N>-w~idertI8flODt&'t 1frDay' ieCle" te singe LadigO. Farit stU b~Ktc &ddreu s tee. lîctiorm Of Quoe'"D~ iI mien-W -In elgbU Addre ian thse eleetnie c Or ue89«11~ Due Bili Lot--Aios. Unqabart. Stolon or. Stnyd'4ohfl Atiln (lard-fi'. P. Dellingbhfi. Card-Jsmes -à George Hendersen. Speelal Ntties. ONLT*si 50> CEITS A TEMà 1i Whithy, Thursalay, September 1, 1864, Confedcrattlon ssi Canaidiau Defençeoi. Thers are Iwo impormaint quastlona that naw aagtat, tane osrifliug extoint, ,lbh publie mind cf tiss connery, aud îhesae are the deface of the tProvince ou one band, and on tha e hr the raind prjeet cf a fîderal union cfIli tbs British Amaaeacaan Pro-vinces. Tuas are topica thaut'the mnid cf uvery loyal mnuloves te davel upan. % Ite evo.ut cf hie grand sceme of s Fedarate eutiteal Provinces hein% fully aund satlsfaetierill effaietel, the question anixes, vili Chîic union enuc e ttie treugth of thse aviile, or adai strengis 10Ibhé veules-n or Canadia u section ni' tisa aiase i Inu mniaon le ia trmauai d, it cetrauglisbut at the. Smrneima ve ougiat net tI overiont tise face that car territorial faoîîtiere aili be mach extaaided. The dafance eftehia extent cf frentier-, hovever, subjet tu miitar,' vigilence iIn lianes cf d-à lgfen, aili b. liirbter ounithe aviobe, thas u pcn many cf the ingla sectiotià cf tisa bon- fedêracy, fro m thte fact tisse muei e1th ti.froasiare nf teaqtemu Provîin.- ces, axieni lte sliosile foc-, ara baamajaala-d by tise Oa'ean, tIse dafence cf aviicis, wiiile va continue under te.praiectian of the> Iaperisi Gnaennma.nt, yul ha fait bat ligbily hl te.Casfadenate. Pmovinues, sud pareacui arly m"ay ave uha urdcf eh;s vben èe ooutanplatestiie mi',ciy rnvy -avios. evenr rAdaiygulise aomld at att iines proteet evory sesailable poinvtes ~nuh etern ceaste. Thsis, tison, voutl lea'- a langeranseuat of thqunuitoal regourcas at liberty fer lb.e defauce cf aubar seti'ne more axpcsed Cc jnvadiaig raids, ehan, coula1 te etiier-aie icoeualfe;r Under othm cineumtance, ri aveula teand uasîeiily ao ii,riîeu aise bar. thbn cf tisase defencas in car oavn sectin visich seems ta e ha mnrgiutly éxpeeteai Of us b>' a large sait influeutiaul csa inlu Eng- lant!, as, an i"speaseavich cugiset Ilb. borne lu a great da.gree by ouneve- Lcchiug at the mateer, tiserefora, on tisa basecf the oIt! Germain axicin-ali for tach, anal escis fer al-tsane avoalalb. a combinsmlon et' nescuaces, sola ah. unnjtet provinces b. cahot! opcn tu sare the ex- pans. cf a muuel defenca, -iicis vo ' id b. aillasformidable ina theoeves of an epe. MI Whio might seela tîr couquese ior pluder, us aval as et tise saine tinO b. a teaver ut'grandeuransu aaity tas ou-selvýs; eud in .bis union or neseurcos, Canada, vbicis bas the largeet frentian exposcal 'te the ocniy tee fron ahic s aie eau appre- haut! danger, aould be much-hea itslun. W. pesk naav aitfsa view te a cunfadera. tien of ail the. pro4vnces, vit ,s general Panliameut, aviosa daty it aili b. te pro- vide, las conjucticu aiitiste parent state, for tise matual 'm'eaauce cf tise visce.! Apani.- frein tha gnoetcaummercial advsntagec ta ail sections aviscis aveulal natnrally floar frein suci a paliticaul union, om Zoivas-li, analtisa fouadaion avisci oua;ce a. ceufedenaticus vould lay fer- s grnd ucruier etmpire, tisa censideraliou cf mutnsl dafenes, se Cite pracout critical anal porusutouai nis< u hiscoenatinena, is ase hat scait! bavie aeigise lu tise ceuc vbich are about ta emhody tisa tagnifient ides laCe a tangihiansdi! aaikîngtonm. Tisa Rtflaa ctest, Babvean six aeniers of thet Ocia va Rife sud six of the WViitisy Iufatry, ex citat! machintereme iu tise taie tovus, ajit cause cff lut Mouday, at Oshaas. Tisa res.lt vas, tisefuies scoroal 151 aaad the lnfautry 124, tins leaing tise cntest by 27 points. Tisa Infast er, vre unfartunal in the. sheinceocf taie of their hast me n, ant! thair places iisd te be fIllet! luy van teers on the greunal. We are obligedto-l defer utu theisuat lsue ti fuIl score - o f Ibis sud tisa Scratch Matches avicb feol etogetisar aitisans aecsunt af îise vefy- pteasat donuer iqtea çuenittg. Iia ise séc- ant! sseepîtarkei, i ehantiuqL off ur ée tics,. the emankable score cf aiglt biml'i ejes eua cantea c an e or lu tan isos, 1as the. fentso of tisa dey. Sseisaboti1 Ms voili e ceusideret! saaaadid sà t au, maleis. Tsainke. -Tise ieeper of >aise sovly, diecoeatea Gorilla, at Osiava4,rasasicstsass te Mrt. Wrighsta,<CiaoReeveofet'Rac6,> sund Xi. Rbison <er the splendid csbaeb4d seant tai fee4 tise ansial. ' ' Ds*uca To C. J. BavaGSum, q- suoptucus iuiortalnmontvas giron' on Tisaiday evening fast,' te C. J. Bygée, F*q., Méaging Directon cf tise Grýn 7-1 Iut boy datisa. -nav ardai-spoint eut te masaîner iiishilcis mven ibis pitifai isonoara- ain muet bise aauedP lu tisetiret place, aihe ressiashe axpactatienissetishe paie yeaa's ceavices avold recaire caaspeusauioua is dicaipaaa-d itoutle '.