Whitby Chronicle, 17 Nov 1864, p. 4

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il /% - --0 ' T Q n N - v, T r hri&Sale o Undg Cýnutvof<Ontario, N SATURDAY, the q0-%yIt: 1 Twonty-Sth day of November A. D.,18 t, et Treliva oplook,j nou, 'wh1le ha lby I'mbio, Anooe.'t my1 01oe., tu theobCurt Ho-4m', la the 1'ovi of Wllby, lu Mie County of Otané e iglt titllan sdInteresi whi l a ticnudermeutiouerc Def',udauts Ésevorlly possesa lu the undartucu- tlonct lendsansd tcuioents tiereon, seizedby mne undor, ânît l~y virtue of crtain Write cf Voudilloul EYxpenes, and Fier Faias, vs: lu the Court of Comino i l'loea. JOHN SPIlOAT, 'aui, IVILLIAm PRoIWFOIT, I)ofendai.t. lu thte Qtîecu's cTlh. P'ATICK FOY, I'laintiff.1 WILLIAM PIIOUDFOOT, Inlu IaCourt ofi Caîninot Flas Thre l're cl tn.1)irectoi5,an'id Coin - pnîy cut tîre (ore IBatik, lî.itiffs, A. Prcrrîfoot asud William PrOud- foot, Deferdai)ta, l11 the QitrI,4o hieîî. .IOIIN 5I'IItAT, Fllîtlff, Dadaut. &itsuilirîeptîîïîtills, Vs. WILLIAM 1Ilt>U1)F(I1OT, Doedatot. In the QîrrsBu' GE.O1RGE JOHIN Bi)YD, wil,1.IAM FIit l)FOOT, "e ~<I,nt19, 4til cenLeonn trrrkl, 10 ncirms. Lot l, 11h eueeslnî tîrocir, ioi>acres. N. Lt 7, f401> u-rî,csionRr terli. Mi)501. Là8, 14tIt eîe'r-rrIleaclit.1414)>rres. i>terif, C. 0. T'nC. INotU-so. Sitrlit sffy, V rlIr If this is s, will you Profit by it 1 t hnolo thi treatnult Of piEIVÂTE flhISES At his Old uarters,' erner b, and A elaie stre6ti, T ~nto, C. W. Year,' expertence onable8 llm to cure en case 11,a1211Y short time. olti, igeriig ecasi trustet w li't Moeucrv, and cures warrlntd. Forions; who wish to consuit the Doctor con do no wth the ntm .omt secrcsy. MY ramedies pra asnt.cetan, aud saia. You n0od uaL etop work or _change youtr Malt. (jiOntha Docto; stey as long as you plaseý. He charges uothing for etvice, Marriod poaons M11 u It witt, sîfet --the Doctor 1l; MUialuna. Young on whîo uave falico -victme to secret habIîte cen meoivo l Inni adiete relilet îv applyiIl to tha Doctor. pattients treated hlattIer, SId mcdi- ciuos sont frac froîn damage or cturiotlily, toat<1I parts ut tho world. [1W(>Ilee bonis froîneiglIt in tub inornit util elght lu the evoutug. 40. Brooklin Drug tore. D FALERIiniî r Pa, 'tenrt Melictules, I'l,i ils, 1Iya stuiffs, confection. ur, &c. Here 4- Caille MeeZici nes alway8 on band Brool in, tI.W If Just Received T-7Rtt>M the r i rzcie incoîteein u rîr0l 'larg e uI.,c,rtineil c"f Cooking, l'arlor & Box whWlrI n- lit i- iriirt Inn-Irnîet. TVi benlri -riliempeciel rdirect aten- t1n101tk ut hi houil t t aie ire aithervy caril- io.' of tis Cooking Stoves, Wl ielhi it