Whitby Chronicle, 29 Sep 1864, p. 2

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ths ayý- Void bav. te liepsid, ije i.saul W&Y ~~ as îtheproeut, aud te be born ni , al ti 'iii d.5t.s Âîtsçten. Ï thie CounI y cf Pickcering, in the &&,DO 1 Gauss, ai' slerlng aâ nd '"F Wil sr!taynvar ythe Ceunît of Onts - , - -rio.;Ail Mr. Mieill's rodomontade onl tibtead, tad ne bearing vitatever on liii 'Boof Band lýhnvs%-Wm. huma.ll 'p,~ 4~miea RevjietOn.suljeci. The law cf the land in respect Blseesuslhnf.~~,~d7Periste the, Grand Jurysystem, is just the agam evs-R. e. folr the Coenty et Ontarie, as il in for ail Generes&e....EdnBurna. other portions cf the. Province. The Ceu. Chs .ncmry Nte- .Cochrane. il fy t'Ontario canet change the law. If EatgQiriifg,&e.R.Hatlh. ~t s75iét.i lid, te logisîsture alone csp Adjounsd Selilmeeting, ý- outliy 5PPlY thexramsdy. Cmnneil Ontarie. But the Pickering orstors-who e e sale Cf Landi% for taxa-N. G. ReTnolds idcocir o' te walk-on their euh dung. ,,«Il" 16. ".hnetâ nnta..iet their ah. bsheil. C. O. Strayed-Win. - Genuon. PochaI Beok-litat. - Boots aud Shoees-Jast. a. Cash for Wbhfa.a-J. B. ireT Greenvood mi'is-.-Do. Card-Tbcr-nas. I.atler. Aillerai 1air--Geo, Metraîf- Steamahin Il"North A!nerican,"' -.B' Newa Gonde--llkailtnli &e,. Miliiry Gondes -Hamnilton & (Cna. Rea&dFmatde Clothiig.,.H<rmiltoi & CO- Win" spirits arîd (rocarias -Hamiltone & Co. AUCTION SALES TO COME OFF. OWLo<a Il and 14, iteRt con, cf Piciteinr, onu Fid'rv. Oct, i4<h., 1864 te prnarty cf M. AIex. llobt-ntaee--A. Thompacu. Auctioneer. On notln liait '<f Lot i1, in the:e In., of Rset. nn Sattiedatv. Oc%.8itî. 186u4. the prnoevvorf Me, flariuie Vern,-Levi Fairbankt. Atictinceer. 0<1tLnt 16 Gui nrn. Piceingu. on Wad. eeadav. Ort. 5Db. 1964, Ithe crnperty oi Mmr. Wm. Gibson--J. M. Patte'isou, Anc On Lot 8. lente fnb r'on. of Eral Whit- by, ce Thureday, Sert, 29, 16,'-Ie' Iu the villutre of ireenvond. on Mon- day, Oct- ltt<ln, 1864. and fcllaiavnurday<, the property cf %Ir. Wrn. Warren, Jr., - Thoteplon sud \'%IodnolT, A uctiones- On Lot 20, Luire ahore, Pickrerînz, on Satordsy, Oct. 8-h. 1864, ttc- property cf Mn. Etuard Iamt,-.--Janies WoodnolT Auc- * tioneer. CHANCEIIT SALruq. Esstvood v. Ruc-S H. Cochrane, Solicitor, Catirvvs. Caeupbcell--L. Englieh Soir. Ahuton iîhOcntar. Th ic Pti-rng 'Icvliç. -Thea procedin" rof île Pubtatto ue.ine- blaI at Broevham. repnîtd ilstiir~ek's issu(, har@ve eeu y luis lime cnsmçenlet upun hy the pMOpip cf Ibis County. Tise exhitill nvlieh méti ipreteuding tofenset enti ieeigec-ik n W.H. Michli, Mm, TA'. White, sud Mr. EhonPezer Bittait Mad!e rtbthm"lvîe. <nuet ho con#idereti ompevisat urirstîe. We May reipect them eti'-liu% ntin Oiond: Mso t hein sniiumpellA Arp se mueh emrty nouen14t, Tiseyare smimnntr serrînmns vithout tounda- or Prouf. Piclcerni. aqse <ey asseet, is nteti ild <tnu Il1incontihae touarda exuienriittrutnedet'im-ntitl tn ils ove inter- este,," in <he ahatnc f Coun'y auar->uris.__ liens. On tae crintrary evrty sixpenice it t-cnteihtoelesftr imvueving cîler prfiana ot te Ceeetunv. (I&irhn-'h it 'env n4i-i lIve re. eive aev imrnedît'irfdirect teneflî trrm -i, l' î isc ep x<euu cf the ' iîurnvëen<5. sudtee ntanred vaioe cf <te prcperty provemeutsi, a gainer. Tha encrenîtue ie lte valua cf procntv ine terenporlions of tle Court,, iizhîeea li- amount cf Picîser- iu'ossiasrweet. 5auut<ha value of proerrt halaiaysiultr'tAsd wule unîr expenditure i matie. WA rnay instane ~Rcvrgoirlisiaaid Mara. te , uhere the expeudirureonu mat iupova'meuls of late ye!05i tc-trblle thir nAsseaset valus-,and an take-n tho ber. die off iheo-.%iuttens outhe c eatty love- slip of Pieprtntt. lBut vere t nr.riw, in Pickieinur <oing teaet <h.eln-ilsa msnger, sud stop ail pregn e u i tai portions efthîe Cooeiy, heçause hclose net tg auvauceA a u mter ltself'? . cause Picersnigtasu god -roaetamuetî'i prevent Ieinbn usîecte i char. teo qoiret aiseubers, by Conutr'corneit aid 1 For ibis ipsis ~Astht esét part:0o tthemaaioing cf tha Bneetliau rator Tii. *20,000 ty-liws, asMm.White c"n. titI7 sai, in ct utat titay oljeet te, bat, il vamo tl1 boic syatem tî prevailet eftîaxinX ttc township lof -P'icernag for te advinîagcetof s4«,pertiens et the' tb. Ccenl." -This la anuoroneous -vléw etflia mater. Pic erng is #Wotetseat"M', te auvatage cf, cîbarportions.eof-ie Couunty9. We t m a eset 1en -r; 0 Peel i ei t tld aie to Sean itai pmOùIr liou of île htiîden *etétaation-lujle sanso vay. EvIeny cermtifon 1h thse oenty' lu aIl elSetii, - 'imacacmetiaCCOl'dinti te veash oci4es sîeeui. P Verg pàs Do in re, u à porio .the f fIttt f .