-,aiudac of laeou uaasniscil no uniess aili h4 paldalnutil 4fier thée81t)(11anani specion cf 1865.. The canseauenco im abat nana' omelere, avio, m-, lying on the reprneatiouns alsleto tisera, hxisanacuareal e7aaisdenitale expeuse in the hope, cffa-aanbumsouaeaat freintise promiad psy, ailI"e cnaeily dsppointe,and ilaai, mes erry casa, tise avisciaforce avlt ho niiiss.srtnaed and dasconrageal. lu tisa yeas-e 1864 5 Ilasvalunteer te earu Mis psy muet have - taiaded sixca-aut drilla f ef o hurd dua-sioai, or thisiny tavo of eue heur and! a issif, the tiirwe houre edcauuiug se cne dal. Wise obseuaienio une organixot! ten cf tbesdrilla muehava e e in'lu attalion. At theasa drillst etatsu ue isif the strengs, ait! at eit aine oommnmionaud omfeer cf tise Company' mutI have attends&! New issffitae stengai cf ÃŽa Company vould b. eaeney eigiie men; se that if any muter fell elttiort fuabisnober'b; eut, e nsuo, aise latteudaisesofet ts hes tili conni for aohing. Tise hardsbip apon coantry mem.- bie cf cmpanies. many of aviom came 10 must-r frein s distance o c omtjmes s nuaner cf miles, ks obvions., Bat tise cnoavniug injustice of ai is cosobiaed it the ses-lugent Pnut!imperative nequirement that no psy aili b. a.loaved In any lîsdivid- nas velanssan vise coaspaoy bai net para dat! its fuil utreIgdM at tise atinuasi itspec- tion, jUness certi>fed by a ,aadia4 eolcer, beig' the eatty e.ftase allowed fer eue ai- tendance. So tbat a Company mn,' have rigidby com pieadanuing eh.eavweie inthe aitis ah is b e nquremeats cf ises.e odors, but, i f by any uforaseen accidnt-the de- Iay of a train, tise breskiug deavu of a bug- gy', tise iline es cf à s uar relative or fiient!- prevenes thse presanosa cf cne man 'aftheii tifty-flve, tise telve moulus zealons la- hon sud attention of tise remaining flfty foua- gees for naugit. The venleut marîju- I et in Han Msajeety'e army coudnît ne a usons exacainira su aressnablie. Anotiser diffleulty tismats its.lfaà pou car chservatiôn. Tisa voonuteer entitica lta re.2 caiye psy muet, as ae sauve oissenved, muse bave atteued saxîen falb 'drills'. Thiosed seqaainted viti tise finctauatilsg c omposlîlon cf tise fonce caunt l'ail te have naticet! l tisat tise composition cfa& cotapany sau,'n eeated panlod is liaishe tn, constant chauZea' b, tha vjtht!raavto l c ca uaembs,. suatise introduction of nfav-l$uning rtie taveiveb inuei felleainc epelapenijotà a ,onteer may bave attendait, s, taelvé t!nlls, an« E leit the cnmpany. andth ie reenuit vis e takes -ie place nay'have comapleule4 the quota b, tise performncne of the neesaiuiag 1 thse [pmu aili lii eumtitId-:11auay pay vbsîeverî.a The only lIcen weiiîitted ams abornawaho atiendat! tise shnii iauseetien and liais ptin thisaxtéel aj'Jyà dnil.In l tise aajerity of cases, fuit,' ne hait of the .membesrs of an effiient Qfpn usa b. deprivat! of their,,paj. -Tise gr, qni,-eauaeish s pte tise P pron ~ji$puof the cîutising, at-ms, sund! quiPiȎittsnAne Prprer an reasonaisea s t st' lb uioaght cf tise ned44aupms ,ti de~ tisse Oaniison or foj ý7M!1 msat lau up ja 1nl,.wqLf ment have citd tâzppy ëfýbdla !m" ouain l1 abe u of w tu ukî.5 n8 a M) Qoverament. We are cotnpeloed te mIale tist the veiuntaeftargsnimatieu n as receiv» id thhuseverese. blov sud itïy WImbe rs titi gatioa of ths.» 1asnrd andôOýr-xSét!Pcg ordeiL - Temperauce iuslsd. Ti GenTéral ondors ro]ating to ounr Os nmdian Volunteers whicb apps*ed in Lbhe Officiai Gazette cf tii. 9tiiultimo,1 dser, mono thon a psusiug'mtotioo, isinUciu 98 uheY bave a Meut inâaotanC .beariag QPOe ti.mach dlscutmed question of Colo. 'Riai defeuaçete, 4fuer, sme lime bave bien *agerly watciiud fer by tiié large body of Velanteers nov enganiued îiinonglaut the 00ot nery. We.regrtt bu ay liaiithe jut hopem cf diose pattiotie men have reoeived asevrne obiack> and tba4. doumeatt, more hiîrtfnl or tsnsaited to the. purpose for vhicb le vwu& lntonded, neyer bsd the snction off goveramental autiscnley. .le yull ho reeolsected the nomiînal rol cf tho equipped aald nifoçmedvolonteers amatiits tn tbe large number cf 25 000 men. rBut the nemies 'ef tii. movemeot assnt tisat thse aimmber that are actsatiiy ndel' arme and drill amnants to ne mura than 9 000. Thais is, te a great extelit, an e-rror; for against the number cf velun, teers who neglect ebe dutiga and advantaâcea cf ragalaur drill, ebere are te o e t a Ia-gi number cf avel