Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jul 1864, p. 2

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'n 'v a -- I ___________________________________ ________ !.......... I forts f iai nc re mate, te strcngtb anti mriness of Lim e ntmy cnnnt crin noan in the fiai li ffmah o!fricala overrateti. Na'. Camherotanus aIane, vrîfibatthet bomn- caaýty tallais clmarcer nthie jqistice o!flis oppoiion to c ïtnnena uin. fuMr. Mac- tougnil aras sAijportei by lime weinghy in. fllaerce o! the govîrtimaent, its patronage, anti oficials ; tîte Ctîaservntive ileaers avere ah bis bauik, anal eacimaly arote te iaany in the P.ttUmg stroragly urging lis ne- turmas a poiical neccmaihy, hie intimeitial confrerem Mesaýrs. Brownanmd Moaatscaur. ed itaecoistiiuatncy frona Northn to Southa lintieAs unsis of taaOneV nce eti n frettaTornito anti cîseanhee ba havvuer- evi.r mildlatieven purcitasc coulti ho cf ferteti;, faisehootiaad decii avre made te de an infaeaously large aork -,ie in suite a! aUl, viçtory aas for the righi anti Mr. Vanceron IscadthUe poli. For Ibis gooti vark, thte naine o! gloniotas id ;Northa On- t-aieailI liv. fer ýeven in oui istry. A dapriemin of- the polling atLb.eilut, anal present electiomas mill show how faith- fuliy anti-:aunfually thae vask waa donc. Lest yea theibmimt isys polllng teosi,. - Camerca. %Macdougall. Uxhridge---------1... ....aI............ 87 ..............--- 116 Ma&rs antina ma...... a Lueýt Tumaiy'poli gave. Brock-------------.... Ttorah>l------------1.. Sçott-------------...134 *u c sd ItAna . 63 1,071 224 45 242 72 72. laactiongall. 274 58 232 126 74 .00, 959 (iving 1fr. (lsmoron-a- majaia-iy 0d 112, wih, viti bine 60 against lim lust yenr, ~Iàkes a change o! 172 iotes. The activi- tty anti emaegy wlticb cat t in ha341 ad. ,diulenai votes, is wortllY of Il piaise. The second tiay's poling lutîer ns Ca Mern .......... ......--- Scugng-------------..7 Uxlritge ........... 61 llrock.............17 1'rtah...........**' 5 .......-------- Marsand aina 17 Toali - 482 The totiai numbner o! votes alacdouguil. 148 24 73 15 46 48' polleti latl year was 2457; vithin 427 cf final nuni- lier anre tii yeir poliedth ie firet day. 1 The state o! LIe poili-on the second day, -5o fan es-mwe 'cauld geL îlhe correct -returns, Up Lu goiag iajpess, wui asfolos: Retsrh Oaneron. Mactiauguil. Rec. ;1......886 369 Scgo--------15 165 ........-------212 820 S381 156 Tisras.;~- - 148 84 Scott-----------155' 129 1MaraandEaima -... 4 -148 Total., .... ';1271 M ojrity for csmeroi.. il-, BE4*a'ssjAmer! çt, wMite barsnhing uobtm1' eu-tire Wbittsy CmwiQLa f&'rté ',eaot Support glverkIi .to mtr. IL. . Cameriat against thë,oi. r. Mdùal Lu Xjaa >I, Ontiuro, amodifles bisthander tom , - . tThe Whiiby CasostOLEs la nàtiéeda' Il the MOSt IsNLUsmrIÂL Cr ýj! weukypuper lsotarTerônto." ,tTattidly seinowié6ged Oa l'si. Wbev I srMr.Bssch? Whol& t4é IêeB4rie f bus so opeaiy ciretiateti for tue puat fort. afiglit vire being turneti against ima, anti carageti, lasseized thea ppurtonutytto cul minutethie ause bibas already bati the inaisceacy to heap upon Mr. Cantema, by this affatek upon a ipporter. 0f the main mie have litie ta say, aucb mreatment of one tramn vhom, op te ihat moment, bit huai acceptcl every hospitaiiy, anti aimais ut bis avu ibreubéoii, spisaka for ituel!; hut the aet shevu h fliatllsitin hieh in thut Iocality marlce thnias ontst, anti matie su,80far t sMr.Mactioogal's Party vers coacernet, one o! miglit, nul ight. To reason vitb fuie eleetars, la expose falie. bond anti combat, ah. influence e! money, as ave ionemtly etieavreti, is an offeace safiicat Lo indue" the beati o! a municipa. lily Io violaète tio sanctity o! private frienti. abip, ti-iiterfere vith the liberty o!fte- embject, aui to ,acommit a brescb afi le peace 1 For the timse this ay, h tolerat' ed ; but for tha.eouaty's aelfsra, andthib credif of ber public mena, vs trst no ether eiection conteil may, ever ha makedliTy auch à diagracefol oumrge. On'Thoesday, the 21ât ingb., tilcbfi"' a! the Henry sîreet school en oeti a pieu. sai and interesling pic-nic in Mn, Got4q'a grave. At case e'cock tbey vers matr- shulleal on the cammen, andi, preeedeal by the excelciai' Brase Bandi o! Wiîhy, maireheti viîh an iaaposiug tispiay o!fiaga o! ail sizes anti bues, te Lihe -ime o! tle soperior music ofonaur ovnabndtihrog severai of our principal atreets. At the grove tbey were jolned by the John sireel anti Anderion-street achouls, mbere long lines o! tables veme loamaet for the romping, rollickîi, anti, y hyis lime, rathor huan- gry crovd o! juveailes, wiîh