Whitby Chronicle, 24 Nov 1864, p. 3

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y.p Th tokwiIbes jrs-n oriï, es odemt akadcrh ho note, ad purpnrting lu ltives> The 1brm4, but. 4* urni feî~ouir farteed tinit se falior, Re ,wud te ibe doar, quit. Mone cont, kies Matkd ihnee timnes he woujd rteran ouer said -lie wal but WcUld retarn. 1 the witiloss for ber arreet there te tht, er vend wolnali, josepb t10w tatioloal et 4-waq As great K loposoil thet ho. -in-aw, Who WU a. He o bsieod ife, and thought mo.e lie nuyer berùre.'lie eciw hùewhere he 0"r ll*, oa arf the -3br.ne ne ae 'l~ reedenld on s.h# been itrng heai bai pr. bliind humbanâ tbut,'On.o f ( ad the alter or thei Oued, ~por blind ma le Court...YOU dengeroas im. lno4w tuojailifor <eu.es the not ng-ginig leilers )cilfieTh"y AMtOMgtheil tOanping pro. Le ofr50,OOQI- oe aga of 150 'the Baron,# 110Y btppene4 -i ideath if I dia YOU are oer. ceLui for lit *Your pro. fer bieter and ýfg;on teac}ae theo 1,end or birtg tu <euh. (Pa ta 7cont. -An l te afrc4r< lA upen ber let kicci or cison '-thse he lest vas pe7 on!) te yoang 1 eu gheei i geo, andl the bos id ê the' ila I05a ud,, ro'lavya pile. etaaud beeldie -tIti.4 l Wt"a U wcc twenty. Pr, adthe ' Tom teck oe. Tom -uI m uh pm) te:g 0d anid ua,4 oir ta rociintly sui.' iéà reported APu of GOAc , ci vul e Col t - DIED. <IRARAMI..Oa the Ith con. Qf ÎMuxk. hee,, îî é n i 'tbo lth f st., efter a long iaeqb ewiltb Chrisuien fartitude aqd, reWien~a, Anne, oi f WM..George ~ is6, g*t 58yrs. Thé doceuaed cae ta M&rkbittàwth ber peèrewîs-S2 yeaers ega. She weu barrinl the, Paral of Kirkbrid, , oeaty tf Cumiberland Engiend, andi eves a large ciclte o ut' w friewbd. Ocaa eEw WAD VERTISEMIENT. MVit byInf'aîtry. A fi ee fîw iii t ciii i .u ,i m b ..ercby £ 1. i " l e i l i 1 ±lllKliNt hiLffiiiist 40 Veil, I. n., tO bej!scù OtiieSn. 'fiàprtîiioe I LljtLiiî1l I .n24,iueuidii46 14 ADVERTISEMENTS. -- TO TIREOC- JUST RECEIVEli ,4:O ~fl~~NiHALTON FeifyGracera. or Nn on4eif' îifl.0 South Ontario, WINTER BOOTS - a.- - ~ 7.:~~r' Iii (-9rI lc(ii<1Mre', Boy%'ai. 9 ouîr bodies KIP & GOWEIDE BOOTS Al ttlinîal,uii< tî r ialt O it'ch t %vtari t by wvarmng literil niid wurkii iii! ~tj'altii ît tolatgLxd uuiî t! 0,tliir Iliîiîit->, &e11 ut tliQ- ~ *>~~OL) RED STORE, teoi t fto'.t~I JAMES BAIN. 0- SPANISR CLOTIINGSOLE LEATTIER Pli- îîî " I f. tTlai1 le s.le 9 i l-,N0. i li ,fo WVJRITE V 4'F [-A.~ .A, ..