Whitby Chronicle, 11 Aug 1864, p. 2

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N~ detienft MusDy INN. Wlmand Bradims-..4 RoberU. Flnmt.cîessClret-C. Robert&. Ohamber.maid Want.-4ae«Ob BrYmu. stes, Tinvare, ko.-Rmcbsvd Hateit. timne extendeti for reeeivlng Tedr.- R. J. Oune. Parte to Lt-4. B. Powell. Taluable Miii anti Property foc Sae.-G. P. Diekeon. ___ ONLY $150 CENTS A TEk! Whithy. Thuirsday, August 11, 1864, Tii. Provincial Secretary. The Iton. David Christie, we bave re. liable information. bau been req-ueated 10o accept office jn the Cabinet., je the place of the Provincial Secreway. Mi& accep. tance would prove moi acceptable.. With =en liko hm there would bo no danger of the Coalition. Fe-deration. The union cf ail the British t Amrica» Provinces, unier oe genomal Legisiature, baseti on the fedaral principle, compretens a gresi deal-comprimses in ils consomma- tic n, Canada'% future velrare -Caitata's gretnes-ber levation to a place amontlgsl the nations-hem disîiay. nTe men, te ieadicg mon cf bot/tpartî?ca le Canada- tsemon austeti ty tite people, have agieed tai a change le our constitution im uccm - ary, andt tey bave cerne forvard tu, 5upply te remetiy. Focgoitieg tho many anime. ailles -lte tigit rampant party feeling, anti tb. ill-jutigeti, anti bariy expreaitt opini- ons et eact citer, itterto oxprettattianti ontertaineti, the bave agreeti te jein basie fer lte Countcy's gooti. For tieing Ibis ibey tieserve col loue tte country&m adui. ation-tbcy deervo ttc country$ god- vill anti gratitutie. lhey bave acte i lit paru ef peirieus%. Titi7 bave aine trocs more trading Canidian politiciane, <a teai of score atroati, anti becorni the boellie- tors et Canada. We cengraiulated or readors upon ibis happy change, viten il teck place ; ve do gme ain,-andwvs t.. lieve itat the leaders ie tb. movernont ita5v entereti mbo il vitit ail sncerily ; anti tai even, if the cesuit do not prove âne- cemmin. in te accompiisbment cf their vites, bereatter teir present action vilI serve ne a bond beîveen ttem, net to im- peccit ce dccry esccit cser's gocti came, andi gondi intentions tovards te public yodl an tbat il wviii prove a restreint open tem trout eayleg ibat one andthie outerare liera andi publie plnderer-troma saying of ee t cletaîttce charteeer ofe neti4 no blaek -ttat cee 1l a tandl lb.otter la ketile; anti thathil ti-if i aComplises« unmotobr goc -toget a feeling of tieceni respect anti eomiration trou aeiaoe ges anti nadouitteti taienl tovirda cauh oiher bchobappen otie aInaeoroiot pant Ie or nuadisanpolilses. 1s'ws Vith thIis hope s' helieti the advent ofthté Coalition. Iliobjec-i va cmao rll opoente trat anti sineerit, of tcéaiea-lu gmad.peuui. otic. To fount a groast Naton--an m- pires etBritishbNortt Aueiîca, s'iîh Britiash institations, British fnsdeu &ast Britishc"vlisaton, le sometblng grand anti s'ortyj tj;i laaiiig peogrce a tivne lng tbe coumen Intareta t r uaiy'. AlrW ead shave gaineacetbj ttec es- sationof partj hesiitici. Tlite n of *or leading publie journal& ha etsangeti tuitmi ontierfîllj. Tthetief men imongmi us are ne longer designati« publie plun- devecrs. bür gocil intentinsaresno longer misrepîvasaicti, non thiel patriotii entiesourat tialgn ymimeonsîruist.W. bave *and ibis machaiu.theabehlt of the discusion orthtec Fotertilon seitemq. Whist té tivantage viticit te reaisatio'n erthlie soberniseitu shall procure u-s, aa entjeci free te diecion. But bringleg cala argument, <ced lemper, sd thc for. beiranec'cf hostile polit"emastovartis mach cter, s'ticb bas alroaty talion place# betolen veIl for thetc uarsit. Fstisrao-uu bi t a fedtiion as-s'c meaile Canad, im not, vitues t.e uniied, sovereigaity cf several icv.relga tates. in ail uts çontoeeitious cf blé- tory tey hav"extt-sorslgn mlaIo bave uniue, bthttoi nllagforté tommon deretacof ail, bave préeseree their politioslinidivldueilty. Ttc onai.- lion cf our oeoeiy le ou a dMulte biais. Wc-tsBritlst America Provi. on-john sh 0ameosi>aar comploes coIe.. Otiersba" e jelest- oompletély formadiecvcrnainlatios.. salvm, tut uiromi al diferesul in tdr politisai eomfoeaation, ManIiyl sw for t e cesitesofmchotimr t a tes tuc proleion et mch front onîvarsi tru- blc, sudWtamintala thatispmatieno.of mach Sotereige Princeî r c e as e r coefederatioua le-aMm4s a atb. W tompnieevitin us-Brit hNorut Âaisni ta-ailthe e.cicaents et gvstac-A.gàri- talIre., Fisteetes, andthit facilîthes for Maonkfature. Federailon vili enargan d fueilitatt euc iotoreoumevitis ee t oue.