fritlogre fsatirifacion. te-CUd Fvrun t er takeîî iu exchr.ure fer Strrves. wm. BRYAN, AI fiur. OH t irt, ltreekirre. Wh 7t',5,1rt ,l-4.8r Uh)ELL'S IIOTEL, 11,ut, orml nl bz - rtl tici.reli Ir KWe> tlhu. I- ie tlirt lîri brvep1-c-are-I tire 0sbrvt, wett kîron-ti sn, wlrert Ung r tavellinig eloinililîi i ct i lin tte hir-rtrrecutr0ilOi nnîul stetiric- sai1 ionr. Tire taIit Irnovi- gipdr vith eer>i l] in reàs aruoi thIIe Ir-ur an-.1 pbli-il witi tIre test iqOom : gout aubtog ai'd everynthilig dom au-andordenly. JAMES IIENDRSON. 84 1 EUGEilIENI)EIiýoN. DAILY UINE FOR ROCHESTER The Qulekeut Roule f rota North i$bore Porta le Roéhuri.er, anu l al pins.l in tho Uituted Mfatent Tte favorite VFriît iresm ppr*abii teaalslr 0' . CIhLtlt I, Comn:tder. w 11.1. l.e eWhiltiy ai (6c'cloek a.m.; Ortîuilaet 6 3u'>a. n.; I)Srlitîgtou ai 7 c. rit.; Pornt Ilîrore t Sh8s. nM.. &a.r1 Caliung lit t) 16 i. t., ei-ny MONDA-Y, WSDNESDÂY & FRIDAY. Wili torves Wollitugboil nt 4 o'lock a. n.; lirigliurrirlit Il ri. In. ; Ceuhorne at 7 lu A. tut t Cobourgnit i8 30 a. ni., au-IPIrt Ilope it 9 *5 TESD AY, TIIURSDÂeY & SNIVRDAY, Arrivisîg ietlRochoster echde ayni 1 45 P. ii RE URNING: Will leave Rtocheîster evory T.esdav, Thourn- day and sutud, rt 10 p.ni., -foi Whitby, atud ove-ny Mouday. Wedlieday snd Frirley, ai sanielhuu, for Wuilcgt,)o-, Brightion, t'rlbrue, Cohoîing amui Port Ilupe. i>uuoumiegem n ucanada, froin poilt&FUt Eitor West,.hut ikhîîg ii. Trains un the Grand Tiîînk ,Rsliw#y, arriviuig at Pont Hopea andi Cobourg lu the înoruucg. n-il cerneet with This teaînen,cirI arr-ive at Eieeupi- caeh driv, iit tIme for tIi,. afieruocu trinaîloitr the Ne or r Central itilroati, v) 0Il1points Eaust ud West, sud for thre Atnionican iExpneus Lina ot Stesc- ors toall 1ponta&utIre South lînve. l'risscigenu frein &B jlule l e Inited 1 ttes, hy railu ar bouit, vis Rocliester, takrg this Steanien hure -lIt coluneet, alter a ecrîn- lortrible ogîT' est, -itb nnriurp trains un the Gmi-udTnoik tIL-riiy, lu Canada, East anti West. lAPaeges anti Froigliteaut Ressenable Rtes. Tite Table anti Bare l"rys upplimu ti n-thtie 1val-y bosi 1 A. NI. BROWN, >82 Genenal Agent, Riigstotu, C. W. £N IIAIRRîESTORER r., A»D bute flrth 9mla h mepiSlqa Mm l .Aa' UafEW.uteer U ia5',ma ILv. . DRST , 30»14 MM -u'lW tbO thaltahs t lia iosib ave o dy su hriute#Y8s0 o ictp1atOB%.5 :Ib"iudbt s1R'mera .d ie ylb.',mnawrd ocr PRO VISiONS r staîîdtng t ebîgRuru Teour ia noir tock à Gý'O>ERIE.S AND rRto- VISIONS nimiii kkum, et tbe.01r,1place, uaxt door to làis bretluau'sh t sud SIte. store, Brock St., Whitby, Wharoe l lbselriug