Whitby Chronicle, 15 Dec 1864, p. 3

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~' D VEBRTrI S EMEBN TS. A ii xç,eýient articlei IlfinçessyïsVPale Brandy, very fine; Scotch Wvhisk(eyl,, lslay pure. C.ROBERTS,1 WINE AND SPIRIT MEBICHANT. Ko.'1 on the corner, O iPOSIT'E 13 1,A Q'K'S IlIOrTlL, IWhitby, December 14, 1864- 49 NEW.,ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Boots &Sbhoes T N EK mreof 'icer ltitlt1î l'y icaeing venir your licit endutiSI) osît 'lie i.l l dS4t-4, JIAMES BAIN. Dexl)t e r .t'.14, S . 491 cabiniet tUaker TINDERTAXER, &c. A N excelenît 1'New il i ) ral illi sti pi d. DJ>îitîlits -'c It r -W'hitby,_Pîoniner. lt104. CORD WVOOD The tiîcsindwill t Tpiitr, iin SATTJRDAY, tho 24th inst., 125 cords of Wood, IrDe : l7lîe-rt.T TendlerpntsLtu t e cwlire il o i, A *Ooi i c h t lwîli t1;"u" i 4!i 1n4I wpllas ues "uuîilnrî"i--i 'îWîi'.itt4 il9 T seac WAlITED f",r ii'll"-d (iaitulitt nul A 11usd IXton' l ie tt -r - 't. ,'aeritcsta for e r-e i ewi Iiî>- tl ltti-, 9.220. A I'cnîIt Tenta"iv' o rft iitiy d4ttui'm, ti-ltri $200. APl4-u-tits, n 'tltii'i'tî'lîsI iiIt'fer wrî i'îulit e u14eîdrttiod .'.ott lnter %119t1 c-ltlu * 8ccSr . hM. i.. & C , At>htt 1READ THIS! ~ jUs'r ECE j)Eà Foesit siapply cf STOVES Amonrt .iat ara titi folowing, vie: Tti .uolc,,ruo<i I,'on Dàete, le 1 let te'y 4rocicet Proeastiogintr'rOlve, ?r4sas &li1t Golden Ï'ceèt, lst. Lawrence, iXirturs, Cndit, (ttmwa, titi Sttporiot. uthltttiiili Iat. t. iI et, ItIitak , tkotgrlte r prizlunt te Iitn Pro- yitii l itit!Qthou li i4 litlImton; Titi lteve Faniutri làvery superlur, aud lie guarinteesttt'fcCOi PAICLOit ANI)> BOX WIUVEt ý'of vaStiont 1 ' *Il ait et' wi ihu hladatenmined teicIli PORE COAL OIL, 001v 45coitrilîi. nub1ý dilstillad do. (or white o,).W0-iper gal, Ceal tCrIiLampm meýrded îr ii., e- AT0i'E PIPES, ELBUWS , Yot., alsq baud., - À ton ot gond itay wiiI te taken lu exeiange orae7ibielsof peam. -100 i>..bla i AAUOAL WANTED. If yen ftrgt al lte rust, dotat forget te" plce, uae d oroua t'fMr.Lniug's Store. Cnsh for Ildes andl SbeepsktiM. Jobblue' trletiy' stteito , wniaal werk RICHARD H4TCH. Priaicul Timstuith. OPEN12NG 0P THÉ f lOW-N HALL' -OA~NMGiTON. V¶U~1io~lîiÇ t e h.Teewuthlp et'Brock, .LUP ' irou4lig to-vutlps e lre re*pet. <ail>' ihlirfed (bat te above hall vui ib. pub- 1icIy opeuied, on - Thmday, DoeDzbo*r à.,1864, 19mh ill b. caelbrated tey a publhic dînner Tbi Jollo1$ag getlemOu bave Iitdly .te Intenin te ite pretut ou Oise J. Hoa Per, eq., (>sitaWtI 1(4gio, q, P, Pru e a, ., arden, C. 0. - ~)sti f~otIie.ûhave aise homo Sexpetfw.tO bu priment, mWho EWE AND LAMB STRAYED F RI i'l le 1r c f l, e 1i,,tri4ee, a JLt. ,-n-rwîlîîîn lit.t "nutd'sii An mýmii irîti' 0 'm to the utîder miite î ir ciii , h 'ii 'îi l i i ll e' 'lil in i lt,'r Offiuet.itWIN u -r" t No. 7r- i t'Clin.w hii vv tlrotikliîî 1'. t>.1 TO THE 1111TUSE v Hlis3Y.1 l ia' - - îjit'1 tc 'o , t - i-l;'- nt-- ie tIî4~t "m elt her1 t".- Ž';' I - 1. W. BIIOWN. lit; L48 10 THÉ ELECTORS fort UI.J. MVacdoneil "~T~OR, FOR 1865. To th)e Eleetors oV r 12 South. Ridiîng 0F TUE COU'TY OF ONTAB.IQ, The choice.o etta Referm Con. veulion eslea for the pnrpoeo e- eeting ~candidate te 611, the vacancy ecanmod byl tueleevationso t e;Hoa.