- ITeongbit h e sIilia" e <cerai lave, ai. vanagcooe te ail, andi qur local asjtcbles viii be retuot edimnd eue pulluleselvti lito eomthin g vortty ofeôMonsiurtioahf eue &go and i vlisation. la amtbag ia - bis gooti vont Uppr Canadavl"l sacrificc it wil! i it bea-of ees«sp-4, ..gpm pliat tlemgreteil <oLfer the largmi anaiber,.a if wé do lems ittea rM sa I .-.__________________ ___________________________________________________________ I . - I E __________________________ i - t~ - --- Ilxbrtdgt CoTremponsteace. AIL IiULVtaAJUtJ IIV'4U1K1'IYLSU. a. r. r., nos te paauau ai. a ~iumtîîuu ut i =Zzwfflwý-é A SeÂnAt- Rnutzx.-Dng the recent con- test in Nort Ontartosnd s'bilc Mc. Macdicu gali vas atrîving very tienest Wimpres a large meeting cf ibe '0 tree and ti mmii pendent" s'bo bail aeoubletite bouc bits ai Epsom, 'it tte important influence hie reinecuhtiol exorcise upos ttc coun. try' e su, b. happeneti to repeit for the cee asdt Ivntilt tlmedturiig à tuai boucs speech, abat if b. vore rejectetheut.ocali- tion wol e u te 'kn up, asdthie eleeters of NortOntario telti responsibie for t, by tepeople. A keen cuti Seotebman, nantetiMelercber. s'bo "unt ste il cali eot 'tb the tiecp voies andislow speech cf bit coantcymen, " An' mon, an vitat viii the tWeietion de i f le vers to tics I b viii' s' h eehti responaible fte thee îhink y. P'"Tlit hrual yent. borne or if it diii sot, the defeesing abouta of Iaurn;tzrr s'Mciitme i di, foc Viregar William iuaietiuteiy decasapeti, leaving tohinti a jccnlng cro'i, vite, rite Mr'n.e- Kerces, 41 va" to k"."- cap.eattes et us Te ,O. Whiiby iTshesesasment the pesseai ear amott te $5986. 0f ibis amusct $2778. go tg Çoumot se"boolpeposmi 1$10bs, fo Coctenî sen Mdti2161, for.gencniput- poses.Th. tueisviii be tbssu mlut ye-Il osais-la thc dollar. At a meeting of tise lova Coneil ot Motiy evesiag, a petiot i simot by Mr. IL J. Wiles, Manti nety ciheve atepeers, vas presteti, prajing ts Conseil 10 abats the. gocon matitg nise, t, b.-lav. A reslition vus pamest, on motion o9 M. Pervy, phaclg $100 alite disposai of the Major, fore charitable perposes. f f t. t Pie Nie as Dcvm's Casg-Tbe NoT. Paller Fini» cahl etI bis office, anti Jct u stt t tiers vonîti te a pic. nle au Duffin' Crock on Tecmtiay lt fî list, peiticelsesot chicit vosîtib. fotunt ia thc Toronto Fssmaa. Thé- Freemae - esa s very ireguarly, anti se regret 1h. tact, heeume vae ul adtepenticee, anti bave a venj ticeeni sort of likingfer ils tail oeiquetceddior. W. viii c»- deaorte be ait te pio.Nleanti '.astï for tii. pres.. of oug fiecnaetaI al sites cm Tacsiy, ib tb itit Ast ndi ve tsry atuet regret tat *iiidoriaallioe s'ith *e bave eeolvesid eesnet mepply Sout Oas-asirteatul.tsoiete'.- This yer,lan addition te outherpro.1 odsais, vtereen pacehebtih4e Prtdeni Mr. Jooa lst te m sA ihes v ill.c preminais for tis-la lta, vuvtate, aot lma titan10814e, -ndp e fatt sé d tb ïmre a vrlt former etatlbitise. WnIms-C.Robet, Wluuc a&bd Spi rit Metcian.,buonbaud a .eie assoit.. ussu etWlne anti Brandie-4. Es re. po"a«eale nov -ellI oinsefour h..plrg a muprior article in limai dspant..-Ses Tae.folloring lanoe are r-epetfaily de dia-ted.(ihaA ernuo. ta thte War- shipffiL. lte iîmyor, <at/u teCorporatiaa of thec Town of Witby, by a #st7rrùg - Wttts te *tour qît@cr td W atrom h p r sud et i-b' Thot ypnr't pe An ogmtI olu Goseny, lt vepattr, Whou itîl tasaeeaulswng MAdet bumc ed wh aie nateatcot 1 WbOrIIt«cOne lomy cc (OnAngbots aiti.t tor cote lipailer poly ltheing It s mdhal AaIl ola t rlexboue, Cg oainy Ifala ig, Ifbo. nlsdIloiheael elig Totuln t it areandr On tiyour l.Iier1t ronnd,iti (On angh the> bt.t tielrtto,' lipACid a, eetfol.dlIe ituigbiti, A il, a ba ce.ta oe. Wld othang. tf altet Bn a tie snaî.ta' oi le'tts el ,iff ctsitde optoie eeo uýwo gouldet&at pTi sop Der, -pas- erîtapintMr. Faibak reade lt Witiamtheout a c ing seaafr-ownvo knw of.l be W.,t > te of àa, ele Sameonithne do ngcuthveouov ii Intirete s lte l mul Soderll. Forti yonr etons m',luc. At ports w'taCobourog. u, it LILY eeahe .t extr«ea frEteare ou le e cFrbk r ountis neao rt Tsant e the achivgie n tlesas ibavs rlnos'eàt. W.snbail morne otan eele T aîe, b steramr "Empesas,"àvihe BavelWbiocy or ochy ýeter evay Mceday Woedno eeday sdriay, t ai 6a, ne t Iabs ep oar omb re nee . o Mcd sans ie 'ite ve, e Kiiiaivn'- icor rboathte rig n ialtete it'eo tiben in rene vent tim hetdrseibt oss.f1 t ThBllRck ori<isutardto nprof. ciantlrg 3ymSa flisin isdistfor i)le est fee.a tait spo"d tmven nogthof. s Bull Roctk.o ody.eiâ Iiiup pomotit be Ai enans. At Darrneat shtesee bt Ifou6v o svti . i Kan tb dayuala eailmi t>9- bi j ,LOOKER ON. Markbai Village