Whitby Chronicle, 3 Nov 1864, p. 3

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pl SI"! I -r -OFF' 1~ 0f la pnke or aand osuix. tnaky Ulake mu lte4r fo'r Iisoiveut. AL COLLE«~ TesteyxnRBookc R..,. )LlTG 'u îRITI THE Ia~trc down 721de per yard 8T6> Prints down -9d, e yr NIJST BE 1)rsst~odsdow 74.per yard '~~ Nua.,11bs. for $ 1; .Vew Cuî'rants, I121b&. fir $1; Rice, 261bs. for $1; i 2lbs. box Layer R1aisi#8 o 1 Tbco 5. NEW TEAS J. BItOOM would eail patatic'*ular attention to bis large stock. of BOOTS d.i"D tHOIIS. Men'i as oosa s ~Tu:wuuj~La C I~.OMX MES* 100 ENS ~ OYB' 0VEm-C0Ac T 3EA&ITO- per lb, A LL parats indebti'd 10 the udrgîd A arc requeFttetito ulake fa atttiitent<l' thor aooouîiatsotîvitt, wltlt MR. JOllEJ FARQUIl XO$ON, Diiiîdas Street,, viladtly autttorizeti te grant recel ta for te mnii. AIlqceotuntit unpead afor tha Tanth of No- 'camber, vii licîlveod iin Court for cultlltouî. JAMFS bMeCLUNO & LCo. %'wunville, Oct. 26, 1884. 42 Alexa.nder IMartkn. I ?OiLKrîolq la vanted i etAlexanuder Martint, fotnerty of Montraal, a carpenter bit troe, and vluic, li a ulocated InliOnta. ,ilo Contty, Stotti ut New York. whl ut laord frou-a0uttie yoar* ago-by his lrotter- EDWARI> MARTIN, 42 -Torontte The Ruoyal coffee Pot T IIEuider,igned htvinir pitlrsed tie riistlta manufature thet Rivai colTint pot m tlint otiuîty of Ontario, tait i.îgliy reoan- Y itdit Io àail r id lustikeapars am anl ouie uiaîgcas *eil as a quiek way cf makitg goot cofo xtracting it: whoie alrenzîh ut two or thrte munnonderaitttni t ieer »u am4ir, withouit the tiseof an fogg or a ', cI trî4îug Whltby, Oct e îaee fl. WM BRYAN. 411 Fârinfor 'ale OR TO RENT. s fOUTII-iALPocf Lot No. 8, in thte 4th Con. 1A tha Tonvuelt1t f 'î'ýkctttt, 80 iaores otedreti, aurt ici th u 0st alo of tilaat. Oual ttwelliuîg, frîmula -ktrn, plcutdLIi tctrl, over <fla aprog,,ta e ttîl'ough. Titere are 121 aûrtta cf tail %hte'ut. Appiy 011 the promiseté ALEX. DUNLOP', Orto JOBSIUA RICIIAItDSO, 'Pc Orin, 1-125, 186t4, 42 'REYOLUTJON!1 - utnIlatRainlOi.t»Ias Cota.Fariaanera awa m*aaintpt 10 mci tus, Aai luisi tuiok tfs laokAuat, cuir 8aJar Poaie. Do you vat Dlekauuutluig etfte rry hast tiati, Youu uma h.ela Sady, wvuid auRaglan youill 6Ma; If to boady's yea'l «M, vite'.a Rlackamlulietfbains, TlîereU Wt uo teuaohula Wkuayoerpihoial tae .relus.. le Raglan iomt lakaatha.cahar £Araga vhava h@4i 'lu'. vu th aane 1codeft hay wera awfoll bad, But Dow wepva teuman, meid gir. bùnitaat. Doul' înd bitcties lit. OREEI*,i'ELL. hl'loti Andl SUity wtt always h. thore te aatt, Antiapeatiuly yaur vert andtiwaggoîi.tirea teli anti, tfaw Gtmen, tir