diled, eqteady mean, ne t nov on the reiliscf te.fore, Who, on tho firme note cf danger, aili ho fauud again in tihe ranke, end eviuciaag ailteaen- thuaiatsin aadzeal dimplayed durjng teaTrent axcitemant, but avia, in cersequenco of thoir previens training, vil! b. more valunale tissuIwo en onuld bave beau ai bbat juncture. A full Company cf Valunteare mnder te îapresînt law consista of iares commissiunad offlene, ix non cornmmssiened offlears, one buglar sud forty cigise rank aand file. Under the ase of iastsession, it vas eotecmptated In gir>. tn each cf aises> men, psy fer ixteen days drill ai twe shillinags sud six penuce per alay, amouutinq te eigbt dollars peer anr.n love rina'd hardl7 Bal tisai eh, s nalum ix baraly sufi¶cieiat te cover the aumeruue expanse coianecied sitia tie, organizatica of the Couspany. aud is, in ne degreo a compensation, if, iandeed, it vere initended -tu heo ucli, for lise rohnter's loue cf ime. ha ceusulted. A nevepaper avlis ouaiy eue idea -sdt! hat caisae-is a Posur biîd guide. The Oshuawa peple -eerve betar, Osisas, for itself -to havailas newspape >r a pieture of luseit abrosal ders e ater, and va reully trust sad hope tbiss iwaili yet bave itlu intiiheaape et' a neavipapen cf viicistue peuple cf ef OsisawaailI net b. asisameal ao hear ioencloned à sba-oad. Ma. Trumac, tise respneet Agent ,toftthe Suisgar Ssavng Machine ('aepan>a, wvis a at prisent staying ai thue R14*1 Hotel, Wiitby, unakea this e aek t sot impor- tant aoueuncemnotfor single ladiem. In a auiner of tise Caitaxcuc à san;t tine ago, ave gava a star,' cf te .latter G. The letter A-machne ïcf te Singer Companty k anothar article, bot a grie dasi bacon-. Tlieare cissget! siace the latter G. romance. Latter A,-tie ýmaehins cf machines for soaing coes 'alcavutu pract ical tacto,,omastppeacbas sas near perfectionsanytising in tisa sbape gf manaufactunet! instrument eau. ladies intat sea tae- btter A.. lu orden te appre ciste il, ana-tise.Wieo ece paesiveilue vasudrfal, ant! meut admirabloeavonking avilh nover b.vlhesat one. It ie, its tratba FaanUy Sewi as;Machi(ne, sut! vj Save as mach in a year te an iudust'lcus -houaehold ton timnes uls price, besidi ,tise ad- fausege eft e excelence cf tihe vont.' Ladios-osarniet!andsotingle, give Mn. Tyte.s casil, sut! see Seaving machsines that are Saviugr inacisinfes, sodt! s thes are nepreucoetoheob CcaeaIsaQUes. -Au iaqeesti av-a hait! at, Daflla'a Cnei 'onWsed"y, 24tis, R. W,.Clark, E6qý . M. 1>.,oroner,i ou tisa body ofciEdiéard MceKade. 'lise decoeta visu founinear tise raibroa bridge st Duiffla'p Creak, ovon vhieb it la siapposet! ha- isat talin -aà biight cf '25 ft, Wanfirt-discovered- deceasat! avi aIivole a.nd-u avi 1s éd op,'pat! ulvaW n t4 il cf avater hy esvûsIsboera aWho vespAsasini b,' the plae, andato thonu ueppa.dthsat b. isad beesu ader dmise iultaee 'hiqucr. lie îtoiséhm thât ho got e#o faitsy, the lut one off tise tbÃ) of tise feuce alensg e viene ho Waa Iyo& 4hýU'îfour bhur' er. e- vards -ho aesq !sc<v.red iantte saa. plaqo b,' ties aie persrs -vison life vas' quite' extint. 'The nesna]tof a pu ouf rtestes &m»iotlou4iseuad eitsven brolatuts ubi 'erein thijjieurecievel. Thae jur>ýrtre p verdit'ef occidenatal doais tieryoat1 injuieus reived,-from ces ltaie avaow. Tisedehiès&et! wastateét bbe'from, the talvnstaiP cf M"r. IUe bat! b.ets vhrkittaa ou thse raili'?54 &t N.garal i r an, aé»Ocubis vay homqe i4 wu»s pp8s.d~- Rebhat! a, poktýin ,'whieisWu ce5assi On Suudsy inenning tiie Grand Trunia Elevstor sut! Wharf, ut Toronto, vith a lsrge quumtity cf grain sn utu vers cons- phetel,' destroyeai ty fire. Tise teesl loua is cosaputet! ai not leu tisan $100.0«0. Thse peculiar format ion sot! situation ofth ie boitais; rendent! ail efts tc, te elb preauses nuavaîiig Thi Grand Trunk Wharf extendot! ont frein tisa Efpiasde, hitaveouPeter unit Erce treets. itvasaiisoula exceptit tise finesi anal meut tsbstanelal v Warf ln Toronto barbon, at asdwuerecteal Cao yearm ugo ut a out cf shoot $25,000. Tise Capucicoa flourshesdt, capable of conralnieg muveraI tisosanal barrots of giour, vas pot op oufy a fev monthe aza, at a cSofseltb. taveen $5,000 aasd $8ý000. Tises Inus ara hoaveves-. but tnifling, compsrat! cvieh tisse cf theuelevaton. Thsis fuse buildig-eueon oftisehast fet he kind t6 h Proviance-- vas censtruist utà tisaine lissa asthe aith.esisole having hbein bluity Mr Sheideon, avi oso uus.queà til dispoiet! cf ah. vharf te thé <3raasaTrusta Raiiaay Compsay. Tise ileator, tiheaugis lusa «e 1'thé Grand Trucka Bieraton," vastisa pncpea-ty cf Mr. Shedt!on. Jus acta set> ut tise time cf ius eraeslon vm"s450.00,but it bus noceti>' bien nauitdenably