Whitby Chronicle, 6 Oct 1864, p. 1

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Maatthttw Teefy i' the tinette oîfficei, tîîthbv. s. Drliuir, vry hryti lbh tati t heiao ;tore. COLLEGE' li, c'. t't tynn tiirp/cReontý aI ti uit.truttui iit lui iîeîî rua'î, ti ilt i 1uulî opilaYd î ii la t rttî'is tt itirrnoi, truutiquttrin trm llO5 ti.îiim îmîîî'c Oliei miituiuli sntm'jsr "W.,'t ai~i Ill'e tîs ru iti l. tt, tiII tl* lttuiui ilo Librr Ig? fre feIwo 'ZSiItlBONiS. liii ftue Cotii1y 1 "erîhiis wolil Iiatatig lutg,mî W. s fine flirts,. Ir£WilITBY, CHRÃ"NIQLË EN lAin WXXX, »Y W. H.HIGGJINS,> At 11i% Prltiug EttablIgIhînent, Brook Stroeti Whitby.- or Next Door 10 lihe Registry Cli. TERXS Si150 ?ER ANNUM. ÂDVERTISEMENTS! A L Âdvirttgeonint. meaiturein luNotipar. Mlei, ala s bitrzed mi thelicrate<of s ceutm lier lino, firn 1iîsrtioȔ, aud 2 .lnts perr fuie, .eîit uiioquent Inxoriim, S4poelitl conmtr acte iîwith udvertierâ Ih hii.yûar. Order. teo îil.outinne advertioitaî xîiuait b4 In writlieg BAKK 0F MONTREAL, WIIITB iilAuNi'îl. 'JW. R. DEAN, munir CA3iISROlN & MdACD)ONýELL, }A1tRitTKXR$ ANI) ATTIll1NFEV;-AT Lt . -lictri-m for the ' Batik "fI ?-iiîtri'al. plid the tJîrimîîiAl 01<iftheo Ctiî , t n h'tîriîî, Noturv &elicî k., &e'., WiltI)V, C. W, M. C. CAîEllçîoI, . C. 1 1Ta'. iiL. itthe tlicof the fiit, Curt I sîî.î, ttîît cor, te., &;i. Otieer î.rhortiir l Registry Uflti, Illîîk Streert Wlit. B treet, Clîly . W.i B- iAiMIttTEi ANI) ATtýIiINE)V-AT-1,AI. ) iic-pîo. the <lii i.êît rA iii >c. 1lttl st rict, Wlîîtly. 11ORItIRON & SAMPS'0N B iRi<ITI3- ttrt 'ariiîwi -lii r ANOU3M(MtRIi0-il .. N iAISOI. Torouîto, J.lY l20, 112HS 94. IL. COCHRANF. L. L. Il. îltaXîo, iîrti.ter t, t t , a t1la' < diittr luit'hauerv, Ne):.rî I 10i- &v.i i lbt9c-tii i;îttI'aW41 Xc w*lB Wttýu. . Dwttuam M..MIlEl:ARTN EL 1.. ROBERT J. WILNON. B AlItiTEi &NTrliNFY NT A, 8S<iuctot iu Iiïi'rv. i . iita,1.W. 14. . J&Rvis, PARRIti'TgttAT-.LAW ANDi'.Ii'T iii iilîaicry. ii iti'. l riîî-S OrOlitO.4'. W KE~LLER & LABtON, (Iver Lthe Clîrîiicle toffice, IBr i'.Stret' W ,l-t r ty. -ClIAS. C. KELEI1. R IA-;.LAiN CIIARLES C. KE3LLER. J. hABER GREItNWOOI>, TTiiItNlFV-AT-1,AW. SLtI.i<T111 IN A t'hancor.v. Nîitary 1Pitaile.i'îî,'ît"r *0$., 'iitt. l.'t ' W. ititilmitiiie V\wtorîm iecii. iîsXtte oRoit1r,;i a iilcî î.i 4R 1011il lN BIL tING L'Office, P1 ne Albeart, two I, * tirs w-.- of BU1L D X, d&o. &c., GREEN STRIEET, BWbitby, C.W-W C ILERK< OF TlJE FIFTII DIVISIO>NCOURT, c ' I ompriming the Township Brook. Adl- ires#. Caluiugoil. 14 RtOBDET SPEARS.- C LEltlt ANDI TREASTJR O F TRE A. PRIN*GLE, MEKIANT TAILOR, BROOKU=t8EE, Wkitby. Louis DUBOIS' ESVTAURANT.-4ýoraoro<f Y ork and Ex- Uplqian&40 &trotte Toroute. ltofroithinttnta. TROKÂS HUSTON, O(iLU F OURTIL DIVISION COUwr xf(ONT11SAL fnomS, 19 ICing st, West, I I With calm Piinted words, <eaît houghts and untiring industfy, WO advocatc Peace, proprfesKUOWlodge, Drotberhood. VOL. VIII. WHITBY, C. W." TIIURSDAYq OCTOBER 6,.1864. -NO. 39 C:- CALL AND) SEE SA.NDYi 1.Cg 11 l insetake titm *ltru'îklîî Ii ain l -Iirof,intVilliae, wtt ara ie will ic ijiadj to se al]il iii.rirticts.l'liepraitliea eowsll fitird up a1ud 0c1eiit, autul ttie Uotittuoda. a0lui gîîVa-ryutu, t/tut tut,-Ier he a ext-i th, ti-cîtfîîrt tila:- tu-1 luira iiinacf, ltta'iug leîn pruowd tu iii4r;d4aa. uni as auttid, use), At qaitdt 'a t ukê vatuir rcstt tiatidyt tuihi.