WFOI. PH. (I4IIG I At him Prlntino Eabiiilmrent, Brook Street, Whitby. $1 ER ANNUX, A 1L Â4dvertictr.nt* meamurel ln Nonpnr- loi,019sandchargat tthe rate nf 8 cet per lino, first lnertion, sud 2 dont* per Ulne, cnch BMia cotraca -adewth alrcKi.cre Iiy hoe yar or otherwlw- ordera te diseoutinne advertsciee sn..t hé ln writIg. 1UD).LiL'8 JROTEL, eemnltitvwtIlfind the best conodtn and cattettdS&nw at ail heurt;.Tie, table proci- -dd wU h vr)tlilntr lnu easunî; thearl,î.r lilld wltli the huit liquore,; gond mtitbling aitd c%,eryttng cloe an u.orderly. 54F IC IINDFII-iNý FARM to LET i V lnthe ril, and 04)Acre, on Lot No. 24, lut the 4tItî anc of ile tc'r-Vislip ut Wiit- by. 180 acreté lettreil, uni ta i ii 1ih tatti of enltivâtion. Tlem.e lrenîl.. at tre itîjîte w ith- lu two mle, nior le('o)izîttJTow n (1 iiiW1! Tho lke lx1,of the icl uaut. i-I ai!wutîr- ed. Titare I lxluse id &.4441,itri. 'Ta ai telvent l*provilig t<imtttiiu îîre-no-icnlit bc let ou favorable tcrin. liîtoî Wht eRpteinheîr 49, M~4. PHRNIX F J ÂSUIIANCE (O .ESTABLISIIED IN 17q2. Ml..ITIOEIATT et, Vi., A for t LO(SSES LAIl) witliint -rtc ici i t ui,ir ln Londou.- tiltt)ji~ Job' t, tSa jl INSURÂNCE' The Edinburgh VLfe AssuranLice Camnp-ny lise Lie rpSl antd London. 7%e Mastreal Pire Inmanîce Company. 77se Provicial Assurance Campany. ~ 8, i1q3 Darltish Amerlos Asuiat cCte ýèpan y, lient of Uppert'aiela. *CAPITAL£lOu eit il tg. SEv-r>-!vfonuî.u fý l qIiu. ,iiu. i ii l-rn- t oi.c. ir tio i ini r "it eii rt.-. JOHN AGEW" AD VEItTISEMEN T.- Ukavi# ,Itish Asseri ce, fnulLiner. pool sal Louduon Assura nce(op' RL&ks tt t aauti i io t.uîu a i -ctiki lis se>' on tusk, ontCiitiiiu i Te- JOIHN AGNEW, Vie (lotipacil 1' .g.i-i tit 0ii4 *EXPRESS COflPAN y! ta RegiitryUflccn. the :ýr .10nir al ocnI « teushtp Vempay, 44441 tric 1L iiZ"w Whttby, Airil, t1 Sr4.1 DÉNTUSTRY! T iisibseriber iii iii rtîîniiirLli tti kf, ("or-,plt yiu4-Afiffluiiriî Uilt ii i- tanta eofttiii re.i444 ni,! îii alidcoiLitrV, tbuit hoewitliehoiaiîy te utiito lucor du:r. 1 tn.o 141 curte. Teeth insertou cti(en tWri, r Vtilei.ui.zei Itabber lM~ie. - Tueetl Sd or ctroctelt-htlic bont psiblehi Partdeflar attentiolipala t li e rourlatinu af Chlldreu's Teetti. AU work wa rcctou. 18 %Ç. Il. CA}LD. -WINDS.IL'S. QUDRILLE BAND, ~.IIAÃÃWINDSOR, XAZOR BRASS BAND. ADDRI*18 JOUX D. llcpItE. AUCTION BUSINESS. ERASTJS KESTER, K4wpI dAuctioaoer, Vailmater and ,IIn«toV.-BasidOe. e ookill. A'JOTION £AL, S ad Vinîatiaus llu moy Il. trt of the Counnty ef Ontarlo. attenîlei =00 modéIate tern. Citsli advanccdon ltrflxg- MuAle. >tedenald, sud B. Y-. ,A.tloeec,, oroto;J.H!. (errip, Wbitby; S. N. Thon,.,and T. J. 1 MMal Xthahgt, lrookln; Wwt. Willeor, Çh*Mt&a, ad terns i îna"Deown nt titis »roohnMmb21,964 11l 1> Wlth calta Primtd wordoi, great thoughtsan niigiiml4 earat eePO09KR Iee Boehod VO.VIII WHITBY, C. W., Y.UURSDAYq DEÇEMBER 22, f8f4. ____NO 500 VICTORIA IIOUS4E9 JOHN 8I'UIMIILL .......... ropriotor. T11F, Bntucritucr ilcirals b Infotîn liftntsc>' Tfrian<Is that lie ii140W ccrryitig on lIhe abovc lioel, gcîl tîcat lie uîippiticsonce but the boit of ;villesu, liqolars cigar, andîuî rfrush. tieut-i. A iccl ,niîiui theilule. Gond stat'licg attîl etcluieei yard. JOHN Sl'Ui<IIILL. Wîîitby. <et. 4. 