DE LUMATICO INQUFRENDo. ME PUBLIC SCANDAL. This trial dra.-S filong alowly, thé eýi-, en being, adduepd is of the Most exf'll* ry kind. and so conflicting that even Xent mindi mizht fairly be puzzled luriatie is of the most antis. nature, both as reýqpeets t ' he ,char not that the evidénce on behýalf of (the Men who are examinedà ý and -ight (if their testimony. A11,ýhow- to be in vain. Nfr. ýlo',rpby, roseculing attorney, disl)lays -great ýït, and atjy ainotint of tint Wxed wilh ilum tinence,- in framinL, u(Im, ioïïs go as to confOU114 ilit)-ne witness(*S 'ho aro at ail nervotid, alid stnà -'),re 1Q tell, this Day, field t"ng. 1l'Inur tud feed t)ýtity lino *hi'tby to Rocýester. The Zographicon. ';tock-in-Trade for sale. ýýadce-Qüarter Sessions, SHERIFF'S SALES. -Rprost Ys. Proudfoot. puy va. Proudfoot. Gore Bank va. Proudfoet. (Ilaà tonerg. Proudrolot. Sproât v's. Prondttiot. 13old va. Proudfoot. The totido:t Protot lowin,93r further Particul, the ý-propplIf.1r Izte.illet Wednesdty last by were lost &&The v6gel, wheu discoverel, alftmi 2 e ing, riu -BOrth ÃPore of Lake FÀ of steam, end4wavoi,,g which port il was theu on the followinm di-Y. tioned, the ohm buriting out abniit mi i All bands werý, c,11ed turned ta land, aid mav1fied, but crew and % detertnïümion inspired nature éif tlipiýr fý'*,)Kltle raf)ltll7, and all hops ses? béinz quickly disp alactity W;tb wLi,.h it i, one point 14) lbe Other g sel, the l'le boais -Were i -ed, and an attempt gnaje The of thesiý, unde X".matc-, ' Mr. John c ied by il upt ive &CL lian lion to be lowerr'd but. of the ropes Was cul b-c -the oiccupants pîI(ýhf-d il Speedlat, wLieh tbe-vess Vented any effutt býýi berare. the' içcrew Kopel engulphed t1w crew, bit Vortex catised bv itr rt the pour fet!ý)Wi WU$ the Walt*r, eut rçiinlý!ýtf' lothers weric výi4iblv. T that land couw fPeýMItî be comp.,elled to leuve vegfel, With the réMým pluse riptige sti t h ', ti.1 h 1 growitl,-.V.err tnc),ntii criti.caL. A uisialber i; wines, which wo i i: o n d"( board filit (if th the eý-)rt' and atrowli rilonc Ill'! &ck the dame. Thîs refuci Vt,.Qsêl tram hope- tu the iiIrr.i,ýt fq thi4--titne the tL-! .ýviin iiervinc the ai towards lier, J'nd f'ýeiI lime tu îýývtý -ýhIýý- j)ý Ifi gvrs tu ùe .,t I Who Wýef- .-and cocnforlah flight and ib- frotn whieli tIý, y uny Ur Lliost. 4ýu f)4ýKId thini more Oiziii th,-ir ej. attempt wm imAý- u) the vf,"el wA ýit-r attached, utkd, satik iii 12 (t-i»t l>ýi - joi were l jey, wlite they eîrrjý night. 'l'hty tÉ their wfty ut) PliffLlu yeý The Raeiný w;jâ a long burtlieu, about. f:ijý ed? two jeuf ýi IL-4), ýLt boaid ut tho titlit-» et ýfi busht-4 of oais, 5ýLIQi 800 barrelî of hi.!L4itièý flour. Her 0 wiIë,,,iýXeq Portation Company, a 1 lion e.ogaged in iiie Rhil western litkc!i. Her, rd Arthur. Wel were, UE_ý liât aî on second mate, Mr. J'It the walchman. Alein= Saligeest Efection. Pederai Barbarities Jn VirgJnitt- OILILMA, Au,,Uqt 13, 1894, Mr. MePhergon wai here ois Saturday. Several letters from responsible persons 13th inst. fle was accompanied by your appear in a recent number-oft " e Richmond friend, Angu8 Morrison, EmI. fi's Visit Ewluirer, gifin', corivincing procifs of the was, I believé-, fer the purpose of feeling barbarities practised by Federal troops the political p il8g of the Libpriti Conserva. during a recent raid int(i sume out iy tive Party, and meeting the leading men ' courities in 'eutern Virginia. One or to arrano their plans for the coming elec thes'o Iettem im aq follows :- tien. The electeri bad ouly &bout an 4& Niesatu EniTons : It is tirne that bour1g notice of hi$ intended vieit * Up Ãho repeated inqtacces of grosg and brutal %vard-i oi between forty and fifiy tn,!t him barba ri ty -pe rpe traied by the 'Yankee à trtny, at Qijiniils lintel, and gave Iii-n ai, enthu fmuationod and authorized hy the Yankee diutie receution. Mr. Morriîone on beilie grovemment, were put upon record for hi-î- called oit in, explaiii the object of Mýj-. tory. The future Ahould know correctly ýlepliersoli's visit, stated that they diii not the inhumait nnormitieq tif the Lincoln ad, coine for the pnrpose of holdingry a publie ministrittion, and the spirit and temper of meetiw-, ; their intention beifig te ýt.ïeertetin âg f4t-tical az-11fession urn the the leeling of the eltetorg of North.ýliitncoe. ond peopic of the Confederftte States. Our j and of the other courities comprising the children's children should know what their vvii E:1,rim-al D'vi.iioti, i n itquiet way 9 fatherg and niathers suffered and eiidured Witr Vie Irist, Efement. ig ' CÀtttty, Au,, 14th.-Th(i stpfimir Elu. Ig not the c,)inctlprlce Biran-, th4t ali d press, from 'Mew orie.tris Gth, arrived Ir. memhprs of thli Uprier Citnat»iiin section of ýe Oi.tiht.;'She wu rired into on the art,?rriooit the Cabinet are Scotch 7 NOIV, wc-have 'go ý8 of the 10Lh, about si, mile below Gainps, earthly objection ini a Scotchma", un « Iâandin-, by a Masked blitttrry of six 12- 1!'ýrglishmitn or a Vrenchman irillin- the it Pounderli, supported hy a stroig force of hiZhest place in the Couà ëil4ý-ef the Sinte cavalry P08ted on the Arkiiii.îaï m-hore. h ut mie certaitily are of the opinion thist SiXtY Billots of sheti struck the giparnér, Ille Iiiib elemelit is altilý,,mther too power. li ManY Of whieh p(ýijotratv.d the liull and fui alid jmýortant in thiï Province toi be. horst into ber hold. Musketry aise) wat; ignored ar; it, selinii te have been in. the e ui A riddlit)g ber iipper worksi' Silo liad construction of the western branch of about 500 persons on board iiieliitliiil, 200 i the miiiiitry. Of- thé genuine- liberality y discharged soldirri. Xatiy of tiv-m were of John A. in this cçmiipction we have sielc, aad 50 offlo were ladies and children. 