cakes, pies, farts, heums.jois, fes,cofi'ee, anti other îgootithings, Thedey wumIsaal ibat camld bho tesirei,' andt h. happy lithoe cravti enjoyet im-ý selves utader the eyes' af ibeir respective leucheri. The afiornaun vas a geral bo1iday in Whiîby. Tëne stores snd oiber places o! business ver. eetio, .cd mer. ehiaf ,and leris, employet anti eupleyee, pFoateti-ufto thse pic-ic. OiaTueaidaylait, the ohiltirei o! tbe Chuofe Eugland Ssab 8ceol epjeyeti a pic-nie in <b.suise gravée, biet eme undititi, wu a vry siesant afTir,- Large nuuialaeruf !fidiçi and,gentlemen, attoniet, andmideitietI.happy Iitti ues iu ihir holtdy amDase meai. - July 3Mtl, 4a regrat e e4tsIa- of Carp&,T ges, Buges aggions, 'Glgs, Cuteis,ý Steigheý, kWe.,ill tit. ;place ai Ma'. 0' ~tter opportulîy may nui1 again occur, for a long perio4 i ohtaimsjpýg ;ami oieI. leant aoticip in : thse above lino, eheap, sud- on- essoable tldaes tban s olffretiby' 's . 5I'Ié 1f~aîî~ tTsd. -' '1 If anyting wero vantiug ta- show the umpricipied it,ïa-ureocf Mr.Mactiougal'i coastal n NurtfiaOtaieo, illamuretitan- seu pUi in te moanemaed to-i itiueaaoe ihm electora, anti secure votes in blis favour.- ,Whrever mmomey ceasîtiperehase support, il haheen frely omployeti ; avuereier falseheeti coulti serve a purpose, it bas heen unhlushingiy tbld. Ta aur uwn per. sonai kiaowledge, an 'active minion a! itis crown minister, vbo, if report ho true, bas already heen weli rewapâe*- by !gfp.am' o!f pine timber, opan,,gevernnxenl lantisent into a har-roomin Mars,, anti "nteti the landlard flo'edôll&it to W hm iis bouse Iust ho kepiopen f or bMacdougall, hor's fiee, ge it te fifty P', Wheîlier tiis vr.s anme o! the moncy su liberally euh. scribeti in suppori'ýof bir. Mactiangal in- Toronto anti elsewhere, or ana instalanent upnan the crowmî timber, ve ihail perbapa nover know, the ojocî vas uuquestianable; - this innkeeper vwu expectedt t become an .4t~fo~ Five houdreti hol"ùd at d"sr i,- lmvited ly President Licolia te come 1bthtg bis foaui ef lIloul. They are urgea te u>x- Change for a 'andfali o!tilgreenbacs pIl o! a valune yet te hoe fing.ly ascerîained, a himnbor a lifém lia the great civil mussacre nov being enaeted uon the sontit aide o! Muson and Dixon'a lin-a massacre andi iabaiman hatcbery, having for ils .sbject sulely the suijugation of a free and Iéroic peoele ta the Juggernaui of New BEu lanti vmeeaiè aràd citton - ml itye~aitiy, i~e e striaction o! ihese mtaerigbl ht ehare the vory baste of the federal coeemsîiîation, the coiiflscation o! property, andthIb cap- 1mrs o! asionisheti negroes, as well as their mnaaier'e cotton; but if an unlimitoti issue o! greenhacks feu 10 ciarm -tbe inexperi- ence t te ehori4fenst o!fmiAie,9, thon, in Septemuier next, theo taclniIv'ry o! cen- secrijation will ho set in moion-the hus. ailI be toma froam eifie, ithe son frona the widoweti mother, anal the brother from - This gentleman ()last weelr, scom1-- ~,Iicaln-Jen Bohe M.A. piisbe-d a piece ef brutal llackguardiàm o~t Ae bes bynde-0. F. Lyaade, whic bubt for ils bing a fAir sanaPle' of <açeJ. hiame1 rr Citenwoodl. >the manner in whicla hf, amid!a gang o! OlancrYSle~S-B.Fairbanks. rowdies, advooated Mr. Macogll'is labn Servaut girl wanted-KM- .Leaot.. apon the electers of îl3ia ,corthern part o! Notl,çe-Br3itish- and Foeign Bible Sacle, North Ontario, vo shoold mint thans public- îy.ly have noticed. The editer e! this jour. Whiîy Br.nchBiblSOcltT.nal, feeling satisfed froua its long and ex- te8v icito in the Ridîig, thai 9 warI1personstintereat lati grown up bo. there. and thlatbe eomla do mach in 1fr. ONLY81 0 C NTSA Y AI~ Cameran'a behai,, by, an) interview with W1Idthy,ý Thurs'Iay, July '28, 1864, sose few amongtbeuý,, went aut, accoun- paniedi by oneofo!uer leading tawnsinen. At every place on ibe route, frana perioniS .The Dolaration ta.kes place n 1I bd1 rplîis orcevt h at Uzbridge, on SÂTURDAT utmiat courteey, kuanielm, and attention, next, the 3th inat. Attend!I outil ho reacbed the iommediatç aeiglbour. boond o! the -Reeve o! Mara. Wble thera, O n ta rio per"'p as a reîurn for the hosptalitlel N orth luiiirIO * upon tbat dignifary dnring bi visite ta- Witby, hm lieu abused, and-beat- GLO RL US y 11 J)R l en in the morqi inhumaitmmanner. At a LO 1110aIli iyi1 lutile inn wharo hobipautmop, while The nnextioist efeaed! peaking to some porin upoar election niters, lie met with thtis Reeve, Who by sa~vaflf~! vVYifUitb Tthe way, ig by the lawo! ibelant matie a i1.IiImt1ULN l~,i~JI!t .justice o! th e peace S î vewli as a geoiti. ma,(?) and nul imxg!niný for a orneseni, -(.ainceron s inaj. 100 ! frn their previnlis very tnieaadly relations, - that other tban the Mont anticalie feelings Mr., ('uetnsreftrn n a sWCPtping were enîertslined _owards -im,' sddressed aaairlitY Îlats!aiireil. No'rtia -) 'rialiais gome portion or lis conversation to.Aimaa, aîot oraalv relieit'tltî.rsal! bat tprerevd anti as ail wbo hbave -kauo lotla parties tht' (ouaatmy's branor. 