Whitby Chronicle, 15 Dec 1864, p. 4

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mites look u Wtilo y5uw 'w tê*maleiL 1ynwl oçart tbre y.ein thi s 1 *wl the tme on th.e ureilyou dn't m i làs let.t h.e lces e n aure Rn oeau #get meuured fora batsa mi Doul cort or iunnuer buty, ni Mabne U1 thse8< $higs are fieL aboutas' the erom lâ t*bin;bs nea, lable tui git outtof retiair andd ut t Bt 11f min. ne. Cou.rt à gai for fu, for the lav yu bear hep', for the vittue and bizziiiessa tluere ltsu ber; court ber aa you wtduld court a lkro for the qtrength 'UV the aile Ssad the perfeakhun UV the titie; court ber use . ant a fuie and yu a nuther; court ber lu the kitchen aud lu the parlor, over the waah-tub, and at the platiner ; court thi. .w youzig man, sud if yu don't 819 &aood vwife, the fault wi; 8b. n lu th courting oYoung man, yu eau reaiy upon .losh Bil- linge, sud if yu1 kant ftrake these ruies Workjlst slnd for hlmi, and lhe wJll how yu boy tire thiug is did-it asait coat yu DEILL F0R11NllL1E VOLrEaIS.-Pall lti-love with somne amiable sud virtuous yioung voman-ou the. firsi opporttinity you may have. Attention-pLy tri lier, assi. duouaeiy aud respectfully. Riglît Face- )gteqeton, 1ke a i anainsd e-h!s. apt yoû. Quick Mard-to lier parnts aud ami. tudr consent. Ilight tu ru-wlth ber ;o, churcl aund go tiiruîagh th. service of ha4y matrinht.ny. Hiait aud rctl*ct sacrouly for ai few uomcrnts; thon detormine o 0ci deUtoyurselc eiitirely to ber. Rght-about Face -froiti tIua -haunta thàt youî list frequontod whon eingle, sud profor your own horne. Ad. raneÀrm-to your youug wife when ont walkluig togethier, aud doni't liebr waik tiares or four yards hchind you. Break of--billiaird pîsylu;,- betting ait) gtsYlng oit At nightr, if 700 wish to have abhappy home.. A conteanrrary noticing the marriaige of a deaf isifil dumb couple, as witty as gslmut, ishes thero unspeakabie blasa. JAIS, HI«LDEN,1 OFFIClAL ÀÂSS 1G N EE UNDMI 31Ti£ IRSOiVPNOY A.O F 1864. dOraICIort_()fÇ tghe&aTown iWi, tiîree Prince Albert, Nov. 80, 1844. 4 OCLOTRING, T llic uh"ariber bas jîi:l reeoivod a oljlenulid ne« etock<,f PLAIN & FA14CY CLOTIIS, Fpor Iol ansd I inter Weaar, . eCvrploeaof wilcalaho n aa>a tle) lwti, groCreai corle who undoou.atdaiwlitoi qiOûiltuait %« t Tiis.eeliser bu- haiaj ,tsntcy iii masyititd Inolir e raiat sloCçon f 9klios, wil ba)iýtli âélargqatt fQi... .pro oaaythii; aaie, lyroaawfit t th.. îari<ai. laaaac hirta' t.uiî i t;.., utail tideicri;- bons * ai mn,&clotililruwde tou rde, u aslko ho t r.sd)-mnado. Ili desorlptiont4 of Clotfi kept for Sale b>. the yard or picS., or awle niétteorjer. 