evrythilngautnupreeedentý- cei, Sugoj, î, CftOEh'ork, PBacon, lerrînga, Botter gsFleur, oUâte4 Sat, Fepper, Spîcet. liMeAppe,,. Fll, (5onfectloufle- everytluîig Conie sud ee, sud exaîcine theý lust, sud tt epiceca., EDWIN BURNS- -Whitby. Jly 18, 1844. -2 NOT BIJRI*D! SHERIFF'S SALE 0OF LAINDS COUNTY 0-F ONTARIO,- Y VIRTUE 0F A WARRANT ISSUED To Wit % 0, B the Treasorerocf-the County of Ontario, ber==dtete Twcnty -lifth day of JuIy, one thooasand eighIt hundred and ui~~yi~u, ndto me direct.ed, for the collectionl cf arroars and assesaments due upon the follcwing lands, in tÉe said -County, I shall, on Tuesday, the Seventeenth day ot Januai'y Next, at the heur cf Twelve o'clock, noon, at the COURT 110115E, IX TRE TOWN 0F WITBY, Proceedte thé sale cf said Lnds, or se moch theroot.is may be necesstiry for the pymnent cf auch arreara of asîssmonts-, oolqss the sanie, together with ail lawful charges, be sconer paid. TOWNSHIP 0F BROCK.- LOT- CONa. ACItS5. s9, 14, 100 1858 960 12 TOWNSIP>OF MARA. il, NA 12, 28, N El ,26, S W part cf of SA 29, S part 1%, E sidoe NO. No. No. No. No. Nýo. No. No. Ne. No. No. NO. No. 9, 200 1858 960 123a 9, 100 1858 9 60 9, 24 185 9 60 1 23 12, 50 1853 8 12, 25 18527 8 960 12q3 13, 50 1853 8 960 12 3 TOWNSIIIP 0F RHACII. 241 13, il 1858 PORT PERRY IPLAN. 8551 18S55( 18551 1855 18551 8 9 8 9 8 9 q89 8 9 6 8 9 8 9 TOWNSIIIP 0F IPICKERINGC. VILLAGE 0>COF iJC<)T 20, 1857 TOWVNShIII>ol UXBIîtDGE. 16, 7, 109 185891)60 123 TOWN$IIIP 0F WIIITIIY. Suppoged to le Lot 70, Napolecu St., V WaUaE4 Farewelnd Keler'. plau 2, 41 1858 62 3 28 40 Patented. 38 25 31 94 Patentoti. do do do do do 2 22 Pateuteci. Patelîtcd. do do do du do dû do do do do 0 46 Pàtenttul. 0 46 (1o 50 09 Partentcal. 5 41 .Patented. 1r B. F. pERRYVs PLAN 0F BROOKLIN. 1858 lm5 1858 1858 1858 1858, 1858 9 62 a 9 60 2 60 123 9 60 2 a 60 2 3 9 60 23 9 60 3 6 40 5 90 6 90 6 62 6 64 3 91 4 65 6 93 Pateuteti. do do de do Ido ,do TOWN 0F NWIIIT13Y. TZARtS DCe. TAXES- ILERILRS. YotVardifeit cfirock Streeot. 1858 960 1 18589 60 12 1858 9 60 1 1858 1858 9 G 1858 9 60 11 1858 9 60 1 1858 9 60 1 1858 9 60 1 1858 9 60 1 2 64 5 53 444 1 14 5 15 4 76 4 36 5 37 4 46 4 07 WALLACE FÂREWELL & RELLER'S PLAN. Yoril& Ward £aM of l3rock S&ret. 70 1858 9 601 79, 18589.0 1W 1858 191 1858-9 61 2 3 Ooù ýYork street,, No. 41 Sth Range No7, in BIook 13, 13 1No.6 7,1oBi JÂ H ODGSONIS PLAN. 1858 9 61,2 3, Centm V ard Ecit o Érock S&ret. - 1958 9601 2 O6- 7 ý13 The subseribers bave on baud their usual-large and varied stock Of SHELF AND HEAVY w â9 BAR IRON, SALT, PLASTER, c PlED)UCED PR'ICES, FOR C ASHY OR PPfOVETD CREITX They beg inost