Jus ibefori n'Imm that Yeu -ma . y an efflélelit Mllitia fâr à $ itwen% but it did ïnt Ntomber Il. ron giveal[t ro. - ri, contOrnPlaied in your own resolu le witbîn a very few Months. it is a part of ceedings, and sald thst ho; regarde bat MoMây evening Nor, 1, 1864. letter'more sa au el SEPARATION OF PICKE[LING. ý ; 11bns, was-fiére rail acknowledged, and el tellit Onýr--dcty, seà " iloges wer 0 0 -avoir one fourth of the wbale sum, wax re. Il q& pry ri -The Conne-il' met at the anal bour 1 pre, snythiagelsq. all net bc WTO" - Actin, care thât.throy U seq4,ý.J.,,Ham Perry, Un Our leadihg rond. through Piek. ni ý 1 . t 1 ý, oapwlâ RâWe admittea tbat pis drý' 71ruman P.% ff7tite'. 'Esq Reere, Of served for *bitby.Post OfÛSý-A Smit14 fr,01» u8r tO insk 1 j. ýsrs llroïà f p' lette -,ÃŽdl ho defied auý 0 0 Pickeringp, thé NOrtW,ý Bp.gided vnur imputant ti, .juoivenoy notice of -L 4- Scho6eld- H. tection, to the utti t extent ai our COU- erOn,,-ý,-,Deverill, Gib4ýl1 where it 1 wu inco-rect The' ne t tïon ronds-Cà ' > 'ira an4-ýSirnroe Streets-were ki féderaté âbility, and hs-ving thus discharg, Ueuro.-Rowe and Tfièrw. SIR, Weil taken cars of. The very idea of your th -that itý'em Pibliibed for eýet>foo-' J'n, 9 " The principal grontidtaken by ou Ow:l regolation oflune 1867 wu bore pro- hi Ihrni for Sale-G. K. Dartnell, e according ta 011l'ir-means, Our obligationw commuNileirioNs. purposes fverY warlinly] ho caâtSý with y .'DMdônd-Ontarlo Bank. ta ýthe Parent th'emwould bc no fcar Mr. Huston, the Town clerk, rosa a scorn In the teeth of the persan ' for advocating the separation p0sed ta bc carried ont lit its hh ade Of. ickering inter'tity-on w Cook wantéd*-Jà ýobýRryan. of our boingdesorted iýtur hour of need.' 'on ce lit this re. rç communication froin Charleez,4feBridei it» - -Hé, (Captain, Rowe -) wu a -,ýî -frQmthe CountY of Ontarioý ýbeing the vote taken in Coupeil In adoý xi; in mportanèe port, î look in vain for your naine. The 'et Cbèip elothing-inýeË. NO' tý -the pouring of oit asking for areduction. of taxes on the Bat in that coancitýfor;wù or eltireil c9a"It of what y9u, ail ne Ask the ressort whY-of-Fi*nch. on angry sectinnal dif-ficulties and the -Commercial boie'l; frein James Wallacel 'ýand,*1he n' ropriation of C' #ôte of yeur colleagne is recorded in favor ar. ever yet took the popular 0 of app ounty grants for publie r Ronds, 1 shall in this letter endenvotir tu of the report. Re believed in one leradinc, se 'OÊêtp altoyet-R Ila'ieh. incressed_ Militqry strongth which a askinog ta have the resclution granting the any question UnIeu it WU right, d lie M J ý . ý > lino of rond fur Pickerinz-as well as for au Tîn ware-IL Hitch. Confederation wili impart, comes the use of the Town hall ta theýRiffè ehdeavéred,,to take ilsi rJkhý discûpa the con i ti , Inolrency.notit-q of Wm. NePhait Tho' at prosent Vin- kept in force an dccôdntôt lhom'uý ýbésti, > y sur pont ý and wu shrewed enough Io sec, th -û. 0. Commercial view. W'efé ý-tlilpol)n the East 12-d -1 Il . polar ion in voting Pickering,,.' or qi fittw wu the mïïiïïrvà tenk - ^qon tbôèë that,"ýjutiS,-beinicgivea ta UP Ille wëak , and Keller, -1ýquoitor. lated, dinjointed, disonnected, undâ the Iýaoi ôrdi'forimi bein i 'The" Coitrity of ýOêLario édin4futs dî-ý t- à dopted, But where ai me a dance at Cirent; 2 dayà ifklM. County. fairi mal - ed'iftéo wlin il WM righ and the gcheine-should bé. Goodâ - James Drocra, proposeil Unionle shalf won, as -u and one day'sýâttendance at the R«esý ýfà à â oý1 t' e, iepa4tý wore Yeu on that, trying occasion il 1 sec in equ and-ëverything aise chesp-james diffièrent aspect. A million of ne'W custom. ta 'd ý go, ho -of 7à ý and distinct gorporation BrOOM, ers increasing front year ta YeRr, will bc PAYMENT OF CRIEF CONSTABLE18 ACCOUNT. avery boutiding. 