1 not a shadijw of a dnubt ; for we be!icve Fivlý were killed, and eleveil wourided. him to be above ail subordiriate nation. Uiti)t Mlillvy, canimatider of Ille 4ttýaInpr, aliti Cd WhEil the welfirire of this C Oun-ý r wris killpâ,ljim hemil beili', sliot ofr Whilo try tg at stalce. but thon others May W-It be lie. We-cul-ht to have at r t.ýIIio, the pilot npver' to surrerider in al, liberitl'mq J CO-nerod. The 1 arboard eIIýfinq was brulç. lengt one 1rishman !ri -flic enctioti of the et', whicil rotiriered the bruit tillinetiIit_,Lý. Miiiimlry just aliiitff--d In, if it were but out ahli', and iiiii- ilrift(!d towarlls the liatiery ni coini)liint!itt to the rreat body of ilie At 0Iiý4 criticili Moulvlit illoi '-ulibons, Rp, 1 Irish people ifi thie plirt, of the Froiil lic-ai-(.d and operied on thi battery, towed It would be wiso to iilnpt =r v:evvs upon the, driltio', to il pIivýlý 'if sariciv, thilq hétail ; ne, nn limiter how just and able where the were Red the the actî of the Cabinet as now ci)riiiitugéd' Ãtlfibf)llt collveye(j Ilfry tvoýriij il vaît portion or flic community would ho the river. in:)iii,, lit eaiïo if tlierp-were even one don of l Thf! killeil- and %votiti(ifýd %vere tnoAtiy fil(- nt file eiid -ofthe Coulici 1 disell'art(ed soliiiert; frain varimi-i Tal)lfj-verb. map. Gruinbler. ry, 1-4 alil-0121 t1i. %voilleil or ri, %viiieli arrived ut 11alifix on the li;th bririgs the-followilli, of the ettvl iýlij to Geri. elirrelit, on tile )tIl flint 1 of St 1, )UH, for Iiii ciliýllieiý Y. the I:iftý criii-er liatl 1 lý-',x N1JL1çý,I [ trlis, of wiks !'l'i lwen 1, rhe or(fim (if thilt zovern. 1 in II%,ý Irviii., iliA-iti l'ri t!j-! 10 ý")r m ent. as, ýzIw lilbolit Icý,iviiii, llijt. .111le w;ls miln- F)lýt- di-uiiiit-il liv lier i)tvrIflt,. Il iý: th tit t Ili- G,-firgin is riollv the /),/"l fNé. propertii, or 11-ileq. lir %vlloril s Ijl' has piii in ýIIyeflIt l-ý;1vimu pli, rJie4. 11!1(ltlt. il to thi. !eiil*tii'ý,rticý.40 q;LV, lit i, A l IVANCi-11. bv IIii. l", til.,I" Vil w o! rit (*,irrv triv)jils fi) file W ei;t Li.1ýaIl rtiil Azare If w if] L o 11111il Il - 1 1 il .41 tl;L'i fil" -riq. blit. i t tir ci ) f 1 r l il e i V rih, :trtiiil,- titi froin ft1v. tri "I'. nif-iiiiiii 0ito. im der lit file %ver'. Ailly a .. i two 1) r ve'it. bist 'zil,11 (J il] I)tlltlît! to Publie Holiday. We understud, that in co*ngequence of the diuppointment occuioned by the un. fortunate failore of tbe proposed Mechanicol Inatitute Pie-Nie, an efforrt wili be rnade in emulation of many other of the principal towns in tbis Province, to bave a Publie Holiday proctaitued by the Mayor. We understand a petition to that effect is ili circulation, and we trust to see il exten'ive- ly signed, and the movement receive warm elicoulagement. @of TuE CATIIOLIO Pic-Nic, heid at Duffins' Creek on Tuesday lut, vu a monster gathering. There could acarcely be fewer iham à thousand people on the groutid.- ,rijk- wl gh'Ir was deliqhtfiil. and tha zrove Pence Prospecte. A remarkable reaetîon in favar or ponce wonld sppear to be going on in the North. It, le boginning to be reslized that the South cinnot be unbjugated, nor the rebel. lion suppressed hy forcé 1 of 'arins ; in a, dei word, that the war for the union, bas fitil- ed.- It is rumoured. and currently boliaved that Mr. Lincoln fias under consideratiol the propriety of proposing an armistice to the, Richmond autiloritie,>9.. 17he New York [Forld 8ays : di À repe)rt boa been eurrent among MIr Lincoln'ii politÃŽcal friends for the past da IV or two thai he-is about to Rend Commis. sioners the rel)(A autboritips nt Richmond tu propue and arranlge the termï of ait armistice. Our relaiions -vith the admin. -Fil t - r w" G"Ilgnif toi, ana lut, 4iuvv ifîtiation mm nort sub af; tu aucune us In, de enramisiamp who ehdonceà a J"iy and ronsul the leadinj nwn in the Atrie Io deliver and save thein from a gmem- (Ma litup. QQliý ýj il 1 tir lit igneý'wliich tthe proceedIgs vem carried au, Vouch fur the tmthûdnesa of this rumor. ta net impariially, inviiriably sides witii 11-l, OIr. ivas ngtni i.4 lied, und ment ai,(] faction whoie pro.,;tituti(ln and a beautifui cool and whady opot. The We Cars unly say thui such a phicit bu bun Mr. Morphy. in rulitig upoii any quegtlon hichy gruinod, at suecg go mmy ut us buerthns hm rmt Un pamUd 1 any nZe. nunibers of the Protestant community pre- titiller cousilleration îor s-,m(, days, and is of law or which tnfà y arise, hovveypr nid f7riends turnitig out lit such ohon nwice " on Sumilq, es job of J"e, a Yan. ONLY 8150 CENT$ A YEAR favored by tbe lipecial adherents of Nfr. vobèmeiitly, the virtimî atiorii-y's Me, r, 19) welcorne hitn and hie friend, Mr. Me. kee force consistinir of une or two compati- sent a1tnoýt equalled thât of the'r Calhol'o Liucohs. by remua of what they deem tu K(ýrr and Mi 4, Wellft, moly urge Il) thtý enntrary. 1 11-son. Ho latilied tbern warinly ail ies of white Men and direct or leur corn Whitby, Thiirslayi Aligiet IS, IR64, friends. and comprised many of the le-ià (i'tlg be ÃŽta r 1 l'alyantages as a PoliticaL Piaf' Thie jliry, m ever.yb),Iy gayq, ditifilliy [lit bolialf of hi.i fripird and hirn.