Whitby Chronicle, 1 Dec 1864, p. 4

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I M I _____ _____ ______ _____ ___IL AppatArmeia. . (Copo o bot ta tÏe or the Trent affih%) Now rouie ye, tots. ue oble las, zqow totie yeoneee a l, Standa hy ytnr coutry lu berr ueo'!, And heariten te bar eal. Let focnu. lrieud aand ail unito, LIkè bro-ther. heurt aud'haba, Aud estrilce -for freedoin an'! tae ight, OUT ata sud out ilaud l Unite, imitA, and! chow the 10e Welliti, cor' aal«tMinufuel, Tliat if bhoiuitSremport catr eltor - 1e-mail rempeet our #We; Thot<aea, proüd fiautln, A ipeCnot race eau bocal, A 'tard e of utealwart ious, Astinil tut at t hy octit. An d aitutaiti asn! atta arace, As larIug atdtu tit rva', Ai ever fotrsSl or bled or altea M)ar nattai l t a gave , Am ever rnicil na awori, (Jr tcîraîci a iiiantv btow. Or traî'ety ltuttt an ti hir own Agaiinstiataîraatgn fou. Tlii i p new laU., tofnitur riglt, 1 )Olcnit tir eouintrv'.m'C1140 Defend thelhoti, we Ito110A 8co aeutr Our fra'edtnit onir laa. Let nut thitfoiit iaavaatclr'ahPut Poit tiur virgin cuti, Iltlfftdy aipot Iatm fite t tnler, Tittu rAlly rouelidte Flitit ie love, ,Tite Fita t nl it, 1lîtinre, lltï lead mir aira-at, victa'C v,- tir àItu i r-,Acita u' uta'1 Atf nali eta'w'rua îï-t!ae wçatlîVcu,. Tlhe %wortfiYt caa to hi-dît Ofttpsaa wiloiur t taal i huce wto wonu "The great boanîy of a vîif t,' iaid a ben-peocea husbaud, "1that if Io abuses You herself. shea wn't let any eue aIse &buse ye."1 The Uuited-Staton Teseury departmeut la priutiug aud issuing weakty about $12,. 000,000 iu egal tender and national bank onrrency. Thora are iu Pittaborg, Penu., 46 fonu. drift, eonuuiii 46,000,000 uf iron, aud affoard effiplonmeut luimeu whote annual average wages Fn $1,000,000. TUE CFLEIIIATED STEAM-COITED 1IIOOP. iltsitrhtet' Worîth Worth, aRâ e Labour-Saving Invention, It bs lmu liq)the flolng atîua's-I klind4 of Ttînbr-Fim, (Oak, Maple, Bechi, &"ati -bu tiealinuflicta naîîuifittr(a' of the il.ai p$m ;1and l t;al, tratitthteactreltv t thA unit- ltary îît-tîî îa a, nai siocti renu- THE HOop IS STRONGER, Alidwill t 1cttier tîtat flitc enîtîîîarv heu p. A Cooper cciiile îrakp yaîfour t4r fire barrela per daymre tiru Ibuitt athü arîtinry cpttitbap ONE THOUSAND HOOPSI' NWili iebouîaantt lattai frontitinetixto lia tittee eigbt lbarnilaitItlioiin Itirroleeigttîar anal bol ter for iltt.at,&e. Wa'14-er lirthe Inven - ton he Im itelntuuma, ilI îuîazim'tîite MoNt "j-COMPLE77R 847ISFACTION! The pnuprîtrrlite np têlieutite, eluarema uothlirfor hi> an ireCuemiftitiaku nmoîîey- until line ea lai ibctahlaorling urder. lually, te Steait, "lileal Ituop le§uni. of the woitlunde oft- rbe. ast muiinctaa'aLtou %*Illuatto- fy ay plictt al at. Andreu n* tt., 'V liai taea:Win <latruhaiar. gt. Mar',; Stopeiia'tti kînuaýr, (uiftaiu Sim ratnilon llîilga'; W. & J. Itogg, aron Mille,. Touge ttrect. Appty to tie reîrictur stilaliittée, JTAMES aToBILINuruaN, %Vitill,1'. t0., I'inkïrlutr O~OMMERCIAL OOLLEGE' -(Fenmerly tBryatnt, tratteu d& Day'..) King Street, Torotoe C. W. Fîr< dor Eau of Wesleyan