Shorif 'a Sale of Lands. Oeuint of Onatario, lCN SATIUDAY, tisa To %Vt 1 f10JTweiy-SictIdoy of Novembier A. D., 1864, ai Twelve o'clook, 1103n, vii! 1)6,,ld hy Publie Auciiots, ai My Otlice lu thse(Court Uoaeusenlutise Tutu of Whsitisy, intheis Cotnuty of ôuiiurlo, tise ight titis ant i iterest vusicis e i.utdernsestioued Dllefndisuts severslly posesa uIntise iuderuson- tioucd Lanssde and teneutsnts tise-on, saizad by mua undler, ansd by virtue of certain Writa ef venditioni Expotuassçund iori vtle,~it g lu the court tsf <ommou Pieus. JOHIN ISPIOAT, Ira. WILLIAM PROUDFO!IT, Dcfendsnt. 1i1 tise Qiei'R londi. - llATRIs1K FOY, 'Iintiff. Vsi. WI LIAM PflOUDFOOT, licicudaut. ii lu Cissrt o!f onuuileas. TVir ilrt1ircssa sdCoin- J'ly o litucre Ilisusk, idttg t. Ns. 'rtitot tis!d Wîiiusts iroud- 1 s h. 5 sss.' sIk!lle'h. WILAN I PROU1,FiliT, I s suil il; Ils, I1 lofo sui t. iIllet2ll s- Ihol iicfo'usast. 8. ot 1.1,îIhc ncrs-sisn iksr Vhs Mcr. N 'Lriot 7, 14t lu 'usi.sisslZoach 1-50slacre.- Lot q, iAths c'usss-ir-j u*eacils, nersc. Itîuritt, C. 0. l'or C. Nousa. Shlii (Sile. y,1-U.3 MONE Y sio LEND!1 - C3i i O N t. t ~ta~ Q o -i H a~ s, o ~- -3- --'i. e'ln o:~. HAUR RESTORE bISTZNGkUISEED GLEGTM Ãiv. (1a.X BiUMIE, MEA "WMNP À»i t3oi. i gey E ROMtisaluig a ufatery luna"a, a F lusoa st srIo ntL ef Oookiug, Parlor & Box Wlsleh yull bc aold at low prîtes. Tise sbitumrtbor would ospotiahi dîreet atten- tion to tihe beasiffl 4d1 he tat Cooking Stoves, Which tausuot flul togi'se aatiisfuulien. IW'Good Perkin Bunier talion lu exehrunge for Stovas. At lise (Md Statidi Brook Street. Wlitby, Seput. 7,11864. 3 UDELL'S HOTEL, T IliEttndersliznedbheeteinformstltcir frieiiIA aussith.e puieshh it tîuey have lenascd tise absve tali kusowntRi std, wtscre tIhe travelling cotntuuunîy yl Suid thse buti iccottmioultion ands attidanetci i su irg. Tise table prou.- dei iuttîi verNtiuir liu ,seaou; tise barr anp- p'sieii witIs tiée hast liqîsors;4 good stabliig aud cverything clean and ordcrly. JAMES IIENDEMION. 1864. STEAMBOAT NOTICE! TIIE NEW FA$T bisA-GO INO STEAMER RO CH1ES TE Ri CAPT. W. T. GREENWOODt WSiI commence ranuiîsg toeiRochster on tlue b-1-4th of APRIL, 184,-Ca Freith Ie foslowniug Ports evcry Mouday, Wedj ncsslay ansi Fridaiy, lcavissg Brigiston et..................7 a. us. (' 9,0 Ma. Coourg lt .................:1. 10a: %- P~ort lHope nai-...............--Il Diroct for lliCIIESTF.R. airnlving tisera lu tisa te connucr il il ie New York Cesntral lf>&n foraaIl poistsE im sud West, snd the Austrican Uine ofsstcansîrm iCoing Essai stsd Weist on is Sosuths alusre cf Lakelte lurin. N. B-TieRoch)u-r sii! ris su#iltis aillme rouie, RSist Ilssttti elu sa lass yenl, ttil licuuhIes!uthor lus ssisi.s ltctnroir-Tise $taer tii! laeuvRoches- iei ssiery Tuaotla)y, anieis~sid tiurday, at 8.80) al. ms,, dîreci fosr Posrt îloqs,, sud the aboie tntfltii places., Cssitseutinîs.rtitis tisanad Trunk Rli-on!iid, uî..i tIse Roval M!s.ilStmmuens fortisa pAts iessisusi ,su.