07-81ciply becaus thst ln'iIýë Yîâý 1854. Proin iÉet"dà y ta this9 yoti are reported present on that dayl but de cry wu popular. And, Ibi when Your vote was wanted ta 'cive Ilpick. ho 5 fire gine the number of propoirkions made, ta im' of you ? Can kil Anything, and etorything- you want- no trîflÃŽng inredient towards constititing Dr. Gnon, from the rire and Water provo the leading ronds irrour fair Cotinty, orinz justice", what brume cry was pnpular-as Mr. Campbell no t ýbo possible James Broom. Our manufactures, and out agricultural committer, reported lu favor of the pay. doubt bolieved it was-bow was it ýrrssi- mal truly ho calÃŽed legion. At ail timeae ,ne of rond âat youfeared the leadinz ho 13t. Andrews Society -R. H. Lawder. produce. A&-bon, G. liçoiin very sensi. meut of 9-â cernant of Thomas Danforde hie tbat the letter could ha" been _pëliîhý &.large number of the Rocves and Depu, montioned in the report, had in Spenieh Sole Leather -for Sale-.4u. B a. bly pain"' the ýhiéb ýéanada amonutinir te $7,911, ed for electioneering p-irposes 1, tics, (frequently a majority,) have stronzly in view tbe Brock road, and à that wu su, Où pumps,. The report was considered in 94 tint your leading Une qf road, contomplat- an Illooto and Slioos-4u. Bain. could carry on, oven witÉ Newfoundland, Committeel and an order made for pay« After a gond deaà further disouuLu in urged improvemptits upon our roads,'while ed in your resolotion, that you were con- lui IR Marly timog greater, than that whiel, ment. whieh Captain Rowe auggested th pro. others, upon ail occasions, oppo.1ed ealI and veniently à bqpnt? Marc the Brock rond sh, AUCTION SALES. would bo popsible witlu any pullulation priety of a fire, Inapecto s ing every gencral scheme, unless the road.wera rt ý in Pickerinz wu about hein- assumed hi tic THE PIRE ENGINE. houses with ladders" »' made ta suit their indvidual purposes, With equally large, situated as are the people Of ý, and bucketit & the Couneill and yen net presont ta lend a On Baturday, Nov. 12tb at the Coin- Dr. (lutin, meconded by Mr. Campbell, Dr. Gunn sailli the whole queiati6'6' 'ai- th4 latter clus, truth Compris me ta place ick thif; Province, The leading articles, such lielping banc]. Your coiltague be-zing tic morcial Ilotel Whitby, the Caldwell Br moved that the Couneil restime in com. ved itsolf into Ibis yourself. Nly tensons for sa doitirr iviii Block,-Iievi Fairbankey Auctiontier. as; fleur, pork, butter and bacon amount ta lithine of the whole the consideration or rosi the morits of the resolution - ýgr%.3 fully appeur, asl procecd. Yeu to assist, and yen refusing 1 The by 13rok rond offeretl. one-fourth of the whole ho In the Village of Raglan, on Fr day, one milliûriand aqtia1ýterdolIAM- Ailtillge the petition ni the Pire Brigade. il protection fro fire In revierving the rond question, 1 will ýe town aufficient zrant-and yon drawing back 1 Alas 1 il Un ara'abiýdi in Nov. 11, 1864, the proporty of Thomas %nt1y1&proîd" 'ý,'ý" Ã"ýnndi;, and Captain Ilowe arase ta a point of order, with the present entrine? Il thim wère commence with. the venir 18.57, that being is ton true.,,At the vinry moment when the Hodgson, Morchant, -Levi Fairbanks, Jr. could 'ho. sold' ch4kW"ý thin on Liie sea- and uled the chairman wheiber the peti. nnswered in the affirmative, bis tee' :"Ution tire first time yon teck a gf-»itt ;ri the COMI. brickbolle of the Westora range of towni. bui