Whitby Chronicle, 24 Nov 1864, p. 1

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vaU larg A halsig ILA Tîiuit, IIay n .gs aind Ohost x> ti :l t ÃŽL l I I h o I iî î, mo Il li r i c ftIi t r Ctolu i imla tI-îl u, t îfl ii Manufacturer mWUlITBY, C.t W, p nImti a fine i'imuîî) oJee fmmîtml Cases, raiimcdby f'fneanl Witk cammi PrlIated., wardop rosi thoughtas adti aîriag Ind"éit, vaadvocaio Pfeace, Progremas, Know1emlge, Erothersoodm VOL. VIII,, - - WHTB , 'Wa, TTRSDAyN0V ____________N . 4* BROOKLIN MOUSE. t tiMIlltA. ~ --NVMIR2,16., O.4 uuài ,ww.mVAW E~ie~D~mif,,uw~ I L'J1 WUUI1U~niurNwUL W. il. HlIGGINS, At I tprinting Establishmenti, Brook Street, Wbitby. or Nazi Door b the Rqlstry Office. TMj 80 PM5R NUMI A»VMMTI6BXmENT81 A LM Auvertsensmmiau ered ln Noupar. JLlt., and obarged ut the rate of 9 cents par- lino, firgt Insertion, aud 2,sonts per lino,. each sunheqment Insertioni. - Special contractm-made wth amvertinera hi' -QiZore temdiscotnue amvertleenoamts musC. be lu wrîtmmg. Ba"X 07 MONTREÂLt win IIRANcti. W. n. DEAN, Manager- rAMCER01q & MACDONEjLL, AUItStl(;RISANDI ATTOItNEYi;-AT- B Lnw. ioimacfor t1c imel nt a o,îtmC, aiiltheCrîmImm ntficha tolnv of mCitmrlo, Not&ry luimllo, &C., &o., Vlmtby, C. W. U .Ct. ACcagamm,,Q.C .J.M OoC t~Mooy ta bnn pon gammd cecorit'v, IaPPlv m thmOffiae ofrCie firum, Court leS Onthl -GEOR(3E IL. DARTNELL, At t~riATTOtIINEY, CONV EVAN A.» cor, &e., & c.Oelaur OîIPmitO the Rogstry (JChldm, iiiîk Streot'WlVhthY. A fl NORRISON 1 1..SAP9 noraCto, .1111Y 120, 191. 9 JOhIN V. HAI, JR.. T'EPUTY ('lýEK tOF T l'lmRW N A" .1) lans, a011(l rk of lie m'îmmmmîCy court.- îsfi¶ce-Opuîpaiu file haVAI tI,,el. 40 f ni4) .t. C(>CrANEb. . B .!uitorn iim Cîmn ry , Noaoy Piilic, . (Itrmet. liNewlmiithd. i 1 C.. Il. DARTNEýLL. ha e i i t y) r (f<li larinHro Wr-t l î-, tVIir-r47 ROBIERT J. WiLSON.ý JK. GORDOON, CCmRN YAT lAV' SOLITOImN ('iitim-i scer.&e.., o]iAweu db 'otli'mSi't re., %Wili iv. C Wi4 >' CILLIR uiLAMlON, A TTC ahNîEYS.Ar-l,A t '. SOImCIiTORIiîN 11L Clstlaîerî oie., um.r,&c. (ichea f)ner the ('iroiiîl5 tOcluve, Prlc,. ti Smti, "'miii- iy. CHAS, C. KELLiERI, JAq. A<, ('am11iititîli. vliiîly , m.W . Cili AltR-. C. KELLER, A TIrýNEY AT 1WStiLim>V ton, Brock, C.W Je RAMER GREENWOOI>, A T NNIA-,A.SL I01IN A . h î C & '. W t i , u b i . n g " llor e cr . iexit i<eg{fi r> oCia.naBrook <r '. 4A J.e.LeFARIEWELLa, L L. B., ]îAlIiTEý.i-ATlAW, &c. R. XLGEE, B. A.. AtCaor.ysC Lmmw, Sanlimit'mr in.Cimammery, C'on- oflime Posît mOffice. liimmmsa, m. . 40 3 ARI'i>TFRilAI'LA W, Smlivitmar ini C immn- Icuryl m'maiaal-eyýiimr &. &c. sirucea m mîpôila îl'e imo.m mfhte, Cumm!a. 40 JOIVN BILLINGS )$e, Primae Albert, Ivo d'aura watof C. Forman'rts - - ~ 12 J. W. CALIIWV£LL BROWN, O1NVEYANCYR. (COMbfl$$SIO$ER FOR1 ctslîing Aldavite, Aecoumitmutt, Lmand, Dlvi ti cla ourt, Nntry Publenic lotieral Amnt, h nca limil. b. pramnîCtlu tt lleleil l. --- C ONN'EYA NfE1, amit Coaniolonm1r in Q cll., r.,&CDubta mlelliitilingtsmm esnablm tertus,, ent promnpt reinittances madie. Beavrmoi, sept. 10, 1881. - - - n. W. CLARK. M. D. qa to~ tre, Itrock Street, %WiiitlCy. 44 B. BOWIMAfI. lCYmll('IN, SIUÃŽiEUN AMDI AC'0UJ- I CCIFUR, IJoffdltm crack, liekering. 