- t liti bet. Citalii' Iui'ttt i ull.t lit' ttutioli. 'hl'lîeîîîîîîîroîl 'Lc'iîui ttt'imiti -uîii, Arr aakv,.i',, gice f lîla l t..a cuI. AIJEX. PEERIE. Iltiklt Ji ii. lttc 'r. t>ntliruol>aumuc HaîIcl& Resaurasnt, G LOBE Il OTEL. li--ittittutt ili.e ltai tt 1t îtîattaac.l li titi1 r iuit.ic.auî 'taci iittU lt ti F ',4 iitit* -A lui tir t :. " ,£%îf ,r ofiu.iittîtel tu t., c ilttt'u. iijiriI oArc. -rît mt litu t-, ttuuiu', w Trav-'lt'r 'i ai. tIl- '.it u d i T ile--m tft Notice to Farmers and Otehers CmL"icttteuirîwti ufor ttpi îcp .wPi tl.îlimttu l.ittt ea *t.u r-t '.tlice l t-ir irjAI. A )il tî t aiitti aiI-u-'-ttlHiret. t. ALEX 1) E R. il Jt'itu . t2i701, 1l'u;". 4 s. Srr A5 (i E Fluo usE., TSAANC FENIfiN, BEST 'iaauitiia:.t.aiiiirtt tr li 'te j te ' -1* l ir. fu - ti i l!e I %tltq-111ii' û li-l .16 A - B RT C)\y uI cl,'1r ibr, EASOT WIýNDSOR IOtISE, WIIITBI', ilF a u i. ii iii. tit'siediy' -Satlitg arui itî'ftua ir. -n l rýl rut 'i 1,T ta cI î, VItTORI"ytitott'sii AVG LO.AMP. RICA N 110'EL. k> tt)ta Ltt lil' . h e lT '- Itarel trla.ithth î~ e Ç- t-f an ttir, li <larhmaciii. Gaiaalr g »tt.ri16 CANTOIN flO'iEL, D UFFIN'- 'I.X 'IK.tNl C uonloitlaitt-I f'tr'ii-rl ia ifW -r)a ut aloiaîuoa ii lu -uttrieray It-tutihe public t1ift ho ha. rentetliltaco eweil-kiiiiwii lictai. wliclî lxi nîta Lii rtlrat caîretci-itir titi' rectijtion ut ~ftlegt*- wilitrq, Liqi-r. atldigare. Gn t;tahiLngiteditil atattentive 0tltîr. -y Grand Trnuk Riiivay Ilotpi. qî.ia~ 3t t'~lto") t ai p'îlPort wîmvi!jt) T 11 jiibmsili.riiacr l i l'tedlitIire 10al'îte wcI T ktiowit 1rvintipem 'ttthe lie uw liii' t.iit)ig ai. anti lotiî't lit el tliructaat th li li l 'lI bii ;.caipoly criit-c. aa;tiin the actîiaat of tue tatatraha tc tc- Fut t iit. (liîu Wtiiih, A1tcil 27. 148..el NOW IN TUE TIME. GET AIIUIL lAXlINESA'T J. A. Ctark's 1lit Prize ictare Gallery T F Anti desirc aucîrreet attId iifé-iike Àrubruu. -Lty jieé, Caitntriir. bvicerjrrapli. or Leatier erlle foror i likhewl a aiîet, Broaich tir Ititilr, forJ.. A. c. t'ait tf)It Il ilite itoet tYle, and? at aortnotice. WIIKIN3«)NIS ILiACE GEORGE CORMACK. LKE UMI EISCIANT, Car1iouten, asud LJoleer, CoreilSt. %Vl'iitla. À large tquant- tity of %Il kiridu of lutttier codutntly on ,and. UND1>E RTAK ING. jF4UNKICALS fnlliv c'ppiieîl aui att.euded, ai lsua.tîîîî1tioe. (.oflaen kept Con.sutiy on W~"A. Ilanse 10 bure on Ititeral teruta. GBORGE CORKACÈ. WV bitbÉy, Feb. iti, 1842. 4-1y ,W0ITBY ERAB3B;&NAM!1 WhitbY 1QUADRILLE BAND! 9IIK .to H anldal. laeprately ortletlaar, ..sreptýpared to furuath MoUICfor' ioe!ea, able tormgd Pur ternuiseiaguaena drau- COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROOK 15u TIItT, WlitTaiT. ('ilAILE2 J ilîIiDE, PROI'IIETOH, E Xt'ELLENT sccoîitunodtlnion forr îraa'ellen,. (*îaod I$abling aund attentive Ostleri. 