ïidE (Chpem.) PUOWO of mgmu, OMMMU hY whim n"), 1 litii(li.,,l in th,, uplfer part of %Vestrni)reinti(l, men lit Whie! and Picliering. Ain,)ià ,(,st euvre, in hii interest, for the apprnacWug obtient leanCing wivards the proffeculore. Mr. Nfcl'hr-rson rf-tu.ià ,,d in a véry Queenlis U)Dvl,#iion. the most contipicuelis, we noticed T. P. preà identiai cýtitnik«bign. and nne vpq amchy Md Mwient Pror, ripai, Und appropdme splvech (impromptu.) and j),Lif;iýd down through Iii(-Iifnoti(l - 1 White, Hiq., reilive of Picliering-, ('10uncil. - -*et remalptil M au, mdook" wkh a M2L Un mawl écitrif ho comimet tu recive (InuOY- In loir march, in aga or condi The Globe, for a few weelcq past, has 1 IMPOUTEU week, M, -Oh ! if you bad oubl Imard the lor ble(.riiLrirt, J. P., capiain lt(-)Wt', of rit-st evi. such si;ý1o8 of hearty jgtipport, al; wa.4 ti-oll -aï Axompt froin their desolatifig harif]. . liewil Plunder ami Wu simuked ami mmë4 heen ductirig emidemble tif itc; aumidu Jeceph Thompson pm"d thrculh lnon ynu wald have boson perholy ns,4 Sim in &-flv and Joih Sim,", ho PU si 14W Nyo appral or sup in the Legitdative Council' flectiniýg, ta ÈWMIY, p Ham parry, Hel. &c &a-- wmoe vu hie newil impoind home umi au mho Pm" p 111111c" Dgmqrg -mmnist ho w"Wd ho rmunci hy a lugp ' rhvic w4ti qu te lefutheun, tif C ii:rfr, and iieevo r in nriy ratio mr)rn, illian in filtil)li(y. ai ilipir la th, plicatiiffli cýiulJ tu, il thutn froin tig-ir bea-it- Mme au à e cumcg Fau, 1 If the GlOhès Athulie " ssqinrby:' lwoughL ont hy him in tlic fils, Thp hsnwd, sciontific, philosoldii CotIOL Ho mawl Ait hi mA hmwl excemett. intelligence rupecting othpý Diviýioii&, he, eWpymenAmmgnbeW lWv. Nlr. Iroulx, St. l'atricli. 4- ià a 1 Rov. Mr. Kelleber. lRov, Mr. White, Ib'l. cly trab"! mise and gvnlwnpw Marfil unit Me Mmunn, had subualitially, lit Vain ilid On! Miller bevecil and ne Mître acturate thau that Which it int. à lilendid Loliiiic animal, wtaneng 17 hwi, dnnehhe xhridn Ily pappr %voum! a Mf. Brairt, ýreV. Mt. Ref. Mr. 4"à ved in thé inwamco in faircer of ih, sud lipny the cWM1 d bu voict in Occx le pe and is a Imrelued C4dmdWe îm licAh (lia 1 aitillipt tel write in full the Imm ru ccting Qmen% DhMbn, lire ad. 1 CYShe% and we beliedlne or tira cother 110 virt, euriti ni] Duilà ! )lý,4 npluch ho wae npqw.noy c4ec vide its remlers not tu placeb upon it imildi- w&1ýi bWeil hy Mc Pawk", of Smimmowy un Mme nf lu pnmcndsn ; nummrsom -à At ils vuekiop Me NIPPhenmo 10014 Whncli Wern 'llactell. Wimré-Vor s-it reliabîlity. The Cirlol)e avers that Mr. r"erend gcalemeK, wh,),,4e names tre Id Dum5band wu puchaud by ýNIr. 1*1,oall)- 'il cm MMW Ik Nynght and lie In -a I;sr;:f- riumImr tif the i!i,ýT %vont thlly werc- led hy their ofilicere not learn. -Výe Wou nwiced Nfr. Moylan, h MTWMWKI a c"w % WHAn, and if !lulýTiti il lie. 1 fi Ili l M, 1 You (Illil j,,ý) ailli do am Yf)qj ý,ýitnpéon wifl ho returned ounopposed for , @on for 0900, VVc w-kh tho pme7suj "r filn, hie evi- 1 toi firm!v th.-Y 1 -11"" 1 Aud Verily, thýy el jet :., fil-, 1 0fýthe Prerman na th- gnmAx Fneer t behztlt* il'* th,ý proscrution, -,!, -%vill give h i In 0' - le) J'pî, Qiteen'a. The statement 4 wholly incor- owneir evbry fiocces-4 wilh hiýf; pc-w pure"e c e wà h a le, whoh Wood under or loir rit-ilit! and Uunaim«i gVpgL-- uwi tir) aï thtly filî rn.ériy fi hu;tri, 1 Finale) hall hii Illitinit f4,11, and was uliccas .roct. Mr. Simpsou'a ro--.elettioti, we clin and boîte that in o,4Z,-iherbý" lvi rnay find Inui ci"mu»e" havo iýittnik,.,ilpd, liftlvil-, itilil lý,tiifi,,,] il iii2liteýr will in hie tio.ïpi'iable endeavorli to proniote t'Il bîm-%:)d (tg he and bii frienlis will 16t Mît whib wih camuneme him for nuJ Idi2mi 1 e"Wu mw-wutq C""O The tl>ý.,iiiior,4 le" lit!tveý,i thp corrirlort of ail. Anet nover hi, i Terry Finflig, ell"s Liitterlii. Cad out--ii exceedinly pphimAed.- eu bu ut - LJulla l' la icir of 10 imm. TY uniietrt,,r nwIn Ilwir record. a firm had ho, lffe V giture tri fýVit,,oc in Iha rail und lit ýl- W .b'4 th'. tAile,. %Ve even hazard thp lot Jr. tiuc, a ! TIf- in the, h.'d ivet rider 9 c-barg, . NI. J. IL Wà ý-,tTJl%-, f ihiq l'!a(le 'Il" mantripr. morte thrvi th,? vimil y M r ne onp of -onviv Fin, Vaiiel iloci; tio )fi le Th, 1 - eýýi -Il, 11: Simpson wiu be devais< il case of a ladieli, of coui-Me, wero Illere in Etrong sailel cu wel,ýk in-r Hil nu. d hii u', i ex if i ed wal; -o in lit.. eontest. And est fera wM be a etattes mi"ie ahwh à rumb Allwn pcticlo h% c'mwss Rio ce; fanalilin 1 üWM Md L'ffn.ld à Tory larý;e portion Uf M(frous xini Warin prà i,)fl:il frien? w 0 Z-11 sA thas we C"Urt if un'illr thlý und thatthe Division is noir bein." octively w ý,. l h-ýF-1-1 1 in the aqsennWa2e, The tabli% vere hosped !joli un in a icing lim a plasciant j? in ut nTnlwml U in ýrnwiAp»qu; and Ad for bannor J wAr wu 44%n kwwli Ils a ni Q p) ennystiseil in the interest of Mr. SimPlinfi's il, îè a phriclui seoy of e"quug thm mA nwel i-m"n. J'elum -mum 1 -0 mm AI à ni MA"i dm r Amff't. tqilortent, the linneralde gendeman rniy - fiý1I iý 1 Firlil;tl l)"ltfl4, in rrý,, ; t:,- a' Quc vilinz sitnM aince lkill'h prunny ! . suba Miki and gond, and wo-re Vvii nov take warning. tppolntmvnt%, La qf skrka0hur, 4- lintv mm un, and -0 ev"y onnýon il pm.mvl c, orý 1,ruo- -4- serred and attend, d tri. hpre wMere wu -r .1- -.- Ir.; 1- -f- I.-le -A ". 1 1 - ! -4 je«P dirk ýfl Ob, Il 1.1- The Division of Queetils, nnibraccs Noirt h 1 mie and (litnrin,!, ft)ott)t!à quokm, Ae.., ili I)titarip, Victoria, at.d wqgt Durharta.