- 1 o- L-a JL " L 1ea qfEi8 1 - 0 - ii > -,T l !f II M i -v nti e Ig ; I a l fB O S , SEWNGThe sbsr b bgs to ~nullev thalt bej' lilA IIIN E t basII! u chawed the bu-,1îîess htely coduel y -MR. GE. A. ~>"~ ~f fiT fi-BANNISTEIL, andi that ini (L(ditiofl te thil st<C oi)* ort hànd, he! -r- r- lginf là s couistanty recciving a large, and welI select( ifls r me t O Farm for ale.Frtfn ~AND DRUGG $TS' SUNDRIES. a YiTN,.7 uiîl Lru cuunaiaa f I-DispeùàIdf,Q-kemcut.,ho i confideût o fiidh aisfactiouî to Luu.hfLlltn'fiara,> aa20 ye ner- 6m ji e leased Vu.> 1avor h i invi thî thdeit'îptQnage, f.,Qîe -k u i4y W - - 1 , _ Jus reteived aund always in stock, Fan- Wlitýj-, 71 '.*,,-. 14L c Gods Tolet+7, Evgiirend hanîd erma.n Perfumes, «and Softp%,4r j;e~~ Spotîges, Lhmtrilices. oads&c Dy. Stuffi, Aours, Paintq-nd Ois, Artist8 Mate- â:e riais, Alcoi i, Cdal MBize Vnih, - Pontine,' &C, i Ph4juiiayW' Prmerîp" 'i ad iibnil# Rccîpe carft i *'prd JAUES BYItNE., WHITBY, November 2J, 1864. '4 Wfines and Liquoî's for Mediei1tm1 ptirpoàe4 more Çg,.a Th'eî ubscrxFer wotld in(bhA th inhaitats f North Ontario, ihat lie.is oeningaNew- ot he j,ý '~~and L'ýtilttièr \n-ý d Sboe -Fni.- . *. "L(Ar ff i lquV1 ',t i-na'î i n i.'wll, uniri flt . L , Lld i 1f i-, l hu;i'uu -ii-- u l u 9îî fek bai l .. C. c2.t(,, CUÂNERITERM. c tuu,'4RT ai lu cut.. wd4 iiul a t aiv tce1'lin. I Si theii T-OWN OF WHITBV, At ti 9 f) 1 i- fu , '. f"- ,-f ,,,frrenooe. <j a4ay, the 2Eýth Nov., in»t. nthiI.G. surgeo V, .,Cpi- aitag , 01N)- IL. IARTNEIL,. ilo-fy tiei--m-r. ME(T~NJC'JNSTITUlTE! J1luIllCes fa ie d.liere,1 lu tL.e 1141 af Lltr hmîituto, dicnfiiur thfe >ean IS6i4-5. kis'c~l. .,,L I..L.lRer. f'i'tfe.mnr Murraay; iOnv. R. IV. larifu Lier. 1. %Waaem Key-. fi. î.'nc . J Sgn , Eê.. - 1ev. J. Srruliilu. _ wuil luwM bgirtri oafiht liane coud ,DV E (il/1 IâRiJ. V. RADE, LL.I, ___________Unir: Tdoiiîto, B AIRISTiU? AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solabîtor fl C (lliCery eand Iniilveic U IT., thcn fretice of hie pr 11 n aîiii iithe upper Dilua. (b.'rect the, eceial attentioîr (if en- alici A LuE - pr, .V / i Wlilthy, (lftobcr,' Îq4. ene't.,ý1ire large sto~ck of' ii e RE \C L NEW COO DS, Just rece.ived a croice lot of ~iALE AND PORTERI C. RO -BEýR TS8 Wine and Spirit Mercha nt. No,, 1, on the Cornier, OPPOSITE BLACK'S IIOTÈL. WI{ITRY, Noveèmber 9.3,1l$64. ChaneoB~~s IMEDICINES A M.îihnniiu1u fc,', ( re81j' iîltii f istt u. e, i ilrrv t' t a p1jeiind, aid eut. fu' àlMuifn', tgcf ieor witla *ne lad.> oui;ly, o P'I~ tg) thi-. Cq'e,'r t 1.ot'fnri'e. '.M.or sg , ale. A 1-rinrle it-. (prien. 