'rite cruislmiaag (is- graca o! W. xnctougýnll's triolaiphs ii tiis and their intereourse during tlme past tew lamai aciîeatte nfi is palitical tergierstttin yenrs, wiit ut once und,-sand, in thse mai andti-rn teaîgi avertei. The people htave coarteotas manner. Wmmout the excese ,rvisn aap -in thcir strengali to vitadicate or provocation of an ili Word, or even dis. thira rigli, anti confoaaad thi hase Ilotters paute, h owever, the Reeve savagely set agnainst an hotiest ext'rciaaa of -tlair privi.tapon hlm, irnocked him tiown, ant iciketi leges. hlm, aîad bat for tine interference o! by. çrY!etye r e laatie on.hty otatt antiers, vould have carried hie hrmtity pr icarymoe ntay in.Prom tle Io a mont danirenous excess. Il vas in . lirai we f<c iasgtiredt tain it tclta cotst- fuel with mach' dîfflelîy hc vas finally tatttn aoaesy mat rglt maui riatnh tot away, andtIMr. iggins rescueti. Thae lied thte resula heema otiter miait m e av altttld, indrcii, iive liming otar heati in eatie bull7 îhonglit, in ibis cowardly way, am ntemai dis;sair. 10 samy aur efforts in Mtr. Cameron's inter. 'lTheimagnitude of the contesi. theo f-.et. The momey and falsehoode vhich he ai ttakce, ama ti trt fir lTtshaop urgedth me returai of Mc. Masdougaîl. Tie circulation o! ahemie falaiehoot were matt onîy laaown toi, bat emcotuget by hua, andti hes bear- ors of tuicu rece.is'et bis coxntpnane anti approbaionam. Mtani a pour !illuw, mitose zeal !or bis religion, exceedet botinhis bitas ant iInformuation-in taaaitira. vas h -de-saraion anaad iatasr rin. A sacla. itidecti, if ht may lIc r60 citleti, - s-as tritlitai as vci, aiti a vis-v 10 some sori of conatiiatory arrangeme-nt, andt La:, toi), the bs-Cinadian alloaro!the Niagara. Iloarce Gceely, wbose f!tt'aticiqsm bat donc - oo narhi o brna abr.)ititite war, vas the fao-t, tay a strange etincideaice, on titis ce- this maans induemd lto vote anti aci far fehdasm 'fca neve ihM tiffsrentiy froua vaal hie otheru-hiema-st S .Sut*eeatt t te etta 1t unqmeatioanaly voulti. S .Suiitsadaw thrgnir We br mch o th rui:tyof ur n aaajnOg aie confidence o! tic Rich- IVs eu mcho!lI. nntyo!oai~~t -moud gomentaa, but wheu the peaco stitaitions, andthi a fedeini of Ota ceeunirpra.emaamsnsatittiairLicn btthIis oontest lut s-mwn that ne safe-. v er ent ba, k. o..m ..,;,a, nd gaiarda ean secuennets-ier whlers bad men in ui pistes, are doer'minsdti o set Ihean ai nouxbt. 'ihb- meurs ai hémbac cnamant I are so nmtmer<mia anti powenfel, abat fbe triumph o! trulla anti rigbl iî hy nu meaus Scetaiaty. Mass CtRuseta.&sSciao',-.Thm annical exaimlnatisan o! ibis pormilar scisool. bnoi place on Toesiav, the 2ml imet. Inu'ihe siat L utatl muical eaferlaînment blyibm ppis ioekplacte ln-the bMechanios' Hall, anti vas a gmoa succea. The hall vau eiowied vif h the moist repectable o! Our- tomnspeaple, vite evinee t eir pies. soresu uati sfacionuaut theprogreas uhaicla tiseir fir yong frienals andi relatives haW matie, durnag the pans year, endtiefa cars- fuI tultimi o! Miss Cusa-olI. b! sinong marks o! approbation. Misa Kelier aati Misa Dom 'pre ideti ai the piano mith excellent taste and ilit. Miesa eynolaiiitqiitteti horself meil is the vocal pieccaussigiiedt a ber, as indeet se titi ail the youmiag ladiés talinz les-ons in thai particular accona- plishuacat. Homieyen anxiomas vo aiglat ho te point tu those mio exeelloti, il voniti b. indu-si, itiffeult fa intiiv;ulaize w1aere a1 id fitoua ell. Rci'ationts, dialogues, Lcgave a lively intereittîotLue mbole programme o! île evening'a entertainimeat. Awen.g th e etfer amdies in ibis sehool, French, munie, tiramimg, ai mmii as aha graces atdtecoruna, whicha are the disin- guiihng featuies o! tbe lady in afiflr life, are taagbht the pupils ; andt hero are fese mIe are htter qualifletatim upant aIl ftâe siegant acetimpliihmnti ta ber pupils than thb, Yaung Lay at the Iteutio! this sclaeol.Tise restaIt o! this petit sais-e, munst have been -as grstifying te, Miess Caroll, as it mus pleaiing andi satisfactory ote «b.parents anti gartilana cf ibuae utier lIer chtarge. No Gô.