e %0#ts ad sboe...4SIDN Baila, S,$pmnlgh eAsthir for sal-J'Ban Qottagefo Lot. stoen-W. il. BUIlip. DiviionCours-o. Ontario. Sein achine-S. P. Green. Western Houe--John Spurrili. Tc Couswnptives-BBavd. Ed. A. M4Wio. Chunoery ile- . H.Dattnell. Carrige-L&l',iCarniage Worleu. Boots sd Sbe-MX. Collins. Seving machine Tred-Jas Bain.. _ Farmn for sale-T. Millan. - concert.-MechaniCs'Institilts. Wbitby Bible D)epoutary-Ja8. Bain.- CHÂNCHRY SALES. Xelier Ys. Lock-Chas. C. ireller,Selr. Eastwood vs. Roach-8s. H. Cochrane, Solicitor. Cade ro. Campbell-L. Engiisb SoIr. AUCTION SALES. On Lot 10, 7th con. Pickeringr, onThurs- day Oct.,18, the property of Uriah $Pen- or.-Thomas Myers ;nctioneer. On Lot 8, Otth cnn. East îVhith, onn Mon4ay, Oct. 5th. -Levi Fairbanks, Jr., Anctioneer. On Lot 20 th con.- Whitbv, on Fatur5, day. Oct. 15tls$ the property cf Wm. Lumdo,-Dîvid ishop. .uctîonen3r. On ILot 18. fMtcon. Pickering, con Men.n day Oct. 17th, the property et Williram JoLn'and Mlaria Keist.-A. Therrpïon, Auctioneer. On Lot là , 5th con. Pickeringr, on l'hura- day, Oct. 20th, the property cf Mr.. Thos. Mason.-.Thos. Mycra Anctioneer. . On Lot 21, lat con. Pickering, on- Tues- day, Oct. 18th. the propety et Nelson Ileaney.-James Woodrutl, Auctiorteer., lu tii villageof. Grsenwood, on: Mon. day, Oct. lOtb. 1864, and foIllaingý days, the. property of Mr. Wm. Warren, Jr., Thompson and Woodrnff, Anctioneces On Lot 20, Laite shoe, Pickering, on galurday, Oct. Su. 1864, the propetty cf Mr. Edward fla,-James Woodruff Anc. tioneor. ONUY 8150 CENTS A TEAR Whitby. %wiay, Otober- 6, 1864. The News. The crowded state oftour rolumns, with reportsetflocal matters of intereat, con pela us te exciode or usual @aumrry.- There is, lowever, ne news of impceiance ath-ning. -Grant is mii making uemon. strattons befere Richmnond, and I'ekpect. ing" te takeî t. At other paintstha alaise Do s l saintaincd. Thec great F'edd ration meeting 01 the representativeg of the Pro- vinces, takes place at Qucbec on Mondsy neit. Tise 1uripeeus news is withnet in- terst--tbe only items being ttsst tihe Frenchi troops are te tbc witbdrawh gra. duafly front Raec, mansme psîrtîcularý. e9thtie receptien «ethte Prinue and Princem-s of Wales at Denmark. The Whibi Township Noti.. The -Nombers à (!the, çosmmtv VýousmSs Tise Oouaiy Oçtteoillors appear t.0 ho nigbiiy plcased É hthe iss7iltle nsimatie fer thein convouenl.n lutkecotit boIsiO everyting Ia now oe annge-an comfrtables ' tise Inter-Ioftise courtt bes-1taeit lok$ attered, greatly for tise botter. h bas lest mach ofthtiidant, sombre iseavineast visicis, hieooifore, ne emo entorlnthé ti building, coutd taili te romant, ad bas nousC a igist, air-y, and ltogetiten, an -improveilJ appearanoe. Alilthse seibera uPuak in iigis er-ms et tise lalb ofettise committe C sud County Lsgitnsé, --viIolcbave aectired these aatiifacteie Temuft.- -Wem base nov "Ministenial, înati ôppoltieo" elldes et tise iouce,atud 14croaa.bencisec," iiigilas Priaméntany fjob1on, a&Ml iee-et cmir neaters îsY iittjuitaseci te learu heur na- tonlly membenu. lue fallen toto thisi scats. Lot thomu > etise Wartien' iu tise Judg's sa t n lseenchî, tise tjerk ut lis ususil de#%Il hot9 im, tisa dock anti suorouuiing seats te-ken gway, anti thon1 tise apace in front of tise Wartinho ie farta ci a hose shoe. A table nuns uii1 round the arc, vhth suais for 18 n'umbere; in tise centné5of tise I1c, a table ha placeti tuice at tseat toumuorýniober-the scatls'in tise contre being torineltise "cnoas-becis."-' AUl tiesctots are nomn- beneti; nin i 1cenmencing ut tIse iigit humes-Ioettise V esnum b, eing thse teramitatloi #)i buqrscsho# sun bis ieft;-10 te 22, incluisive, teing tise unu- beo he ifour mul at ise cross.beucbcs. AIrendy, mu. vobaie, mussit i l a onderful te sec bous nutratiy tuembers hava taken their places. On thea iglit or Miii- htenial site, M. Pers-y uccuopies tise final seat, Ne. 1, as leader, ofteounsé, of bis site et the lieuse. Nexite b ina come bis fonces, Captait) Roeu, No. 2, IMi. Nelson, Ne. 1, Mn. Brethubssi, Ne. 4. Mn. Meflue, No. 5, Mn. Kennedy, No. 0, anti an on. Oppoite irm. ierry, at tishe tlsur extrntse poinatet tsa hsorse miice. Mr. White necupiem tise irai place. Ne. 1 8; as leader cf lbhe<loyal Oppos;ition," anti neît te bita come, M. Itaiglut, No. 17, M. CGamblo, No. If6, Mn. Smithl, No. 15, Mn. M N o N. 14. Mn.