Whitby Chronicle, 13 Oct 1864, p. 4

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Chaneery SaI0. ~d N CHANOERY. T cp 'ii 'tmr t.iil ut thrtu tita' fr-mtrle h" everta l îî.hi vaîri t- tii' eil-' (lons, 'n truir Suu'uttr 1 h iu i ii 'hî 'r- îut:ittttt tu Ilt rt-r te i' . t iti illt' ire- t lt-nai ii iîî~ut .ri-. i ' r tirr -r cti 'ini uttnila itat',tin-. I r 't-i t. t i tut' h aettpr0 i itr ' ,i rit thtetltl-'r baiti pirces ituani - hiiri ttu'it inî m'cirea i ari' theri ioiiSleof titi' seul (-'un ti I u utu éiitii 'l h- ti' ,riît t, l'the'ai Inititut- ai l tuj'ri *<. r' lue ii4;,t i iii 'l' t'ort GR0. II)AIlTN EIL, Manier. 8 H. COCURiANE, C A S'il-OR WHE AT flroo)Jun 3111.., or i Ililiown m1llla, té tliti, Seri- 2 u Ise Bru'w 3vt'icell Culfir ttqOir z. tr tj . ut, Splendid Farm-for %ale. 1 o Acreïu. li 1 t" I i ~r! of Lt r100 Sr d lr n i < Uiv ry utiltcr r ul.ie Cu ~r tIn3 ltarnie, trivIItt l 3 ut ' e ~ A . >)OIliig, ni g"13 ir I 't ,y.Iiu, t3t Whitby Races VI ALL MEETNG (IF VTIE UNTA RIO TURF CLUB,. Wili couie oil ovrtn t hit htîtLw'uourse, eon THURSDAY AND PRIDAY, OCT. 139hb ad 141h, 18654 >IRST DA Y. 950 parge. wllth ti iu'u iîk 5o f acb, tuile lieatte, (uforc'-troin ia ltrurmn ty. $50 lnuttligun"tîs, avilliun iiiideiii7 cof $4tace', tileheata., I ir 5, op'î"î t' atulîcarieit nca oanuetilai (ai;da. go ntiie te leun. $40 t Lnaustae, lîtuude atà-e o f 8-i eteIt forr81milylntvirti'u itruti heo ta i, wonvteulil it-. le 80 Tiles (cf Whitlty, Telle luwti, 8iniii tle $10 perse. ahi, hmnti"nunaR'liiie Wiip, toi Ro to e ond horaso. ilttf mii-lue wtir., f"r uit- of Ontario. ÏSECOND DA Y, "$100 Pnfeç, Tollcl tîauttilcap 'eî'eihtk,. frmlPolea-bréëi fl nuesthat icaver l'c4 2.4f, hast 38i i. $75 trotting porse, i iisîtle stilir cf $10 oaci, 2 milhihats, oclt naal herses taI t ever l'eut 9.45. mîéa cweed lia Cartada, te hatesae. PLULES AND ROUL&TIONS-! Thrne hoenéstemake a heu, caL icme tian tao te AtarI. Enîranca antlSi)sobsolitio 151 tlie raies cf tae Chub. AIl 'nit l'e nit ie ienwrting. ai nd odr enail, aithé1,14- tretarx beoleai9o'cl',rt oiLt lite veii'ig praeinsta each-tiay's nehe. Alilrilera aili hbe reqeiui te ia"ILI .ckrqtylé. ittciondlitt e l oes 'Every p'e-r eenîri'Ina1itonsc i nvibchreairét to e ainels 'tuion.riheé Jutge' declmuon tct bcinlainluail cie. liiensan uay ha ont.ereei mu té post hy pzï>uieg douballée unitueeueney.. TIIOMiAS LAWII,1 GRO MTEÉN a$o. 499 BROADW'AY, NEW:YORK, Henry W. Annea, and John M. rJ'RE attention cf théPubliec and the Leweo, Plaintiffs. trade, la invitad to our New Scab 7 Octave Roaeweed James Wilson, (by bih,) and ja - ' r e anothien, Dafeudauts. £ i n - o t s TOJ BE . Ol D li lI plitrniiet' ut e .c(ére't'. tit