmMi. l, Th pari»,-for, raems <Jmp.l, idvfb eein sd Épdi#lta wusen-a tain-temes c States.an's - f io"AsOteio fy'ta nco-amonlfl- for' Nt,' - ~? of e4440 li-luNetheniriirnfluenceis, id dede h.frae btwenhil seudc restaic potte - -bus etsesl ro1>prtestçn orI4iig rll-Cnsiu n tc,'N'n hoe*r oviii hel LlglsWaasudDcmgcartfor~ .-'. 'icireem rtatus'tpI ! iSlur.tse1wmau à iitesfo Nrta ata-e -w- Ti. offerndu.) - -bs -neRut.- tint ainguy, List Law-!.r. - anguiès 4tls ab itrueiri ruinaebu i turre ensfo Macdonald and ryetto 1 te~etr o~ lo un ol c,>j ~ ~ )t-5titttcU. Iy ~tt~ 'bt iJ* oîui~ ?i s h u ast f r ýc u e î t y e n i o - o - e t b e f euel e0 W ai u d.rlf I >etg s .pMa c - w c r a w s p e i rB e l o i i l s . f a . u e '- F ' s n . e u -, l e - i l L f i i s - - I .. « 'e l r e G.t, i n1I l.th e r.e@ S Ld1 ' B a- ' n a i - - w r ê e l l e # o d' Gesss a u d t b , h î c l w - ' v r y n t- r ltfIl a I Wit,'tlo'd-p t*1 aQalu ad i rbant o bi en ghâ, Moers vp e 4ngi4s tie me ____________________Onrs.' Di*oltioniluer.CLA SIo.-Fis*C As4-ltt.W Bl io n Vteu,,Aérnglnet n rtb a i hi tiNooci'b Ji u~egom'lito vaîlve 'sud , !lie rato Pri y, t ]Lv d ! r C ia lidr o. Zuhe c av ü li r i y. unbY i ss Sj ~ : . . B . B rown, and w h t h m n .- I ut h e i r rf t Ç>~ <ie i >~~ ~ iî' t . a r tt . 1 1 y e r , ît k era oVb ýi f - o î y h im-if irNu lu f g e i î o n t v d f ai i c u ?, . JUSW SDa vsin ul cra ersoho i-e-bLiu touhtw-s lwuC&Ufoe rog n-ui tiliut-at Onu ettI~mos~"fUasyptetnce ~ lie riîsh4pubicanprooae.- 'bv i -u 1 jsait Kv. g ias S. 0.oBrte. R . W l st l eteudiuê e haf dei U pOteit nt manero! rcngr uttlnnt-of4im- ou w- ka r nr s n s~v va .ccrs og . u eed ud ds ppo e4 olo l u C m rota ateet 'a s pe t iu>, ee~ is I w-. i- ilj ,La ain W s ths seiu ts' l o'N t < [ t1t IC l g el t t9 WIitt3 1 utttkai ps ?f ir bsp j~q sc usU ue cy,~siteuu ~ iiug~>n. - o în, t~~<codr qin.y irqalt.imuea l3uwita~ ~ EtL. it >eqal ~ oth ntarl iatiee cfIbs Ns-tsonraloCoreîîio. u1 o eepin afce it0etua set q~ o. Mquj~p4. fi utad le lIputîi Bras an eein. thorsala omuî'ua aidpli4 e iA sa.-nt av iumt.1g'GUbis u-prr' i. Mîas 0wudsset1neroitti'cï îl iins- imî tnej letn Ãfu-k , ýýi r èsôu tcèg ar i 13eliewn e'tthe prseni Mon ~ n . Sîl aIr id I 1 uet -eut l5q>tluot~tin o! b4.se piiack.es eutnutanc~, bis <arunea- W4edriômua setîaucles -Feaudci#s.. t. lwsdr.dsud fity-1ot yolbwîg ,ric mpgny Lislo Lttehoheped oentii esar. Mtceonlti n, ' fui-t>s rie - _ _dufc~&~T~ aïtte w - l u s in N r t br ', O n t a" b a f ~ u a s l a ô s b M i e u e c e k c l g irio ,a *0) i d iI,ýý f A n D rr r a k a ple d g e l o a ito i - u b . ) '0 t 4 ~ > - m, ieiem et battheeto -' - gguan >-c us <t Au>vb&atm for Nortw-h ou 0-aisi flçr4, ' uan.ue tPi CLunlmî , , fthe hve y obêefo m lai en dgwisugs ary.nur e neveÀr4>el-saw Wgo6"mèlu lasbuttlftie. vre hease- the voldseorA ~ ~ lJ~s. ~t~ o~e fer e~eeeutuiouLT ,opa ~ "w"> ~ ~ ~ -x sa ~bé.w~c ~- t.t ~ erOntt À does.) W.zn (e, theti L ist o f 1 *V e oq i, n la lt1 p ie c . a oran >' Mîr - ie ra .. a -*nu 78 ,eg ity rn- buà uo,4euuta&iau bpiY ,, M esT e Co rmx.-Dt. --' d e l uug~rIhu a ~iuî. jv scrfcene- e pf s--- c4 foulest yJeueidpis» ua s, ePtjet, rtdn@"-- be il -1 >.eauu fc iucule tu'cuo m o r s a T . R e l c b r U « 'n. - c iv 1 .. - rea u ~ < > t n li . X . ê bi 4 AIÃŽ ! ulbn t Ie ie ' u t o u i do î a * , . P1 ola s v,v i e r - - hIltt c wt t y t é , p j e ý n<ý BroalX rbCartier and odL 'o do nulb the re airai g stbjectti ahA d m ise * ÃŽtÙutà - lir- -'ee g c d v a ed i i m a s c 1 w a r t eu uu5V A p r a b u u F m o uea v g ç.u a e u ; 2 4 W r k1 . i ~ d - , r q y f u l . e i loch ever eut teales for M. >o-St's iamrtdi ' a<b agi:ewvI atas a. M u ac44sg A M& l4j d tftcsiiICa eQ r11 o ,iaoy~hn W bb #~ I,4 oouOf hdoatq 9 1 la Mress caleao *iiscolà tif vo!.t< , , <> ý- I ~ ~ ~ d c u ~ l ' * r a < ê a l I < s t lê d * db Ii r erh1a se e s.oî . f o r t h A sieeoi à !pv o8 t it ù È1 M ar t h e , h 0 7 à IO îOa t e , s i b it.,we vevqetei u at. e.Me lsSotîissL MosanogWsw-s n,èc os c a t*lr# ,upoù1Rna ÊrP tt-ïpuu &5 Riri d yt4î%g s h is"eu sc ,7 ei e -It '~ uaprvoi~u 13 ua- ~j b . . g v W r l s b i e b l ai n * , u a n e r - o f . . r hSju& a y , 5 Ws l o w ; sïl2 *a11 1 I . ra V ill~ a t b o - l e t t . t u r no u i s o - y o w l v a , s u d - t i u u t s r' A N M b u é . tb o " t ; * « b s W r h e .'s ,o i a i ; t a t I * ~ f l w c u - - 4 fi' .thhmy Io bëý s- qye i b-4 . 4 --- 00Af Y.4 , & m L L& # "P,5 ,t C.n0oo ' tg o> hi"tisrruv rd o l - te unnt i r. -doarà a frt î . ' ' à te t J Ot Qf, co~ I 50r is en-aiato WE oIl T i t cs. RL H e BttreDisolutio of th Union loi n l*i b 1Ille- tlpW !tb 910,,ftb oher mSiber of, he C* er 1 il. - se. Juï C vllm a i tu u > înçfe s -ard ; 4 th.tui h u ý i l:ê7 ui < *Tl jydv il d _ _ _ _ h , o , -r-. Ilft t t aa i or suà itte Po -eon '1 - W.I pfln apv~~j bis, païdmtertSvôtoO*Ii..lujof saie; haue ta oidvaosrp to th« besf' Oubimâaoqi4e4e and luauded us over W&lb6 Uiltsd Staidé, elaborïtes the "If ivsejpopîu, t4ad 1len.u lr-m.rk w lu hue couue Att ail> ffiuole El urward u,,n liât wrs : - Matif rïîi rL s-d - ' 5u -m>h - tl n t'oÇws ucut, jl u iib aware lt îp a frc aitdunîp. l in 'regaid to tM&pat'aton O!f hieho (.