- Gnienson, No. 13; 'ândsitlen vo base te- twcen tisese numiserus lM. Cocisraneï-No. 7, Mn. Bickeli, No. 8, Mn. Wrighit, No. 9, Mn. Graamn, Scu-O, Mn. Butten, No. Il. anti Mn. Saigler, No. 112. lu conseqmsencc cf tise absetnt nuamberus, tise suais ontuhie cross- benclmc avuscnet icen jet ocupicti. Visitons anti apectutent will. las future,, havo diififsclty laà m-ckitsg tise strengiis et ofpanlca tip4ôtu any qsmstion-they thave only teoteserve vîsic s indu afthiseouse s test filleul, ansi if tiuy have Occasinte enquirs for M. Penny, Mr. %Viite, or auj otison-mamber, tey havie etly te ruceilselt tise uumber, anti asi ton No. 1, on No. 18, as tisense may bc o tsuosubera cf tise Cony Counil- tlsinks te Mn. Shie,- viii bc as veIt knom-n iîy their ,uunrlmr as by teir naines-. hprcuter. We jtent- cd te bave given tihe matiorslties of tise iliffereut inembana, anti oineshort parti. cularsofe sisI, bais oison inattera cempel us t> defor tise hteresting itemns te a more consenîcut season. Ou tîis (Weestay,) monsng, vs wer-c tojd tisai M. Wbite bail rejulrlj Partim esteiha a Coaulition>. It weqld hi. quisepropoaterous ;o te- gecu tise meeting iseld et Brookl , oâ i Gaai-s. -sou Saftrayletasrepnesenting theé rtspq. ygrapes veCiha" ens cf lb. tovnship of Wiithy. Thon. jIgrevun ifslb. m*I vesouhy tm ortoty pesons prose ut &U On eue ýine tisera tegelisen-mema anti boys,&Ili telS, &Ad'et1bouÃoes, averag tisevs sioutl asay ubat ne more tissa.omices se--e-ft tbirly vote ratepayers. Tise meeting wvus eighiug a gromu.à vidcni'bedtesas afances,its- geters.5p are et thoaelash sacS bavig a Word of expimnatien te give. siird jean thsaï m. vaused by tein i justification cf thé the numbenr,) ame eoouse ýtbey b ail mbn, in oppoeieg tase by- liserai preseuts et 14w. - Tus yuîi ho at once sn by tsmsimig eto érepentet thse praceting huga viiaisvoOne tep gise la ether colamns. Tisé rommasbts At Inesgt1 d sti- Sueclesila, et cousrse letisat, tise grest bave pasedth ie by 151k oft le ratepayena, oethtie tcwneiip, of dohouturos $2C men lue-vr-ottise passage oethtieliy.te-v, tient of CetSuty s-c for rt >sa i iprovemeuts. hy tise report et hy-iav nunlot, nen Tutn Macffiiucu'iusstutFvv, vits its nmrtsitp sbulil b tuuel isal for tise public, isa providia ivo- grasol rese, uoel cdan sd muf',ai ent.rtîenets et & vsry by Government.T sspoior cisaracter, forschsovsning 4 uring tise priuncpal and i thse -?air. Tisay have engagei a - toit or, at tise option4 amtsing e-nt original genisus in tise Prson tlts might b. takeu ef Un, Çranvlle Wood,visho fer soe ti tht. thor. put-bu been in iigh faveur et aimilan a avüà eains vilS our neigistora in Tor-cete nt a aoz Hamilton, anti ho, togetlier vits the very Iau MÀCBuuýý m popular anti pltasing »ioger,' M. EÉmille tisat iemmabui long Penet, Madames Permet, anti Profs. Frees.*Iluiltidte be tise1 mattansd Poai, inuet usure tW ait coneson, ï- imroducoti te publi dtllgistfut programme. W.e e-neustly lue. ty, of construction, spek for lise enierprise ithe vanm ti t o ules by tu, e-nilliberal patronage et ail vise cen pesm-ittîisabis bly raiestise sony idigulonu admisaiçin tee s up au of fitteen cents. -------itslf tbat a ci Conuty Agicltuvat Exibittea. P. Green le tise sel To.ilgy, (Wédnosday, tise 12th' eannuela l 05th nne , émï Exhîihtfo'o&e tseCeunty e!of taio,iapen- ksoimtie - eti. Th'eday isglorleuz Anti te varliussWku l exhbitoeus art running te sud fro, -;n ait Whîtby. directons, arranging thisîn ntnies, Tise exhibition, tis y ean, promniaésa Wo trivaî Tuesv-Cu say of ts preciceuors,-tiu o nte' I - qoestet eiBrout on ing up to nealy, if net quite, 1,400.- boisdy cf John Triî Tiser. are ne Iessu iban f209 sais-es i n ber- tali s$hot bimslf ses,, 119 caIlle, 165 siseep, 179 grain, 95 purovine adey. It rooL9et, 68 butter, 12 ciseese, 26 poullry, 24 beinq di@abedl, farlatng Implenents,,804 horticulinule, 157 leon Du ca Ulsdepaeint, 22 fine ert, Ob mis- #eulasou.,1 ý ~bis gen acoideutal A full neoret viii appeer next v4 - eotod bis body,1 limeastely. -- Rai or; wQass.-UtTpt ,final buit. tiser, bave booms vareosaasd in Wbit- , bi. .t fiutsgeaumen us u.m.u.ba1m1..u.. waofthe vny 6netppeti ar seen ibis seasonvoee 4*of Mv. latis Fnsae. [0 -ert né léà tissu- 140 'w of the tager banches hal moe. The gre-pes tas kiimt, and Ibis la tise e ai -udebted te hanr for lb.h luchons fruit. pin Aise-se. les toCounty omnai r-le-o . rails, by way 20,000 for tise improe- Matis. As yul ue Seoum tishe proeeetiigs Thé' "s'Y t% 0 te one. Tise bÀ -Ms 'p$rcbse -Wttli& w tisacoà sdftiens reserveti Tise tola voutldtissu puy istss-st qîs tise$20,000, oi iiie rtepas«, tise aen off tise gre-vel rosil al- wm-Besxa FîmL.xtLv v. isek of , ttIknd hitiaefte tic ntie. lte impliet. 