Whitby Chronicle, 29 Dec 1864, p. 2

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il fte au> asthé raion skatlhg Beo-JBD)I aI. Watpoof BlakingJaUém Bain. Spanish Solo Letthr-Jai'fkln-Bue VIn JPiential 011. James Byrne. Nov ýoo n- ýi.1 t1 qfflM-T. I The original IlWhite Flsg, 4 Brook St.- Finch'1 'es.ýý , ' * 1an1k..pt Salé-.sméu Xérn î. Spetc1pýNotc-T.-H. Mç10ilan.,, New FhuiLý-..Haéiltn & (A., GroceIs -and Liquôos-s-Uamillfll&kCo. Faq and Staplé D1+y Good-HamÎltoih Adjournod Sessigs Co. Ontario. Fi'om aHddiéa-O. ,RohértA. Family Grocrig-C. Roberts. NeNç Furniture Store -Jatmca Kirkland. Great liargaing- Large White Flag. Ciothing for the, iKlliion.-Large White Ster Srsyd--ohnBowles. XMoncy ta Loan-S., B. Fairbanks. Électin, 4étngs. Leture-JameaMt-Carroil. Stirayd-J. L. Smith. ONLY *1 50 CENTS  TEARý Wit, Tturs4ay, December 29, 1864. SOUTIH ONTARI() The, Conteste Mr. Gabb* end Mr. Iturtwei nt A blghly important meeting tooti place ut Brougham, on Tuesday evoning last, t iich upvar'ds af One tundred of thé eltectaru cf the tocilty wore proseut. The -chair was taken by Admin 5l)éar>x, Esq.- Batlà anidates spo. for about an honr lui succession. -Mr. Farewelcl compitely blbke down. lHe lirly wlted undér Mr. -Oibbs' powefmal deiiwneiatio.n. Thé very appéaranco. d bbth the men, was 1'tcUing' ln fayoe d Mr. Gibbs. Noyer vas lhe héard ta go mech -adyantage; bis oratory and elocution wore-faltlcFs, i' diction chaite, mnd hiit bearing dignified. Mfr. Ftrowell's vas théetia tvW-" thé aid th reo-end-four pssc"-iIt Matle .and unpl@ftabléY 'o wo,,der that nt thé concliion thé vnte va two to' oné for Gibbs, Who wus greeted with tond cheeru. Not a voce or ra chftr vax. thuy a vald Jr 1"sVewell. Thiti meeting at Bs-ogham, Wblicli wh"eù6ktnôdupon Ra a rwell stts-ngholal. peéasvaIuW e~how >thé tanvasa progrée# '1Mr. ibbé's lection las ,v regvded an a eertuinty. Thne kaudo'fer Farewell la Gaeéý' Wood 1 The Farewelt heund, Jaclcal Mo ail, srolalédthé Gs-éunwead meeting, -batd on TlabareivuaaMt. -Otîthe twe léa- 1.011 lor4l hiéetos rs anflt atthe Oraéga A. Farewell, vlan 'the vote vas ssbqé., Hus-sah for Grs-uéuood 1 Ss-moT R vaas.-'fThe Autraus Of Ms. T. N. Gihue, viii hé founcéleOus- aduer- - timiingecaîuea. l expres e ievie.ou a sIsal gentleman, and oaîuaka or lisif. ' r. Gibbsu t le lc'uvnunndeteemed l isaê -Mlnk ôt 1 hIéh he loa along s--sidat- Hiz oppaneet, Ms. Faraetel, isa alvsys sbav'd hinsésîf man 'xtftioi t tseme- Kellée ad'Maekq.nzie typé. As thé pré- gent lis*It t ls aftt iss-allav unch mon t ewéesr Paltaect, ant isva arneétl> hoséMr,OGibsTill trusttt M r.-Fare- BOUTS 0guiaio Et.aeo.-Wo are happy ai- leur.> ram thsa Whithy Ck.rucmW. tstMr. Gibsé léprouéuting.u masoutsue. cuSwul eavaé Aut a meeting helti aI Coloaiiss, enait Mésl.>-veusln%, 300- éte- taors ver. prsenat, and ecl>' ten Wére Op- po.