1r"Al asle Puntitimslly attetmiC b( t. m50 R. Je GUNN, M. De ff~iRGE)ý1 TO THE COUNTY GAOL, 4 s By raîm Streat, Wiliy. 4 THRMA» DEVERELL, B T1,DE, C &c., GRIEEN STREET, JOnN METCALF, G 111111KOFTa£ FITI DIVISION COURT, %-- otnprislng' the Tevniimip Brook. &d- Irea: Csulngan.14 EOETSPEARS. CLERIC AND TREASUJRER OF TUE CTownehiîîl of L'xbrlige. Amimre, tzibridge. A. PRINÇvLE, MERCHANT TAILýOR, BROOK STREET Louis fDUBOIS, W8ZTA UJANT..4cornur.of Yo'rk snd EX- plaiaç e ratf, Toromito. RetteahmeintA TRIOMAII HUSITONq, T4WN 0LF4JC 9$TlEAURE W HTBY ltall-H oiurm 9 ta1- 'oiook. 01 - OTREALBOUSE, 121 King St, Wust, 6.11Y JoIIN. M. WARWICKC. 1 VA8M & pETrERSIN, ~ RÂoTIOAL Deita,Ouimsva. il mooo Strepti hurd dear nortim of lthe Qntrl - <~EI,47 .CAUL AND SEE SANDY i H El1itake hme imemmrookimu Hommis,,ln î Brooklmu Village, vire ho vilibtue ,a la sec ailtluis frieimt.le. hepremissa araevil -Aîmcd up and conveulant, îmd tih emmmadea lion goal, very gaod, th# lmsm,-îor heoeaea tc, dime conifort of aiasnnd Iorm se left haviug beama prommmited bte nsido as velI ss o&"fsd.limu At Sandy's tiRe your reet, Samldy'e talube i im e leet, Sandy'agnod acconmmmodationi, Ca'l bcbomat ln &aIlheima atin. lime iimmroua fnleîmds of Satîmy-,til, Are aiked ta gins hie houme a coul. ALEX. PHERIE. Brookli, Noa. 23, 1861. 50 Ontario Daning Hal& Retaunn, C IlUliCII STREET. <PPSIE st l aine' CoiiedraQi,)TaranýIto. Dimnars tram llrif'paxt Ivelve te Threo. otloifu Li.-ie,luppers mi cmui ail heurs. Winas, Limjîora, &c., cg'ilmebo*At bramîds. JOHN SMITH lAU Albionu )ufei Pitoprrm. Gi-LOBýE IIOTEiL. T [IEFane ve wi lkno',rt, oIt! eptaMlsbed [itlansd preti ihae tumen puremasemi i>th mulm ihriber, vimere lie vili Alavs e folu md onmi11,111d reÉMdY l tîtibioonally t) tlà im ou f h 14gmlasmm, &r. ,rh- prerni.em bas bladou comnemiianisnd mrîimfortaliy fitticilnp ; painilai, pipoeait, &z. wllthaeilmrmi'e of fî ort âer to vami. sud rery modîcrîmimpravmmenl Criemake tlimanveller -%, hmre dim-itàig hlm, bmy), mmd lime Tabla bemntiful- lI. siipied at aIl luisleq. Notice to Farmers and Otheros lu Wmr hioleesale samd RteCaloMrmmm'sFamil Iv 'roof. bv galloin or harrmi ; MNmgm<m d f3lil-it, do. '1o. : ilnaPbee' Extra Rcmtifem Whicmey, dm do.; bomi Par' $slmomry an<l (igmmcuBramdi!'for thee mim; w.int aIa Liqmmomv mand ('ifarg -fthliesat srmumdx. Attentive (Jitiar, an muiaees ta t[ilrs. A. ALEXANDER ilrook'lim, dJan. 27th, 1893.4 STAG.E HOtJSE, SIANILLA. ISAAC FENTON, Proprietor. BEST WimmmandmIlquos: 41eipcm mo mttom fi.r trave)ers; gond mmablmiig anmd attentive hogtiar. i AL131O N HO TEL. Dracr»& iarutv, WlittUVn. JAmES BLAÇK, in Prmprenr. EAftT WINDS1OR 1(01.7E, WITIW, FIEsbove IIle mmitnmateml inmaspleaaaimîaad Iretireil part af the Town, on time fromt roami. i~O.lamammamstitiîm -or travellepm.. mloo VICTORIA MIOTEL. wIlrIA NI SCO TT, PROPRI ETOit <],ite Wmn. BIytyimt mm's 24' 1T FE haamtmrIas fitte,1il p tlmv above aid nmmtuhlited chimtel, vth lime vmew of afrhlam ever v aometnoiltaon tte t e l int îmblic. ulve Ilia Cali. (lod ami.alinir anmd osClers 1 JOHINMOGGllhi>QE. CANTON ROTEL, UFFINS CICPKEK, PTCKCFltiG. (100,D D aecmnosamsliofr Travcilerm.. W. OUTHRERT, 4a- 1mis'rpitr ROUGE ROTEL. J MOON %00, LAT?. OF 111ENON.