inlîltrden for Sni al e in 111t4ii' CIti"v', itrilm ii tie re'spect- 1863, aptl the 'frwert% Iiftli -iay of lunte. A. Dl., 1864, ti'dth li tt r"c. tiof Oéutr Hetuir vierituel, Y.1jir, Meuettr fthin lo.;- crabie Court, ai Whîityv, oit SATURDAY, TR Flfeenth tlay of Octlbet, A, D,, 1864, At Eivoticrrnck itiltio Fr n" ituit teOf- flueote sci r vtter in ilha %qowm EUMN.? I ni M COUNTV 0F' ONTARIO, MWr. LEVI FAIRLBANKS, Jr., AUC rIONEER, Cernii }'rt'i h il ii .l<' t o f o l'art 01'1,, t î' 'i t ~ in titi iir.i TOWNSIH P 0F14WITBY Teant luttitr., 'rn-", trin uît"t)itItie DUNDAS STREET. Anti the flînt -u lu i n Fe( 1'tinil ut lie unid Toatn of Wliillt, wiiîit. t'a' clirceut-Ind ntder 1111A tîi. i imttitu m i crîth aet t"i n r, hrArk taît-atuara itenitaB ,atrickl il tttri.l tfnt'- l'y rigiti he t-itIi io a ietîh, l%çian i r îttur, nte e ta t 1-, t~ii heîr ittn . paî-t nf 1ihett- ia ut tîlo t 'tiictltieeti. Wlîich for volume and purity are urrival- led by auiy -bithente efferedin l this market. They contain ail théeinodore improvemnts, FRETcIH GRAYD ACTION, 'HARP PEDAL, IRON FPRAME OVERS7"RUNG 1L4.Ss, 4.c., 4c., And oachin tstuament beibg made undor the pénsocai aupervuttioii oi MRHJ. IL G ROV ESTE EN, Wbho bas ligd a practical caîence cf 'iri80 yeaas ns litoir mainufacture, la Warranted in every-particualar "GIOVESTEEN PI.NO-FORTE," Reocoivei the 'higiient awrard ni cuait ovér ail othcrs afli l cebrated Whiere acre cahibited instrumnt frm Lhe lîca;t utakers cf tLondoen, Perla. Germa- ny, i'liladoipii, Balimore, Boston and Neork-cn; end tlao et the American Iasfiiute for .5 succusice years, TI E From,lîcttiî et which can bo scenat our ware-rîtoni. livte introdutiton of improvementa we malte a stili more perfect P-*IANO-FORTE'! Anti by mannfacturing Iargoly, witb 'a eti'cîl cah a~î.a aecnabied te offer tec instrîimcnl ait a price which wiii precliîte ctiîîpetition. -PRICES: No. 1. Soroît Octave, round corners, Rnetrwtd plit;n ce, $275. No. '2, Severo<ctre, round corne", Rosevvtood hcavy incetîdiitg, $300. No. ', Saven Octave. roitîîd carriersa1 Roçewood Loutis XIr stric, -*B25. 7 ERMS - Nctt Crîtli, in Currortt Futids. Descrptivc circularasont free. .26. ly Boots & Shes il AVlNG tlid ttlithoF littr, tobis lcýCit re ieb n E'tit "ire ýt., J-08.BotLV-ND EËL, Ili viev cf ihe oîiergeintxt etî i%,uaeeats. 110. utYcra to ei-n<au , ît't t ral'rle, op i,nt i.' le x i 1uvtauit o i tîi iii.'ta Cca wt.tt.i 'tapLa11ne aid boit.'c0lue Pro- ' it li 11-4Pansent tltiiît, li vthénisiieralînoti -i en a poatmuti\tltt i Y.rurite al' culera ii ite tat'e 1.4t ' yiout yiîr tut itey atal ad *twgt-. undi eAu at Ile tifJOSBPII I3ANDEL 1 Wiitbv, Sopt. 7, 1864. 