___________ - ..., *-~.' -~- -.. - -~-~~iU-* I..---~ O1l*, . , gothawa, S. PTimos Uuy, Onhaè. y, Oshacwa, $3. t and over, .'p. IL'. Spencer Whuî. sheers ,r4aâovOir. Wl4îby, $T. iIL Spenicer,Whî Spencer, Wliby, glu, $:Y. chine, Jue0h al, l, -espinif machline, anti thriher and mpars. Are, 1)plra andl $20 Thumtrlt a cyoutrg yeitss or à tze.,namner (itruerredtr iea me for tihe Purpoe or le vols. Net re. :owrtrîls tii. cloue4 his pareiti. bec& niue oet in mtarch of him. sv fotste!inuthe. soud nd in the breut, up. y tIre accidenti lds- fWI.L. SKEI)AD- or C7orirwall, a. nentes ere lottly arn, skedaddled cavas coure Oaer. e, Ile hs. soir butr hs insolven.. EhnfedteGn Atlatauilede hiu rocestly eo"i hemely._ spisdtu yeara otage, andi «en pretty sell g go., can arm he, ani c bmkeni )ni Mondmt7:ry 0. Nlc-;e;rr, or hi% fieldl fr'U the> tcs luiimilleý icir wualârainl i andi crirtie i hma rond trvde la to ni-tirat a fe)r hIq sr)n A plise. hlm ilà Wean, a qeoi returc in. and calingt rade neser, iêr *- No ,nater fapeecy, )'et weli for buar ils eome, ire Sij is hlgrade, ry -Wang. lu witir a god ou the Istu< tuto, Je.- -At St. 21t ius:. &cou, 'or 11h, 1884. t 88 bo 93; 60h; Oats 32 ea 8r) 040 ; dira; $lo.p to alTe per- X19W AJDVZRTI8EEEft. Ohancery Sle- IN GRANOERY& "1'WEi<zt JOSEPH KELLER, pI aintiff. BENJAbIN LOOK, and others,1 pTIiiUANT ta fs lerro nrthie llotiinrable K ormade lu the chuvo nlntlutiîd tanx dateril hu 4th i dnr ot April lam4teliwill ho coiri hi Georre ileum rv irtrtu .quiire, Iter- er otthe mlt' ý'orrt tWlitby, en Monday, Slst day of 0ctober, ÀD.1864. A.1). 1844, et Eleven o e -ho in<the, fort- tii.nflt tIre chalnheor nfthet1 'ai,metor, By- ron Itret, ith e 1411 rrowTV 09F WIH11ia IL, The foltewiirg Ilâd's"(1i ir"rr> irtbt . j iy, tii, *. uitr M-WTHIRTY ACRES,..M ofëi rrrmher l'levenil%'rutire nerdconces* closie. and tire montli ef Lot iîiîîîl>er lot citir tiie Ttrdcosiec9sitir TOWNSHIP 0OP PIOKERING, COUK.iTY O0 OlRIO, The mai4 tiirt <ree 'are.mili cleareitl, and iupotn -thirer14. ereelérîta plank Bouse1 and Log Houe, tlrrp linrrhd, iind i lFric Barri or1a mirefiiiîlltrfl here 1ito nWeti aîîd tircrd tii1rui tte ;rliic ot tîoreiitliairl Fifli oeir. ,,init Tweiitv- iieareclaerrîl, ttîo i.iaiderr telîivertd witk-ttrtiirîrî titiiîher. upçiii tein ra ertected à ]BCXKITH'8 SHflP. andi a fratnie (wetii honscli. 'The pireiia.or r haîl pcv riîrwii. etine ,o <f %nie, ini the proportrinor £10 lo vverV LîI et tirpitithe lîlcy1fý. to tt Vîtdor o is titSe lieitor, Und srl ii11-t<v tire irr'ie n t-rî lieii -piretieire iî.rîey, withll tîroet thereiîi. wtbin ,iountitîrut tire Clay «'tale. .lu AUtier-reîodltt tire connui oks t the gale art tli6*t coiâtliied In thnt end orrierm ofthtiegauadCoert. For frrtier pertioierit rnPlvte Me"tit KllIer- & liinen, Se.i4rt<rrrWitli, R. J.. filofilitor, Whitiîr; W.11l