0-CAM AND NO CREDIT.pg orfi1jelne,'tïrnillyýkctlt eoitiitîitloiltumile, at the I»vept aI.lrioc. .Aatri>. eau soi- GIEORGWE (URLEY. Bmuita5at,OCktolir, laug. 41 TO CoNSITM 'I'VES. 1 ter rcl %eo a osval- ual fàrpinfor tie crIra ýf Cono- Ondtogaacuanq, fro 01charge') byaêoaad. %ve. £DWVAUDi A. WlS,-ON, SfC.Willamisbaarg, Kingo'.1e, ?New Yorka. TME AKERCAN REV'OLUTIONB EUta,1 Hnrhe laal1Gow om 1 Aeê*eUailwba wawtbot lmo.booloi, or goalsilm Cerne Fanam aercaim4we We uni t a ppoatne, " %u ram l fleà Smady , ota agan ys'Iild DO Y.wfah ai *mt f theUayry e rn aoit s, L IW 1fTRM8 to o dliverod lu tlm. lai) of th 4 tla utto, durinai tiiheson 164-5. Uer. 0..13.ML.M. A. ' RMO. 1B. LA ge.P ,macias RaQ. P. rtIuMurray ,Sm . P.Oum Rev. D. Iyaiera EtAr 0.C«Wn4. J. D. F4e,ltF.. A Xmbo'alp Ticket, <prloo$1 ) ousitltntss s4 tne à.omur ùr tf O0. ntItUts for th: ga «ig cobr It.tl85, aud'entil3o bim, theaftoftbeLibur for thst perlod, and mko tesdmhuol» -o6r Wth one >lady 0111y' À 14tuzolbke4 ýriee 75 couls,) otiteu thé ow»r snd onealay on!>., te adm!ls.ic n aiu ý'"à my be t&i royna ay of tho A; çm m -U 0. 27. S ln the $rd0 ,Li'b,<the *ildham' lai L., Quebe, or st Whltby, Whitby, lTth Nov., 1864. licestoti cf W b- c. cmaubl. C. C. L.V. RAMI, 'rH&fl sub"ariber.bu to saiiaaioo, that liav- .LIl'gdlsed or à waDruarbusineas to bMr amslru4ho vo îd Solloit for hlm the pa- tronage of i fbrner cautoaiaora, sud of the paibllc-ngearaly.o !tP;07aU iadehttd to Ivr. Banimter, will pios.make a seulement at their tartest euit- veilenco. - i10 yul ho folînt) ut 11114oid place of O.A. IANNISTII W),itby, Nov. 2s, i18o4. 46 Acres of Lan d FOR SALE! -o- The aaueriieitteoodl'ois ara ollred for Saie at uow îrt.ai, aiud on eoaiy bt.et f taîcaît uxtetilnj:over a peri o! offruai iv to Ten yeaîra. A sîiall paymtent îuîIy rv'quirtvd Lot 2. Iltit Coîîtlout, 200 A!r-... Lot 2, 13th00 S.,144, lth 441 Lot 15, N% 14, Lot 18, La 14, 4th Conaasaieii, 200 Acres. 4th, t" 1ce 6 ùts1lu Il 100 1ai si 100 !ti, 1 bai il100 téliu, a .6 téit lot 12, 4th Ctoîito...iuî, 200 Acres.. e t. 4,1 set ' 77 . L-t11, luili l iiuuar, 6i5 - Let l'a,54 lst 14, North Wi-a-t Bay, 57 L't 2gi, 114 Lot 14, liit',t.iuu, 0Acreg I'ut 7, l.tîiî 0 W 1< 4, <tI iC istîee,aiîa 100 Acre%.' J. -HAM PERRY, WIIIrnY. CELEI3RATEI> *SeîIný g ,ilincs ! Trr u sihrii.a .vngthe solo ielie>. of the Grever &- limIer M5Cliitt't u fr the. ConTtit.... ti atea., Victoria angt »nr.oui, m. taUftl, n rti vnliar- ShoemÀkeraý, Taîlir, 1resa- maÛCYs and !amilios. Tulons vill Olmaîthe o. -Ne, tpraetly coUmpe- tot ton SU kitadaio!fTalornrg; l s tory tresg. raiit)a motionî, anal vair ê a-i% nstaget). I tOVER -k8.4BAKi."FAMIYrx MACRHiNE Doea à vider raug.eci!work tha uay otiier MuCtane nov bolets flietaiaudan poli. su ad au simplo in lt, constrlatloun sa toetimafa poraon te acqaîre a thcroiigh knovf.dgof ia ue ver>. r.adli>y ['roséel attention iiilia gitan tu thoa. purolisug item tise ubaaeribor mitl h.>. arcabale 80 tiaoroiagly unaera.tand iteo ato, ho ble te de aIl kinda of vork. The saib.r vould rssoctiy reqlmet anIflem riaeuoirixig a Sewmiz ae 00. ete oeii ourxamite Oa.rovar & Ilaker Machine, before puyîrainig éorswhere. ns.