- qu HaRtel.anclfarmeri, of Wlitby, an- ionneesiCm, liiInondas uddi~~e ublic, 11maI ha lui. rented lime siove vol.kriovn lotel, viicli ln nov lim frit rate ormter ter lime receptIon of gsatâ Wlmmea, Liqeors sund igare. Good t.sblîmmlsg o!ansa attentive Ommler. 15.7 Grand Truk Raillway Rotei. <&muM "aof Rmilekimme , PoPrt Wkilby.) Tl FI Eubecriiier lim ilttmalup lima aboa Weill TkiovupréPeamitiltheLimew o nitnilsg %ci sud vliicies ert in emimrn e l melîel vill bci properly carad for, avaitîng lime arsimalet of lima oviers bu thle Cote Eimt or Iet. Goal Stabiing, and cmrefui attention. JAMIES PRINGLE. WiitJy, Aprii 27, 184 . -1 NOu' 18 TRE TIME. (IET VîIWIt IEKENESB AT J. A. Cîark'a int-Prizo Pîcture C'atlevy I Fymimu domine a correct and Iife-like Anbro. 1type, Cýameotype, Lettargrspm. or Leatha, Trameifer, or a Liltemuos.lau a lAekel llroaclu or Ring, for J. A. C. exal do itln b tIa set style,' simd st siorlnothee. W114KINSONIS LCK 88 JBrook StCwi lW/sUg. GEORE CORXACK. y UMIBEII IEUCIIANsT, Carpentor,Asimd -eJolner. Green St.-Witbyi A largequamu. lily of iii Rîndx cf lumbecontantly on band. u N DER.' . ,ARXING. FugNl'iix; mallluppiiand Uteded .I WA Remmtau h itre on lItewalterni. GEORGE CORMACK.: Whitby,Frab. bZlIm,12. WITBY -BRIOS BA 1 abI. terres.' .11 For lami s aud ngagamnua drew. J.W JFDRN CHRILES MoBI<IDE, PROPRIETOR, E Z9%CELLENT 6 cmmodation for rvles JUGmmud Stub lamp mad attenti ",Chutiers. '90 8ý9 Klug atyeet East. JUST reeelved, par Expremes, nt ta. aboya em~hih M %m, plenâta lot or PRAIRIE Cllîm'KENS. QUAIL, SNIPE. Plover Patridges, Wlld Dmoaks an& Voulgon. SHELL AND C&N OYSTERS, To)bsîmirs, &o., Wlmoiemsicm and Ret.i1. 189 ARLI.SLE & McCONiEY. RUSSELIJS ROrrEL, QUEB,13EC. MRIE nuderxigned Proprietors or the above tieir friemidesand atront, Chat' t.lmoy have tho- rmnglily enavaUCliells ewtablighment dmrmi thme winter, whlolm enatlu themn now to Ofrto the Memnimmra of thm e g1slatur, , sd tlie Tri.- vellnx Public summrlor amnutodmttn. in addition tô the sparttrents themv Iami hat vin. Cer. thay ihave now Plarlors aedloi-romnomm T.,a l r "m lieu er tne a tel. whicum, for comfort antd eonvolienee. pe'eunomrpessoqtd 11hte edlv. WM. RUSSELL & SON. WOON'S HOT1eL, OMJ5mWA, WOOTf & flfOTflER. North British and Mercantile Pire & Life Insurance Com'y. THIOMAS 1DOW, Bsat m('fUmntreni. £7mi MR. E- . bSiNOWI MonîreaIl, C. 9 ('f OlLEm'T m)N .nde folr PmmbIjlierg, Mer- ~.cint a Pm adun, nd othmmsin Mont. emi Quelfi,. OCC,-wa, andmlTornntra, sand <tht'i icql ms aam.Ail eeCmtioqý%dnly repo:t- edl mtud Proameis prarnptly Pold ovmr. kdmres. -cumumlcmîîîteinos tu i'Motreml ig«_ st>Ofice. Rxvnrs on ve &tllamberlln Proprietar nlr, ommrsl(Ja.uuo; julln Lieli, Pi'mmllsher 'emsmde Dirertnry, tAo.,m&0-, Mon. areni; X. & A. Miller, wholesale Booteellerm 'Mid 5-ttioners,, Momtrcd a*,d Toronto. __MontreaLl 8eRpteluler 90l' 1840. 35-ly ilOLCITOft, c, e. As JJSCMVThLw OceOtario Wiilhy, J.11. 28. 