respeetfully to iîîforîn ail parties 1iorclînsiig on credlît itat, o cr1 lc')llt of hicavy lossoRsl stftif- eti dîîring thte past tl-ec t years, on prititce opovratioîs, thcy iîntigt jintsetlt îttenit uni 1rîvînett ot ail aceotifltCon 1 st oetoblert1ext, tIl!i c il )ttiiittr r m. t'tl. rom iil h dat e 11l parties pîtrcltasîn oion redllteittSac- t ei îit'in mi, tlunt ail uccoUtiits andinties iitt, i4 o ut w l itîîî)11cttialitY wheni dite and ppayabi , YARNOLD & -Ce fl1~rrÇ~ r-km -~$? ;*~~< tsrrc:~4rJr22.;jrr~~9oJII4J PIAN O-FORTE NEW YORKç 7'IEattention of the Public and tha TraE, la invited te or !New Seule 7 Ootavc Rogewood Piano-Fortes! Whielh for volume and Olrity are ur1ival- leil by nny hitîerto offérd ln tls nmarket. They contain al the modernl improvcmotl, FRE~NCH GRAND ACTION, JIARP PEDAL, MON FRAME OVERS7RUNG BASS,_ - c., e4-., jAndi cach instrument being madie onder tho personali supervision of m 1). J. 1-1. G{110VESTi EN, Wli)h i ls bol a practical experience f ')ver 10 years in Utir manufacture, is Warranted in cvcry particular THîE "GROVESTEEN PIANO-FORTE," Recincri the lutglest awurd of ert over aIt othurs it the Colljrated !iC -7M ANI) MANTKe\cTIjIH':R OF ~ thuu)e-t îîrrk-rs of 1 looi, Puarisu, Ceruîif- n:Philadrl-ptîlir, lrîiiîuîre, Boston and BUG.CI~SS1oi~-~, ZJ~t'EiI~, ct~., ~ Newr Yori; rit d-r tthue ',j, HS REMeOVEDTO,0 FOID'S CLDý STAND, C7- AmericanlInsiitutefor 5 successive peurs, niBlisTte îEtt -', W11:; i-av. Offers the iftoilowittt" STYLES OF CIJTTERS, viz: d Ilt. Cana(Jian Pat-enîiiFroîîifl lz ( u)Ilîn uuiit riave5t 1ai î c î - u t è r , F r lu h th f -h i di cati he ee u t o r Anmerica 1, ~ne i fland C IrVw o',s(atac II<Hî'.s o ,Iî -i I I ieig h 1 , Bytlie itroîlction of i:iprrwm nts VC malte o stillinrore 1rr-fvet Ail of which lie isRlitct i iJ1ib:iurerd [Jïrics for Cash ôr appi oved credit. Sr.uîî vo rnl(-'tt I"a AGE, (1)01aid cov- PI NO F R ered, whiich will le Il C nveyl.T %Nvo good s(Cûoiid-hatîd Gigs '<And livn.ilifaettliifi, lrrgely, wn-li>a aîîd two SOtShcavy li-ols,3 tit uI rvtiie. rîuletv)ri <ffer - heum iiistîriiet; tt a t licr utici vl nî No. 1, Sevuru Or-tnveu'. rd cornerc, Wii1 fliîid (j 1Cttatdconvei'.Ct acco[mmIodation. Rosevood pdluncaise. $27î5. Withn aFewYard ofthePubie 1all Prva4No. !- Seveut Octave, ruinl corners, ~Wîtnn FewYars o thePubic- ali PrvateParersRos-evcod turav v trculiîg, S!300. Nett Cash, in Curont Fonds. r Descriptive circtirelîtfree. 