altaet!d suif inaprovet! at an -addt!ionaiatfay cf severai tlaouuand dollars. Fonssausny fur Ut SheddoeastIhe buitldingavilI net . - te> tW Insus, ASho, tan auurance cf *3,008 I tise elevaiér at tise titua cf les de. Struction there vers about 45, 000 air 5«.000 isasbels ef grain, avdet! as tellioa- -Gs-i' about 35,000 i Cout-about 15,00Q01 aist abut ô,000. ILiaa,miauusis' tie ' - flavs'uauu <sfami mboul, whîcis féclose být alio tobk's large q antity, of thome beaus frein soute of the uebldren attending the sehool. ýThb eaf fsýqnd"î kknown by ibe audieorfPhysosty. geins Vaapaqosâ, or".Olabar beau," if 80d, andI jedeadly poison,. Tbp iebbieh froin wbich it,was obtained in mnolarge>.8qnart4L. ty by the tînforinnaté children in uajd by smin to b. hp wepo and ballast ýskan frein a verne! bih ju ast arrived, from theo West Coast o f Aires, whbile by others t in alleged te b. -sweepinos cf a warabacse flo3r) bolt rroththe natureansd appeararce cr the -rubhktal the (ormer aly, pars Io b. the mui tkeiy eaappositiboi FilnawrutAcciDicYr -A4 seriotm saceP dent occurred yeeîa'ray et aanan, ona board ihe steamer Princes. fof Wleu I .t appearis lhat one of' thea bauds unî ihe bont, na:toted Jchl, misplebeck, aa*he wu' feavina vie tonsa wýentto gfx'soeg of the mochinety ~ahuut he pmddale wbeela, wbýen hé waà ' struck and thirown mbinihe a taar.('on be. iuax rescued il warn fouud that bis face won frigit.bly brolsed.- 1'. > Ourn fnlusd of tise Viadicaton, la his bh- ituai medaleaume vs,,tu trot himuelf lato trouble aith lte Prince Abert people. Thors vas a firm a& Prince >&Ibedt a short time stuce. Threugih tisa >blmout mu'prbit' Man exenîleaisof'mnisriding &t 'tise place tise fine vas geýt under, sund thý vlaolo vil- lage, poriapu, ssvid frnet ruction. The inu vio vonled so wvolt aen et and v.snied. aud soesaimnat faiuiig freintise effaces cf thein exo.rtione. Thiy were treat- ad hl tise Reevo, and the lusurau ce Agent ta rafresismants :-..sointoolc brandy--ai avbat tbey tisoaght beet, as a prereutati-ve againit tise ill.sess te aviicta fatigue, avet, and eold cxposed thons. Tisereupon the. edi ton of thi Vindicaten ilpitchea laa'-Cii Beseve, ise urges, is a tempérance mua,. sud as uci s sould net bave extanded hbmslieu. pitabit>' in favor of mon vho avere dreneb. ed te the dkin and fatiizued beycnd liseir pover cf endurance. The rosie ie taun- od, aud idieuled, and, denouncoal for waa ?-for ext endig thav'conaion, hou- pitabitiem avilcisgoaseroas peope, as mach eut cf good lsreasding as conrtesy, alavayi autentain. sud sympathize aviit Ise des.nv- in- cf thos.aiti avhom they happon tb cane ini contact. But our Oshawa friand, litas ail ethers cf bis ilîb, hoe cats-Tein- persue. -It ik an offieuiaaumesninz ery avh e coninx frem irn n d tise like of hlm, wbo assumaethe p>itieu cf tisa Piiariaee sud tise Paliies, sud avio in- stad cf etxbiitinir, in tseielvas, tise ganes-cas charitable exsmpbe aviici car commen Cisistianity tanches, hly ebeir ceai- duet, mata. a lie aud iypecrimy cf visat tise> avoilteach. We regret, on ManY ga-ounds, ris. feolish toue, sud the. faivobi ty aviicis disgrsce the paes cf an Oshawa papar. Oshsawa deserves beter. luà newspupa s lils ropreseutativa abnoad. Thie nains of Oshaasfor thnift for enter- prisa., for las minufautnreu 'mtands lun n specnd place, in ail Cansada. Wisynet is neespalper iîte itseîfup, sud ibe edîto- a-déavor Ie b. aq uai to te.cecatien -te Osihava', nequirsients. tiso sare mny caban interastos In Oshsawa heidins ha %égtable sud Tempérance lutènegie, ll teee require ta bu consaubtea -thb suciir, the baker, -thé tuiler, the grocen, tise tavaru Ireeper, tiese heemuher--à ih shoulal Thse, Ride Ço>tfu1 The expected match, butaveen the Rifles cf Omhara'ead the Whitby InfauryçCame ,à g on NO 1ndayi and exchted a greai-deai of Ijlterest, Ché tewnsPeple ef botta. pl"s~ being pr.ueht inlar*ge 9asaierz.,- ý Thse arrangements for. the match weré -six mon frein Wh aceunpauy; 'distance 2Q0 and 400 yards; )Cnfeld, lUli. We OSAWA REMELBCOXPtALY. 200 yds. ' 40()yds. CepWc, 2e$213 0200- 4,17 PrtseRowley,,1488-lt ô 8384'-IC S2 Caaiieroia 2202- S 8 888 ..-15 26 ' llîanaa#2424-14r 22064-18 2 .Saigt 'aktt, 25448-16 US02- q * conp Dicle, 84428-10 5222-12 -28 Tottil Paluitsaîsd ilitai 15t WiliTaaV INVANTRtY COXPAN;'. M 0ydd. 40o 4ds. apDartiiebi, 30420- 0O 12202- e 15 Lisai1t Nasu(jrsa, 82322-12 (r2t'Ma- 2 14 Kli'" )Dov iu, M338-t1 0 08- 4 15, 1 up.Yoiiit, 83844-1 7 4843-w17 14 Privai.t, Yonaig. 