Aucg. 6 1864. NorthtOntatriot Eleclion I 7b he cEditor cf tsIÛ 7iby C/arptuiçk, Dean Sa, -Nows'tthet elecuien un the NortRiing is ever, andl tht excite. mont connetai titerevit. scmewvt;ab ui sutet, pe-rmit me, uhrcegh lbe calumet cif jyoue excellent piper, teoaay a vord on tva fom tce information cf a certain clame of persa, vbe apçtar tu I laor andererre- -neona impressions rsspeeting t.epropriétt of Cocacrvati«esuapuorting Me. Camern ut the. lais élection. Fs-equeetiy bave those p"Mnubecs hein te al, 41itos' î rises limaiCoeumr- valives cloncppose a meaber of an Ad- telelsrteaion in vbicb tbey tocofemed tin have confidence, anti viicitbai pboageal lIsaIt te ecdavcm- to chtinl for UpperCa- idsa, ibonse rijig bieh shitebd sO long tdiatiotie in vain r' Permit me to anuver Ibis objeciion pest Us lb le mtateti. Ant iIrai, 1I voulti 4y, "ia vhilmî an ceSional Conservaîlve mu, bave huit teard te Prpm vaaconfidence in tce itelj terMeti Coalitiomi uekt'by ne me tseopinion oethie gacat bcdy aif those, vhe oppmedtiMr. NMatigal, ast turter, that if tb. seatmaenta cf a pari uay b. jutiptiof, trout ite sentiments avoeet y -ttc men-itn wbern tat pacty -placs thie ulmost confidonce, Ihei thliten. tirnentffof te oceservalive Party in No!tlt Ocearlo, arc-'5 W. e ccl ntmucit con4l donc. in lte ýponey of lb. coalition, ve do net Ibinkit wilvii or vea-yWeolt, bat uevrtteleu vweamareillinu W g ive k a- faim lviii.ot But agrain, suppoae va, bave every confidence in t4s poiicy et the Coalluice". ' aid suppose lac, va regard tisaI polcy!« 4.a ipanaceafor il thet ilhs cf tJPPtri'-- dé" et tb6is lanmereason .vby veý shouli support the Coalfition Itsest; for sursly vs havo- nu eiiëne that It -la eineere le the measuspait popoe.ý-r tbat haing*siitesre lu bls, bility tiearny tme U s. -Ono i. g trait and importance. I did intenci, Mr. Oditor. ta gay- eom* bhing about the causes of Mr. Macdouz al'a lefeat, bot ibis communication bas already îxeeeded thte intonded limita, so boping tbat the persans aboya alluded le, viii mid tst their objections are omtlsaorlly ansered. Yours moat respectt'ully. CONSERVATIVE. Reacit, A.ug. 5th 1864. An old fomer*li 5 iew ofi-the lIMddral Stuffville Joly 30, 186 .4. Wbat bas becosse of our lova tathers 1 Are they Ionsed sbece no fit busseers no noisome smeil esebes, Do rleketty d ia. cinteil vay disturba, or 'bave îbey incon- linenlly falltn early victima te tbe dire plagues tbey bave suffere4 In corne uPc» is It voulti seent almout'a if tbey bati diaapp«eard vitb the pavemtente wbîcb tne esured comfort, and vbole boits te the pedestrian in or sîceela; I, asyb., bowover, tbat vitit the wiadom vbich usn- aluy disiagnishes such poteatates, they bave imigined tht usAaron'a serpent. swailoved op ibe other serpente, 80 Ibou. man-trapa, vbieh a m"îy eollection of ibeir pait purpomeetmli dignifies vîit the name cf sidevaîke, - uli bring deat sure andi terrible 1 to themmansuine, vbicb net only monopolise these for roost, at uight, and louage by day, but. apparelttly the very love it4eif.> If suob a body as the common conncil ha yet in existence, ahîhongit vo are told it-bas ne seul, sure- iy it muet ceunI a few notes, and an cdd eye or e, and with theee, ndor proeut circumetances somevit obnoxieus appen- dages, may ve net reaaonabiy hope te have lte dog.days rendereti sligbly more bearable. Ilii said titat tite great city of Rame vas once aed by igesse, and tiis a voll knove sanitary tact that tbe Mile. sua air oves its purity, andti ealtib giviug proferlies te the savoury odeurs, andi carofol busbnnd.ng et pige, but we epeal the miada or our suitering feues' epeclia of bumaaily iu sayiug, jtat tbe geeme vs sbould prefer conhigning to Ratie, the pige te Tipperary, and thte proeuentide- vais--'eu ve voct, in this excessively bot weatber, say vhere, bei tme placs rery near where Mr. Mactiongail wisee Nortb Ontario aitlthe close of te poil Wili net Concilmea taire a bint,iighily lae breatitha. ibat offeredti te in atu &ive Patiander, and give relief 1 The Dm etthe b.XarLhar n ecoo Mst. Caaosaom-x. Tn the communication sent yeu u1ms' eekr, cf the deatit anti hurl cf or Ite Iarntieti confiera, the "Mark-, tam Eceerist,"I'jon maire il ippear uhat t.e Hon. Mr. Reesor entera tte sUgarý mai-Imotanti percieti "20 pount' " h ehoulid bave been 20 Barreka Andti iis very spring, I arn lid, ttc Hon. Mr. Reemor inventei a machinse1tulutugir cxtiiiting tehij the grain ofet mb. aple, ata ad -agWitemployeti.Who tavelleti tbro. aboIs dJa by rilt, anti ecýbivèd a n ret-dot-fr 30 peunda cf t",iarticle. Iarn toeI huai tathe okeepera