year own est., coulaeut tutisuap. roI s, Antialiis ve'liisa on lte irati cr BANDY PORTIS. .alan.sepL t. e. M3-m MICTION BUSINESS T li E anbiwriber <atýet tak tii. Farinera Lcf tiéC ninlica of Oltario anti ltîrhian, for lthe extensive pattoebeatavati uponhiln durle gthe laqt <iyeare s sudwould iolicit a f'uatlor eonîiitîanca Oft:b.saine. IMJ-Befota gattluig uit your bis, piesse to cal t lack'm Albiont Rotai, scui sc my book of ala. TROMÂS MYERS9 :Auetiouoor. Wlitby,Augnat 2", 18414.81 AUCTION SALE 'oir l Valuable Farm TIY ilie cfapeer cf maie coatelned, luaa - ip ,)et m de by oe e ugIt QuulgIe,y and 'wiueh wwIli ha prodxoed st the-ale Ou Batur4ay, the lmthday of No- vomber,-A. D. 1864. -Commercial Uotel, NEW eeee99 i GOLD * IILVER WÂTCHES BR oOHE8 AD, MOR OL LAR RINGS, FINGER RINGOS, LOýKE7w2, CHAIN$S, e,4c JET GOOD$S! ilrouelîcîs, Estitîlti>., t01i Uta. vi, in large Aesnortiiîttitt, iîclîîditg the PATENT JET GIRBILE A iulîanl 1tinv it, iIt g nak Brooclias 8nigliliticli t acti u ar Ringa, Genta stîd, atiti ocart plus-, In the latest tyslr, anti a large atock of Ail of wiich viii h oiuind v'cry lmv lu pire@. JAMES JOHNSTON, Wîîteiiunaker ,tîd Jvw.lir, Ap-il le lfý64. rock ctreet, whitby. 1 Harris's Eztraordinary Light- ing Gallery. J. C. HARRIS, Lately from London, Parieancd New Oc 1' &,lAm thie lonor ta anatzcee ta the inlialtntof , WIPitby, and surrounding country, that lie lias fit. ted np thole lUrge, spacé*0us to nd cm- modioue rooms Over I .11rJoel Bige- lota's D)ru Qooda Store, eiekre Ike j, -prepared to taAks LIKEYcESSES in the latetaond mosi aientj2e tyile of the art. ,Amlirooty/pîrsaiu'-Pliotogfraphs tai' enl to real Iýfe, tand enlargd to any required sire, andi guaranteed, or no sa te, at thle lotest poasrld liefc pro- ft. Your repectfullg, J. C. ÉA.RRS Witlnj, ,.UZY 1883. Y. B.-Ambiotypsstaken cluetper and suprior tM ans, et/er liuse onu FIRST PIE e @The W'bole stock imusf bc sold bythe 2Otb Feb., as-tbe lease- expirles.é FOR SALE, A FIItST-CLASS C',vered Simirle Carriagc, Il.lüIatrl %-î1,w, Conet $450 wjIllte ati ut a bgiii. Ttieirriiago con 'tic accuut lilock'. ilictaFor lartionilar ,nq tW4ilt, otf 0 T ilMA -, MYERS. TO CONSUTMPTIVES, ('ONGUMPTIVE auffererait%ïl rmcive a -.al- % adPrescription fur til. cure of Cion- p4r in Antlita, lrotialtii*. a.nd ail) troat andti uogaltectionu,,(free oi charge,> by aend- iug thoir ittdyatii to ltev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Willlauîaiburg, Kiug's cO., V8*r. Nev York. GROVER & BAKER'gN CRLEBRATED &ewing. Mar4hi2es! heomaker , aers, Dmeire- 'hm( akurtes d da ur. Talera vi a te o. Vctoria u oma tete o Ilknacftayýierig ;eiie a- Cinoes 4 dr rngeo!for tnlunejoie Mheule vbtr a i. 