85-j am WISTÂR'S -BALSAM or Hz- AL>' A CENTUR Y,.Ç Witiîliientaaltiiitig mat i ouring LWý'ougbs, (50oida, Iloaruma, sors Throaî, Tmlleeaaa.Woopîig (ongh,. Croup, Liver Comptai ne."Bren- chatia, Difficmhîy ot Ercettllu Jing, AstReins, sud every affectIon of The Thro0a(-Lungs and Ohesi .--74 Thera is taione icdiviti- nid in ttecttmnaatyalto whloi- ly elgiapes, dtiniîg ia sti, fn'angi -moVinfe on, iowever iitgittiy de- -a fic-t or f ai igi 4t:itui! te the lat iained<, ant inîoet te l'e dreadetidA114ea in the wlîoele catalogne. The power cf tfii, "nieiciinai guW11 cf the. Wiid '~Cherry Trie ever Ibisclans cf e ompliiutnli. Weil knowa; se gret 14 the Miod Mi<xhnjrferni. il iau ecqaicci!. 1»Vj.pnaapu 04 *n i*. /t C4'on(1 ngiujtA Itutr isgro- ,ioifetfl* 4Tef?,e fs~Ïtsi tl,,,ZUJO fid, and fermfeig y ReMtudy uAOi" poe n#eýe, i J, trie, adtooéut .# ais, o-' usq in n o1tc hr aedicw Pt 4ieousrd. et>rtiiaeo om Ln j..Racineq, uq, 'or theas 'aarya. Ms="%, L. C., Oct. 20, 18518. hei'rSale of Lands#', Contof nOntario, i1 N SATUIIDAY, thé 'l'o %Vt: 101Twenty-SIxih tiay cf Noveinher, A. D., 1864, et Twelvé c'elock, nomn, ail lie neliiby 1'ub clo Aottion. et liy Olce, ln thé Count Ilousui, in the Townî of WbthîyIn lta Ct uty cfintarie, thé 1tighît titie,ait ,îter t.t w heii tuuîienflntoet a>cantota nee radiy psrsite underanen- ioned 1andeau ti uîultiercon, neizeti ly -ina itiien, ad l'y virtca utcecrtail Write ci Vanditionil Exponrts, and eianFilias, viz: In tite Conrt cf ,oitinon Ploie. JOHN Si'iOAT, Ilnîl v 1. WILLIAM 1'IOUDFOI)T, Defandgtt. lit te QtiaUî'aIIglicli. PATRICK FOY, Plaintif., vp. WILLIAM PROUDFOOT, Itefendant. Ia th Conrt et ':cunîncîî Pleasl. Tite 1ra etlietnanti Coin.- I-ain ofte týrc Baitk, Y'S. Al. 'nrtntifî,ct andi Williami iritiiti hlvferdeiiin. li1thtiti ai 'tecit1e.i JOlIIN S'LA' Decil't' i tînenail. t ..tt u 'ROîUIiFOOT, l)tt'iutLt. BO I'laintiff, llcfendanti. 01'rhlut cr' N l.i ritN I ll' V N '>iier . 14Ttiii, Sc.. Petr ?ii (Itlx MONEY TO0 1END) w',v FRi~e~nnutatr7 ln a datei, e CoPking! Parlor & Box Wiuiciî ailbit mciii atI 1evprices.. lTe Pubecriher wculti épeaiailv dirent atten- tionltaLite beautiful deaip ns ana iaéavy 1at- loges cf it1% ICooking Stoves, Wl ici Cannet f ti te g% e atiltctlcui. gO'Good Fenkitî fBatter tai.'enin t exolir.tgo for steve'. WM. BRYAN, AItti (Oli Stii, Brook Street. Wlttly, Sept. 7, 1864. 85 UDELLPS MOTEL, 0envooni. T' Il Futti(emliznentiliezt infriîtfrvIium fnlsîîim f andti tc pubtliic tittît tiîey in c-i'.rtheî ahtbve aeil ttna u tatît i, erct'îe irîîiiiitig r'onnamiui ai litil l ith t ieccontdatioen tend atteilane.e et su thouri. Thte ttîalepeeni- doit! with ea-en>t'itiltseasn ;, thte bar aop- piiet ialtetue boiè1t iiqnors . gctid saliig anti evenyiitg clean cidordély. JANTES tIENDELttqfN. 