in Marlibautvil- lagc vert perfectly onheageerni at Mr.Remc atternpting 10 monopolise tse uaraIde. Andti, tappeaae tem. .ha oomini.ioeu, Barlter, Holden, ýWilson, Une, Ramnes, Wilson, Flamnetfel anti Millir, to elsi! h mampts, giving le escht, 20 poundis fer s'hîit ibey gave sccuriuy. - Y ours, re ipec f olly , - Â.WARD. - Plnerlnq Township Couseci. - - Mentiay Asguat isu 1862. Thc COQon i eieng mtct afl bo adjouinelenL oc.4 1l;omlteeaIil nEv .rràlpfvn1 ie1D L- . lonn ina r 1 elgirflay Caelcthrcomih lb.on Vvedrof Ontario. ttibridge Auxust 9tb 1864. you, *lil un' '.auprst 10hearthat the put vek bas b..» one 0cons.. erbe, exeitemmnt ini ibis 4cnlity, and i ndeeti, îbrougbout tbe Pboto Riding. "The uni-, versai îhemel' cf course bas been theè rm et ectioui-bos'tbo -resuit *vas oh. tained? antiviaLtte consequencem ivili b. tat are likely in follow ? Te McDougalites, admit il 10 ho a cruabing defeat, îo acnouai for s'bich a thnusaad andi one causas are by tem imptit. eti or sîtriboteti. Mr. Mteugali &pent to ibeusnti dollars, I amn inf.orredtioite carry thc Riding. 0f the retlti iikely le foliew, it is sait, in case Me. Mactiongali faitse b finti a cou- etituency, Mr. Camerntvili never taire bis seat in Parliament as tite represanlative cf the Northt Riding of the County of Onterio. This conclusion is arrivei ai by supposia; Mr. Macdougail s defeat un danger, tite earrying ouit<of lb. nozocia. jiona vbict indumd eti u to talite office in the proeut ndminisaîii. 'rtibcing tie case, n genern l eeltion vouiti iotlov. vitea John Sandfield is iu oppose M. C., wtn, il le atffrmeti, by rosace of being aitle te command thte viole ef the Cate- lie vote, woald be electeti by a large majority. 1 quetion the vbçtle of it, anti 1 aise quetion witetlkr John Sitiii could poli as uarge a vote as did Minc- -dougaîl. To capihe climat, bowever, il la asaertad wiîb considerebit ,warmtth. e ou sim, by smre, ibat )Macdsu »t ü the oniy man it - 1h. country, capakils -,cf cari-ying euout. preposeti ' 'hene t federaioa-a.ba oaly mnaWhobeboroughiy. undet-stands lit. Titis may ho citaracteriz- -ed "iaIl boah." The Globe biait notl sid te. f cor tas George Brown saiti se, vii may t h considereti sufficient 10 repute -the notions entertaind b> thein under titis -bead. 4My opinioa s laimply îhis,-ve shah hbave no generni eiecÏion until thte Ylciteme is maturei; 'andwhtiie an eleciion e ie brougitl atout, no malter ste inselecteti Ite represent os je Parliameut, the riding wili never have a more steirlin.g representa live thit il tas aI it e presont moment, a yman cf more itonesty, or intelietua - biIîyý liy irny of local nsawl, lter. ins utIle vorîby of ntie. Sance thet at raie, boy ever, ires ie the voudts have made con idereble beatiwny ail over. Mr. Jas. -.Tominsea, of the 4th con. of Scott, hati hie- barnhurned oneeday tlnt wvek ; nd I "e thai îthe Scitool Houe. it secion No., 5 a bua endestroyeti by fireatise. Boine Sgrai nand a large proporhion of fonces ail avec te rila1 have becu)me a prey t0 tte tievourinir elmai. ]Kr. Natan Zagger, a veaver roeiding ei on Lait No. 31, le ttc lat Con. of Ilxbridge, J.esot bit dweiling, and part ef t'is eou etenta, by fit-e, on Wedaet.day lut., I bave ont heart! boy tbe lire originated. Humt 14 luos î imîîed at $250. 1, A chilti of J. R. Jones, living ienttis , township, gel ils armn broken, one day « la& eeli, byt.e failt fa latider, I bave not beard tb. para.cuiarst. A Pàtîtui Appeai. Il ail1 snggest the; when-Parlisulent deter À trial otithe gravresl andii~ol~rpr la;nce, il bcing hit beletheWeingon;q~li bore, et wbieb Peter..mitaeis Iulluomubjaet.f IRis father, brother, -neplivu, 1vifs, >Son, 1 .iaogler, antid n.nla iàýc tak«ea tapa-1 îhrou1eh the court cf Chdfitryeï, î<ô irove hlm a Innallo. A, jury of seventeen tpgo, a commissiotter, councilloru, learneti in te lav, bave been ailîing fer lte lait fortnigitt, anti every deviiiîb qnerk in the ev tas1 huit matie use of, 10 drivaelte poor telles' emati. Soute 90 viitesses arp te ho exnt incd, anti if il vere net paitfully serious, it voulti indeeti ho Indicroos te vitiese the miiîY qne tioitm thai are Pet tu theut. The poar Vicîlin bts. for more litait 40 jears, laitrreti, grttbbed niit anti day, le accu- momIte propemty, anti hauteen very suc cessfol. Blis trotter William, s'bo il one of the citief movers, avare eltthe trial ahat lte victit il vomt $50,000. WVitter ttc trial s'iIl result in pmoviug Peter a luitîie annûta one thin- in veryjevideat irvever, titat ttc. conmiisioner anti jurars are denti set azainti Mi andati lia oeaof