<WISTAR'St BALSAM t IAS UZEN 11ORD FOR1q EAEXX OD HAL AI à CETRY «Ç Sherifl'is Sale d Lanld& HWî t h éeit tilg g gs osin eurig qVoUaty of Ontario, 1t 1 qTU1<DA v, theIW lCoxtâ,, olds, lKoarsenessq,8ore To Wio !J1fIÉST day Of OU» ,Z4e~4 o$u o;h f!O3ER, A.- D. 1864, att wolveo'e1look, noon, Crà upq,$'Mer çournio*j, Brone- wili hae old hv Il'îîlie Atiction, nt 11v <>Iliicns[îumuyBeal." ha te CurtlloucliaTlie'owîî nof îVhîtby, 'lu the Coiîty 0 ot arlon4c, tL i ght. ttiLee ai l; shs u vr Ittrest. W11111 he ini dermeaitJol0îlIfeodaiit% feloi scui'ri-lly pi.;oeqs" i Lwtî rOetlaîiltnds h ,~.to~ Jp Lfl'i tuiîît tlîcreoii, sobized hy ine, uniler T bxhO.a.t .g adCu anid hy virt of cortniti Write of Fi-cri Fact 'rac vvi vi: lu the- CountVr Cou rt. ac> js 1m pt i1 samo I t) îvlitlî, Pîitt~ s hrcTuer9 I'A 1 arcely clmo IodiVlL-. grcwart .ewtt Iiî'ftii.liit. ,li lêoiuutv~h hl Lotnîaiiltr 'lttttcu.ii.l1c~tIti1itofltir-le ecap.s, during.a %ionecefroy i lnii ti 'w,~î~lî i 11 le ui ni 'ouî3t (iut Ontrlia . i rko i w ili îw t on ipliu oueu. hoWever sligrtly de- 01l AâHil Vliîî,ii ttcJfhi 'lt. îr, eoopeai, ofthe ebove smnptoros proî'lici'l iati*i tI.Irvr, t icibil s-.a negleet cf which imiglit lesd hud erccttiisw tf .to te ]at iamcd, en4 inclit te 111 ithecouisty Court. ddau oliLtelce Johi l3iîdJi',Il itttl~ V il tir ~ atalogue. Tfiic power <of the Villiigîl- ot iiligicr ol oi tuiit rl îd oîeicly as Imeôcnî ua"c'Le Wl buic iii Nu"It - li S ,i111tl: treet, i ii-ilwîî jju chlerry Trescirver Vils ela i f Upoil a plIl îî tjic.,ii 't'tlrry, ii tihecomplaitats ix vetO knowîî; au Cuit i ii iutrît. .grecatil% the tpied .It li11114 îiî loith <la" ki. 'd, and go ici it tlic ptipulsifty Nfnlce>lti l vsî ".'tt . t . Blîîlrown it la e1iîd andilî~1i r l)diittlîti. -10& ap.erfu,,tuteii e iiiiéeis <FIÀ 'fln Ytb :u'f i !iit î i-cctt .'ýýtv',uî. <i / lr ei'tiéupc i4i i~ epf A Wrnfi, eitE.cffle Maar 8hcriff'e 111k' . MuRktaiL C., Oct. 20, 1358. 1864. TIIE NkEW vFAST iîLlt(SIEMI R1O CII E ,S TE 11, CAPtr. W. T. IEN O, OC4thi of APRtL, 1864,-ia lcann tct ,,;lt t l' ..- î "M ti. i 'tIt lietilcu titi ! l- t .%,îî u ('ua t . it . .î . u ...ut.. .... .- ' t i . Colioirc.'et ..... .. tut. t,. l himtfuur RlIHE(u'I.u'rn, mtuu't oral î iuus t-t ii a-tiuti oAw i 'tut N. l-TI c[:ýaieer scli tt t reuli fti I- zt i- .. i e ' t à , : ar ti t - 1r l'ortluu Jtirt ii-1M-t btggaL'ee ft i ri-k (i 'ti eotilir, îlut , 4 ttk - lierluti p itifur. Fi)r filrtliur i' itt'ri; ,t ul1t 'l t u' and A Ç. lra'.' ae 2M lm Eci 1 E PROI uONs SVIIRYTIIIN<'t :Lx u¶îu tii-w i th. 14staîît 1,< Il,;mrate'If et r Beeiw %Wck (f 14 AN l Pu) VISIOINS n :1of pâe klx loor tg l lis brOttu t a hou i h,"it' r, Brock St., Whitby, Witere ieclit selitur taia'5tinuîgetnunprecitdcnt- edjy low iritle. Butter l'gati, Flitr, i>etiaiil, liIt, tîl-ltcC, 8pices. 