liliig%, >ticitor, Whirtby; E. ltizgîorîtd. Drrretr'r, 'Toronto, liirict&iurtim, B.;ÃiteCm, Tormme, andl ut the' ,nletitiiettxîi str l1 1 eCourtl. -i-mDatl tiLit el' . t ir> drtSetimber, A. D. GEO. H. DARTNELL, -CHiAÃ. C. KFA,lMt.r S T OL EN. STLNfrom Wlriltiry, or. W Cilllt5n5Y. the S8t8LCicbp atit la hrrlSt. Berniardi Ami! per4on tletrutig ig humaftir ii otî(ee wilt ba promcceuted. W ihlr Nil FARM FORSALE' T lE .uitirl4îr uiersfo tite111» .Fui m, Lot 16i lnmr lIl ei rtiet i: Tuour- sitrll fer c-h, couttîig 100 ACRES!I 70 eere me cleret. sui dre s oi sxtate (if a gm 1--K b iousei. !>OIM log bit<ru, asOi Is ogi I;tsalitm~. 'Oitr wo Weil.r, AnmiPi ti lrpm.. For umrter lîrtictlrcn tbrmi, Ar'. cîrpty te. TII(»AS t.ILLAN. ou thea preinialr. - - - linot tebr 4,1964. 4i49 ~' TO CONSUTM PTIVES. CU IrbSiT1Il cutfter% r% ill rectte a vil- CONt-ucre earlptten fur tire Pore rit ten. ci îîptlî, undîa @rirriti.aie Il tiirest surilqttg at1tctirme, ((raeus ti carge,) toy aieîl' Il.; t1icir tridroce m,î 11ev. Sf1> ARII A. WIlsON, Wilhiaoisatiirrg f KtîîuC'i ,* WESTERN IIOIJ889 .14)115 5lURIiLL .......... relâitor. * onbmetrier de tietri luttifii ir'i mny .'neds tlratlire t14 nrîrec*rrvirig ou tire tire.htel, andi that lire ,rîplyhiem noue but tht. be tcof wvsiîrr,,litr» elgant, anti rfresh- meut*. ' aateippiltabl e. Gond s aalIig sert enelocari yard. JOHNS SPUtIILL. Wlrltbyr Oct. 4, 150. 89 CELEBRATED .8 abhstrlrseclhe invlg tire ol# en of e .the Grever & Bsaker Naclatues, fer tire Couetts et Onutario, Vicoriaonaud Dorhraf, keep eonuatlonbaud, a cour lobéamort- Mnt o thoe intlyeeleirtd eigls makers ad 2Ysmilies, TNor illeasu i! tira e. 9. p6r"yeotl eepa- tent ter al hkinde cf Tallerlng -It là vary alftMif rapt irP io, mni verj'y a agoti. oROVER à BAKM-PIAMILY MACHINE Demeà ni vderrange, of vork thm uany otirer imebih oew beWone tire OcIAsI s blte sd ».simple ilu iweoutmutlion sa, sUaùllo permon te sequire a tirougir tteesedge ot ite use vemy rsadly. Ptrutensafttlulonr viii h. e.., t.> tire. pobasiig front tirhe abnllr "rt taaj 0 lal*e 0tirereegbîY udermlauti st,ego Mte be able te ,do &l kindts of venr. Th baibe r v ouid tes othîly requet u.tes deetrtig*Savtrgiux = e te eau arr.uur tetir rover & Bsa eir n, NEW ADV'ERTISEMBNTS. I'IAýIS CÂRRIAGE WORKhS 163 King Street West, TlOtONTrO. Slarge variety of Canages on hand. The proprietors of this Establishment, possess facilities- for ma.nuf'acturinc, Caxriages t at enable thcm to defy compitition, either in price, style or finish. (Joli and see.for, yoit.r8elvea. 