1ý802. g TEE ROBSON HfOlUSE, <La?! sCamerres'aIOtZL.) DUNIJAS 9TREET, WiRITiy, C. W. GEOIIG E ROIISO, Prcpieîmmnr. rrlIE ulm*der ier Ii aiinnom:lmclmIhmta T& loased limae nu.iiug firmry k'movmm es SriFtaralot Ilottîl, wlimibhalqbtucb anvid rerurnîslmmd dlted i, lilruibot, Cu thme ubtem, epimosle tht lPotOflie, anda li thia068-a Ire OS lIme Tcrs'm. ttmdi ceYMnarfnimrg, Doalri01pet daly. GEORGE ROBSON. lW lCrfa oatlecaavt - nteulna OshaLwa Âdvertisements. WILLIAM TZMPEST, 11. D. K INQ STEET, 'JSIIAWA,CAT4ADA P. LAMBERT. 5.(isymemis mode 1cm irder lunlime beel style andI ireghlan. 47 SOLICITOR, NOTARY lPUBLIC, &mi. &e. QOshawat, C. W. -GEORGE GU RLET. m R111ANT TaoI rîper A&c., King St. Mknlmnstamna oet nVebx anietoyemtCratsiiman iele sudo rmevtse.xn hlfiod o.arp Joar.civodartc. ble r gt. ood fort, sno psy. 1 EDWARDs & 1RODDER. :Ë r anO ntf~pit<iam ' ' ri io Gemtiaeme ' armn.ntosmade op oiii the siortait notice, efthLie hast qeaiity materlllI the natesl styles. Ail vork mcadeonp ounlIme preanlees. Spm)sg mprtatons..st.xe.tlent qunlty, sammd lu greal vaunlty-miew ucneltao. 12 TRE ONTÂMRIHOE »3ROCK STRET, WR3ITBY. r ¶lE umrsend be tîelnferni bigstrisiad týLtlislelsatake I.miA aimmie Itei, 1110W f Iept by Mn. Daweai sot! tru t at' hy strIaI aleteiton ii toeà nt ltise v"sf e t m.4tsb lepin rtoasthlmcnoae t uiltimhe t of quome lu.t4 aBan, to e a j uhara et puxblic pstnohsgk.'- The staling and mllid-omla ef the beaitdeséiptlomi, nd a1 cota1 and.,attimitive Ostier viii ho ulvsIYI <anld7at bis post. JSII EB>T -Whltiy, Mincis!,184L, ïloriKT9QPD o 3TZIL 150Acra-G csommituateon LUt NOM9, lu th8rml, and 80 Acres on Lot No. 24, lai th. 4tiî conoosslon ofLime Townsbîip or Whlt- by. 130 doeererd, sud in a hie bt ae of cllvation. Thèese promisies are sftmmte witb- lai two mlles ofthe Oounty Town of Wlimtiy.- T9me ]and! la of lime bent qeallîy, and Walt water- ed. Timereimi a hotmîmmoand goodl barn. To a solvant lmprovimg tenmant, the premnises viii be lot on favorable Clmrimmmm ApyTI1OMAS DOW Wlitby. Whitby, Septemober 9, 1864. 85 ]PHRNIX FIRE ASSURANCE CO. LOMBARD STREET & CIIAING CIIo5S, &*1U33U9 ESTAR.LISHED IN 1782. GILLE-sIE IF.OFPATT & CO)., Agentsm for camaml,.. JAMES DAVISION, Manager. TNUACSarainsî 1<1.1r hy PIRE are Ieffoeil oum Che nmmfat arable torm., sud LOC8SES l'Al)D without rafermme e l ie Board Iin Londou, IN SURANCE T F 1Eunfarmigneml ia hem appo!ïW uAget T lu Omsiâ ociy for lm 0iwngfe-la InsuaeeCmupnes, ln which he le preparad t: scampi te-irle. lf. and marine.- T/se Edieaburgls Lofe Asmisuece couepnca TUk Liverposol ansd Lon. Ifle Mooireal Fire Inamraisce Conspaeay. 714 Provindrd tAusrau'ceC ompany. F. ICELLEII, Oshawa. Nov. 18.1î868. iotmstr cMa BritlihAsusrfima Asurance Company# TNCOliPORATEDunemlmernumActof tme Third S.inteeomaftVii, Eivelti' lProvinciliPali- nient oflUpporl mummaa. CAPITAL £100,006 Irxnrance oncetad ou Iluilding,-. . thai conteats. Evcry ln<mriatî muppiied onap. plioatlomt ttmndemigmd. Marine Riski. for lieammeî r forPmmrta. JOUN AGNEW, Travellimg Agent, >-rom ltreet, WIthlh AD)VE1I1r-ISBMENi'. Rtoyal, S]Bitish Amuericna" mmLaver- pool andI London AssuranceCupns Embracing a capItal uif 20 Millions of dollars. *20,000,11000.? yEO)MAN GIBSON, Agent, WiiîimL litm ami'one.mrl, onsa apliS,tlmit JORN AGNEWý, Thols Comapeala 4gii tWlll WESTERN ASSURALNCE COJiPN Y 0F TORONTO, C. W. CAPITL, -- - 400,000, INCORPORATED 1851. IPrc#ideit. 