>pî i 9e aric: 1-Arît, uas ae rsaid t iwould bava ts-utthuoitàhare ht-iaxet9i sithte visineity--it vwas Jti.ted ta. rIWaseiit, format, or tnaus(rmei, mb tt h CQi cf Pigkeifug," us Mr, Bfrrel, froýC leijilî woui4 tave $t-*nupt:itx ocntyj biIdingti psy is Çoculydôffieàb4,&d iel li #ajsd* <o, end beatriltite'ItUu* of oui«y txpW surd stamnents; tbey exsggerated simple- facts, that could lie maily explaioed. jute grievances, and îîtered uuresaonable Cornu.1 paints atainst the Cnty wieh were purely faniful; for they baie no rosi ex' isîte. To asert that Pieckering iu airohbed,"' and that th reeôfttiveS of the wboie county unite ini order te perpe. trate injilatice towards that particular teWu- ship. is ainunutruîh, and wouid lie simplY laughiîhie, acre il net for the gfravitY Of the charze. Piî1ering--S, it CaU well RiTord-bas COnt.rt¶uted !ils shere of eounty taxation, just ua- the other mu niciplities of the eouiy bave due, -aud ne more. lu Ontario, ras ekeaizàere, the majnrity nuglit tu prevail, and if thore ia4meiiiig partial erit oceaionaily, il is fortae general ireod suad as Mr. Nfichei says - 6Let m rit ai influence be brought te b)car aid net cryi lîniby." Piekeriug ince the couuty was set off' froin York tad Peel, bas encreased in value four fold, &ni puys ne greater propmrtion of taxatioan, aceording tua is value, nea <baun it thon did. It is owîug to the tact of its cemprieiug so important a part ;)f the counîy cf Otarie thut ils evrrpaçe iu value is msinty, due, "~d that its Van- and Vioîperity while attached tu this ccuniy oeay every day cucresse is the sitîcere wish <ifthe Wîîîrtux CHsoxîCt£. lu the ,Rad sud suddeu bereavement whicb, ltsiweek erertook car Maor.,%'m Laing, 'sq., and ie tarîre youug family of childeen, îhroti-ýh whieb <bey were deprived of a good Witts'il a lîvbî1 mother, ho Riad ibey bave tb" hi'ar(fe1t sympathy cf the euiti _ouîinuiiy. Ou Moutl&y fore. liou Mr;. LjinZe gave i tur t< wlîîs-ons -anîd ehortly afierwardq expired, as did oe cf the eilidren. Every effort c eia s5cienicevas emjiloyeb bythe attendant physicisu, Dr. Gueu, but ail vas unarail- inx un auayiutc Dealh'otrenonseleal baud. The t<eceaaad lady vuas aîd 40 yecars sud G in"' S4 ue atte second daughtar cf Renia miuYarnold, oc- f îibis towu. Iu 1818 Oie a-as matrîd tu Mn. Laieg. A taniiy o'tsix rurvvincuebdren -ire boys anti cne rirl -arc lu'ft te mnun ber oniimeij deatb, suud, tetbem, irepanable lois. Fuli et ,4miability,,genîtle kinduesansd <rue chari- it Mfe lAiag vas haloreti by ail uhe hotu ber ; she vas erer the (rient et Ibo psoon d needt>' til iet l~broeke,tbe drink ahe't lircu.< And in ber destb tasey baie lest ilseir test fnend sud geutiaat couuseIloi'. Ihvus only Io day pres loue te ber iltucus, <lst Mns. Laing visa out, joyeca andi happy, ainongal ber friands, But- " Fate ,teais nlý in th pilet t ieSl, F<,uuu-tottteuat l tileiuWC rat, Fnoaili- nîlit a1'nin wM iu gf rou. 1ti i thpu tue u'irilo riki,.Ille blOv." As a Inca, affectionste laugitter, vite, snl ýmoîben, ef course, her leas toe br ove lin' mediate tamily cannette osopplieti. Hem erroiug bosliaed ad chittren caru cnty, inîteeti, receive eiolfreoinud bhause. ained by a Iigben and latter source tissu ibts utîrît cari gire, ju t there mof ntai tria. Andultisa. bey m&y eceire atreuit and comfort frewi lm vue la hti ruea Ceinteter ef al, sand viso la <bu Fater and Preteetor etrta eplan, la <b. camu. ast prayer et many'saympithiziug f riends., Ttcerreahascf tae deceasel lady, and Ibo**eoethîe liîîle1by, 1te vueSin giving lite ste gava op ber oun, varo intarrel sttb. Pvesbyteriau Bui a ou i, on Titureday las<-. -Ttc fenieral Orýesý' i, vi uoiner-1 ed ne lam tisa n iety'eighti carirges, lbe. iug composaI et thé icîergy; -genmny, -aud retmetenaiiet meat