3 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WIINTER BOOTS A o Yorte:' aoruteri t fien,', Boy*' 'sd KIF & OOWBIDE BOOTS Al 1f hee c ,rri<t'ft1c hemr nuâera iand . tir tiiit want lu tivpgouor val ue for thitr muîrey, cuit nt tihe Eff0LD RED STORE. tem i to. î.Itr <ilingm' propîerly et- JAMES BAIN. -o- &PANIER SOLE LEAIIER P NsISoie L-ather, No i1îjirlity, for s sate nt tihe u'td ied Store. TKrf>tý, CA.tir. - JAMES BAIN. DI S lu và toEaut t ritlr ua!.Be T4 caD ie t ie <t tOa i% t ort lo' -e THL AMEIC REYOLUTION! ERIRELCRISTS î Hurrah yi Irm<onfr Rrrgrrrrr t Gore rw# AraS fr aIl vi. wai t el truc.honka, om geeldomh. C" ?"e ts ami",ro.re vw. t YrOD go mpprts i, Arai dmi biitk et. liuetreh, eue SaxiiirPoas. 1)., yemu aitbltccksmilhitg of<he(rir ivi>- bei d, Irouererclieii i.Saîiy. wt.iai Raglranr O' ii d; If we Saîiiiy<r îirr<Il gi. wiolsa DIiikm.ih of bmtp TirerclIre si.rlwir'ieibroie wlren orc-nul hoklett reire. tu Rrrghrorrrre tcb.rriio-ar r etiu i Wr ubail, 'i4 vitlbmrie i1rrir.euic-ry vere awfitiî ly du, Buti MW weelre im lr. minid grvecbri a cati, ft'm rt i4.hl.* like Giti.ENWEI'.ti.. le.'itr lirrynmay tawt ! AirS Saery vii iaty ie tireIc ueri. Au4aperlyiryouuurer irlrrd uggrri.irreebelli men. 1mw. Gientilemenir vyrreove cake, c-erocf t uertdcep. [onU&te And ail Ibis wrll take <tu the liad of Rcglc. Mt-lxp. 2% l188. THE SAN'iJy PORTiq. GreatefitAttraction! AT TTu£ SEW'ING *j'tl.PLETI artrtmenr t MUnelre Thrreati. * fjC mitrioorritiirat. fo<r taie at the t1t1 ltriStore. T ie2t-'Aslt. *JAMES BAIN. Go onie, go al! At Ilatck's eal! -Wlîh extra copper-botnti lFenIture ar- *rartbalte tre atifa il 1. hat tlres *o fretur diftereut estabtilrnrtso e tiewe- ot styles aud patters, whieh -for bosety sud utefuluesa are uusurpoaae. BOX & PARLUR STOVES 0if varougstyles sud patterns. Plem. MRi sud exa"ne. Ife hms a BOX STOVE villa retumu fiee, vioirgreatly ecenoeuieu the fuel.ne tmenu- imtures al ime.andi ahapes of Dumb Sttovem, Gallons Pipas, &o. W ornisi. Bomothing 'New & Doetrble 1 A eodltclslig DUME STOV, wrranted tir give batigfactni, or ureuey rotiadeti. sri; PIPES, ILLBOWS, "oC. alsaju on Prartlrar atteiton palil Ce iniug ou Ove»e. Emvetroughing and Jobbmgt Ail iork sarraLuteti. W'ritmember tire pluee. asltttle Peot ef Mr. Larrrg'a Ohi Stand, Wbithy. The trghostprbe pîltilt, auy qm ty et (Mît CopprBramSa, ihepkns letosaund Wooteu Rage, Butter U4rdKWs, i'rxn, Cash. RICHARD HATOR. whitty, September, 18M4 liq OHAJICItR,) ATUItDÂY tholven- lunOlimbe s .tPt-fem th of y et V. C. RPEAQGE. fteufier, lu the twe.ly' L. 8. oth y>Sr of thre Relga otOeMsY, QMen andinUepa ot ourIerLod 1"6 Im BEREIoACUl, vILii me Tue G1' If inter Clotking,, Au3yt GIENERAL WIITFITTING 'W HITE FLAGI' Wiie.e tilre.