Auctioncer. board citios of the United States. fflby, tion bai net been disposed of. Cell ta Ille ground, if lit the negat 'le, it ly Coulicil, as lieeve of Piclierifig. TillIt shipq was ta receive $20,920 ; when even. for Mortgage saW of a valuab!o Farm, ai thorefore, should wo not supply Nowfoumi - Mr. Perry, (chairman,) iiiid that tire Rhnuld siand, and hi& motion was 00 et. yerir I find you were one air the stividincy liandod justice, was ta ho dealt out ta ail ; a f the Commercial Ilotelp cri Saturday, Nov land with the fond which her people im- action of thÉ? Couneil nt the lut rnectinq Captain Rowe, in the absence the comntittep on Roadm and Bridges. Y"ÃŽl when the principle of your own resolution of, 12, 1864-Levi Fairbanks, Jr. Atictioncer. port ? Tho cousus retqrna of 1857 show wu ta L-ill off ait further action upen the Mayor. n&kCd týat ' tire inatter bq alo ' w ' ed must udinit that this is the Important Coin. waq ta bu confirmed, yon wore net forth. of On Lot No, 21, 79h Con. Pickering, ýon thaï; they have but 1,5k parrners, witl, Mtition. But that the vote negativing ta stand for a week, for a -full ClotM mittee of the C ' ouncil. côtninq, ti-n am coming, absolutely shiroked the vole4odg- livi Tbureday, Noi. igth, iao4-j- the property no leu lhn 36. oe 4NM j cou Or an - the resoluiion, dererdngýcll further action Dr. Gunu, lifter sonie ilidit delî Wetoul Yeu did fresli frôm the peoplel with Much, ad ont nt the bnek doorait-il sýulke(l away, the $4. on the petiLioii until the first of January said, that out of respect ta Ilid Worship ut'w ruaterial from other t hips in the of the Inter Daniel Whiteside-A. Thomp- other in the Fit4heries. %Yhat là chiefly 0--vns vibilc your intelligent colleague was work- tell kept the subject alive. And that a]- ho would cotisent. Co son, Auctioneer. wanted is direct and speedy 1 uneil, thi.4, ir over, wu the titue, for tire ing inanfully for the scheme, fully aagured it though tic further action could bc taken Captain Rowe, seconded by Mr. Cain- 11,yilig dowil of correct principlezi in th", tirai, Pickering interesta wert, hein- served. in" On Lot go. 14, 12th Con. Reach, on tien betwecn our cities and Vontroalwl)icl" ripou . Ibis particular petition thon under eron. moved in-amendment the distribution of publie money for ronds- lf Btit M4 Chier Sholved the WIrITE-cf(,-uther 1 the Saturday, Nov. igoi, 18641r the property of is nearer Qtichec and Nfontreal than it il, adjourn - Patrick Larkin-A. Sprine, Auctioneer. 0 exp discussion, il did net preclude the corticil ments of the coudicil which carried nem Pickering had been wronged- liervi Ori lanation only cân bc -iven.of your ta Boston or New York. We inust have di» front lnkiný, siny further action it might con, and the couticil adjourued to Monday ther, was the time for you ta correct thu extraordinary, but ta me, perfectly plain rect communication for postal and adret liront fit, in tira matter, by petition, reso-1 eveninc next. iiiiuslice, or nt ail evenu to prevent ii, 0 course of conduct on that* occasion C onn. TI, flervicos- Our Cariadian manufactorers lution or otherwise, the proscrit year. repetition. On examining tire jourliais of ty money, was about being Irranted; for havir greatly incrensed, within the last Dr. Gunn rpgretied bis absence nt the PRESEN' PATION. -Tho pupils of the Dur. tire Council. 