Whitby Chronicle, 17 Nov 1864, p. 1

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BERNARtD IALDIN, EsQ. A tllURA NO eiffeted salial Iis, or dm '.iAgelu> tineo iia! al) pt îi>orBuildings and tlîeir eolntcnto oui t'îunurslîle 1tornînud At lattes out rr-ll in se ýluuv au> thlamt t y alier reapomxiile t'omnuîuy. JANMS TRIN(/LE. Tr'avellinug Aizent. Tuý suit th t oimecniellu- iltllardies nsidhng hum - onuî and % iciiîî îthie nuierblgmil las», <mon itnîy eIupoiiuiud l'oeni Aài (c e.. lurvlom .11 iieOu.urrx irfî.iirul<r iii le ereiilly glu-oaa -mn ai i Îloao Iri hiuipercomtaiitvlInriuyi otmer. A E11aîl i meuh liprti~it-ounitmtîing uoeuina Ilicir paujimrtv igaiist lus-i hy tfire or attiorvise, ta rjettnIi>'-ollcit-ul. TaHOMAS NMYEIIS. Wliitby Manoir 30, 180è4. 21 BRITISIT AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY! 0l FFiCE-5roek Street, Whitby, next dean Co Reuiimîr> 015co. Ageni. Ae-aat in4. frhe tirMontreai Oceau Metobi p Cempan>', aud fur Ciao Glasgow Lino Sueamenrs, W h ithy , A v il, 1 5 1 6 . 2t) lJ iE ubgcihar lI io mo<uînaiuig bis <houka J.o' 1o haut ine borIe t tu hitn the uîîai. ants of Mli, Towniamu anhrmimtdiîg country, <mt ho viilbe ai ppyr ta attend W aIt on dors ennuitadtn lis coco. Teetit insortou on t/aId, Silver or Vrltumzed Esîbin Basu. Tuetia iltor anextracteai lun te bout p.ibie unner. Portulir attentim p ald te aroulatIjoo Childneu'm Tecth. - Alylork-sai rntaud. WINDSOR' QUDRILI40 1AE, ADDIC.M8 THf WilITBY CHROICLE At hbsigrntllîg E.tahbei î alt, 13rock $street, Whitby. ci, OMtothe Rcgilstry Office. s50 PER ÂNKM A AdIvertlsi«oniiB mosfl ItdliiNoopar- ilne, first hiocîtion. asud 2 O Isptlle le. oRIjejr0 j nt i ar f R ent ccli Sib<Qlnt ierticill. ha in writcu1ng. - JOIIN'ý3UliI3ILL. ER & RECKERD, ~I FRUITS, FuSIL OYSTEIL0I lt rselb,llcorEt -. i RV.1ECKElID. ItATIiWÂITE, iM. D. I OF TIIE UNI VER<SITY OF loge, (ontcoomsen tn Dr. Wcne,) 42 [AN & JONES, IN liifRi. Offie,- tRoyaltihotel. WviîiCly. 1 arm for Ilale. îngl& v(iurpioied otpart e orict cho9, l naelof ni ik- 0 eirodl. Te.ia largo, witie elataru.iiminsd avo- eneulie ; olso tva lorgs ia, tabjvA, &0,, , A snîîg Yilhlfii )Kltisnul 40HIS If>IDON. Cfiirmoit JI. 0 - 117 V'S BA LSAM nor rI onka. > ir iui diis. lîo lntii s 1or «Po(.tic)of., Lungs and Choat ~.mp ti> xi. le ulr-. l -ir r i etî -de- - IjiOl, ~ ~ ~ ý Idiettloî Nuihtit - n rrit n -iui" itoti&e tiVl J.y lu -u 1ilîhol isi a Tll %Il-., u- lkoua tr . lis Wi'-u - stl tnemi 1itîni i-- îvît lîî id pmirt y x ruAu~0 C li ihîa oli 41 -illoî1i rz i îuIîu ill igt e loge.. Vure ie(W] oit i i u05 anl r/ii4 î.lCtred irateo.,l- ,uik)t batiùiiaic a a L. J.Rirai,.,nEsthe reu ia I>e ii-' lîr, ihtsn'1 tlr-r , I'iii piiituieee te ix aîriu~ tl lWiiter6. A. OR TO RENT. gOIFTII-rIlL f ot i:No.. luinChia 40jiCon. i, nahla T(~c>wrliip ofniieeng, 80 soes clasmoil, cumulimin lî4,4tstateuf a i' -ICuattuan.-, <uildwoIlitig, fruange barn. spleaadid oars., vcll wsaterp.d.-a never i'alitîgs p ring PAsses thîmnugh. Tlienoara 12 na rul cl 'uest. Apmply on Chai praaîîiise te tir to ALEX. DUNLOP, JO>IIUA RICHIARDOiIN, i'ickerhng <O>t. 25,1864. whitby. 4 Boots &Sos MATTIEW COLLINS BEGS to 1fmnnhbiscutoemor hagt bo ita reievt)to igriw reises, -n Brook attm-et, (2 deors troai tiae Iagtsry Offlae1aand BOOTS & SIIOEks' Iu greut vanicty, aud icaco teo çralon. Bpis- uaativ doue.