#ttey ,->. IOltia ton:capable ef'snpmritar wlvantagos, h-t),as teqait n iaaîllit>.of the aaiuiaiar, 5asletion f tle titcl#. Tieseraver .* Baker allit, «-o nt ha et tieii înaebluos. ara furnLshuci s tbîe same -price, alia thoe prvilp.go cf erehangitlir afiar tria. Iioge itaaclaiuaii.araeal arrantat, sudilime gi vont for psyneut, if raqairnil. llnanbor tite platto set tltomut-J. Wil) kins.ou'a Jewaîaory astore, lBrook Stroat, W ltatiy se-cm. 8. P. GREEN. MATRIMONIAL!1 P".ce tatuable lnlàtrmtatou that yl monabla Yod to mari happy anal spcdil, irropective cr sge, voulth -or bentj jl êInformation Wilicout ou nothhg, aeIf, jua visi t banar- ry, ir e learf'lly ai4it jeai. Ail letera ajtoJy aoubnflf 1 l. Ibmdeslreal rinration %en v tretuai miai,.nd nu qaetlos skod. k"AlB.LAMBERT- Graago., iiuînsCO, Nov ll'en 4l tiUxapgeça.............u.IS$Ia»» ~~~~i ~ ~ s tiftaahatn . 1 NEW 000DB- GOLD & BILVER WATCHEB (JOI>Ã" AND SULVER CMAINS., Ocs.03l AND MiuItsORT 001.0 BROOCIILS, EAR RINGS8, FINbER RNS TOCKCE7S, CRAINS, 4c,4c JET fGOODS! lticiaccua I tirlq.1141 Bat- irace-ti, Il itlrge . i i eltc) .titg the PATE~NT1JET MRULE ki u1li6l. faiall roosci, and)Ear Rns Geaie Stoc[-o"à, scairO pli. l]a Vue lntait sýte, said j&i r..... .tîck aif 'iii oif wltuaah ut .11 butfoui vrav owi ia '.rlto. JAMES3 .1(cISSTON, A Jiil 10, 1 rl Tfl0T MAS WIL SON, r '11o4 - pff i i.rr t i itu- iti r)c1.paci#t. aafra aiur' a-it: -u lailii t i-a ri -, u o sî al tu, AS &cut,. t , i, t -i' i lllu-ar T to" t r-fca.-u-invet-u, n..'.-t 'y, &c., tr irti . -r. 'r u'. t. t4lira riu itw .fîut, taL.ut.u aht-ru is liku i,-,wIl f-L.b -4 W'biithy, iOct. 1,-, 1>04. 4 MNEÀY ro) Ct' <4 '4 .4 o -O s, Ca 'at- ai -ot 'i.- or, 'ci. o -i I~ENl)! c Z' - os on .! o -j-:; c - - r. ~ - o... o. ' -, - e '2 ~ tai, --o ~ 'a 07:. g 6. If tÃŽ siss0, wiII YO-U P5rofit by it DR# DAVIS, Viea Yoiiti&i bttt'sFriand, nand tite i.k o',. comtpaîîi- -lntotsl ototato PRIVATE DISIKASES t ii it) ater,01riJ Toronito, C. W. yenwP,,'eaino. s ahie.iMinu toe ra recone ea*ce 1ti a ver>. sbortthtao. 'i , Iigeritig anse. trwto ithonit Mereur, sud cura* warraated. l'esac,u, arisarIntts o taa'alt thae )otor eau do -0c witii tho utiut te-roy. My riinedia-,4 ams luanmt, oertoin, adi ,310. Yontimee t) stop work Ce hango jour <'set, Coslion te 1)< tar »as> loiing ais, ysn îde. [le charge*i uottîhag for MIsivica. Marriedrriaou a Sicl witii ,iafey-the DavIr i6.aili Pue. bag- mon ave afaiflenvidimi te secret habit. canuiti nieiateularelief iy spplinig t0%lite ileto. Paiuieaatn triitad b> s..tier, and t)all- ctie. asent fro froua ds.magi or ctaroaity, lu al ports of tltoorid. -fIOfio Iour ~rta ight lu the islorning BURNS!t NOT BIJRNEID!"e «IILTIOU (;Hb.neud ont, nihrtepb lie, r uay other tasu," wilfn hm .aveNoêbiiî.rod by If tlaey try Iiis Boutssui4 Shmaoemdyeartbeac. li.e locaatd in the 01d place, lta Bro ck St., m. good sa nay, noat to Ilnéb'ngriat itlolhng~ Whtb ,;ue 29, 1864. 