pite taiultofe ,Witby, andthie serreindins neigltlorooedi Shîitars usné poltp on tbd diffaent st*ras,ý and pt-tees cf busil-ess cloeat u.rhng tie passage oe afaneraIpruassioq itlrough ite alvuis - acuseeduib te cbaramot <f ithe 's the eqiality cf fliegeeda toeb.foud tlsm Deut.n com endaticq. thelr, pOd Téer4rae DowuinreoeiPt 0cf &a ma5iig large stock of new (al sid wlotmw g"o which-até higbly vorth eouiiatloti. Tite rway-made l.thin anud',9" i d.patt mont$ si m s jal replets. *ith âi CIlp sud'abadast stock. ff~tMaches.ter Fair.w4'a àgrgpl .5OèI5* asr. ies.;A, <*-.dëirebà>ôkH s'on adoIIIM upu, '[iéa' u- e aa deis In a(gok ~ fiqlla d 4ýlçfsr i "'i ,, -' Latosi Enropeati. - 'y the arrivai of tho Cïty cf BaltimoreE m< "vYo«rk ou thm 27tvo faire. *The Spaunisfitmlnlstry bail resignet. TheTIsnea argules that lte -ChiceÈô Coivonticu vililtesa te opesOs.b TheosAlaemeut iaI Capt. Sommes vas te bave s nawvevssal is contnmdictcd. "The Daiiy Newa aya titat the FaderaI sucoeeasredue. the proCeedî'nga of the Chicago convention tes comparative iusig- cican:ne..c The Banuk et Ilolianu ta aseti ils rate cf discu te 54. The Confadarala boan, batlaI>sencunee t is a bogus eue. Mesans. Livalm & !Lortls7 in lie Amsri. eau trade, bave anàspedidt. The' Englisit papors ana geueraity di- cusiing itha prospepta et pence, most cf tem seemiug te tako the- viev thai peaca by timmstice is tigbly prohable. The Ceufedonate boan lias reeovored por cent on the l4tb, euiug to deuls troun ou tIhe taitIof Atîsets. It is siated tbat Deumarir, etîcocrageti by the western powers, refusas the cession et Non'b Scbieswig citiesa it la saacîioed by the vote cf the î,aoplo. MAutAo.-Wae are pieasaed le notice te mamiage et' con young friend Dr. War. ren,te the daughtem cf bis estcamed partnutr in hie profession, J. Foute, &q. Ttc marniage vas striclly rirata, tsving aken place at the early tour cf r) 'clock s. im., in order te allow <ha yeung couple lime te resehthie train ton the EBut, 'The Nou. John Simupson, ubo vas nuable tram lacir c f liee 1 remain for the cerel5uonty, calîed iopen the bride clect, the ereeiug befome tte martiage-, anti uitb bia bext viahes tor hem bappinea, placeti in ber hante a cashet centainieg a veny complote and elegant table service ef ilier, This hein% tae principal prerieut te the brida, vas gneatlY admineti îy hem friands, uhue vert' praseut ai the celcbrs,îiou of hem nuptiale. Ma. Brucci., the Iteeve of ihe Tôve. sbip cf Wbitby, adventiseaslu otter comumua thait ha ailI pay tte liighest cash price for <.beat delivered ai bis Miia, Greenvoot llreoklin, andi t odl Way Mill&. ne says thet ho helieves in puying euht for ttc article, on detivPmy, as the mest satis- 1tactory mode et dcaling betveen parties. LÂnits' SALa. We beg te cal tb. at- tention et cur restienu, to the sale cf use- fil-and ornamenlal venr-, alîch viii ho heaou W~edneaday ar.d Tburaday next,-l in tte unecopiad atore In Clduell's Block, Bneck strr'et, by te ladies et St. Andrew'a Chuncit, for ihe purpese cf fi. 1 siebiig the basement of thc chcmch. The .ladie's deserva aIt encouragement inteir 1Isudube efforts, aud vo have no deeht îhey iiil ied tteir tables well patreraiudi in tte deparmtus bot etf vrk and re. frusbments. r- '44--- Ttc mombama of Deluge Fine Compsuyi are neqaeste te<attend <ho regolar out. -Ily meeting, ou Teesday mexi, Oct. 4et., at 1tbz, 'love hall, to ergc~ive thair fatigue Asuty xFts-This Faim is advrtise lien4arficheoalFcNc Âk Senaa sebeepie nie vas telin l conueccilce1 uiîtise tMethodisl aitemot, kuovnu usualy Isy ahe naine et Mr. Ai. meuda o-tapai5 te ale cbosau uanle, bosotifeigl ce ucrtetrte cbuncb ;<to vealier vas sxcedingiy favorable, sMt i is great satisfaction toeail coneemuedti t knu <bat their efforts ver. crovuetivitb a moct signal seccesa, Thé. .rrangOents, made displajthis etaanti industry ou the part fet in maagers emyoili fur amme e<t wii asprevidet. 