éd la hie. On Tuésday evécing, thé électpta ai Pickoring ver. adilsssot, at D.ffis'. Créa% by bath cuiédtatas aul ou a vOsps beng 4kee, About 160 oct ai 200 veu fot Mr. Gbbs., Ris levib te Coetafaératiou are sonti, senl va hope hé Thé 06 GleoléPeuonatisasTache. AbsqséoaiMr. qtbbR, ians- Tas-ode con- tsmlorary bas foied ou tgté hé'an upra- iltable tait. l bat Wow 'trhétianottor - l acInd "épors tavc an te reformés et the aws-g for. upprtint' Ms-.<liba. 1 iasu foundt tt iSMs. ibus i&- st>neboty, and ties-phare la élchacge af ciettes. Thea pessoenévo contrauing tise columné of thé Globe, int 'lié absence of Ms.~bu-t must teé éîtses- seelesa or fratic o a utompatihse. gamas" sIït th people oh SpssJis Uhttsl WTspépllos-e al kes1 1fr. Ùlb4lis, a amtudof utiblIs- lite bas-setéi-Who fur 80-loara asu done buina svth them vithotasolnce leBS- 'liadiug reformés- lu Reuth AI lgive fobr cal suppotiug 1Mr. Farewell. 11Dou't kmev vile-ata end AbeXFs-a- vol it-, oo siippory ta bô ho ed tcov hlm tbis-tpýyéarà,sudnt. voulé not '-On thé aihér hacid," saité ho, "Ghbé, hàa au acoeca trust ta stick ta a tbing vlieho<s y't ; hé lsa amac ai honor, vwhos wi labis bond wu vamau e hi 0. air, sud ku bsawfiund hlm." pramisoti hitscîf that people caun*t bétievla itpasible for hlm ta say vhet hé mentis. One attaches a simple siJle méaning ta hi. yards asti utbesaccs; thé athes- cie oci>'speak bis miné equivocal. 1>, or'le *ardsoi ofdiie éseaing. Thé man fos- tiieTintés. ls a violent factions pas-tsan, iefatuated witu> Bepubilen u titautiors, thse Man vhtcb South Ontario requis-es lu thés. TMmes for is répseiativq? -. la thé tain whospéruniehaus couesel voulé leid toanaccxatiln ta thé téighhas-- Liaç Ropuhle, vhth ail iiils lscéas, t/se Man for theé imesP la the man vho voulé lceap alié pari>' tiJesdpruvoké pis-' 0 «eItl t Mamn for thé ilmea ? lu the mac vho voulé stifflé Ibm éxiuténe ai a nev-bane nation ut Its bisth-vho eculti prèes- party trsimpls ta Confédera- tiis, aisé union acd N&tioqaiity, the M an fàr th thiÏ - la thé mac via vwoulti keaip thépeople diviéeé le the paesént cisis, vha sanges bimaeli aI thésIaideof Démocratie, in opposition ta Monas-ébclatiustiîuiion'i thse Man for the Times ? - >WUIi thé peopls pWeas a bs'avlug, 'vase talking, falatieis partisan ; Or vilI thé>-, avakénedti t a sanse oai daniger, maté chaicé ai a mac spon vhose probit>'. hocésty, gocà prineiples, andé undaubteti layait>' thé, ca féuil>roi>'? If so, thé>' viii discard Abraham Fis-e. velli, anti eléct Thum. N. Gibbe, Thé Signa of thé Tlites #* auocs. Wé vint-a man aifis-muais andtnmora lion, a mac that vilii aunexcts-més On the' o0a lam%,- a camptee if othr-a Maaiounegoot intentionst ve a cia1.1ev.,aindla Whosu tilauta ~témper, acd patictistu ve cm trust for safea>- sud defecca. Whoom aau ea inl tIse présnt Criais ta mals h111 choie.? -Thé Iias arme imimmé, afpéri. Lot mmssPuIart-,imessio be " ' -I"e, u oas q eaa s-yA pd 'apm-oord*abové aul ailirs'.Eetors ai Booth- Ontaio pasu b>'il preelst'puméiprétendatis vIa Uit. uspon yocr poihîealcontéittiautai as-des- Stas-vas-s t sh se allish Viau tnep dova th risudmoeratie spirit eblihdeëtgoÉééi mis-liÉ té fates- itiqé you ; malsailuyous- oaoetiuu vita the aid us-uasay aisé Tour layai atwiad get toA-he aid land, anti ps-eeathé blosét prinej'plés cof Britishi freéoas sud British lavr, ant i tish Instiuions,*odés- vhiel PoU l haeps-cae-d 40truil>'fre, 'happy,, For thés. smbslaîtW simémtagos yos vili pérfrisn a glanions pus-t ys-jeeing Abraham Fis-éeil, usé, simmpumsly leting T. N. GIBBS. M Ns- Ps-éeil uefone u isaumé&xa At thé Ditffl's Creek meetlgr. pane. veit in oct>' éduittédthtiaehésignéd the Anexaahoa Manfést, but DIEFMNDD th"t doMMt, sseritinsah"IIVERY allégation iî containéd vas TRUE. 11r. Wilson aket.-ALL 1 M r. Wilson aslrd thé lféeton ta marik Ms.Farévall'save- Ot.S os-a iun "ngit4aI'ALL théaillé- gmiom vert tia Ms. Fas-suvlt incluéd ithe alg tio hat is vaçl,4 l o Oais d vustagé e beéaunoeéd inthé Republi,.' là ibisthé uto r sepvosS 89«Onta- rie?7 Loya4tk«mio,' beus-yu? - W1 as ta ), mi>'. h thîs ha mm Mr. mad ovés- ms-ava if stbaas? ,ipuWM'v *e TGý WEtÊLYO Nt Wlîb vhat ttcimsenteaal lrauy don. ibis- litta -Pavgarplifuronpco plaGe le Ms. Fii'otils ddr-es.- ,Be5au habituelisla l for the manti ta ék ith a "las-tked tongué" that Mr. Faus-éveil1- n, nut gké ézps-o o obiit 'iehiwlho io bpétly sundêatklY vosqI htéfss-rvo bis ove pérpoes. -iOiSure Ux. pamw4qLýkesA" op o q latabelfes-sed tbaI b 6"lieva qo00ite" "vwhicb agitatod the country"' are "100o oelL ksow.' Yet wvo mst ltai his ý'iyiéys'ounIlsat asubject are thome beàt keave, andti aoie for vhicth lainmost remartabté. Ris viows about reprosents- ige b>' population, (vhich hé long sinca abanod,) are vil teove; and bis vieva about dissolution ai, thé union, divitiing Uppes- and Lavr Canada ista three on more local g'ovements, vitit. I"some joint auîhoity," "are te oellw lntoîtol requis-a doclratian." But Ms-. Farevéll' viovs un Coufédoration as-acne keou'u. Théy ara just vhat thée léétare ai South Otntas-l a vit, ta bémade acquaint- éd vith, and vhat Ms. Far-eel taises precioni gond oas-c cot tadisclaésata &hem. It wan'5 do Ms-.Fas-évell, you muit be a uitile more exFlicit le dectarng yous- uvies,'i or teelectars viii ho likel>- ta ta you at-ybolisvàsd r pu ,my fied, out as thée iellaisf, thé Poilithat yo ,Ur viéva ARE a 11111e "ton veil inavit" ta thetu. Gibb*' aresvli- I1 atUs-' uusutell, - 'Tlu' né' ti iutr cr',lit-, 'Tité iltonts-lar W htiktiyo à -0i- (d'd a1ca, pzF , c-wtîi-l 'l lector. Wili 1t0til vau st i. utur, T,- wtueicu I te "4 Wiat1q t lînoât- a-t,,15 Thrt y- uts- .-re l-ut .,try, 'rovu;stlje suiuL--the wuy, Ail whist,, t fala i, Wil uitttrct i-qvr.p, Ase-In nur Etée-tlae. for ttIti S~ouu:hsrii --e itson, 55111 hs-iqu, 'M otti rra-! And urvpa-ca nébei fu' tuieb>"uMatrisuc s, Wh. .e *lIed, Wh,~. itaniuv'e D oduing-t>oébtul whethes- Ns. Pas-e.. vieil wlil e tisé Cladidte aller abi. No vs-il yet for Set Ontario 1 Ms. Fas-éwel andi bis friands hâvaéucmcee,' so0fas-, inst.sali i 9 ost Igvshim itue ta éipm the nibq.,mad scastais> vhét lis ahuashiO ofatiog vaé"Ms.r Fuaelvath. isi thé4 aithé Rlëbg, maie ' » 1ssW W blé(rile"dafinal