- D'TRUNIS POU SALE 1JC a »cl]i IA suogle tnithwllconic vitera the rhght Sor ubt hrgaîu.a in <haBoot sud hoe linart toheg-a,1. 8i . DI VISION- COU RTSt FOR VTIE COUNTY 0FONTARIO. ~ :~ 14<1, t'~ ~ ~ ~ ~~4 ti<aiigtn>.., 6Da tlis48, " O, Beavanou. De,. 6l- -1j,- Sanie love the bvigilit day'-9nd that ruiles Alicriu 1»' day itirlt î'uiiîîlteîl els cra, $Ornie IZIny flthe 1siiiiact louifls, Auads he il M i wti ligiitderijpa A o m htlt ittI in% ol I te nti ion, But g'iue tn ine tie ;;Id 1FWeit jlit, Titat imues frein theietl(ilitliiiîii. '1 for ilîug tsoI), Ciifdneauny lizlîC1 SynWet iufluuuiiioly tilîaugiits 't lmnuei, Tiîat ileedi, nneeiuery to iinncie', 1tV. heiluiuy wrnuLeliît t eRthl>- thiiîgs, Ne fIre nf lboet-tny tIlcait, 4 Or puritS- air sln% witjî love, For eve ny tintîglit ecenj- î iiiîgied witil An iiîliuirtieiTomn shore. Onu tora iutuiglis ire waîdt-r forth, <On- ioitiré'e worki, Ive texivt olîr aven, Ttùceluils ort. î hae lseîli iliiapensod, AnI nl b'aIelîmsitu l'en the skies jiîcwet rejuoce, 111l ocres lire toue, AinrtIrau"W it i in îar hlm plice, Weoitlw 'iîii Wno1en. 01 ii liifhin l -%vueo, r epe mc j)4tü>r hjt.ctq iîj-,but thlat liq ilanglt, Tluein mleiit iîîîtoîl,îthora airakesq, ço clen li iit client Clint. Thp. soft g4r(een cîrptut, iet %witlî dciv, Tîunue feiîtle d(!-wdrnîmu> frein :tbova, Must nmneounonlicart1 iriti> neeord, Aeni-tnce flore uliat "4 God is love."t COMMERCIAL JIOTEL, 1311009 ATIur.a, WIIITiT. C'IAIISS MellIR 0E, PIIOI>RlETOlA, EXCEILICNT aceemnmodtiontaor traveljars. (+ ond tuiliiig anid attentive Ostiens. 20 TERRAPIN RESTAURANT,- 89 King Street East. JUST r-cele-, jcr Exjressi, nt tne abova e-iiheîioia epleiîdid lot nf PRUAIRIE flîKN.QUAI]>, <NIPE, Plover l'itid0ee, WttIl.Diko nd 'Veliil. S1IELIL AND CAN OYSTERS, &,riuir.er., W aî-len l t Ri ail, l'AULSLI-&E lIKY RUSSEILI2S HOTIEL, Q- u 1;14 BE C. '%lF 'iîlernnie 1 l 'niprii-umnrs Illie al)oe îîaiic1Il bll i1.. linerseefmlviamprice rniîgll'v u-i il-îtd i hîîr n't-sîii "il tcri i uriwi the sinter, aliiec iablen l1them ii îowt tir ffe,. te tic Ntii ii i-ru> fntI' e liîitiire, andl <le Tra. Reîitiîîuîtaile s'riri-in tlî-î l ire i vn- ter. il-vi- lee inwI'nrman-I ltcfi-rnnmq limta larei ,1 l i n ar Ine I-i-.mlielî fi-r - îîuufîrt MId i- mlt' ielciee iû 11 re u-s~--- ui Ie cite. WM IIIsSEI.l, &SON. \VOON'S HOT EL, W 00N n D0 T Il PR. Northrît riast nati 1Mercaile Fire & Lifo Insuranco Com'y. îîTI 1 ().'%f .1 %V, y'Ye,' hareplut!. 'Bat tba*1Qý O& th9at< s&Ilevenis, it boas110< goenut etf te family into t<b u uu4ofStrangena; audJ hope- vban yput sou my ameudodelite <bat yen vili give me osue -assistance tg *dvase My qfortunes in speç reditable 'Wal4,deeton, upJn <bis 1I spolie te bic hit7 .andcoucludad by soyiig,-. - 1 Scipio, T- cautuet dos/st bu'. tai. yann tcher bat! ample reasou toterdepriviug yot of-yrar foctune, but,8< ste aqmt<ino I ciouuot doabt but - <at bl-ihoý been per. leetly surad of yeui'.nepenlsuce, sud <bat ,70n taoet toaàmoùd youh ite, t)u, veqld matAhev Tety Di"- CALL AND SEE SMNDYl <1 f Elistliiîlire '<lrî-i-I i lse," la H Bronîlii villiffp, ii-i ire lie will lie gicil i-r mcal lus irien'irito "lirepremullees tire val! ftii d îîenii ui and iti Illîcreîrumo til-r gourd, very urrrd, the b/iee,-îor he cees tii ,lî-- erîi<rti-leri iii ,l brne liiuaî-If, hriu'img lit-ci îrruuîteîi t- ole < am-cil