'aads, Dpublc moaimpe 1e strund as te as a TaersA Lair 6dteNo ,Prlcnowldeotit «ntu tae pîtrdoîaail rin; thelaerhar utarltey ae a, ta roagl)ny ndoti Dt* as o o ai.tItttrange lf okin»muof vcr The aimple la îUr outi rueetfilys eqbe a apr tca deraa torugMh noe te oeilt ue vetudne ii. Pror al tetin}il c tlien ttaba se ircor d ranotahes, ous t~il ey ac u tpilîy cf tii.nahery, and cxnine teaGuoelu.&TBaer over & Ilaefraiiraitsdlule'tiîob uuar « te ll aa fiiiiahed at ita ame i, rie, iththe prîrliepe o eiciaîieginz ~afer triai. Tiiolse fnachlios are al v*arranted, andi Lime giu'wî lt lîsymeuit, if requireti. Raetnerli , hePlat.e toe t tham at-J. Wil kin-4ozjc .lcweicry store, Brook lStreet, Whitby 39-6mu. .P. GREEN. TO LET, A c'ottage on Henrv St 89ee OfetG. il Darteel Go one, go ail! At Ilateh's eal! TI'S AIN )TWICCOS. W TUINES AND SPIRITS, Just rcceived, a large lot of the the best quality. Prices tow. IVine and Spirit Merchant. Whitby, Sept. 20, 1864. GROVESTEEN & Go,, PIANO-FORTE 499 BROADWAY, NEW YORKb I'7Eattention of the Publie 'and tha Ttrade, ls Invited te ounr Kew &ale 7 Octave Rosevood Piano-Fortes! lVbich for volume and prty are ur.Hvgm. la v n itherto inerd this market. =hycotin ail tIhe modern improvennenta, FRENCR' GRAD ACTION, -IIARP PEDAL, MRON FRAME OFERS7'RNG BAS&, qc., 4c.p And ecdiinstrument being dmate initer the personai supervision of !RSJi. Il. ROY ESTEEN, Vhu bad aia cia i e e o f tr 80 ears b irnnaufcwel *~arU=tAd M "ery paricuar :TUB 1ýeceived the bbghest a vardofci erit ever ail others at tiie Celebrateti 'Where were exhilited instruments Ironi thç,bqt malters of Londoni, Paris, Germa- quy, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston andi New York; andsilsoattbe Ameroeia 1ulttefor 5 aocaafveyeara, TU M Gold & Silver'Medisi FrP, mboth of whieh can ho eaatcOr varetrooni. By the Introduction et mpovemuets vo untke a still more perfect Pl'IANO-I.FORTE And bloi Maufaeiiiri loe XVKIIL u* Go to the Peuples' IhUAP lAIE 'Sil IR WHERE VOU WILL -GET 101lbs, GUOD SUGAR for $1 0EE?251bs. RICE for $1. S chool Books & Stationery, Cheap &'good. For the, Million, and at all Prices.1. DRY- GOO D S for thé PEOPLE MR- J. V.- HAM, LL. B., Unir Torntto,- thit j'ractice of hi. pruleteiou In al, tItiUpper CaaC ourtl. WhIt1hy, Oztoticr, t19. REFEICENCES: Tie Atttorncv -(;eiit-rai of U. C., Quehec. The. iolichirGariaral <if V. C., (Juchée. Te Çnmiutlouerof Urown Ltsid3, ,noQue. ýXr.VLecy, . &A. EXpretce Co., Moutrcral bkMea. Guhb,& t~mottrul, -l~i 4 . £î -M.donalomd, ILM. P.P,,Oernwnll. The. Prtiii ,,îf the Ctuuiî. Ilttk, Kingmtoîî. Thi. AgettB.A, A. Express Ctnp'y, Kitgton Manm's.KiGrkpaiticok in KtIt R. oronto. gton tgar . T.lu W ite Co, Typace ut& Co., Nev York. 4 Faumer, Littie & Co, Type Ftînudersi New York, T. &J. W. J.hn»f&Coî',Ltw Bock- Il.Il.