0,rendors it impossible. te. pot il omint oe-r, and onabraiders, lu the Mon, Mud ha le se comploe dId eau vont it. Mr. S. ole'Agent for tise Ce Urasandeuvictoria-, s muer Wyattimiti su n TmoWdey lest, on paged 2, vWhso t Ifat a héar bast on appears tisti tho b vusý Voku-mt ier e cissngiug lbis vote, sud stateti tisi vist h. ,aid wss visona muoiy cf lb.estepaye.ris, oalled sspon bis te res4nmior iiots hole tz fentrary te tise viibea'o? a majonity of sh natopayers,lha vosulti do se. Mn. James Bernas condecunem tise m an- non ot calling mise meeting, andi aîitithataut. ficient pu bicuyylbait mDot been given, tise- amiy resoltu to be >pseeed isy thisa eut- im,,voulti nes;b. lbe voice oet Io peope, tis h ie rose vasuinstrecteti te cIl lb. thes meeting tvo montbi agc, and oculyt gave notice et tise sleveulb hour, anid that very fev bailseon thénotice. ifsauzges- )ed tbat tbofmli favor o e f' y-av migisi tewsaaihll of Wbttby Public meeting- pursoumt t a reatioa, of the Corpora. tô,o htise shiptisa ciii of.beteve, ameèu , of he'rate- meyrs Qf tisas townuhip -*ss bsi4 at- the towu hall, Brookiu, on Sitttrday lut, forý the purpose et taklng iuflo coasidetaticli tise votes given by thse reprouentatives et tise tcwnship la tise, comeîy comncil, on*tise by-lav fer, 820,000.,ton the, improve ,ment ot roada, tise purchâse of tise gravai rossi, Thons wua avery simo attasdacu-nci moesthan foty 1v. perdent, Il told. Tise meeting wv al aled frir twc o'cloelcl it vas tbree visén tise reeve, J. B. Bieil1, th. cl eil menueting ta ordur. Ho thed t.publiseti aýtice, "expauttis oebject oetths meeting, and rogntteti tis'e paucity oL tise numbers presont. Having tischanged tisaitformuat duty, lhe saidti ta t vaa nov ton the meeting tae dent à chairmats mnd proceedt e business. On motion ef Mn. George Macdonald, sacondeil by Mn, James File, Joseph Bur- revu, Eeq., was oalled te tise chair. Thse chsirman clled upon tise promo- tors of the meeting %so Cote tonvard anti give tiseir reascua, Mn. Cochrane, (tise doputy roove,) sais tisat if the by isw venu pacoes, tise coutl ongist te have the gravei mail tac,%nti that thtii vawuis opinion cf it. Mn. liclcelt, (reeve, uad luat buliei nu corne forvard for tise perpose cf n'akimsg a speech, bu bail apeceiing enoughin l looklng afser bis -owu buainoas. With respect ta tbis isy-lav for raising $20,000 for the improvomeni cf neata iebu, MNI. Bicitet,) Wat toidt tsu, (the ratepayera,) botis on tise irst anti second occasionsi vison siey electet him, tisat, if bu vessi te tbe Councit Bo-A ti ai],i, h vulti bu for the impresement et rasss; tisastue was alvays in favar cf remet improsemoents, andtâ ie u ouiti go for sucb iii ibis le- calty as bue dit eiscvhene, as fuir as hie couiti. But wbite dtine bis beeft for this onme principal objaci bu titi uni ne,,lecu iecking atten silitise rest et tise bsinessoe tise tc-isaip- It mghtlise tisaioeeo made paetiby ic ov door. eHadt. n'ited 1: did, but said ibat tisai vasno muson visy otisn ers uet accommrodai- eti by it as volt. Atter sefunning te the efferts et nid tombera of thse county cousu- cil, tor yeanc, ma consinscit easeirg oati', met bey, la censequenceoret ileir vaut the trade vhîcb legitiouately belouge t tsii eouaty vws cnt off at bath aides, anti va cannieti off, ia. Toronto andtinsdsay, Mnr. Diiekelt preoueted me gise imstncegsa, hoew- ing bey tisai net onilytise prompenty cf the ceunty woulti bu advancedi, but an actast sanissfi et county oxpeuses -Liléced iby the lmprovemseutt ofceususY noadte.Laut yoar, hae a id a suisi et $600 vas gisen for tise constm-uction c f a vinter roati in Miars, andthie censequsunce vas tisaitishe reeve of tisaittownshsip vas atbie te drive ibrougis te Wlisby iustpati of going arounti by Toronto misna aaving.con- sideralte tileago. Sa ovuulti h bu i Siscntff"sa nissuge, vbicb voulti bc reticeti la lie manner lidvu god roades. 