20 TERRAPIN RESTAURANT, 89 1King Sttift East. USIciT re il por1uxfîrce%,, nttuiabri e PRIRtIîE ('10K ENS. QîJAîL, SNIu'F. loitrr uacu",W il.1 Illicku. tîciVeîiaottl. SIIELL ANZD CAN OYSTER.SI Ittittîirt, &ot., WIt-ltaa lt-i t i t i. RUSSEI4L'S IIOIEjýLq Q U EB EC. -MACHINE ('NPE if ItowatiCs 10W patent FIix.Sz-utlittg ')machines, inaituufaettrau Mt tîtair wurka, lliiasit, IrulaidTiî 'fi nazlîîsi i toie ittut th iti a luciouratu f IL . E. I'rry, Eu-q.. IPort Wtittv. A plicatiout, (if tiy lutter plarniat.) zeut hbc iluatia luit THOulMAS, l AW l. it, Ji t.. SIi)%VP PHoeNIX FlUE ASSURANCOE CO. 1 L(INtlAIlil lI-ZbT'.l'T u It I iiNL(tt"a, M1E itttleceigrttr-.l laroîtritira af 'i, aah nc! 'I uîlitt)'t'EL, li'rctit toittt aspri-tej riiigltîa rcntuirilid i'irr Etitietuur. ST-IBLISHFED IN 17142. te titr, aluil ni tIqiiuettil titua.'to trr te, l1 iiielrthbr if Oue ]rltlrneittllîto'ra - vpliiiitzuaîîît,u.iî. rc.uîîî'îiuî l Al'ti. . tii"-T~& CuArit rat a apiii t lüartîrtltstaliii 11-1tlasal v'i, 'itt ter. tlritau - w tutrtI(r. saudt leu-rânzitint IA.%1-tL4 AIt Vît-li Mttnear. luîrL,,i.tu ltit,î nr tiiliuîtlwlicilu. fic-t îîtîfîrî %VI. 1RUSSEILL & i.tfuc. téilli met rt -Ill:.'ltet...tiîtis.anti Qutruttt. PAîiurrlth.mt IlirBoard W I-) N'S -1-0-T E L, 1B<> IJOT IlER. Nrlai Brâilan id Xm-r 'nuîilp, Piroe - ifo Insu.rance Com'y. TlotîMAS BilAi Motti k0! NI (fitu't'tiui COLLECTION & COMMISSION .MR. E. L. "OW%, ionr1a, C. P. C( ) I t , ltt.' 'l f Il lmdi' t-nr 1i'îitiiicli.rai Mer t'uîî.lm lt atI'Iv i i i t-t A ottüt ., il otivol i places iiial ut Ail iItt.a.'ayrq- 1t SOLI( [TO R, &C., &c., I A"S IZYIfM<l' Eit iii L.îw O<lii, '. t t itiri-î :at.' -*Y'.T" <iciv Dir <iiuthi trftii0 ,THE ROBSON HOUSE, DU KtVIAa STRIIET, Wil[ TOY, C. W. 1 Il E iu;ola iriloc i o t i tt".tiate Ille ho lia. te,. litr tIre 'Itcavtmit lu I Um. ia if l cYi B i i ti , lfl, danl f> " iîi&:(à il ilacci-iIvlîtaV GEIORGE RTSN Wle . ii -p.f.au I . wn% Oshawa Advortis.ments. WILLIAM TEMPENT, X. D. - XG8T E T, 9S Il AV A î:N ArA P. LAMBEIRT. T1 (Larniestiii aitLt trîorderii tit et ty-ile anmd faKliioti. t7 S. B. FAIRBANKS. SOt-ICiOR, NitTARY P'UBLIC, &t. &o. s(ohoîwi, ÏC. W. LYM!AN ENGLiI, L LB. A 717011N EY AT LA W. SClcil<ar lu cthan- lx'rcneaneer,&(>.,&or. onîncoo $t. opposite the I'8Lott <cUe, uilsva. 47 GEORGE GURLEY. NFERu 'IIANTT;iilor; Drapuir &c., King st. -1-. ',)%shuswa. zattiioui rtisiritide np lu the t'Oa antI lut taet astyle. Jugl réat'all utui tiiurgood. forrtrt w-car. Evryr article 'ii'rraui.lea. No dit, nto îuay. 1 EDWARDS IJODDER. iT ~ pAILORS, Dripemtant? (LateraI Coth. i%,ait Ontlltteri.. Gentlemen'. carment. nmadaeup ciithe sherte*t notice.o thlb e et-qiiatity inaterislinl lte neate*t tylem. Alvîark matie nt) on te promises. Spritg lin portatiouîe of excellent quallty, sutd lu great aaetty-iiev uceeltieta. <12 .1iîîiy 1, îittt. AZeitt, At'iiibha TF~ittitter..iur'-ttiti-hru nrqaaiir t-c-t-t:. 