* u&tuerniui siev iken attise cirsent ratas%. ('ablîs Fuie $2 50, t)ocl $2, meuh, extra, Ahi lutsgage at tisa rÃAk offtisa ovuars, situes book- cd aud psid for. For fssrtcr lantisli s auqire of E. Sqnira, ..E. Prssctssr, or W. Qisik, I>s-ssqs'Ise ; J. Keelor, Coiss<ruc ('lia-la,. ElliotL., C(bqrg, sudl A Cochranue, Krunihucîs. Cohaus-, Mas-ch 2 1854. il PÂILY LINE FOR ROUJETR Tise Quice outse trois North Shora Port. te Roceafoier, sud &aIlPoluis lu t euth sed States 1 PG. ClIMLER, Commandos-. ILL lasva W Iitby ut 8 o'eloek a. tus. Oissws At 4BOA. su.: Datra4urm ioos a. 11',; Port lloîra aet 0 ia. u., sud Cobourg xt 9 15 a. ut., evs.ry MONDAY, WEDNESDÂIt & FEIDAY. Will leave Wellington et i o'ecsî ka. mns Blrighuton Aains.; Colihorita ai 7 15 a. nus. Cobourg ut go a. us., sud l'Port Hope at 9 '. ae. M., air-y TUESDAY, THtJRSI)AY & SÀTIIRDT, Arrlviug ut IRochester esols day at 1 45 p. tu. RE TURNING: wm leasse IZoeeter cvary 'Pu-.,d.y,Tluir»- day en asi.iaturday, t Ife M s., for Wisitby> 0Iiswta, Dsliuittoit. l'on rt Jupe arsd Cobourg, sud every Moiy. Wednesdssy sud Pnsdsy, at rme heur, for- Welllngteus, Brigistou, Coiberu., Cobousrg sud Fort Ilioi> Peesengerx Jiu Canada, front pointa Eat or Wet, hy taking tIc Traîn! u tise Grand Tiuk nskBailwa)y, arriviug nt l'ont hOPe sud Cobtourg lis tihe moruiug vWiicounStet his steamer, aud arrive ai t tcsoster sacll dao, ln limte for thse aftflnoen iraits on<uthse >New I'ork Central Itafiroed, te si] pointAs Iansd West, sud fur thse Auseriesu Exprous Una of Stemas crs to ail pforts 0ou tigea-*ootil Shore, Pasuiaugars trottesAi ipoints Is tii. United Stasis. hy rail or hout, vis Bochaster, ibis Steamner thr isle ounooet, sfia cs ous tentable nlgist'a resi vus suortetog 'trains on the. Grand Trauk Iteà *ay, in Canada, Etut &md West. to'psumigAs sd roighteAtai Baucabla Tise Table andrid rlways tpplied *itls tle very bout. A. 1!. BRO WNs, co ui"aAgenft, Kinggton, C. W. AND PRO VISIONS, E~~~~~~n* nEYiLGu<o sie otith- la TY ML QOnw i lia uta nov tock of <4ROCERI ESAND PRG. VISION$ s et il klul8,se V-iie oli Place, ssxt dorgo luis lwqtlste BtanDclsd 8h.. Store, Brook St., Whîltbv. SERJLFP'S SALE 0F LANODS oouwrop oX' oRIîo >-VIRTUE 0P A WMRART IMMTE ther*lwsi acfny ntlsoaaid i t uxsaZad uit-Our, and to me dirt" a for the colleectio faraaacdaasanta due upon the fiillowbsg lisudo, ia the nid Couusîy, I shul, on Tuesday, thé Seventeenth day ot January Neit., at tue hour of Twelve o'lock, tnemi, at the DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. R.