Ihe.lurors, althout9la ovora le givti aruim- partial i'trtliclt ccording 10tte evitience. matie ui their mînls, long bpfore tdf of .ime evisleice vas given, ta declare Peor Peter a iunatic, anti have wolt esitateti ta tatir rpeatudly viit outqiders tesaine. Triai hy juory le a farce, antathiis triai in an 'adtiitional preof. A Wcsterai Hcnsier ,t"lares, (il may te, irrt,eniy,) It it if te Almighti is uncertanasbout anthitttt. --lI je about t.e decimion of a peît>ejaryIl suppose-Peter lu ticclareti a lustic, Whits - mfe Lttle orno respect i. paidte ta pa rents in titis couniîr, anti for ta future il May prove tri ho nnly neceustty for rude or diasefiotichiltiren. expectant heirs, in conspire vitih a (0w iii conditioneti nelytr. bora, ta bave taheutuhanti d ant her in- nrimoneti, and ti il li.eiily te doe.- Taire any mnu, potl dovu very tii-a2 hc cava, anti record evcry net, zood, hma anti indifférent, for a fmries Of yAre, aud se eaui eaiy atiy vitaltte resuît wouid tie- The pressai i]etim in a persan shoi non oue respects but if ever theme vai a lalut parent un ttc Township of Mttrkham, anti oee whn appeameti proud cf bi% chiîdren- Peter NMil in tat m-un. Wben taeevi- dene ernmes public, asnassuretiiy it wil,. ltere viii ha exitibiledti a th e wrd a re- cord of rascaiuy, uatparralleie in titis Province. The peor victita motde it min fully, ant inisprisent at ail toinvestigatiOn, tenta op evidence anti looks veli after hie ove intersis, vaicting Careliiy *qvery meovre Ibsatk matie, andI only on ona eca. alan tidti e give s'ay te tte veakitesefflci bornitnnature, anti sitedti ars Whilqîbis son,- a Young mac vas giving enience againat hlm. A Young inhumait moa' ster a birelittg of the oppoaing lavyer, endsa voredte u cresa. a Iaojrh by draviug tte attention of ttc jury Io the poor victita tati the jurors been true 10 them'uelves, anti icognizstnt cf t ft retity entrusiedta u tem,they voulti have causetib-s xpilaian frotethlie reom nover to ret-rn tOot premence dnrth~ie trial. Tb. victlims couaisel teruîy rebuiret i hmthe commis- siner s'as tintait. 1 I&haillgive 700 forter information as lte case progreases. T hasten te cougratuinte yen on ttc glot-lous victary ef the BrUis/a Con.t ituionlists over te Yanke F'edercl. iais, on tae fitst triai of parîy etrengut. The Consemvative anti Clear Gril leaders havie; conlesce t i change our fomin rtf Guvernmaut frota that cf lititain, to that of thte Unitedi States, lte old parîy lUnes are obliterateti. I propute t eiatne thte respective parties, for anti againtauthte change, as atrtve -wvit say youo? The nes party apriagin- up in defence cf lte institutions of our tout-fatera, muai as- anmean anme amd policy, as weli as pro. 1 ptieîy suggesîs, ltaittth arne bha isîinc tire. Any appellation suggestive of citai- of ttc two olti parties woulti prove a berrier 1tte enlisîment of the maseisa ftom the rauirs cf ttcecuti oppoaing fac- dtio. Il ur t-propasevi naine youutwili 6nd ail the ciements uf strmgt. The appeni tri Bt-itih pasion a'ouid ha irresistabe- wtit bte mases-vitile thte argumente itm l favor of ttc Brtihi forta of Gaîvemaments, cotaprisiu< as il dues, te greateet possible amiutanuof eecuriîy tulife, librtýy, - anti ptosperity, veuiti cnt-ty ttc iateliigqni. I ta iam my opinion, nbsoluîcly impossible for auy details on te presoni basie, te aecure atur irmerett againatte hostile majorîty of 500,000 10 ha repreeateti in the Cou. gais, or House cf Ra-presentatives, suth 5 te i againat us inuthe Senaie. Ail our anal resourc"s voulti certiiy ho It tce met-c, of Lover Canada, andt ttiMartitime lrit-ares, anti se challenge any one le sio te1h. cenîrary. Tb. Federal seheme of te tva Provinces is a canuemptible tumtug Thc local Gevertîmenta ln a eci Province vouiti bave no More power than a tigit Municipal Couecil,'vitile il saniti te as expensive as *t. Goneral Gavemn- ment, Ira ho raiseti by direct, taxation, as the revenue for eut- every source scualt te le te har.ti. of thme ceairai pow'er. My main object lens'rising yoo, is io aoggesî, tbsî lthe Wbitity Chronicie iboulti item up tho bliati the Globe te entieavering to tht-woscvcr t.eOnario Election- lu rmainleina thait boitàparties tueraetquaiiy anxicus fer tbe Federilscise me, Manti ii tite coniesi sasa nle inte leurt fort,or againt t.e proposeti change lu Or form cf Goverent. Nottvitbatantiing tl beargfiabrougiti hy tite Leader aittiCitreaicie, 1I ena usure you, tat Macdeugalil' populacaty bai 1tocreeetuteadmiration, dp tote tc'ery rmoment te joinesi vitit Macdionaldi anti Cartier, t to tiretidovu t.eveneraresi fag of respanaiie Goeemmeut, -anti ioist in its atoat the Federal %tari anti siripes, lTe 128 votes changeti s'as b. dirt afect cf t.epropoemi couatitutiainal Changes. Yen muat cee thai tht Citronicle briags out. tbe tmue chat-acter cf the defeat as s'wvi int w use îite mceming cnesi, le North,. or BuEst Tprk5 lteplili <b. Provincil[Seccetarylui» up la eilber. le anticipation ai Wells reaigaing, I bave vrittaan everal letîcra to p-aieut Refor. mer sescting forthb*mil the m4gmul againat the propometi changes lit a fça asl bq atme inle eivance. We inteati îc bcing some Refermer intotthe fieldi, ant i vo intendti 10elecit imz. i. ilugutas Degtklrum Chluroiorm. 