2182-18 282-11 24 llowaa, t21215 '220- 6 21 'raaaia Poilats anîd ilîts, 124 Theo'Oshaaa fles winning by 27 points,. W. may mention hat tise iufaistry iabcrealusndor the disatîraistage cf tise Sb- ence cf-fao efthir- mcet reliablo c thast#, tisuir places aiy being tilica] just before tih. rmatcht coinnaeasced. Utider thes nircuanstanceq the score j,> ver>' crcriatataie. Wae uiaistisn4rd a retus'n iatch ie in cons- templation, te qgomo cff in WV.itby. WC advise aur -Radcncs oe te voCïa the inter- vcnlng tins 1.0 practice. Tihe Oshatré Vindicîator vory lustly nakue th1 i'licalow ing rem-tnke: e -Tihe shnting ef Corlp. Young cf ttbr Wh;thy To f4ntry, waxasthe admuiration aaf ovmry cone, anal if 0#La Cria, tountY could oîaly prodaice a teaw iere guect% ateaaly choili tisero rîiglat bu a challenge giron te ail Caaamn itia eatty" 'llie supper ant Wecras lina'i in the eveniasg %as a vcry î,lcasant afftir. aîaal tendlcai uaiucta te prornote gpoi feilowrillir)a aaicng Clue a"aemblod va'lînteers. hany gasci cIaurnclies ai misonde, anal the vocial poarers nliDraateScolbua, of tise civil service Rifles, private [>uneîrard of tise Wtaitluy Itiaartry, atri Serguant Pauke, ansal Pirte Anderson Brownu, centriiated mucha Ca the enjoyanent of the ereaaing. Afrter the conclusion af the aboie iaa-r sacee4tokes acre g0se aP. In thse fia-et. Privaute Wialite es the Whithy Rifles, troic then tiret prizo, sud private Bars cf dt sute place the seisondL Prirate WVhte ali4c carrica] cff the ýfia-et paize cf thie a'n inaach. Sergeant 1ake. anal Priv,,ra-- 1îîilal rand lolouiry are ticsa fur Ctaheni-ofnal praza. Ini slionn cff ton abute acre lire-r by thuosa.uMen belar. htiiauatter at-a alocîrleal. Eîglit cf te-ne avaere Bathl'ï» eycaa, the otbei- boing a contre Suad oter reepcecîir-ly. Suchs slaeting as Chie cnnniot e-t-4iy bu cqlinhlerL VearsZ5u'a)APriCn% -TiLaintcresting panorama wlis exhiluiteal for Ébree evenings in WVlsitba', giviug much gatisfactiona to al ahso Visitea] it. MrVoey iutenata viiaifiuag theo principal Villages in tise Coanty aith hi% intcre-st ing laslntingi, cnniitirsg of vicars oete principal Çarliapyn cities, illaustrahien* froni 'ilnvai',ePllrns Pro- gre:* n d s ta avern scencs ini coiutry villagp e, _..Tise affacting scciiicf poor Lttie )Iary's Drosus" iin tic latter illua. tratiotkas, aili toucis avery heiirt aitistho most profeund sympathy. Tise (G sad Tranti Etevtor and Wliart destroyed by fine:' SceassaiDt&av,-A yosag mnunaied araspsssed appinting Josu Phillipa ýCal-7 Dcngai Melnuis vas foend- dead ii tise M Wloxte s orte 'Cut'leréve6d. elotiiin s tan-e 'cf' -Messrs. 2andf'oiafMc rnt is edo n V3 t h aaise lait ss Inmoi,' C o, lu Toronto, on ýM nday uit Ambr-se Douwswel1l. fr thelam of'4 eeiglast. Decessedz w~u; aiteei9* foi- kaepng I içhnid Coitian 'ingane, evezigpeansen.andise Lr damueges done te hir' aboat iiffpust eighî celock on Satunday prepent>' by the said Richard Combn.- night, sud net hà viuGk s aaà hi& appeonance aried Mra-.llard ins#e Chat XM. Jolin Ge'maI st bii0snlathe Queehs Bote',' 1 o 4uthprzed by this "ceancil té exponal Sonday or yeâaeorý& a inandaith > e'sume IQ't4,Y enux per wç*4 rtisa stor veaesk~apued'im*~yab~Ie 'auts i f (Cathsori'neOrip, ntil ; 4ie"2A5ts4ydf Décember -sk ,doon av'W'" s c bý>'~' "îxo vas foeaqslona&-bale,qf goodle1The coat, (laimotioni cf Mr. Cn h. coun,ýll ad bat vsieeoff ut tise tisse 6h. - va. adisY >Sja t illt5 uëi -t j j saaJgeua lvaifn. -Thse Amenocas witi. Mn. MoPhersou'. chancesmin- Sangeen Sinco tho itnnggle for the Weldon' Rail are rapos ted te b. momt hopeful and ý'à eeri'oaâd e-e part cf thé' Coufederates, in lng. Mn, MeMurrichta i certanly lsu hcilt Union forces are reported te, mahgroudevoryvbere sinco Mr.Moipher,' 'bave suftend's bus of 5,000 likilled -sud son coanmenced bis caunvais. Tii&Gaaz. vwdcd, à otsiuig cf moment bhm5 traspire<l bler la tarribly evereon(suthe prosgeut on. lu the vay cf fliting. Tii. *eason'és omble nepreiseutativej,and pitches imbiaim, camD&!gg te a in ciose il itisou ,wtotlveatr- flav'à &h auy perceptible advantage iiaving been tots gaiced by Grant. Siseridos is reported in .When ave eine te sivoli1 on the, respea.- pursuit cf the Tetreatiug Ceufederatesà mnder tii.'m nenitu ef bath the candidates 'Who are rupisSsanohValy Te 'nov before Che electors cf this .respectable a ut officiai despatchsrcie tW b division, ive are. abicluiely stosisid t .ate" s chsteci fda t Wi1h te bau-.