84 «;FlubE iWLNI)IkR'ION' 1864. % .STEÂMBOATNOTICE! TIIE NEW FAST SF.A-GINGj STEAMEIR ROCHE SnEII, 1 CAPT. W. T. GREENWOOD, Wih etointioa nuimitiintu ta l'Rý>huýter on thte i G-4th of ARIL, 1864,4ÇO Knoutli te fîilwitjrig Pcta eeun Moiuiay, el utaaduBY anti Feiday, ievîitt utnt ................ 7 A. ni. <uîhttn t a................._..8i aun. s'i it ia... ......... .,.. O1)a. m. lPort 11ouea, a'................. 11 a.eut. DYirrectfor itO('IlllSTtIt. ieritilijt ere Iiilime tc eonet i iitlte New York Cenitrai ileilut.#R f-r ol iliiel ttaLatanti W'at., snd te Amuniceut litte <f tenuit'rs t".rt' tti ttIWetlonu te t'i-ntîh ntiit c f Lat»nite ltreii. N. Bl.-'ihç iç luuuiater c- tIi li uit thé sarie fate m4ant itte 1Su ie osè n I*t year, tualil Iteturaiig -The Settéal roai lu'ha teronr étanTesdeyThuraimmisaa ,tgirist %!, at r' 1 idireal ltr Paurt Ucpa., std tthe titlc eu lm'i îlcm,,conîînec aiit lierté nt Trnîk Itîeirtîai .i t tic eoanai Mti stetxntu, for the p*rtn E-iteiti11'1est.' Ainloatît îcoey ien Ahtua lecurnmnt niat'. Calbi fanai82 h0, l)eak $î, tuitatseXtra.A 1 tésgtfgea i te ri%k cf te Caiersl, vaeas 1>0k. ail anti paiifor.i Fôrfüntiier pintiontlarg sequin etrB.$q tIre, .1. y ix e'ar or %V t.. QieePrs ta'al J. Katier, (Colt",r'e.'CéIsEIît. li4g atîi A Folrite 'rt h(,pe. DAILY UNE FOR ROOIE8TE1U The Qulae*t Route tromIl NortI Sb~r Ports to Rochesteri, and oeil Poluf a" In the Valmed Stsal Thé ftarrite fiis Clinan t'ppor me~rt à; à£.CIIItu Ï, 'tu.nuuten W ILL tiave Wttillioynu i1 nctt'a. t.; OReiawa îit 41 lita. sui.,; Danpttiiztc- attt a. " nu. 'n Fp t zo"a. ci.. fg.tl Cel'durg1 at 9 15 e.lit., eaWrt MONDÂT, WEDNESDAT & FRID4T. Wi IcareWeiince t 4 o'n-ioek a. m-; Bnhghttui ai lia. ni ; 4,ihcît i Ir.lit . Cebouîrg ut 8 30ea. fil., ant iil't Ilitpe at p e. M, -V en' TII'SDAY, TItURSDA Y ASATURDIÀY, Arrlvil A t lochoter c iii iaiy et1 4.5 pi . wiIl leave llua!uet'ýr everv .iy dyTtia '1aY -A snd de obi tllifî. ni«, for Wb!i (>h.as, Drlneio i'ltpeai it7oog wai eveey Moc-luy. Wîiintyandi Ynltinq at saune hlcî(ir eor igt r ightoni, Ceiborntic CôaIoyg aitlunI ônt hope. 1 piussaengurs un Canada, früeinteils Etaton West, b y akitîg %Le Traitun Vce tts rid Ttotilvliaiilway, asnnhg et'ont iiopeýsnlI Cobéoang in t hé îoornhul, avll eunneat wlial s S;tunetenandi arriva a iutt LémL*ter ar a%, i, tiln Ier thé aftereeeitt hitis on tlu.,Newa VarI Central hlreed. taeh1,pouits FLe n nt Wet, sud (on thé Amtanimtn ItxprnsJtec Sat e" te ali perte eu) tiihe it Shen Pâssanena t-oic tIi peint* in t1cuéiJr~ed States, b>' rail tirl'eat, via RSoheten, te irea titi $taaner thare vili aonaat, allemnla C )eun innehié cigitî's r ittîiearhîig trainsr on te nitti Tet iiay u. aelt ds M l~PmaAugesaad Pralghts aItReajanIale Thé Tî,iIé eanti lUr lwaym upplieti aîthathme Véi' ~ ~ A ha. t&M. BRUWN. 