-Tbe tereifieti Govensun of the 8 teo!fMace,, he gt tre, hair on -bis beati sliclued tieve again. eepetI raid faiâm Ne* 'frunsvlck diitin't cume 1off accoilasgtimlne,a'nti inew postpod ne heutey.So abs oilbis muilia moec tu ";go hum,," 1sufùd.tiseLineoln gainho&ut ta loeok uften tlaeeafaty ofte Befor -mibaera. Theue of Croayn Timboir." Il if strage ihat lol-efrry erten- oive destl imira tiuaer ant'i aam lgsin , Xort4'bntarioSboulafd hontrl ad ont.uI ý portersj>!of z Xcdougialt. Do, tlsd vOtOI4 anid vous emtahin 'tAs pmrhau êr4 itotis squefi as mthe Soutah caatialti mot enter taint, and tihaa binatîer <î.l t îbrhi. The uitiç lehesa of!hic asalainc o! prosapective 1 jeaecc'for a (cm houri giatiteneti the i i-crm.s o! she uortF., but it anas apt-edily ohitemret by the biack.clotatithaenvelope thm Presidi etial paideunuam' at VaOI. imiton. Il in a questionmi vuh man, mhether tI~ for a Ilbigs$Cam," or a big fuct- Lie cela bui a peatuisr vay of doing tiaingl, t mua>' b, afler ail, bei an îingentatbus coum. trivance Iot fiarien the Cenfetierts ittt subsisuio. The Indiama paint thair face. au terrify: their enomies iand itise' Clsiase rmalte a terrible rule cnftoua toms, antid tiaplay long Unes to! fritrhtfaai images, viîh s lke "stratgrtc" .,Objec in e vicu; uho kuowa, tberefore, bul vuima the recent pro-j -clumnation o! Mr. Lincolin, calling for fire iemidred thoutanti more men ta subjugue the Souath, la mers!, the raamie o! a Chiase ftom-Itom, or a daib of var paint on the face o! Grant. CAiNkT PnoTooaRAea&.-Mr. Bayless, Agent for Cooper' Cabinet Pirofograupla is nov topping ai ibm Royal fetel, Wbitby. Thcae ph>otographs are copies of the moaI celebrateti painting* lu Europe, by the greaf masters, andi bave been coala lecteti at a great expenao. Âamong t4s cabinet nemi offereti for srale by Mn. Bay- loe, are copies of Lantiseer, Michel A.mg eio, Giilies- aBxten, Meyer, Huebuer, Wad- muchler, Guido ieiti, Raphuel, anti a large nambea- cf tise mont celebrated, masters, -s alsu frona Bas-Reieëfs of Tharvaltien.- Thaoset ïor rreanwhoebav atasi or vhat ite hautiful ia the ati,'-yldavi te cali anon. ales thime oa bt miere be wyul ho- stayiug for a fev tisys oaiy! ýTheau reproduction&,retale aIl th. sharpeia e! the artiats' pioý4ç iM e 'thb, softnîss o! a Mir0stnt -and mae mos beutifoil ia toue anti delicacy. Amnenicaus War., Tisa nemi fa-einathée s.e of War, durlng tbea. *eok, il exciting. On Fi4, Shermanà antI fes' (hp cumredes Jebustea) f*rcetè ad 'a flgbt beIhi*Aî- lanta, u in ibte fètimr lls ackmovledge a loisoai ô aoutî290--illéand wuotuudedI anti the Cesfederate loui lareported at erats arenlt9ia l W oimon1a Tkèaraar (cOuil E l4Ito N. .",The crowded audience which attendod' ho vot. lnaring il vith lbheoul o!f manure sud laber appliedt t it, andi credut log it with ihe procéetis oa! ils .rops, miaulai seen ascertain, -prmciely, whal er epe ho1 vas .g9rowing teýproi, anti ulai invDlveti bin in lou. -Ton or fifteu jears o! socit rigiti acceant keeping miesiti qbali- ry Iium' fervile uf'oiness ;the record o! thm avergqesta, tittù#h tltafié year,a'o bis m ltauranti cals per 'buibel, ru. spectively-aud so e!fbis oterprodeots- t hiat exhibition on Tuestiay evening, shows ,eiry pleasiagiy ihe dccii italerest taken ia ahl thal relates to that -moat excellent 1in- stitution, aur Graniar Sobool., We bai ne idea that on such a bot nigint so many attentive people couiti ho crammed-esî liicreily they %vere, itth ie Meclianics-' Hall-commodioais as iL is. Tl shoulti serve te annimiate ohih achere and soholars wiih renenret enorgy in the prose- cution o! their studios, anti ae muet also add wiiinf more icareful atomtion oteb gcttlng u to these hlglaly illeasalnt anti - seful enteri' aitnanint. e do not desire ta be bce understooti as ýfititing fault, ha. causeas a matter af fact, ae werd sutrpris- od- anti dlighitetl aith the saîccessful mati. ner in which cacla Paritavas gaI îîp anti presenteti, brai tiacre ere severa liittle thinga avhich etruck us ns evincing a haste and .vant o! catre ahi-in shouiti be abviataîl, and Lu aviila ae feel, tuai in tae mosi kindly avay anti seokitg only tîseir gondi, ve -hantai directs the attention o! tiatse youaag people muta worc comispicuous oaa that occasioan. 'Vie recitatioaas, tliuugh weii Ciioselia anti comn- mitiedt f0 îaemory, dit naît appear toaliane heen stuaiet.'llîeir clie! beauties a.s hi: orary proaductioîns, acre conacqaaently poorly prcsenied, if tint lost. "hme ges- tiares anti posture, witii ai-ictitt ey acre deliverd, were often neitîter pleasiner or graceefatl, andalthte voicia anti cotammenance la'ketl, in manmy insgtances, feelinîg anti ex. presgion. lai tlis connecioat, Miays Laaa.n, a voaang lay of greai proaaaî., L ta httii we have, on treveral oaccasions, calleti at. Leation, wili pardona orar sgga thîe absolitt neccasity-of lier speaking monre loaat, iiy aîsinctia, andi slowl3,, aifsite avoiti be îacaîaarly aîîîarcciated. 