1). ict'i Aîtîîieat, Fich, uicti'uri- ever3tl'iiur. (tonne anti sec, aand exai.e the llt,aatitlil prt-eus. -Whitby, Jul' 11. lithO. LDI(N-BLI'NI). ré NARINE DEPÂWrENT. 1XTILT <sIkittt iCaaeI',a lu a u e g r a n l i i n i l r îs k it , t f o r t e e n mu u tii i l o r 10. t siter-heImt ftucetti' icti ciiulliweit on I tenu à o<iîîriupriîiuliic (4 litsam ' on, à pnint, l11ual1it) iiuriulmettttiluilt itI alWjot ielins iî.oni ahe Cciiupauý, igay ha roIted upon.t Fort wliuîuy Wbîtby, Feit. 2ttt, Itît. IN THE m~PRai SS, 'TIIfE ÂSII1BU19 CA S El Or Six jearn exîteritto ni in jItcriaî Lufe io Canaidat. AN IISTOrWÂLSTA&TEMENT GILBERT MEGUSSON, Esq., 7p Hý 9bOve ork te noW In Press,,. end 11 wii hepuliud ii 'short ime. As I "ny a limniteti ' rumttcrr wili be printedcarly- ppikëatieoniIl b. ne. eetry. in eider te secîîre copies. 16 ]PIaster Distributor. T UE subsoultiw lias nâ omda patenit foîr JLte thow, M;Ieiie, W111Aul ic dIsres te Introdu t h lui lentioce ?ftll firnictg couiomu ra IL 50ow, andOé.nlYyiAtb"te R1444 of moet Mseeîili Liuiy iv s carîuItnouurtiaats. TL wilit tl LItemU1a nçîe Jaý aoucs,- aad d i ifîbotoqu<la sca4 tlt , Y.' 1 1'f~ D- mnore e r',-Ttiidi t1ihailtti, 1tteut' cu ) l iîrii"lizte groiliîd.. lt wilsîîW <ounte-ý or McI o .wo rgwa$, o 1' ý e,'t st0uiî.,It a -Osman5wltbha stueicil ta wok le ns mure.wiqt t 14le nt rýre ti< 8 nl kei, nsud pn z»,l%p9esV* e -lot brmnght nndar publi.c ntice. pafêrt Rig te for Coulthîse anti Townahips-' for mals A1plteattun <o Ivi dase to 1ttnIud~~m & 8. W. Fi,WiClt & CO., BoyiLi, gratif% ,iueiut ruttro tcutax uetof LDr. Wlutar'a 1;ilttsuiiotf W Id 1Vherry, t1îîiinideed toec lurumtuire u oti iiti viîei listhae ini li i-ttitaac. For nuizi 1à aL1in t1W"ce u<Atccrncliy iiilt. itfi t ,rt-re atad OnOtIiste oniai i- i'ujsild wlî sci'peiîi rue tee' wi<itI diaoleavi ton, cetanilir Yiud Witter., lui îuî'l-trit uied ta' I tititt 1I nululwalk 1luit iliiî-p-ttu iilui r.ieî'ereirr 'SintC- %t cnl-n îîîîîrt ti'uiri'liucnd ti],k ici' the, 13aistin, r'iitkI 1 fviuidimitiditii ru-ltef. aid1t eîttu li i~'(uît&IPtr htieIwu the î î i iiIjà i'tfix i lt,ll. ( ui iittuuiu ait s rell d- t t icj ii a âi',iit cutt.