7e Edinburgk Life t iu rance Compny Thec Liverpooland Luctdoc. ne Molntreai Fiae Innaranwe Company. The Provincial .umurance Company. P.t'tii-iýti-rh-ts 4<tIattaat. N.. R .3.4 llritiah Ami-riasAssistanateP<Company, L Xi uR't u:.SrEltiii itut <.1 te'hird t .i'r nii tlii- t t 1tilt' iciaLîu lI arlis- ritutltit ut r C'AIITML £100.000 îtlicffi îti i tti- itd'agitt iharitie ti<aki- it rtiti. Su-ut,.îjtic'r irlJ'iitri. JOHN AGNEW, Trsaclii e n;tt Via rui.treot. AV (tlla AI)XTE ItTISEMENT. Royal, Briî,«Il. Anacrîcanand Liven. pool ant? London Assurance ('orp'nuvs Etiubcciig acreltsil ftjqmillions uof dallara. $20M0010,6. 1lBckA lu. tho astiuunaîîf-20,0 i.Oviila. takesi sui auy (aie rie . u4 al-u'iicattuit t 42 Tie Cttlittiit' Agent st <I.'litiîby. WESTERN ASSURANCE (JOMP'NY 0F TORIONTO$ C. W. CAPITAL, - 400,000, INCORPORATErI 1851. GEO. MICHIE, &Sq, M. ROSIN, E5Q. Sqe",'etar!l ani T'reteitrea, BZILNARD HALDIN, Esqu- RUn1it utiautaota f.;on favora{1le tormut. and ta s,;ia ofî-roînîsîîn aslova un t ù osy Ot.ber ceapiýiialto Citpaîiy. JAM.F VINULE. TravellligAgent- le c-uit Cltihea' nt etpartie, reailnu <),hawaautt.ltitity t-le utttaraigtisthabeet duly ahlpoinwtîl oeai1 4cnt iteroe e hot »Il letaisriuanhotltu aviI b.uteh"rluy cn tatsutîetiu u Iiim- oeî,lv rb> lettuir. their priperî-v ilitit Ionsby fru, or olliercstle, l8 regeechJuulty culiciteul. TiIB)MSMyRIIS. AVhiîtlay Mardli <z-, l154. si BRITISU AMERtCA.N EXPRESS CORiPANY!a O FJIE.-lrock ftteot, Whbimty, iliat do<ur - Agent., Agent 5lio for-the 1p ontatreal Ooa irneaanslîp Cýompàay, Buil for th.Glsugeiv Wbî bY, Ajars!, 15 18614.9 TEE ONTAEII> HOTZL T ýt1hý in ire 1 nil~ BROôCK STREET, WUITBY, tant. et tht.Tvîadsutinli - th"utlue l la.c lîaippy to stt4udt Se çatmupted te Ilil Cane. 11làîde rs l netCIeg te lnfcrn t*i klaos- root ti el-tiu ela, te-o T t;lue h»Aaken t e shve huOtel, lsle1Y Riletr Base. o xree~ni~ kept Pave.tMus ud-U t? t it Teet llle ud o - -at n h Seenin obnualut te 1oanta -t(if- n-4- nuet». bkeepi-nge fifirsit-elnouan table, %Mttoue Paertîcular alleutic liai tgtathe neg but ti e-itor tquôrm te ia. Bsto% ttit 5làaliidreàia-aTeeltu-.&UIworkvstnt ahaneootpublie patnntu- .Tl.ho hllig su? -, shoui-rnett laof the beit desaq4plleu, bte________a_ cesol sîîd atteivo Otier' i lie 4auvaysi fonnd nt wbla t -' ' WINDSOR. ~T~1L -JOSEPHI-BZUBOTTOli. - Wlalluby, Xerc1s2, 1864- S-Iy AI U1OYSTONOSMOTEL,' 4. t FARM, TO LET 150 Aanas-nearc, i etusiteina lot NC-", 15 r tïa aîîd.-te Acrea Onlut1 <No.2U Iii tisa 11h *<lîtsiloth ie 'lowtieu1iji tWls bY- 180> acres clearoîl, at in a oi~ tl f ciiltivltîtili. IThete priitîisattre miitutae villa- lu lave mili.& ta u h tiauttty 'loantf Wtitby.- '11ltti attiur tIL b'.at qî wim~ eouiwatar- ii, li- sai-lai iititam tî i Itics1. 