32 é s aAg,énRn , W. DIRE CT EVIPORTÂATIO0NS. R& je CAMPB:ELL, ARE NOW OPENING THEIR FÂLL STOVK Ex.- Steamship St. George, FR.OM GLASGOW, and whi-ih they offer at a emali advance .oùi the- STERLING COST, FOR CASHi «TbA cal] is respectiully solicited. -ÀI1j The -suhscri bers have on hand their usual large and varied stock of SHELF AND HEAVV BAR MRON, SALT, PLASTER, &C. They intend seIlingr at much 'REDUCED .PRICES, FOR CEASII5'OR AP-PROVED CREBITY They beg most respectfully to iîform aý, ate purchîasing on credit that7 coi accutit of lîcavy losses sîlotain- ed diîning-tue tast titre. yciars, on prodnce opcration8, thcy must iutsait on settiétuent and pycetof alaccounta on lst - October ne-uaL thetin innitg or=edn.From ttub date al parties put'hasitg ouicciliît, arceî'eqtetd te heur in in uîd, tient ail accotiuits and notes intot cmt ivith u unctuaiity when due >anud payable. YrARNOLD & Co. WH]ITBY, June 21, 1864. l.Ar, )c iNiovAN. %WAi.KF.Y & CO. AND MANUFACTURER -0F îr HÂS REMOVE TO FPORD'S OLD STAND, .,M DROCJ< STRIEET, WIIITBY. Off'ers the followinc' STYLES OF' CUTTERS, viz: Ganadian 'atent Frotut, R<olling Seat, Arnericati.Jumnpeî,.,Portland (!,lters, Two-seated Pica-sure-Sleighis, Bob SIpighs, Ail ofç which he is selliîug atG,' :atly Rcduced Price8 for Cash 'or appîoved credit. Soîne very ntîtIR[IAGES, open andcov- ereti,which will be sold vory lo%. Two goodisecond-hand.Gigs and two set~s hcavy r4obs,, - 3 9 UBLIC DEATET. Will find.excellentand;,con venient accommniodation. i Witin a Jew Yards of the Publît HBU. private Parlors IL Saves Time, labor, <Jiothes & Money T Tq lthe-origitnal tui ctdly nuitahie wrtngtur J.befoeIltapeopie. ccd comb)Iiîtamore étrouîgul cf frae, ctatity for- prçt.ttre, anti power ofacttiont, tha itttit utltnr unîtoiine m:i. It wili wear for yeers without repair. No Servant ea break it. A child elght yenrs oldeu operate it. No caution or %klll require in its une. lit $aveu lIn cot in Cloîhing avery aine oir twelve monthn. Every Wrlnger witis Cog.W heelo !% Warrantad lna every partîcclar. The Univemnai Wninger, took the FIRST PRE-MIUM, a Silver M'rdenti ]) ipionatt the New York $tto FuVir,' 1862, and wtt.' pr". notîaaed sopenlor to at li ierain the world's Fait et hindoif. 