ont tI" tw loya l me 60' the épeofa South>Ontario, doan ue,!oit#et thbs itu, béat Meponiavéte he asplraà0us'oi ttsé bas-a if( k thé Âenxs*oa Macifecto. The cousqeco e vé e ta il, tisas '-Abs" witl 4 44"seulta othée -,as--tisst hé viii cet hé alioveetaen é xélte "a ink assaa"aMd %Ut thàahhhNaI fe, talug bld larevéil ta '1r. Fiveil'a elimée., &as-ow aov aing ta place " W mmewdtqh, .duWiaw.IVEq"l a. lIe ir*. ~iJ~iwbi*éU isbac %hé cuitéilouat rigté of tse peuplé -heis- paaiasnu" rprivllag4 es, Othé vos-y dignisy aiftaegréa ui nsîi of a Sousth Outaria, shoulai hé titis outraged mnd icuqtéé lne s-1odés- tasubies-va thé in- taresânsd conêuence ofai i>'mae? IaT. Y. Oum1, leSt., <s a gmseaa, for vbom «sjeenlés-inia a feelng oblah ss pué osa, a',e md églbao.sud an'oh f or- tion u aClýsllasfer iva- hllev hlm te be aotnMetbramluéeradssire ta ta big dat>- ta bath(l ad s ss.Aiséthé moa remari a"Y hé-tad e ai M. Farewell.- 17e hapre tu hé ttés-ahi>' veil acquainted vith the privaS. lirae ahcaddts anti m rjaiceé iu th.tact thaithey are heips-Oléaag, uand v é ovas->' rssos- te éieva susés- Cfitslsin Mach ai em bélleve Ms. Gibbs désirous cii doicg Ébt u -gbs, hovevr,me cioeoitIesu éyés teatthé taut shat ail mon as-a hable tO as-s-al idget."-O/ssuGFtgdicaaori Ouly r-resitéiasuffeblea ffectatioc ai i Cabhagehéoid," pareniiég KrMibbe Mas-k thé chotlug impoéance of the tol loy :s hi.-" Ms. Gibbss<s a gue -M t h appéts,-ý"4 1e s->lé" WC WC.hvé"- 1wblieva,- a heive,-" 5ecannasIl-ou eus lko., cs-oded litai ýsingle pua*rgs-pb! IlOhb1Ina> yes ~asthéeadg u ibis s oaty oué piragrapti of four olama ai similis- tvidlte vhlehtheo .111>' art iédulgea in. Mat a wvos- gesnt,ne, amythieg approaclslng ta argument, lé thés- to e hé oned iroughout thééts&~4 iioî. 15 consista o o aiqgmet disuignsilstoso<" Wifs al lu aiàmost .ués-y séeeplig. -Bus lI sOawlo, as a Réformer of some little nota eda influence.luusin e inUy, ~l )r bewhaf ci gay$éqen:oû kls4vé4uéuahémintsi é i high social sud palitical -staudint. ýj~nIy spéat the irutht aatithé Glohe's s-a acentssage and ueprineiptéd attacks aun1fr Gibbs have dace that gr ntlem much gea te i thée ewaf ail sobes- sefetngmeu es. a o4cil ibéh estimatiounaofa&H Who mré sqialted vith thée oupsrativ±eués-1êif 11.6" reportug tuô De Mio C Th Têresuit ws i pévhit dulifolt ough lt.i-sneéýdy 0ééodéd that thei 1Nov évéry mo ai teld the Meét in iiadmit thot thora vers <ulty F0111 TO 1f ofthséprésent in favar of Mr.1 Gibbs. Thé <Robe gaina eatting for il& Yîkeoauoàdidaie,,beLmu-a- a.,fl à~r. Wilson 9itié ONU WhéiqomO ' thé Globe réportaîthe fullouiug romrnsu made by Mfr. B. J. Wilson at thé Dufints <Croetcmeeting. Mr-. Witaà1 barli-,of Wtkby bulug calliled pn hy soeeal volées lu thé Most- ing, came os-ward. Re éid hé had atb tended the meeting chiefil foi thé purposé af bel, ég vhat thé oendidatewsv lad-, Bsy uponth ubiéz uétons of tbe day, ,*nd paniicuiarty upen the gréat questinwbieh ~ énow etigaging evéry Due'&s-attention, tofa Consfédération. He koew ps-tty vefl vhat. Mr. Gibbs' viéva venu on ihis question, fronm- bis pubtistiid ddress, in w tich ha camé autmiaftily &aud told then> vi.at hé meant ta do le regard ta i. But afitér eadiug Mr. Faséwei's adds-é, us d lisiening ta ,bMi speech on ib is o bainh cohfeuséd hé vu ,stili nt a leU to, kuot what that gentlemen's vif-w a vqýase,a t thàt question. He had tohl tbew Jw.