- iýIs'rtl luI ici calrî'tint ièvtuc'tapis et usci Casitt; ll l 'ut o iýt bu tr.itlabu u'tuuiti a' it uiatt ti Wu.illnau Ca l'u. Nuitr 6udietjrvCltJt! î i.'Iitult y liJus. Il. Gi'rric tiic;,.A Miy'TSY TO )LENJ) , 0 It EA lutun i nfld ex arafOon IRA tg nisns'ca lur - isl mtofltr.uted [ttI.if 810lu e aow v uiSad 1111 laituuesurtc siîl Stif t e î,.at fait sita T he 15 la *gim1lnek à te tA dtJe Whu dr el by«M roglt 25Ih~à Rie frS I$1Wie Bade tObhri'gbt Sar, $j Por Medicini,ialPurposles, [Or for SIIbs., otiloB'tter. JAMUES BhtOOM, t t t Schofield's Old Stand. The suberiibers have on hand their usual large and varied stock of SHELF AND HEAVY 9 BAR IRONI' SALT, PLASTER, &c. Tbey intend sellingm at much REDUCEID PRICES, FOR AHWOR AYPROVEB D BT They beg Most respectfully to itaform ail parties paîr-hasing on credit tiat, on accotiut. of heavy bases lsustain- ecl during the- past thrLetve-ars, oui proiiot'operattiôna, (hey <flUet mi-st ofrgetit'uelt ai nd aYment oft-111tîccolnts on lst October next, Lt!ia rriulng or ove'rdeae. From this date ait parties puirdlîninguii eredit, lare reqtii.sted to bear in niind, LIant ait ncccoîîttu u taiinlotes itttat bu met iwith li pîctuiaity whe du ad pyabe.YARNOLD & Co. IV-11ITI3Y, June 21, 1864. W, *AL NT*t; .Ail pai-ties indelbted( to the late firm of Gibson, \un«il C(o, l)y look ac-vint, ntet, or oîherwia', -ire re- quîested b nîake' an ituiinttdinae-ule'm'nt oi' thi'ir indebted- tieu<a nn aIl îtu' tlc'coiuttî d't'ite', andilreiutainiitg tînatttc.il by 1uliy t'kxt, wnI il e l for colectioni. WIIr-rnvY, Jutait 21, 1864. YARNOLD & Co. Spteciidýid Snoincr Goods! T--RESII ARIVAIS AT< "TH-E PEOPLES' CIIEAF lPCASI1 STORE#" (MRI. IGELOW'S NEW BtUILDING.) Mi .11. CO0CHRJ./VE., W- GREAT B.RGiUNS ILN Sugar-101bs. for $1 eýaI>. o 1 Best Teas, Good Grecn & B Iack froru OO0e A ilarýgestock of Mens', Ladies', and-Child- rems 9 of supeir make aî,d inisb. -'td Men' c afa $3 25c.t SCHOOiL, BOOIS. A ýcaref'ully and wèll1,Select ed sto ck. Sta- tionery cf ail kindls at remarkably low pric. Please try 'Th.e Pols'CepCash Store'? Ilouse-keepers ýwiil lind'whà t a saving.they 'ill effqçt by ctoîng so. M. H. CÇOCHRAiNE. ýW'htby, June 1, 1864. LIQJJORS <J! 0f the best, quality, at a *very low flý'ire t flAMSi e400 11019-SOS, Y i cgtAnd Fed j à ~ Wýc LA. l 1ET,-' Vei"y fine, in bottie, $4 per (loz.ý FOR SALE, - y.LAl SIT li i aIf of LtN.7in tMACHINEnn Fer purticularba p tr(f ly lettu r nropaid) to g ýYoÙRP14' & ilMilil - 1 ScActurs & Toroîcto Fah. E6c1864. A n' ew puieit Flix sctthiflg l3'oh. 16 1864. .c uNeul*nt tjicir 'workmi ]lcfait, roln'dThe nmachinffeau nbe soOn aut ulIictionl, (if by lutter prerm7îJ,) n tbdl STOYES!! Family Grocer. 1 HPE Rl ifIILi .VEV. 1 LATY VINOVAN. iN KEY& CO. TwIlre, ARc. uiiutacue ic NT)îrIZ i tueS iittttititty iii.iti.r ,T n 'ac e-&C., tit i lu iii cpi1the S i ; 1 utie l'roee.