-f-aced andacity cf thât vorthleu, ingtoen, op un Wednoeday, confirasieh.oa huan drjed sud elfisi. olcI curmudgeen..... of Font Morgan in Mobile Bay. Ail iwae MeManici-in agali presentiug -bimelf quiet aroautal 'Atianja so, fan a S tv before then as thi oppouue, of Mn. Me*opeaingwr -,end Pheron-s gentleman cf publie spriteperotaSaeycoucr o.Ne .,Yr edacation sud influence. Wbat bas ibis Qvro emn fNa okla bard-featnred, cloe. Oued bigot sud hypo. been chosen Presideut cf tiie Chicago crite doue fer te.mou in this division or Convention. Some Opposition bad b.en for auy man on earth maya hitascif, that manifevted tovands MeClallan, but as yet any moul in axiitesce shouid stand up aud no nomination bas beeu made. The fol- upport hum 1 In tise liuse sud eut of lit, boai. motn eootoswr eot axcept in tise mateer af peunds, ehllingà bgiprtn acotos vrenep r. aaîd pence, he in a dummy, a driveller aaad te tbo Convention by Mr. Outhecar a mare ascrîatity. Tako bis ledger froua man cf the comuaiibta for that purpose bisesud ira any ciriiizad eommaniay haietm-nied, -That in the fAtate, as ilthtie avouid aot ha raised te ibe digaaity cf pa,4t, are ai ndhtre aitlî aîaaserving fi- "Pournd-keape," altbcagh bu isa first-rate alelity Cc the Unaion unaler thse constitaîtia,:s aane ias à coertainbotes. elian is it ey, 8e tlu g uI> SaIlNaifaaurslaatioaa lor aur chira a i taoav, h k egadedamian 'aatrsgtis, tecurit>' ana liappirem ia, oa il'-favoreda grasping sudupatrioeic 'ana. peu ra i i-rmar fgrraro Niubody respectas bicisaraceer. Thora si eqaially cendaicit thte wclfare ainad lros' poey cf alilteeesteq, both ne> thern ana] a sean and acrid odon aboat hlm tsaitvasuld sousîheras: instantly da'stnoy thesa aeeteme dairy in the RegolvýnTsi hs evnindc venid. Thana is notising aiuniug or love- ex'plicltly declaure os Chas sense eto the Atn. ahi>. about hum. Tras e tistera instinîct, ericaun peoie, tsaut isfter four years of cilalneu ard ttirelover doincutie hiiai<eout fliaure tc rt»touetiao Viaiont b,>'thuu expeni- oal bi âis at. Ho 'uisea cmo tetent cf arar, édiiag ahiel, airer the sunny aida cf thie set .ansd a fasan sdtpr ostit utuioiitmbas ees sirgarur ja-veus aagood moraing" lias cver fallen te uitttiasiel a e-a lscarl adin evoa-y respect, auîaal îpuhblic libearty anad 1freinhie paachrd and pale lips. Morosei, paivme nights ibtikataraalaeîs douai, anal the 1.ioddiaag sud calcrruiag, ho spenuag nis mateariail laa-amprity of the casintry essien- lita, hatwcen lbitea-edsudlitgloomy lier, ialit'iaira-d jaînica., IhuIlaiy, liberi>' mitagaeauoit rctu ireet, arauaad which thei11-dmidte îsllic arolfare desaaaanl Chat rary dauyigt Ãœ drlians. Uneocial aaad ammediaute elibL ent m niae for a cessaticon mirathrpie thre ae n frendy u f liostilities iaith s vis ai'tean ultinsaîte micaahaapi, uerearene niedi> faoncventianai fail tise States or ethua- prints upon trie tha-es'told. He is alaîîae petceabiiie saos, Ce the end] thà tnt atChie iii aIle midst cf multitudes ; end smades earliet practicauble mioment penuce umy ho caulyeaitth. chitz o f gold as le drpi iito esatrred oaattttu basis cf the Fedmiral Untion ahar asinaealla maav of bis ga-aady purge. cf the Stitues Aatfsiis is the iransavbo uca asta a largo J{rsolsal,-That the dia-oct intorforunce aîad respectable ibody of eiiactons, alacce cf the aiiiryany sthaîaity cf thte Iiaitenl iatareste ha bas ala-tady me sbametaiiy 'Stautesiiutiu nccuat elcct,iaas tauelalias ti-'lretel, gte coud hum agraintate taUçper Knurus Maraylaurnd, Missaouri and] iula- Iloue ss a iht h mibe nîsrprennn -rre, a a %hatiieufLil violaution'af tise flose o a tat o mghtmiropetintConstituuioia, uad a repatitioas cf cuch ncte gisent for aucîhan four yaani, sud paruder in tise ajsramlaag ction wiall ho hala]ras Crs bis owun diareputableataîd misant>' vantaby. nreottitraaasy, andua]reistd irwth alt tise Il' 1110-Y kl iaovhm nas ava i h e à kaoie nsans ana] powrertiundoseua-ccistroi. here taey woaid bhutaehiuct of te.di. ltesced--Thsist thoeairn îîîarl aject cf - vsiuust, anid Ir-at iinas imaanbay beys de a the deincaatic pare>' k ta 1înenervc the dogwle tFey iaie s kettie te itaiti. LAt - saa i nd a as]tua a-hts ydecf t at aheun juet taistua singlé glatice ai thé ainpi-th uI ie'hu-h' etir îa they cousider adiru-nietrative tinnur.ation roundingh cf botb men. On tise eue baud cf axts-acadinary ana] dargrouuaa poarers they a. ive an il bred. distorteal abd wratcb. net gi-antan] by thue constitîîtion--th isulab- ail spmciauen cf baasaniay; on tiie other, a version eftChie giril peuter by miitary Iar genitlemuan vimtte preeencecfa man, ai on'itbuteai aaaatin inssrrectan-tise arbitritry leant, sud peeaaesed cf ahilities cacicalteal uilitiar>' arrest, imprisanaaseiat, triaml and tieitesce cf Anner'cuen citizuaetiluin stes to cunfer eubatat benefias upon an>' ahaeecivil l.murexi. sts in fuil forsce-the coaiieicy abat might select hum as a suppressaion raf fre-lontiftpoeeh, nsa]0c repauantatins, as av ,'eu as open te tisepress-the denial cf tisa'right cf as>- 1'rovîiace aeilarge. Witiei