%I. Canou>fuvor. - f l i t i l l e mi I - t e eer-Can.ada, hoe vouli ponoltut cd) fui- Ngn44. 9»aaio 5uisu, u ;ie il[ go ,u'lir-'tra tui e g . blhtaaupMusen a.Jltrtrial. il, fht 4ufaa t-i 1 thkn~e i 5 île, cu-rask, tritud o p 4e20 a Y-iai~r Mfabigl -effie fort rm~t Q/~lIp.ji;trvai.u1$r - 10-n, cv Iléhue 'te Uiiito.s Lsà dfw uu. r cui-pt ttf'i,>-wat jia riuuuc for- liôoing atî-otl -t trt uen, by the f'roviuichuî Secr-' lIro also«euu bu' u Co;, bu c luh in o tilauri eugll I itliL dii f11o0o41It îrit-îtc' da- <'t-oi l Le tottntru, eirtiiang ie orlerlutel ti 'o0! nt'ila<:f ti nt-r-. ît-u ~~I< tUitî~d<,t rte the<t. wid iauitI t oilaer ctu~gr' 'as acha ýt, tesii Iieju uluis. <(ifr. taue~u' 'I-tt-iOO vutiLý 'net aide With'- ruigraili, W 41iebuitiur rt ', lt ldLy~igbtrrtwng. ua ppt>- - cl sen acurity for tlue contry rei~iapujuîep toêle <uwitud, -0 Chieis, atqcu Id wturi te peu lut (>utirio, a* %voil U6 ailier con- 1me1;i1u h oitelistdaitsut ilucsne befii uVstsiA% ti yory7 Con- and %#,1luhletfra obs eaa. - ~'wlb Onarloliue, IL 44Iw-~4n i orril ~r e u Soit pt r - A53I3*lO def-uinc< lrailii'Y consp- boavy ad nasifur cars, whith seain a streugtb in uaMl", tors. Peut eroui> i- twisîti's.-aud hyokoo, s'u iiaavy frri'uniul éo uiià d ti)j bIecoceufuciO ut 4b( -fragments istill- mi;ru. i doiealic utcustKl4 o! tin, conumted loaves etCheyr. mens dresses, saieaid dieu w-hieli 1oà itLtl 85 if.i <ni ovjiersv and eOttO,4t1 ly bîalo-y. Tie b;-ge j arbicu tic cars rcprdeni luealed avor o! meu w Ci-O iiy i4Ij Ill se tS0- fl *'hIjtt ly ici/iu f)lçlsanu hrdiaide) by ituet tsu,ied-mAisaa e Ut fi-cm a h e a v y c v a a ýLu . li e ' r be foanti henesiu. -ni -prcceatiad te W twet-str eul notice Iront 8a-pile 01 Sroi.)assemubied nomoit, ýontaiâl!y mvered iler > Ideiiy. Amuugr.the eow Jof Gerztall., 'Stý1Me Ofr w-hem ite luuantutid b -point St CharleI1s. *for ti tifying tuieurrhitiyeîsuad bdildin,ldimnly >iý,latd h1 opeuet for Ireîi aisr;1b aide byý'iià aitdlia f roi "uatments, to-tt u umiit Mtrullm id Sl.ai-eu-- vutisu aud little Cbldrea etl tu tui 7.tvn bajauy aittiti, h*uaig sac ïtho car kWo<lâà g4 1-1-