1 observe that jour'commit. t.he Pickprinc Brock road-. This would four ycars, and, as accumulated capitAi in. lait meeting which wae unnyoidable upon fins Croch- schc-n! hétve preaented thoir never do for yeti. Yeu bail no objection X ri 1. C$ tee ")orted ai the Jùne Session. recoin- croises, wili hecome more rapid, renclering bis part, from causai whieh lie. could net teacher, Mr. Denald J. Ikaton Witt a metiding grants-$100 for a bridgc oit Ille ta mut, for the 4th con. of Uxbridge, or ONLY 8150 CEUTS A YEAR the question of markets of gieât marnent. central. ý It wu$, lie said,,unusual ta bring Piase-line, hetween Whitby and " Mr. Front this commerrial point of vieyr thora. up a report for disen.4sior), in the absence handsome uni vatuable gold pen eue-and Ã1000 for the Bru O.ihava ; theýCentre road, in Brock, or the enstern bun Cid; Rond, in Reach ; $-100 boundary lino, for Mariposa, or, for that Wlii(by, Thurs4aY, November 10, M . (ore a Confelleration la of great importance of the chairman Charze of it, and pencil, and an addreu which we give below. for the Centre Rond, in Reach and Brock mttr oven for Oshawa Brid4e ; but for bord ho entisidered tlfat it wollid only baze tic, $400 in Thorah, and eloo in M-aea nir'l Ta sum up, whetheru regards the ex. Mr. Benton bu mitron up bis occup the Centre road in Pickering, Yeu said l'il 0 bern a siaiple net of courtesy ta bîm ta have Il ina3inuch,11 You say, Il as that rond is one 4 ýuIe tinguishing of sortarie diffleulties, (and t1do 1 as 9 tencher, nid gnes ta study fair, in Ille nono of il." Th-s lino dors not eevn týuch el The New«. allowed the matter ta stand ovar for of very great interest ta Ille Co' tY," Yeu the éïtiburbs )f blaierville ; IL la net fat the large black type of & Globe,) our office of Mesre. Thompion and MeKin. further report liait - Sirocco SI un next meeting. This waq tire courttmy rect iS enti- enon;,,Ii west ; therefore the whole gcheme &tre Ilon. Mr. Movat, va are informed, bu maratime advantnge,% our military ability usu,,IIV ext,.ndod by the cotincil to chair- non, of Hamilton. The anticuncement of lied in consideration, as the rond iï one nf mur,ýt bc dc-fented. It may suit Mr. Speirs 15 1 6rI ootmnted to accept the Vice-Chencellor. ta defend osimelves, or out incrcased coin. men à commilt-ees. Had lie, (Dr. Gunn,) bis intention ta change hib sphore of use- very grcat importance, an(l linq especiul or evert a large inajority of the township ahipp but reà ons*of State may prevent bis mercial ablintaz 9, 1 Wou . e the Conferderation is thon been prosent ho would have moved ruine" g&TO due ta the testimonial, whià Claim s'muter &troke. .. We become the nucleus Ille resolution which bc beld in bis là -ind, ï agninst. or upün the CountY, lu might approve of the Brock rond, but say and nauming the dulies immediately. wholly vriuntary--and on hie part unex- 1 yen in efftýet,«&& connection with Victoria,', alibou,-Il you %Vhen My privaie interestoi of à great h'ýtîonone, thon, inderd, worth and whi-.h lie noir moved, seconded by wu gay lit vour report bd that Sirnene Street 1*8 are ai stalle, publie interests, must (rive -The telographic dispatche4 ro)o"eired front living in. Let lis pirture ta curatives out Mr. Campbcli :-That for the botter pro. pceted Of course It must bc ail the entitied ta considrati:)n," still on il ques. way.'l Wlil the States indicate th's ["lect'on of Mr- back country and the north part filled in tection of property from rire withiti this inuro priwd by bim, the grift being tire tien tu -ive $500 ta Ibis very saine Si Merle With much respecti a Uncolu. Gold, 247&. by an, indtisirions, hardy racci, rnembm of corporation, it In necessary that a fire sale- contribrit ion of bis scholars. Mr. Street, with your usual ConAistelley, Yeu 1 subscribe Myrrelf, The "UtRatfale have returned ta their the Rame fainily, j;tjWec-te of