75 neatm,>eiititliua th?. owimLr adef l avoffL' l iuy 0eutaecu - tifl o'urIo fît Lru-tnnite:WTlLL BE SOLD AT Ii- nî Y lieOituuedfnauîuta tli&- P L I>J'r TT'T~~ M-m ffuoi thi.Leif .4 L J~.1 uiv~ w .,o .iul' tt L (I4W ocf rW. Il. ifiii1.,}î~r î ite Tîw îi tr W liftl3, fat aiut't 1bu' tlu urau ,frutfîo prphe ene- cedju ay l vuuft 'Lfifeie tTane, nlot aleeig Ait Aee4iguuee rte Wfuam liq nuay ia uAetn amenat uîdor thenimrv-A«. yaîtc&Aaaa WILLIAM lt08$ Jri, R aIiglt thlTowiuotîNaspsueeo, IraticCoco. Ia thue <Coiaty of Ocualo. boieuitor for Ilmaolvet. i Daieýl li t'lthy, tïïls E'ali.eotlî day otf No- SANDRElW'S-DAY. I'RîîTfSonoeo !S ' 5, itne#, 'od Obir t'rimida, will<eeoleiqt4 -- - ednesday,- the Sth instant,ýý APrnklil. Tbe.4.>Innder~¶n~muwiil ttde- f1Vrd utihe PrciIb'teria ou eniea, ut - - agm.whnte tau leoti ç The otiuiu1dîneur wltbe kold at Mr. Alie- tiItVET; il LAWIDE8- Uidor anad hy vî5ee of 'c power of ScIe con- ti aîdtee urtsgbeam4cgif uictheo l$eceatt lirqulhdn Meibai althe ?owaatîip etfItara the Coîîoty ort untarlo -yeoanîio f the first part; eie Moitae. hi% vif e, 'of thi'euooad pat1uad Geprge l'routor. orf tue Viilag. f levrtai,Esuquireo tf' te thîrd at p-ert e cariig eeaa sot eatioaipd tlariaa, thue filiawfug propentY,1~z :-The veut-haIt et Lot atamber Two, iftboeaioat A, in the uid TOWNSHIP OF MARA9, CONtTADIfN@ Or ONE if (TDIWD .A CBS, Thuraday, Dec. lit, A U49 AT lx TU "SID VIULLGe O0p)J3EV]ÉITON, For <enler. Particulesu apply te o la. nuder. eigaod.' Ageut for Store, opposite to,. .? MR, WM. SCOiiTT'5I'E On rlues<tay, the 29th i4;ih named g9drû"> j"t'<.' 'I'Iw store to be known undéirte nawe of- the IlRed, »ie and Bilue Boot- and'Shoe store. Nôýé:A î -« : V i C I i4:J - *onsitgof iNens and BOYS 'l'op audlBo- (ly COI, fESTS AIND PANTS, inadle up on the prrnisei, whih teyaref'eRing at CAil IS RESPECTFtJLL SOrICIT'D;. Go- to'thfe Peoples' 'Cheap Cash eStore lUOlbs. GOOD ýSU(jAitfisr$ F7i5lb. R CEfor $. AND IOE0S.KV 11ME LOWEST FIGURI SlolBooks & $tationeryChea o FAMILY _OICERIES DRT.GOODS for the PEOPLI, vti?JW? ANDPYse z 2 U U5 ~ A HALLS-CÂRIG WORf-îý «f 'k I *Tihe Attnrtle n'earni tLt ..QD .nc Tho 'Solii~tor (Joerai *f fl. 1c., Qî.ic 'ileî Iîieriiîi. J. e ii lo n L Mmr. i'iov, B. & Son, gre c J.i CiglJ 4iîcoiiiM. . P., <"Irîwîlio. FHROOCHjI(is, Tlic Ilal rge n i' l oii în.Iuf, ]<IIlu.,. Tuleis. Aieit .