cf tue ave, buta-tise epen anasa vsorl d sregastd of isea, aili tise meu. of tise division have- etaite riglts-tlice mployiueist cf tunsaiîal MNcMrfiraich. avio bau alreuidy disgraced sud teït claCendalthisiterirenca3 wi'-h, atar sacrafaceid uhiut, or Mà Pierîs9nn, visecoines aeniaal ci, the riglat aor tho ;eple tu bcasr baatoa-e them aitlula eubauds, analosited araus. as cala'tslt-u c toprovetailrestora- intlnnce ud alauaavlegrd euery untgtati et tue Unibit' atidthe ponlîatmsatsea cf siinues? Sndaely heyeged -tiot paetea g( rerissueur.deaiving il$ ii-st poarars abiltie ? urey tey eed"tpuseta frons tise cotieni thtisoyerrica]. cisnee. Tise di&ireuce ,b.tvcen. hlck ltesciveel-Thiitt Ca heaamefuil 'isieegaurd sisa white dan b. racognizeal resdily by cf the aa]mifitr:itn'tici idt>'*in respect eveas tisemusetcommin.plse intelligence -,teaor feiow-citizoassajieho o nd fsis l; a-id car irapreeuums conseqauîntililu tishave.beainpnisencrt; cf ivrnin, 'a cufferinig tt u.John waili b. rered-not b..ttta n esevstasrrot orht tise UppenflIeuse tuis. i p-batitutheç km coi .ticoreuaikooe publ.ic auna]coi- Cimemon htsmanity. besoin of bis famill. Ts eerup i ii Tsraa)tlns tADVERTISEMENT.1 îg.reportthCesouî-jrrsi ua flaiination o1f Mcclelian.un osa h. ecciad ballet, by -tise Anouben Spadimen ot the Gonits. Chiicago Conventions. A seciasien, cf tiseoriginsl Canaudian Gorilla is kept in Oehawa ; lae ia exhibitedi O-h sasaeaigBgyo et' a Wlndea.shîuter (Ch. Vindicater,)cutter 1 attend Mn. O' Deovoau'm greatsale neitiien arokas, dninke, eats flash iniaton Satunda>' aext. cfthcL- otenaPr vea -f aSn>..cknugTwnh.-nc made the mens o f carrving out a'dirtY1 1etter bent un private spite, and aise. hboy. ilng w&,ked ase hard as ia#y ane at the oire biinseif, ho was, perbaps, (atthough 1 did net seeblim drink myseif.)as wet and weary asa ay one eilse, and accordingly cnnls ideéredlha weýUld be none the wrrse for thatwfiî c hoek :not as a boverage - but nercly as a prte.vntative, te ttvnid ta1 kinga heavy cold. Wben personallities a'me indulgep in on oe side tlhe) generally moet with- à Tesporrqe Lfrein the -ether.- But 1 wili net now cacdescond tu mention naines, aitlacugl the worthy Ileove of the 1<awnshbip, and the insguritricti Agent, were bcth attacked hy the Vegotables itrd Ccit Water journal by nonme. J will inlerély state that 1 suppose the instigator oef the,. attack wame nr cfh1îosoneedy. haif eslu eu ted professera cf a 'notble professioýn with which aur provinlae (owlng te the varieufs establishments for quackery lis theo neigla- boring Republicls> ge c htindantly curgéd. Filf a laundred imec -witth bat) clds ri attsckée nf surnier choiéeà a sould perh-pm,' have puat coma eLes inte bis peeket, and lit was, ano doubtt, glitvnaaely dimttlpointèd. tilit t i tiel isdîiisqered preventativo rebbed»iirocf the pteceeds et t'helr illneas. "rie sport ti, sec(he enginen Iloist %anti>lA .owi Iutaard. J c.anneot cenciuîde botter thara by queO- ting f rautte>,!tniitor cf the 1>tli - "l'o theseit oj f Prjince Aliert be Il eald, thttt 'nly a flew of those who really work- $-il ar tore i ccaelor, acceptoîlt he. ntitisaun liosaeiai:lity taieead tIeau and wel'u ail the better for it." Theria lire tara points in thiS pnrfagriph that ie biglai7 nniue8141iff. f11 th«efirst-, place, I L nt Ùf Those avhua swrkedl luirai andad arenewet oad %venry. ail teck scnaetthuuag ecranger eliuin- tny." Thbee wlao aaeraily Iceaked ia )naidinet iWet taicir llbsida.. afied nctlaing. aot(]<rone- quoaatly took notlairg hbut notes cf the cou- ituet - f thosa, wtîo warie attled tas ail or thianki; for theianuner in wlalciitheay iaad S'amn aa iat thousani deilaar'e Wortha cf property af tîteir feilow tcwvn,;ten, aand were tiow rying te Cava thircselvex frein tho efl"ects of wut anad fatixtue. In the se- candîhet it is Ul/t>Ziitcuoadai- aMst uninteliigible. Part4o teai asnteace,ý andr f)raal ant atiueeeîlt for the, relative nt' the aina -t"IlIIif It"' nicans I-the anista- ken lfoospiiaiity,"t (wlaich lis, 1 suppoSe,. "tle glass cof braandal"or"nette,"l) the Yindcqp, ed lii> Oaom 'di. ,(-;&nice 11ioratl for a vegetarian>-sind ackncwled ýÇà thiat tlieywaere *ilthie huila-r for itl ' And] if it iretors te snythiilgg 1 c;ar n al.y aay thEt the wlolo sentence je si evoid cf gramaîîar, aie it is of conirn.nt sentie. ana] liiot tilt' editor of the Valcitranlie i îaîedieîal aa]vaaer, in Prine A 'lbert. had, butteur tikp< leeenns intahte iret clenntetscf tiair respective professionsa, biefare thîoy Make ti, caiîsuClves a llwgliigj.iùatck tia the inhaattant> t.a r!ting touvu lis UJppr Cara,,a],CI,, Aliaw fie sa.