6t the. contemnp!atet expenditure, in euica S aun si$17,000, bue saisi, vouli bu ex. peaded nortisvarde, brngin- tise trade tismnugb tise îowsiisup. Ile cendenet tise opposition of Easi Wiiîby anti Osausa te tise by-la-v, andsh iewed iltii over $11, 000 of the ameunt appropniateti vouit te IP* t rdon tis teading *.ailuena.Ilie wt p p ie importance oethtie travel un td6 Brockt rad, vindicaieti bis osai posi- tSen, adi mgniuneel tisai vas sie dtity ef tise ratepayers te auppert appropriations for ronds visere neodetiad m isti viscismuusis üQ~e a»d travol by tisair va dunas. Roter-ring te tise Pickering mieeting, hoe detied tisaitishe compîmine cf the rate- payera oftshai tovnsip vere jùgt, and 5s11l that the expenduiture in UzEbnidge muid Scott vau jnst as mu eh fer its boeeit s if tisoy vere matie in Pickerilng itselt. Calla vere mati eronMn. Harrison anti Mr. C. Ctmpbeli. Belfasi Noe= lAfer et the Sui hut,, ay Lord Pailmerston ba s lare4 tisât he couiti net face she Houas of Coosmons ami Sessona vithout tise-,report et the Commission on tise Boitait diots te lay on- lb. table. ielnemn1ô.sau Abot thiecisaracter et »a iels, for ibat vas reveateti secealy -tisat ibere o n nop onm, ô mlistae. -Tier. - lanet uuuoi mooobscnty abou~t thir 0r* ;l anists -otbethemaeses muols onelajth ' ___I . _ Mn. Bnrros. -la your former spuéçi yen sà iti thene vas actiigtoe h i l i the mater-that tise meeting vas.a rér'me. It wouiti appear,015 think dufforenlj4ow. What nevIiight have yen gct since on tis e subjeci?î (Ladghto.) - Vol es,-This léauadtiser meéîiwlgý (NO xnovfms4t, benS agmd. tOkrdss adi- dreasing tise chair, an avlrvard pause on- ueed i-atterwards a generat titter on nc- cuait et tise idiculous reanît ortlé net Mn. Alexauder uarmly expnessed hic as. tonisbmntt ta a publicetmeeting cf s50 much importance sisculd b. treatet lu aucis1 a tanner. lHe peintet eut tisat tissu proper cýourso ta be takçen vas te al mis e vieva et tise neuve anti teputy, anti tise rasas vwhy tbey teck tifférent courses in..,these ceunty Couneil. Tise. meeting, li sait,î wsuld gel promimenco abmoati, andl voult i bu repertedta thie public as a penfect farce. [je neyer anustise lite batore isi Brookla. anti be hoeutinbunever vouiti agin. LHe vantedta teuer Mesura. Cochrane andi Bick. elt'a roaiseton rtise tiffenent coni.sea îisey( had taken, anti hoctii net tiinl i poseiblei tisai tiey Sud sent n'en te nepneucnt" 1tieul vbo voulti refuse te carry out tiseir wishes.M Mn. IHarrisonu, as tisen'oser eft he me. ien for adjeurnmuent, andtinluruplta . thei inuendo eft tie lait speaker, galet tiai tise ratepayers etftise township ut Wiiby venu b-atly ueins']il iis malter.IHfe vus a publiec meeting appointeti ai the instancei sut persomus opposedta s thes hy tutu, antij visun tbe meetinugusas conveneti lier husti nos a solitary vend Io asy en tise suhject. 1 Tbey hati vaituti patiently ton a f15Il hat heur, anti uni a n'osa vas matie, and in concequemuce bu tels it hie ditisy tupiv al atjourumu-ut. Ho cbargs'd shai <lac tavu- ship et %Viitby vas useti uittu disreupse'. Whytii ont tIse eppentents oet tie-'by laso 1 vise got np tise meeting salue menus te de- bale tise mattr? Tisas net beigts case mise supporters oethliesby iav usure satistieti vils it, andti vusliseexpiauatious aifereti. Atioliser motio)n teatidjeuisu uas moeot. A motion ttaa a vote as toetseier tise ccntiuct (if Mn. liceli, or tisat et Mn. Cochrane sbet.li bc apprssved vas atso suh- mitîcti. Botb usure rssesqueul'y vithdtrava andI nmetion ef- . . Jams flbrss, ,s's-,usleslhy %Ir. Iluron te tises feitoviug evif-eisubsstuuti s:- Thait in tise opinion efthiis meeisur ltise preseni time le n'pst inappropniate fer ou- crnsasiusg taxation, on acceunutofthtie falliusg off in tise experts ofthtie ceunîy visilu tise atonal et imports is net tiimims4eise, but basq greutly increaseti; andi miaItishe people comnoing this meeting are avers~ e otise uxpendimune etfn'eney onondats, vIneS, la a great mensure veulti bu a feutier te tise grand remet, oser visicis misy vouft bavc ne contrat, -being lu tise iands- tsf etiser parties, lu si -usoet vues tisas îb.'ydie-&r; proeuofettIse h-lav, ansi mist tise rtie anti duputy reevc ho requestedti t vote againsi tise samo. Mn. Haisonaketi ferJrent etftise statementqin ha ie reoetinti' as te Our ex- ports anti imports, ant idtheilumcorrect- nes ,ise hosaaement. Mnr. ictul unteredtinlto a fuIt aipaa-- sien et bis course un tise Couusy Catuncil, sheving tisai ho bail neyer fellu, or uisses) au apportusuity inluslekinz atten the inter. esti eftshe m'evnsiip. Ho explamuet bis vote on tise reseiinn fer tise Épease of tise Wbitby Resut anti Harbor, ssatieg tisai tise barbon v wîouliarvé been oft-ne valué te tise Couuty, but tisS ncv tisatishe Reset aimd tiarbor vere cepai-aic.thtie pancisase etý tise rnd oavulti bu' atiisable. hMn. Biokait vent oser hi*s smitii tii.Coninty Cesaci,-om tise vquaiization, lait jean