thé IMMO $av- engine of more pallier and efficiency than Beaton lenvez this neigliborhood with the voted î1l'ay 1 However, sinc-o thon, yen Your obi. -jervant, rupectirc homes, fii the Imwer Provineu., Orltign, participants in eimilar benefiLq, the presrnt origine bc proclired. Dr. bearty good visbes of ail who bed the pie&. have tirade ample amendt; ta Ille zood peo- A PICKERIMG FARMEIZ- ta remark that the report pie (Of Mariposa and Eldon, OUT 01" Pickering, Nov. 8th, 1864. Tbore la nothing maiterial ta add ta e __$fotne day it Of the enfflijeer ' and the personal observa th pffmoting the sanie abjects. mure of Wnowing blai ; and wilh bis many Trir!, COITNTY, for upon (-Very occasion programme giron in Our lut, sa ta the May bc witnegftd by Our children, if not tien of every inan in town confirmed the friends we dSire ta juin, in personal gond of a special grant for Simcoe Street,-the mine. A grand hy ourselveis, 'à gloriou,; r Letter, No. 2. complexion of the new Federation. fact tbat the present engine wu inefficient i lýoom for thât succest whick bis -talents Eutern boandary litre of %bc County-you - The Confederate steamer Plorida, route ta tftvel; t-cýteriliig train Halifax tu and wu net sufficient ta insure protection 'and integrity of conduct calicot rail ta have supported it. Your principle of ac- Incidents in relation Io the Am n Vancouver. The trade net only of thW ta the town, in me or rire. The engine pure him, wkatever bis vocation. tion appears ta bavit been througbout the War, indicative of the course joumrsued whiebi like the Alabama, bas dom sa Continent but of another flowing down lied tint sufficient force ta food itself, we me farther atoay train Pick-erine, the grant by the Pederal Adiitinistrationto bring rà neh da"ge ta Northern tommerce, le the Gulf, thon t-)-he the high way or na. ¬ion powel wffl inedaquaie, and the i ADORE". o Io bc made, the stronger its claims ta your back tu the Union Il Our w(zeard roported ta have beencaptured. tions. The Canges, it maT ho Raid, almost strolle sa milort that no compimy of men To MR Bcà toN. T£Acurit,--Sia,-On support. Every dollar Tbore la actually nothing worth report- Batuting the SL Lrlwr#nMý May those Who could stand the labor of working it, it bebalf of the papils of ibis gchool, we pre. ed in this your firsi report were granted ta Pleur, mir, tell me Low far it la ta lngiitbe&h&Mofwar4ewrt-.- Tbo;cqzn. arc nOw PiOnSring - tbb,: ýpAth, and thodrte 'Il '150 tac Il ht, 0 mach 80 ha when sent vou with thîs Penholder and Pentil, Ille E rrttern range of Townships, N,)t one Canidon V, y 4110W thoir steps, bc equ#j ta the bc necessary force wai applied in working as a salait token of car esterai and regard We were riding through the botub-like two feiseing prise fighters-- Who Ma shilliug given by Yeu ta Pickering, Ux- w in of -tuk ; May they npw and ever stand forth II, it was actiially raiseil up front tte for you, ne our Tescher. 'We are 4érry you bridire, or Scott. Ilad Pickpii),r no mil Arkansas ýduring the early. part Of - e pre- watchît:18 each other. in tbe Md the in detoute ofour liberties; gay they doom ground, The proporty of the ratepayers are going away, but wherever Son go, jou way Vidgea or crossings ta make Nor sent year, the wealher vas 1 interrisely cold, doterticination, May be--s-n-d ift1deédý we of the town, ho contended, could net ho will have our bedst, wisbes for your prosperi. Uxbridge or Scott no roada, having ilespe. and the condition of the roadi; a uchthat it . the goêd Su» by prud#" cffiý* homitly bofieve vill be--liko thÃ,' k gy and protected by *w.b a deficient fire engine. il and bappl'uu& We regret thst ý the ciel clainise on the Courteil 1 It would was %vith difficulty Our lidinseoui.ti make Md da" fighta,.