& A C',eeCîu',Kiîcoi LRRNS 64 olfi. & Adam. & l.f î~Tu)rýnto. CIIAr' -Ve hum~.'T. 9? ilt. & Ca., Type'Po ca1idoes. FT 0, . j j New York<._(DS FLIiniiir, I.iffle & CoqType Fnullîderi,, Broncion,beur g, enflIra îhi.fe, ' c~ New Yornk. c~.tnniiiili' u T . (P. 1. W . J. iî n u ( 0 L w aok nlml lc flicar l'Ili it. îr. .. iiîf ii B not-fr lhftc Ir- Books Al fe ill M ENTi Eft Tr.îbgirolu Jdliia. --i. tidad e t . i ibiP î lue tee t tyles, tii.? . roii ii&C., Ta feiMPL n.ek or 1Ail of -lil ifll fn f'nn lvCry li % nnie' orSalé Ch ea p JAE ftraokSîrci,, Wlfîhl' H A *rCH S Hari<sEtÏfordinary Light-, ""fliC C'sn'Or ear 111 n2 laak, fr the fmg (alr t 'eyiIîeril ttrnij#je h el e i ve c f.e ii- rinîg fite. p.'nf L'COIîa/ mnaîld i.'cuil itli.tîi ti c t Iiim ii i~'n . C Luilt--AN t) 4!B.X (,tAt R àt ile1,tuCOpti ude, (io()s'roI) , ar k, Mr.îont Bj&. Oin Ehibtifitlir 1ilif IlSfi di/ lîo# iuî7îOand«à o p J4 f Icit le etnîl fin e htest ofl uge oi rîmser Ir o~ 14L iii. rdej th ?lR~'r IUZ.. a' p . Pr thea looacrt. od in, otr e I f liior P .w141a. lg eiwlere; 5mb jfalgîfor NO. 1 Caat 'oit, eand 6.Ionl Oit'Caîî, lIrues 'fnpq, paateiîted., AIena e l'w ecc0Conitul oILeamn, exîected îîîîd 'TocrtTt.A, atrrdnccd pnîcce. ed. SOnxetiMg é Desiirablo! ta uire eiatlsfietîlîn, n nîcuoaerfilîded. >tT0 Y rI P"PSt, IBO ,B,&o., il w:iyls > ù Pae. tîciaar atetaio aillt ii 1lni '<g ad (Oýcu; Eavotroughing and Jobl3iig AI Ik îîewrrnaitted. Z&¶('meIîber Uun 15e.c nlittie ZigCe t f r. f.i.aig'e 4 O1 btiiid, %'Valueif'. Thf'lî eit.irico itîill Uan n,'<rftttty ur 11-111oppe , ' lepaeklîae('Ottoaneîd Woîloiil nage, Bitto' saiml ýTgg. Tenu>,Vif. Cash for 'Tildesaind Siace--ptqkiio. RIÇEARD Hh.TCff.- W' luth>Y, iNutvemiber 1 Pr M 44Tuenii 4o4 -'I 163e King*St. West, Torontô.. A .lrgevai~ty f Carniages on hand. The proprie-tors ol this (7 aiisnpommfaiitieu-Wm iCtrliq, riae bateî~Ie hcmtodefy compitik>neaher' in rîc tleo ih. C iland ee for vourmIevï < Amtunbjiir~ i»oPhot ogrànak. lao- real ife, rmîfcfenlu-rged ,t1Io any ?tird izd, cand .gua-?Ofltesd.'r ndi et a tte loîcetpoas'àlo Zieing pro.' . -A anA rot yipes e in cAèj.aa «ad slPirior to aay- other Aoîios dit PO.q.T <iFFICEï WUITDIYt iNIiaine Ihir-Siu As' oîpteid.) G >ING E$. Gt>tNG WFSrt ri to Il.in. I (J«t. ri..a. .5 45 . lit.7 M r, ii,: Po«rt Penry, q . î . j hJti i.g. 10a.al AeaaiS 1Il . Ili. il- ugeu .S45.1an 0Iic Yeietan70c . -i 0p ~ lý- NOT-iCd ai' O or Al J. V. fi1kM ONTAI &wing faoait iii tl on t r,114n c 1 c;ýsit. 1 Jý dAMPBELL. 1 ýWhithy, Nov. 16,"1864. 'f tj'e Cçýuljtv i 1 whitby, october'm, 1864'.- il, LvEit WA GOLD TC 1 GOLD CIFIAIN.-Çq' 1 - M: COCIIRANPj'.'

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