Whitby Chronicle, 13 Oct 1864, p. 3

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Ufsaio ýo ses -epie vo: tu the bcing obson thson dieved beoun fuund takmn. tu the talc. rrell t'iithe -etli, at tuetileal ai- ýyiig decls,. bi eîlled on DititlIor the llpsY, rfhk ttueiw1ul to di (lie, ubat Cfrelilu ti ail hieà art fimne of andI petveti y the clerk, us"l t * mniny maie i onnsba. talen n. r-; lJknevw we quar. t'antled te cne; 1 amn Atchbne - visit, antd viîh his slth one - Ior any neois dia4 oin; [lob. time; n wlwn ing uPue 1> atten- b suait le lie i. antI -ninc ort 4l bin r ant beenf.e ure nr un fu il,- thar A bim yeighu. a muai n bina it er oroner Sbeing igb?- 1 rasat- jark of' one) 7%4 Qti" Vis t o.e$ Wiliam.Ob. taning money iinder-fais. pretences, The prottecutor nul appearingi prisoner wus dlschrge& Wednesday, Oct. 121h 7.Q"u a. Géorge Hall. Ânon. Prîsoues- bequtted, nu evidence being j-broughî forvard againat him- 3 The Grand jury brought in tbe toilluwing That Ébey bave now flnished the busi- ness b4gt befure theni, and -desire lu - extt7er satisfactisfaction ai. tbe amail -numbpeof cnses and the absence of thuse aggravated features of crime whicb usuai -ly malte the doutes of Jurors, difficuit and painfuL The Court vcry îîroperly refcrred in ternis of severe censure te lte vaut of rexpect shewn by JTurors and uthers sum- nsuned te attend tiis Court. The Grand Jury wouolt, thetefure, iSmpuctfully sub- mit binai unless exaitipies are madie of such delinquenta, the businte.9t of tihe court is likely tu be serioîîely obstîructeti, sud the auliîority ut itasi brotigliut luo disreipect. It Îe fond èaeeding1 Inconvenient for pernons summnoid as Jurors &c. who have tu travel flngdigtinea, as is Ire. qîteuîly the caise l in la Coonnty, bu muet the <'ourt pis Mund yv, and llu nitnny cases învoivek the nemccîI±y or trntvelliitg on Sund~, o theinn ,e,4nt alternative nf bejsspsuhjqcl t..n " bod nifîe; tti"e- ln ult tie Cî,*tnTdèAulnu,i .tead ofiMunday, Thse -ýtd effecte of habituai drinieing. îti garibliig ir. taveros, tihe iugitiînate re- Puit of otîr present iceua4ing sy-stent. leaul. ing ~dlrectly til flitury. disgtacluand idob. lence, as iilitxted l tho case of Atchi. Son anti Co+piil, andI huîn'iir nse1t l-ai nînitt every cnil, h ce been fiotiýe , ai reterredto often b th Côu ind Jur ers, mcliicitige ihe abtet-tuon ni ail ito tiesire bo irssen crime ant'iiesreasc the moral and maîcriai inuerests of thecocuin- it î leise-nre lu icu hoped tisat al cîtte es rf thte coiomutnityviii unilte in eninre- ithte Stattesr labteti patoucu, in refer I enres titlis euhjeut as the readicteelwa. af redticing the expelirAo of adininstrsîi-tn tai jn.i4f"J proiîotîirg tieo publir -welfare. T îoÏM hàç bet visiteul and foutd in a -cusisfacbry condiltion, MALCOLM GILLESpm . Fomarc.n -WtitOct IlýtII, 18614. The fine recou-ed against S. M. Thomas 'frnon altendance as. a Grand Jurtur vas remtitteti. Anti the 'Court adj-uorse iàe sdie. TIownishp*Of IeuseluAgricuitural NSo. ciety. Prize liaI avarded atet.he Tuwnships of Ïteacb Agritutturat Society, heid i E;iom .on Tucsday October 4tb, 1864. bwoCeer Mtii-t('i, but. 1. C.iott..