'ý iAs tisa ladies theinselves luit! tle sutir. management of te<I l laîes sud listes," ît t.eed moi, te sad -tbat ail vas tayolni critici-ain. Tes vas eni l plni style, and, toulth,-t eeOMray vasun nieonta*d etcviitt g,èonsidersble diii. geuce, tisêre vas net Oniy abotndance fer; ail, bo't lieuhels cf pies and cake ver. car- iel tome. Aftar the mltaItude lad parisien cf tisa goil <ingsacsd "ile ilW,iith r. muigtinolevwu spet in eaxbilismt'în sports. The sfternoon'a cjoyatent vi c6oplete eÀ tise comparu lispeirsa, abotat sona devu, ait apparenly, pîcaelut lbe . o Uxbmsstge Counect. Titi alore Ceuci mot pursuantte ad. jeuraicut, ia Fluais Hotol, ou îlio 20t1 lest. -- Itemlierwal preeet, ttc Rems-ilsth chtair. -- Minutes t islt medltig rmtasaeip 'prevet. A coa>uunlcatlo a roie (o i Trustet,ofuloo ectionNo., ,, requasi iel liti nationsha ais la<teallersi tien of thair sectien at dou preseul meeting sand Kr. Fecsby, - reoeen..lSotadlu - iwpro#e«enlmion the eon4 eis. lino vu rece'ied s and",-and arsi*sttrefàeté toile standing cemmilîe ou Bouaand Bridge.,- M c CIsapaina xsae4, seeoced by M. t Shan'a*d, baa the 1me woIs .bus oi4a ýcpon 16 sTreasem' inifavot ofMr. Wlda in sfoie suméof *3U(foraies. fi part a u oeu oitssier; Mfr. Cliapusan moyet, séeemtr by Mi. @5....aýdrl..t '.t , a ,W« ; i~n aIBeliï -~ _ I_________ a' ______________________________________________ ________________ Qee-Ia<s Dîviglotta ta%4lSimpsou, te coma forvard te serve ,- war Naws. BION. JOHN SIMPSON BE ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION. The Hon: -John 5Simffou vas ra.olacte& by acclamstioD, at Liùidsa on Mui last, aslte represeut&live for Queulurs Division for auether termn. Tbe attend. suce vas very, mear-.nol more thab tvo hundred pensons hoing' p reséuî i- auidrstood theoa ut tel» neo ppcsuiô4 Sbortly atter cea c'clock the Uetumejug olficer, John Hum Parry Esquire, eft Whil. by, asceuded the bustitîgs, abict vare vpery comîuodious sud eenvfnieniiy con- tructad in front of the Courîheuso square. After going through tite usuat form cof ediig te Wril sud proclamation, lte more serions snd important business cf ibe'- day prcceeded in the folleuing ordar. The Bon. Jolin Simpson was rneved by Johni Hall Tbempson Eq. etfllreck, Wsr. den of the County et Ontario, aecondad by Samnuel Davidàon Esq. .1. P. cf Mari- posa, as a fit and propen person te mu- preacut the Division of Quea's, ienilie LegialeativoCounecil. W. Coîtiuugham, Esq., vas moved by Jlonathan Hodgson, Ebq., reeve et Mars- posa, secended by Josephi Perrin, Eýsq-. the samo townshuip. The respective utoveisaend secoiîders made vetry brief addresses. nôÃ". it. s5ifl's rt'555cz. t <c catch aitleof nî. Simpsnn's speech ; but abat ve dit ettain atten obtining n seat vas in <ha tclloaiug effect :-] Ha re- gre<ted usaI the experts cf the counYMy vert' tint enemeaing-Ihai <bey vona pot, in t'act, equnal te abhat thev aune tee yt'arg ago, ~And lie use afrait thuat unlesq a chature o oo place for the botter, the eut voulti le bankupty-perhsps nep'îdia-a Lion, in soea quartera. Il vas for the I people liemmelves te prevent tbis by elect- iug te, office an beneat capable goveru. ment.- He vculd net lie disceuaget about the future et Canada, uhen Cana.- diaus themeselves lookeil efuer their cari iitarest by eiectiug tonrett public men te rajureseut <hem anti looli;tter itheir a&air. Ccniplsining cf ttce wnt of uity-andr uion. te aaid. ty aIl knew vwu' atrengtb -iongsl Upper Caniadiens themaeives, ho nemarl,-cd that a lessnon miglitt vall lia Laakon ont cf the bock of thse Louer Cana- diani. Ttney lied onty îbree plank i1 tbeir platfolm ahilst Upper Canadiiu lied, hoesitcctd supposep, ai least tell. Ttalr planks wee,-flts;t.-Get ailt<ho Moeuy <bey can for tiî-reivwn peoplie. sacoely- get ail <ho mriney <bey eau for tliemsela-es. Thîndly -get aill rtcycrau fom tbeir f riend. (Laohiser.) il, uale <bis end <bit jpen Canadiens aIl oved tleiasala-as tenlicsuayed by Ibeir French friands. But, in aayiug Itis, tie, (Mm. Simpson,) veulti net advise the ramaq tes-eu oe"e<ote hapuevard ty uppet' Canatianq, vhat fie ail viu'd as g"ter vstcbftness suai".etr prudence ce tlueim part. Ha recommendedth<e people- et that magelficeet iocaliîy utoin lie vas addea ieg, Ie belpitbemra'lves ; --ntrot it fer goe'tiument gt'afts Io maie <hein vmadie. but tbput teïteau sheultioma <o the wbeel. Ail that te couit personîalty, or lu bis puttin capacitY Pro- parti do t. adituca te interests et the Di*visn-ho gliy voulti de; -Ise aplati- diti aster ï i ilttolof tse b#tk -ý eentry lieucoiti liketa e ieo ed ansI utilise! <c hetten sdiantse-blut lia couesslteal industriel Improvemiens ameagit taepeople iemuaies-ne vair ieg on ProvidenceS, for Providuence sided thin, e thasbot degrea Whbielped (hem- , iàve.