36.ly - ______THOMAS WILSON, (irît of M'I rlîru ~: K ~. -~rî r. AU TINFII, tcW IIITIIt, C. W. wlrer- rr- run ru- irur rv> rt-uic -tv t-ril tire,) ,riotirr i ri-i r-eln 1;,errîpîruy le fuî. Tire iroumiof ofuifirreuerregreeru>ai tn ahiity, &e., ri rtter prrlitrun, tnnu-î rt&c. equrtre ettîllrîtreurilt irrîsc, 1)Iîuto-n i4 srto, n-Ire a Wtrittry, Oct, IR, 18l"4. 41 FOR SAL1E, T IlIr sutir ftof Lot'Nrr. 7 hintIra 7tli Con. of Mont, t3uniîuLy ofOlnitifur ccuutîing iur0 ecrog. Fornprrticuîuur% aply (if hr'v lettencuýra p aid) ho iOHRISt & iMITII. Solîicitone &u* Torntto. Feb.Ir, l18q46-f ASSURANCE IUMPANY XA RIN,-DEPARTM ENT. M TILL trîketîrilI ui tlarge iikr., rit tIhe Vjî eeet ponusitiniernut'> îetirmiuhm; Iusîîy- inca crumtle licî til riîrli, for tIre useoilOr vovag'l, and a reluate of tt-eîrty pulr cenu tllUveDed ou the tunifl of cargo penrll ftc esn arijieltiOilapotube Colupacly, Isy lue relieilalpon. JOhN BLOIW, - Ageuut, ronrt Wblitoy Igr0fflc amdjotuling Jas. lIbonei &Co. %Whitby,Foh. lîtt, laifOt. 7 Quebea Goyexnment &gency Bus1miness coutrootad nith te CROýWN LAND - Ssud ther f PUBLIC DBPAR T MENTS. attended to. -ýAlec Scured hy the suhacriber. Addreqfa prepaici l E . . C IIE -ýs L E Y , . h Land a&opeAgeige No. lÀnne Street. Quabe. Marelî Srd 1860. 9 P( Ooal Oilof S uperior Quality, At lQwest selliDg- price, by the Gallo n, JOHIN FI PIQLJJIARSON, Wrnty1 r-unP-.A r ATL ANDI LIQU RS 1l, ilM1ls 0f the best qualily, at at very Iow figure. Anid Fccd of ail kidF,, at JOHN -'FARQUIJfARSO)N'S, New Grocery ad Provision Stor, Dndsat. Whitby, Jonc 1, 18614. filar , ï,a a - Dundas Stret IN E W A -Dm V r; li JUI b E M -b iNI C riual il]inI ernmutlity wlro wîrol- h y erp iîtr a strtisoîî, frein Ilnolie orle. hoever lightly rde- VeICîrrri 1, or tIre aboro syltiptouna --t nerLect of wchieît ntiglrt lesd tb thist liettrineul, tîîl ua ie' ir ý ho rirerîloridirse il t tie uE 0' lriu. The por o f Irtu ,neltlrr unut" of tihe Wild rem 'rrce rver tb de-nu ffo COTE coinprlatinti ib %Y0Il koown; so grec-r i-r tue grurur i i hrsperfornm- edr ,1s1rt go gritut t1re populu<rity lu tf u1-) ve-rrFie reirehevirtus q/ t ir C( rry. t Mrrcrni, ? erriir, ((r'-? icilt it ooter iugre- lieruts rliŽn ri!iir, tr>inarn i Uvelue ter.- /otld,'a»J f iriirr« -Y Jlnedy nu/bue pouer la test/lie, e trit)r, '> >lierco, and? tOcuosdieuse, oz- istrî iru non sur-rrurridie> p, et liqeoqsred. Certificate frotî L J Racine, Egq., cf the tueryn. MNo:ecuTri:.,LC., (jet. 20, 185S. preoe tire greiut couileirce vrîricir I have ln ite etliiercy. Fii-c irelletis h wirr mort criiolty eifliîrtedrt iilt>r > evore tsuri rtinate cougli, se eni!rp:rriuier -- id eit>uei urin luthre ridc. n-lich dir t rî e've tht, urîtrer OurI Wiuter. Ite <tobr dr- ire sirrptirnu itiuecoiscl îrîminglyï 1111l i cru licerl