-t $2, mId F. Walkcr, iii tOne seroldi41-1t, ieM. Aliirew Ptet, #-.,tind JacobipIisîtuIn#I. M iie t-nar nidfilly, lim. iietîry Ctsîc #, mi t'tithi ait, tl . 1igîit *t Jhtli titnckiîtr Filly, let A. Scott, -estl VWin. itarri- CAITLiE. Biulbb('màl-lmb anti tuttiF. Werii. Tw-, vimd icer. icitAb,-x. BGioi-tu Yctlig ilier, lu iebcx Bot t, tut i aiti liiter Caif, Ist. Juiut Ae-r, 121)(1. A ma Ateil lRani,!,, -itt Wc 1id uit-it. bn-, li# tl--o. Teut Yvarlbnnr Eweb, lt, at.d . jus. e.(c. E ., Litîtih, lIti .iit-Pe tbrîiuaîuu, 2ttd -u îi;>% iton. ,, ÎvO Fai Sljtutulet. &LJut. (lîtulustu. 2ni& J. t s WS N E. Aguai ilgap, lot ait-i2uui-op :î:~pt Iter tl'ig, d;lot uatnd tuu- d.. $uuw lib, do dit di llrcedîtig 1t-.W, ut l'Itttr. lot. t-utCttbt, ni.- ZCI. 1). tJbricie, cciil. tu. fuffCelt. Jaeut) tJae.nplbuu, tinJ. Jtuttt 1er.- --iii l'ari-rte, loIt . Netluostouu, jr. 2îtd. i). a1t2lkete, ulat, sud tnt. Tiiomie Tauuiiieiîn. 12 u baguld ~,utce u.T uiriiu. IIORTICULTULAL. iafu uitltnuiu-utt, lt 1). nJtrtite,jr., 2tud T. Minturt. i>eei.tt Apples, Ici, anti itda, George Mur- Plueme, lt. (cu.Mu>rîili, 1 t4luniuîToutet, s, t J. Eigîli. Selt Casrit;elilas-ieca, r. Joui-tii-e. Naidie, T Q tsirtiuu. .kW tahr us' ne Bootst, lt. ad tnd. Jieltua PirueCourse, du dot uIt ltya 1Fu4iIebîte, toue-made,) lot. taui utit lu dctuu Cti. homc.nunuticjlot Johnu luaattI.2îu Jsep Bryantt, PerWuultuttutt, Miss Cj. Chuujtie. l'mir Wuuleeu hitts, do LAT)i>bEl EPAItTMENT-. Ptchuwork Quait, lot Mme M t amie, 2cd F. (Jeotuliet, Work, Mlise E. Cliri;tit. liuttey Ktuluuliug, Iot, Mi** C. i (rîLudetiS nd4 Itmirutdr, mie C. Clritie. MISCELLANE-iUI3. Set 0lIai-e >tus, 'Ait, htult-uit. IIoi-e, u ihcing Oun ie-grnul(, Winî. l3itoi; ait iinnjrue-ed cti tl. Fiait w ettc#etitîeeb-i, lu-. Mey Bell 1,lad. fi. Nebieitbouc; bru, C. ttok. DIlbtETIONARY. Sixo 1ten Fux, E. Wlkcr. 1Mc41, taddle T1. Jouitic.. licter I em The Plovinf mîtch is 6o-nection vils the shuve sueieby, vili be heit upua Squire Hui-d's tarm, ?rinee Alber-t, un Frite7Ut. 14th irai, HlS BZeIu.ucy Ts-GusciRua Gipî- __ W*. a eu pieaset ge uake the foiiow. iug appointstente, via t Jolis Vantail Ham, bue yonnger, Es. quire, tu be Cie-k et the Connty Court et Outas-O, lin theroosst u atcf John VandaiHRam, EsquÎrs, resigneti. ' Johin Mos-is, o e Cit ly cfLondun, Fs- -qire, to b. a Cemmsissionerunoter Ihe -ssbbonity Ofthîes As 26 Vie. cap. 41, for Utking affidcuyts, 40., in. sud fer îthe Cana. 'disu Courts. u a dialo henpleasel t gan 1L1oasasu to Oftes Wl ite OfMataIt. ps-st-i LIppei of Oinabrucit, Bique, !llUiM. Thos-uton, ef 6L D, to, enubie lheu to Buersy and Mdifery la -w, en impertant Dublin sa bltin toeseighiy mioftemanne in P«a tar esarettei i New fgged, enilateti, sobbed, [ocr shotý se. te b. e euroftheo tesrible I instath.e ofaIl vhe 1 e uv cvmeesto.nýrte pas-ment ever madle Irti>U I l 1 U- U!' ait athlor waà th chcteck for- £20000 paid i I jt LA u ýy by the I.uîgnnan.s lu Mactuniy lue the -AT TIUE third anti fuurth