ù% thre larmct, olerep est c, inoutr uale sud FASHIONABLE STOCK or OveraCoats, Dreu & Business Coats, tet, Pat., Shirts, Uîlder-Olothing, 'i.0- iano, Ties, Raté Caps. H<>slisry, Touthn' ana BOYS', suite$ *0.0, &o*. in the Coirnty. Oeomthe WRITE YLÂG9 No. 4, Brrek IStreet, East Wity Sqpt.U11.84 Chaocery Sale. IN CHÂNCRY, John Cade, Plaintif, Jam~es fCamupbell and Tiroma Thornton, Defoudanta, 0,o 2ESOLO lIT PUBLIC AUMTON INi J.pareanue of the Dme»eA.6=1stOreor t(W2aismode lu Ihiso MMe uenrg d.réts. çeiatira Tventy.meooed dey of J5flnr7 ts"Ãœ,adthe Tventy-eveutb dsy etAnmt tarrof .ecourrt ot'cr "Aur t Whrtly,et hie Ohaabers, lu tUr TOWN 0r F WIIITBY, At Tuelvoe blck noon, on tire SatWdy, t1e Twuqy-mwco dy of In eue Lot, thre tllovlng L14D&s&adt Promisue. tuta tésysTirefrer.t partof the Wagt4aol <lq=t Ntmmbe in uthre sooed oeneeasle IN Tu CÃ"UNTY 0F ?=Womt alydmaurm TAI SHERIFF'S SALEO LANDS' 9,14, 100 188 960 12 3 TOWNSHIP 0F MARA. N Et 4ato SPat E uüde No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. *Noi No. No. No. No. 1858 9 60 1 2 3 1858 9 60 1859 9 60 1 2 3 185.3 8 12, 25 18527 8 960 1 23 13, 50 1853 8 960 1 23 TOWNSIIIP GOP RYACII. 24, 13, il .1858 PORT PERRY PLAN. 23, 24, 30, 44, 48, M3 89, 93, 94. 107, 109, 1855 6 7 8 9*0 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 60 1855 6 7 8 9 60 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING. VLLAGE Or CLÂI1EMOZT. 1857 1857 TOWNSIIIP oF UXBRIDGE. 84 2, 7, 100 185896012 3 -TOWNSHIIP 0F WiliTB;y. Na ,gion FuarewellaMd Keue'spIs.ti- 29, t~ 41 1858 6.93 121 64 49 91 28 82 6: 38 25 31 94 EU, SI Have now to baud, a complote stoek,,of,, ~fANt~ ~ STALE1BR ise 28 40 PatenWtd. lýïènch Meriliom, Eancy Winceys, Domaines, Cobourga, Ail-Wool Plaids, &c. MILLTNEPLY GOODS.-Ribbons,, Flowers, Feathers, Feit Hlate, Black and Fantcy Straw-Bonnet!, Cap Fronts, Ribbon Vel- vet., Shawls anîd Manies of the last styles. Fianneis, Blanke.n. Sheetingr, Stripe Shirtings, lioisery and Gloves A fulasortment of IHats, Caps, Collars1 and Neck- Ties. Ré~ady-made Clothing Clollîing -made to order. Eamiiy Gro- cerioe, Wes and Spirits. Patented. do do do de do 1 and 21 Titl'a Buildings, Whitby, Sept. 28, 186'4. 38 12 22 patented. TEAS1SINID TOBAïCCOS. 17 69 4 53 4 il 2 59 2 46 2 26 1 95 1 82 4 71 500 3 83 3 83 3 50 4 90 Patented. do do do du do0 do do do do do do do do 0 46 patent.d, 0 46 do 50 0Ptnei 5 47 B.P. PERRY'8 PLAN 0P BItOOKLIN. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No, I18589 623 &18589-06()2 lm 1896062 & t 15î6023a I1889 6028 &18589608 TOWN O? WHITBY. 6 40 690 590 6 52 5664 soi1 4 65 osa P"tited. Patetd. do do d W do, do do LOT. 210 188 9 w1 44 21l' 188601 2 soi 252 1869 60 1 2 8,553 271 1859 60 1 2S 446 310 1858 t-14 M181M5900i 616 822- 18M9 601,3 476 3OU 18M9 60133 8 486, 355 1869 60 12a3a 537 376 1859 6012 3 4 48 877 1859f0 12 3 407 WALLOR ~U1WEL & ELLR'SPLANe .80 188 WINES ANID SPIRITS, Just received, a large lot of the above, of the best quality. Prices low, Wine ,and> Spiri"t Merchant. Whitby, Sept,. 20, 1864. DIRECT IFRAINî 0:~.