1 -e t i -~ I. ~'-1 m tr fu m m ni DE IdUNJI'lUU il d ti The folloviig la lthe report et the, Select 3omarmltte, (of viaicit Hon. Mr., Mci t tbaîrem à)apcnîdte oniier the prao- ticabiiîy anti prop-iety cf constructing a Canai hetveen Georgian Bar anti Laire Otario, by laite Simcoe anti [aire Scu- 909, titrugithlie Coenti of Ontario. Wiît rtferenca e tthe Commercial adi aptagets et a Canai conncîing[Lakre Huron wtt[taire Ontario, Ycur Commnit- tee, te avoid uuneceasary repattititn. decin it sufficieut te rafer to lthe evidence cmi tie point, Capoatdon the SOtit cf April, 1863, by a Committee ef -four Bmonorable lieuse, on a intred projedl, andti l the evidence t-cparted tiuting lthe presamit mes:' 'iion by lte Comnoitîca on the subjeci of a- Canai hy lthe valley of lte Humber anti Hotlanti Rivera.- thera may now bh a itito bhA <anccota- pcuimtg routes for a Canal <rot akaie Buron tmougit Canadien Territory. Tite vatiley of [taues Simee us antmon lat tre. of tbem. coutes, andti ie objeot of catich ofC ttc trec le a canal betacen Geor.aian gay anti [akre Otarie oy[t-ire Sitnene lat. By Lakre Scugoir ihrou4h the Couti- ty of Onatari-o; 12ud.-By ttc valleys of aii Hotteuti and Humber Frivet-s.- The cost of tis Canali is aitimnateti by Mrt. TuIiy, C. E., ai $24,- 000,000, 3t-d. Hy ttc Trent River, thte cosl of vitich it ii probably be quite; as muet; 4th. Tite project for connectin; [taire Ettmott witb Mintreai via[taire Nipismtingr -anti lte Ottase River, bualso ereceiveti etinsticrable attention. Ttc cosi was esaitnaîti by Mr. Shanly ut $21.000,000.' It tas to4cn prop1tonatu-t tulare the locirs of ltae Wellandt Canal. Eiîcit of titesa e tapecas somne atvan- vattages peculiar tu it.self, atidi oulti, no dautat, allord 10 Canada ctmnsid"rable local adu'aîmîa.es from tce coatîruction of the vomrk coatempltet. 1But a i'-adtig ohj-ct of thein ail is an nut-ract te Ctnadiaa Channmais a la-gar por- tion of tome jarodocte of the Western Statcs, viticitara deatiltetifor ttce asieru seahoa rd, titan our preateait canais enu t expectet t secare;- anti il is plain, beyottd conilrevray, haît the productit of the Wes- toron States viil000 te e oandti he ce. lpacity of aIl exishitta meane af eonvelanca<' ,anti titat cne or otiter of ttc prapesei unali îbtroug t a nàan - termnitory voali ail'ord thea miot-teet niquicircat route pos- sible for ttc trade. rte Lake Simeot routes voulti glive titis- Iratie ttc onîlen of New' Yeck via Ossego' ce Montrel, as tce port of destination, anti vouit, ini ihat respeet, hâve a c.oamiti- 1erable ativantage over tho Ottawa route. .(if thete hree Luie Simfpo rentes, that 1bytbc Trentis, for commercial objecte, leferior te ttc other tvo, as ît voeul gir. a lengt oft i.tion hesveen lake Huron andi lake 0»tari o of 200 miles insicti c f about 120, tebicit vouiti b. the distance hy ether etflthe oîb'mc bv0 routes. A canal by cititer the Scugog- Valley or tihe Bomber Valley veuiti b. prefecahie te ýEe Welland route in a military point cf vie«. T..e commercial atlvantagesetfciter ,route in secorinX Western tratie voulti, ne deuht.,,bu very great, as eitter coule vould bring Chîcagit anti Osvege nearotîr oe inciter b, 250 utmiles titan the Welland route sioes, bmdt.vlitgtht dàng!esf oveèr 300 Miles of IiNe I)i4ationi- a Bitter tif ,ibee tve rontes by LaboI bvbIi tiberefore, bave f~>ht sèuteets ativantage 'ocf grealor spet, safety anti eeonomy ast compaûredwiththeWIan route, ltn comuuarinb the Scnoag ronte with tat by the Rollandi anti Bomber Rivera, il muuî hobstevedtàtthet.former bas neotbitberto-eeivosl as muet attention as tbe lttrohs n e t berprojett nameti. Largeammet of.publiecmoesy bave been expentà_cti in murycysof the'otlier rontes, antidnt vithatever on'tbe 'sorvcy ofttis route. l'ieCnnyC omaif OGai Starie, bovever, iately bail a evey matie' au teir ovn oxpense, and the reault stove Scîearly that ibs Seujojrotute, in "the opn;in ofeeminent enLinecre, la is ecidedîy mines.,upon ari expenldituré of money for a nore compote mnrvey of a route for a Ca. nal boîveen Georgzian Bay atid Lake Ontario îy tbe, Simcoe Valley, te Scugog route onoldýbe preferred te nul oter for the torpose. AIl s'bich is reapectfuily suboitted. 