vubimeut of 1lits hutors-. Foniuteible t'eseribea aloverur a emais IlMMIEiR I ~L IIBT!L, Who, in iiucs nxieîy bu obsitu ptismessionofITH maoîlier, bass poisscàion ai himsecf. ,Tt Att aceeptance at eigit-tm-eivitig sa ç) r bluck eye. TO0 F W lI1'iiS1, HoNArto serveà tiiuner propery-tatiil. Re la att adauirabie main vh bas as mnch wtt--as if bn hat nu sense, autnd - niuch aetise sasif île had nowit. Wby is an sucideer's ie a siff breeze at ici P hiova &bout thec aote., id vrtisMent Retàuse it 11ODDEIL. At Oshawa., on the 2th Sept., the wiic of Mr. Geo. Hodder, Mer. chant Tailor and (luî6ter7Oi a son. M A RI E D. SARS-ARMSTRONGÀt the Commerciai ibid, by the 11.-v. K. Mac- fronars, en the 41b mat, Sitneou Sarins, of the-Township of Cxbridge, lu Mary Ano Armestrong, of the Township of Whithy. Whiîbi-. Oct I4th. 18114, Bariey 75 to 77; Fail vhet-aî88 to 93; Sprinpr wbeiit '5 t 79 ;,Pets 87 fto0; Ontâ .30t ti 35 ; liisy$8 Io $ffl Poîtoos 35 Io 40; Butter 1*7 bt 19; Egg.i 10 per doz; l'ho el-itries hiave nrot brou go large for the paust fe-a diviz on account of the bi cltate ni the moAti-t. TORONTO PrwuuCE I' ARRETS. 1 icfi-4.-. Oct. 14. 1864. Barle1 nt 78 Io 83e per hushel. Fal wheat M6 to 93e iwr b*hi. Spring vheuî 80 tu 84e per bushml. Peosa 64 , I 66e per ahel. Out& subi ai 37 tu 40e per NEW rORl< MARKETS. 'ýrw Ytîui. rt. 14. 1864 Canadiau flour-dl; $8 00 lu $8 30 for common ; $8 50 to $11 00 for good *.0 choice extra. Wheat-41-$ 80 bu $1 85 fur vinler red and %mber western ; i182 Io $1 87 for amber Kentucky-; $1 90 to $1 95 fer choice amber Milwauakee. Bariey-duii. Oas-784 ta 794e for western. Ashe-quiet at $10 te $10 75 for pot&: $13 for pearis. Pork-4$39 60 to $42 for new mess $38 tu 38 60 fur prime. NEW ADVERTISMMNS. LYMAN EN(GLISII, L L IL.. BAIIrteAT LAWV, tS.4iesLr in Chtan- euY, (Clnfveyaneer, &,(., &0. 8îme t tutpposibe tie Poct Offie .quIawa. 40 PROF. J. SIýNMS, Tise inu7ptais-& suceeJeelECTRE!, ylelie-er a 1.hcrb course or Lectures ln lb. Xechianims Hail, WHIB. SYNO'tIS IO LECTURES: Thisdsas-eveniog, (ct 13,anPiniicunmy."e Friday evening, Oct. 1Z.- yiea nts. gattnrday cvening%14- PdolmuasyCouamptiet1.' Montisy eseniitg, u15iolnumY.' Tussdsy eeeiiuug ai iotc-apb.i d etnsay eenlng, Wîî. and rJttabnrg Battle.iC lîtises-Lecurses' aunoincti te tieaudieneeifitis-eu. Sesterai liuntreul portraits iii e exbbtedi ech ev.shir. Exeminattons $soates-bs gln athe Hall, liuritg encit dey et the Lectas-es. tucors epen nt 7; lecture bu cotmmence et S. Pi-«. Iinmm iii remain uniy a fa, day.- furt Lecture Fres. Gond Musc.011 b e ma atenanc- or Dlinîile, Agent. Wbibby, Ou. 12, 186&. 40 SEWING MACHIN ESf!1 8inger'q' *Letr A'" Paaiy lowlzng Nman ru te BeliuIAnd Cluipeet M"shine ilu ns., f«s t1he fulovinetressens- ]«ru tueleea ihX.u . Ile ut abletoi get outet coder., It cn b ouly _Mntedfis- aivingu eherj #haiesor- ilgitiverk - 1nyti qthibe euelê idng of a luek lu iarle ,thé bevftpa- efon vvereoet. IL he m, fel- bindbrsld, cos-d, c Ht aismonn bItult-*nyotItes- heuR SATtTRDAY NOV. l2th, 1864. I - -. .