-7- Which th,! c1prgymen, te k part with 0w l"tith North Ontario and Viétorin. tire, sure 1ý Fïîýoj)1ý, and were the forerriffli, of j,>yliji J'ýr t1ýýgênt1eman Who will 'be Splected 10 1ýýParI ici piétorig. Thý pic-nie wà à 4 a '4j'ý'-rA;d contest the Division agaitist , Mr. Simpson. Acy M-icrity whicb Mr. Simpqon may. 1 lilitea. and ;i 1-neîed (AT wi1hý'Ui 1411 o*jtain in West Durham, ýwi11 he r4)mý ,!etely swamped. Mr. Ciitit)ý,hptmi of titied to th- wmritit:*t met.d of Victoria, and Mr.ý John Héitu Petry. t4r, Mopie td,>"$,ýhpr li) a nf Whitby, arc Ith- 9"tltlegnet-I w1o) dai in xn p1t-u,ýant % o);bjjotrý bave been solicited ito c0r4ýS( the rerre- __ .0. .- __ i mentation of the Diviïiotiq &-,Fainlqt Mr. 4ITuE of 1-iht wefk, bas ;-i" on. Mr. Perry dneq tint ehonse Io goine. verv t"ýfA '1 th.ý 1f"1ýt ol rnter the liste itsit now, and thc choice haî which ià à very fli0y ex-cuied c4rituoil 011 fallen upon Mr. éottin,-,hà m. Oi '4r. the tirât pairr. George lirowl is rrpre- Côttinghani, personally, vo know very sented qested st tablo., wîth Dame Forttmp lïttle;-of bis publie usefýltif-*A a grpat in waitin4. Tho-re i-i no the deal bu ceme te Our TIP bas face of the Pre4ident of the Cooncil, ai- bcen Warden of the 17nited CoLintiem of iý ihough he it L,,bhitml iitSfylé clothtog- Peterboroagh and Victoria, and bu for Th -te Ar-ý leurs in hid 0-veii, and hm is là manv years occupiud a proniiiierit position ralher ru-ftýl L-kirir 'h>v. Frý,m h;ii ,zà both Ibos" modes, Il'il public ficti pockeu proirikde 1ý &di of nnd private charactpr arp miloken of in the and %Vegkly C4n&,]I&n Fi4rm«,s moist laudatory terme. Le ti; a gentle-rnan Bothwell 011 Sjrin,4*, i(:., and he Clutch's 1111. itl.en 1 fi, % il iý,qlt all'i 1'(>il 1. 1 in t' r r. 9 o".f. 1J % 1 the 4 ;-Iv, riiý4r opcral :i il v,41 4ý le i y 'S î-frir.ký-r 11 th A iiziiqt, 1 le(; t. of Evlwl ýiý, 4 'nioli aol Il &tg i', Y Il k, A te ,il :et,- to inike ilitl %vý1 ; 1 fi IvecrIll ' too,% iolUil gel, liv if wýe-4 1 Iiitt IV . i )il illýlll!"".,l 4 i4 thq tir front 'I' tltll.,t1l4, il L ý ;tri 1 voIL or M tgýýl.L. I.- fi) f foil but, titi rit gr, Oviii 0iroo igé-r piý-it, 'l'hc ho-re iip-in l'lit tir r.,turo lit t;l.; Pi 1ýý fi,, thlý 1 furgrc ,)Ifs;ýe-; lit 'Itizrdo fin 1 lie Il)$. p'iigit. 'il f'Iýl ý,ýA or 1 Il ),c l"It , ý!111,$t 1 $"fi 70 V- e I1i- %ý,- ij i igiý VI! ý;g, aild i -il le Lv. F -lui, Ili il rý Ile + tor (sr Puillic for ait.] en 1 hi- fw fi ï . ;Sgj il Ili t le,- t-,& ýn t i -4, i-hp-t! in t'o, 1 1.-,t i %Vqi ý0it hiI f in III-If el r il; st"ý 1 I'r lot 1 fil, a ip o'! Il î-ý ilkloif tir fi tlifl r-stiiiilitm tif fitirry #for iq gel iv Ii,ý rlI i lit r(ý a r-rý tn-i, qi 'è. of 1tina w kil-il ;lfibl,- Ip- ýI Iï li !I. iL4 r fil f. -4, lori le P 1 ; Il lv IT1,ý te te 111 c Il 1 il If I- o.%%,ý hili t. ýi i-,l in leo-Il cig,à ,llIýi ai C fair;V ýoý!I. fer!;] ;il) *fî -Iligt. foi- :il" 4l, Ji0'a,ýc Xttllj V foi r ; , -I , à "I: t Ilo ofO 'T'il 1 11 1 1 0 whi,11 % ou cage lait Voler riall'i. Dýl Ili V-J tri lIý, jýî g.lý" in à U i fi, !If lhl,», n hil -ber. '. t I te 1 t Il 1,1 Il 'x .4 w Il, fnI, ilvi r'; U llv Il,. al'il il) F:rrrlýtn,], flnw >ývvrili Ili loil- trar air 1.1 4,1IJ i r.. NI. 1). Ãn el ricI, l-, Viýit:lIil. lli-il-loor Oeil 9 1 1) flit-, y Vi- ýiclý ;tir ', fo-dvr îr-toi f-1 id,4. Io fil- (,iyrfIro,.r fier th, CfItinty of K oit. i aigri 1 arn'l il ;n lh, of t III- C,)altisliiiii illa Prn tllif)liiii lira ii-1ýiIIu, il, ilillet vier-ry plun thît ilitarrit. try t1uý 1 is ti(litirrrieýl vi5t f7e)!Ipýilli lIýc11 the of Si. d bâ ýc ii, ary Ç, 1 filet à ri i4l., siod it, 1 111. ýII III et t et II (I fi a.111 Ni 'i ýlvI ellwr with the in hi, a Ný)târ Pablic in Ifïi)ef ýgfg, , \tigre i ýid Pi A Iliviii li'ti iv;el il . .11 t tg i il 1. %VI lIitrIv c;iii Litérally thil %l'aï ilitib ý;4%,Y of t Il' tho 'fà lçn grir Itivc lu-4-1 WF".Ils fil-- jory il'-bfl Uý-,o L IL l'if t i4 to, tri lie a N,,Isqr-Y Pilhlie in Uil !t f, If agrit 0w lit bust :44 lie- b!tii;l wq. li'sNe fil fallor de'. th,- till illeI fî,ill of perc4filw '14 e.. fi-ïve, ue iirch i il t,, Ila,-v ri cibly ýgrri--d fille le i 'Y,à i fige ri,,ý,] Ili Il.. i -II jettit tif thi. Da, wtivýi in--Il wi ll;f le( w;l,) ýv,ýrc I*bii [et flut Fxrpflpncv hpq almo bpf.rl 1-1i..a>ý;.fl to io utid ril-st -tolleoiliv lie t ill. prý,Vifiilë. Ville I ieil, tîkin Iity allitrI14III u, t4,ý'r hotrifi iloil iiii.,ir le . ; ri oo Tz, titi! -fil ittér ta t!iL, l'il- ri-ild alili w il lie, ir ufewillitif ;w-ýLk4 lie Ililiit k:tà d If Il là w f1ý- 1 : ef.t tir(! prjV'il(ý 4:ittitl7. qfýoI tfic Eýq.ýirê. M Y fil Ditirriros, of Ill. Vii. t4,iýIiI lIf!ý tif the Itcr lic,ý tolet Vï z Iliit fil bc '144 !g O r , '. W.-I ., fi, (I IV L tflofiflfi Vv!L0 offs-t-ilil 1 lint, the '0 vilée le f,,ef'r III e'iiitilitl",ý iIýfIg ;,,ýr ri fortil- f- Ilw il lI'r r d-4 luir4-4. catiG-, i 7, Al vý- t;- Il th If r, port-i titi Il e 1) ri 1), 1 (el Of Ktbut.,. le 1 in V ii)tjtcIi sizy ill"Ilii, ilot 1;r,. ilito ari approval Il Ni- D , Tiloi iIurii fi; le) WP1 tarin impli. tif Ole. -rIiiiif-t i'f ille !,Iverf-,flliéIà Io th.