-. OMowiît e b Vice -Chaucelioreip, iaving fallen opon me,, I deolîre tMY wiingnesa tetoerve yeu in tihe Leiiatare.,and proposé, should a contest insu., te aàford My friendl end supporters tie opportauity of' pelling tiair l vote.' My viws Upen iie p romnent q"tipua whicit hava agioustcd the cotutry, are toe well kuown te reqiire a decisration ie Ibis Addrese. The. Confaderation achee, apon whiclz the leaderso etti.pelitlcai parties -eofthe Province bave unitéd, I conider a moye. ment in ithe rigitt direction, caIouIateas ~it is te carry ont thse wshes of thse great R, iroe Covention Iil4at Torobtoi i4 19# $e fs'ar tic.local G o emeniý, antd 16 4int uthorisy" of' bthe o 4au are ëoncerned, Tii.enlargement of! hat sciemne b>' the.immediat. bringistg ineof the - Maritime, Provinces ;and ullImaI. incorporation Of thse West and Nortla-West.' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AND WINTE-R'~t*IS 'Mathewsou,Rteife&Ce0* .Have now to hand, at the,.store lately occiipied by T. J'. Holfdày n Brooklin,'a -cômplete stock ofaticy and Stple- DRY"G,ýOOD:S, '-GROCMEBtS, (imOCKER, HA2DWAREI BOOTS ANID >HOES85 REA-DY-MÂDE CLOTH 1NG-q Aiso a large Sio'k of TUweeds, Flan- nels, Satiuetts, llankets. Serges, &c. of their own manu- facture, which they oflcr to the public ut verv low prices for Cash. llrooklin, Deccîiber 13, 1864. Cutte rs Cutters ('ail at once, and examrine the C arriagce AT M. O')I)ONoVAN'S iaétory, Lrock istree, WViitby.- CIIRIeS T*7IJS JXD NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS. ---o- - JUST QPENED A NEW AND COMPLUTE STQ('K 0F Dry, Coods, Groceries, Fresli' Fruit, (l 4>1 )rt, ra ridies, on'f <raI't and ini bott*e, Iv iky, 1>orier, A les, &Ce, saucez~, &C. TRY THIE NEW STORE P~ Tr. H.'MoMillan, WVhitby Docccînber 14, 1864. 49 QGREAT REB-IUCTION, XIV Cottons, Prints, OoburgOCloths- 1, 11bs. best Mus. SUGARI tor $ 251bs. RICE, $1. Good Uooking Raisins, 7j per lIb.ý QGood Teas from 70r'.to ý$1. 'Young yson Tua at 80a. wor&,,90o.- - Boots and Shoes lre tck Cb4 Sehboôl Book~s anud Statiomeyr. Sait,'ShinÈlWs, &c. M.IL COQHn&N4R t t -t n t i - t i o - ~ami1y Gocory. TI~ ~u~crherbas removed to his (.LYDE'S,,,OLD,,STAND.) Dundas St ret, wbere his custorners z and the public will fiu'1 a -large 'and excellent Stock of 3jaG1nk1ES, *fRPOXTSIONS, and choice puie LIQtJORS 1'froin which to imake a selection. CHiINA, GLASS, CRl'OCKERIY, &C *,&C. Calf and exalmineIuis prices ? they aré such -as defy al: competition. Farmers' produce taken 'in exchangce, and goods sold at LOWEST CASH PICES. :: Rernemb 'r the nean Btore witk the big windowéq. H. H. Crosby, Whitby, December 7, 1864. 48' kEWdTROCERY! R. C"AM PB-ELL 9 In addition to their Dry Goods Establish- ment, will openî their next store, ( lately Occupied by Mr. Rtoberts,) witli on entirely new stock of ON TUESDAY, THE 131l'II INST., Being ptirchased for1 cash, they.will be able to ofl'er their customers and the public GREAT BARGAINS. ZV- A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. R. ý& J. CAMPBELL. Whithy, Dec. 6, 1864. 48 Changze of Business .i énii GENIIN E J. R.pfiILP lu TRN auatrt hAS emoved hWr SADDLE, HARNESS Gt"West Side'o! Brook Street, Dircct.ly opposite Laing'ustore. To the publie generally, andlmyeutomners ln pîru iarlexý crilniation to Ceui iti lspet in EXELNTI STOCOK Of îny own mnanufacture. 4-y SECOND - WILL 1BE BOL» JIY ATi Annual Bai VJ.