-.,' - NE~W ADYEIUTISEMENTS- - Go to the Peop les' WHERE YOU WILL GET lOibs. GOOD SIJGAR foie $-1, [EI25lbs. RICE for- $1. BNIOTS ANB SIIIIE8 AT i-HIE LOWE1ST FIgURf . Séhool Books & StàItionery, Cheap & 0100d. ST)R E, Flour, Bran, Shorts, Cern and Oat-xnoal, Oats, Peas,- &c l-ut -rit,-t tht , t Mitue rît A' ]BYRON & DUNDÂS STREETS O-îluiîi- -cA«llju.qI,'#l/or Otite uat A: 1) W 1 F-iu. t--hcete oict- Viesuui'. of Itirtt 'uiu c -JOHiN V. 11A.11. JR., T--iil.u~ Nttt~e tiietl Tt, u -e11-i iPiTVt-lE; u- CbutN Nî A large i-aiiety of Carrnages on lias-d. The probrietors ol tluig Tbc, - Lîu- -e-tui it-utui, ititre ~ ) -uuu tint i tuctub -n-h , Etablishînient, possess fiteilities for manu fhcturnisg Ca"ringes 1.-te. 1.- *I ;r-ut le- t Sten-t. tu the towsu -iI uuletu u zltu ecthe,- lt-nu leitel. 40 Xtitb "cule olTu-stul i-. 17t att-1Is t'à i.~. tlsat enabte them to cycopttin itiier i rcst#le o l , S-i t Il, ,ehRugi,n bailit i ,I-y1 5 the Sfite Vu ible.N. ,o s.nuii lt ..-t o cs IC1Efinish. 7,4ll andse ie/r yourgelves. iie the- ,r-. -c - tiiI u. t: - t - "' in te a-aulllur :enu- uti luustc -i.-m utt ance eut ,.iuuc. îlet' fri utA ut b it;e , Icr 1Threle-Stôry Brick Building, 4 iiiieml.J , I;a2i dIbt- c e ci, milleu.a INTO tS5Pqu )IN, t)FPlCbS. u-* TERDIS VERY LIÈE]RALS rtirttiq Cip 1te t. ?S. j«4.~îr<ULY Tmu "rencelit to ii au luuu - h nethile Sale, ~ -______________ anud teris-rtt.Cil-ebalane -'IIbut b-ta l l?, Lj71jJj R CES kit wtt. l>eefrl-. Aucîbuet of j cub'riI ULCtNlI bM,)rttg e ut tule e n-t t hue tIfu-ut-t tc vL i- cubie-nu tn ua 1i- -ut ,tui- c-un ýi i ApIebb.atio , tIllne (u ceounilena Tr-ee-î and - L c-c tSuapuitwuu if UV1c.r CWneda, Kti'cu-;1 nz>,., e ; uu'tuu - : t.-thbie U t-i el.uI L. FA1Co FNK-, Jr. KiNGNTuuN, ui-u'.io-C, lStuut. Whitby Senior Oohaty Gram- mar sehool. T u ili he %it Rl. W. L iK M.)- tlecrutar>- fi, 10. 81. If tluis is so, wil yopu tProfit by it? DE. DAVIS, and cues cocpani- ttasluUtttremtnnut, of PRrVATIR ousol8Eg tL-bis Oit Quai-bers, Coi-uer !tey sad Adeliste i-eté,- Toronto, C. W. Yeti-*e' xpertence ennut itahm toeuni-e remeit cases inea uury short tisane. <,Ilt.tiosng ce»s ttrteti vitiant Memryo, stcur en wsrs-ted. Persoi ho wieE lu eonecti: bte Douter cati dui gu wîlb the lltmtidecey. t[y retitedces arÎe pleatuant, certain, andtima-e. I un neet nut siop vert ets-Change vusur <'met. COlUon bte Dqdos-; sisy » og qyem leune l ie chss-ge nêbting for ativice'. Mi- ruepeons catie f vIin ;aI tli-feDo ~adit aoit, onnig men ho beé Uéir ma te secret habit* eau Ceo i nmedtae et ho- apptyiog ta the, J)ennjS. Patents rthIby blter, sot useti. uielpéngent -ire, fi-cmtge or eurbo#ity, teii pa-bsof lte voril. ,IWOiRue olina fri- eiegit laubine momninq nu eigbb un lte tmeîtiug.40 Il RCGEE, B. A., Âttb-siy.t Lavw, 1él .nOIae ,con- s-eyaci8lr &o. Offloe-llýimeoe rts-etNorth bsrdýt ofams, 0bie, C. W. 40 NOTIOI. LL,["peraeD.ebav4fîz c sîs a galut bIne Es. (.tete efthie lite NO %àXAN G.HAM, Bai- s-jeter, Whiîb-, are "reqîteu te sent a su-ie- ment ufttiium, iy madi ,eutof Petetg, sat 'Wtby, 1tOit .c,188p4 4 - Itittiaietit-c- tu tir ufa