'fhe iaging. rlhoaaghi ilshaoretiîl dvoices, aati com. sidarable cîatt;vratiuaa inin os'. o!fuithier. frnaers, titi tit contie tîp to wlitlme bat a rîglat ta cxpacCt. WC, perbalpg, siionlî tnt tank for great vocal'art, or much ara. mnatie force, but certiily ave migrat have more feelinag, more tenternese, more sont. Vie somaga, tao, avere mot traiecteti wiah careftil attention to th.e sîimgers, or thte oc- casioit, anal tte caanitstescentiedta a kîmaîl rf irawh. Mîýs Crne eviaiced t , iil taste, andi bas a farte fresh voice, witich tnane lit-r very acceptabhle. "lite Nisme - hloae, Lynîle, Watsoni anti Bruce, sing pie:taingly, anad ware wraraaly ap;alautitrt. Of te gentleman singera we say mitiang, trustimag tai Mr. WyaiCs fi-ce use ço! tlim.'rod iiuring the tmtstinig terni. V'flacscees rom te .ilira-laira,f 1 , Tarit ant i te Ladly of IthLc li.ai]al nutlie ie(fecLq of the recita- tiOns ;tise aiant taf tlaougbt ama tI iatdy laeing aitLimstact tpietasantly nîtticeable - ! %oil it it IfCebeter ai ticlesta atiti- i nas, nal -cîooste pc-(S rctjatîing iea.5 lus. trioricski anti abiity to miake tlaom tire. .entutie ? The lirait gra reqlaisitna of al itcer n liishie, te a tîtoromigla unaier. statati!imag anal raastery o! the ariterls intett 1anad ieaiima ; Lais, at-cf-ar,lat mlot beema evean asatyactaalahel We mtake thesee remarkm in the mosi kinîlly spirit, anti kaow tinti er yommng frient.. ailI t%.Lke hrihmmasithtey are imtend;ý cal. Feeling, as wue'o, teaarinssinimter. est il, adi lima' comacermia thett, aur word ef advice taast uot lie miiîmterpreted. Where Wil Il MIcdougaiI TorseI1 Depf.ttid in Njaatb Ontario. bowieti ouf at Niagara, vbat const;mueacy te openi, or for sale 1 Better perhaps carry out former iteats anti go ta Waahingfton. lata susad ltai Mr. Wells viitrui"gn North York.I We omaiy muithoumal. The second dtioeat viii be an easy nastîe,. anti auready prepu. rations ta enaure il are heing matie. The Newi York HercaId sy-that a formai tiemanti bas becu matie by ibe T enthasitastie tipporlor, anti cutI las vote thicside o! the aireatiy orpuieneti sister, anti the iuaenca wicb bies mate ioii sii. anad led by pronoat marsitals like so usany key enablet bina to coman'd, in favoar of siieeP to tic greet Lincoln aiauglamer, Peu Lhe miin's candidate. Our ob%,?ryatiin mt tic South. in thie one insance is but the enperieiace H vee iokia o ta0elig of others in diflèrcat parts o!fîlae li.ditag, - ' maaa b1e '.0comtemllate the bavoc of andt Lu detail the varions stories asiithalirefeltta property tirai tbe tirs-e iast yéare bave comoe o otir cars, of siitmeless bribe-. bave vitaesset in aine ueighfîoring niiub. ry anti opein corur-ption, miolti e to 611 lie, it bi no lesa ebockiag to' relect - upon our columas. Just, in proportion to the I vata is euhii store fur liant unhappy poo. value anti'cons eee o! tic take <air pl,if tbe ranmstrous intention of Pcs-sldent whicbh he playeti, bas boca the maseofo dis-.iLincolin atarihiea c1chiata, o! dragrrling into honorable anti dishuoeit meuis by r.tearmy flac hutatredti îbcama more men, M actiotgeil ant ishi bacirer. MIe kninav. rom ea creatiy exabastea ptopuations of fetige of, anti ehare in tlasse transactiona,,. tue noaab anti veet, bc carrieti into eff.cî. may perbapi remain conceals-ti. futthat leTilatai n iaiat nihe lolycn oave tic numiser o! bis atiherents vcry tiactira apjiear tsi bave been iron-ciati for iargety f0 th*m, thS part vhicb personnhiy -mtetccritiita, atad as impeeterabie t e we have talcsa n in e camsa, enablae s tomiiaarif a humant- ft'albng- as thiinv postiel toav.Muitomrarare Iothe laiboita o! thre C.araedcr. p e o d n y t h s e eofiti e i y f 0 a e r.a i e s . I r d e e t i e p r i s p e C o !;p e n c e s e m e S otin ly îuportibis froc aise o! naney to bliel"advancing hacawards,'ý antuer than inolrrie abnainig supprt, va tue dareit raeDow ticeti tpon the Caiholic cectors. Lving iolcss- iaimotagrhîasjs o hragart frni Trono~ rmcdwîl friselefi o be li'aiealfor bat tie intervention of bragart frm Trono,, ariedwit fase ianeccifati providence to rave tic tavo sec- ietters, vent everywiem'e amon lias-na, say ' -- ,, 1 tiqtt(if the laie Uniteti States from ua a 1 i IUpper(Caniada. ANAL EAIÂXft,1864. The Aunual ExaminaLion o! memuhers of Meehanica' Insaitutes, accortiing to Pro- gramme publilabetin lia teJournal for Novemaner. 