Boo& Romst. ~JONDUCTED) ACCORDINO TO IBRITISHI FRACTICE, witb uuauoalldifitons suIt- cf ite ofCornt A Boeri u! e ahrl ut Tih.e 0urne of luitructou anab"oantci Mra- MetaBook-Xe1 1 Itmk Book-eaKeengt Mon- &uouoreil lLAi, CoummerciliCorruoedeuae f io3elulttgli te icpneaof Enttllah C(otuee- tien Pôuius,)?enanslulp, Tolegrapby antl StaffofToachers and Lectureris llr. DA.Y, louettr ianltae Satancse ofAo- ountq, Commierl atcîblstilaust, snd Gommer- OlalCmaeindonoe1 attd! Lturer on BncbI- aeies Custeau. Mr. P. SULL1VANrM.A., Barristar, Ldectur- er on Commeorcial Lai. Mi, lBEN. B. TOYE, Oblat Operatot' in )&Ou- telTalegràyit Coutpsny'a Office, Teomto, Iu- straaturlniTelagrpii. Ut. . TtMtOIsmtrlu Phono. gmRëIeferees. 11b. DAY lias muait pteaa're in rafarrlng lu Clue foloiovug getutlotaii :-Rev. H. 3..(rtuaet, Atax. Mornay, Ecq. fefMoliittt, Murav & Ca.,1 A.It.MOMatir, lýq. et Mctt & 'lira, George Micie . Co.; Davidl %cuhan, Eeq., IurmarUnierscity. J. Laiu.lie, Pestmastar; W. Itîcl, Eaq. oflîuwiauid & Fitcht, Adent Crook&s E.aq., Q.Ah, .A., L.L.D; L. W. Stulttt, Êeaq., flarrttter, D.C.rL, Toronlo; Ion. leiace Bu- c hanan, M,1.,; fi.,J tuso, îq. ; Adant liB2v, c.. IHamiltton ; l). Bah, Esq4., Moitreal W Tent Esq, Navtnanlet; Pie. trAireeii, Wci- lngtcin Square, Chiarinancf Couaty huoard et Publia Insornationb, fltuton. Ferttruas.uatdreas, (aoiostng leLer titsap.) 1AMES E. :1,&r, 0 Pruetiesu Acconeut, Torento,, Fornterly of LUndon, Etglud N.-,Ail parties&iholding AdirerdgungSartp, algad by IBryantt, ftrattota &,Co.,or Bryant S9tttton & Day, anal ceuuteaalguod i by jm Da Ity, are itureby lnformnod tht the Sane viii Laredeontealby tiiaunderýiqned. .&Leou &Il Stadonta holing Fcaluoslups, sigitetian'! nountaruguedinti tee nana mutner, anL w6hlng tocemnpleto on revtqv thaîr courne et stniitas itit Mr. Day, are tiotile'! hbtthoy CO o nt sqAI sa timâfro ofcharge &S - JAM 8 , -DA. GO TO y "BROWFSe 1?Iour anmd Provision WiV ia koo pu Opntuty onulbantdNo. 1 lilUVISU& IAIUW5 Jil thls lie 80, Wil-you CELEBRATED Sewing Machines! '1'~ ~ ~~~n IEohcterle tiii ite leagenry of Itte Grover & Baker mafchines, fur the ConitîteauoftOntario, Victoria andl lnrlîain, keeps i, otanttvy un hanal, a coînpletaaauaert- Uleitt of titane iuete ,celebratatal 8ewilisr àMa- chiina, aelatteaf'far tLIerrat tîCiaOf Shoomakers, Tailors, Drois- Smakers and Yamlies. Taitors wîlt Sud te No. g, tîorf('rtl. culotte. lent for ail kinal. cf Taitoitiîg;itii la vrny Ol. rajIia)t ii totton, anti vena' ea.sn-inace-t' , li VER & IIAKEIS'EAiIIIX 1,YMAIIlINF l)uiaa à wlîier ratnge nf work igiaiivtn'aattr MIiartti itu nw beteCi,ïte Caittadian pî il.lita au ciatple initcctartiaa if*tei aaulîtea pa-rý,ta rq titre a îlîurettgt tenowli'dgfofutmt ine. very rend ity. 'ircainci aitttoît willabc izivîtil It 11oe 1îralîîici'frortIlte scariber unttitllaey re a at tu iaaortathy and'rctuid il i t e buabte todu tIi lkmdt iti f work. 