qasoif,id>Bous Iite, At Sur-jr 'st-,k o r -îîr reet, sririr t'iMiru e i The- rî, i-ni <- r(,i'url- idyrl-ail, - irec t I *I-rgir-r lit- ho- ALEX. l'EERIE. Ontuormo Ding 1lit& FI tc'iarnt, ('i111TRI'I PiII T. î(OPPOITEîr: S-T. Jai- fiPîriri it' nero 1'it, rs & -e ., i4i1 ieteu t rur of Lands. nou, snhmd e mos ebr rtvuInt iFla Phics. o.n IST> 51301, titi i îioadaj N lil cf lre<r ,viuhij- c P3 iriitiii 01,4 né by irltu. týii 1.t rsdr,u- i t) Ff' he li t- Cli u 11g luii f Ma%0 SWA7IDELL. &S ur, wnivoy. LILL ....propriotor. et JouIrais ta loforun hlem nny ha0 le nov aaarylng.ouuthe that lie supplies noue bat the qerscîgars,and rufreih 2Jplied table. Gor>d .tatliug BANK 0F MONqTREAL, 'if W.R. DEAN, Managr.n CAMERON & NjAÇIONEI>L, smltr- -- i n lir tl- ',iriîrîn '. f 0 ltri r. lany &-o ii .e.. e.W'ilthýy, IlC. W.' M. , (tutlni '.C. -1l. .1. i ciurt v.t hu Oliectîh ll ti%,rii , n i iiun <irl *~uia, tut A u R<t i,,,DrPViE!i, Wlth calm Printat! words, great thoughts anad usttriug industry, W VOL. VIII ,WHITBY, C. W., THUR~ 'FÂRMTO. LET& Acres-Ill Eo sa tusteonLto.4 15011 iii, thgril, and 50 Acres ou LMt Nn..24, lu the 41,1, cnncasionionf'the ITowlimilu or W'jîit' by.31) vcres iesrcd, and l ln iilà h .te ofn aultîvatin. Tl' ee promimes arc mitiiste with- lun twoanlles nie Count>.Tnwn of lVhithy.- 'The ai la of the lîemt quality,sand val! waton- oui. Thora lmîîahbouie sand gond hita. To o solveliît tîproving teliant, tie preiibue.-q il! bc let on faevoriiîhle tarins Alpyto ApîyTIIOMAS 1DOW 'Vii lOir. Wiiix, Sc';1,emher f, lest. tM- FIRIE ASSURANCE CO. EISTI;SF]EJ> IN 1782. GILLIl'tlIE, 11OFF~ATT CO('., Agent'm for .lAMEls ifA VlSN. NMainager. IS H~l %N(ICI ntaiititt LIOI-<ly FillE mine il te inomi t'aiornlîlu- ieruie. anid ],/)5S', 1) liwithîi jtrv-ierietot tlie hoari Agentm, Whifuhy 1NSURANCE. T ii ! iui-ler-)2-,oll le erîl approiff~lAucu T li If. 'r&if-r t'e fît-nr ire-t-elaii% liimeIri ice u9*i)til,tic-. iii mwliihfhî-i-îjîýreîîm-e. i îiw<'r pi rî.-t-filie. Iift. andi n-riîe.- Thoe Edinburgh Life Assuranc Comp'ny Thte Livecrpnnoltand London.'- Trie Montieai Fie Iuurausce Company. T/ie Prorinci.-dAss'rance Company. F.l<IiLLY.I, 19îae. o , le . 45~ Brltiqh Ama-ricits Aovnt e Compauy, T ±f: 0iuhiA'F:1 nden lui el.ct tif ttliiird J.seeniolr -Ithle lev-cijtl'rn'ilicial l'îris- C'APITAL £100,000 ittitî.icî r<ed e ltii!oiiiigi-ait i1 iielI Coutiteatt-. Ein i -uuto rîtieio JoIîN AGNEWV, TrMî AMllîl. AgenitBl, R>i Otet Wliîitl>3 AI)VÉRTISEMENT.. Rnyal, jjnîuîsh Amein, Sind Livri. j unia ud London Assuraince 'mpnc 1.lcr.l'li!a es ial 51111- n, f jetx ol inzr- s,20OOUOO. to l. aleicitl!n of ' 000 vill lie takteiî ili aiy Ilîle rel ,"I -n. li.lea. iltui 4? 'lie JOHN AGNRW,1 à,e ual 'Agent nt 'WlltiV. WESTERN ASSURA4NCE COMP'NY 0F TORONTO, C. W. CAPITAL, - - - 400,000, iîtgior 11c o;trr lt,, 1- ,t iîtî l Ifl i > i. AlttNiEIO , uluirI .- -u i> lo T Il E -ve wv nvi i-IW rutalil ilier 1)F1'CE \I'é,'ý ý-1r W1 ma o.us l ti i! rt - w i r i i-e une aoc-i B uuI;ilrEt W t rl I.>tSIVt ii le- liii nii- iri l i I -n tI ilîe ~~~~~~~~~~~~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' rcut.ýiirlrtiî ýtrîrlîînr <rl-- îi î--rulu JOHN V. îLA11, R. r iirlelutîî t <i-uîp tI - EiîlJltl\1uE uItiM)IEIlîii\N \Npu -î - Ui Z;Sh 1-o l nîrj ~. . Ç<-1l~N. i. , ~ Notice tu Farmers and Others ,~~0tNT' (îlt- x Kylîl:\ l li 1 r l îrl t ltt iî-t' uu <trtn-, If i r un nrrIAu în tiir <no s mm. A hi <rtirll crir I S-ftî Aifîu i I)îî'î r- 2 1 rn i .