'lo a ettîcalt ltlîtriaaittgî'uîî, tle jirumiaut wil ho l'l ApayTIÃŽOXAS 1DOW Wliltîy, Sofratcr . ai t Harris's Extraordinary Liglit- ing Gallery. J. C. BARRIS, IAttily jfu'ern Londont, ltlIviandl Nvet rerL.. /1<15tu i I "to,î- t araiante te thle -ttu-lrnaOf' J'ltbll, andc. ttiOnliti «tun frv, 1ua& /u t . ledi cp t/toie boa-o, sprutieuotal etna' îudtoug arouas tarer 11ra.. JtelPi/ge-- loic'# Dr-y f/oda Store. irtetra' / itv/ It47<q7red fioa1411 e L i Nr:s; n, the-lcoteat artemoist Acitrntilu- etyle of the aur. e-n fu)ei ro/If/c'. atu narj iied Io (ztiI rfeý<,ia-t-</ iziit l ui ltrtifid or no V ftu' lrtita yuaatlliv/ig pro- l'utsa a-euctitl/tj, J. C. IHARRIS. W/uit/ut, iili 1, 18633. Y.1-- tttc f;taai-t-iitrluppr and auperior hIo aîty tlier htuîne ona Mef/lt..u"attre;t.25 GOLD) & SILVER WATCHES GOT.» AND SILVER CIXAINS, vuag-Ai ati aîuuz QOtat EAR RINGS, FINGER RINGS, LbOCfE Ts,. CIIAINS, 4c,4c JET GOO)D S! Brachues,Fur IUltim, ticui.l Ilracchutalîtlarge PVENT JET GIRILE £t al-suitSitrS t< inuthe llut Iityics-, înd itilrgei.aluii-k cut Alit ut hhwlîaii luimfoîttît? vîry lut'i i tte. 'Xiutebiînuat sudJ ivolr, Sherift's Sale of Lands. Ceuîtv f tntaie, N Sainrday, thea tweîî- Te wiI 0 ty.fur<Iî day et De- coenlt-r , A. 1'>.14, . Tarat-ae 'clac>c uteon, viiiai seoit? by PuiblileAntion, ntina' Office, lu ta liitit louiea. u < ie Tuit cf Stltby, iitt4re*t 'vlicb the nîecrmaîîtomt Dotondaut* nsa'on.lly pom Inso uthe tuilertietutoned landg suit? Tlo/euta tîteret-t, eeizoul tay une nîsder- end? hîy irtue of cerWan Writs ot Fiant Facdas. lit the Court cf ('atu moli Pions. Tht Northi halfof Lot NumborNinetâee n, ii tb. 'teveuîb coneeeiu>aeoft litaTown sMip cf Broqk. inthie Coauty-ot Ontario. lunlte enliîty Cutrt. JAMES GEORGE MILLaER' Vai. DAVID) MeVEtilf, P)eadant. Tte West ba!it 1LtNtuiabe Piîfteoin, lu <ha Niutli eenoeieIun cI t0;'ùTownship tp uMr. in lbe Couonty 0t Ontario. NELSoN G. RFYNOLD4S 8ltaritt,(J"ij. S1ter~'s t<t.. Per C. Nonase. WItty, Sept,, 14, I18*4 Ked1Moated- & Vaper -îth8f- Ro.ois0,t oor roi. One Iîzy day a farrnor'o boy wfughbielle "ont thorn, And înoutiiiy iîd liistoîîed long Tou,,nir tiuilerhitoni. TI. wL-aýiculilialt wu.la itiri ut lit , Atid ilîwn ti. dr w§a4.iîl on- Th itauiid liit i lioutrd iii a otir, ' My bo%, itm t(ut yotîr row !, Aitlîough h u ltrtOise wuaithe row, lielLilnitiz %woii t-o ittze. 113 scizeul agitliii t 0- Tif. 9mlid t inut iilefi î sft eo lita bny lion 0out Ili. ru. 'rit, lad tti Qtext rc'nîîlip ru thia, Atîd tirovPl ttierMoralwvi'l- Tilat j ursevtrruite to tlia Cliii At hit wililîoly tell. Tiikeouaîraget, mutgi 1rr'ioive yoîî <an. lit! *triioa v* orou% low, oui61a aitt yfiiir rîw. Deaîh lun Life, or, a Mystery in au At. , tic. iYou may depond I wiii not.' Iattache4n sort of importance _U my cau at 34, Grufton.street. Tbo oniy mys. tory about the affair hall consisîed in the ijiestion of wbo dthe laudanum that Mns.. Contes pnrchu.ed was inteuded for, and t-bat I now conaidered was perfectiy aoived by the diseove-iy of the. nînidence of Major Campbellin utte bouse ; soý that wbeu I knocleed at the door at baif-pasit eight, on the noxt eveniîîg, I corîaiuîiy had no idea that out of this transaction there wouid groar an initrèating- passage for mn, Diary. When I krîucked aItuah doo r, it. wu opeuod by art oid womau, who certainiy did not. to my thiukingift loktho mont rcs- pectable servant i tue world, but upon my s.ying thait I wanted to se Major Camp. beil, sho replied,- ' Oh, 