-a<Aid iourselvas sud lesuon suIf aid yeur', vas ttc meite teavol d desire te impireua poqentm. As au instance cf tle vaine et gondluemproveil sud frac rosts, hte mnticual tal ho met as in- teligeul farmer near GuelphiWhoc-bail tbnoughtt 6,$bshelti cf grain 57 miles, sud tbst -turing 5thsaab oie cf te distaceeci a f'rtting,inte le sape et tulse bal la Iot psy uIl vitbie Ove mites cf <he owev 01 1Guelph,-Io, ~ere>dsi ero lfre, and ~ 1fanmer's vite!. yesniy tax for oud pur. pesa ameunteil te jnist tour stillingsansd six pence.- -Suicit -*uas <le lson Vh r <bey mighl a.pply i « Msiruetîug ieit . oulds l intis becaii<y, Speakleg te oua of te largest farinera&e intaeir viciiiaty, 1 'sel -ceuveriug upon tbeeiigli pice cf 4certain kela etofproduce jult hon., lha r ound huÏm lesa,' <bat h. coutti net biug oet bis grain sel avail Iàimelif oethte blgh e pries offlang becauseofethte ladnésé cf kthe roaise., Pactical imlprôveW-eht à ot titis kioti -lu ttis > irectkrW as bat lie, (UIr. Simplon,) suggosud, te tbe peatile ho-,did nôt dore te makae<biulpïli4es[ speactes. Oun<the politiesi question, Io*- ever, -a Word vas perbapo uecSaav. ithe 1, ébuofe, Conteleration ucelti have lisi IL hMas tteeilnu. ýThoe Gbvar' G" wua uxieus fer -it, oe, (Mr. Simptin,) a mnev persenlly. -Soeh s abeme csr$ad eut jein l s îoety uoul l eloale hem Pl contry jute bue grand nstionaliiy; lie vlt- ed no pet>' Provinces, hovwbed Iosee; ib e teues ofOurPoliiies and f be,ça. e t', etf d omiteils exsitet aboyvero îépstîjjý6 16' strife and coneetion. But lie vistet in~ 19 se Bniitlih eenectioe preservet andoies i vlarer itvaved, marked teleoatien;et Le f 'me'd rèdied bt, fou- er o tli an eed veal bel > 1 roiani u'w 4~ lhuevr ho a on"elng ry t 40 t wbieb il sbould no e ha oadvi3ed terue- cessily of Frepsration n l eetfhe'îilifies, - thsl preveutrilivo vas better than cure,hate te had nol brought any ona there te, blow tis trempet, t'ainthis frierids froin Emily, knoviug that ha vau oui cf' the field, vere u,î present, ihat the sinali number of ner. sons preseet, shawed the litilé intere al8tk. an in the election-for that tere aould bie a larger croad at oue of their commun littlo lNjuiicipal et-clouis, the Ontario Bankj influence, and ubat Qet.ario baek bil wcre capable cf accoeuplithisîg, hou Mr- McM1urrich bacl<ed oui, bacause bis eppo' neni, Mr. MePherson, vas married te, a bauker's daugbler. A voice-(Mr. Sculy,)-*Ontario bauk his bouglit you up (rom coeiesling the élection. IMn. Coilingham saiti ho titught that would come up, that il vas untrue. 1A voice-Wlsy didn~t yoe 1cmn ouI in - Mr. Cottiegbasa sid. %tat bc x114 tbru cal iii 'i7, and tiat le '38 lho 'vos station-" P'd at Bownmville lceeping doue, the re- bel , Ibat ha wras neiîhar bougbî uer setd. that heover sa a dollar'of Mi. siop' aeu'roney until tIoalay vluehý iatret", 1 nit hands, (1raégbîer.) IL vas not, lie, tiaid, scaerd cf Mr Simp»on'a bauk blthlho vas -net atil, 1at, ho eau nut a- bit sfraidl Iýcî tWit lad le inie i iî, haiecoutisl-have b"eten Mnr. Simpotz if ha (Mr. C.) enter. 4I clefield ugaiuat him îed<ay. And if *r. Simpson, did not Iceop a ctl~ rpe'nra h--aould'bo beaien wten te agalu cama up for electiou betere Queeel' Division. lie, (Mr. C.) w4 nelîber, beuglit. nor sold. were hil uc wuldëbÏ a âitgrace tc himself, and téo~y c Vitn ÀA tole...ýTbcom tank'bils 1 Mfr, Cottinghaui .