- ir '.iýlr 'J".; Il c i un i Rrt I)tneo- ln utiurii i roîre '-i ýlj- i - ,firrr andn irnrliiirrn -4,it <-l-rir rr 1< iirieii'ni- f- It<)IIET A j. IUl)N. s 'r - E ( 1-1 C)î U 'S I I AlllSTitt . 5Ty'& »'.l rîN 1I. i ' t* 1N ý' M % ) VIc- t r---ut i 0h ,. C % ~ - ~1- tSAV' FINTfON.q IN. 'l. j ~tl ,irrnerî ruinouirîr j n ~inl i Ir-I -t i il. xi. .0ouî>)Ný A TL'RNEY; ýi, àr u2.w Vi-i KELR& I>UuON, C HARuS Lt. ES.KI, I'l 1-S 1- A ' flIS l-r ' W e-I iulî toi r rBrook s, i rrnna'rr.Act\Vrlr Ceai ..llniur-k. h, 1. i-, (ctheWlrjt fle i. W- Ue o -n Vlmu . L.MA EWLI., tL.Li. îlIlcûR t uh vE V.E--i l. 4 ,>l.. a >~<tuniirV-t liit, ebi~rrrj i fj-uii-nu -i - AW, A~Ni0Y Ai& i\YAN'NG. L tiiu.Prince Allient, tv-r wa emtînt T. 1C. ini.iunrr,2 J.V. CALD)WË1LL IIROWNP 01tNVIt23ANi",oiNi, fSlSSii lIt FO10 ~Jtskiii ll 0dujn <tiiiiiîîî Lin-t. Oie% the1i5llaliiitl ha profilmt it 1muiirl"Iuu-.i WE. Oi)ELI>, c ()NVFYAN'IEl',t «îitîuiuuhiu' i 1., &-e.,&'o i rl nl .t t t ti t mode. R. W. CLARK, -M. 1). il. B ()W M AN . RYliSll<tN, uiiIi;EiI)N AND ,"i R.I.EUNN, .M. 1D. U1ÏOVGON TO TIIE COUNTY cAf L, 0--M A- 81-- D- EtV--iîitîuEy. 4, B t1 'l)ER-l, Aie. &e., (GREEN STR<EET, I ityC.Wa JOILN MIETCALF, CLELR 0F TTFFF.7 1 DiVIsOtuitCOURT, eomjîiilgCosTovnlîi1u rouck. Att- tirais: Cuintgie. 14 JIOBERT SPEAR1s, CLEXK <AND TIIEASIIFR' OeTRF cA PRINGLE, - ISElCITANT TAIL)O, 13IOCK STROEET, LOUJIS DUBOIS' r EflISTAIUANTa.4hCornf i rieanud Ex- Iiplsîasie 'tricts Torotr. Ilcfresluuneuti TRLOMAS HUSTON, T OffýiaTevu haII-'ilours I9 to i o'cîaak. I~ONTU MAL MIUSE, 127 Klug Stt WemC,, --i ly JORN. M. WARWICK. .<DlACICAL ttut,Oihawa. dm. Dental Itoou, dlreatîy oppa- sUe thel'os< t le-uroon si moo trq, tirddearn imrth of <ho Ontario FEUX »ROVILILAIDt iiRAse¶fleTlutte)IPORTZR. Wholesale a A- r, 13 1[t) N i io T Ei;. leu %me'iLeuy. teAle Ilinetnr E tNT WINDSO)R HOI'SE, WIIITY'F1 VICTORIA IKETEL. W "i it'ki t . t . ANGIO.ANCRICAN IIOTEL. nun le-itui , v-tihîju- tun- il l 1 tilii i itti le;î C'ANTON TIOTEL,. D UFF1«N8 t - EEK, IKM G OD acctmiuuouitiiium t*(ru:ti er- - %VW. CUTIIBERT, T N1IIlM<uN, i>AU O I F iiENOuN- 9j qiai i 1-0. a-d.ri t t--unîe -f -tiitîi)y a :ruîîor u Iu - na - ru, ftirg- jir L aje t lic hta- rentcd i -h-i ,lluni l I-rite!,nIf is«v ititrtnm c uir i-li Cc erîî1Gndt r stahîfii~iur ir ,1auîî-tntive% -mien. i15-Y Grasnd l'a unk Jtiiwuy lintei. T CUhcn Witî.<«e1 L--i l lofrtiiiit oeil se lde1iv10<r t-uî iii liii t I heîu uî-, if i ig li,- e-imcuieir-rfi r e trail uit' l.nliie. Il--,r-d Salliig, andI nnefrul atteii. .l'2t<PRIN(IL'. Siiulry, Aprii 127, I-ni a NOW 18 TUE TIME. v/ET SttllLI iNEeSA<T J. A. Clarkl's INt rniz I'ictnne Gailleny F Finit îioire i iL teeci ianii ife--ike Am1i}rrrk- Cyluc, <'anettpe, L.etterirnapîr. orLoaCler ROu,inn-Ior .A. (". (lui (rit itutahe ct ctyie, snd et shorntiic <8/Ieeek sl.irojW>ity. GEORGE CORMACK. L I BIOIIM FAO 211 ANT, Carpanter, alul U N D E RT AKI NG. U'UR P-fllisij)plc-4aad atiedut a ýF nhltiotce.11ofint ketaanstatiy on tiW'A Ilearse Cii lain on literîd tComm,. GEORGE CUEMACK. Wtutby, Feb. ttu, 1862. - y WHITBY 'BRASS BAUD 1 Whitby QUADRILLE BAND 1 T l E ab o v e B a n d s f s , ( # te à t v ý o r t o k e l r , So rCats. os ocro ià6 ao esn For tormansd ougagtulats addres- - J uWOLPBNDE91 UIDRIDGE BOUsE,ý MAtie irdeaT, UXaRIDcOX. , T HF-SUBSIER,INK RETURNING ?