- fcs-ed ramPais. Gibbs, tt4o at. ai thé LégIslative Coubcil. which hé desir. éd, iusta41 ai bei ng a nminateid body, ta hé- an lective bodyly iti.thé Lavés- Cham- ber. As ta thât, hé coulé 01>17 say that One afaur Mast patt1iotoauo" en,, had givén thé eas-nest attention ai a gréat mmId ta thi <question,2 wu cf Opinion- and, hé shaught, justiy su -that the aise. tiveprinciplé ought névéer ta have bée lin ts-aduccd into thé ConsqitutionoU thts Up.f pur Hause, and îthat va shauld now go backte t thé exaxupie set up by thés great. est af nations, Eigland, and have thé memberu of thé Upper H oué nominuted by the Osove. Théesatesmau ho traes--d taý vas the Roc. lea. Brave, Who fs-ôta -he firi ailéconaistently apposéd the la. trbduction of thé élective jîsincipte icta that body, and ho nced caetuay thast lé Opinion af that gentleman, in this constitu- ençy, and hé bee-d, throughout thé Pro. viSc, would curry seine weight with il- (île"r, béas.) Thé Unîted States Wa cas-. rieé the lective p- Il 1iîllàto sva' ting, and *t e hs- they voie tnaday. la bis opininn théir P;etsent poe*iîior vas more owing ta shois- hauiug carried thé éleclétive principle too far. a:ad nat haviugý "suilolnt Canses-vatisint, ibm ta an) thing elte.,Then they viré totd bY Ms-. Pré. vol that lhé didýnat thili vé1 ottbe Fa. 1 d e sa u n i c h e m é - e c a u s é af i i s é o p e a s é 1 1wolé entuil. But vas il possible wué 8coutd havé (ivérnn t on thée enlargad .scta propose&d. vitaaddilionit éxpénsé? Wé vere te be a people af loir millions, 1wlth a vait ténritos-y, andi ttt atotmtiW rshipping wbvhc % dplace u nthé postI %Ibo of boing dt trd Maritlme Po'.s i hév-i.Couilé vs arM out sti a bsacéeme af gavés-mees vithoisa avinx Our texpénditure iic-asé? To h i iné, vu 1 ould havé &tapie compensation for ithat uCs-need expeudisone ia thé incrouad' e toih vhich;tbe union wu ithée cie- sProýrlucés oold btiug en. -1x e thé rsnpeotive uésiss4>f thé s;uo gsiet 1néviséfaro thétu, hé saséd if Ms-. Vas-. a i's aurie led bâts of that consistent ry ~4&a-uisérhich .+êMil Ï**Ïpabâiàm. e âe. (Mr. Wilaon,) vas but a boy le 1849, f but hé wi old ouugh - in s-iaeusnhies-.thgt à aIr Fareweltlua thatî tinotouk a gw 1léa a oftroublé tî mab. hitusif a ahoroagis. poceéé Annexatlanusit, and vent ta Monts-al fqs- thé purpoié ai signiug thé Auuexjtiun Maniftet. fi ha took thas, troublé in 1849, vhat éoold they expéét i hlm iin r lus, uhottéey rllreqs-d thé es-vieu 0 aifa '_ lyai tuai? lu raity iuattân alétt Ms-.! >lFaréeel had net tae that cous-sewhich fatA oh thé, nov e*="bt5 ooeisstéd1 .isbunecase." Btstatise actas-s andi spectaians of ltée crénts dosesibid,-visa