7eleay<i rmammrer, BERNARD HALDIN, E5Q. A SSUTRANCE mffea!temi sgaioet haseor dain. Liie by Oreinem ail 'ieeariplabam, oflliuillngmi sud their msomtenmiq on favnorble ternis, sud At matés 'of Preminan as loy as îhst t May tlyCen r.apanaile Cromany. JAMES PRINGLPI- Travelitnq Agent. To suit Cime conueenne di p>arties reimling lai Oshava amid!%ulciîmiy, lmahensigfmdjed bas fbren mily appoinmmsd Local Agent bere, hmv vCom nil nmisryItmrmiustl(ymi ili ibcicheurnjmly gmvn n a<nyImito hta hl mromar. on onuetter. onC, partie.' obemiamplttmg g erig limir property ageiiet loua by lireco thenvas., la noi'poctftmliy olimitil. TIIOMAS XMER. Wlhtby Maraim JO,1ML4.21 UIoeSH ÂMBRICÀN FF! llroc k Sr e t, W liîiy, next dom RL X. ('AMI>BELL, Agent sso for tise 1W monîe&I O st«miip Cosmpan'and !fon time Glabgov - Wbltby, April, 15 1la4. rT'HF. enherio l lurotmarsmng lbis iliwsat a. récuul avôns, 1b o teInorma tise Imbabi- lane*.f thsT"v4n ountry., . uthintrtd<.n (lI, Sifvr-oen ies ' Patclai. attontloniadtethe- noguaIto ULUdrnliTeth. l *v4swramt.t VIePreeldent. JÃ"USPURIILL .....Propriaeor. Subserlber desims tb Infoîm hie miany L.f ài td hat li e 1, ow camrrlmmg an lIme abote hto o ansd that lie supplias»mnonme but the blot Iqf W5îmaumflîinuors #as, sand refretsh- srp1 ; le.d tabi bin sud a Moued yard.,os saln W l m y , O c . 4 . 1 8 4 . J O H N S P I h IR I L L . P'ORTER &EOR» F..imme mlRUT, Veglmal, Butter, , Am.,o. 62Kxing Strmeest , orono,C.W M. 1ý,POETEli. WM. RECKERD. 4 roIc, Noveunber, 1864. 48 #JZff-BRATHWAITE, 3M. D. .ý»AUAT OFTHE UNIîVEUITsrv F M culiCo1169e, (sucassar 80 Dr. Ware,> Prinet Albert. 42 SOUCI'rORS IN CIIANcERy. Olime,- kJOPposite tlime Royal lmotel, Whllî1y ~J.HAM. C. A. JONES. ,e DOLPHUmr SALOON, TUlTIE ROX.AAL LYGEUM, King VALUAIBLE T$>W'N POR?3ERTy FOR SALE Ot:Easy Terms of Faymen:t. rR'ÃŽrValuable froutmmge on tmae Fat sida of X,1kcR Street, extcmmdirmg frmmm MIiiliaus's Nqg'rick Bock, Soutt i lIudmu% Street, la - çfered for mmle,omi t mcclavorablo ternis of eut. '1h. ProParty viiil a edvlded as N.1-ifemit frontage 0Cm Brock straat, aun foat om1Dm(ulas Street, nt presool Ooccu. pie:h damneslai 2 e -19 fet frontime on Broak Street, A0 etdeep, at Prameimî eccîpitd b Ii . Il. Neo. .-19 foot fromtage on Brook Street, ffeedeeiPt lmrmeriy occupiemi by Joseph No. 4.-The prtnsites Imuthlimaoplia)n o h, kiown as tise -& White lag," ce ft 0 1om Brook Street, 98 feet duep. NO. tm-Vmnt mîLotimueîh 0nf Momillamm's .2 (mal frool. 98 limaIdeep. d',MA of Paymment-lin,.msme rellipayamble fret dt9 FehrutarY, 18805, omad Iha balance in nIi.s eq #:ilimaal itimliiments. Clmqaestabllum. App!y ttm J. HAM PERRT, ~ Oct. 1, 1604. Proimetor. viLuE PROPEBTYIyd WNOF WliITh.D EERAL Town mnd Villa luot%, sulttble <or porsiae reamdaicSx, in Cime Townocf Whitby ofamd for cale at low pricea, simd oms termes >met. exiammliimg over a period f mima toma mu ymr. APIjml>to J: HAN PERRY. ru A (as' emperler Lots of, Wîlid imis llimte Couimties of Ontario sud VIetorl,vii ho soIdt!a ronabiepnicas, mii! lung terist Of payneatLAymIl r oitms sdtras"d tote en. J. Z I CRR'UU<, Whitby, Omt. 194 Pt18".W.' Far m for 8afl OR TORENT. sOUTI-tl,&LP ef Lot No. 6, leulthe 4th Conam. jof h ibu maaip of' Pickentn, 80 mim*; alasred asd lImathe sC catÃŽiofouestivetlon.. tiudvohlng"oomeb s pleocmll reiard! vehl vrauleed-a nos<or n g pmm sss thirangis. Them anm12 acre. et a] 1 1, et. Apply an lime premaubtte O ALEX. DUNgLOP, JOSIIUA RIlAiDSON l'ickeniog, Oct. $5, 1864. DIVISION COURTýS t COlTNTY 0F ONTARLu Ne. 1, Wlit'iv. .......Nov. 1s0, 1884. 