1984. 39 DOLPII S ALOON, NEXT TiY111Eit4)VA!. LYCEUM, King Svc t re t T reiW, r e i liley Splendid Fari for Ralo. 100 Sa. ',;i th* . l lfi Pc cýirug--07 cii-i cl-!iî. l e ac. tri!re', plicil 4-i 1 Ap,ý t %t i .04) Aj ; t v r r -- I ltM rdi -3, eiur) tar ON IfrPROVEP FARMS! z T I' 1.'.l I '!%ZP>,:' %%. , , , ii I t t ri P,î :..r I ci vet "iFui ii-i'. MORTGAGES WANTED! l'r r u i ý, t out, L4,i 1 i i1 ; . ti. l,- Týi i dJiî. tI 1 l- i -' >i iil'. l ii. 4 ('Ol'NT Y OF ONTA 1Ri(0. N.t4_1 . . -a. iV i~ ImIiE n vuO...D GOLD & SILVER WATCHES GO1,I)ANI) ILVIR VilEAINe., * E4RIISINI1S FINGEFR RINGS, -1 ET GÙt)1)S! - ui uliii! ,ýl ,ii ag PATENT JET CIBULE StIe - aid seftuVet li in ti1,c I te-t ei.% le, andî Ail (,)f ci l i i-ii iý- ryJlirii i iI JAMES ,l(iIINSTON, Atrbtcc ii isctm THOMAS WILSON, (Late of Mar .i,, 7T'IIE ,ih.criticr woul# it reeotfullvy inforta -L the public, tlcat t:e bas tatln*le tiIUy wLcert liec au lie i>nd JWa>a -roacl>'to ,ttenà ta Anction Sale s3tock, AvuetI'IIijîcrt3, istow e ocil,, &o., lit tentt reiiu.nnubte pricot.- FraieM li)ngexperionce la thé o bvo hiîse of lusino,. lic 1hl# suti,1I,îatiat ho car,. g4coika- tire,.atî,tactlais ta tlcnue who lui.>' eepi4y Ilir. The o'ict<f refutreîîooi. giccit, au to abilit', l&e., ifroequirel. For itîrtior particnlarc, ternislt e., en'illiko ut the ltols.n 1fHoti.,,Du dilStrenewiice B Blook or lise.ovil bckept. WhitbyOt. 14, 1544. 41 If this is S09, will ypu Profit by it? -NEW ADYERTISEMENTS6 AND WuINTEOUR EOOIiS o- Matbewsoo, Rateliffe & Co* [lave now to Iiand, -rt the store lately occupicd by T. J. Holiday, in Irooklin, a complete stock of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS,'ý GROCERTIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, IIEADY-MADE CLOTHING, &C. Also a lanve stock of Il ((-sFiai>- nel, St îwts.Blauîkets. Scr ,es, &(. of tlîcir ovin îmanu- facture, wliî;ch Ùhey oller to thie puiiiic t very' low p1)ices fo r C. 1 I3rookliîî, Deccînber 13, 186-1.40 C HRISTVAS NEW-YEAR'S CIFTS. AlVbunms,.alltlilîl i nîîîjid Books, Toilet Aîtic h , c .,&c., eittbl for AT -JAM S Il. GERMIES, Fanîilv Dru-gStore, %Whiiby. Coal Oi, Ihîrîîieg Fluid,,&cç- a, D)ru- Sto re D LO, is S tre e. Whiýtly. Dec. 7, 1864. . 48-4w. CIIRINTIjeïSJXID NEW VEARASOLIDAYS. J UST OPENED A NEW ANIZ COMPLETE STOCK 0P Dry Coods, Croceries, Fresh Fruit', Old 1-ort, lirauidies, on draft and iii boule, V hoiskey, Porter, A les, &c, Saucez, &c. TRY THIE NEW STORE P Tr. H. MeMillan. Whitby, December 14, 18641 49 IiREAT REUECTIO-N xIV cOuttons, Prints, (JoburgOlioti NEW ADVERTSEMNTS. Cutters Cuttersà tait at où-ce, and examine the LARCE ASSO 1RTM'ENT9U ATý M. O'DONOVAN'S Carriagc Fac tory, Brock Street, Whitby. JIIST RE CIEJVyEII An excellent article in PORT & SHERRY, Ilenncssy's IPale Brandy, very fine; Scotch lNhiskev, Islay pure. C. ROBERTS, - VINE F"AN.D'SPIIT MERCLIANT. No. 1,011 the corner,. OPPO(SITE Whitby, Decenîber 1-1, 1864. BY-LAW. A fly.laîe ta ctiîl-711Wa r0aul acrou P;arfs ol . jVo. 1 C. in lte OrJ, 4tc aute 5t/e contilns of f'icA-orig.7 lierenby issctéd, s h e'oifltVe> ed anà