< litilis selIs a càl,-ftrai liold us tomera, spd <ha publia gaiersil>'. -God sc- commoauo,,vltit good. Stmbliug, ont!aaut- tentivre OstIar. JftMUEIIOKU>SON, 21 -im. rplt5 REVE'RE IOVsE, J:A IN- URIressSa1Ew.H AO Revengu. on, tha lait sanilîce Unhappiiy' it is not,' seil I. .<But is it a physical acbing uhat yen hava on a mcentaltonue ' ' Bath-beth. One engeudereil <ho other. I wilI <aill yen ail, for I niadm up cy mind ta doeose hen your noce occumreil to me, sud I remembareil what ouceurag. immg vends bail passeil jour lips >vhen eacI ancouragiug vend te me vws a pearl et pnicai. Cam, e ,w ilI go mbibt e ether reem, alchaugb seuiehbo I tbink alvays, batter by this artificial ligh<. A more taucymilecten, a mare taucy.' 1lInmpb ' tbonght I; alliera is some. <bing vreiag, I am atrail, about my frienil's beail-pieco, but I sabolch bettar able te, juilgeofetbtInthen ha telas me vbst ho colla ail.' We bc.th repaireil oteh front .neom, sud thora, - by iayligbt, 1 conlilose. Para. viii muet botter; sud sîtheugh I conlil net »Ysoy t iysoîf pasitively tram bis sp. peamnaue,- 1'Thisemi i eut et bis uses,' jet I bail My suspicionsa. 4'Sit davu, doctor,' ha sahl. " Louise is eut, poar girl, se <lot vitheut intmerrupion, or hazardiug o sheck ta ber féeeings, 1 con tell yen ail. Yen muai net, boirevor, by word an look lot ber kuow Chat I hava mude yen a enfidànt ofkvbat she tgilis coufluail te ber ove breas< sud mina, sud 4'Dependd! pen me,' iaid I; 'yen 1mev a medioc man -mut knov bo*,te eep secrets. 1 Esocsly. we.e iî, sfrI ot Entglaud te tako posuession e o *itl esmtate ii Loces <batat! been.Ieft tamc. by auunucle, and, wben I go <bure I foumil <haevitle placeia, commotion, for it oppoeil <bat My nucle 4ai disicberiteil- bis sou0 o disseluto yeuui. Mu, vic, if hb.hbl aavobutceccen- ]y veli, oulil hava baun luisbeirj-.<haro. tari, yen wylulnderstauud hat I tondcy self lnu than o pear position.' '8a I sIionli supposa.' 6'I teek paseasien eft<ha prepety,-sud. tbau I sat- for the son, vho coco te me > snd inupreas, eil ui uuh libis faveur., Re vas sinulorly builsoeo ansd basu' aspect that vas caiculatoil te'«in <ha' regard ef auy, eue. Ho witIi tans iq-Ilsa eyes coutesseil te un-titat ho bat! leano irregular ite, sud <bat by se doing ho bail justly torteiteilbis fther'. esteem,î.vbwict,, howvear, hoasaid, <bot teho.-shullseen bava negaineil hsd ch. old mac tiret!, ton ho bu bail sierreas, sudîneau ont <e cuc 'BI " 1you mau, couin cipio','Ir mesu thbat but,,fer y our fa<hoW& -1luper. a ni nullil nemi. 'S'un~t-, Sept. 7, tees. COLLECTION & COMMISSION MR. E.I..- lNOW, 'Moula-a-ni1,<e.P li t Ilu Smcd,- f-uo rit Mirs 3er. C re u îu.à:fA n-i nlun-r. i-: o- I'elr :4cr iinl r.Alj nînlin jr 4 the r-nI. r 12li--i urtI i rt i t2. nu-eluiE ) u t .Stler t t hj-lre t1.1e-t.ri-i d. nu',-t u t-rt-r. iu t-nu ru - a t,, j- EORE ROBSON.E Oshaw aimdenur tisemnt 1 tN)(; ST E E T, 'lIITII, C.ADA F ,iR<iILulMuSmIN rrunnuî <'1 Iii,î I -n i i i '-I n rIrn st. lC lla wau--. T - ui- urtn ui- i t ile FIîet. II, Nn ouaiS, # i )r1, e rri 'l &,tut lau t-.am ti1m -hir u.sun.f-i t -. fod lneire i ae pava EDWARDS & 11ITDDER. ions. uniijOr ufittenu JL tianlernem'0aruncutg mate Ir mponthe' s4hortestinoticec, of tthe,-tqutatitt- eiîatianisi la the tient '-t m ileu. AU wvintmua'rieoui C hu>lromisea. Spring iunîortâtionn,)f exellentt uîralifty, and igroat unitî-iiiv oieîms. 