21 Fickenng,...i.... ....< cmI 6, 56.verton ..........1- tUs, zh BURNR&M, The Snow iorsu. 93, who coumla Atoll for ererdamit ]huis, For cmm! and slmidy bowerf., Or vimh Io roam 'nmmiltorsion skles, Tmeir patiwummysrovis witîl lloworg. oJr, Who waulml plieethnt amllumner ls 0'er, -And iîutumms in eetimg b>y if llmay but vaait lima sumowfltmkae, ou Their Journey frum thea sky. ARs sClles ammd tetatr ue ahemomi Arouomth ci uaCa lea Crth, Thuns do thCe geaumîe milowlakeA flnd, Tlmamr way irount leavan Iolasrth. Alike t Cty fait on mvory omma, OnC riaim and poer, omsIlich and iow, Tmeir nm'ar t0 be torgal. Andl wlmei Cime lmppy heart of youb TheirmW, rpundlni; tell, ub Thoi mirh bu tenerstimankr o aliii '~Wlmudoth Im ailîiriga vaîl." Why don't von pay the Frînler JCind lmnsbud, murety oneu'ea foit Tm pyte p riomer- umv u m o t tsliremi bara gat n vrhap Ansd ii memmomises à printer. Hic wife in Pubslic mion't uppommr, Site koowsîmnebruYing use would sture, Andi s)metlîiog axay about lmer gour, That mmigimt dimplmatheii.prmter. Time do'il lias muiked tlîrouth hics hoci, Ili. wsimkp o longar hudoi hic toc, Wlmo 6 tCmibîumne md oma oauppsemol Thie mmama tmmî owes the printai. hle Jourps liRe tailor, are amn tramp, - Thse rots they Ilireamen t e enmp, Thom mat l*moîmre cmm aimeliemuraitmp. 3oacalt flk?% umys Cimeprinlar. Yomi lmow it'c 1mw veli Cmîdrstaod, Tima mind likt mimlser must imve food, Hie6 oeettimough 3aniyon c4ay 1tegoomi, Tuna wiiy mie pay tiha primmler. I mîeant ta allimhe olimar day, But busiaems lad sneohrwmy, Tmm.mmorrow l'Il drop inaud puy, Wlmaî'e duselime moist printar. Proarsustination, Johns, 7yen kmmw, Ix maid Cm..Wboasubîla lue, Wily notjuîmow brmsoi np imd go, Amadmettie viîh lime pranteri rAnmd vmen-yon mocat iin i t tietown Oui ).nulme'il have noceuste fruwn; Wjîh aoncciotmae clear yomm'l tmotm ait clown, And lenarm meWot ci lima primmtar. When trat!frani Ihi.. teçrW aime, W lsnie tgolden aphera im>'smmno, Who kaows yon rnay Cao me kcd 1t di ne, Wlth tulame lCiland I lie prlitor. G*Womi it, qepth Johni, alPs trme yommlve a@Md- This iimeht 4meiro 1 go te bomi, - Faisl fice staîrs imhi lbear my trtmd- l'il go ammd puy lime printer. Ai 'e Who vomîmirepboeiin poace, To %end coUoclars ont womm't aey Plesatimemtomoa wlhon laiy. Aud doumtakleoailtim remtmiuasy, PFro ime Je'il a. 4dlima îrimter. Thoca whîmont psy* sud eav*expime, AltlmamIgh àtuenjansie colfaeaé Sou.e doy WmnataCsfllu eIuldaeu Agaut D'sî ntq iýo. - - - - -fox The Body tearmiler. - i -Iîý maec'iil a l tise pages cf 'y, làst6m sfficl tmt, léie , ut lsomme co ls ai~i frai=6Il more 'L rgn 51 e Iif amrl ov 'aboetîo lIntrodace tomy neader. as litai oit thsi ; er7 epi vhent it tas&i 4sppeied inoue or t 'lê'asei j'ave' beau pd robbed. t *Wh!in Itiiibym ad Q là-Broadtreeti u la thibCty, w*ise the tis j&desof pMy) vent te saWesti;endcf é te w sud 1v 1usd mot been- loeét&I ai y ev LemQwd6i short thie.days ehin <taie vintni aitaù,init isosrvisweai I hope! w bel frefi*% Vem.se. foil seoi» thsiora1 My s rtaft brodugaim n a <ts llttie dirfy businea. pece oreardon4i.