-cn tu iithý of litilq-.1 w4ýJ iAIý'I rili, rIîI-ll,1ý4 tif ere niticit ;fi l"aper ('ettiullit, and te) ; fifilf, Ivgt,41",l gilej 0vit ril lury wuUlil ý1 vi, t à tw; a glo ty t%,Clvfi lit;,] et elII)ttlrqI of Trit,ýs, of Purt, Ilgirw ii. a V. là , Wl 1 :te% Ili] 1 Il11lt- jaim in tilt, Ivât; of' cot he dt-4trov,à il t1l", libra- l'i'uch trieli 'li lie" WrizIgi, * Ili.. NL Air wi-it if nrt iviiile the. Io pfl,%Iel. hi!1i tI) PhV-.Iq,ý ýIIfrf-rV Il t1ilt %VI U!1 fo:144I frir. stijo avii inIl 1 ie4 Iif p fific), 1 h el, niIýcý(jieitl,!i il) ri"iotcp(l. tels u,,irlluuil t'y and mpt-ak tu a tilt, lilfidi w:týi A ur Th'I il yreur -tâ. and tli-ý woli tif 'riýz:)s lïl:btiti. A mrn;à li fore- Itmil ter In (Try li'l'; all edf- Tiv 1, 1 iq filwl 1WA rel fil thicg sray 1 have 1 nli ýlà ce in thieif '4tiorýe. -V carried elthig!#, lit Uppêr (-'itnïda. 4tio lb4! il4f nod fi) I4ý iottr'l'itlloit uiill,ýr of col. 1g i-Ji ,I0, --týz f r tire Fviloral service, and là , là (apiric Ili 14 tailler ord-r (il' M'z fIý. l"I 14t, VI e lire- (A bij:i hére i.e-I! J The Légendoit 66 I"îinewee Oit c4ttjjqdil. II le il ref(,ýrs !ýpg:iriiillv fer th-o ca4edf the frishmen 1 thiet fi) or sý,mfI IIillîli, utt-*,âýil,,4ý hildi. hegI4irIýf and cloth tha: l ' 1 f' w%à ýtirv tLoy bprilb%. i-,; ilà . 140 tiliwil of il,(- lioli tilt., whieli fi :Lits wlitl tvt-,-(-, let-el. in .1çirie t gr The 7Ãejw hu tome very aporaprig. - fi * , **tiitt W-14 thryin tg Qà týwr nuiv'y flw.,ilii'8 are, Iiii,ýifteilitute, ilidivit,14alî le ii.uimi4eh lm- ho il J leiui ne 1 lie --Ili of two colorvil ailil in(lizrii'*,(ýq alter tii,.ir railcim"- wni; tu" trer exhtimi ýtfe botý initie lait hefuré lier Cýilitith?.t and take. Ille w4h olley et oit -ýh IL worir it't' Ili or tiiell Pý,âf týiti if 0(iýsc flacit; dire proved remarls U;Poa Câtl&dî, and I'hw' prcibsbIp Iton sieur ý%tcleIÃllirz, hy Ili victitti*t iiioli. Of the frifler Il lot out of th-, mouth of iny iïlc-,v tient- - île liumber More of fil-. Wur ivi (à ilflthpr"t Yià iit't il ktiù,vjià lire est the pernon of tiiii Ivrwer. Men lent] of the tiril war rieiný on oulef 4 04 i(ý virith leize, Lharg the ex-, i Union recentli, cxchafiý, the 09her aide cf the Lines. We tuake ij will 4P en of ii;in t,, ý,ive t1ic bieli et natte wqlnemn havre Ilt-en takell? tiei ' 1; whii>pïfil rend ' irîvvtl. 1 _,ed, have ernt)lIerý- (If .111 in ettime extlacif il ;S III Aient" lbtt Ille beltea. %ViVfýî an4 fl.,Uý,,htt!r!i werLe shame tire Middleton, Anc. 12, .1 p. M.--OLtr 'J'Ile 'iiii v til, 1;ýoà r triat yf#u pre !.,)rn did I(câ4iy arill lire licly vi hgiý,, an ellitari.-gil on -the Filme «-C&n&drà bu beent eiref-di"ly fortu. lti&VF 4 %>la". - 1 eliviblry came ni) With the réar guard of' à ;ilýjcr% hî)lllillý-, ît III) to Irijý;hlIgcn -as Vou iver ici. siIi--tl et itat'. ite thti preti of thi, 1'liI-ïe are ail futtî and truthî, and 1 - ý a , the týoIIr*e, whit-4 the Airericati n,:Ie tel-) tdv>ttlcpi, te> Pillif-r 1 entifici ' the warning- troi. etgliiýst the Pederal ser- Illigier, tu 14-UV ii in lèt ihii lir,ý,qt-iit writiri ? !-the deefls have been rieriletrated in Our t eiiýiny toirly thi.i p. en., aied trost q9lar linglit, takfe, lInd the North igureeeded 04T.Iligir mir dulies cail ine il 1 qlieht ilri.sued in toivri, Ou, vice, bût aIitiiist eqni-raticti to America. the Qà ribpe Chronirle, thrif ulold ility within th'l fiant few daïs, 1 in iminedi.%tely and overranning 1 ri,, be oreïeilt (,ri tirait day, i et le- infitritry were elfetic ai the licels of lhe 14) le si filin have written noibinz cxazgerated. L, - the south. the ware thst thithpr ùl'I averie. %Vhithier aru ette drift 1 1 a, thil Ladher, givia il a It:ft catralry. Th(il rebe-4 am iii)w fil fine of- vOnng w9men littýýJiiiýr tiew argil thin ; and tiii-rt-'s the guagoe f étils ta utt@4 the ficellet; - of horroi, drowned in Toronto »ay. would inf»llibl7 have rece)îlcd upon Canada, tib)l)e itýxFIf giviii irrefornirigthun ta those i and itifremy and miifretin,,, which the eye baffle or)PoQ-itp Clgfar Creek, acruss Sileu- and site uliarmeef and unrpn4y. wenid cer. Yours hl htft-. 1 1 tien 11il;e, be.twci,-u twi) or thrce miles diiiý that to the thrue Clrurch as te how i witrà e-iiIýd. 1 record Delly otruth fux tire Tire melancholy even hich refW tfà ijlly have bition oTf-r«heImPýd hy itî trio. Loi)K 1 . tatif. _t to w 1 world and fio.sieritir, cnd the civilizeil ait- encu bas been made occurred about eleven Ille? ItOle Il) Ville- il, North oistartie. The? 'rai r leticé. Inirterid of laméi! Io New-Yoric, Atizusé 15.-Adint iarra- mQuient illitt thri Culi,ýitrvative and Grit tions tnity uridIýrtitatid the eh-tracter of fige "ut, in a lette '140 ýr fi) Coin. Palmer, tif New, olelock in Ille evenitt,,,,, upon the fiel' an .4Ltà 8trian Emperof in the Sauth. Ri! garni of lwiliý,iî berriel the ligtichet, he *tue sowl il ettemy invading, us -*the fleuris wbu éeek the mentant, City of publieilen pride woold have êParced the t,'xbrid"e, Aug. 1863. 0 ýrleflfls, says :--.ýAi un early hour où the -Toronto- fe0m Niatrara. i, wu% deup in tire) skuli of more than oitu i ta subjugligte us. Batier.- ia nat file OrilY A amali boat containinet, seven persans- ideak of a Briti4b colotev in the N0rIh.-ýi1 5th teur fltlret, lashed two and two, sailed "I But ihtI Confederation'hua stood bettreeln Il may uot ho atn;?m ta inform you thiii ý,,itillettilli on b,)I!l sides of the Iloffl flut 1 - beast., If filets and evidenceit, actions into the Press, close under the gunii- of three ladies and four yourte men-namely, 1 the Fail 'wheIjl lint-V t in this, &t.d they did il, cleeà via the rnirrâber for Corti- and wards, testify truly ; if illatils ways are 1. viq nces ce and this grest danger. Gený Legs hâtit elle 1111, in hroadside afte . - m Frai - Fitz8immonis and ber sisier, fou4ht car battiées mité w(-Il agi hiï agira, and i,% nt an end. Oiei if) wktll to the rit the santie te ne. indices ta hi, mitid ami heurt, the Federal Fort Mor , residini,, 01, Queen street . ýli,39 te filer 4;iV(l lm a (1ov, rrmeni of brutes brutalized. 