Whitby Chronicle, 24 Nov 1864, p. 4

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00 TO BROWN'S - FPlour and ,Provisiîonl STORE,' Whio keeput cotstanty on hand No. 1 Plour, Bran, Shorts, Corn and Oat-meal, Oato, Peu. , ~acei1 Sear.ceedHmn,,A pples, Potatoee, 1 . aut forgt th e place corner or BYRON & DUNDAS STREETS Oatmeal eoechnged /or Oata ai IBUp ei Opposite the PonstdOffice. Wldtby, Oct. 18, 1884. 40 GEORGE. STERLING. LICENSEl) AUCTIONEER, OREENWOOD. T IE aubseruber begit reepretfullv b teinform hi frIandm,,anil the publie flint be lie comuuenced thc btipilncea of Auctiotucer, ne lon0 and sucesfully carricîl oui'ty hils fstlîr, andho0paa that by îtrlctetleîîtiîîu lii tusinees, anti puuututlty toesnt a altaru of the large Patiouage hetowed oit hlm. 0GEOWtE STERiANG. A'ictioneer. Grcuwood, Oot. 12, 1664. 40. NOTI 1CE! Coîiitv o uitz llf 1'Iin 9Sîarter S'essionst 01v itiPleuce, îîîd Comty Cort, iii antd for t '-.iii ii of Onîtario, wMii bctic i ln t te Couirt lloti'.c, in tte ON Tuesday Docember 13, 1864 At Ilieliotir of 12 qîCo'ccCtnonni01whieliî11ii justie. oft tice Pecer, C'-iîr 'îîiî'tai.iegr, uId &Il cilter'. cone-erneti, wil treize nuticce'nd girv- Cru ttemoelees accuelritiîgl. -SheriiY, (', 0. Per ('. NotugL. shoriffa Office. Wlitby Nov. 2, 1864. 4:3 13rooklin Drug tore. Dj EALER li Drurt., iilerret l'iae ili, Dio tlsr, ('offèiiiî ery, &c. 1gore t4-Caffle Medicines always on Aand Brookîjît, C. W lie.2 T TIF, mmali tarin hlottgig totlite urîilere.;igu cd, enuieettisic or îie lier 'm, #il"uîIing tire Srperly u orm, .nit£r, il, tire'ro>wn %f wlitv. l100iea j cgîod Il .1ittî bous.bn, tr lijiu, &c. Otitweiliorf ai.: rTie." ereek ronde throogh li e lot.Triîî e ',îoy Apiteti 1 sF~ITEVFNSO N. Acres of- Land FOR SALEZ The inte ueruocîîit'il jiltx are uîtrered t or Sale nt Ina' pri'î'c, tnuniiemylerigîc or p'.y- trlint Pziiidtu 'v î'r a p-rioli of fruit, Five te T . >c'rc yea. Sîit Il% pueltent î'ufly rcîiurdý tlow i. Lot 2, lit),t 20) Loi 15, 4tiî ConSc;ien, Q200 Avre. N3î, .'lId , 3, d 00 b 9 1, tir, " 10,) Lot 58,1B ioni ù 1»t 1, B 10 Lot 12, 4th Concecaion, 200 Acre.. i 111 al tttr, 6 ' Ut 14, lStlu Conceeeion, 21)0 Acre loet M., ti t é 200 W34< 24, 6t1. Coiicc'.ciou, 100 Acre'..l Apply ta J. HAM PERRY, WHT1TBY. Ohmanoerly Sale 41M CHANERY. Samuel Cochrane, PlainîitT, AND Willi&M Burns, sndctera, Defen. dents. TO 13E tIOLD) 11 P1TB-Elg AUOL n Iu parsusece ai a tieurce anti final ortier for sale, icite oY tis Mostornfile Court herein, bearing date rcstpcti ecly the î14tiu day of Bep tombier, A. 1), 1868, .end thie 24th day et Sep- teusite. A. D. 1844, and with the Approisation ciGog leury 1)ertncli, Esqsuie, th. Master cf titis