and tise preaut.nt tiudcentrastuilthena vitis those nt bisi colleague; ho alieveel boy tisai ubmengisisiaexondons tise sovnissp asseecamnt vas lavere4, insancei tise grant nttaiueil by hlm fer township roata -tse firat user isoreteforo obtainct for' tise tovnsisip, and proses! tiat laintise Tvwenty tisosant tillar-by-taw, theltartre- suit et $1,7,000 wva aproprsed on roa leasing tisrough tise townshsip et Whbitby. nejecias, becouse they usure be-str anti anti ce5n§er ibun tise eue acceptes), ut- tiseugis îbsy cisuttibu supplies) as amci cistaper rate. Hoe s gong an te Bay a-mitsi resotft5Omilr' miaitisle tender ot Mnr. John Fergusen vas rejunte t irouugli politicai, feeling sud siit ta it appeareti te . him , tereets ,cf tise ,raepiuy.'n, vere~ ~~i uisuit athit mettes.ý Tise cen'cniiteo r-cas anti report-ci tise repos-i vitiseni amantment. On moioenton adtimon Mn, Camnphell mosedtiateameissitris.juelet-elanee bjtaIn. ing a retuctien et 20 cents on eÃŽt'cb,5 but bis moetion fuît itiste gremmuti for usant et a seconder$ andti is repart vas atiopted. lA position on baisaIt et tWiitby IPelage Fire Company, No Il',vas presentéil hy Dr.' Iutn, aetîing fortb thas siseir organi- Settcn vas nov as complets--as il coutl bo, utraer preseut cîrcumâtancés, anti puy. me-r tan a nov and mora po*enfni engins. Aise for tise puchase cf a sunit et ciotis ton the. ciief ongineer. Atten aame ceai. melttetien tise pttitlon vas alloe o t stiti tit Xontiay eveuing neit for mà toli meet- ing, anti eequiry inte tise tigiasuea. On motion et Dn. Gune, -tise lrtvas instruetedtg Spcemmunicale yutb tise ire Insitanec Agents otftise revu, reqnesti6g uhena te conamunucato vus their varions offices ta coetributs -for tise purebase of a fire engisse1-ise vas induces'!te do tbic b. sait, frmu a convsnsation e h at wiîh.Mn. Âgnev, ise lel te tabelievetisai tise four cmpauios iicho, (Mr. Agaiev,) representoil vonhd give 8100. A resolotion aise passeti, directing tise lenkta te dlmren utiste Fire Brigade ai tisein meeting tomenrov eveaing tise var- ions articles furaisiet for tbem. Dae. UÂM'5 Tain. -Mn. Brave pou«ented a potision fron' Dr. Hm, pnayimsg 'ton a roduetion ot- taxes. Ti taies lu questionh'apporeil, were nhisaebie agaist tise ateana mill -propor- îy, andIboth vacant lots Inrroundiig i, anti ou acceunt ettise promises beieg va- cant vere largely in sittofattise propen séesscanet. Ts tier t tov ô the finance, couamittee an oppantunity et snqniinag into the mattentie.comnalttee roie reportoil pro. gnoe sud obtaleIavo ta ait age-n. OnQ motionu,of Mr, Ievmnill, soconded by Dr-. Onntisheitm7itiee ou Tovmt npro- Mn. Penny saidt timeviug the frst reating nov, ans) pusaing tise by.lav tisrough is ss iI tages asuorsiy carrying eut tis course isenetotone atiepted vush bnan bu' lasvs. He - neferedto tehie six tiseasanti peots ylav of 1855 asssapr-e- cedoten. gobetieveet iim slf tiset'movisag tise shirt restiîngva' pefetly correct, and) vents) tet - ut$je*?A ýseq*çSUtisOn but as tise coi*rce bqrvtîooré pis'siaod vas tifferent. heb.tougisu ahst, se Iplace il >eyoua4 4ail, 4ubst o usgs eti e fstifge etofu- & yt -Xia ý - - - Tise Warden state t 14et tise loekbail-ý caitieset tise by-law 'as hoing rossi a fi -u 44 seccomati time. e- Mn. Ferry sii tËa hat usonil penhapa mter tise case; thb'endoniain et tise nient vas tise eidence on record as ta she> nemdiug et tiseiylav. 'Tise prnicpul rea son isy,ht anosee-te tise pointy55 isecans b. adç isoi tise renvocf Uxbnlige, (Mn. Button,>ito praceeti in the manner hse bat ýdone, andl bo desinet -ta relieve 1bieu et tise repomsiiliiy.- Mn. Whsite uW e~tise renve et thé ewis et Wiiby tepointiotenatisesminutes tise pracedeni te w vbe b.notreil? Y MKt Penny referrusti le tie MarchSeSs- sien ot 1855, andttis ubsequent ýprocosti. iegs inth ie taitcving 'Jane, atten tise by. lav te raie six lisousaïd -pountis te pe-y off tise dobt onutlb. cinty ebuilings -lie-t boen~ publisiseil ire monthe. ,Mn. Whltejlsssled tiset tist vua au pro. cedent;F the -minutes, ho sait, tidtita dis- close a proviens readieg of tise by-tmw. Mr. Butten- then anendeil is resotu. tien, by movinmg tise Ibird reading. 