0. MOWAT. Chairman. la support of the report, the evidence of Mr. Keefer, already laid before the renters Oif the CHRONI CLE5 la bis report to tbe Coanty -Couacit, is given, backeG up by the following ev-inee of Mr. Wal. ter Sitnnlay, Walter Shnnley, oi the cil7 of Mon- treal, Esquire, Civil Englacer, being called, sailli at followe t *Q. 7. Have yon -rend Mr. lKeefer's re- port îo the Ontario County Council, on bis survery of a route for a Georgian Baty Canal via Scogng (which is in substance the saine as; bis nnss'er ta the second ques. tion put fo bita hy titis Commutte.) ? A. [hbava rend ih. Q. S. Do you concur i n the opinions te hias erpreseti in il, or-not? A. i concur lantthe opinion ha bas ex- presstdttultte Scnrog route is decidetily a more feasible route titan titat b> the Hctiaatd andtt Humber Rivers. Q 9. Why do yon consider the Scugog roule more feasible than the other ? A. Because te length of îtce-deep cul,. limz is o0 muet less un the Scuaog route titan on the otter ; the increaïevi lockage, alupto the greatar elevalion of tue suintit levei, being off s.coatdary importance ns compareti wlîh ube grentest arment of deep cuttinz on the Hîumiter route. 1Q. l0. Hiave von made mîty .aestaet:f the r~ilatjve ecou of the two roules? A. 1 have. examineti Mr. -Tuily's cati. mate of the doilt ot, the Humber route, wh;'h, if rrmembrner rigt ',watt about $24,0110.000, and 1ilmr of opinion tltat if ,the %ri.-kcentiha4 carried ont on thc quan. tilles estimateti by hlm, -and if the qttshiiY tif the cuttitjr la whaî Mr. Tuily supposest, the a'nrl mizht he completeti for the iota he namps. 0frlthe Scuttng toute I haven mens of making otiter titan an apprtxt Mata e-stimnala, %r. Keefer not tarin; 1 Liven quantilies in detail. NMy approti- mate Ptimele in about tvenytwo millions' of dollars, thé expensa-of the increased -!nct<aga and coal of feeder froin Balsain aie ging far tovards balanelng tb.env.y ing in excavation. But 1 lookr on the great lengtb tif the deep cuttinz titrougit -the rhlares on the Homber route as rentier- INVESTIdA'fION 4BEFORF A CQR., - ONER. (Front a enirespondent of the Le:îtlcr.) Port Hope, Aug. il, 1864. A eue of death arisir'g fronx the Inhala tion of the vapor orf clorolortu occurrcd here yesterday, afid bas caused cogiderable ccmment throughout the' coujunity.r senti you, the fullowviingfets of the case, 7 leaving remtirks to begimde upon thein te abler h2ndi'. The dcceased, Mfrs. Bueley Robinson, havi chlorcform adrninistered te heér in order ta rendur painlees the extract. tiori of sone teeth.,and frotu the efl'ects of it she itevi yetsterlday. The drug was ad. tninitttered by one George Cbamberai. as- sisted by C, V. Wade, dentiat residing here. Aftinquest was held upon the body of the deceased ltast night by Coroner Robert Maxwell and an intelligent jury, ut whichli te fofllowing eviilence was taken: Claisa Hawkins, wai; the lirst wihness calit-e. w13n, biî sworn, sait-!; went witb the dedcased toet office vo fr N at-- rais, tentist, about three o'cluck titis ittr. notxn. The deceaseti wished to have chlore. fortin admnînisterei before havin; sîtîne teeth_ 3xîrated Chioroforîn was adrninistcred by Mir. IChambers. 'ThIe dcceL'teîlwasttfo iiiseliteiloe t arry tlie it-irin. ira tulinia. tratjon. Thie hlorotorm waisir haleti front ) a handierchici. which was ' emovecvt a in. terviits froîn the inouth. It riat retuttet several mres.'rThe déeaqcd sevcrîi titues rev1uestad more clitornorm to be given, s site teit the pain. S.9as sitting durfin.; the wvhoie operoti-on. The first chloroform waî gien bot ttru p..,whenthrea teetliwcre extratctei .iaS given foi'Jr- orfive limes during 'tiihe xI hour. and nine bte ere ex trncti-t i utogerber.i- Tfhe dece.Lased inhaled the chînroforan about len u.inutes befi>re thit ratoa wast coin mienced. lietween each lime of taking il she recovered so as te hc able to spetik. O)f the nine tecth extracted, ceven- wrc tken out by Chambers, anti two by Mr. Wade. Dtcc.aaed had hec,, iin a pior glat !of hietîti, far atoue time _ Ail the clorolfpij' watsgiven ht' Chitbe'fr.c. Afteri the lîst~ optratiort lier hend (ail over. Site was ut. setasib nle utdeath ensueti. WVade r;alThe 1 bjectedte giving lthe. chlor'tfornt'.t Ch tanherç appearete have full confidence in his abul-iy 10 giru it