'ri t cboorli>er woulu rau t etftitly reqiuet ail partie. ideiring a Siewii)sr Machine, tai catI anad exatiî ite Gruver & 11aker machnea belotre pliretuaaiig etccwliera', tictley m'il flit thicîn ropîtie " utraadraiaîazea, hliasc ?oitaltiy .id eiitlitv if thîe îinciincrv, an sleatiotaof tp tftti. Thte (tniter uk tiktter titlicîttutt hitlotittett nclitna, ,are fiirtai-iet l itae i elîa'puce, mi ta t i rîiti. ai i'cnreii ir ifter ri. Tlitoce ntciiilit)aîiatlt warrnittd, attat tituu gîten o it tî î'i îîîaîaîifna'qtiira'at. lteine'tt )or te plate lu ccl tieiu t-.,. Wtt kiîiiou'eJeweterî' clore, BltrcaStreet, Wlitly Si-Ito.S. tP. GREEN. MONEY TO LEND!1 -IoI -* ï. C4g et L MÀTRIMNIAL ADIE ANDGENTEMEN if ini teMr d este ttt h 064) l Ibu ill 41 wti ut Bou - -x9 [rcvlukI nJo ý o titwlieal Pot in ~ hapyRua .peed Ç- ofa . wllio ca T lnn"m la.l MATRIMOI ABRT L itmryre u Cit e eiu giiedj,-Nw vitu amusâ '&%"'it îîtut tUedyana lL' rlASRNE CauhetaonutOMPie w Ato VAIRINYDEPÂRTEENT. W 'XILL Laleliati ead Cargo Bistra, at the Y lwtpoauiite rat,3 of îneîniîîn ur. ance grautea li It iskA, for te saison or voytige, aud! s rebateof tiwenty pur cent Atlowred on ta tari"ofcarge îiremtuna utematson, auproiupt,ttibearansd tuitnorabtaseuleament ai air Jus L alau upan siteo<otnpany, nu>' l rallad tipon. JOIIN BLOW, Agaiui,- Port Whity Iw*omfieasoijoinîng Jas. HMe.,&diC0. wbitby,ve. 25t, 182. - 7 B lnsineati eencocted-wi tthe CROWN LAND ae'! aLier PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. attenidad te. Maco Boue ytlieoutber,- A'!droa .prepol' E.' J. OIEM1IW, Lau'! audGoealAtAgm rirofit by it? DE.. DAVIS, alla'lit 'xgM "n".Frlid, on, ctitt ilevote.ls i.a wlt ,nte taultae treattiient of * PRIVATE DISBASES At bisi Olal Quartera, Corner Bue aid Adelaie atreeta, * Toronto, C. W. Yeero' expeucuce iabetilMatLe cure rent cmes lit a very mlhort tinte. Oul, ttigertufg cacS treatpil wiCtiouL ?.ereterv, andl ciire* -e'anattl. 1'orsotig wito wil.l te couetiit tlie Doetor ciu do se witti lie utmttmeercy. My reinedias ara pleutitt, certaitn, nala sule. Yîîu ecd net stop %vert vr change your u'tet. Ci'll on te Tlotor aty atclong is ouyen tac~. le ehargei notigfor advtet. Marrie'! pierautia clin cefl '.'th ca5fety-tlie Doctur ta imil done. Young muen wlio t lave fa.tti vitilktiuitsecret titbitti t>octor. Pitt eti te treated It l tenan,u dnidi- ie.ti' mentt fiec fronit deangeo i- uriosity, te al ptarts ùf tliteaortl. b'hlt"toure fra'îu tiglit liti te nortiitt intît ciglit lil hee iliig 40. Just Received F IN i h't arnet tia lt'uyiti Canada, e I Iartaeatîe: Cookihg, Parlor & Box STOVES whiltrii au- od lcutt luw lricea. Trite em-iparaaT~t eciaally direct atten- tlou I tti heauittfillld'aie a. t-t ll htvy castt luge orf lie Cook- ino'.Stoves, Wlil ret fu g i l t fue o Fer' } Bt terlakenin eclitenge far eenre.Wn. BIIYAN, W hlI' tlh ) ,alItSei atret UI)ELLIS IioTrEL, a' l'îE'aera',a 'it,,l lif Ci iteir frieci tu, 11lî la' taiie t1it ti-y libaite eeea thce uttitî'%v- aitail iî' tai.wl, ahrtc tralvelltg ti- taa' ei' filtai ' ri t îîe t.a.