&4.Iul. Stnhlî. Law Boukaolterx, Kuuy u& Breuo,Latw Booksollorif, Fld- <~P. T. Ilaunuam & Co, Toledto. r. Webster, G. T, IL. 14, Chieo. 4 VÂLIUÂBLE Ou Easy Ternme of Payent T RAT viabeftttu«e on itheRoaFutie of Biock qtmee, extntding froin IlciLillan's NeW Brick Block, Solîttîtto sau Street, iff cov ofreroti for salle, on inclu v irùie terms of rIYlnent. Tii. propierty williho dîvldeti as lo .1,2feei "tancon BrookiSýo, ad18feot deep, nt èreqit tîecaýie& by~R. 1.' L)týNo, i3.-19 faot*frntge on jlrPek reetg andi 98 foot deep, foraierly occupîidby J caph Lot No. 4.-Thefi i.pé n uthé eocukpalbI o!fYanei, known a8.4tae '¶Wh1te lau'.30 fe "ioit oBrook Street, IS8.fectec oo' _Pt Ko. 5.-Vacnt Lot South t .Aikttsniýï WhibyOctber13,186.S4 MI IlCOCHRANE.. A lreirari*ety of Carriages on han&t Establishmnt, posaes fadities form thtenabl hem to df osa tiin, 0iih 41l'nd,8ee for y.ourselves. es,'ltO itONTO. "WAN TE-D A tiiý.oogo Sorvaut. Appiy toe te pro. IBrool, iOlît. Zay1844. AE.PERE42 GO TO _BROW!îps Fl1lotir and îP-rovi*sion' S rT O R E,9 Whô o aeescoîsantiy on baud N o. 1 Flour, Bran, Shorts, Corn and Oat-meal, Oats, Peas, Blacon, Ericar-corot.I UtînÉs. Appies, Petistoas,- &0. Donit forgoltua icplace corner if BYRON & DUNMAS STREETs Oatrneail eixchaned 1or Oats at Opposite thte Pok office. Whitby, Gel. 11, 111.40 * GEORGE STERLING. LICENSED .UrtI>)NIEg, GENO '¶IlE auhecriber begaspctfîiv te irfaruti XLii.fitlai' i:, ti au ttih ig lleit ho JLi COtuciîild thii sicti,.3 M ifAcfltor', -so Ilonz n tacsuiy caurieti on 1iyutib a ter, atidilopesmttotb-trl t tîolinaines, uandt îiînetntil,itybtote i littrc of'tte largo dat 011thtt ~do it11i. GIEORGE STERLING. Auctieneer., Greuîiw.tîd, Oel. 12, lb64. 40. JOIhN SPURRI T RIIFsîtbtotibel tttiond.s thit baiL oif viiis, l méEtýs. A %voll a3nl :Mtt cncloeoilyard. Wluilby Ot. 4. FOI Apply (if byloute 01 te 40t 8w. Wild Lands fo r ~LEÂ~E Picase INotucc.--Um NOTFICE<. 1 m t~. m -w V oe IW- - . - m iuC L<cturr 01i0 flSeliona roA. ,(itli fiti'li.UttlIigt, icttror oit DUtfi. , Nrr.tir -ectur. r (Oporntor lîflian.. )fOO, rColuno, lai. mrcle, inu Phono. liMES B Ma~ttiii suie mit- 1 above. ofIBUOTS AND SUIES AT THE LOWEST FIGURV.1 " RJ'Ly y %- ý jji 1 ý Wlitby, October 13, 1864. Street 163 eilig so Aonnu dwwqý IN E w IIEIN VERI LO-W.- for -3s, 3dè* - - Ibé-

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