~ Re & J.e CIIPRJELL9 19 hancecry Jed, lcnry W. Anneri, andri ohn If:- AND) James Wilson, (b w1>11, snti another, Detendantff. Thre purcliarer shahent thetomthe eorssle psy Ilosu a depomît in bhe preptortiei ot ;910 for every £0 loIi ttitpurcrranr> iîov t4 h. e U-~ dors, or tiroir Soicitor rl ah lpay Âlre ro- mutudier eoftria purehame iponey, 'm'lthi IiereAf *rom tIre day oft tle. wîti tlîlr e e oeridayr Inoutrm thereafter, 'The Velilrlomieli put bur compelletite preucauy tRIedeloNt oevldeuce %nid paimsuielssl bc ol! lict onelot. Exoeptuaboro meutioned, thtlieuniiftlu- et sale are'the-standinug Couditk'na ti ale or' the sai! CôofeCbasîey. Theoeonditious of sdo auti trirthier'paricularet iusy ire btaindai thtie Chamnbere of tIresa"i Mater et Whlthy, aud' ut tire, effic of, the. Plaintifsu w eliior, ut ttbe Ual! Townofe Whltby.- ,Datae t Wlnlby, tris2lat d my of Soptduberr -A.O D..,RT18Z, Muster., S. :9. COOHBiANB, -S'rRAYEYD tI w m prs ron rebuirning maid auim1al j r - trlqK ARE NOW C F Ex. I FROI~I GLÂ~GOW, oftfer at ai SI'ERLJN-G COST, FI 9:" call is respecttuliy si a 03- Sk s»riw TTPONx Jour inteti, sud tinta COUNTY 0F ONTARIO,1 Y VIIiT15E 0F A WARRANT ISSUZD 1To Wit s f by the Trenourt-r of t<b County' ë Ontario, bering date the Twexi8y-fth day of Jîtty, one thoîu'nnd eght hndred aud ity-four, and te mne direMaed, for the collection of arvcts ndu am aomente due *pon the folîowing land%, ini the saiti Colinity, I saaU, on Tucsday., the Seventeenth diay of Jalluary Neit, at thte hotar of Twelve o'clock, moon, at the C OURT IIOUSE, IN XIIE TOWN OF WIII'1BY, Proceed to the rmie of UBid Lanidc, or no much thereot sa may ke necessary for the paynent oft such arrears of a.iscuaent,*, unies. the maie, together witlî ail lswtul charge&. bu sooner puld. TOWNSHIP 0F BROOK. LOT. CON. ACRES. VEAUS DUE. TAMM E M. EX I5 1 -ei&%mrio Date. ICOUNTY AGRICULTURAL SHOW, ýJAMffl HAIN- 1 1 e 1 To ]BE SOLD 1W PUBLIC, AffÊIýTT( In prîrrinrne of a Decret, nufl Itini >i<r fre Sale meate in. thit, orru.e, beitrrlîir (lute r«spectý- lvoly theiqo 1îi'itopntiî i layoft ?6urer, A. fD., IMIn, al 1rt ti. wa!st> 11110i v drrtfii. .A. ID.,, 1804. n moi wkltit tiPi îprIltiîîilrdel' 4eorfte* licnry Ilirrtiir-lI, lcqrire, Marrstrîf tist. tr- orable Court, ut. Whitby, on SATURDAY, THEf F1btenth day oft 0-toer ÀADB, 18«,, At Moen o'cloek. ln the Fôrenôoan, st tIre <1W fiee et tii. uld Masterîiiitir. OOUNTY 0F 0NTAnuFr MrÈ. LMVI AIRUANXg, $r.,, CertelulFr oliolîl Premniges, ofn~ oîiu1ile part or LAt Nner Twenty eiglit, in the Etrot conceaion ietti TOWNSIII.P 0F WIIITLW tIn the sdimclinty of Onitario, asuri kuowh as Town Loti., Gtre, Twu, andt Se iità owi, oôwytbe .4onlh bide of DUNDAS STIZ1Erw, Anil the Engt titis of Ãtesî3tSraltjn iuheca!4 Town x'îtWh stbywhicli are elear uréUdifiider cutilvntion, undilupn Whlà i r etted alarge' týwo-strrryBrickA ilxe, whtch y acjmall out- 151 -.niglit ho ruade ittô a ctsblo dWelling' hu, ttaeas itlet., heyolrd tueié usirte paut of 1h.. town, but o.Veillenrt tîreroto. CONUflr'ONS 0F S9Atpil Imm*