n-r>1It1irrtInt oilwaik hbut a frun- surîpuwiiuorît re.;tiîre tburecuover froniie trrir I -f ltlitiie viiir i s lit ui>uxortioli oc- era-uru-imi. At tiisjruetltutre I comtniouedti tk- iît'L ttli Bdtni, fceun %ninsui) 1fourd linea-ste relief, ui irter lrrîiug u.Aed febr bott l'ab cort irteir-ir rc-nrorr-d to wlîcttî,. Ilhcve aliro tire Balri;iOu luuý fhru>àily sulird utto ierd -iîriura irr itiîieli Cutrrikdans e u, tuhe Bitlr<umt coI urtii pealzrie ritnr frîor. IL bu a praparritien n-litu Illune otirte lalue ricîl bu bu sckoowlor-lgcd L. J. RIACINE. Noleie Or-illrre ouler,> tigrel I. BUTTS CIu dic- %%r.trîjrn. eîtrYc. lry sitIV. Fon-leci&iCou., Boston surul l 'trVIttly ,htru. Il. Gernia sud G. A. Sheri:ftf Sale of Lands. Coumulv f ntrtio, 1ON l3atuirdny, the tweu., celîrîrrur, A. 1>,.1851. >k o- n-ill ho, solc li1v Publie Ation, ritmvOfer in duo Couirt deonse, !lu bîîe Toiwn c Vibyc~r ii tIreC oîuctv crf Oubtrio, <lia- rIiht. tilla o i linenrët wliiâl hetandoruuentiçjc rDotoudauta surver-tIly puuruse lu Inthe tue nrufentioreér Undu tendl Tecoiiets Ilurreen, ,eizced bçema nudor vIuy it f Certe il Writs of FinI'oiai. lu ihle Court of (iemm6nafc Ies, zACHETJs BURNÇIIM, Turc Northr bumîf of Lot Number 1tiuetei7r1in tire Soveurh elOc"' On . t tltaTbonsiip cf r Broek-; h ie Coupty of Ontaio.- r Inutire cotuuty 'ou1rt?. J AM ES GEORGE MILLBRI TlIraWuisî hi ttue NElihtcour lai tir a uuy, R TR f-EY( CHA G SSNO IIiGHER. THÂN TuE OTHER H1:1S IN WHITBY. JACOB BRYAN. PRîot'îIETOi FOR SALI4Çý gond mliriiiz on theo l. Buid Land il%2 tuils frnT Alibun ed il miles frein te Town of %Whlitlîy« The land lx ô tha hast qua. EiLY, Fouir hufdred dollure requlrod own, tcî' yeurrsgiven for tlio balince, For t'ernim and partictularp applyo WILLIAM LAWRENVE, Lot nd es.lfachAaliburn P Splendid Parm for Sale., 1 Ao cres, beln< composed 'of part of Uot 100 S. 15, ini the 29h. cneasalon of Pick. aring-87 Iactes% leared. Thorais à large, rouoy dieliog, Wt imthetru, pemp, andI ove- ry o tr rejîilisiteconvenicnca ; alsO two lifrga bondriving houpa. stables, &a. A aung. ynu.ad good.yildiîaorehlard, AIPply if by elatter, (pro-paid,) te j Claromont P>. O September 19, 19'4. - 87 WIS' AR'S -BALSAM 0F flA CEN VALD IFOR.t'AltLY o A4- H P & A CENTURY, 4:g Wilthe1ont nstilîdlîîlig macemR inertog 2--'fCooglîs., co1ds, Iton rsenesaj, Sore Titrent, Infltepzrt,woopiug Cougli, Croup, Liver ComjIaint, Broin- clhlts,DficuIîy of Breatb. ingf, A$4tiauand every affection of Tho Throat Lungs anda Cheat J- 'VF»Aits ME. IIAMSI BACON, In Jan, cheap at 3 03 POTATOS, il

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