teclie Eet ottise i Csher $800 i prizes will 1k cuitiufed for. 1efj tce u7-c 10aifeu-m thce Races et Teachers' Conientiou - w u the u ,u-iT-, lere. dlecininut 9»;ttut ,4à%Tec'lttee' Assni tion bu f-tente-I fi--C bite Suttit ieuotf tise t cttnt. iki on 1ilburitn. tut itetv 1nuI eouiale Initie - tir luuWhtutCestitebc tiil- lliitl bu mueet et tInoetuhlh1a,,ci,,Bt tlb, 8T RA ,OCMBflER 2d. 1864, At lt uuc ia n., fr th. pttcpoce efonustuiti. GOSto. m AiCEWELLI MIS>i J. TILLEY, . 8W ITZII, WU' bMeCABEY. <)uluiseat..1804. -w LICN8E~ ACTINEIR, REEN WOUIi. T HIE caicniwber begae empeeufully te lifort .hi fi4ltodui suit te publice ntmho has uuntieneeithtie busiownes if Aecioîtecs- au long, and 1'r cestialty cari-lioui y hie fatiter, a -cinpccbc by -ltiet cttention to bcinece andl pliuettiàity bu uîtenib a ebare outbt lage pattoltage betovet dit haitS;- Autitoneer. G fctvtul lot. 12, 1664. 40. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. ~4LL 1 eleuuniiidubbud bu thenu Bate uof the eeofLotio. 28.ii inte drit I s6miU oof tPîekits-ne, ýre roqoostedti 10 molnto aa ebtlcen't uot bb sainteý oit ar bci're bine Éfii ey, of lDe- eonbir n*t: achM ste a-teintVI* sisct agasthe -Estiasehershey soii dbu fur-- uish pastieilarxems-u, un gr before sa lst Pe i-gQcut .12, 1804.,4' Dg ROSS. SRPSLOG ufOTJNI> F at&.BOUE.8 Havç ho* to hahd, àa complète sioéik, of fACIIST"LE DRY G8ft French Mterinop-s. Pancy Wineeys, Delaines, obors i"Wo Plaids, &c. 1Âl.~ 1 SILLINERY GOODS.-Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Feit Hats, Black anud Fancy Straw Bonnets, Cap Fronts, Ribboîî Vel- vets, Shawls as-d Maiîtles of the Iastest- styles. FManuiels, Blanket& Sheetibg, Stripe Shirtings, Iloisery and Gloves A full aàsortmeht of Rats. Caps, Collars and Neck Tics. SWINES ANJ)SPIRITS.:~ 1 ftlld 2, tà~l's Bdillings, Whitby, Sept. 28, 1864. 38 FAÂRM F0it ALE. I~EBOT monnneiwion o the Twr- ot M Mens', ilny, ti. aiuip 0of ienchi, ontainutig 4A You1iK 100 ACI1E68 KIF & GOW10D}',9BOTS 70 - s oi- @ aseceet i.tilitd ri l COM s etute of tAII uthome inn sleurê . t O-ttrthcelnet enltivet9ioa. Tisera ereeu n isprmsa mates-lan sd wo- lcsaimhtp. Thsc thst *afnt a gond log ibonte. gue )t ecnu, audtelo cg t bav-ee od s-lnecforthi muy cl-s h stables, lma two Weg iJ byu i I e Pmpat. -J ~tnI Açiatu For isusIbr articules-, l'esmè, &...c5pply to. £C"FOLD) RED.ST(rOUÈ TdOMAS IIILLlnN. And bavO yut-ndestatdngopprdip-i t.- lleedî ~ o uue-,lte prc-isstsnted to e 16-A8HI. ÀAMEdËBAM.g T-fO CONS[ MT IVES. SPANZ - If -i MERICAN REVOLUTION! FEABXFTL_(9ISTS î tHurrait i Hueraitfer Ragistt <-GOcetiews i Anti fo" ai lin tte cei uiruit.»j ri e osit,. Coule Fanmenneau-, v" o o-go u l't ui ,, Atnd tit barik ors Biacbsmniti eue SaucuePou-ria. Do s-tc vat ilaeicmitlng ofbts1s--7becs binti, r nu e m ula Saint!7. wvite, aisn yrnii ilgd; 1leCmi h Ssdun -oti lwioaliec irnunuhoflà i,. SaueeuEletin. NEW ADVERTISZENTFS. NEW ÂDVERTISEMENTS. A correspondentv-ie:M.MPhr sons& cavais progreuing fatiburabiy, ho MA; J. V. ihAMPLL. PID C -P D R 1Z yull poil a large majnrity,ierU4 4Àrumnoîr js Univ : Torontou, JID k I agnuat siouE boneet Johq McMarich's vith. BARRISTER IND AnORNEY-ÂT-LAw, . 