-& drawa huile. ungelfthnegs, and brinâ Io of Au applIcation had been made ta tke Pire prescrit la not a more valuable ortell but ve appear ýou thought net, fnr when the thoir way'-wben ore were etartied by that Our (ýonfedemey, security, bonor and hall. Instirance Companies, the Dacier remark. eu anum Yeu. that if it vers la our pow. reprementatives 01 Ux le bridge and Scott. plain ive voice As ive turned in our sali. -Zho eurniastion inta the "Àibom pinots, ed, and a reply hall hein reedved by the Cr, votrould gladil give you sommthiDg moved ta amend- - the re Fe Wd still gags On.-but, front ita leusth, 01et 1 ri"bý grantiuc dlem, lu the direction of the tuund, we saw 1 ' PO OMM n*thlog dailitle. - _nIý dec#,q,'Ing,, to-ýen m'on ýX=âW_ *fi-M* "Il ew, ce 4L14 lwtwuogb orwm and luxbregt., yuu et boy "à pplte"ntt,,r =iit, 1-2, . -- - r -âge-, suistance, et 8tating, at tha sanie gMtitQdo.ý - _ý ý& iii tc iroted against the motion. Plonty of money seated on a toýï-hiii face wati bright, in. thet the prisoners were *«u&1Iý Conte&. ha" *Me &r=gfflentý 4,ht-. eîiýlFoîsr et ltail, tbat they bued their esculationis of JOHN WHITNEY. for Oshawa bridgm Abondant ýfsparù. telligerit sud cicanibut bis sentit elothing "toPP rate soldiers-ind proporli enllsW and thé leiding Hterary Sentle;en» in town, to mie* of premium upon the atfety afforded NVM. MenDDEN fands for Brock and Centre r bah cominiasione ký1 ý 1ý ý t- caris, in was, ff.arfully worn. Bright guidon curis Uti'chsýst of e"ningýcIaèéeâ dorine the ta th" PrOperty in the town through fue Réach, Brock, Th-oraby Mara and Rama. eîcltpf!fl from inany straw bad 9 ,p ý - qiotir tesson , and we trust the trouble South Ontario r1nuching M #ý1 On £hi Fifth of November, an -,W Mlles, organizations; and ibis in itself ho But nothing for injurede ýPickorid-l or the bas, and his foét-,were',vrapped lit etripaof 4nd,ç tion called the "reniatis" la re tO thought. wu sometbiý; worth considering. Townships in its rear. Your wily tangue, bianket. Again, bu said, sa lie round that as lie' raded the air" tg 0 1= In-te have Incurred, ta e air, have p& 111 conclusion, what ho, (Dr. Gnon,) want The annual Ploughing ffltcb,.,of the à à d ready peu on that occasion, faileil ta out attention was attracted, di Pleas - the 0 some of the parties _ have , ho= , aM*ted, "Mil the Very boit tutors, WHI ho of ed vas,-firlit ta affiroir the necessity foý a Agricultural Society of South Ontario, "y one mord, or write one lino in defetice how fat is itýtoCamdon 96% my little cord" »&04ý bave bien sel"d, and thare 18 now gréat service ta. the» Who from ciroctustan. botter engine than tbeLom we W-when Camgq , off an the iarat of Mr. John Cala. of Pickering. Yeu, a member of the coin. Waný it in, at leul, a hundred 'utiles-, WOA- accon en Investigation eng on, 44 Put ibm est, Or the nature 0? their O= thst wu doper, " ta consider the best mittee, cetther in the repori of the coin. the r(-ply" Well thon, how far la it ta the carryi aie&*$ of promdog ou. plin, neur Brooklin, on Thorsday lut. throughtl.-WqFuy. Th*Yýýýdmlt appouto bave b»aýt" le to embleb thole dialirilà . ýà ficîg with "the )n now collisista T 1 uneday, Yov. D.ý Nün n y E8q.? Gwing te the ýther, and bad ýin 6ve beent, 8.* à m, *tek, te prime fall, liuM to prime- 'ith gold on thé ?sPondin-, -ad. myerA. are en. intity at over iemand nt 60 CKÉNTÉ. LAGqý meh more (Ili. le juld fit, 811(j im simply bc- krifew thoir )CIETY.- lace rew's Society lineant town. t President. 