laid out lin John Sier, P. L. 13., ast a proporied line of road (rom the Village nf Grr-enwood. Ie rear of the 5th c uîeessian ai the Township of Pickering. ubrougit Lot No. 12, in the itulil th concession. Lot Na 12 in the 4th concesion, and tho north-half ofj - Lot No. l19, in the 3rd concesgion, te the allowance for roail bctween Lots 12 andl 18. in the &%id 3rd concession, whichsasid propoged line MAY lie mare partfculariy describeil as iollowç, that is to Fay :-Comntencinig on the nortitern linuiteof the seudlALt go. 12, in the ôth conession, at the distance aof6U linksc from the north-esst angle thereot, andl running thence S. 16 de- Le.E, 3 clîains and 916 tinkes; thenco .Vslg egree;. E. 4 cheins and 56 l,îks;-,tltence S 218 degrees, E. 5 chaing aed 94 links; thence S. 0 de- grex 80 minute%, W. 10 chaies andi 90 links; thence S. 87 degrees, E.L 7 chains asud 12 links; thence S. 6 de- grecs, E. 12 chains and 87 links; thence S. 1 degrea, W. 6 chains und 50 links;, 10 the centre of the sai coneession; thence S. 16 deg-rees. E. 50 chaîns, more or less, parclîci te the ce-rn litmi' of the ssiI lot, ta the front of the said concession ; theece S. 16 degrees, FL parallel, to thse East- cmn limtiore Lot No. 12, in thc '4h concession, 14 chains and 80 links, thence S. 42 degrees, E 16 chains a nd 48 links, more or lem.,ta the Etwtern litait ai the said lot; thence S. 16 de- grecs, &.en te salelimit, 70 ehains nd 40 linkus, more or less, te thc front of ttc sud 4th concession, Thont the north-cast angle of Lot No. 12, in thse Brd concession, anti uinning thence 8, 19 degrees, B. on tbe saà tere litait of the salI lot, 10 chlains aed 88 links; thence S. 39 Aegrees, 80 minutes, WV. 24 chaîna sed 43 links, more or less, te EsttPte limit ofthlie allowance for rosI lie. twce Lots 1<0.. 12 end 18. The, - saiti rota te tah ont ebain wide, ei- me one chain (race tise place of consa utencermt, len resr of the 5th con- Cession, which wil eety lie 40 fcet Thbe . dewmcrib Wleu ta b.the Easterna jimt of thesad o; bcnd the smît s estaliualbed asajpublie road or highway t Prie alw s, th thtie-parties.prityl 'g fur ' te eg tabilsnèof the gaid rosIor hiIgh- W&y. procure the right otway titere- fû mare t ut tethia iCorpouration. BLACK'S IMOTVEL, 49 To the Electors op r Tes South 0F TRE COIJNTY 0F ONTARIO. insoeion Tite oaoice ofý the Reforni Cou. aled for theva. f"o eauan ,t.eta., me, s oecarýe M ni>neges se se-rve yen ie the LegiAuature, sel propose, sitoul a, content cane, to afford my friends and supportera the opportueity or polling thuir lut vote. My views upon tite promineut questions whicb have agitatel the country, are ton well known tu require a deelaration in thia Adîresa The Confederation sceume, upon shic i the leaders of the political parties oftthe s Province have united, I co)nsler' a more- ment in the rigltt direction, calculatel as it in to carry out tite vishes of lte great Re. fort Convention held at Toronte, le >1859, s0 fart sthe local Govurumtuatiandi 16Joint Authorit' of the Two Canada.i are coneerneti. Thte enlargpetot tat1 acherne b>' ýbcimmeate bmngiug lu- eof thue Maritime Provincess addeltintate incorporation