-'l'h -icyplsty le :111t dioitt "' it~ Prics Th co)Ilrle nfei i-t - i5 t i' ~ ~ tt< ~t~t~F Lix leiu lîîloîîî Iiiîi iîur tle aiîti 0 AND NMNUFACTURER 0FP ,3x73.3QIMM, Bleiga.0, OI7TTrmlmls, c, kî HAS R MOVED TO FORD'S OLD STAND, -j-e BROCK STRECT, WIII't'BYV. Offèrs the following, STYLES 0F CUTTEUS, viz: Canadian Patent Front, Rolling Seat, Anierica,î .lurper, rF1v.s~tedPIeastî,'e Sleighls, P>ortland Cutters, Bol) SIighs, Ail of which hoe is sellhng at Gr M7!1 du~dPriées foi- Cash or appîoved credit, Sorne very îîeat CA.RRIAG ES, open andl 00v- ered, which wilI besold vc'ry low. Two gooci second-harid Gigs and two sets heavy Bobs, 3 Will find excellent and convertient accom'nod;îtion. Witlu.n a ]Few Yards of the Public~ Hall. TIID KING OP ST'OVE,, MRON DUKFe. -GRA.-'1i TRUNK, PRINCE ALTJER7, DA-VY CROCKE7, t-ROTECTIONIS7', WILLIAM BRYAN. 'T'E LYNIVEJISAL Theo only Wriuigc.-,r with the OOG-WgWEEL REGULATOTL Private Paulors. TRAN THE OTHER IN WEgTlx -. JACOB J3RYAN, PitOratECTot MÂN4UFACTURER 0F ÂLL -INUS 0F' HUUE.1IADE',FU1UhTtiRE> Ofe o il-'eylarge an'd ecIntastef~f SOFAR BUR-EA,,i $e l.OUNG'ES, ý 11DSÃEA ÉDS, Tabi.p, Wâdrobes, Cheeta o( Driewra. Lookaog Gisas<es, Bock Casues, 3attrassem, Par- loaud Dratuaeg oor ' a1 Rocking, Chairs, Office Chairs, Cane.scated Chars, Toilet Tables, Towei Stands, &c., &C.. in gf.catarir and at sdalT reduuzed priées. WarrantLed to bc made' of flhe test Every rtile 1ixmnnifiucured under bts o*o supertutedence, and cn bc depended upon' 1JUIROLSTIRY IN. ,tUfjL [VS BRANCHES CaUand compare, and b ts e qoc' Pes IL, Saves Tinîc, Labor, (;IoîIies & Mloney JT ine ics il iiuu otr'îîtl'Wiîc' bvor tct 1stutl, atii and i ctii , i iuatcmrt striin tf if a titleiIi',tiîlr iuciuuîu'.e Tt wt l wiiur tor yeurqt.vitiaont icepair. No Servint eaua breaik it. Â'ýhîiufi lgia: ycuasr aid tutuoporate at. Nocautioaiorokii req,îirent lfast,. Tt gaves ils coet iu Clotîiag every line or twelvc e outhai.' Evea.y IVtuger with <hog.Muheetp is WVarrimuîed la evîury partac-u lir. Vl'ie then' iIWiîireokluFIRST 1liMM11J CM, a Siler I tttdii tut i iploiiia. ali tlie.Ncw Yourk Sfnte Feair. 106)2, nit M'ac Pr(% nutdniutcmlriuur 1tIo ltîier» lin the Wrd' Fair aI iatntori. 1e12. Cianvaissers Wranted lu .ver>' Town lun Canadae. jpniiafcd, Ou' rctiig, the prico b ulis hall- receivethie W'rinzri ( Rapreuispr,-ps(Ui. W. I. CHILDS & Co., Hemhilton, 16-Gn, t (bcenerl Aients- ALEX. MARON, Quebec. Goyernmeut Agency ---0:- CIROWN LA-ND auad o»tier PUBLIC DEIARTINENTS. ' .- t a iuited te. Aise, ' ; ý, DarwiO'rQde,7R PAVïT fopils heinerc 1pip,ent53Dî. -'taiq p tt~~ t t <t- t but cetu s. - mer' P 4 0101) C-811 bc ((ui eliri.) Beb-.aacoecn2ediimei l Ç5 tisteie lie ha -mcIltcd m esr S e 5 A re- iii. %" ifsite'lt '0""'y nui' yutýD. fcuî i tIs neit«3 l sy letlfi po- tecntiar rieM f hcsIipg ttii cqiirit ttiea re THOAS AWE4 Il-tf. vi ilLai', AGENTS WANIED. 