«U)erilbLtu aymýlifati gre;at anaaatfryou auda] our lturally coaîdIucta!d jourala APRINC-E ALBIERT MAN. Slxty Chttldreta Poisonod. (Fram ie héLirepo<d Jfkreay.) Aâueut oeebeak 'on .Tburidaiy the gareaaaest excitinuent prerailed in the uaigh' bourisced cf Parliaumeit streot and Green. lsad street, Liverpool, in censequeuce cf a rameur being prevaîleut thst upwards cf vixty cçhild-:'eo had been poi4oneil by ei ug, smantenxiaus beanes. Uufortunately the yruerproved te bsho tsevtjl-feuuded., it app)arx i hat betaveen uea-and tva o'cloclc alittia girl naaued Mary Anpà Pdiïer awa taseaite taie Sotlieru Houial it bsm fe;rales. 'I'le.obild vas ,iiq gr0( sife ing aaadths surgeons cf the hospital vwe informea] that absi3-acIbeen eatiu., sose cf rasbbish tt had beep ilirowifron a C4Srt en soe'a ieucnt land ini Graeniand aswee ,;Dr. Camaron andDra, Wollatn an~d Evans, the residatnt bliuse sà rgeons, ýlei"diaktely -sttenid: te.child;' bui b..ý fore tbey bia] - tmia td U~te~>>reine. dieu conaiderm'd nacessary for Siert, about ewenty other praou arfived with cbildren_ in tbéir arm souffeliigin, a siusilar vay. The miedieal gentlemen, seiig that -ho case avas an -urgent eue,"aad thaete h l dren v MPe eadtlit sfaotinugfrina er qullaltle b ns tbougb cubers ele limeas rily catundlan Parliaî of its nov rosi 1howveri, beau 5fi kaseav noeoty bi long sud acnimnab thée decision noth mueelvitis coi the Unitedl Sitt froas nentb te a l>oic rust &bure cf the St bc- impoisible te- a Ilsce, Sailong an agalinst the lavai cSlaitbnfg Igai orn States haveý Poevr. Ai avei au inading oc. ttinlg anqy. ail tiios. parts. ai - UO isas-faatean- ne Mm g l .1 k A novel sud mcnas instrument bas beeh iuveutad by M. lJrnois. Ttle s for tisa puqn tacs. oftaking shent-itealne tesigii more ait-sat oatrapidiay. Tt crunsistu of a s.aied of levers aonked by-keys ila. piano, aaîd acting on a cet c f types visieh liprasé themtselves on s strip cf poper tit in grat!. uaiy anrolled. Wenlein4 ouhy-wiîh one fin. gem4 un. ordinstay'- reportercaca vork.as quickly asthe buetusort-buiisnd reporter t a haut b>' .thqrmsltg et tha tavo bBièaIs i rapiality>' Wlaicreasea]immensely.-Lmdmts Seez20 An old soidien, ice noie Wbateen creppeal off b>' s sabre eut,- happanot!, tp give a faw pence te a b.ggar, vhe oex. claimed in retrnu.: Ged preseroe yoan eoe-1 ulgise. 'Wiy se? inquired the vetersu., 1Becouise ira if yonn 005 en eete gros»' avcak yen ccaidn't keep tbaa spectacliec thom.'l KntLxss Dr BATTL8. -"The oîoenme(I i7 a privato letton tisat CorporaL Phibip Doninger, 2d Mountet! Rifles, fermer>' of, Grand Ilansud, vas kiiled on Sstorday luti before Petersburng. 66 Thse Tintais" ýon <Ottawa. ',Attention lu dinectedt6 a~thé foffasntugr article ontho S eat cf Guverninent question, front the London Times cf Ãthe ltis of Aago 49 Consiug avents cast their SWiav8be., fore." T he- 'isong affaire et'fEurope, tho emharnasents cf tise presen ,atndlthé,.tos- - certaiinties cf tie funue have left ns bas# Jitîbe time cf late te consider oeuls ,taisat are paaeing lu etiser quartens cf-tii.vont!. The civil van in Amenica lu nov, isovever,, no langer tha îcpic orf sorbing interss4t risat IL vas hetoce teo van in D.nmarmel The Pciisusrrection issu hee in Insu trsinpled eut, yet littie in sait! and!le'" thougise about thteavrenga of a couaasuu 'avich a tew mentis age almost mor.opeiiz- edt!hei symipathies cf Earcpe. Utidar tise circuaisiances ave nenasaspcîogy leo -cur roaders-fos- recalling theim' attention CcteIth lo cal a fairecfa dependeasyof; ~Britishs Cro,-avisicis Usfoe, aOSany rate, is eujsy. ing tise blessingt cf pi etount! and > unib'tele rpa!peace." The ui irapidI>' appro c1fnz visen Cieedm plà ?z tof thae'puihe boitdingt e- rcaat OitlavaSfre r ecepin" or th@, Governor General -andl lb. tvo 'Houame t aise Canadien Psmliaanant wîil Pens, r e, 'Session te beopenpdl in chat neovw 1a na d ramete Iocaîiuy. Tii. placoec.was,' su or re-adiers il'.rememb.,r, llxEdiu"-nlysu amaard made lu tise name id thle Qaseen, fort lise site cf tise future capital. 'Maity a ee the nuemmningu, bitter .wliiq.tbe, dispentent' aith viicis.ibis deeisaicuon "reê~'- Qtsabeu, Toronto, suit .lohral dsb'Iat their ada.ocaieg anal uippeetoaas.'- W'asu.- Imigbt pleadt! ts she vssas e espital'ole avoltiir, the moeofeuilgma'ua aaï>ePrO grassive pari cf tisa colony" anrtlîse~t 'çe vas situateoth lee cufluencé ort tav asisbty rivera, 1accessibe 4ý ut , esmn aviç*a lien, aut!on the buund~eleto ie'-Ua~ and! Lover Provinces. 'Qaebée 'ieunt Ijsoups of her aniiqaity, cflise anrivaulet! heautiesa cf beu- piceairesqua and ce uandi> il o.' aricisr el-lier -ismuriçal vreuso«a nd. a liae' long Possessiona of tise Tank o aost .aftL T