Ïhich - va vrîten,- ti - t Ms.Flamikie.' vtat vits iat? Wiere-iblaie ?.9, 'h ie patliuM à t shteiti den't suenstotebe-a véý-re ae t bit sou, and ahei la aîi>*siKt ah 1 1Irose anid eumIhqasroom wvahad by cul coemmon consent, ohnbawsd tisépatbinta'i sW -Bang vent lise stick, againt upon My table, as aise cried,- ., 'JLXy Damo aiu'i Flunky, its FlacItie. Hew dare you ieau ma Flunky, you in. sigaiificant wnetch ;'I'm, a bady semiciser, Ljoia te buiieus, te siiesu.f 1'Wat do YO, meaun iy -business ? YOD dou't vaut to soarcIt l6e, do yen ?' 'No, ,thisangisy ikoly onougi suo day, but as y(on ite nov docter isate, I,11 troubla' yoatletaIme tnov vison yen Poisons auybedyi, a&0not toetaiTvaedia knev, fer Ivoîdie la graspiaig. Nov yau iudersaimi-i ounrse I recammends yen -li reîarn-thst's il. Ton coalways drop a nota -to me amt theso vmku_yaai bave got My card se8 yoai naed not maIe suy ridiaulous, mislalees as le my name; Its Flamakie, miel Flunky,- Flaokieï do you aindersand. oîupid ? 1'Thene yen, madamà, l'an tiscisoimig. ed. I think I de. la that Ali yenhava ta say te meupemitii occasion-?' 1Ail ?-yes, saud enougis toc.' Bang veut thea stick again, and tIbm vitis a vrencb as 'i rail ber hene'a vore uthifenet! sud reqtk a giiat deal cf effort tei h. Putt ia motion,:misa get aip 6om, lie ci, amd isabblad, tovard time door. 'Good nigisi-goomi nigmti and if yen die, ÃŽ'l sonaish you without lima gin or tisa sililing, eugm 1 augis I-he Ihbai Oh, my iack 1 Oh, gracions 1 Oh, curai ovoryhody up lu isespa f Ois. my bookl1 I Take tisai.' Tiss mairaquet vas ddneuedte mny foolman? and miant tisat hose iould accept cf a sevare bleav acroas tise back, .»whimtI ase libermily bestoemiupon hian vitistise s i ck ashe c a r ie d .1 j Tisonaime lift tihanse, noa doubt faney. ing lu ber owu mînd, if tis igular me: poaiîery of netions ashe possasem coulmi h. cslied a mind, tisat aise iad nomlly effectmi eomneting ike a busiaima arrangmentmu vitis me aipen tise subjeci cf body.sîarch. iaig. 6'WelI,'I tisogisite myself $o'f ail tise odd i o1 vretcises .timat evor I came osa, ase la cartainly about tise vorut I sineudr if 1 sîal ever cross imer patis again, sDow.1 :1 isinie if abe vaits tli I sed for ber te oearcis soea.bedy, ase yl vait long Wisat creatainas vo are of circumstaaices and afiar ail, visaI iecames of aur, firmest ro s . I did aead for tisa od issg te soeerisa body, but I viii net aticipate. It vili h. sen hov, by tisa force ofvnt I came te tiink it deairable te reaev My smquaintauce witim ald Mme, Flackia. Beîug lI a nev neigb6nriood, it hé-. esmýî8 my vMalte famysoîf tiorougbly scqaintied vitis ils tepogrpiy-a tiig, tisat-aveny unadical, Man ahOuld.