1 broit(I-iile of grape rend canistrà r, dites driv. the dry wpftther there fins beert no difficul_ Ycrra, i8 that ilîllrdliutiýiti- erfti e re iding en Victoria a handred bloody field% have à walllwed ufý 1 ing, the guiiaers front. theîr places, leaving . street ; and Meurs. if le. eç-tiin.- il sectirely boused, and lie yet 7 for sierra a word 1 licar tif ÃŽlien ut Il. fermies may ' S. Atkinson,'-I". Gilliespie, Charlton and thai fieree and, as they bi-lieved, invineî. record tient our people and our Il our ve-4sels exposed onty ta the lire of , ad condition. Il iel conteigit-red to bc l-en. 1 suilposle lie h4ýqti't shnwn hits nome in il" fuils, ujidemtatid whom they encoilliter, pt)rts (,xltill" &111,1 powelle W jeh Weýe of 1jepper near Yone street #harf as the Ille host which was destired ta eradicaté ' - là et4ilf eiSnýin!z. an à tveri&2e croit in quai.ily M trativ i PrOvirieim wid the test ef hein tend what thev repel. 3VIien we imeet, coiurse, tiot sa effective, on accolent of.di$l eteatner app.roached IVIIIen it fend Bteamed the 1wa trgaee of Britillh mupremacy from <i'th a fair vield, which lm morê thart CiLil j-st natif. Ille thel gagilit, of a piper hpi thémi the Y;trkel and bis nitigro accom- lance.- At the wime lime, Gew. GriiiIýtf'- el"X OP the men if] -the pleasure - the Amptican Continent. As the couiplil w bont fear. b(e maid for any ütLer farta product raitied kolowl, bLtiler then that arther Ili% doitif; plice and oit the baille field, or in- they lyould be ruti down attempted ta continuf'd, the forces of the force parties illess, land batteries enlield Gaineà , and *Luaed in IS64. whigs he mturnbled juta the wï thoy invaele our h)ineï and happi t out of the riva' 4eame more equal, rend lire ruv now in the eviteuatioug and b1cywing ait, of Powelil. ge - Y, but in the confusion Ilecently ligie have>,, in thil; Ifei I)uf,'u lit-,,otra 1 thei-e*g a grate detie of du4 will il be fui ourtiel",ï,to ehow filera of the Moment ran di*re(,ily acro ýthe dulge à balle thut the teraliésation of 1 n Ili I)Wsâ;tl" tire forts the Oneiiiii received a 89 , jqlwarag it worewith the elemetits In the somewilpm. 'l'lie Lard tirant th3t none ai tnercy ? y steamprla bows. Cap t . ýfl:loy saw the -the Civil Wur, Wheti il contes, rififi- leave 'l shot, which ternpararily disabled ber the North, whmther vicinrioun or vanquilsit early part of lagit week, a mari, it seetnri, it may be stickin ta atil of our skir D-es net hum.týriity and brentevolence ni;tcliirj&lry, 'but site was ettft,-Iy , towed veîgel in front of bila gind fetterripied ta hall foolimhly tilt on fire a quanl'ity of rui) relieiôn £faim that e±atniel4?ti shail lie brick the ettereiner by revérsing the en ed', in a diorWoitiosi ra*,her ta seek repatilo bi4h 0, 1, la, taille,, bc bai Le 1 horte you'Il sottie be able ta i.,.d ne Ilirouzil the fire by ber congort. -Our ngirie à -ken théI ici, a liait of thoege thut retttrn alive froin thpl niade 7 Does net lie lire of liberty, ver- but 'a fattility seëmed ta attend the amail #&fier its almost sumrhuman efforio than ta P monitrer Tecumseh wag nue of the fore» i Of el,-4ring, when it iminediIitply %prend gray sidge zsftl;er baving heea oit the battberi;ý tue uni] chriâtiaiiity derriand tient né alore rumb in frfsh adventareâ. Stillthis cire- i most, and aille waa ýstiiik almoât isistanilv, vt,<Biel. If wu StÉlick by tilt. steamel And *!th iluch fenrfut rapidity as tu bteomè en for th:l beet part Of a month. Soine ofii" piîxI)rie,.rb tic taken to bu turried lause, il' Mediately etnashod to Piecex, and the eluition in hy ne meâtille certain. The con. arrying dowillahotit 100 Illert. Tir,- gu'u, 1. ý 1 tîrtly uremangizeable. Mendowl; and fences lilial Will go fflr, of Course, by afin ; but' airain ta return upon ut%, ta riepeat thpÃŽr c 10ceullants wert, câst futo the water. Capt. elusion of the war tnay leare the Northern i 1ý - brata havinill pasiëd out of reach of the States in the of au areny whîch Illet-re constimed in eyerL direction, until il the inajority, froil what 1 clait, jiLre, IV' il il Crimes and, Our sufrwing, ?.ý Men ut.-Virgi forts, were liursüed by the formidable 1 rellel 34illoy, séeiliz tfle dangyrIr of the whole renehfý,d Mr. Plank's woodgl. Ilere the fire faite a âhorter eut. No doubti; but[ yeu'Il il oit, btubsitido. fathers" bèothers, arotlg(4 r ttwy dltrp not digiband, and eûnnot rentre. 1 ,rani Teiitweîçý(,, the ram waï pu [y beint, de:it!«oyeil by the paddle wheelfir rail III) the treeg, and as the wind was blt)%v- ha fittelloise thim tell, laie wîd loyal slipeehes toýyour duty and ycur safety,, to the lire. atolice stopi:ed thii Iliigines, when arec of nietilly employ, and that irmi, may demand attatked Pin e&ë,tülillyiliýtt Ehe-,ývils obliced ln& fromthe north at the tjIlle, the vilitif and el-owin the bewties of conféder se!vation cf the life and hunor of, your' the girls, SlVaill, W;e3 l'olind clin Wg Io une ta be led against the unt(iuched and flour- l 1 ad ta Surrentitâr -in ri follet minutes. The rum Wie lit ignim;nent d4h,,er of b Wha fait lever ycà u du wid thim, however, dun't dear ones. $eek not, desire siut to inif, e Abp wlieel,-i-. 'I'li(ire was Ir,ý ishinz probince of canada. Il is quite ýWa3 bat glichtIv injiired.'