îeLuroti. ai'tttiai- n laitCi t »-nfi tepi Lii iaîr .ul- mat t ihte leat liqitra ciat l t ai ua c'ývirytliag, cleatî att! uraierly. JAMPI(IF NDESOJN. CROCERIES, PROVISIONS E pandiigtît bgtir etlia. w uTa la Y XL IV me 1.1A new XV-k f()r l ANDJI( V' SN tetzixai tl. I placé,iext tloor o hisbroI t 'n id Ste oe store, Brocli St.,) Whlitbyt W liralu ait)i linar ever)ytlng ut nnpreaedeut- 'f c $a1ua,'taffet, tPrk, iaciaia.artt $îic>uei1:, Appien. Ficli, Cifeteir'u 0atenyt i.g. &ilieandit! te, at4eX5miIte ~ aLs, aid tae lana'ea. EDWIN BURINS .7 BURNS! NOT BIJRNED! -LTlioUGIiu t, noithertLit pnb- sl reablLrdby TUE BURNS, If ttaa> try liA 1 tiattan'! Sito ,sn'! vasrtite,. Hii tecate ln Lie ut placea, t in reek St., mgottas net,, next la id'snl' groaL Ta u-,lring Wl!. BURINS. W itt b y , J n a o 2 9 , ifl h . 2 Jos. F. Rainer, Piano-Forte Manufacturer 1 WAREROOaIS, WJIITBY, C. W. train 6 t p asse'! b rantA tao A theI on24te- auvari'! quhIy e id tu rau ITEEmay be toua'! a flet y'y saortmentof Piano Fartes ýtlu an sd >autental Caoes, 7S~ Iand'!3C oetavo,, maasc. ua at.Iltnd pranonpaee by tiSguatsbacd Arlfîut,, te be aucun, eqlati aund pnntty -otToue Wl ae toat rasscnebletarms, an'! va; taiauyolnaata. 0-iena/pv-se as, iatExhlbttrinlac'iiiuLoadon amteber 85.t in it eat l" SIIERIFF'S SALE 0F LANDS COUTY P NTA.RIO,0 Y VRTUE: 0F A WARRAN~T ISSUED TO Witt;1 B)yo Tre ' urer' of the County of Ontario, baalngdate the Twenty-1 day of Jnly, oue theiwand eight hundrod and oit-~urs and te nme direoteci, fer the collection of arreara and âabesaments due upon the following iandçs, in the maid County, I shahl, en Tuesday, the Seventeenth day ot Januiary *Next, at the heur of Tweive o'cieck, noun, at the COURT IIOIJSE, IN TIIE TOWN 0F WIIITBY, proceed te the sale of saici Lancia or so muci thereot as may bo uecetasary for tic paytnt of such arrears of aage8sments, nuleas the gaine, together wnith al iawf ni charges, be seener paid. TOWNSHIP 0F BROOK. LOT. CON. AGItES. Y1L U E. 9, 14, 100 18589 60 12 3 TOWNSIIIP 0F MARA. il, N E 26, S W part of of S 4 29, s prt 13, E reaide 9, 200 1858 960 12 3 91 100 1858 9 60 91 24 1858 960 1 23 12, 50 1853 8 12, 25 1852 78 960 1 23 13, 60 1853 8 960 1 23 TOWNXSIIIP OF iIEACL 24, 13, il 1858 PORT PERRY PLAN. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No* No. No. No. il 15, 16, 23, 24, 30, 441 48, 89, 93, 107, 109, 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 678 7 8 6 7 8 6 78 6 7 9 6 78 6 78i 6 7 8 6 781 6 78 6 78 6 78 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 C 9 60 9 TOWVNSI1IP 0F PICKERIUNG. "ILLAt;x Or CLAXLEaÇNT. 10, 1857 20, 1857 TOWNSIIW oF UXIIRIDGE. s4 26, 7, 100 1858 960 12 3 TOWN111P 0F WIIITBY. Suped te Na 1)0 cn Farewell snd KeIler'a plun 201 21 41 1858 62 3 TA&XES. EMAIOIS, 28 40 Patonted. 121 64 Patcnted. 48 91 do 28 82 do 5 63 do 38 25 do 31094 do- 2 22 Patettted. Go to the Peoples' uC heap Cash Store!. WHERE VOU WILL GET l'OIbs. GOOD SUGAR for $1. UI-7'25lbs. RU.E for $1. BOTS ANDI MIUES AT TRE LUWEST FILIIJIW School Books & Stationery, Qeap & good. FAMILYQr ERIES For tho Million, and at ail Pricos. - DRY-GOODS for the PEOPLE 1Whitby, October 13, 1864. M-- 1-..COCH-RANE. IIALL'S CARRIAGE WO1IKSý 163 Kin g-»St. West, Toronto. Alarge variety of Carrnages ou hauîd. TIte proprictors ol thU AEstablishmnmt, uosseýsI àci]ities for rnuuiîcturing Carriac. Patouteti. that enable them to defy compititioti, cither- in price, style ci do fitnish. (kil andi 8ce for yourselved. do doCO MRILmm do do XVill find excellent and convetiieîît accommodation. do Within a Fcw Yards of the Public Hall. Private ParlerE do do 'do do do - 0- 46 Patentîed. 