-hýome cf yoc wbo did ' t get ansofetthein thait fed 5 coecerqed > wtt I: em. ;(Cheers aud Leeglitar;) Ïbali come cnt ags.i, if uoy friands waut aie-if they vis it i. - am au Irishb (Canadiau - Mr. Simpsou is a Scotch 4caadîac, and U kuow him ine. I hsd a ted cf nettlesa ai Davidâon's <LIaogb' iser.) 1Mr. Cotaug#am,,coneladdti y, a*n that Mr. gSimpg«on' dre a dada piélure cf Our position, that or pîlities wouid im. Prove, and "table M.C)rtrd THE DEOL&"ÂI0No. - Mr. Perny thecondeçlaredtat 1Mr. Çottiogha iat-iog declined tbe ucmna., tic., andtheibaouly ether..nuise liste. ho. *lectors being-that cf Km. Simpton, ha aleularetithe «eorabl* rSitp e 4aly eleetedl member for Que-u's Divisiou forth tle <m U aiv ludirected. Ronl. Mr. Simpscn je reterniog tiacka for the hcpor.poeferrad 'upou im, toolk ouiason t xpress bit ~great regret at <ha t1for1uo made by 4. Ootigliitô 1 4iouaruted sud unesljad- for, and ibat hoe supporter ofdihtss uiulaeaoed j in te 4east by any su tid ne'aus. Tte Ontario; S&k h ii, with, its <vo million j,'f L eapital, anti ils.t.hreoillions of <oeyj omployed, did s large ameunt cf gcod te ïo ,ii aoen 1ry. Hee cucluded by agaie. 1 aro m e eTe mai lwustough thea alte bava.aTge sat nuiebar cfrbèthend ,e baeeaenan b gene te tako oum- mant ofth<e rabot deparimaul cOf.tha sout acat. Daespalcbas froin Shermma's -commauti ,epent Hood meving tovarda the Alabama lice. A strn ougtrce et relIrtsdelsvema fsid to te openatîng againet Shermau's commuuiîeîieus, and bat captured t Aeins, Ais. Loniavile, Sept. 25.-On Friday lat Ferests fonce about 4000 sîrong, eroset tlie Tennessee river et Baak's iinting in Terry Cecet>' Tenu. fils phole force is estimatedt olia 8,000 Men aith tan unse. Col. Campbsel autgarnison ai Athens, Alabama, vere attacketi by rebats, sud afier a seveme flght of twe heurs duratton vema tercedtotesunt enter. ' A telet meut of <bree,1men sent freinl)9ast.ur te reinforce tboe srrison- cf Attne,-are me- porutedto have lien coptured %fier uu ch- sîjuaa uegagemetou. St. Louis, Sépi. 25.-Price.bas enterat Misouri vitis a tomce.estimilati h20,000 seroeg. His plan is suppoed tle te to nrarch îhnougIn4hbê ceunai portion et the biato in ihMmcc colunns5 ceptoning ail the important pountis beld je tise-country. 1% is expetel thui Kiris>'Seiihyuil joie tutu alt from 10,000 te 12,000 men. The Arkansas guerillas are aIse ccucentrsting to aid in the moem-1 luomu nov in the sontheait, uder Sbetby, Whoc bas actue six or olgbt îbOàflaéd'ûieu mont recçived d (ispatches frein'ëÇeridan, auuonuciug tbs. 2,-000 Sîrasburgi-ýp'nioucns oscapel frein Wiuctestèr Ifai. ight. The totîeulng is Ose. Lèelïï report cf, the batîla bear Winchester - Haadqoantens Army Nertheru Virginia, Sopt,. 2.-Heuo._Jàas . Ladcu-Oe.Y Eanîy reports ihat on the...moring,.et the IM uthet euemy alvancal on, Wîucbestar, near wbicb place te mat bis atta-k, vbich vas resistoti fromin esrly in <ho îady* outil near night, when lie vas comperled <o re- tire. After uighltehofel -bock tb New. tovu, snd <bis morniug to, Fisher's Hill. Our floisa is reported te- ba seveme. Mj. Gen. Ritêties sd Brigadier-Qaneral -Qed. pwin Yere kiltat, uebl>' dciug ibrir duty Tbree places of amtillery of Kings battalion Nere Ict; tt tu'ati- sipple e breiaght off asfety. (Signed>. .Il.LEE. Ttbe-iebraond<Discp4<~,,,speaking, of musuars lafôr etersburg, ýs bay ia'ou eur extrema rigbî< <the enemy's lftI,, botl parties ustet une secîher vils sleepieis vigilance. Each raiumniug, day adds strengtte thoir defoneive-uorks. - aUtthe tui cf van cerne*beu il tmay, itIvill ta ôue of tb.-illoliei. eft<bis ver>' llootiy cntest. Brlt7aoooDIVIsSION.-In tis Division te. nominuation teck place- on Friay at Hasmiltcu, about fiva thundreti pensons1 b'ing present. Ajuor iteEtroy uninat. ca Dr. Hanoýiuahith mitb, "iýrdd by Mrv. Me Binkle>', of Glautraôrd. tdr Tbos. Robiertson, of Dandss. pOmôi4sied4P MAERIED. ~W,ÂRREjjtFOOTE-Ou the 28îh ipst. by lte Bey. Kaunulh Macleunan, at ,Fdist Park, Heury Warren, B84~., M. D. tb->4argaret Eliza aIdait daughtar of Joua. useù Foot., iq ktBICKELL-DÂVY. At-the residance eif the mother cf thé bride, on the 21st. iltl.; by the Rlevd. Mr. ghaw, -J.B. Bicl ail E5.,rleeve cof the tcwnsbip of Wbiîby, tc Johanna, ihird daughtar cf t -he laIe Mr. Niehelas Davy.___ Corporation of the County of Ontario. Adjourned Special Session!1 IAAdicururd and ipecisl Scasion et the fiuiftîers cof the County Coune;il, of tha Counîty cf Ontario, ivill bu hold at heCourt Iltuao, ini the Tvik ii of whîtby, on Tueisday, 4tb. day of October Next, ait the heur of ttvo olek, p. in., fori'tha purer fti ictninti~oconiderainii nproposi.d vt-law 'l'To raiKe hy %wiîv (tf Luthe Ilie unof 't"ivntyTtn'udDlr, for the puirpose ut inakilig, improvirug aid repitirisig thue publie rom nd ud igiiay4 iii îèLkil nty ot Ontarlo,"1 and feor tliu'treiîeuction ot euvh otiier buelilees; as inaw be tiien and <Mre brought before tha ml11 J.MACDIJNELL, Clark IJutnrlo. 