1863, look place on tie Tth, Sth, 9th, andti Orndeys o! Jadie, ultimo. The subjecta propoatti for exanaination mere, Artimptie. fock.eepiag,, Emaliah Gramnmar nâamt.'nali-~iai, Geography, Peu. mamship, Aligebra, Gcomeîry, Principies o! Msecbenicm, Geometricai anti Pacorative Drawimia, fiston, Trl-ojnomt-nlry, Men. surafiain, Practical Mechaics, Conic Sec- tions, Cbemniat-y andl Experimentai Philo. supby, Geology anti Mineraiogy, Animal Piyaiohng y anti Zotlogy, Botaay, Agnictai- tare anti Horticulture, Piaitical anti Social Economy, En,<Yieb Literattare, French, Germean, Nmiic, anti Ornementai aud'i Lamatscupe Draving. Lumt year bat senen candtidates vers exaiaaad, amat five sahjacts onhy muren up. This year îventy candidates were reporteti, sevPnteen have been examnincti, ama t welve liffecent suiject a tena p. Tiese, viti tie E-xaminaera theïrcin, are a Aritlmetic-MX Barret, M. A., -1. D., U. C. Ctol. Raok.kepissgI- . f lafan, Esq. 'Englist Ga'mmar and-.Assa -. W. Cunnoti. . L. D., U. C. «ta' Atgebra-Jaweà Browni M. -A,, U. C. Geamelry - Jnoi T. Hogri-ard. Eatq. Menurcsatio-A,. McMurthy, -R.A- Pftrt,., -TîÀ... I A. U A15 Freeu*-E. olon-, E.i Musie-G. W. Sîratby, Mua. Doc. Tr. Col. Pcssmauisip -G. A. Barbet, E4 6eon&. ansd Ont. Draamsg-ýY. G. Stprm, Eaq. - a- Comniitee on Eaamissszie-Rov. Profeusor W. flincirs, F. L. S , anti Pro- fessor G. Baicilanti,- University Cailege, Toronac; anti Professer H. Y. finti, M. A., F. hi. G. &%, Trinity Coihoge, Toronto. Theo cetiiites avardodti y iBIoard are fur acftuaal mont, 1aati ni for more conipetition. The- lut Claus Certilloate indicates4tiExcellene ;-, the 2nd, Claas, ber Wbi.b Moianicti' los'tie., Engîiah Grauaaar andi Analysis, lut diFaiscertifi- cate; english, :iteratàire, (M41it n ant Trench) 3rd clsa certificate; Frmnchi, 3rti eais'certificate h Munie, 3ridosla certifi. No.; 2. JllsnG.. Rob!nsu, uett17 Whitby Mech anicu' hustilute.1 Arîtbmetip, 2nd clans cerflcaae; Englisht Gràmnmar snti .&alyîls 24-ticlais1certificts;- En. gliisb literatu Pre (Treneh antiCraik) y2àt claus cetificate. 1.No,-, 3. Wu. H.. Ballardi, ageti 18, Whithy 1tecbs,ýmicý' Iiititte Aritlswotic, lut eIasiXcertificate; EaglsGrammar anti Anatysis, 2nti -lans certificate ',AI. gobra, ý2nd alascertiflcaiol; Geocaptrry, 2rd closcertifiçaaie.- No. 4. Jamest H1. Patonama ged 11, Whiîfy ;Mecbamiosý amaitute. EmËia~ Grammair andi kualys 'is, Srd -clame certaU- catpi;Englitis Gramuaae and! Atalysis, Ird le- IXiery itfO 's ISto Wlhtbv. 'Frliape inoato! our readers are notý àwarethat the Board of Arts and Manuý- facetuies for Upper Ca nada hbave establisb-. ed annual'examinations at which candi- dates presenting themselves are awardet ceraificates of honour, for proflciency in the different depariments of Literatiire Science, and Art. The Whitby Mecha. nies' Institute with an enterprise, anti oye to the interest o! its nembers, which seeme te characierise al i is movemenis, tii year availed ittrelf of he privilege, and sent no legs than twelve of aur young twnspcople to compete for the distinc- tions thug conferrcd. , F may renaarl<, anti ae do it with a view te giving credit for the attention inti activiiy it shows, that this is the only blechanica' Institute except that -o! Toronto ihlh sent candi dates, andi even the Toronto anc only mastered seven. The result o! the exami- nation is not only ominently crodtuable tu tîmose entering for il, but te tbe town te amhich ýheY beloaag. " i is cause of con- gratulation thjat the people of! iis place, o! the whole Province, shoulti take thae Icati in a imter of! such coosequence, and Acqauit themselves go well. We siabjoin the report of the Boaird and exaniners tapon the papers o! the tifferent qandialates, andti i-e testitnony it bears is o! a .atisfactory, not to say flatterirag character. It wilI bc seen tbat the cleveT ahi giter of Thamas Dow, Esq., lias re. aiveti distinctive notice, anti knoaring as we do thai lier merits, as a -scholar are ertireiv tidue ti te teachers cf aur own %cla.ols, secoaadled of couarse by lier own aLctive iaadmatry aati ahiiity, we prize tbt compliment %Il the motre highly. quenci of their tnot being duceesiful with the deductfons, I cannot recommnend aý higheï certificatée -han f bat for 'ea.mmien- dabieess shoiti lI e iawarded tlwmi.' On paper, Na. 54 the report asys, 'enis papers are w riîîema out with great careles8nviCm and are nearly ail ineomplefO. The care- lesaneas is the more improper, perbaps, froua the fact ibat he could, in my opinion, if lie htd talei the trouble te do sa, bave done ail the propositions froua Exclîd cor- reotly.m The Examiner in Esagfliulr Literature reports on Paper No. 58 (J. G. Robin- son) that i..is weîî entittedte toàa2nd dis oertiflcate, falling, i fact, not- far short o! being worîhy of a firsi clani place ; andi 'that laad not No. .,50, (Miss L. L. Dow) thrnagla some mn!rtunate oversirihi, omit- ted a*porticn of the work relating to Mil. ton, in tho 2rid section o! the exmîmitaattan thereon, I doubt not bot thot th!