44 1864. )(1, are noti- C'r chorles )ntario, on te *Idntit pf ýO vOlont be Abovô Aot. p--mull - - - - --i ta -which the primarily Ir, au -Tery mach plemed ta 10 is largely, f9o le proper ýway aýOut th and and course wu on b WO board rani of our most experienc. t a principle of locking the On rat breaking out of tbe war my front Iry usëful, in m un rmon hé could net support 1)r. ad farmers deèlare that it mi Incvi t the billons ti on the encre ght compote stable door, after the home wu siolen. hus nd was a Udich"rnad, at eut ho wu movem an pathies existing us- As a aucomtal Don,. Gunn's resolutiou. As &r as the dis. ratoirably In, the firet clus. But in your cm, J*t is evenworse for yoc Opposed'to Our state going out of the Old IvIen bOtwtefttJppcr and Lovrer,-Cjmtda, (be. tiott ho han ontatripped ail coMýetftOrs in courtesy ta the Doctor 1 Union, but at lut seeing, as ho believed a what d*' by briaging the The pain, whick, wu sold on the Érat ho ' IPed toloteal, the, home, and next determination on the part of the rede)' gotten originally and---eu'nningly'b Whitby» Ris noir Offic* Û oppuite the 'matter up for discussion when ho Was noi. ground brought the following excellent be me the 16udetitmoutbed in crying rat if not a quacks) wili require ail care, kill'and County Attorney a in the butiffing. Oppoëjte presenf.ý,ý ,rw c*nSrned,, it *m à member,' prie«. Barley, 96 cents f one dollar - "Robbers." The importanc ftuthOritiAx tO 90ad the people to despera- 'iIl las watching u abova premiW jný t4-esse of Black's ilotel. :Of the Doctor's commit - 1 aPPear ta attapit to this ý pet re8olution, tion. and. cause thefu, ÃœUS to a-"Ume a Po. notbing tee (Mr. Campbel4) POà "ý 65 and 67 ceuisi SÉring whest one rowye sition of nntagonism, that they might irain We mal -ring patient, por, tha such vas that Puelloil the sabject forward -, ýand he, dollar and one ta one dollar ad five. dor yod Pré eVer referring ta it in a ýr Our Con--&tion 1when this recont mediciïïe, - FArAL AccrDUT.-Uçb 'Degeer is* the (C&pWn,,Rowe,) Fait wheat 95 to 98 conte. the remon why 1 allude ta it a military supremacy, "d fèeling witballi one, 1 "ry =eh regretteil that that the lut hope of a free people wu ta This wi 'WAÇ ompounded in the Coalition labom.' "ne Of A Pema - who wu, aSidenWly the unal course in that: couccil wu dei, The netionéers Ã"Ù the octuion vere bore. At the close of ml review of yqur -tM# le undoniable. killed in & voit, on Tbnrodlly, the ard parteil frous, In that instance. ne ang- Mr- ThOmu Wilson, and Mr. Woodrue. . Road con8jotency, 1 thail rerer ta it again take up arme in oppobition'to a desýOtiEM, cruits ta Whit between, congt& tjy recurring JuLt on lot 24ý in the Srd con gested the *îthdrawà l or th- For the béat groomed and' barn likely. And i the ho got bis old fà iher ta take charge of bis négýOes, desdiocks 1 - n . of Ux- a motion. and oued a meantime u 1 proceed firm, changed bis mogey into. gold, n the POIticd machine wh'ere bd Re vu ý*à i#ting iRý asserted that even, if carried it could -1 team, Mr. James 1 Davià on took a Weil YOU will-not fait ta observe, that every joined t A and 'apared, both pattiés wfte de eting a nothing. for the conneil CoUld aveu deserved firçï aélzN and Thomu Wilson Principle entrnciâted by that. famoug ho army of Gen. Price eavink muet 1 100 Pendent (?n the voici ýebýin jp bis faMI Yi ýVA ho Presumed, fully'provided repris of AnT i' hy-law 't'he the second. cOrd of Municipal, wigdo of WO ýemdibufuà #j, wil 6ppened jxV*»Mý_ y yqtt ha"»Ipor. 1fréus undÃr 7ýpt1rcÈaýe ý of an engins, nor could, they bout oïq,'iýÎdred'Of thCée 4ttending ÃŽJ. for. tO roser#8 thermelles for, thstprettelittie pose a by.law for the next"yeu.