1 Mn.. Gienson ve-uleil te kueus vetheg it was tiseilesirset gentlemen te pastise by-ie-w ai ood vithout sny dimsnsiouior- invesigation cf tise me-er?7 If parties vers domsi-nos pt oing se ho siseulmi moisé in, amnidmuant te roter ilt t a vote efthtie rateayerste o e !gen t tauhbannuai muni. cipai -elections, i-thse mentis et Jausuany Mn. Gniormon, aeceaded by Mn,-Sauith, tissu meved a reselutionate tise tonegoitig offet. Mn. Stit inlatise m ese-tirne expreuet * TiWau Cotici. Cnunty Unumcil Whitby, Monday evening} ADJOURNED SPECIAL SESSION. The Ceunicil met shortiy betere eigbt OCTOBELR 184. o'clock, John IIam Perry, Ekq., (reeve,) Acting Mayor, ln tho chair., Theo ;oher PUT<iT members present %vere-ýMeuru. Brown, Cameron, Campbell, Devenul, Gun, Rove, Whitby 4th Oct., 186-1. and rbet-. The Warden teck the chair precisely ut COTvING FOmiRua v IaRCOMPANY. twcnty.five minutes paut îbree o'clock. Di. Gon rougbt nP the'fitb report cf Tho tati having been called ovor, the foi. the standing committeu on Fine and water, loving gentlemen ansvcred te their names and, on motion, the council vent int coin' -Mesurs. Jicieell, Bretheun, I3utton, Cochs. mittce thereon, Mn. rThow lu the chair. rane, Gamble, Graham, Grierson, I-aight,- The report rccommended pAyment oe ac. McNab, McRae, Nelson, Pc rry, Rowe, ceunis for fankets, bats, and belts,, rîciver. San&' ter, m iWste a. rgt cd at Town clerk'u office for use et fire Absent, Messrs. Guy, Warren and Ken. brigade, as follows: Alexander Pringle, nedy. 50 jackets,- at $3.-Q, ec-$8 Loves cMutAtuu snd Powell, 50 bats ut 60ce î -,0 The tolleving cotomunicationu vèe J. R. Pbi;p 50 butta ai 58 cents-$29- reuti by the Warden: Total, $230. - Froià Mr. J. B. McGann, Head master Dr. Guon atateil shat thire was a dier- nt the achool tur the deaf, dumis, andi once cf opinion between members et the blinti, ut Hlamilton, asking for a remit. commis tee vitb reg-ar-t t the jackets, one tance et the Concills appropriation te- member et the cominijUe vas ot opinion vards support et the instituition. that the qiliiîy et the jacketis ,wu net '. rom the office etr the connty clerk ot eqiiai te the u:îsnple (erudereti fer. Under Hluron andi Bruce, encloeing a copy et the circumsances Mr. Pringle, the con lrotesr I3uclland'u paper ou drainage, tracter, procuredl the astenuiuce et Mn. andi asking for the ce operasien oet he Mathevscss. the manufacturer, Who, wa cooncil. examicied that day before the Mayor, Mn. 'rhe presentmeut oetftic Grand Jury, Perry, and Cuepifiizî Rnwe, andi who de. made ut tbe Septemler Quarter Sesions ciare t sat the clots vas quite as raluabieetoftIte Peace-reiating eepecialiy tc the as the sampie, and t hut the Mayor, who providing et a Barrister's irone. wuL afise a gond jutige statedti iat it w as Tihe report of the ceuesy engincer, stat. 1more vatuable than the sample. ing that the expense of the alteraticuis Mr. Campýuet1.,Uauketi..membt-ri of tbe made ln the court honse for thse accon'- counit te teck ut tIhe sampîni andti hé motiain oethtie ceunicit vas $393, G84, and Oeds, andi judtge fur î'- Hi,.s ~~ thai a fluer covering et Kamptutican cinîli ewn opinion wai that tire gonds matie up wouti cont a further cen et $120. AI-to W,ýre nt orhwoniithin sixpesuce, pe-r yrt,nf stating tliastite Nonquon bridge vas isn thse sà mpte', that itlhid ether the coter an unoafe staite, and would cnet a sain'ef nur finensss of à t, and tint the flannet vas $0, at-present, te put it la repair. Aise net sp gond, Thle jackets madie eut of se-ing, forth tisat the tino of tise lot 2nd the compeuing caimptes woutti bo jtet as and :lrd concessions, te tise 4ttu concession gond, weulti vear just as Weil, and ceuîj+-ielt 'rorah was much btter adaptod than bc isad at a touch lcas price. Witb regard hy the lOtis andtIiltia, for the Centre rend, te Mr. Nathew!toti thui geiiitesnu, kno:w a and rccommending thc sainie. great deai better thau wbnî bua saiti, but bu Tihe Wartien gave expianations as te was a manutacturer, Essti it wasanet hie the rici-resident tax sale, and bis inter- intereste speak othurvie view wiub tise Coniy Officers, and tIse Mr. Ferry saiditî wus a pretty bard cbairm nn f tbo Finance Committe, andi uaemesut te mate, te cay that, i know reati a draft et a mernortat vbtcb bu aub- assother knew lise vasmatrisg a stattaiessi Ititutedti tesecouncil. whicts bo tilio, isuHeve ta bc true, <and Theuminutes et a public meetinsg et the for the purpoce ei wiiissily deceivin.ý those ratepayens et EastîVtsitiey, belti at Coton' before wbom buo vas catei te gise eviden. bus luneopposition tei) he passage cf the ce. Mr. batbewson vas a genticisuan ot rond l'y iaw were aise rend ; ais aise a irrelproacblbe character ; bu (Mr. Perry,,) communicatmon frein tise Wardien et the ton aimfur oslog tisai. ind thi.1w United Countieso oradPeel lan e. uh- usu- tm:-- I.