losîcrable Court t W hitoy, on Satiidyy the 26th day of Noembor' A. D. 1804, et Bleven of the cdock, lu tise forsisocu, et BLACK'S IIOTEL, Dl 'TEX RAID> BY Auetigneeir. certain vacant prernles being ecisipose cf lta tpart cf Lot nainier TSeîsty . th, hlte seond .loncetaaioti ot the.Town- ship cf Whltbv keown andusu eeoribeul Oi a qblan theoof mtéJe by Jeltu Suýer, as Village Lot nusabers titrce.ludred anud tltirty aud titre busdred eand tllrrty-one, West cf lrocdc Street, lu thte Town of Whtby.- neTitse . r s 1cal, aitb tie s e fsae, psy -lowua&depclt bli te proportion cf 9i0 fax every 41«ocf ie spurebsse money, teb lt e n. dtn rhis &hllaltesc. and v.s.u Cl'.. .....'.t.. -Sherif 's'Sale of Lands. Counutyof Ontarioo, NrAURDW Ythe -To Vit, -1, 0 Twery-Sxthday of Noyezsiir A. D., -1866, nt Twelrs o'ololt, flo,à, wvll t; aoid ý publIc ý,Ausat n y ordfi; In the Court Roua. lu the 'Town of Whitby, luthe Couuty of ôNtarlo, thOii.rhgu titi. md luntereat wieh tle, utdrmenilcned Defondants severally poeess là the. itderen- tilncd Leuansd tenesesnta thercon, aezed by me under, sud by .ufrtue of ceraIn Wrils of -Vendîtlonl Expanas, cand Ficrl Fawlss, vis: In the Court cf C(loi lePc.. JOhiN SPEOÂT, va. WILLIAM PROUDFOOT, 1)efeudga.t. Iii the Queenla Beuoh. PATRICKC FOY, 1'lalsîtlff.j Vs. WILLIAM PROUDFOOT, I.éetndant. inte court ci common Pleca. The Presldaent,Direetors, andt Coin- îiauuy li te ore Baik, Plalttiffo%, Va. A. Ptandfoltand William Proend- foot, Deferdantti. lu thtecQucen's Beach. JOHIN SPItOAT, Plaîuttiff, VA. WILLIAM PROUDFOOT, ln thie QIxeeu1'8 Benlit. Ju)iin Gladstonue, and Thtomuas.I. tiladi4tutte, lntis Va. WILLIAM PROVUDFOOT, lui1te Qtiieii'g Bili. GEORGE JOHN 13011) WIL.IA M P1IOLDFOt)T. Defendant. S.~Lm 19, 4tlu concession Brook,10 acrest. Lot 21, l2tii enticestelon Itenclu, 180 nerest. N. Çt Lot 7. l4tlî einceion IteeoItliii are,'.- 3-; Lot 8, 1 4teiiuesioottReacli, 10t) acre. NELSO>N G. tS1tlD, c BiieritE C. o. Slieriti' Offie,peC.NUE Wiitbyu 29tit July, 1864. 8 MONEY TO LENi)! In 15O. 42 . ~ ; 4--! MATRIMONIAL!1 L ADIES ArD qNTLEM Nif yoe whsh* wiil scu utiy<> aisont mot*ey vitiieut price, valuable Information thet will enabte yîîato mer>happy aitd apeeffi,, lrrespectve of aë,we th orbeut , The information wllI cost y ou uotbi nI" iCf yen wish to ar ry, 1 viIl ceerfblysasiat yon. &1îlatters - eieî tleauoe.. t a U U5."'s f sUEI5 if this j w "so, wii youý profit by if DR.. DAVIS, - o n , sIil devotsli hc timete the treatineat cf AtlusOl uare, Conter Teorono.C. w. 