1862. Canvassern Wantad lu every Town la Canada. persotta regidiliv"whare there 14Il) tnt eVas.cr appolitte(, hy riilttinke tljePriet'tri nsit lil rececive the Wn-iiîtgr thy Expréis., ;r-tU W. Hf. CHILUS & Co., Hailiton, «ancrai AgLonis. ALEX. MAqofr - Agent, Wliitbhv. Quebec, Governqment Agency Rnaines oonne thwiltthe CROWN LAND Seonrod l'y te,%ubliarban. Ai!dréaa prepzell -R. -. CFIISLEY, i.and and (Etanacrai Agent, No. 3 ,,Anne Street, Qoobe., Qoobue. BlaIrch z2ni 136(. e DOCTOIR DAVIS,9 ' Cntine% trat FAIR ,NOTICE! AL debt# c énd erslg eaat bc <ttlleprceeedisiigsvil! hitakon. SOSEPH BÂNDEL. Whltby, Sept. 7, 1$64. 35-td Brooklij Drug Store. D F Lin a DraaPatent Madilcineg, pite, 01,Destuffs, conféOtion- eOry, &0. iloru ÃŽ;Calile Medicinesalioays m and Bnoln .W , 1863. 26 FOIR SALE, T Il F saclth haif cf bLtNo. 7 if ho th UtCen. cf Mare, Ceunty cf Ontarie ccntainiug 100 acnés. For partianiars appiy (if hy letton nrepali!) te Torento. Fol'. 16i1864.e.tf. »RIýV2013 amald A~S~AN~ECOIMPANY- MARINE DE PARTMENT. IIILL taté Hîiii ttndCarotin sa, et the WInaunt posniblo natcof prainnn; tcnr- ance grnuteti oiiHîii iskx, for thte acitacu or vevagc, anîd a rebute of twolity per centt ul tard cn te tenu' cof cargo pnttmiumns cf]lest seut.toil, a promnpt, lileniîl, a.nd htoutnrable ettiaunent ci iii jet laimA tupoti itîhem pany, tay l'e nollied Upon. J 011N BLOW, Agenit, rent Whitny 19Offie édjoiiîiuig Je. Ecwc, & Co. Whitl'y, FOI). 25tli, 1862. 7 TME UNIVERSAL CLOTHE WRINGiEIU Thé oaiy Wricgen with thé COG-WHEEL REGULATOR] 1one 1er GoA'T 371S. W. Yovle Ce.,' T 0 OLOAtN m on eaurity in seitifrort ila $'O tt800. Àppiy tOali - JAMFS LAMON. ,di ii oiiiton, Wbltby. Oetol SI ~Oli e tC'hnoll Ol ieé andm _____________feaie NEW LEATIIEJISTORE,1 t lrJ KING STREET EAST, cin] C IRNÈR cC'EURM u Ezri, TORO<NTO te an - am $1 taIl CONDITIONS 0-P SALE: Gold & Sil1ver Medals D. Z' T FRSALE9 Eet quarter of Lot 1;05, girhig M th, 2and. sai! Landi 8 JiradIl Milles fmWO- Town of WbIitby.- The landi lA of thè Àet qiia- liLy. Four hoodreci dollayr raqn.d aOWTh ton yeux egiron for the balancé. - For tari nd uniTluAgapyt Lot- 5. 2n4a e.-uemOli, Anlibnrn P. rebruary, 1864 84f TUF" CELItAE~ STEÂ5L-COILED 1100f. liE Faenteedeatr alieaUthe attention ci, thépubicLe luoabve Important inven- tin iergto h o uffra mfor salea ocuth r for ~ ~ ~ ~ e ;o hp o on i ndependlent (cf lIa ntrilsi W orth, ma It, lias i;ao the followlng advsnaM'0h-AiI kindi4 of Tiinher- F-lin Oak, MIdpié, 3eclij, &o., ocn ho need in t'he naîîlfitdre of!the Hin ips and t1ils, froin thé scaraity ot the ordI- nary-aplit-hoep matorali, leno samaît lcofli- mendaticu. THE HÃ"(OP 1 ST1tO<NGEE, 1 Anîd ai lest Iquer tuait-thée odinary hoep. A Cooper eau make tram fourn te line barelu par day icone tliat'with ite rdiniary npiit'hîn>t ONE THOU8AND HOOýà MIiii Maire et least frein. ninéty-s.ik te elucty- elrlît l'ennuis; it lioita berreis ù tighenanti bel! ton for