2 dravai lr* inlraf13eradiae solicitor itu (iancery atudiIngalvettoy, for Liegisiative honora, and velîleonovufor 1 thesry l1 iiei 1îi onve ne&IlOashesnîîed bis contact in regard lu îhe__»rjevlilty of CanaasCourts. Grey &c. It is repurteti that ho is itiduced Whitty, outobur; 1864. lu aiiow bis name tu appear as . ca ewdi- REFirIIENCE î date for Saugeen, agiist D. L. XMcPl1er. Tiie Altoiiev 4etteral tif il. C.. Qnehetc. son, Esq., or elste he voi lose Élis esTt oil liiteerai t IL. C., Qebec. -~ Tite Cooniisonser of Crown tt luitl, Qutee. na deputy sheriff, tbongh hNumes :t 2L4 Tinoe Supt. B. & A. Exiîre.n (Co., Mont&aul elevenîls huer. The Grits are exceedingiy MpeS5C..Gibb & C,,., 4iotltrcuui, rejoicd andgiosîwiîh Im ide xhatTrMite lBon. J. 8. Macdonaeld, Mi. P. P., Cornswall. rejoced nd goat ith he îea tst teir er*. Keirkptrick &J§oni, Kitigiciin. man wiii bt soessini, but their rejuîcings Thr* A4tibl B. & A. Exp kes <co. KiligAebtn viii end in- the usual huvi uf distren, Thte lone. Genri(e 9. lltittieu. ML',Ioor when tbey fint out boy miserabiy îbt Memers. Cilt-tuA-&Co, ad tu-tutittr & CJo., wii! b. besien andi defeated. The Gril Roll,, & A-lent. & 1.ii Ibtineli Toronuto. paruy in Ibis place are prepsring for the ti * iu. Vu bîbîî & J;,r1e-utuir. struggie, and are aiueaeiy buting of a Furîtier. L tt- ('.,Tyîe Fi-utudcre,e il v:.cborY vbich viii never coule. Mfr. Me~ . &Nu-w York. LaBtu T.J. W Cîinuutd Jo.,La ok Pherson'. meeting in this village vas a er i*Ier, tthieci1.itt. CANADIAN MANUFÂCTURE cousplete succease being attendet by tet.. I l . H. Ntilb, l.11Wltekcit-. mosb influential and respectable inhabii. PKa il& t Lt-ti0. isllrsPhi- The Bout Lock-Stitch "Sw lentst who were srong in their professions liebjilai. juo Machine in Canada. of support. .T.liatit i& l'o., Tabed-).. Orilia Ot. 4h 184. Nr .- - - --,(;T I.IL Iltigo. 4(l Took lte Firsu i>rixe antlthe Provin. Orilia ct. îb 864.j -- --- ----ciel EÎhlbiion,, lKingston, 1863. Feîuurre-t. ujin AT QlritEstu. On h T C I1f T L A At tine Provinîcial Exhubition, Hain. Tuesday evening a piortion of the rock bue. IfÀEUC 1IIO S i i I ilion, 186.4. iow Ibo citadel Je.1 with frigbtftii forct anutL' Aud et inectounuy Onitario Erbibi. .-nuise and cruàhet threu tiwelibgs iii Chamt- OFFr sci lion, Whitby, 1964. plain st., lover town, aimuet complieley IRWIN & WHITE'S destroying ibeui. John Hsyîlen, Mia. Hay. V UABL t ERT ui le rw ie e x tien, aîtdi Janet NlcCaiu- the latter aged nine ygars-who were in tbc bouses ai tbc ONu AtxUNTtuors-UE 3011N FERGUSON, lime; wetu' kilieti ; andt Thoi. Hnyden and son of Mes. McCann wtiru severeîy lt- Trust and Loan Company of 1tti -t. ik theRovIct ht jdried. The accident cau-tet conslderébie '- Cnd.-w;î -.b~b>*40 sensation :hrtuughout uhe eity, anti cru*ds iipperCa d. of specîsturs visited thu e iue of the tatas 4ý WILL BE, SOLI) 1BYG9 TO BROWN'S tropbe.i 45e -- ~ ~ .-. Al'our and 1-lssî)v.