0 46 do 50 09 Patenteci. 6 47 Pateîated.1 B. F. PERRYSS PLAN 0F BROOItLIN. 32, 501-' 51$ 58, 59, 601 61, 76, LOT. 1858 1858 1858 1858 1858, 1858 1858 1858 9 62 3 9 60 2 9 60 62'- 60 123 9 60 2 3 60 *2 3 960Ã"2 3 9 6Q 3 6 40 Pateuted. 5 90 do 5 90, do 6,52 do 5 64 do 3 91 do 4 65 do 6 93 do TOWN OF WIIITBY. TEÂRS DM . TAXIES. EAIE, Aért4 Ward'IJ'«t of .Broeik &reet. 1858i.9 60 l 18589 60 12 1858 9 60 1 2 1858 1858 9 60 1 3 1858 9 60 1 3 1858 9 60 1 2 1858 9 60 1 2 -1858 9 60 1 2 454 2-64 à563 444 515 4 76 4 à6 5 37 4 46 4 07 KELL4'8 PLAN. 1858 O ýe bÀ ds re UE'CHARGEOIIIGHER THANTHE OTHR H o YL nWHTY \JACOB BRYANq' Li quors of al,, kinds O f the best quiality,- at <a very 10w figure. IS, BACON,,POTATOS, FLO-UR, BRAN,- SHORTS, AndFecj of al kinds, at JOIIN FARQUHIA-?ScoN'si Wht 1 Jte , 18614. GRO1VESTEEN & Co., PIANO-FORTE Man 'ufacturers, 99BROADWAY1 NEWYORK.X. THE attention of. the Public and the Atrade, is invited to Our New Sosie 7 Octave Rosewoo6d Piano-Fortes! 'Whieh <o? volume and purity ara urrval- ted by auy hitherto offered in this market. Thoy contain aI te modern imprevemants, FRENCH GRAND ACTION, JL4RP PEDAL, - IRON PRiAME OYERS7'RTNG Aud cachinsjutrument baing niade ,under thet persenal supervision of Who bas bcd a practical oxperianceofl ,)ver 30 years Fin their manufacture, i Warranîet'd in every partieulr TRE '6GROVESTEEN PIANO-FORTE," flcciveii lite Itigitest award, eftnmont.over A1Iýothcns et thé e Coibrated WVtenrwcre cxhibited intstrumaents trom Che beat Fitakeri of Londorn, Paris, Germa. ny, Pbiladetphta, flitimere, Boston and Ne York; and aise at tho Amcrîcan hzatitetefor -5 ccs- e /as Gold &ýSilVei' MAIttS Fron both ci which cati be seen'at our Bvr-em Iy the introduction of improvoments Iwe make a stLli more perfect PIANO-FO RTE! And tîy manufacturing Iargciy, with & strnictiY cash cystetu, are auabled te effet toe instruments, et a prico wbich viii1 $eciude competitien. PRIU'ES No ,SCeo Octave, 'round corners, Rosewood Plain casie, $275. No. 2, Seven Octave,- rôtnnd cernera, Rosewood heaey tuouldir*t,$300. o.lScye Octave,' round corners, Roacwood Louis XIV style, $325. 7 ERMS: NeLt Cash, in Current Punds. Descriptive cireutars seut-freo. 36.1y BROWN &PTER Agrlicultural WO AT TaIE (ML> W].IBy FoUIDRY, BROCK six§ WITBY. A6RIOULTURAL IEPLEMEN . " WflEng WILL nDr rJ'OUSD -Cornbined Heapera ccnd Mower, F61u i' dif'ren ilt inf. .Two-horso Wheel CuItistorg- STRAW AND> FEED CrIJTrERS1 GIANT GRAIN OR1I8llEffs,- Steel Plows and Steel1Pointà,<' I)ITCINO ?LOWs,- L~FANTNG ILLSIP Seeflirf ors, etnUd Poate h Ivts. mîade to Nov Groccry and Provision Jat St;heap at 3 OS Quebea. Matelt Ird THQKÂ~ </4W jt -AU - andthie nomom Wliitlyy, Jffly 1,1, IsGt.

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