700 are the doctor. lha baheen asking for yon. You iray como in. Thia way, -bat ives on the tiret floor. Yon eau fî>iiownme!' -- She led the. way up smaire, sud nshored me into a bandsome enough room*i, oi the frst floor, wbere, reclining upon a sofu, i fonnd the. <id gentleman *ho had boen thrown front bis horre. Re. tr led to gel Up and as he evidentally gave hiumlef pain by tiie effort, I preveuted but saying- 6'1 girile, %ir, f0 f nd my predio-tion or supposition fiat 700 wouid ho worae, fut.- filled. 1 beg yon will not atir, air, on my' aceount. Praýy continue and posture y00 fnd lte ecaset.' You were right, sir,' said ho, 'jon wcre right., I do to-day feel much more acnteiy the effecit of My faliof yesterday., I don'î think t bore ila any serIons barmu douge, and I am sutre there are no bottes ,ln that esse, then,' sad Iý 'a very short tinte wiiJ ieaid to yourrecover, but [ wonld mot rest too mnncii, and -and>il you are in the habit oflaking ÃŽhe inlctigre of opium, I woold aqvise you to rep'resa it as Muclu an posable.,, 'The habit of tsking what,_ air?_ Opium! Wha~ ti ut amie of al 1 ha.'s, m-ainte hai at fta ng aI.I l, tA. Wh01 tuhe dhabitf adn1u-h'ga al '?Flay ca4w yourtelf, sir,' 1 replied. 'Perhips Ibhave arrired at a wrouig cou. ctusiou, bot I certainly Wa my owu rea-- sousa, whieh I feei bound to communicate to Ion, for supposing that 700 induiged in what I, may Wal lte peruicioos habit 1cf talng continued doses ofIltidanume,I feit it- say duty to say someditng eabi aih course cfrrooediig-' 1 theut fairjy related to him he tuenner a whlcltI wvss ed t19 hi bi,afby >frs. Coatesa parchases 1tat m y ien rIs Jair. tit', stop, and Wheu I hall 0nefda.Iho frnumedatoiy rung the bell, uaying,- Yen surprise me, air$1 V éry.pcuvb. ,thera 1Must realiy be some mistake libla. malter. I wili ssk ber.' ' ' 1, a, frà JsidT Uitwoild.pisse, cause abs-vas, teilte fanît, as tenderly7a t. taeited ta lui lesI langhter as myseif.9 ' Indeet?, I 841d, ana tiie rocollectlon of MM. Coat0e' glitSering stiie carne acrasi mel n a sort oË practicai refofafion cf the staetent tade'by ltse major regard!ng ber snll'enimg ; but stilli1bat? no nlgbt te makre a scoptlcal remark, for after ail Mra. Coates naiy b. 11k. the. Ycung lady vie nuler toîd ber Ibve, as secret about hon grief, f yen 1, ha axclaiined, 'vo offen, un- rnaniy.as il rnay appean, upon --ny part, mingle cur tous as vo think ofcfac lest anc. Oh, my poon Aunie, wiat bas ba- caeore ofYen 1 If yaur font?, doatlng laither ceuit? but, for one moment, bai partit. ted te hook into tbese sveet blue eyes, lie coul it pdoouantd iecontent.' ' But ai!, tbir), Isait?, 'yon bave ual toit? me how y-m baot ber.' à'I citunot-! tain auly tell ail the. vont? tiaI site is', t. I ,carne here te resido vtîlh My coualtf, vho vas ta pîay tho part of a trient? by attonding te tahe huseiroId for te, bî'inging m- inrebjt iîmre, after ah. deatit of ita mtuer, ail Liahen, vbore we itat? taken up our abode ; I noet? sean- cely say suy fortune is amiple, andi then. vas eveny prospect cf happinosa befaje us, dniy tinctucet? by a 'recoliectien cf lier vhoun deaiîh bat? nobbet? me cf; but sîill thet vas in thec natnral course cf eents. The soeurity of a resîdence, howeeier, dit? nef laiet long; rny chut? whe wutt telve yeara of cge, vont oue day vith s hitîle pertutoliluof tuie nnder lien aria te cal! open a nei hbour-siie nover gev titre, sud, eutt J bas noyer been beard cf aine..' 