- ---- is retibhi. !ii.... rajicu b fhnLite U trs.s n,. -1(455 <>11ft li I - -- -. Bout rat, two4h.esa and ovAr, David Mllot, Gratton, $15., 2nd de James O. GUY,' Oshawa,*7 Best luearntà g r4sm, do do, si11. 2nd do Thomas Gluy, Oshawa,$. Beut ram Lamb, David'Elliot, iJrfton, praying for aid for the improvemet o f the rondt on the Soyas lnsofetMara andi Rama. Mr. Kennedy. Ot D. Cameron and 101 others, pray. ing tisat an appertieument of tise $20,000 grantedl for the improemunt ot rouets may ho exp-udeti beîween 15 and 16, teadmmg mbt Beavertoý. SPEUiAL COMMrrrEmu. On motion et Mn.' Grierson, seconded by Mn. Cochrane, Mosans. Smith, Brethour, Rowe, Kennedy, anti the moyen, vene ap- peinteti a upecial cemmittee -teavIson'wus refenred ait documents andi papens la the bauds ofthtie Warden nelm.ing te the tax cale, te report that attenuocu. .Mr. Perry snggested due notice te tise Slicniff, visici vas acquescet inl. CeLLatCTOUF Rami suwa. Mn. Gnienuon Mntroduccd anti bad passeti a by.latv appeiutimug Alexanuder Burnett ta coicetupaiti taxes lu tisevillage eo b.h ava, under 104, sec. 22 Vic.- c. 55. Mn. (G.) expiaineti that tise roil bail sut beau returneti lest yean by the collecter, and iseuce tise ps-oceeding became nccaasary. 41r. McNab breuglit ui) thie nepônt, whicb utndervent come amentimenti 3lia cnminittee, and vas atiopteti. It recotumend- ed payment- et accouts ton altetenions lu Court tuouse, amourtissg te $393, 64; tise opening et the vetitaters, the settin-g mjlart cf the bannisterk.' reem, and thse open- ing et a new don frein tbus seutît passage ýarjse body et the court bouse. Alite the ourchicie by thee cgineer eft tief10cr cov. ering. Blet tva isearling'eves, - Edusant Ar-k. tausti Oshsawa, $Il. 2 euse Iambe, 2t do, $3. EXTRA EuTatIEB. l3ect moviîag machine,# Josephs Hall, Oshawa, Diplema anti $20. Aima prize ton neaping machine, andl combineti nsapen rssnd moyen. - Hesl horse-poven sbnesisen anti epana. ton, Jospis Hall Oshava, Diploma anti $20 TRAacaniNEAamiSANDoWrCu--BOIny FomNoi lx5 THE. WooTnS.-On Thunsilay lat a yauag mian, about aintuen yeaas et go, numet Tattreaul, sist oa te-m'en reciting cour Sanvnwi? eftbitsote ton tise porpose cf a tiay's isuating in tise voile Net re-ý turuing tisati ugisu, saans tise close, tise tollawing day bis parents hecared alarmoit, anti etatet ont in searcis et him. Ris lfoileeasbody vas'touns in tise veed usitis a gun abat vouaS in thé hneaet, sup. pased tise b canseti by the accidentai dIa- charge et bisevu ngue. tTuai Mât-cm OF CORNWALuLîuSIEDAD). uio.D.Allen, iMajeofetCornwall, a.- gainaistot ieavy jntigemets vere lately given in court, bus, vo Jearn, ikedauclei te uhe Pacifie coastHeRu is ssonas ouen- ou tebts upon bis endorsers. R.ebhm not resigned tise Mayorslty .but bis insolsemi. cy vitI rentier 'tbe office vacant,-Qsebe Mercury. - GauaiÂr Ren.T'seConteoete êesu. Licoti, visecem mands aS Attantua,: inde.- ucnibeil bu a persanvise bas reeently seemi hlm asau'wtvie headeti5 ioml. spiadi.. sisanketi fellous, about 32 yeans otaâge, and aven six foot'sali; bcdl beese pretjy. volt huchedtut piecca ; oe s eg gone, an artn usutess, a lot et br-uiseti rliss, and -a. brokeib collar-bone.'- fiLLW ny AB ..-nMonday-nigot the 26tb mast., bMr. Jno. MeGregor, or ,Wpstminiieter, went into bis field for tise purpose ot fetclsing 'bis-cows in te mutk, wben a Galioway luiQ, which was, alun in the field,' turned. upon hi m and cnsuaed 1 im te deatis. GuvcE Hw ÂTiuDL-A. good tnade le a good ting, and4 i eema te us that a wise parent, white securing for bis son a gond education, will aise encourage habits orf labour and.industry, and place bina in a situaà tion whereby he cati1 leare a good trade. Tbis vill b. a sure resourae i& hlm la lite. *Other pursuits and callinga ,nayý tait a ýman, but a geed :rsde, evsr, ir one fa disp )ued te labor eaitf. No moers if a yeuth is te pousse a comupetencyi yet -give' bina atrado; iil yul-be velI for' it a11 through site. If reverses _corne, he wili ihus b.'able to fail baok on bis triade, andI can'batte vith teuporary vant. -la a certain $enge, a person- with a good trade can always independent. , B I RT H. JOHINSTON.-At. Whitby, on the Is inut, the vite et Mr. hrnesJohnstoe, Jew.f sîler, cf a daughter.- RICHARDSON - BEN8ON-Âî 'St. Eeter's Churcis, Cobourg, on the 27t1f isC. hy the YaVeeble .Ârchdeucon,.of York. assisted by the Bsvd. Chale Bethune. Anthwp Rehardcnn. WFmn Afe4he I INclu BINJ p UPSUAINT cit, ras)i cdatedis4tbt«lud aotd bv Genre. tur of tisej &.I). 