- ioim O-v'r-Coats, Dres & àudinesui Voats, Veute, Pantu, Shirts, 'Under-dlothinig, CoIz lare, Ties, Hatu Capu, Hosiery, Yo atls' and Boys' Suite, &o., &c., &a. In the County. Observe the WHITE PLAG; N-a. 4, lirocli street, Eatt f Wiithy, iept. 24, 1864. -3 D; CIIANCEItY, Jochîn Catde, Piaitit, James Campheil and Thoimaîs Thursiton, Defeudanbs. rilo R, qoiT P B PL'Tc. AtCTIO N IN pee ie bite T*enty. -eent i ni v o-ifurti-y. 55t$¶, etîtiie Twmr.bv-aeretut tics'a ifs. 51h11. lu 4cugu.lnr $uCuuiiiuuiricu Mlui teur 0f tue uJ-urt oft Clacen-y àil-t ittiy, et bit. tJhatîixri, iii tho At Tvweivc o'utocic nota, on bbc Sati¶Iy. the Twenty-seeond day of OOTÉOÉB-ElRNEX?, li ie ..t theo il"Ii*ioe Lund.ad tu tt i cte.,.. 'tin tr-avns-, Tiufr-et paîtrt ie Wp ectaf TOWNSHIP-0F' IÈEAGH, bine 'Sunitb.-mt . iTgýl.uotutct Lut tnene Nuri ciiteeti uicerees, ti oiteîcils atuel bh-i ine ýinkjPthbce $ploi ýn c4îi- four ctl-cesWaet rdk~e -tlisandI ititnutt-.y tvn lit&nU ubte eWictti iliniut ofttti ctij LU titlîe So&,h- #il là eti e*zee, Et touùrutiti chalus andt hurt7 Iiell i i, tlnci Nortb cey-. efiiy-fenruei cr, àt foinijeen ijs catiie ty-twcu iiniunc; buth plitaior tcglnoiun T4 iti ue apt fla yen1 etituateul, of)urib-uibe iclésiiiAu, a4imLtnoer , g1 pis0te of iuiiviabion, anti thèete bre ereetet upén lka is-d TIE CONDITIONS OF SALE Are io biontlel th t0e, iserat os-iers a-et bine Court of Citsncery, for lipper Canadawîîb the folna'lna variebiluins:-The purebseer *hall nt thie limaof cale pay 16 lite Ventor or hMA So11ltbu, e deposil in- tue proportion 'of, Ten Pouits fer every 400insi ad rc>tPntt i* i purelhiiea molneu, eind shitpayhheyb.balanice with teitret, wtthin une montix fionu bine'day of cle. Villoni the npuhaanser viil a aintille tho a uunvmyuunusud &:lelobe pto sessilon.- Tise purehaser &shah lsoespt Ueo Vendors Tise abuve properby witil be uffered for pale at etc npscb.tpriue ut Five Ruants-etDolus - purticier trtinute hnd tbuitttione of Bille lacs- b. liadi m; ti.oi3hnthberailt fthe mait Msstbr andti the-oie ,il thé e undIuces Soli*élloi-, in tisa Viliage of 0sbaItva A.Dt, IthliT*entyv-ibrd day uofSeptembîr, G EG. R. DARTNELL. LY1iÂk4 ZNGLISH. Vendori Solieitor. 88 lui Cham ry aIs BETWEEIÇ JOSE~PH1KELLER, - - BEN.JAMIN LOOK, and othera, - - Defendarite. tpiCorrtroutle fl t he uthntut, mciîttcuued cubittet ditteti tht- 4tiu(Il t tf-Aîril lest pt-set; will b-, Mou'l hy Georute fftry Dirtiiell, Eeujnir.,Ntmec- ber tof thue etit*(Joueft itWhi by, uit ln Ragian aime bisei.rniits.rstier t/Uni<s je itayg.hi, 1i119 wîit sitarne tceteu tiey Were sw(efli Ld, But 10 nw eyve the mn. sat!give h:men Il. Dun't mmin oichrelite GOELNVEýLLtho' liti iiucy May al 1i Andt Santuy wii aiways be lteri tcatsteat!. - Anid opcediiy yncc werk eand wsugn-»tireî ite'llneItt1. Now tGentiemen, for your own tuke, corneenteand sup. Anti su titis we'U laite on teitesd orC Ragan Set.25~td4. SANDY PORTS.. Gre-ateQt Attraction- ALT THSi COUNTY AGRICULTURAL ShIOW,- W5LL 22 TIRE Oie ff inter ClOthZo ANDe GE1NERUAL OtJTFITIMN 'WHITE FLAG[' WIte.