of the West sud North-.West 1 niew; favnrably, preacntiug an ute entîre territor>' lacs the outtine ai a mugit iy empire ; but (cariaIttatinle our 1et- lempts ta aucure thc greatnesa ofte 1u. tore re oMay' plonge into thé ables of le- extrieuhie indebtoîedis, I1canot-promise it y7uneconditloumald nqoalifieti su- port, ounili ita furtiser developemeet, andi outil lime in silowel to seigh al lis pro- vinions, particutarly an Ioathé, Con siuouiouc sel expcnaes of the Local Goverements, 1 shaht embrace au early'opportoeitY> of viaitieg the varions sections of the IWiding and stsîieg more fuîty 11Y views. upon thse polit ical question, ai the day. am I a ntI-enilute tour Obulîcnît Servant, 'A. FAREWELL. gâtât Whitby, Dac., ', 1864, 48. UXBRIDG,-E JIGUSE, TO THE Electors 0F THE Sou'üth Rid intg OFTf COUNTY 0F ONTARLIO. GENTLEMEN : The vacancy in t ho epe on of the Ridîng, causol by M.Mwtsac- coptance of a Vice-Chanccllorship in the Court ai Chanccry, nocessitates thoeleec- tien of a eý'uccessor, for tho remainder of bis tert. 'The provuiling feoting amongst you, t have reason ta know, indicaces your preteronce for a residont representa. lin-e. A residenceo f thirty ycars in ttiis Coun. ty, in thte Municipal effairs of whicb Iý liave taken no inactive part, cuupled with extendoci commercial irtercaurso nith you, assures me that 1 do not appt-ar before you attogether a stranger. As 1 hive ected in Counti, maîters, ai. weys using rny best exertians ta reuluco our locttl taxes, and prevont, as far cie pos-- sible. liurderning yoîî with a load ni deht. for Ivisonfiry Scluemes, sa shalh it ho -my future care, shoulîl I lie the honor to bceclected your reproeflativo, ta pratcct the interests of~ the publir, ta the bcst of îuy humble ubiiity, by inîlncing a d!ue cconotay in the ad-inti.%itration of our P'ro- vincial aul'airs. Quxestions cf a puroly local charactor, wbich for years lccpt up soctional animosi- ties in tho Riding, having beon fnatty <dis. poscd ai, ivill 'lot, 1 eincerely trust, bo pernittcd la enter itt this cont-t; but that the elafires ni ach candidate wilî ho wcighced irrespective ofoany such consider- ationq. Frare the asqurnncc.q which I1lion-ore- ccoin-c, that if I i.hanld an-aw mysoti a candidate (or your sufiragos, a generous Support would ho accorulel me. 1 have beon indtiul ta present suyusei bofore you, amnd now confldentty alîpeal te you (or yoîîr votes andl influence at ltce iorth- coming cloction. If et former elections, it bis been claire. cdl thit lte issues ta be determined were of vital importance, with bow muelit mrc force now night it Fio urgecl that tihe crent q ueatia-n beiare thc country is ai far higher interest and importance, titan aey that bas; ever heretofore be-en subtait- ted for your consideration. Within the paat fow inarits, tnove-, monts haîie bqen set on foot,and have meet.- itoitatcoPlace. Sa rapil dcclee, have been the strilea- wiihhave bucît made ie thig grent mte. ment, tîmat i.t tatght almost ha ssid equ- cerning themi "Tisat a nation tris'about- 10 be6 in'à n aday."1 T he gr 1est points at issue betsreen Up. per sud Lotrer Canada, are abouttafo c acttUel upan s husis mutually satisfactory,, and the astulement of thesa ditfllcutiea must tond materialiy te enhance the pro..