'tlie major rase and? pacedth ie apart. ment for saine secouds, to contrai bîsone- tions. 11 suppose everyîiîg bas beau doue? sait? 1. 1'Everytiting doue,' ie erieil, witb sne aipority. 'Sir, mtore fbau enaugit han been doue, I bave beaipet? cifers cf novant? eue upon anotber, until tbey bavé e -te 1 hait iuy fortune, but' notiig vus ieard., She pasot? before me like a brigitt ekhal.- ation, and tiien vas gone for ever-for ever.' Ail fbiugs grew dissteful te nme, liii establishment vas cetced-l couit? net beur fe see the servants, that hat? 'ait. cd upon han, hooki'ag as vol! saitifilet? as crer. Au oit? vwoman nov-formsts heb vhle toneteicbhoseboît?, aut? sho <an neither rndt nor write. Ms. Costes youl pereoiv,,, makea greail sacrificea for nie.' 4 But sho keepa a cardage ? 1'Oh, Yen, but the ser-vanta nover: cerne_ bore, theyr live aItte atables.- Now, doe- ton, -yqu knov ail, what hope: la there for- .me ? wbat, nighî, nov, have îLte do, char. vWise titanaibsolutely.despain?' 9 Ecer, rigbt in theworlt? a Itudeet?' viJI Mrs. Coatu gives, the if- Mc. Coates,' sait? 1,'ntay do as site peuss but I nover give.. aty affafrnpe ailr.' n 'That ltoea vs a chtance.of reccveringj yonr chut?'; certaiuiy I *anld, -fifl I madt? ets mnost positive informaioc. of her deaàîh esd 1 iieyerveuld.for.aý day relax. inzaiy ., - sdeavora utc. f4 d ;ber lf'y reia#etis .stculd la. put upon the vait,' and you t sinônît?-let fhern aliîknov"that hhe"tisposat cf ycnr fortune -would be mesS favonrabl. - t" ht eue whc -astor.d te yon, yoain t daugittern.--'1 .1 .1 IlRelations!1 [lhave no relations, in the voa-ld< but mm.- c t 'e 6nÏî 'havett as shaetf; entitleat teby he-iIntsYmpstbye wit6i me,; everyiitg, andl 1 cae cal now oua vho rnay, indedotsay titat ho la sick o! mny griefs.' t ti Despair ant? hoplautiaus may make yen think-a5o. eut', for ail-yôn. iuÃ"o'w to-le'é cantx-any,-fou way yetts iù I 7'jy"pp7 ' pears, àarrodét? by thés* ho mlènsmlv 700.ý <I- astot Say,-11ht t hiw pré&en ý mmrenIîi 'am propaëed tOu giv oun .n i atviee,; but believe me, $ni,i-I feef ounfici.-y 014117 iut*eesal.inlu nr at#Àemeat ïloýg5Y9j F i eios 50SVIl olsideralt$cl intI 120110I t a ray cfa ~la tianks the tuhbib. v iontitr l- or der» 531 Toronte. - - 1 0 11Y - 0N.I.W IWC - iUX» RIOGE ROI VÀiJ8 & CTERSON, toters,sd tepblie gelIe ttCotive, Ostien., DEOUUCJ.AJl»u< 1Wht.'14'lE Ac fRe.tsbsoPer ln ToscaDe7CgOOk0. - ' 'C. DAWES,- -PRO] 1 .1 1 sud ite'.going tu ipeakr tu e poLt She drer a long breath, sud Bat down upon a cana. - -'I arn, -at ijUbOV.Deu% prepared,' ah. mu*bteret?. Her wluole comtecauce wlu e:. pressive of great aiiiety, ' entraating. atraugely wifh thé pleïdid dre'shsetwore, and the magnificeut jevéis w~ih witIefi site wus profuaoiy adorued, ý 1 waucornpietéiy-puzzled, sud afir a pause, I. said,-.