'Yesrx'sé inenýe. enails i ltote r rCent cesasin avery shirt tine. Olulllei'ORffCle truitetiwill.ott Meunri, andI cures arraitteil. l'.reos wlue wlsh' te censult lhe Douter ce de se wtl ithte utmesl sacrasy.. My ruinedies are pleeaa.t, cetlny-, and effe. Ton need net stop wçdc or oluangeyour <'et. CVAU ou the- Doter; sumtty a1<sal, iiYeu lease. 1Ileoarges uoliîing for edelCe. 'Married perionil àucal vitii stfety-ttse Douter 1' al slie. Toung: ineén wboIhâve fallen victinto letasrel habils eau recelve iiîstuedialc ruhiet bv epplyicg telthe Doutor. P'atientts treeteti by lerter, nud mcdi- cliecs gent fro fret damsge or curiesity, te ail parts cf ttc worlul. 9:'OflceIourse frotu aiglît luntte toruingr utt1 eilîttin the ct'cîitsg. 40. Just Reeived F RO<M rte largest manutactory lu canada, s large ucioqrtiienit of Oooking, Parlor &Box WhIoItC will boc olt l 1w prices. The euli'criber waoitil eiipecially direct allen- tien ta the ticautitul desig nt% anti lieavy Cast- iiug of IA& Cookiog Stoves, 't"IliCnt u itti utogiu.c satiefactiout. r4Coi Ferkin RBuer taken linaxelienge WM. BRYA.N, At 1lite <lt statuti, Broek strfut. W 11llt., Sept. 4,11664. 851 U1>ELL'S IIOTEL, 11f i F 1îî,icrmiz'îd heu toi tfornu tlîoir friatîdo j.aud tLu pubi.tîcat fliey bavc lemod the ab-twe J il kovil 'tand, wilurc the tnrVelling cotiuut'îite will fituti the beteeot miunodatloti and oîteitiîiîî.ent fil!Iiior'..The. tah- provi- tod it h eiiiîî' lilt '.eaeon ; the bar ei:p- plurd -wi i ic lt.t liquors ;t gond stabUlng suld cx'crythîiiîg cean and orderly. JAMES 1ENDEItSOIN. OROCERI ES, E VK]tYTIIN(;aos r'ii'.îl se cw, niitwitb- pci d'ug tfc igbonDui l Teathar le. f ii ee gî13 k trf ltoi',EtIF.< AND PRO. NlY' I tîofhl k i1l, a, tie oid jelma ecxt dictr tiihl*abrothtl a Jiotud Blife Store, Brock S.,Whitby, Wierclie lm e e'iuceryllîinget utprecedent- efly low pritex. 'tea, Suagt, Coffi±c, Pork, Bac. otn, iqr, Datuelrg, F loi S a mcaSit, Peppier, lu yit, ai > d th p rlo o s.e iw ià6 B t heS wbitliy, Jîily 13,1664. ED IN U S,27 BURNS t NOT BJJRNED! ý ITIU II burtiot ont, neltiter the pub. lie, e,"nor ity otiter omatt," will find thern. TUE --ITYRNS, If thiby try bis Bout» and gSites, andi wertbexn. lie01009d in the ociplce, le ok*st., asQo Mou" neew, us*ttYiîuch1sgrt Tael ling, Wbitby, Ju'ie 29, 18<4. Wu. BIURNS.10 4Jos. F. Raier Iiano-FoôrteNanufacturer sent bv rettenuD=0, sud, ne questions ake"* _____ Greeupe u r Cugo., New Tcrixfront ôto ex., tured cf tisa Lt usd by %tr- ASSURANCE OMAN Tats o luit MAI"N EPARTMENT.enate2 W ILL tae.Hall aud4Jargo ltlsks, 51 lte, quatty of hie loweal possibloeesofpresntcm; Insuri. edilur.g#dti snoe granleti ou Hull riseka, for the semeon oer ad Dsew4ai vvr, ssd a rebate oftwenty pcr cent allowed for tise supet ou lite tariS' cf cargo premuisuts cf hat esiu Iisetoolcêle: a rmpst, lIberal, anid sonorablé etllcn le1888 and le air jst ew a iso bCompey, un*y be ITheis de relled upou. ttlp sh ýad Whltby, FPt Quebec 1 Bi CiR( PUBLI WIpTUU ISteured bi *JOHB.hLUW, Agent,.nwd'u * tjien s..Ewe, et& c ti.2 1 8162. 