'eonnly Cierk's Oflie, - court ilotget, Whtitky. *Soptieubr 2811,, 1864. 3 Smrraitj 'iirrsh oi-r Eaglan t Gond msva t Andufrl t h wnt stibriron.hotiaor go"d hoes. <Joma Farniarareuis, wa ,ant ynu Io $upport us, Andl <bai brick of a Blackainib, caur Ssxnv Pria. Do youwiauî Bl&ckfflialof Vie vjry hastbled,. Y4rman he tastnd .1tu a Rglan yr.a'it Ced Ifi' oSândy1i* yoa'tt go, wljota a Bltkauth eof bruina,' '1h.Fe'i b.~e..a broken boita whe your gril boldé-the- ~Tl's witi *haine f confrtbaheywcvre sýwfaltliait, But îew;welva the mnend eugive bleu a cuit, Dan't mienu lbtrhes -ike GIIENELL, tîo' loisd tiay May ba"Il À.d $Sndy wil*l alaya> bha here tle attendt, Ando peedily yoar-work soul wsggou-tiras halltead, Nuw Gentle>mev, lraryourooueka, coma ouîbe sau- rortba. And l tibis wa'l take onetsheuldof SÂNDT PORTIS. Raglan. Sept. 2%, 19M- 54 STRAYEI) E'ttMtha prems o f WMf. GORDON, FWhiby, ia four-yaar old STEEIi, yetlcwv, with whtbs fieie., Aiî t'fîn eî rnnngsuafl nal, or plvilna infnrit Il îthat witl iad oIsrearwt Ia a j ui yrwardedl. $aaro hib, nt. 29t 18à4., 8 POCICET BOOK LOST ,Greatezt, AitÃœy'ctiofl A&T T"" 1- Wlihu tra cop trbeilemel Fumiture v -ar- ran td 10 giv ea iutisfa e on. Iln h tas e s- f rein fouir ditlerriit establialsine rts ot' tisanov- est stylas auJ:pttm e ', v)ieih fer boauty sud usefuitinisare nsurpasseti BOX & PARLUR ST aYE9 0f varnouA etylea and patteras. Plusse eali and examuine. - 10e bas n' BOX STOVE vlth roturn floe, auielu greatlycceo«noiaa-tCe fuel. He- manu- teetneesail sizca ma an spea ef Dueul Stoea, Giullonsa Pipas, &e., te- ordor. Somothing New & Deairable! A self ieatiuk DUlILB STOVE. varratntedi te grive satisfàto' ioe neqy refutuded. STO IF, PIPE, ELBUW, &., alsys on bauid. PartiUeti!.r ahtenthioniu pe i cining old Ovtena. ;avtogýi su ad Fobbing te'Re1embr'Ite place, aIitle Lst ofir. LaUg's Otd Stand, WliuJsY. T herhigtieet ,prica puid ton an> qeuntity .f Old Copper, ltrasSice pAking, Cotton ausI - Wooiae Rirae, Bters Tefg . rn, Cash., RICHARD HATOU.- - -- Pnacticat TinsînIt. Wlultby, Soptemien, 1864. 88 ebaocery Sale.., TI -CHANGFERY, John Cadte, Plantif?, AMD -James Camnpbell and Thomas Thoruton, Deféndorjtt I Il 4 a -o i -I .1 t-I 'e [i %a Xrb imont ateer Il ta ssd ov Leî'îlcc unt aerailhat w'macrilieMv Wloe madeat aIl. Hitsov acfce fr 4S Cctiug tde ca al is, sson lie tbat if lha did s80lha coultitabve bas ïroes in e tbatiplenty ho do sitetite ý ilcs nbis family was the itumediate uffle and on that accouelt, if uoibing ai-ite himiaif -or bis friandso. Hae couid ~e~ tbîi~se o vailait parts of lte country, aud in <bis respect hie wecld bo op5apr ujt Mn, Simupson, fer tp neyer ouch trouble o V'isithtie Divisin.- Re '-Pment notbiug -disrespecîfut touards th. Ilogerble 1Mr. Simpson; te bail the ileaerti, t k n lane. a boy. ;Hal iantad hum simpiy te lqoký a little more 4*àfully after the toeait iiabýclie arapte- ualtih ,anti wben the monay veas tgoief, oi ipt tba lbeoalit>' ils (air'iahare of it. Ha idiculati Mm. Simpson's talk about taxiug Ïhamselvaa. for improvieg the moads, and aserted Ibat, a îhousandîh.part cf the public Meuey that vas aquendered cru publie roadas by tise Govertiment, would not only make a road tromn Lindsay, but frein Ouernee. Atter a reference te Irish extravagance, in the uay cf the expenditure of public mcney, artd h ou speodthrifta threw it aay broadat ltera, Mr. Cottiegham said, thaI vi as net utrieti, anti libre George Bu- chasnan, hava net' afraid of ba.uùg beatanà, tbsi ho kteu, and aold Mv.