&je CAMýPBE LL, ARE NOW OPENING THEIR FýALS 0C K, Ex. Steamship St. Geo'rge, FROM GLASGOW, and whi-lh they offer a't ut mali advance osù the COUTRT BOUSE, IN 111E TOWN (0 IITBY, TILN CS~FRCSl Proceeci to the sale of said Lusnds, or so muci thereot a may b. eeaaary for tihe payment of sîich arrears of isssments, unlcss the usme, together wiVh al lawfiil charges, bu m*mier phd. TOW1NS I>OF BROCK. -, LOT. 84 91 il, N El 26, S part 13, SE itdce No. NOs. NO. No. No. Ne. No. No. No. No. No. Nu. No. No. cols ACRES. IYLEÂS D1>pIt. TAXE. IatKs, 14, 100 1858 9 1(0 1 2 a 28 40 Patented. TOWNSIII P PMARA. 9, 200 1858 9 9012 3 9, 100 1858 9 60 9, 24 1858 960 1 23 12, 50 1853 8 12, 25 1852 78 960 12 3 13, 50 18538 960 1 23 TOWNk'SIIIP 0F REACLI. 249 13, lj 1858 PORT PERRY PLAX. 1, 15, 16# 23, 24o 30% 44t 107, loi, 855 6 7 8 9 ri856 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 18M6 78 9 185 6ô 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 8 7 8 9 60 1855 6 7 8 9 60 1855 e17 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1955 É 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 TowX$Mp oF picEIEILNG. 20, 15 TOJWN8IIP oF UXBUmIGE. 81 , 7, 100 1859 601 23 stowNsHIP 0F wilrray. A"mo.d te be -Lot, I0) Na oleon Kelii', lan 29,wn u 2, 41 1858 62 3 Patented. do do do do do 2 29. Patented. 17 69 4 53 41il 2 59 2 46 2 25 1 95 1 82 4 71 ô 00 383 8183 à u 490 Patented. do do do du do dos do do do do do do do O 46 1'atad, 046 do 5009 Pstented.- 5 4? Patented.1 B .PfUY'S-PLAN OP BtO0IJN. NO. Ne. NO. No, No. No. No. No. i i 41 1858 1858 18U8 1858 1858 1858 1858 9 623 9 60 2 9 60 62 60 123 9 60 28 60 23 9 6023 9 60 a 640 890 690 6 52 564 465 6 03 Pâttets. do do do do do de 4&OnWN OF WHITBY. TEARS nl- TÂEVO.KIKI Yot/à Ward Wen< of Brode &nat. 252 2n1 818, U22 '36 377 18u8 9 60, 1868 60 1 1868 9 60 1858 9 60 1858 1868 9 60 185819 60 1858'9 60 1858 0-60 1858 9 60 4564 264 4 M i 14 4 76 436 5 si 446 4 01 WALLAC'~ ~AUEW1~LL A, KELLEWS PL~N, xo%.4WS*d 2WI ofJJroM &Bree. Io0-1858 960 1 ~1loiI1S58 9 el23 l"4M 0HODGSON'$ P"M>, 3 03 1'783 c:2 al] is respecttully s(>icited. 5ci The.-suhbscri bers have on Iand their usual large and varied stock of SHELF AND HEAVY BAR MRON, SALT, PLASTER, &c. They intend selling at mucli IEDUCED PRICES, FOR1 CASHY OR APPROVLD CR'sFDIT Thy e ms rsccfll e îfomalparties pn ehain o edt tao atio he iavyscso an ddnn the pau he cîsot uoic saions, îhey- t u tin n i t ou s t em ent and p ym ont t nl c st- u parti on p rclsnsigoi dt reréqct o e ar i nd that~ ~ ~~t ail a0ouusndntsm b 10e me ut I11 wh en dit antipayblet 1tsliet WIIITBY, June 21, 1864. YARNOLD & Co. LATE DONOVAN I¶.aA5FY .CID ANiD MANUFACTURER 0F 3ýr RAS REMOVED TO PORD'S OLI) STAND, 9 BROC-K STREET, WHITBY. Offers the fb1lowing STYLES 0F CUTTERS, viz: Ca nadian Patent Fçont, Americalii - umper, Portland- U-' utte, Two-seated Pleasure StihBob 814 -hi- All of which lie is selling at Griatly Redured. Prices for Cash or- apptoved crédit. Somnevery neat &RR [AGE -Si open and cov- ered, which wiIl