5l Governmeut &genoy îalneeg c9nasetdwithe it )WN LAND' antdother 10 lCDEPtARTMENTS. atteded t. Aise T, i* SIIBRIFF'S 8SALE 0F -Sol COUNTY 0P ONTARIO, _)Y VIRTUE 0F A WARRANT IS8UED To Witbytbo Treaauréof>theCpun îofOntario beain date the. Twunty-fiftlî day of Jnty, one tbousand elght hundred ana sty M o'n to me'd ieted, foir the collection of arrears and assemaments due upon thie following land%, in the-said Cougtye, aall,on Tuesday, the Seventeenth '-,day oôt 'January Next, at the hour of Twelve o'clock, floon, at the. COURT BOUSE, IN TilE TOWN 0F WIIITBY, Prooeed to the sale of said Lands, or so mneh thereot as may b. neceusary for the payment of smci arrears of assessmenta, unleas the. mine, together with ail Iawful charges, be soonor pid. TOWNSHIP 0F BROOK. LOT. CONf. &AORES. EÂ DUE. TAXE.M A.flK8S, si 9, 14t 100 1858 960 12 8 TQWNSRIIP 0F MARA. il, of SI29, part 13, 1E Bide '200 100 24 60 1858 9 60 1 2 3 1658 9 60 1858 9 60 1 2 3 1853 8 12, 25 1852 78 960 12 3 13, 60 183 8 960 12 3 TOWNSIIIP 0F REACIT. 24, 13, il 1858 PORT PEILRY PLAN. il 15, le, 23, 24, g0, 44, 48, n3 899 93, 94, 107, 109, 855-6 7 8 9 r855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 '7 89:"l 18W ~6 17 8991 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 60 1855 6 7 8 9 6Q 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 1855 6 7 8 9 TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERING. VILAO Q 0F LAKEMOIT. 20, 1857 TOWNSIITP oF UXBRIDGE. 26, 7, 100 188 960 1~ TOWNSIIIP 0F WH1TI3Y. Fa7USdd 29% 2p 41 1858 62 3' 28 40 Pateuted.1 Patented. do 2 22 Patented.1 17 69 4 53 4 Il 2 59 2 46 2 U5 195 4 71 5 on 3 83 3 83 3 50 4 90 Patented' do do do do do do do do do do do do 0 46 Patented. 0 46 do 50 09 pitented. 5 47 Patentd &. F. PERRY'S PLAN 0F BROOKLIN. FN o . NO. NO. NO. No. I I. I & I il 4 & LOT, 1858 1858' 1868, 1858 1868 1858 1858 18M8 9 62'8 9 60 2 960 ý62 i0 12 9 6023 60 2 3 9 60 2 3 9 60 a TQ.Wx"utFWITBY. .Yort?ê Ward Weat of Brok Vw 19 1858 *2 1858 r1 1868 820 1868 8 1858 'a 1858 -Ol 1868 1858 9 60 1 60 1 2 9 60 1 22' 9 60 1 2 3 9 60 1 238 9 60 1 a 9 60 1 283 9 60 1"s2 3 9 60-1 2, 3 6 40 ô 90 5 90 ~6 52 z5 64 8 91 4 65 69 Patented. do do do, do do _ do dO~ . Xc 'ZEIlt4FK; 454" 2 64 4 76 4364 4 076' '1 t il tt~' ~4I~ A DV iiTIUS ýAYe BAR IRO 4Z4 A82, c They-iïtendI'selling at much REDUTCED-PRICES,' FOR They beg most respectful-ly to inform ail parties pur chasing on credit that, on account of heavy losses sustain., ed during the past