12 THE ONTARIO HKOTEL BROCUI STREET, WJIITBY. T HNE îmderiged liens te ini-rn hua fnikasd tauttîliis takoma theaabuvelitel, htely kapt hY Mur. Iîiuu, u> aîud trusts VCtar u>strict attemuthion te tîeinens aîd tote a ants af bis, guuiets, hy kuepiaqaa tnt-elas tîible, si'd noue îiit Chli esC af i'hqliers n hoCe Bar,Co temit s suneaofi publc pntrnngo. The Kautliag oud mniec-roonn o hae CIex>t description, huit o caefuol sud otteative OstJor vii hbea lvnyo fuîund ut bis [at. JO8S0PIl EB)TU IVhitI>', NMicd 2, 1864. $l BOYSTON'S JIOTELI, WM .BOYNToiç boettnfi'ornm CIme In- hahîltauta aithCli Cunty oniVioatnst itrrunoding ouaittes, tba4 ha Las openedlime 11i on W illiam Street lau<sîy coiaupiedi b>' Jev ett, snd am 11aebas lad icfttt*d and turnshm. 0d luaià fi t iston dl lulavery couve- uleaca. MWu, Liquons sud Cigaru ert<ho bontqmality. - cs Ç' » ttnd ý Aiattentive o s lu'sy. iiatn- i4nilssy. Feb. 14,1864 6 AGENTS WANTED4 - D(4LPIINM~ ALOON NTEXT TO THE RIOYAL LYCHUM, King . 1 1;rr'et, Toreonto, rw IFru Luaiîoh ovanv ~VALZABLE TOWN 'PORPEWI7Y FO0R SALE On EasV Termaof'Payment. pl Arvilujule ftootageon tae Eutci4deofai Blhtoik ,trtt, extaidiug freiîn MMia iNoi rie Inillick, Soltnli 10 DUIuumiStreet, la nov ntlfered foi, gale, ou nmeat lavonalearionsi nr i uelit, Ile preper1ur vilI ue ,iuidcd as folios-ey>: Lat No, 1 .-tfeet fromtage onulîroclitreet, nit 9S f-rto nuDiiittas Street, ut Iiresot o ccu- lied fit .uiiieis Lal. 1.r)1 Xe. 2 -19 fetd roittete ou Broek Streot, i- lS foot drap, a!tlproeut ofcatu i Il y . IL. i.'ii N'u 3,--le19teet frouiCage ain Brook Street, iii if8 feet decp, liuuiîerly occupiett by Josephi Luit No, tu-Tha promises lu) thie ccimlciî ofuit' ~iici, kînîvu as>tha Il Whiite Fiag," 30tet fIront 7p lBrock Street, 98 foott iee. LtNo. .-Vûaj,t LotSsntti iýf MeMillaWuA iri,e 3 .2 feu-t front as Sonut deeîr. Ternarf. <t' ailui.-4iie teiàt!hîpayale i. mt t liN Oitfiriry 1865 , muiltIt balaxne iii t<tue J. IHAM PERRY, Wflituir, Oet, 19, 1864. .hmpitn TIOWN 0F WIILBYO. F ERMi.,L Toewn airl Villa Lt, P, uitaible for ine i redr ad iscit nie pnices, at(id oîîîtennu J. HAM PZRRY. l>topnlcoar. WJii Lanîds ft-r SQale. Ae 9owriior Lotof il Lnd, lu te jCîi)uaies ci ()tilt4inin ad Viatenj , vit ha sOlî Mt nruacrîahle pnices, anîd long teruca o ylel.Aîîfletti uns sîîiiuosd taeCtme en- deegicl ill imct viCIa Prompt attentilon. - J. HAMl FERRY, -' Whitb>-, Oct 19u 1864. . 4 prewident. Vice Pre8ieee GEO. MICIIIE, FAQ. M OI, s. am for ~ I aboya tint bast nof i Itients.A sail anale D -EAL &tc., No. X. A 1>0fl2 Torente N F. 11.1ý C1 RADUA Priai-o Albi; J.s l rOcate Peace, Proýgres, KstRnvedgo, I3rothorhoad. 'AYq NOVEMBER 17, 1864. As JI*v#, loïvlngthe rodât he dba inte <Cars, sud muihe i lto <ho back spai meut, wbera I bad i Sns< ejau Paveli.r At balt.pai< tee 'cleclr rnlut<heo eft her next day, thera coco a boy hause vitil <ha following'net, te lie vas te vuit tonratn anaver: 'MIy fotber la much iverse iays heia s-dyiug. ' Oh 1 come oie ha for aven recemberot! in <the LOUISE PAucàes Tunotcheilnp my;bot, sud at oece ei rapidîy te Soho, tellig.<ha bo svèùi 8~Em. u &Mao KM RASS. BAND. - ADDRES J7OHN Di NaPHIE. 