9 cOUN TY. 0P-"3TA,à '0ý Y VITU F A WARRtANTIS8UBD To W it s B by "ho 'raýeaure oftie Cotîuty of Ontario, bangdate the Twenty-fifth day Of Jtîly, one tIalmld sighiudred an& = i r, sud to me directed, for the collection of arreana alliid aomereuits due upon'the foUdlwiug land's, iu the said Couuty, I shall, on Tuesday, the Sevonteentb t-day ot1Jainaa Next, at the hour of Twelve c'dlock, rtous at the COURT BIOUSE IN TIIE TOWN 0F WIITBY, Proceed te tthe sale of anitl Lnlld,4, or go muoli thereot as nay bc uecesrnry for thet paynient of aucl arrears of usscsmviîts, tunless theo. aine, togother with all Inwitil charges, bc sooner paid. TOWNSIIIP 0F i3IOCK. - LOT. CONr. Acane. TEAiM D-Pl. TAXaIs lEStAIlKi,r 9 1414- 100 1858960 1 23 TOWNSIIIP 0F MARA. 12, 28, o[S&29, S psart 13, E side No. No- No. No. No. No. No. No- No. No. Ne. 200 188 960 1 23 100 1858 9 60 24 1858 960 12 3 50 1853 8 25 1852 7 89 601 23 50 18538 960012 3 TOWNSIIIP 0F IWACII. 24, 13, ik 1858 PORT PERRY PLAN. 1, 15, 24, 30, 44, 48, 8:4, 89, 9.41 94, 107, 109, 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 9- 9 9 6 9a6) 9 9- T0WVNSHIP 0F PICKEING. 10, 1857 20, 1857 TOWNSIIIP oF lJXBflIDGE. 26, 7, 100 1858 q doi .). TOWNSIIIP 0F WIIITilY. Supowd 10 e L70, Napolcoul Pareveit sd KReler's plan 29, 21, 41 18M862 3 28 40 Plateutedi; 121 64 Pntented. 48 91 do 28 82 do 5 a do 3825 do 31 94 di) 2 22 Patented. Pateutecl. do do do (le, do do do do do tic do do do 0 46 Psr.euted. 0 46 do 50 09 Pateuted. ô 47 Patented. B. F. P ERRYtS PLAN 0F BROOKLIN. NO. n2 No. 50, No. 51,ý No. 58, No. 59, No. dot No. 76, LOT. &1858 962 3 I185 0'60 2 &1868 960 62 I1858 6Q12:1 I1858 96023a I1858 602 3 I1858 9602 3 I1858 960 3 TOWN OF WIIIT3Y. 6 40 ô 90 6 90 6 52 5684 3 91 4 65 6 93 Patenr.ed. do i do do do do do do XotWord W Wc T.etof Brock &roe. 219 252 271 318 322 376 877 18581160 12 1858 960 1 23 1858.9 60 1 2 3 1858 -960 1 23 1858 9 60 1-2 3 1858 9 60 1 2 3 1858 9 eit)1i2t-' 186 9 60 1 ý 3 WÂA(E FAREWELL eKEtLLERSý 454 2 64 5.53 4 44, 1 14 476 4 36 5 37 4 46 4 07 PLAN-, 3 03 PlAI. N O-F'ORTE Maniufaoturera, 499 BROADWAY, NEW YORKq TJIE aeittîor'or the Publiecand th. trade, lin ite Or New 8cal!.? Wblch for volume Itnd purity aère utrrval. le lyayhtherto ofl'redln diii msnirke. Thycnalal tho modern improvementa, FNOIGRAND ACOMN, IAR'P PEDAL, SIRON PRAMiE OESRN eloo fio ",. HAMITQN& -Co., Have fQw, to hand, a complete stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Coods,- French Mernîoes, Ftucy Wisîeeys, Delaines, Cobourgs, AlI-Wool plaids, &c. MLLLINERY GOODS-Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, F.elt IBats, Black and F'aîîcy Straw Bonnets, Cap Fronts, Ribboîî Vel-_ vets, Shawls anid Mantties or the littest styles. Flanuîcls, l3laukets. Sheetiîîg, Stripo Shirtings, Hoisery and Gloves A full nssortrnt of H tts C'ip3, Collars and Neck Ties. Rleady-mctde Clofhznq Clothn*ig made to order. FJIAIILÉP1 GIIOCIMIlLs, ZO-WINES 1 and 2, Till's Buildings, Wtîitby, Sept. 28, 1864. 