> ý "I the, 4iidiiïdý,, The Ja lathe mean tires the farmy,,ýtýx*ï tvftn the two eurb4 the, p ell- Oneý at the Mobe' boiel; or tuary session of 18,58, Rayq birth "Mm"; stmoradw tout, ixpoudý, retreatedIrom thestateAçd Ca 4j"h Dr. eunù,.-ejoined, and Wd that ai te. bath Mr. and MW Alexander the host to, & bounein'g r4d, ache Were- tier, and a Militur, forCX4 M paper; f t with bis 12 eh 'Port a ý e ast aide of the rivet, a" would-1» quite inperficous; -,the ý4. &ad hOÃtý. loft 'oWng for th a comfort of net on the studiai committee on Mads gother with Ép certainty of' Pluitiot'he eipired before' the lartuy of the Missisýppii il« 'Mon. à etfôýîh -afl 1hà t could be nid on'ti. 9'969U- British ald, ý 7 ý- _- 1 1 1 - imul. Bridges thst, year; but you were one > et whilst bolievin, be prà à eeâ;» An inqu The lut news_ I beaxd of My e Prô=#Unating, and va- glibiftt;"the men whn sent in that'pétiiion waff, of the se:çt committee,-whjch DOM1090 atthe time of hý 011189ng, i0g self-eiident thft Dr. Preet, and a verdict W*é quito - comýite t a -th, fi t we wore In nt tçi-judge ofthe value 7b tk>EMWýPf t4 Whýb;i Chr"i*' the'ataùding oommittée. ln'steaà 'of- plu. y" yem bad ftx We offered oursoivée alm', t , cideutal anà usduineu of the engine. He, charg. DQring lhe,,grat lew monttâ, , on as fngyoumelf cd thi'ý'ttanding committee armY wU et Des Arc, Arïanaas*. t% Proy te the vulture& h -isigood there.' ýqp thgý ille cà ptein kilo ý DgLa SIR: last number of, the ypur col i - in v Wou thÀt ý thé lugue,-Xi-z.-Spearsýý(Jdputy reeve) oence we weré'leftý M[eetingoi J30a d of »Ch èngine, iras vatuel inrOt th t the Prestnt moveulent towards i eu, and thAt bis iîýect Chro" appears ý à 1étter addressedta me WU appointed. On the 27th Janua a ri the 'entnm'-ènce'd out Nation-hood bas been ru ta fitave the maiter CM by, irst,'our-ýbo ýhý noIC& Perm Who signa hi ft is botter The rez'nýtar mee mielf Il À committee reported their-views as follows: 'Captain Rowe: p-oaýitivaly denied Jhow. lig Fumer Il ai that the fathers of that 1 iekéýi - could n Èitè 'For the tattle and -hogi wer»,ý!-ÈëtS by y,ý',pf Ir moyement soein place et the Town b caval -foD«.% lé0k. all, on tq" y 'aýe FprOpi4awt,0ý th -6 Jng anythin,4,ý &bout ý the ý,ýà pccity of the 4fieved th" AmOng th$ -many hundreds- ot «ým, ïýýr, r;à ý:of, !ý"ry1 grest, in_ Onthé Éiýbdnà i- mj% us an equât ta the -task. A oombined people, 111g lut. ing 1ý', and'a à à t 'd farmers in the Tg" 'p picke ge charged, in tait that. the -terest ta the Couge, $48000 (tho, et prosent somewbat lutt«M) Dam. Présent, M.'ThIraîte, PS) ou ec -wed, tOý f knew -nothini ab coild> ý,4 ïaï-e cior t 'rosai iùyouuy te the mous of suppo 6à S1ýt- _,ei14ý we ý1 bering fourmillions, ought in case a( agi. Mm - ri, Campbell, Fraur, MIWI40- and- Mked însMîýW' 918,80' h gression, ta be able ta fuirnish a supply Powell. ked complal _J rivéo vit Wor ned thst the:ën'gifie' did that letter Odutthn or,, if, ho did, ho geego gl*land bc" le-. lp,."tea lî 'read and coà . ýuot get fair play, tbat at, the recent fire: would ho sach go » Of frbernan, willing ta do, and dare ail for Minutes Of lut meetin ta thii h wu loft 0ÉýduWt:ja=ý Ë.t ô Née,' î. , iw firmed.- &Co S4",ý aliald hira. on, jeaffing linos èf rw ro-9 thoir homes and Proporties, oqual ta, the thw-aucucu nOt, 'go Vithila' ton félf behind a ficti, ef.,aud &O'tt, 2 OmerOnÇy. V«h " on of th. 411 vers raonivâd _m Difflend. ip Pipi- %e OUr.lant al3d thst ftmýà the Chabîer. 101-i lvea, rt le y", nt rtx 1 -ki NEW ADVERý For Sale AT i Jk Wi LOX AND