tbreo years, on prodtice operations, they must insigt on seutlemenît and payment of ail accotints on lot Qetober next, tlien running or oveï'due. From this date al parties purehasing on credit, are requested to bear i mid, that al accounts and notes must b. met wiîlî ptmntuaiity when due nnd payable. YJNL o WHIBY, June 21, 1864. M. oO'DQDNOVAN,ý LATE DONOVAN. WVAL.KEV & CO. CA&RRI1A CE B U;LD E R AND MANUFACTURER 0F WHýAS REMQYEDTO0 FORD'S OLD STAND, .~ BRkOCK'STUEET, WHITBY. Offers the following STYLES OF CUTTERS, viz: Canadian Patent Front, Ro1li~ Seat' m erican ehimper-, Portland 'Ci 1Uersi 'Two-seated Pleasure Slei(,1îs, -Bob SIpighses Ail of which he is selling.,at Or;,atlyj Rediuced Price8 for Cash or t-ppiovéèd reclit. -S'oinevêry neat CARIAGES, open 'and ce1ov- ,ered, w hich,.will bé sold,'very low.- Two good second-hand Gigs and two sets heavy Fobs. 3 COiYIIErQI A L MEAN! Wili fi îd'excellent. oioveniient aCCiom-rocdation. Wîthin a Yew Yards of the Publie, Hall. Private Parlois CE H J1L TRAN, .And Fëed_ of alf t o- Wl~l~yJo<pê,j1î864 Wbich'fur volume and pulty are urvlsl led.by any hithertotofféred in thig market. They contain ail the modern improvements, HARP PEDAL, IRON FRAME OYrRSTRUNe eAnd eacb Instrument bein g made under the persenai supervision of kL.J. H. GIIOYESTEEN' Who bas bcd e practical, experlçc.ceoc cver 80 yccrs in their manufactnuqf 'Warranted in every particular THE "GROVESTEEN PIA4NO-FORTE,"'ý Received the bighest awsrd ef menit'cr al1otiiers et the (Jeiebrated Wbere wcre exhi6ited- instruments Itoe thé bes ak Iers cf Londons, Paris, Germa. ny, Phiiadèl hiai Beitimeore, Boston and New Yok; and aise at the 4mercan Iasltutefor à aucC.eV eara, THE GÇo1d & Silver Mdais Frein both ef which can be ýýeaat or wcre-roem.. By thse introduction cf improyemeuts w, make a still more perfect PIANO-FOn,-",RTE! And by nianufactung iergciy,'witb e strictly, casbt systlei, are ensbled te, offer tieoe .iniitru menti et e priewhich will proclude coospet!ticn. PRJCES No. 1, Seven Octave, round -corners, Rosewood plain case, $275. Ne. 2, Soven Octave, round corners, Rosewood heavy mouiding, $800. No.' 8,Sen Octave,- round corners, Roàewood.Louis XI'V ity1e,. $825. 7ERMS: Nett Cash, in Correént Fonds. Descriptive circulers sentfree. 86.1y BROWN &PATTERSONS? Agrricultural Works? AT T-IE OLD VWHITBY ÈMVltY,- BIUIJK ST., WHIr1VY. Mnuicansd dealers le ail kinda of AGRICULTURA.L IEPLEMENM~, WMERE WILL BE ,0150 ComMned Reapera and Mowera,~ Four dffoent kindm cr Two-horse Whel Oultiators steel JOHN F4ILQUI NcwdrtS ry and P * hKELLERIS PLAN. of Brck ma.5 89 60 1 J THE OTHER i t 1 - > ,

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