& ctndi date would have won a 2atd cîsos certifi- cate.' The Examiner in Frenirh reports on Paper No. 50, (Miss L. L. Dow) 'that the translation from,Frencii into English is the heet part o!f thc Paper.' The Examiner in Music reports on I'apers No. 50 (Miss L. L. Dow) amat No. .1 (Miss M. C. Rowe), 'that No. 51 an- swers the greater nurmber -of questions, but that tie anawers of No. 50 evidemace a greater advancement in the knowledge o! nmugie., Lr.cTURE.-Thos. MMary Esq., late Agefi o! the Irish Teanipurxaace League, will Lecture on 'iemtperaaace in the hall af thte Mechanicta' Inistitute, on St&tnrtlay rtext ai 8 o'clnck. ( -and Lodgite of Canada, lite foiioving, is a complete limt o! the 611cears electet nt tha.a recet commuatica- titan f(ia it militoin M. W. lBr. W. L. Simpeon, Zingaton, Grand àMaser. R. W. Pr. A. A. Stevenson. Montreal, Deputy Grandt Master. R W. Br. John Renshaw, Grand Junior Wardema. R. W. Br. llev. Vincent Clement. Grand R. WV. Br. Henry.Groff, Grand Trea- sUrOr. R?. . Br. Charles D. Macdonald, Grand Reg(iStiar., R- . hV r. Thos. B. Hlarris, Giand Seerstary. R. W. Br. W. W. Smr, Gran Tyler. Gaý (The las( five otl'tctra were re-elerteti.) DITTDarttrJEUGI'r ANib MatATEtat. P. W. Bru. C. J. S. A,akirraé,.Lidon District. .P. W. Bro. D. Cavais, Wilson District. P. W. liao. Charles Kathat, Huron Dis- trict. P. W. Bro. H, B. Bail, Hamilton Dis- trict. P. W. Bru. Ilobt. Speace, Toronto District. P. Wt". Bro. J, Milue, Ontario District. P. W. Bro. L, 1. Hetaderson, Prince Bt,'wartl District. P. W. Bro. Robait A. Smaitht Montreal. P. W. G. H. Bonlace, Estern Town- 1 -. W. Bru. Pope Qaebec. P. W. Bro. B. Lyoan, Central District. P- W. Bru. A. S. Kirkptarck, Grand Sema. Deacoma. Bru. Geô. S. Jarvis, Grand Junior Detacon. la Nssdecidëd' that rîe inext aanual. CtMM illicti'on shonîliehul deu nt.To r- L'entaioh -ielt.ïnl. .Wenotice- wimla regret mue death o! thie late shoriff Jaivis, Wbich tèook place ai Rosedal e, Yatit1l'il , yesteasý. Ho e-wu at oneîleeIsea Iebrfihe towa a!, Yorit, (nciw Tarateo,> in -thée Legislature o! Upjter Canada.'Hel vas an-arden pl ticien o!fmtne uld tsod now oearlyexi nct 1achoaln Fo nanyjers he glidlet he la-ai#ta mvo." di Spmi.AnnlhtlExenlnation di the U. brideCouny<rmmrRho _This exhibition took place on the 24th ulto. The 'rstees prement wvere jsp Aould, r-sqtnire, the chairinan of the Boardi, andi Johin lJiltbisrt, Esq' A nnimber of ladies anti-cnflemets faerldeti, and manift-steti ,îinch interestin a th e e. anination "ie only Clernmmprement %were the 11ev. W. 01Gllanal, Of the (Chircla o! Scotfld, andi the Rey. %W. C. Washing.. tont, Wesle3,fl Assistant Miaster, etchfil, whom1 took part in thé exantination, and, a,tthe close,. expresse<1 their satisfaction with the correCtfless anti reailines.qofta! tI answerin, ina althe clmitses. anti their warmest wishies for the 'prosperity o! the- sehool. The stulies o! the- ptpils compTe. hiendeci orthogrraphy, Bnglish granaaaar, arithmetie, geography, English and Cana. ditan llisory, sistronottmy, warit iaag, L'a- t n Greek, French, geomnetry, Algebra atA philosophy. -T'he follo iWing average standi wsobtaincti, hythmotaia. ced pnltt. in their respective classes,- LOr the-laRt six inantliq: Greck - Rtobert Umpbrey. Latin-Isi las-.Unphreyv, James Hlarris and James Webster- 2nd -clas- flenj. Basrnm ; rrt clas-Iary çdtr Wm, Crosby, S. Thomnson and %Wm. W French-Angelina Irvine, Jemimna Bol- ster, Mary Boister, James iHarris and BliasIoth Oould. Geontry-Ist class-3. Umphrey, J. Hlarris anti J. Webster ; 21d lass-W. Crosby, 1). Piict nmaa.d W. Gotid; 8rd elaiss-B. Bascnm nt '1'rnmian Crosby. Algbr-l-,t cIntr-lt, Umphrey, J. H1.arris andi jl.'Webster; 2nd clasa - Ang. Irvine and M. A. Hlooper, Aritlinwtic-Scnior I)ivlsion_-M. A. Ilooper, R. Uanpbrey, M. BolEter, A.-Ir- vine antd W. Crosby ; Junior Division- A lice Butimtirtd Trumian Crosby, eqnai; B. llascotn andlV. T) !Jooler. (3engraphy--lst 1ivisinn,-A. Irvine, .. McNevin, 'M. Enister, ,J.JIarris, ý. Web- ster andt R. Umphrey; 2nd l )ivision-M. A~. ilooper anti A Btistin, Eila Thomson ; 3rd Ilivision- Jetimia BIlster, W. Cros- by, anti Jemirna Irîglit; 4th Division-* T. CrosbY andi W. D. Loojier. .1, English Ilstory, (ht',-.Irvine, M. A.