-e litere a if'té larutet, ebespext, hesb, tnost ituuie anti FASIINABLE STOCK (EJEBRArI-D uI. t-te r ltu M odi.ker .lillefuS? élveu-s-t-t out l -ut ietutia um uirui amsu.l 3ho-smakers, Tailors, Dress- mùakerà and 'aiHi. Tailors teli instOp N?. 9, peuca emp(,- tat ru as-tiiisfTailtiriflz git ix.setér iro;j - ?snilultIiiilboî, und vcry oa-ii>maiitts-edt. - GliOVPR ctBA KE1I$PANIL I &HIN; -- Dette Âà wite ini uige of work titan sity cititr Moottino nov hetoore bi Cite IJan iulie, su-t eMo siinspie ili its tuab-tiinu as to ebsiliu- perion ta atiqoire eabbuuroiigi n Owittgoof it, ,nee vey reedîte. Purseununi e1ttnti4tt *iI1 bý givoisb-.thca îîînirclîiuîg efrontstihe ilsrb ntutîl tltey arc ablie lW tioroîsgjhly unàim!ttilJ iLjs a ubu able bto du aIl biis oft wrk. 'li TW-usriheýr wvouli recReffifly .roqÀsneet tilt pceies,4eîring a t6ou-lirNfisuehine $'tsasit- gin-t e-ihine jIl-rover & Baker r M.ZeliLe., 'clore çurcasiig icwhure, :u4ta W11ulfln5tl blîcîncapable ni sulpe!iri teuianbaeges, b-It.eA,' ? uiity Antdciiiptllity cf thisauhliupry ailsoetuoofuthie stibein. -Tiso Gs-or-e Mcer aitlit, and sinuttie-stituls mischinet asq- ferîonhet isethte ssssnuurîeei, wibh tbisapitlogo ut oebtigig îftor triaà i Tiso"e nîsuhInuýa re cli vaisutbh, andti bsti gis-un for.pamenti- itrequai reul.- itememlses-the Plae t et t->lbisem eht-cL * k ifs ncc t' Je ve iuuy store, B rook t r e t, W bit tb 89-0. -B. P. GRZENi TO LE?, A. cottage on Henrv .Sft Apply tg . M. F E,-- 85OffieeofG I Dsrtbel ubcs.s-si -pw-lwJ .14 For the Million, and at ail Prices. DRY-GOODSe" for the PEOPLE M-- H. CCRANE.. Whitby, Ocinbeur 13, 1864. 40 JfIALL'S CALR IAGE WORKS A. P. 1864. et Eleen of te eLoc in the fere- Docol, l itee ciaror.4of the suit Master, By- ru-ti Street, il the quid ON 0F WIIITBY, rThe followving la-nds nn<11nrer>' thst lm to r-]THIRýt'? ARE%ýà sionendndte ottit of lnt nctober Eleven, in the Thl rdI coDclissot TOWNSHIP 0F PICÈERING.i IN Tii E -COUNTY OF OYv7ARIo ., T h e m aid titrty a eCr m -tia 4. i e -red , at u i . p h ern .c.cbctd a Piank Bouse, audt Beouà' e1ýa- srdeil. and cond Frnme Blir on t'. ebotit fnunndstioit. Tiiere is 4male eWcllitu! <irciierd ilpon the premises,- Ofbiarriti. Fifty acrns, nhnnt Twentîy- ovre are, clentird, tlin Ieneitîito erbýt- ejVeri, wibh isr4Eood tithher. upon titcm leq crocted at BLÂOKCSWIITH'S SRO0P tnd n ifrsmë d.etlittîghoti. * T h e p ir uh ager se lul p av lo miw n t i t e M oe .o psie. in Jie propnrbit oÈ £10 fi cvery, £100 Ai te ptrcliiute. m-tev, in thp Vpertdr or nia Sný licitor, tttieltuili P-tv tnn h lance ut tte s-i.i. purchnse rnroy wtlîintoreAt bliereon, withi:e ou--- mobnth of tie dILv ntif il. I n a l a i e r r s n t ih e n d itio n s i f j %94 libtnrtuoýoCi:îiI in the Irnnrisi orclor-* For foliier ncIti-îilAre nrply u tsr K e lle r & . L nn n i , t nu î it rs h ith y ; 1R . J . Dit-nit & iiîurtte. 19 rrixtcr.u, Toroitn, andl-ni Ihr îîîl-ri.ttqutu-r tf titis Court. Dateth is 7thln dy or Soptcnhr, A. J GE0W H. DARTNEL,- CHAS. C. KFUELFR, Ve-n'ý;ai;.obit OCS. GftflYEf & BAKER1' i 1 cý Clotiting made to:l oýder,*

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