4 8'Onx. WHirTEyAKI iand i-ru ________NO45 1'Repaid me as I ougbt, penhapi, <o bave oxpeoted. Ha came t e nside vitb us, ho von roui heontu hali, bhamcîild, andi glozed, sud flotteroil, snd, sud deceived my childIl 'Louai?' Yos. The villain tat I armoti sud neunishadinlu my basom., .The BrIder stug me. Oh. Qoil I-eoh, Qed ITBnt I wili bave navonge, navouge, 'if I but for- hlm te the tantheut' coraur oet<ha esrth.' Bntibut-,' 1- No more, no icore., I bova <aId yenu aIl. Shomo sud my cbild's namo hava been liuked togather fin our native land,. That con ouly ho vashodi ont by julood. Au accident, a more trivialty lot me kcevy the perféet eeýt. - Mauulesfor, a <ice toek possession et mee but tbauk Qed, I racoean oilt clsp "M'y chilil, cryiiUg <bat, she vas te my besrt n-and te tee! *here-<hi reai censura ouit t%0.1e. FIe adil-fiad,' sud we icaeavay-frembe spot fetirtb whera <h-a fngerof et sta w tas peluteil at_ us. Ya mee. us 0r' ,eindýe i Hao?-vhene ' - - Ha is an attache nov eft<ho Naspehitan legation. We may meet yat. Bunt Isam forgattiug, iu this tony et my revengb, vhst I really vishe oilteak ot yen. I think 1Im sic lîg slovly.' 1 Dyiug ?' aYes. Thare la a constant pain bora.' He placeil bis bond ap'out bis heart. 'At tho moment hat I vas couvinceil et my cbild'î dishonear, a uamethiug mseemed as if it lisd goeathmongi my heant, sud since thon 1 bavaebildpain uigbt sud day. 1< counat lait,' 'AlIov me te examine,' I sail. 'Wo cau tell pretty vol hat is the malter witb <bat argon. la <ha pulsation veq intermittent ?V 6 Yes-ob I yas.' 11usd a stethescope vwitb- me, nîid car- tsiuîy I toimad Chat tira heart's adtieu vas oxtromeîy irregulor, but vhotber <bat vas sympathetiaeor indicative uf ergalîl disease, I coulil net sudvonlil net in <ha flrst instance toka upon me te doetermino, I hail, bovever, rathar serions ilgivinglu upen tho subjeat, oeil I sail te my patient, lu a Cane et voice thot prnbab 'ly leit him kaev semaetfmy apprabausions, - You aught te kaop younsoIf vary quiet sud serano.' ' Quiet aundsernaP ho ropliail. eWouîd yen ho q-iet and sarane if yen Lad ingaer- ail se mncb?71 1'WcIi, I caunut soy' It lu my duty as s medicol mou, yen kuov, te tell yen' vbat I tbink fvilI ho couiducive te yonr racovory Oh 1 yes-yeu. Yen cannaittIl, dec. <or, luov I have itunteil Chat mon, sud' thirateil for nevenge ogaiît bic ; 'sud yen coimuot icimaginetvlth vbt de lharth bas, lu eue disguiselaudaoeo, cautriveil toealade- m u ea l m yt.Oh!- yes, Soamaîbing ea<tItllme <batsueý 'i beg ef yoe,) sald 1l 'te be canotai what otYu do, andl heurfor yau give way te promptingi et revenge. Yeu' May got yennielf into the Mout serions trouble, lu titis country,, dt yen yen are Dcariefttl. Tho more <breat bore et persoual violence We15oeuglu tehavyen u incarcersae for a- l09ong ie l Cn-hai cemr>on jails. Wauld ho no elaalmthe injury ho bas doue by making Louise bis vitel?' - Penhapase, for ho tests m&. -But the vilISimt va a al £nn v i ecratly msniertd w ba - I 'Physiiain, boly sir; who bai atm, yrequeuf e corne to Set if buman aid msy yul aaiu., I 'fest à w iul natif lilt fot ratther strauge, wbispred tte priait? 'this deira -t.e e îpo? NO,' h. roplled. 'My peitmni bai cold me alIld bh a ap It h. bau us intelligence that the, wife of .8çipio ie no niean d ha hope. thaýt bis foyrivonuels on a death-bad may barvetbe eflhotci; Ëi nulolngý the Young ac 2te do ample justice .iï Louise,.