1 HALLS'CALIRIAGEXVOIIK s 163 KingmSt West, Toronto. -0 Alarge varietty of Carniages on hand. The propnietors of this Establishmeî~n t, possess facili ties for mauuif'toturingp Carrnages that enable theni to defy compitition, either ii11 price, style or finish. (Jai ad 81e.fo-r /oitr8elves. CO0M ME RCIA L M'ENSI WiIl fiîîd excellent and convetiçnt acommuodation. Wîýthmn a 1 0W -Ylards of the Pu~blic Hall. Private Parlors BASS~c, 4. And each Instrument Wbemade wider - the porsonsi supervision of Wa has ad apcia l xr oaecf ?ver 80 yonrs lu their manufacture, i. Waxranted inoevery particular GROYE STEEN PIANO-FORTH'1 Rceived the bighest aw4rctof -meritoyer. sîllothersa8 th. Ceiebrated Whore were ûxhibIted Instrumeit1'i:irom, the hast mnakera of Londlor, Paris,. Germa-. uy, Philadolphis, BaItitnoreý- Bouton anud New York; sud alio-at the TEIE Goid & Silver Medals -Froin botb of whicb eau ho acen at our waro-room. By the introduction of in1provemepi, i make a sti11 more perfect PIANO-FORTE! A&nd by materaicturiug lmrgely, wlth s atrictiy cash syxtam, arce nabled ta nffer' theçe instrumenta at a prie which Miii proctade coauîatitiou. PRICES: No. 1,- Seven Octave, r~ound coruere, Roaewood Pl ain case, $27. No. 2, Seven Octave, round corneri, Rosewood hcavy mouldiung, $800.. ,No. 8. Savony Octave, -round corner, Rosewood Louais X[Vstyle, $825. 7 ERMS: Nett Cash, lu Current Fonds.- Descriptive circolars sent fre..36-IY ]BROWN & ]PATTERIONS' Agrrieultu rai - Works!- AT TXE OLi) WIIIT13Y FOOCiDIT, Munlcreand sot) daorx inual M&4 AGRICULTURAL IEPLEM>iIV WiiEitBWILL BE >OCN'D TIJRESHIN-G MACHIINES Combised Raperand Moweyaj Pouir dil2ent1c1uindmof Two--horse Wheel CuItivators STRAW ÂN'D FEED OUTtlIWn GIATTGRAi I CUJIIEES W..FR. M 1 At bis priutinz Ei Broo1k Street TEJs $150?-P '4.DVERTISEI .LL Advcrti,em-nts te pl2. aon sd clasrged utthe iWe, Olnd linsertion', sud 2 e 'speeaconti-Cte t'-dev îles year or otherwlw Ordomsto discoutinno sa( b. lu vrItlng, JLanttc pIIIAltothat t sb'avG OU lkuoivi stiand), Corntnnitt ill iUlnd thea ded ylth evor>iliain *u ew >,. liat) with thet lln qe cDvcrything alesaand orleî by. 180 acres ciciareal and cultivstion. Thosa prauti lIn two mli.of te<Vso ltv Tihe liait iotf-lte hast qta iiad. Thora iilxabouge ni, moitent iaprotilIg tentant, lot oau favorable tarins. Apifi>t WItby, sctiftcr A,18. S'rRE =1 G11A.E519E, MOI LOSSESPAID vil lu London. Jeu>. 1, 18. 2TePrmeùeiAs 1steel ,N'mMI FVard Bot 61 Broau #sé#. 70 119 191 - 1733 0 65 2 245 '~1ES on oYorkc street4, 238 Cent roed LXTUL taeIlto ANI 1) S P 1 RIVI " S. - 4 ý >-l - 1 Il

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