with calFeiy. Aqe0 monia atnd whimkey wer.e uau.d ter de. ceased bacate insetsibl. She was kept in a sittinX po.ture after aIme becatue, in. 1sensihle. she watt then place]l on the floor but wns kept sittiatg u, tp. The pulse w4s occaationally felt-by Chambers ; who had ntet warncd the decenacti of tte danger,,p( giving chlorolorm. The boitie conlaining lthe chiorofortu migitt have hel about t our ounces, and was about baif full. Deceased was about-28 years old. I-do net know if Chamberslwas aware that she havi been- in poor health., SChas. C. Wsade was next sworn. T am - dentist, and practise in Port Hope in con- nection wilh Mr. NaIrais. ;i rame !rit the-rnom whilsl chicroforin was being ai. ministered te deceased. I had lait week advised dece.aed net ta take chloroforin. 1 neyer give il myseif unlet in prosence of.àa physicin.. The decensed old me ahr.. had taken only-a small quaotity. of food to-day. Chambers bas practiced dentistry and professes tai have studied physic, wtat extent 1 do not linos'. I neyer sa' ihim give chloroforin before., I sent bim. for the chlortiform iri, nd old bim 10 -gèt the boit. H. got Ivo ounces, about a h#lf of whicW was wstled. Deceaied, made a noise whilst 1 wai extracling the lait two teeth . She lot several dlols ni blooti, but I ýbehieve not-enoogh teweaken ber. 1 field ber pul4e during the lait administra- tion of chiorofor It.ilbo4 about thirty- or foity liemi a minute. 1- diti not use a wateuî, bot [ arn accustomned te cout t he pulse and-think 1 could judge correctly of ils (retl]unn!, Ive applied cold mater- ta the face and choit orthe deceae'l tWd'nl-" tbre. nîlinutaq -ùasAesiaftar lthe lst-cloro. form %vsas given until deat6 took place, 1 - "nt for physicians. Doctors Griggs and Curry care nea li 11111e ile ai terw&k'ds but Rhiliwu tthen demd. Titese irere tite only tritnesses exaininecl mhio bati any connection vith tîe case- b. fore dentit. So-veril medical tnen s'ero ex. amained on the properties of chloroform as an ansstbelic, its effect ai a poison, tbe general symptoins indic&ting danger froin .its.usend the praer means t o betaken - 1 itb tire vîow of restoring the patient 'lengit of tdeep cutting. ceuiti itua e- complisheti sitheni the riair cf land tidèits tittt mittitt ah any moment destt-ay bit lator ai yoara. Ttec loustic ength of deep culing On tb. Sogog route, cF course, pmoportionnieiy-docreases risirs of that ne. tut-e.- -Q, Il. 1u ther. auj exîmpie cff mot a coltin; itei ng accoieplisheti anysitere, as tirai vitiotvoolti ha necessary on the Etuther route? 1 A. Nevitore ; nom- do I believe au open culting of simongtt and dept feasihie. Jet. ails'my construction or for &ai test caeals ve wOuid bave i-ecooe to nneliag in sitch a case. Q. 12. Wittdic je consider voul4 te tte immèereaeiceoïti the Iucktge*'anddtbe leideàr oun th. Scgog nout.oaat compereal s'it th tt svinz la excavaticn on that rouis. avec. tite Bmber routa? 4. uuniing lte net qonnitles estimât. etittY,«r. Tolly a<) eîI.frUlte bu excea- je-bIse - citstruetion cf ecuber ,ent., lte sah'iag unte item cf excavation cn-theScgegrote - oulti ho about$9, OQ.000 over th i nlbHumter ; buh I c5de alie ý ï extra boukgecmn tb. furuter s'ulti coît -about. a umllion anti a rquartern more titan thc boIsage on ttc Huomber route. wite lise cnet. of lb.- ecdet- from Baituir Ae : vultiprobably reacbi *,250,000. Ilm Teretore lte, vo Itm Iextra leekage anti the feeder. (nMking togoîher'six anti a hlf millions" et doilars) must te'tiedueteti from-tb. niat ýiilienami lotoe th ie avng in excavation un faver oet thtScngog rcpbe in orce - l gire ttcet-cal différence in cnst btween tht tsyo r9utes; chiot, in that tnyIpot ai *2,50,006 - Q. - Witen yen aaY 1tte Humber route is net feasible, in chati sensor do -yen mea that i11iinol se ? 4j~ Itink lttht e ik etfailuein a oeUn f sncb lengtb aàq septit is o grea4te th-arranti an y ecgineeree-dviiin* eaiîtÏtiîs se ombarfrin lu scbanunderiai- ing. Tt is ne'.toîcb. expecteti that suet a ctigcoulti hoetompletetý i1iîouten- cunWering qoiclrsanidaanti othen eiiftinztg mateH'al, viicimight, le a- tetrhours, stade tht enI r >eyeavs,-accernplisbed auibe coat. et millions. W.- bave nov - een fe r tlwenty yeurs - anti up'amtis - working eat it detep étal et the Welland cariai, vbere the entremit cutting. is bet isXtYlvtes t deep, thse 1enthibut cu i ele' and,a hait aid tat Wngte tht trequemiey of lansslîps la matil[une-nhsbeti,. as tthetpubliccemaa of thit sent in etiline Mus. 0 an A a certi toîbhe injured sner tbree Thei3

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