-I, mention thisa s tronmyouraq . uer yen eem ta lcov %11.' I do; sud if sncb a thiug oould be brougltabout it wonld b. s .gre!ai,happ'. neu, 1mai; however, ueé my p t ( fessIouolly at once.'"tp19 9'Oertaiily , and I have proisa'd te'O in soarcb of Scipio, aud briug.,lým If pot- siblo ta thus dylug man. liH atoe Dot refusa me under snob circnmstaaces. My ,carniage is at bondl , d I bl 0l cnTe- turc! as I thiuk 1 kuow where te fiud t46b Young man. Danghter, ha comforted.l Tha priai threw à cloak over bis clani. cal babilimentu, aud left the, room ,ais uttered thosa vards. - -'Louise. did not speak, but ube pouted toi 'the imuer apartmont, and I at one 'coin: prebended that thora loy- ber:. ter os walked iu, sud fonîd hlm lying upen àq candi, perfectly motionless. .' 'I bepe, Mr. Perovefli,' ssid , Ihb Ien are net so iII as you fana7:. -, S 'Oh!1 dYctr, this lu kind;'l ha gaspei, 'youbave come ta ha present et the lait.?- 1I hope net Wbst do yain fe7et? MIy beart-my hoart; sud--Sud wl, assures me I1oac dying le-is tblu great change lu. ail my-my feerxungs., I oan nov forgive -him-Sipio>.--tbe deïaiver of m 1y.chlld. I-,tm dyiug. Yes-ryes1 sam geing to-that-laud whicb att mustviuit, but'frec which noue may raeturu te tell, q ef t s nv n d o ns. Q ed , hb o y f a i t- .. tI 1 took s" light, and Iaeked uorrowly 41 hlm. Have yen beau tasld* nÉ'ouythiug,'. 8aid, fer I feit supic ionsef' poison; ho' ha&_so étrauge s look. 'Are yen sure yneq have-taken nothing of a deleterieoü pu-. tare?' 'Nothing-obiug. Ob i wbst pain §c ipio, vbore aie yen, to taka the fergii.. nous 'fDyiàg mn, who_ negistered l1 inulHoavean sunnholy yew ef direMvonge. Scipioi yuli yen cet.- wacl iy chlid and moka ber happy? Oh. Qed!f thia pain-si. tliis pain Il 1 hurried jute thé front reem, sud wrote a pnespriptiee, vIdihI1 ent ot once 9T tri bc mode up ; but beforel that conld bo dous. Ithora a a kuocli 'at tho sitreet-deor, and thon thora coma foot sîops on th:ë itoirs, and the prat oneedseg vitb a yeung mou, drossed ln théeoxtreme otfashiont who lookedro'thos fidgotty, sud nervoq< aud vory pale. Louise fertnataly -wu net iu the, roess, for this was ne othon thon Sipio, berbu' troyen, whom the priait ai ouce initrddnca4 te, me,-sud thon lad hlm hy the band mbiç Pàavelliu ciambor,, where, I, fellowe4, curions te se wbat would taire place. .A foint sbriek cama freci Louiue's lipq, for abo vai kuaeliug by ber tstthor'a bal,. side.' ' Speal,' aid the'Priet te Sciplo, ispenh and express yonr contrition-' I-I'm von erèry' nclo,' soit! 8ciplei 'i bpe yen vwill1 -et botter. A.bem 1I'M ,vety serry.' 'Ahi Scipie, mT lad,' uaid Paravelli; 'la tbat yen? il1-I1oam glad 'tae Ion01, It lu sometbiug <oï bu raeaged, but It 14 great te fergive. Oh!1 Scipie, you did ugo omîti vroug, but that las 'pmso4 way, yon.,hrlu>i,y frollivitiagi,- Sdoq,-. -cme neorertateme-lot me ,troa1le i yonr eýyes tii.fe.aturei ef our oenciegt rap, I-1 muet forgive yeunowv Scipio, 1- yeu, 1 sec yen nov, I beld yonn hbutd. Villiau 1 meustenrorvengai1-ha fl a 1 has!. At lait-T; have yen at lait. The' tlime bas Côme-ba 1 bal1 ba Ihà fa 1 fia 1 1 i a veuged et luu tf Jy lI joyV~t joyt-.-Louime, yen are aveugedi1 Ha, lha 1 >Scipio u tered ua îh rek , a nud <el d ça4 R5-ly il l' fl y i là 1 y Tl y yi y

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