4 T'f178 per inith, aîîdexpenwsus PELM'to t.suouau NI VxS.L GlIA&IN SEI'ARA- TOI> lt.Aply, post piiid, <nid siaîiapiifor re- tun o -C. -1P. CONOLLY 1e& -COi,. 19-1y. (anapheilfard, (0. F. RICHARD -SN1ýOýW. BAKER, UNEYINR c fl'l flrooklin Drug- Store._- D FALER in l)rtife' l'ettt ,iiî<c .D &c..ttACnletil. ilreî. Oscile Medicln" aiwcuys on !Land FÂRMýT-O'LELT ('pn Cmruar te-Ilortit-hutf 100 oi N, 111the tiI oîci, ')f titi," owiisliip ofWltny-Ecleilad wellt Wià iori, îi ail ] 1(wiila the axiptioaa of :1 fou% acres iof' itirIîc tîl<,) luîro. Amca, tiiItl'art of 1,C4- No. 24. ,i0 lie 4th ecii-%sqctlii o'ftlîu TOnwiutilip nt Wlîith 1'ii briîriî,a ne fii, ntlcoziarriinr 5o,-0 ý1ý11 ulruancil il: il cl i t i 'tWeil à 'n'.1 for tii. bfut idli-nr A ,rt'ric will 'l ,ioi Appty 1no Wi.ituy, Mardi -2, 18<4. BRYANT, STRATTON. & D>cY'$ O~CMMRCÂLCOMME!E Plimit door>Raut of Weuleyanl'Book cOOm. 1-2 «ZTÉRTfi u& Co'g* eeîîiof'te raei,îi Commniercial Cele e niaciiluntohtteeca of lte larget CiLice "nt Ã110$ties liti(iaxue Ve'iîiir mn nui luidCtuurpitreil lfor tic' (4,01c. ltnan iîi(ttiaii Ioîie ir for, Tlueorétiîal Departnient. iau t1lsudeartmit'nt suentriccehoiu iuaitruactionî it Dioblo Yntrv ,Bý»,k-tctpiule. .Cotncriî ia'duliuCitnercialLa, macury alioilaut o n iîlknditercltadi(e hai-, içe. iatieticlui Iiasîaîîîicole1 arr-' dlziuo~krc ,etaî, eOTurc, ltan seivo brin estetttigliedl with a 1iu'ta't Jou i<p1 etîeaasee4, inic ite depoits, fret bit pp i,'rah coîiut4el. îialtrnutu.ct ailt otiier, Wsie, ~i T'iin, Text Banku, 'md lBttuk Fratv. Fafty, four ulltars, Unied Si tem ~Cutncy, orQ-y- Ynim ni neînd'ldcmfFlaigacon pl1aip watt pbc s' ttis1 with -ala'licr f Ad- .missionato(o the 1einzg Roo,an idtLibr-' ary ofti Mthaie'Tiatit n. Aucx. Muora:y, Mmq., of Mniilut, Mna'rrfvk& Un, .<C cMaatur, c.%o'tnster ý. Ne-* Esmq, : -4rl'o i lifl Georgre- itete& Un, AdlamiJrotEq ot. ffisî oBncuiii, , M. P'. P.; Adlani' Brown'$Eq. - llto 4 onu, F &sq,, Hamilton, Xautdemit PrinciV1ni-t. and Clai-f lostreetor lui teier anud .1 érctice oi Actint,-Jmj E. -Pean. TahecfSpeucerttu Pemansqliip-A; W., Smtitha. -1 etuirert ou Commercial Lew-lt. . £ tZr, riscua 'Iftq B C.1 Beinlîter; RItoiert.ttSüli van. k,,,*i. M, uBritr !eatet tor Uetalocviean dletor (cnetcatug seveat cnts.') Aitîroa4i. 't BR<YANTr, STRATOJNDAVI t Toronto, OUXES catbit f rt u ny n uit he greaLute,re4y kiiow for hiellibz ail kundm ot woniuctc und,';eî, pmtn atnd hfhlt 'The"rim~edy'is iOoitîiiis tor. 'eiiictvil i oise, andI ci affering t.esu nÀn. ti,~~ lvtby5JuvlfiSu861 1 or tû >ýjt 1-ýelAlm n? ýý ý -j 4èRýà ýý -e6 lý'r\ lý'kM ý'F"9 - 1 e %vllilby, Nli.1-ell 2, lQrl.l. Ica