be sold verylow. Two good second-hand Gigs and two sets& heavy r Jobs. 3 WIlI find exc~ellent and convenient accommodatîon. WiUun a ]ew Yards of the Pub[i6 EaU.Private Parlors We NQTI&E. LLpront§ havingolaime ,aga nase B Al" tat fho lite NORMAN G. IIAM, Balr- ristar, Whltby, arc rcqucsted to seand a stsite- ment of thins, by muail, froc of postage, assd dnly sttemtcd, to theo under,§Igisod. J. V. IIAM. Whitby, l8tis oct,, 1604. 40-SW FAIIR NOTICE! ' A LL debta due these nderslgued, must bo t.stted before thea firl;t t Itovembur uixi, otiserwimo proceediugs wil! bu taken. JOSEPH BÂANDEL. Whitby, Sept. 7,.1864. 84 Brooklin Drug Store. D RALER in Dras, Piaet Medicities, ery, t , O uas, Dyo Stfs, Confection- gforge *. Caille Medldines alwcqis onlccznd Brokli, C. W , 1863. 25 FOIR SALE, T 11IK Routi, haif o! Lot No. 7 iinil th isCou. or Mare, sJonstty of Onisîrjo conttsling 100 For pssrticuilsrs, apply (if' by letter ora aid) to MORSîu&-iSITH&. Toronto. r.b. l 1 14#. 6-tf. ASSURANCE COMPANY MARINEDErARTMENT. W LL take 111,11 sssdCargo Risiak, nt tise lowei4t possible rssts of prernsim; Insur- suce grasstad ou 11ll riske, ter tho samon or voyagss, sud a rebute ()f twenty pur cent alltiwed on tihe tarit! ofcarlzo preminins orf lieason, a urompt.-liberal, std lhonsoraleo ,ettlenst.ol ail jugtnitos us ~on sute tComspasny, nsay ha redeo. JOHIN IBLOW, Agenît, rort %Whltrsy Whitby, Feh. 25th, 1662. 7 THE UNIVERSAL ULUTHES WR1NIGEU Tise only Wringer with the OOG-WHEEL REGULATOR It gaves Time, Labor, (lotbes & Môùéy IT is tise origitnal and oiiv reluible Wninger isafora ,tise IeopIe. aund coutiiiles more Bireiugals of friu, cipauity for lsress.rc.amIss powear of actioni, thuan au-, otîter muachsine tîîsîuie. It wIli wear for yeux» withonizapair.. No.Servant tain break It. A clstld elgIsi yesrs Md tea operate i. Je Xocaution or skils rqssired lu lie asmd. If saves ifs coiçf An Clutlun-.every uina or tweive monfii. Every-Wringar witss Ceg-W litis 'a Warranîed isevery particnlir. Tise' Uivest Wningcr teck tise FTItT PiRMIUNM, a Sibvor MuChaIi snd ipionîa, unt tise NecorVos-k $ttaeFeIs-. 1862, ansd tax pro-. lisnted isupenior te aiIotItera in Illue W.er1ds Canvasr-s Wanfed ln every Towsu lu Canada. Ptonhi rasithing -wiseretlscre la nsCanveaser appoitcd, by Mritilgr tisb p-hctenelisal reochve tise Writtger-hy, Expruss, pne.pad. W. Hl. CHLDS &«ce.. Hamilton, 16-Sm. Gencrai Agent». ALux.MAR8ON, ýAgent, Whisby. Quebec Gosrernnment &gency Business cenneetu.d titistise CROWN LAND 'Udetiser PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS.- s tteu<ded te. Aise OR SAL&4 T FI eni asat quarter of Lot No. 5,- Ir thé -TIgnd ,Con t R.aSls, oset<lug ZOaseoa,4 -ensred. Good Prie IHou,,. aud Orchird. A pzo $Tpiugo theland. Sssld Lmndla'2J< miles roin-Aslsburuad Il-ijles from the Town ofWisitby. Tihe land lxis e hasbt qua- lity., Four lsundrad dlilaris required devis, ton pears given foi tise balance. EgPrterùs and paiuaritaFpplto Lot5g.Snd ecz. énoh, Anaeum P' Fohrussry, 1804 ~54tf - Splendid Farm. for Sale. 1 oAcrs.baig oomposod of part of L.t 100 .15,in !the Oth oouooasion of IFick critug-8T acrès eleured. Thora is a larga, '-romy douineý isto tr, mp, Mand oe- ry thr TqUSýLO onvnienceo;almo tiwe lorgz barns, driving banà s, a»tablas, &c. A anug yonng, if goyldin eelsrd py,ifnd Iotylà 1or, (re-ad,t 64.1 Me8Qi<d t . 0 September 19, IS j964. Q o' 87 -WISIAR'S -BA.tSAM lus B iuEwy tiSE» 1FOXNEBLV :0: HALF - A CENTUýRY, ! Wl'utIse meut asitoîtishingsu aietteslicturing IWCoughs, Coei_, Ilarieeiss, Soe T'lroat, lunusaWooplng Congh, Croup, Liver-Conpiaiet, Brou. chilis, Difileulty ef Ereafis. Ing, Autisma, sud evory ç affection of The) Throa± Lung$ and Choit» >Tisera In scerceay oeelndlvid- ual lu thse omsmuniy*hovbhol. ly cecepes, dnitig a seusson, frour- $orne eue, lsov1svG svc iglstly do- vceloPcdl, of tise aboya s) mptona -egsloti t fwlsiQl& suJt lads te tise luti usmed, iîte' hoe drosdod disastw§ n-Ma whole, osulogut. Tise powier of tfis '5scicinai gnm" etfils. Wlid éle iucury rea 'oves' thlu issa ef of cotmplaluts Is vcli Janown; se -rospa t Ise <us$4 if lua e rubuiu- cd, ânS sg gent thg popularlty it bas acquiecd. *1 îl&Mi fasprqaratiou, bai&$sMe Lialria 0 1 Cherry, tfIoe aare cmmiesglad seitA *otAar infra dustaf 14kU value; MS a fncnaai UsaueaLas; AU ld , dfOrmian yR y tel... dpou.r acUsLukal,'1te relse, udkcure dimeam , ' Certitlcato from L. J. %ti ne,.1984. f of tisaManerga. MSvraurr, L* C.,'Oot,2O, 8» S. W. Voei&,Co., heston, Geutîasen-flvinexepesicea tise us graiifying raunits freui tise use or Dr. Wlwtar's BAl1am of Wlld Chies-sy, 1 anm indueejav'ci- ps-esctise gs-etconfidence wtii Ihave lus i'W efllceoy. -Fer-nine onesis I was msuen iieIî uifhlcicd vilu a msere andi onusîlust oc01gh ne cotitiuiel tits sonto psusu lu thse plde, wMisi did net leeve nue, ,uusssuor sud Witer. Iu Octoisor tise st.ptome, lnuftasesarmiugly, and so sedutcd vis 1 tisîsi I uold walk butsà faw ts P ut W itient resiuins- le retoer fros tise Jsain edd !iiu'e wuiiclh use iuhglisuanxertlon e0- eai!otued. At tlii jlntnro deet.k- tsi tieBalea,-frern -vîicir foi edilt relief. and attenlavsus- ssed fins- I, .wsh coietsslyreusturà cîtoe ieiî. Iliaveaisoaqs.4 tlslsuussullinuMy fssstaly and itdsinisteorel it tg îsy. ehîhdren tits000tisalappiesut raslts. I ams us- tisaimuh u Cnadiauissusss e e ulesui tan but 8psak in lii fusitvor h la sje prapantiou visais su oy te lue!s-s-led wc baeknowlaidged, ai tise remuud v par asulna Your oiseditnt sarvysut, Nonc tise W andi fer Sel itobe.s ulie Tql tinsd by ci urcunino luuulet4u, signe pitred 'y Sth W. FoWIe 1ila Wluittuy sy Jas. Il. G tanQ. <. Beeured by - I 18 ------------- 7 Rolling Seat,ý 1