îdo,r for ho lenos Dt visan bh. may'hb. csod omit cf bis bodit n a hury-..pehaPs liieè Middle of tse aigisi-.to attend sema urgaeut cam, sd a ife may bW lest whiie h la eéniiag whore sech or, soab a sLVnet MaY Iappsai te be. I rose ar1y on thie folloving MmoIl'ugm for 1 vas meut auziis tescertain, 1h, bouse te visicisthema gardon ýe1ongad. I foundtbe l tuôcis whioh 1 had med, Opoen isadoor, poîst vithont amy daffioolty,. anmd (rom tisai indicati on dhuoorsd tisat lima boue via No. 2, SoaiuI ttrracean ad' ta aIl muappearsuca lsa-s vovyrespectable' pluce.,. I valked pist il 'nfront, aud MW iai si tisa blinide weng do*ma, bet lm migbl 'oaly bhein conséquence of time sari, boor ai viicis mI visit 01 inspection vu made, When II rotur nedIl alkedcf, th ise te My vil.. Whsaid, vusti hsa addeanei.' or a person0viso bisthoaighî cf souetsin tisai viii reaolve a dificulty,- I1 would uend tise aid baôdr4énseaei ar tise bouse, msd ses vismt sortof asauverth.y wouid give ber. !itaiigist efford YeD sema' information. At ail-eveits, aime vonid'gui some. anîvar, sud bc a6i. tu tel! yonv*bai' sort cf poople thoy are.' . Nov, I did.- notet a aifin file liii'he idasof baviaig aniytîini te do visi tise trotnbleaome old veman,'but tisa more 1 tisoaigisî vertise matai tise mora- 1 dW iikod amy more public mode cf interfar- ence; fan if il sisould ountmfior mlf te bu aioting of amy conséquence, I *. migisu,- by making s police-office job of il4 do mysoîf muaIs injainy in a ue-v naigisborisood, vilib vhicm I certainhy sisouîd not liko to ectep ltha place cf a baiay. body. L '0 vii llaIte your mdvica,' 1 Bai&, 1a drop a moto te Mrs. Fîmakie aI once, aaking ber to coma beatr rs. Tise note vis ma-foleva; id Mn Fls&kia in raqmeaed t 0 go t& No. 2, Soaitisterrace',- tle.arcis a body, amd after tisaIt t cal! apon > Dr. hait not to state tiasmham got han informa' tien from Dr. -pon. amy eccount. 1Tissnote l'sentî b tise orisiouse, aud vaiîed tise nosult "f it ýna1tlfoenougb,, full4 expecting a visit fr îoantise aid damne àe du couirsa of tise day or' the, evening, àtJAe Vents. But no Mn Finockie cama, snd thaévh.fa oveainag piaaed muvmy -vitbot any noiQiw being tlieof my nota. 1 began to feel rîtiser usaasy, but stiff, vht coaild I do ? To be sure,. I umigisi goto tie voriehouse anmd make nosme eni, qmiry, but tisI might bhé-tiseouly circaim altancé timat coulmi mix me aip in rather a. disagreoible afflair, go 1 nathan aimnunlefroeux it, anid, Ilet ai! aventt") I said ta mygeiff l'il vaît titI znonning.' 'Sir, air. If you pîsaa, adr y yaa are. vsnted', said nsy servant. (rom tisa enter ida >f umy ied.nooiu dooç, la tise moiiw# visile I vis dresebng.' « Whis uit ?, & Tisa beadia cf tise pariais, air. < ff maya ho 'mises ta kuow about Mrs. Flac- kie."l 1.ý < Tisedeaico is&daas I Tell! imm1711lcoma' te hlm lun à minutea. Siew hlm;jute My- Tisera vias ne longer auy seerecy, tisal vad quàite clear. Mmm. Fiaclea ad ;ta, Iteu tise besileinio ber confidence, and 1 vas te bean tila braint cf li-vimola se I biiiarly riopentod ai lItai momént îles I- hed liteaiad ta the suggestion -ef *enud- ing tise Poor o1d voman t te melspeotlai I cut myseif Ivici, bu mi burriad if fort, tu simave mysaif ; and w hen I de ucended ta speal tte a adia, I vAs lu s couidînable state cf aierrpnnsand ir- ritatIon. Hea rose eit mv ontrmunce.. a.nd made. a aiff nI ~ Wisa )or in the - gade.îW5lt - Uti fort aiddosnilcpem Ilintp» tis.premisas. .l 1 ý A If. iý ý jnly i, 1843. 1 ot rT-n->- - ýr',

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