Shipping, &c. Witerever thé laventi iou hcm beeti in use, it lins givinuichement C&>COMPLrFTfl 8ATLgFÂTIONI, Thé proprieter natta np thé machine, chargesq notliugfor Itia cwn tLuné: aid a-ika ne nioney util ha lousi iteucmplote wturklngcrier. FicnivthLe Statua *Cied liop iW ene cf th ô wonider, .1 th'. tige, iian npcinvlet, fy ny pnîtoticel munt. REFERENCES I Antinea Gaige, Welliîngton Square- Wnl Gardtirer> SI. Mîr's ;Stephlen Skinnier, &Ilftec, Sutpson fidn îita; W. &J. lg, or IMiilIa. Voniga Striet. Appiy tl' thé pnepitoiaed ic alentea, .JAMESI TOMNLINSON, Dctobar, 1853. Br,îYANT, STIIATTON & T>AY'S 0:>OOMMEROIAL COOt-IEFGE King Street, Toronto, C. W. FirutdiirJ-agt of WeleyanBck Rom. l11'ILISIf RD ia comonîtionî aitit Bp-Axy.~ E1Co &'arii Co'n ciaitcof Ict6fîiitîcomf' Cotuinerelal Colages, locatet inlefourteen cf thé langet citiai. ci the Stalea nui Canada. Yoe mon and Itdiëi; prepareifin thé pniclicai îicties cf tte Contitinir lIeuecn rfor anaigtîzeiroeau businces aith systèm andt Théci9neboreticel DepartMieht. In titis ilepantineu nt uuouta recelvo thcnouéim Instruction lu Denhieloutry lienk-kec *iîî. Commnenriticial néin.CoîcînerciaI - Law, cutimeuii cerrasoinooie-e.nël Penmacahip* liera tia stutint4 actera into actelihuai- ltiens . Ecclit studeutiîtfrnisheti wîth thé tué-, cessrity amono f ciit ant i iencliadiné huai- casa, Lai>,cuident hitvnancdtisella mérclitan- dize, alcalisP, rital écretç, cel.. two lanks havé bean eatahiiaiietl aîth abotaflié -cash capItal, ain entîlies Lue studouit te affect bis exclité- chantres, nitît e dposlta, ge t Ma pepér diKe- counteri. lt tu lrcnsmait al eiter itusi nean Inci-, dentai toma genenîl trade. 'fuizion, ToeL IBooks, m'tti liank ilFf3 feîîr dollarsn United tni ts Cirntta, Cr Fefly: two dollars éÛrcuda Poinds. Reatding roona and Librery. Younni mecd ladiati pncbeing-c Sccholnie nltip wiiilic opresenteil aîth eaiJard cf Ad- umissiinte Lhe IHriie iaReen end Llbr- ary of t! lMehbanicd" lustitaito. Alet. Mtray, Esq, of Moffaîtt, Murey e CO. , A.t. OMsrn f NMeMcn.trr«'r k - pseia'tq. job0 Madoni]1d &CO -'George Mielîle (tCc.; Atitin Croutai, Eq;Iu.J. il1. cainuron. Tcnilttt. Incit Buohîuuaîî, Ysq., M. i'. l"; Âiat lieuEq;Ricilmrçl Jîîa, ne , 1ailsehten, Taeeterit. ,- - -1 Ileitient Prnnila. andi CbirflantinctOr Ilu E. Dtay Caichern4)f Spanorna iieuimnnip...A. W. senit. Léattrera tn Commrcial Li A-l . XFar- rnut q.-. qB. CI. L., 13&r'ister; ilo4ert Selhi. Vaui. Esq.. 3,1, A., Barrister. Soutai for Catalogruéced. lettar (iuoleslng BRYANT, TRATQZÇ & T1%e Celebrated Gerwa.u Ofl 'liyeS ntas, bris, freat,,hitus,,runninà ýe , ii4l kitult flés wona 1 - - - . . -. 1

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