* nt conrurrio7n destroyed. alarm waî given, aod- attimpt to i3ing i for, jeun iny soel, you nul in ally 'Way to'-dilîturb, in ilivir couair and illitrin b,)Iil aillow, ilit, passengers on posaible that, the North mfÀy iseék en the Buniside ha,4. boeii relîeved of his culte- luckily the men of the VIilaý-e Calme ta the have a voice lil-ze a carte crake and tell iiii t and tlieir herlidi, eveli -titis, dtbut4ed, relentý ' the stcampi, illifl the crowds on théi' St. Lawretice ait indemnity for lit it bas Il mand. Ilooff fris beet) largcly reiiifùr iloigh. 1rescuë. Djy removing the ftnceâ and firraiti, jou are, joli bà vè:no morts idaja of 11111»Îic ý leilese cruel foe. But let hîni urgdý-âtanâ- . li Ced, hi )riii,, wharvPs but Beverstl bouts fast onthe Potomne. Inellortifint ehnnrei of position are rïpo1ývlld the use of a gond ffilleil 'of waler, and the filait a steaut, whisliel. Take my word for let hint fe'el that neller #gain shail ails whQý lvitir arotiiiii ficw ýto the of th- > Tbereý is aise, another danzer, wbiels ý il Ln ile laking fflýice in Vir'ý'îllÃŽa. ille Fle. going dowti of thé vivind iti that il& thruth lin teltin yon; aud titrât dare8 to'trpitd otir soil iii (lie t!-ceeutibnýof 'fi ilic witter. l'ho were idle tudisrega'rd, Itseomstobe our 'Wal 1 ut a give to bi-4 deralii are,,,wiýhiiI two inilest 01 Fort Dâr. m was held in checkalid a greht calamity a- if you open y6ur-ýmouth- in the thiî iti titi litage ellISSI011, re ed up, hut unfortunaiely Ille tevo, sisters, poliel te leaille in ýCanaAa-as a nueleus Yotelli fattrilliter YOU_ 'd, erted. J bave often heard of Elle beill", soný." soif in agid il, seotinierit wid suiýlç hericieille the urfÃŽ ' wesuppose, ruand which native levies may v Bo5,ruN, Ait,-,. 15.-Thel schootier R. E S ePý Il agorid servant, and 3 hard w4sterlgo btel at-faste'- and thrit's aluiti tir fpelio., a flurrmive or liiî bit6vausâr. hige were drOwDed, Thpy liverie wýoüt Pi_,htà ýe11 gatber-sonte niïw bé ten thousand British 1 m 11reker, (I!, Capt. never âaçv il agi clearly deinomtritteed io oit tlèreadia' ulroit the totâ of anotivér. G,)d ýprùJi-acY and his brutality. afid tweilly ypirg,-,Df troops whieh have tilt lately, been scatièred 1 _ . g . 1 > train lý.Itienýri fo, ;3ztqh, put itito H lm 'ý8 , _4- etively. Tueilday Iwn. f meïde you egp.,î"illlly for crellitili CITIZEDW! 1 0 Settreh Wu inndtl for their bodiea lut-, Lever à froittieilline of a thuÃsand milfsg, Hole oit thc 14th- itiït.' havim, beeli Cite). Oti'Sgtýirday wiý had a 2evere thander. di 4 0 qe lit, but UP to air eitrlý hour thii In pec4iady of altwek, -and pouessing lu the ord.tilery way, witticilit 1 tell, oea3y t à itý-erm. aecompariiM with tiiuch wind and your thç IÇIlLe Roolley. tured hy Ille Privalef., lit 8 - , -n'm- tio metris df defenoe. ir sie wish ta amure î avlin out (if oun proper eborse, or in 4' Illuy beeti revovered, M.iss y p. fil., on Ille 121li iiist., lut. 40, 71, _î in. 1 have net heard of ary accident ilitiulgin in ürty refiiienititul)ozi your Tberft's out tilt tire skies, and b(indell. for$10,000 for the Arnericat, armf net oa'tbe great Leikes, occurtitî, firent ihe, liglitniîi1'rý bu.tý theI, wind tlirou th thu wmý.s of IIIII "Shan . villc »ý le t4-ýè il pair Ili, tY(I." steawgr titi, lier relative on -hourd- the tire. could hold out to them, no bait more _11 Tho T;illýtl 1 & wrived sied le. ? A:% volir'e, KLui Izoiluy liL'ý8ee_ cILF)tured, '011 tlie 14th irrfsiètable titan this stiail band of Eni. blew with ucli vWence eu tu blow doviti voulith, or aigy ailler littie air thaï, Open$ movikil lier borne. The aëcidentw" due j lit t;ltl,;Il il"w, instant, Ille hrig 13illow of Salem, captulit fencei, demtroj treen and eveii injurebuild- up-a bleck loort, inta tli.e ht!art. stiek to liliO,,!Othêr tù the caroitýà iiiieîs of -tholse, on lièh ioldiers. IL-ed, fýi)rn Citlitig l'or" 13ts1tiatore, and t1i'é - triots whoý ha ings. If wu *or-3e-îli Brock and Scott, Y,,ý, ,Id thrade of ba3het, [aqkin and the 1 l'oeil quitte Iîjoullûý. board thf. rè-liont - No bl Ve been ursting us for the IaAt 1 1 t - whooller of -Tre noue, , MtilinI,-,, 1 Çvbat. bai' in Uxbridi4e- illeur tha, 0'18 Of the divil, a man ou titis continin t cari hQuid a c Ver ý cari three , monthi, to undert-aké with a fétu t . t thrrivelin tlc>wijviiiIli U) yoq r 1 ipm, Ciiptairi,-Lawyer , attach w m'Il ha bailé'dý Shier8 in 13ro(.k, Lad the roof blasa ofý candiL tg) you. (rom, calais foiý'pliiladel-. hý 1 OY,- w ýMeGec aboc 1 > 1;Ãos Iko-s chir. thouatndtéen the expulsion, of titra first two bar'is and in &oît, Mri Jus. Murray Thi tvid 'warm t1iiiikiii, pilla. Tlieýorew's of the, Billow and Sp . 0- L - em ivhen ai -ïoni6 istýnceý' and mýîdé lit city ils gittin wome than thè Liber- le very ëfl'ort ta prqvent. thé 8 clau militery, Powert trom Jutland and T Lt 1 wuult IiIio to-týIt4fe their dew, kaiie were traýnsferred tc file R, E. Preker teamer runuins of the 4th con. bad-the rouf blown off hiý (y S6rra Iraorrtin of' ôà r' liveig; but,ý -iiiid yoga, th hie&wig will Ille perfectly geasy m -te the-, dWélli'g boUsele so the we Il go, owfý ley bref erre em down.ý--.Le9 same'- MOY be have a lot - of blýgPards u bu bri th,ý th 41IPt'ikitt The Bil rate ieftbïs,- little- h4id, and believe that 1 1 m p muts e 1 baid of the water as of the fire-ge, a guad P' Jï 1 , eut' away and the sagitinst its invi of i agisthraO, ad, inny îI)f illil iv id Tac Pop&,ÂËeTai COÉ?goiuTc Sr acible rank8 the itinumera an m viessel wag lhen .".