- 'Madat, I d on' t tiink YOD need teé put yoprsef se ferribiy ont of-the way abon the laudanum Ilnsiiees. The '014 ya ytery, and t l as ewyill youct cm odoubî.xplain la whýt becoutes çf iL.'- 'Wbaî becotes of il ?' site crie& y' take it. HIow darejcu unt that tý-i-I -notbing-àothing. 1 ihave - 1aM no. tbing.' - SAnd I hiote? noibing.1 'Goode veniuýg, air., I havetlbe-,,,,iocte cf bidding yengood eveuiug' - She rome, sut faItrl'y bowed me ont. ThW. night was ver, dark > and ,ýw6tn the nireté 'door wais cloiet? upon ýmo by the âid do- -moitie, 1 poppet? oveer uta vaiy noa o way, fret a naturai sort of anxieîy ttbIook aIt the houa. in wlieia thore W*em- q tucla sulforiug, aud se00,MUa-It "'yetary.T% caw, na the oid -major had tlId me, thait the, wbole ofîboe upper'part ias shut-up, and' al mosS didgy- appearance-it oartainiy had, 10o bc sure. The windows - devidentiy stoo the inbrunt of months of rain and dust, anud tht-y ero torribly begriiuoed; praaoiitinc quito a contrait teu<lhe tothor part cf <ho bouse,' whici t Wl.kept l'n goot? -order. I wAs about te-eaiue w sorl, o fi ad no engagornent omu ni"y'ands; wbhcl: a cireuuututnco ecunt d titat qnittk'$'Chain . cd me ta the Slot, and? I dou'ktiuýink i:ý woold have goue nway fort- Ir,4çýi fou confidiug patient. The circumîâtauce was nolîber.more Dur lest titan seeing a lieffit in"ne of the tupper rooma cf tic bouse. There was bu feint ray thut-cama str%gfinxg thbuiigb, a very sateiicrecico hi the sàhuttesr, - and I1 docbt, se dita ont dunbious 'asît1, hjtT'dould havéi accu it. liait not the niglit beonn eeof uncommon dasrkneîa. ,J3ut Utere iW vas, aura, enough, andtho <biore, I'loolçed, ite,,mei becate couVioed ltatII vs noSt iL nis. -A train cf sbougbt vas swiaied Z-udrny tin? ahicli preion.tiy aiueorna4 a srmnue ase t. w as quite tabac t6t : 4olbody, did not hesitato Io visit th ýIge'roatiu ' aatit- te -questionA ro4o c(Whfwitas it suandvitat < ilevise ,'couit? bethe objet ?- 1: wjitod. nutil thelligt ccunpiloly dlSappearéi, aun' thon the stretdoar wtt opeuet?, wst ît carniagé cf f ri. Croates a rtioed up 'tu Lite cnrb stone-she -carne ont and? steppet intt the vehicle-.îhedoo vais cloiet?, snd 1 heard te focîman ssy, ý; To tit-ýpet,<, aind thon av,àaysie weul. - 1What I did now lu cf rnuch moretcrioa ity tu ste -reader tbsu vhat I aboogbt . sow crnltflng theiafterc I -defai'l lte fottsad I vaitet tuB the carniage had gi*pamtly' ont cf <hastreetattïd theit 1 crome5d. theo iod,, a&kok4ait tue.itoum. doou-, - hich. vas speedily , pned; mr the ddt amavat.' 1 1I arn ver, aorry ltat I-itve beI sot long,' said 1. ,OHas the pmaoraked for te ? '1eau find rMy ay tan> 'Were yon tco Çue bsek? " '0 f courtse 1 vaa ; t1iat! 11 do, '1i cIiisee.r -itUn beld tp a camidfe ufUhtîd'é,an&~ I liceddte dtýling-roolm:thf~i l Ibat? te satisfactioin'-o! boaaiug lihr go- ,dovu ta u te-kitccn, and-th itn uta i

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