1 M4. et 1 -unen, eaiilt clii - OWN *Thse follosaing gt cf Lot unsen Tise Rait tit Plank E Of thoanumi five anm ds w w Tise pîtrelus sait, le-Pl the puctisase licihei, and aC onu mentlir a sate are ibec of tise sid Ce For fus-this <lsm. C.Kal Ketler & L Wilson, Barr Solicitor, Wt W)iiby; E. Duz-rss-k S Dat#e-tbis CHAI.C. NE 89- sy Cnd no the Sissupportons of'e *i ton tue oppouente- tof t ep tise meeting o gise M- opinions, miai duly vus s arn' . r couaidenabte tuas,, antid iug, e-nil neorulution ti 2nd dc James O. Gay, Oshava#, $7. Bout tva sbearling euss, Geo. Millér, iankiat, $11. 2nti de Tises. Guy, Ocsava, $5. - ) Beit tvaoeetan'be Tis. Guy, Osisa- 2nil dc James O. Gay, Oshawa, $.. MEDIUM WOtL.0 l3esl ram tva aqheaurs anti avenHl. spon. cen, Witty, $151. 2nd ilo Gec. Millen Mlantham, $7. Bost sbearling rame, IH. Spencer Wit. by, $11. Best tvo oves, tivoears anti oser,, H. Spencer Wiiby, $15. 2nil de H. Spencer, Whitby, $7.- )-s BotwIo ove Iambe, H. Spencer, 'Wbit- bj, $7. Bout ram lan'b, A. Spencer, Whitbyp, JUI' SitMaTI o Th~e rvitacism Exhsibitioaa. The animal Provincial exhibition ,iselti at flasuiiistuLt veue, usas issutise vsote, eucceuetul, a-id ihe vusaîber fine visi tise texcepstionu s-f 'l'hurststy usîe i ilainet iseavilv. 'The muomben ef- visîiars vas lange'essimnauti mt upvarda of 30,000. 27,000 tickets venu soit muring sthe week besitios members tickets- numnbering per- isapm 2,000. Thîis exceets dise numben moIsI ut - Kingston lest jear, but talles con- nitierabty shunt oet ta suis) ut London ha 1862. Tise total receiptaii'e beîvoon $8000 'anus) $9000, visite lait jour tiscu vee n muy atout *J6,000. lu Lontdon la 18612 tise îrecipis amoulitet teo about $1S,000. Nuit jean tise exisibitionn la ta te hai a Lndau. Mni. J. C. Ilyiertiu Presidtiat Tise tusttoviuas liai cf tisose neiding an this du.stiet utisehava takamu pnizos. flet ttueou-h-tresi mallisisoetauj uge, B. Ankianus, Osîsusus, Diptemna. Bust thorougis trei .stuilieus -Edusard .-rklatid, Oïhavu, $40. Besttire juans aid sauiiomu, Johns Dev, York tovwsip, $22. fluaithnbeu jeans oit Bull, John P. W. Wisetler, Scarbono' $32.t flet Cous, John P- Wiseslen, Scarbono' $20. fluai 1 jean oit beiflen, T. Guy, Oshava. BeAt gratis caus, Wm. Miller Jr. PFinter- iug,, 3rd pnize.- Besai ilre jeans oIt cous, *Win'. Mer-, jun,ý Pickering, $2-~ - I1esî îwo jens att ieftér, Wns. Milter, jun, Phckering, $10. ~es tisei alfui, W~ Millier, Jun, eu-ss',20d peice, f+,' lest grade- iseifev- uet nacre than sve juana nid ou Jan , ' 14 -tise pretucce a pure breti DortianuBuli l fésing 1 reoont5ed' pedigree, aslý5~J61 aybetnom more bisa ansoyp ovp <noustiougbbret.' -prià e .preseateil by Hon. A. J., Fengiuon. Blair., Wn. Miller, Jan, Pickering, silice Cap. coTBvoLDS. BotSbesnling- ram, George Milter, Martisan, $16. Bai tvciis-eariing cve,Geongé Miller, Martisanu, $12.î - 2isd do do do, $8. Tise Canada Comýpauy'a prize for tise bei 25 bualieiset Fe-li vwhet, tbe produce- ,of Canada West, being tise grovtis of tise jean 1 864. J. Ramiton, W. Flanahoro, $100 2nd'do by'tise Asiesiatlon T. MeEvez, Cobourg, $40. Beat tvo buseols cf Fife apriig -vhaat, Tises, Gay" Oshawa, $8. 2nd do T. McEve, Cobourg, $6; 3sà dc bJohn MitoliiMatie, $4. 4th,£o John-L. Cartis Pickerng, $2, "t i Io- bss& beharley, (2 roveil) 2nil do W. Ritideli, Cobourg, $4. - 3rd do P. R. Wright Cobourg, $2.- 4th do Wm. Thompsoti. Whitbj. Vol- impelet. Mn. Matiseussu au titsitise 1river, andthelus Wrticn ottise Couniy et valuu ot tise volntustise clotus ieprecis- I Omtaio'c nopijiisuroso. iy tl1esaime as tIse sample turuiuiset, but "'NtA"i. ?555Â(5OrVIFstE teuinIMt'iVaEENT tisai tise cots mau up vas iseavior titan msY-uAus tse sample, aussitisai et the tio articles Mn. llr'stisur, secoutieti isjMn. MeNaS, that fuiimshed vas supeier te tise sampie, mavudti tisathe bj-lsîususiicis prenidela for go tisitishe tovu vas actealiy a gainer by tise$20,000 hy tiebenturea ton theisem- tise contract. Ile regrettes)tise diffierence proemeus t ou ds tbrotugis tise ounitj be buecua nthe parîctieotise original tentons, reasi s traitiîe. anti saidt tisi e vswu nfanon of giviug te A remaît isaving heen matie tisaitishe tise contracter iviat vas big due, tise iy-iav had Alredy iseen rosi twiice, Mn. Camipbell rejeincdti tsimilar sun'- JQandtta onty the tirti reatimg amis pas- plues e lots 10 tIsatnov mate up usera sue-e venu nov necesai.