ïcuttled., The , Spokane AT" will serirgient but a h4rd muter. &dacent coat wheir 'oack-ï ýTbe mëi hoRtA of the Northeni States meit, Lit rat$ ýgiIeà f-débat&on the was $et on firé. :Both'véýà diâ ,Weýç,ioadëd' (0- &WRY hile hailstoili the suit, We hoid tely oui villuee hm beéa the acene of Of the stbreet toq are,4,1t, go ocrry la dabine-,, ýéeýt -îîýt , à "Igt îît T', the m Hà VlýI ?7 Câp ' le suffýring and ' - > 1 - (ai, of s,._ death. r vin fi ý -iMV'Uiii II. I.îtillye imp 0 , mpch,,, -,Mul igau 1 no Bach comfortabip S'ekness t'f.aucatîon and talent, aIIdý weffl qijalified Io take bit place inthe l'-giýlAtiVe C,,utlcil U the repregentà tîve"o Qutene' Dîvibiun. Ve kn6w of nothing %thich givea 3(r. îimilson a clatin uptyq tue elfetors for r- %-îeètion. Ho bas dolle ne inne public act during the eiglit yeart, of biî terra te hene fit the pe ople of Quefit'o. X-mithef bu ho us a publie mau w1drd in esty une way ;ü the benefiicial legislation (if the country, of exhibited either capacitý orýdebire fer public usefulnesà , In the litile patt which lie has talien in Wiýlation G bit% dipplaved the sordîd i;elfisbrýet;s of the money brokpr. ile lent--or pretended te ictid $800,000 of the ontarib Banir funds Io gorprn. -4nent i but in place of ppying in Bank exchange hi paid, in-that-oÈ privaie mor. ý.hants, charging full rat(.@, 4nd jewin- the country eut of the differecre. Indepd the only litile piece of loeiglation con nftted wilh Mr. simpbodo public ea reer, ý wjuld appear tu be the Ontario Bank.- .4 &et organizing that inntitutîon wan the on@ solitary publie act contýf>ctcd wiih hi@ l'arlîsmentary higtory. IWiLtéresté. nit. li*z leelativp duties, were itje grand ubject of bis cm in Parliampnt. il is throu,,h its inflaienre tooý bc expects tu be re-elec t- ed. Without the influence of the Ontario Bank ait bit back, the Honorable John Simp, ýon would out » sorry a 6gcre in Queen'e I)ivioibey se ho duos nO"W, amonf-et the Lords of the Legislative eouncff. AtA respecting bis connectîon with the fortunes of the Ontario Bank ; thosq interested in the Divîaion of Queenle, may taire our Word for iý, that there is a rabvement going un te take the - Head Office ont of the Division,, and -remoie' it tu either Te. ronto or Montreul. Tbis 1 its net ltke. ly te take place until "aiter the elec. tien. But let Mr, -8împýon ho once rt,,4e&ted u the reprëôentatjýe of Queenle the ter M' tié te rorî ýi ana theh eoà the Head office et Bowmanville. Mr. Simpson bas voq ýljttleJnterât in the Dî. vision, and bit course in earliament-obewis that ho takes very little intekest in lit pros. perity. What bu ho doâe te advafice the întemte of Agriculture, i in thise one of the muet prominecUy agricultural por. tiens of Canada 1 What,.to bolp -or. promote its manufactures ? , What foi any other interest beyond those bi the Ontario L'ack 7 -Ho bu no co;nmulity of i . nt 1 orest or feelit)g wilh the People of QueW ' a Dî- vision. Let the electoro éelýct a man Hke Mr. Cottingbam, who bu. every interést -in, common with tbemaelveë, I Who ý '18 one themulves, and who in Pauliament woold have time to attend te thé watitu, and wisbes of bis constititents, and not ho en." groued wholly,ýby'lhe cares of a banking îli bis band âà l3other %iX*-A4c suzar êlum, snark-td-14 Preiidoui et the for VhiCý be it un" te And rolom in' hià pnckels. On Ibis »Ceaunt hù The Dame @Aks:- Il Why GeurXY. tol bol, whatýs, the tuatter with fou ?" To whirb (leor4e #à nè*er,ý.- *, 0-6-1 the 1-a-st He" of pud-ding yon-yoa-g-%,we me." Datue F'orter.*---- (7,4n'i ou vour puil. ffirig, th.-n j'ut il ie voler peekot, My dpgà r." George--I My pockets are full aireudy, Dâtme." » In the hack ground, are erome of bis col. Jeagups pitebink intu the pudding Most NuMnier Travel. Ive beg le&vc (0 cail attention te the advertibenirnt séttilig-týtit the Railing bourg of tLe fainririte Ateainer Xmprow, titiller command ni Captiin a gentle- iiiiii wrIl and fftenrafily known tn travel. ers on the St. Lawremen. It will be iqeen that eheý Witt lenve Port Hnre k1ilvr, and %Vliîtby Hrbor three tlme*-- a week tir- riving, nt Cherlotte "rly ln the afternonn in lime to conneet with train* leiving Rochester fer all painte Zi-st and We*t. The re-openîng inade betwe;e* t4is tnwn and the soiith shore wili he hailià wîth hy niir eitize-,n.ç, many of whoin ne) doubt Prill araîl themýýe1ves of this pleuqant Tolite and the Wfk.lilerfiil Cheplýe" ni tnvcl (te (Anailiails ut lonst) which- hn% n1rertdy sent so many twirists frein atir shoreg, Tac Gnut PANORAMA, Chlled th4 Zo. graphicon", îs aarprtiîed (OT ex libition here, ai the YýecbattîW Hall, en Tuesdiy and Wednesdity, soth and 318t, ilist. It in pronouticêd by the preýj@, et boib- the Stateii, -and Jirre, wheré exhibited, one of the best of the lcîilçl '-intýoJueed, te p uh1iýC greate8t. irtiptie flaimlity and ti-othfuln'ess, and are expeuted in the best style or the art. The Toronto Globe and Leader Ispeak of it i n the most lan. page, and eqpaltyý fà Vorable floticfï-nf the press, ýWé extract , the rollowing from the' Norll&,, Ammca4.; of philRdelphia 'I Thegrett ixhîbition ai Ccà cert Mil 18 now -beý,1innfiig to, be fairly apprecinted brAhe publie, as the crowds that nightly thron,41he hait'.War ample testiniony, Thir Zügtraphicon bu rereived the enderge. ment of thé, leadIng :divines 'of ibis 'tity, and the impreeffloins tnaie on the «cind4 of the joul'h vho visit it can npvèr-be eradi- Cated, and Witt ýproVe of infinite "w tà them through life, Acadehlies, Sulidav.'- saved. wrierî,