ý Simupson thai lie could lient hieu, th-nt he cculd bava tait. en Mr. Slimpaonn's place he.d bat desired il i that a union of the Provirces, upen cartaie greurude, would ho, acceptable te hiru; that la man lenltae Upper flouse shoutd baie as 'nucb influence as a maninluthe Lover flousa ; <bat he vas not in tavrrorf auj imported United Stuates constitution 10 C- ruada, that hîîd the constitution of the Uni- ted Suates bacc gcod ine ilelf, the people wouuld not bava gouJ -tear about it; that hc waeîed no co%<ly confederatuone with aun uînlieuiîenl number of officiaisa, &c. Mr- Cottîigbam proceeded to eay <hat ho vaut- cd tise defences cf <lie country loclird afier to moeb £1k. a s;ondari con&ideaton Tha newus <mcm tbe Sbenadah gàes te show that Sheridau's vidtoýy oîer Early, vmscompleta. The fol1o<rinýg ifris.Of H1eadqusrters, Sept .23 rd.-I f6uudtlit ribaIl army posteti 'viîh its-,rigit' restiug on te ucrth folk cf the Sheandoàh, sud extendiug acres the Strssburg Valley. "westuard te Noîli Moifan, 66 êying a position ubicit appeameti almost iulpregns' hie. General Crook. va trauaferred to te oxîmame rigbî et the lina on the Nort Merintâin, and ho fut'ieusly attaced the laft cf the enany's l7ne ctîrrying_ eyery_ thiug jtefore bim.. Wbhile Crouk., vas diving the enemy ini tha greatesa confu.i sien and ýsvyeping devit behind teir breastuorks, te t and 19îh army corpsj attackad the rebal uerks in front. The u*hole army appeaned to ha broken cup, as, ttey lied iIL'graatn'umbors. Severil pieces of arlllery veri esptnreâ, -aIse^a great eusny caisisons, artillery liorsas, &c. Ii cannot say hou mari7 pisoners:I bave capîcred, nom do I ltuov aither thn enemy5s causalties,- enly darness a td sstaed the aboIe et Early'sa amy trom n er destmue- lion. The first And thîrd cavalmy divisions vere doue the valley te day, and' If tbey pusb on vigorousîy te, the main valley the rescit Ibtis day's engagement vili etilIl be grealer. A more deisllad repent aili ho made as scen as I eau obtain tba.eeceossary data. rýSignedj D. P. Suvrtnaxe, Maj-Gen. EarIy made a stand at Fisher fuilubema suother batîle vas tougb< in- hieb <hah Fadonal genenal vwu againi victeniQusi, cap- turing 16 cannon, mauy pniscuars and stands cf -arma. Fuîtter advices, from Norîhemu sources, have heen ecci-ed stat. ing thai Sheridan hati driven the anemy frein Mount Jackson, witbouiî býng able to brng on a gpeaenaergugemnetit. Tom- bal tehd capîumed Weckhamé force at Luao, captumiîîg a nimber cf prisonens. At Fieher'g [1l1 20 places cf- anîillery r veme eaptured, together vitis 1,110 pris Lcuere, a large ameuuît of ameuuniii, cale. '- Baide NO. No. No. No. Ne. No. No. NO. NO. NO. NO. No. k- --i SI r- -~ k iii >1 -t ar I intr (lotkiing, ~ AIrToi: WITE -FLAGI, Where. thernsile the lanracit, chaurpei,t, ast 7 M o t d nm -i)t0leu n i F-ASHION'ABLIGB STOCK Over-Coats, Dress & Buoiùefis Coats, VssPnshrs lnder-Cloth'ng, Col- lare, Ties. H1ats Caps,. Itosier Y, Toutihe' and Boys' Suits, o,&.êc in the County. Obsemve the WHITE FLAG< - -N . 4, lirbk SreEit' Whltby, 5epý. 24, 18414,38 A" CARD- TN cousaequenltta t te dtaaatpsetlen aliet P onua <ntere'i-elpantip'tîîiLve takan ocees<nn wo express <us <otfhe r.uîanoieit ct'vile nuita ()f tue îut)utanuliri ,'Iluleu1'I1deiairet'o lt-tate thit rny oeneitiiu,nus SicnQtrv, cae nna THtOMfAS LAWLER. Wlîutby heêpt. 2.'861.t S& Go une,-,go',ail! At Il atch's cal !. Proceed to on £01,à WKITBY JIARI-0TS .Whitby, Sept._28, 1864. Bsrley lias beau sstsdy during, the pro. sent ýweek at 80c, witbhc.owever a dleelin. ing tendency. The- receipts during the sesson, se fur aura up saine 125,0)0 busb. Fall Weat, but few ]oade offerng, 85 Spring bavery - littie cffering. Pricas sceécay>. establjshed ýyet. - Buyers apeali of 75 a 178c. Oats nominal a 35C. Peau in demand, and enquired <orat 69e. a600.4 Prices <cf ether articles unchsnged., TORONqTO MARKETS. ~I0R0N'To, Sept.; 28. 1864.. Barley-80 te 8gPer husbeJ-! Fal *7healý 88ý'to 90o per bushel. Spring wheut_ nominal at 77 10 821, Per btqhI. Qata 350 to 37c per bôl -ý s60 4o 62c.. .Fresh Butter 18 to 20e par lb E ggs 10 to I2jc par doz. NEW YqII< MARKETS. ';EW Yoitîr, Sept. 28, 1864. F&Ft '6eactivae. d4e better, $1 ý95 to $2 ; choice amber Ken- tucky $2 04 le 2 05, and No 2 Chicago tipring. $1 81 to $1 s5. BareY-dull iud nominal. Oas-in fair requent aI 884 te 8De, Pork -siS 62J in $37 7,5e., for new Iess; $37 fer prime. 1 Canadiitîn Flour-firmer but very quiet; . slales 3.000 bris, fit $8 75o to $9 for coin- mon ; $M00e to $1125. Gold-1 i94,. -,- ofS 8 paut

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