~clo' 1tl WILL TARE 1PLACE IN TUIE RECIIANICS' H1ALL, ON Tuesday Ev'g, Dec. 20, 1864. TICKETS, $1 50- r4WVouer.'rc ru ted te> eppenr in Unitorir,. J. V. HAM, JR.,_ Wlitby, Nov. 910, 181l4. - 47-3wry GO TO BROWN'S Flour and Provision1 .ST0 R E, Who k(reps constalitly on land No. 1 Flour, Bran, Shorts, Çoru and Oat-meal, Oats,'Peas, Bacoj, ýec'iu-curcù Mule,Apples, Poentoes,e &.Don't forget the plaen corner cf BYRON & DItNDÂS STREETS Adce assoriment ofLampas, Coal oïl Clcimneya, Burners Shades, 4.C., 4.c. Oppoit* e Post Ottice. Whitby,Doc. 7. 1964. 48 NO TICE ! STA DA ONF YýAR oi;i11nouS-E ~ (COlt, lck exccptthe iýioht bin à fetlnek, %whicl iq white. Any oine iufb'riniî,r the euh. ecri'hor wlicru Il i ny bc round. will bc î- wurdl. 1Brook l, Nov. l8, i884.41-.in YOUtR VO fE & INFLUENCEý Arp re spectfàlly solirited in favor of NW. BROWN* AS InsolvOflt Act of 1864. On At 12 o'clock, nonît, pureistast to e 48e for partition iun acause oof' GTBBS vs. BRYAN,', LEVI* FAIRI<ANKS, Ju4nor,' AUCTIONBEJ, The u ndermeittioncd peutev~ A. Valtiable Fara in East WlIltby, Buûiug N oi-ti, i Inf et' t No. 15, lunte 1 t concession- 'f tt Whîthy. o xcep$ elfe cere thereet, uild t, o 'nI ISte'ltef11f About 7O acres are careil, eitd tthe remiiidr i4 oo'#red, with valuabie -lar4.w.oe'1 .tlzaber. Upon th fîarm la an excellenrt two-stery Freine Dwe iniz lieuseo, with istone 'cullitt thereiiee, ' koo.i - out-honsies, ,lsbles, ern ocrib, asud ltsgoettttl stable sud barn . Awe, at >ouçr 4> ûrd in good betiritie, und u exAeltct prtug and mtreni ef wate r. There ihalso upoît the rîroperty a two-storv frie bnîildin i isetina Initflîislg sltup for a 'Fis protrty %IvII bho ffareintet.-L U pet orc f $4000. Timber La nd in Verulani. Tt-c Enthiltof Lot No. 23, iu Che 3rd con- cessionu of Vertiîliin, 1001 acrôe, more erlesso.- A wild Lot. Tlîi* îrnpcrty will bu put up nt au upsal price et $300. LOT No. 3.- TLMI3ER LAND IN VERULAM, cesii'uoc'of cruliu, 100 acre, m iore o- leW4. Th!is loa ii ilil lot.'euid will booo"!d At an tupset prIce of $800. - '~ "LOT No. 4..1 " Valuable Farm and TIiwmber Litnd near Oshawya. Thtor- t ~aof Lot No. la. ile te 4th coucéasion titIV itby, et *hieli nbtýt 40 acres are cli'aroil, sud die remainder Iosuevormnt .with vulualiliiurd'wootl timîber. Tiis proîîerty heu 4tin bIitlunzpý io '1t mad is 4igtet abtott 4 tnfle.- truathaet Yil190eof 1Osiiîw a, by a gonil ruîow.'l n It wll bc oirered ut t su pet prle9 of swo0. LOT No. 5. HZOUSE-& LOT iN BROORLIN The subscrib er b egs'to non that 1 bas ~ ~ ~ ~ , pucfsdtebsus aey coundted by MUR. GEO. LA the Townhî B&NNISTER, anî-lÏat in aitintote stock now on band, he,W1lid isconstantly receiving a large and wé1l selected assortment of 1OET. AND' D RUGÇISTS' SUNDRI ES. Tidt t Wilsn,Feqi From a Iong experience iniihe business as the out a Dispengirig Chemist, he is> confident of affording satisfaction to tour oteni ail thlose who ma.y be pleaffed tO favor'him with their patronage.' ui Just received and always in stock, Fan-, ""41t t ci Goods Toilet Articles, English, French and German Perfuimes, oidene of ti alýd- Soaps, Brsh% Cùombs, Sponges, Dentriflce's, Po mades, &C. onty f 0 ;Dyo Stuifs, Colours, Paints and 0115, Axtist Mate- 1101BET J. "rials, Alcohol, 0081 Oüt, 6l VfO arnislios, Tur- pentie, &C. PIyiian8' Pre8cription8 and Familj Recive8 carefully prepared. M10 JAMES BYRNE. WI!UTBY, Nàovember 23, 1864. - 46 Wines and Liquors for Medîcinal purposes. Imported Cigars. B"T tider and ----------------- NO0 tii, gip' lu lT 4Urnckrsi 'I A, K. îïWEI ELECTORSILARGE ASSORTMENT WibDecember, 1864.- CHR 1 il

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