* Hoop)er, J. Nevin,iR. .Tapry; (IPinnock's)-J. Boiste', M Boîster, J. Web.tetr and B-. Goulti. Caniadian listnry-A. rine, J. Web- tier, M. loIister, P---Uniphrey and E. Gomak, Bila Thibîsoni. General Iliistorýy-J. Btlstcr, M, Itolster, J. Webaster andi E. (inulti. Asti-onomny. (5th Racr} A rvîne, J. Mt'Nevin, .J. Bliter, M. Xh1 e, .A. Ilooper. I.L Umpitrvy anti J. Webster. lieaidingi-2nid ýclassand it-rot- Nancy Bascon arad M. E. JobbaIt, equnal ; N. D. Hooper and B. Bascona. Piiosophy of C. thing.q, by Dr. Brew- ster-J.- Bolsier, A. Irvine, M. A. Mjoouer, J. McNcvin, M Boîster andi B. Goîltl. Engish GartianarSenir-A Irvine~ M. A. Ilooper, I. Utuphrey andi..WNeb- ster.; Jtanior-.NM. E. Joblaît anti W. D. Ilooper, equal; B. Bascutu, E. McNevin anti S. fTomson. Writizt.-l-4t las.- (~rI)-.A Ilooper, J. Nevin anti( M. Boîkier, qamal. (lovq-. mphrey and j.-Web.ster. - 2ni lss(il-. Mcevin, S. "Thom. Fon), M E, Julabit. (iBoys)-3. Bascomn WV. 1). Ilooiper anti J. Iiggin>s. Spelling anti Latin prss.A 1rvinqý J. MeNevin, M.* Boîster, J. lku4éter, astîl Il. Picket. - Anailysas ;of Slakespere-R. fanphrey. J. Harris, J. Websste-r, MI. 1Boîster, A. Ir. vine, W. Crosby and .MNvn -Slievial prizes for specintens of rta wore awarded lto(gir st,)-sM. Baiter, 211d, A. Ir-ville, 3rkl, M. .1. hooper. (B)ya4) -71t, R. TJnphrey, Lnd, B.Bisc:m, Srt, '7 Jas. Nebster. I , . Adeline %Wlielernwas awajrded the £id prîze for a spt-cimen of vwriîing. btut i ja ,withidr:twnit eeause she was 't aeut.a exainination. .JaumS, fBarris was pcall .1eommcnted for iiiprior aawrtgini lWlarch te the tSlangliterwpea g the New 'York Daily Newï speaka thils of the sall ii We publish to-day _Presidenti pro-. clamation, ealling-"forfive_hundmid Ilion-. ammal-een pat FRLANCI? to AID DÉý - tA-ritER PaIN >The stamnship Rellia-7. fi on eie l4th, via Lontionder- paiwed this poiqt, en route1 I o'ehock th iafiennn The Lonaion-Tiaei, cîty 74 is pnatiy owiang te aadvice Tb'îondon DivyXeao flonting sappi'a' o! Comife diminîthiing tamm bthesr t by inloekade.run nera ferrliae S cotton. - It i4a confirmedti hat Dent poset an aur.is;iec aith a negotiations. The belle! is tertainéactat a afaace avili It-is reportethe?.haKin- poset in the pence laroposit! the transfer o! the Ilaniali, ditiain o!flais reaanining Kim umiaer Lite dirrct îarotectioit Confederatîon. - .- 1- .Theatew Daniqh Minitr aniesrarte tii tino Rigsraat,. fultowin g s satmai« ing tnat tmen unentceLrneal avomaltih btter ale te s5 ilamaecfas decitei opon a el isiers.Vite hope Lu o oatain of the Rigsraal and of tue avise we shallI be'powverl Ministers cran uamly giveý an -in taking their staind fi groundis, tlaey wiil neyer s, te adopti an illeg-tl nieuasurts --concliieI ay r.yi2%ag tins' will consiter iLt treir mi, the iînpentlence tof ?ema - . The Iadependea'e e I<ing ot l)enanark hai ia cd the intervention o! the Thte London T;;7te pubi the late sagater te tthe 13! Newv Zerlanna. Itsnars iL * chsgracetat andl perblaos Theeaaat2n were surpisnd :r nearltlWJ! tiir oicers woutaflt i ilhenienarffor.1 avere imaproving utider the of affaira. - Mtney ,was abundant. a e -salst lithe open inarktt M cent beliv fihe batik mnal .The reporiet ll etee r .hitrsizite' and -the_ Flot neotai confirmation. ILtis the -Kear.arge, avhich i-g ert bai IL-aaaybave beca. ftae aýnnto-,-wliieh bas lef'. Chei Laa-Eaaaooi., Jialy 14-B ket quietý but steadyv. F steaty. il'ieat lirai.; wit% 8s 9d. Corn casier;* mi'xe Provisions genrally lc Perk lias an upward tc.ndei Dy naîTF roTa..-Mr. Mi cial interview avita Lord1 ing1 introtuced hy, Mv. racetimag %aas satisfactnry TIhe Withtrawal by Ma'. intentei recognition tatiai la saiti ýo 'have been the rv terview. Lord P'aiaerstor a sort o! implieti pro-nise moia.I.mmoeaoppormal Peace !feçecia OPINIONS OF TE NEW Ai -Âl the Nev York paper istylei Peace megociationa Niagara Falls the piller de 't autaraci conuiderahe ati the Nortl t. Mr. Graely say s i.irou " Theateleeaiie-, att We.-udertand, ou goot aatlionity, ihut bis Excellency the Guvennor Geacrai bui entereti a pruteat againît ibe aetiou a! the fume Goverumeet je decitiing upun, reoe. ing tbm Regniar troopu frais-tib Western Garnisans: ýIf -this'repet beacqarrect, -n-o tiaubt it wviii veigbr heavily le favon of!-te troopsreuaaia'ing astlney are ut preseufs.- nuî,itstatiing -tise faci that several aboma- oueid racks fornthe arms- eofiltharegiilari bave hoe aready - rtiereti in Mtintreai. Hlis . Bxcoecy, the Gogernor,, enerai aagns bt ilie- roope lu Canada conld lie coàentn ed at a g1vém oint inra itom boum . iotldi i 'îT an e ne a IL. inesthorst viodis of fan l of ahe ur. an

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