ý pesrity of bath sectionis. .WMon a trucle, as proelalteul between the leaders of tise eontending parties,, je orler te dvise some ýmeans whercby the peace und security of -bath Provinces might lbecasurcl, a mâtin-e bigher tisa thut whieh actuiatas the pariian, prompt.l cd it, aed thc partiesttereta, have, le my opinion,, eareed for-themitelves the-itie eto Patriots, as well as the gratitudeof uveq, sincère wcl.wîagher'a! i.scountry. Holding sanie stake, in the. Province; aed with a -streng desire to sec tise con-. nection buttrec tc 'ýTArone of Srec!' Jriain -o Dse ulves, more flrmly ce. mented, ani with th1e conviction thà t ttc proposed Cenfieuration of aît theoProvin. ces aiBritish Amerbg Is calcilatel ta perpetulate that conecetion, f shail,If elcct- cd, give the projectalthe aidi inpower, byg= ng tise Admntitration of t1o 1ayi a c ordupport tu.watds coesnsti nte t coetemplatcd arrangement&. With respect ta tise msny questions shicit ylarise relative toe c dutttnt ai tise financill relations betwccn IJppcr and Lover Cana. la, by wisicis will bu,doeruined tlisai-a tivu proplortioi of'that part ofthte ,resnn dcii of tise province, whidîli as been rcacrveclfortiseir asstmption, 1sait'give thisct y closest attetion, andtrusiit. that a-on lte ereince in. andI ste/ev offinan. IÃROVESTEEN &0"". PLAN O-FORTE Manmufacturerï, 499 BLAWY TUHEattenion of the Public and fher taolainvited ýteOOur New Scale 2' Pino-Fortes! iVbich for, volume and pu'it1y *te ur.riiÉ8fi led by -an , bîtberto offéecd in- this market., They contain ail the modIern i mprovxeente, P19ENCHHOGRAND, ACTION, HARP PEDAVI MRON PRAME OP'>ER8'1WNffd And eauh Instrument being enade -unlefc the personal supervision of NLR. JI1IIOY ESTEEN, Who hasjiad a practical experience ci 9)ver 30 yearts in tlxôir manufacture, ls Warranted in.every particulat' Rccived the hig"hcist awew lof rItcrit coïe al others ut the Celebralc ,hr w tcchibjted ifiit i mentaiq rotff the bost mnakers of ILondýn,- Paris, Germa- ny, Philndclphin, Baliiore, -Boston-ana jNcw York; and also et tho American Ihssitzaefor 5Ssuccesizte eaiy Gofd & Su lver iAledaIg From both of vrhi ch cen hc scen at on!' lly the introduction ofi irprotlmcnts wïi mnake a still more perfc.ct And by ntanufecturing largelv, with 4d .tricîly eush system, nre cnated teOoffer- these instrument-; ut a price whiýh will precltide competition. No. 1, Sevrin Octave, roundà cornetgi RtosowoQd plein msei~, $275. Noý 2, qoven Octave, round >-cornerÉ. Pl.owood hcavy mouldin,-A800. No. -",_Seven O(ktave. rotind "carnere; Rosowood Louiq XIV style, $32i. 7?ERMS » Xett Cash, in tiurrent Fuindsn. Descriptive circulars s4entfrea.36-IY -BROWN & PATTERSONS' Agricultu rai WOrkýsl AT 'f 4F, 1,r) WIIITI3Y FOU\DUIY, Mqnnnfatnrars and cleulerA i li rit kjp. of AGRJIULTLTRAL IEPLtiMENVTqÇ Combined1 Reaperaitt4J l*itE. steeI afn'irow DITC BEED MA» )LOAD SOJA lz- LL o cneto eorgler, .Ecery'art.iclee oiiueeto kept oti anci. Tlïr,!slit ou ftuort notice. Evcrytttiiig ii ilIce citai tawttFuiletticdhty. and, maR. J. V. HIA UriS I-Te