Ms aitili living vitnessés te thé trcîy scènes> vhiých gésle to te hialory af thé -~ AscîssatsCAs," thé boak muat have a pèculîr itarst. Ai great amit!ofsta g norance ou this gussject bu hitisei4 pré. ualled -it thé minrds of mac>', thrangb jutiging irom onandet statéments, la correct wich, ansi ta gis-e all thé ti-utis ta thé iight et day, demand-as thé au. ftroc hlm ai sh4 vhéê Joct. WOhsau accuratéatéd ial, katiwledge oM1sIlthé c #nses nti effeets visicîsled ta tisa tiffes-- énouabeéase tisecogrégition tend the Presbytes-ian Chus-ch, stcp b>' stop, ta thé prseétposdtion i e'hlt ILo=epiM' 'olan. tagosmsta thé Sys-Mtiot thé Obncl, thue anisas- bas lois natiting utol. Tise vitale la afagbthkarsd, cactid narrsa. tire, vs-iSlam vith mucis cas-e anti abilit>', andi théepoWtIsispuît Ior#até h>'-thé au. tSar suppos-îo4 - eith paves-l argument. andI cônincitsg ps-oaS.LIc bis préfacé thé- "Ttc 4Ai1bus-n Case," Ji thé listes->, ,i-l irs-c bilet vards, eci ientleistiry ai Mi. Tisas. Sharp; andi a coaspedietu ai thé asatcr.at ýrPgsess suédecflinée. nader hi. " .1o ît ,j t iti lT rit at Oo n g r g a i an s ai TheéI"Ais-un Casa" s teb - daultié anti iao&ea! ilcot aeeordlcg titsquaity la tiss Ipie of time ; but acérticg ta thé, action oai hSuaiyeand uéthé éamtptéxiciu of thé aoéopatiyieq &vents. - 4cuas-dug- tt4a slagie, thée"Case" élvidala buelfinto bail beau a faiorislablé bas-rie- ta thé-ég-sssu ta tbé sauth eail persans résidint, nos-h'f uftt,!ln fact, hardly.ma, vbest oulé hé breagii. etontMes le vintér. 'A good 1bridgé bai bée buiit, thé Rosd gs-ubhedb .evil vau thé hili. To cut dslaethis, thé Coonty Council made a libérai *ps-pre% ,tien n l l and appointed Meurs. Btacet, jevétaa------ ouiuilets teaze., pend- thé mané-rand boyvau shîs doué? iu graéing thée rand aseady grubbea, an& outtins dave thébUbil ad fillcng p thé 1tal1#? No 1i ýA, né ipe ié àwsis-vOyd4 tdù* bad teé e t'Êbbe, a'long ambant. tment Idé arougli a svmupy appromoh ta ta thé creek. à nov hnidge-i-ýh.t-ead ut its angle ca-s-eid 80 roa sta thé veut et thé aid s-ad, mahieg about J -a- muilé ont aif thé vayo,iind'tumtlthé gravel'pat on vhiié thé s-ad vas ladiy eut np. And vhy ail thi ? vas it for thé coeoniencé ,pf thé public or ta ohiain a bettes- li'na, or gavé expense ? Na, for thé reverse was thé:e casnl ail theé. uetta hé desis-éd endis. Why thien ?-Siutply tu brixig, thé rosi aslongaidé ai a nov Steain Sae» Mill vhieh Mr."Fas-éeelila that yéar bult, andto tacroate a village at théeiebov and thés-tby solély for Mfr, Farewell% couvert. leuc andprofit. But vhy is Ms-. Favwell antevérabté for ths, soseieg ihat cbrmsi shnérrs ver. d7 yappointed mdudveré a- loua responsibié-Let persant desivous af abaainieg iniformation tés-e te thé records af thée Couaty Coueit aud réétémbés- thé i!nflueé vhhMs-. Fis-éveillhitlove-Mr.- Jévtt cdle use tasgentiemmu's OUI' tangue andti théaval vhichho eiccos- q eeéncéeercined on hsC~utialnr miéjdu. hethér or aotMé. Faftell eau ,s87 liis nuga tte éNonquon jab, '<Mi batts os-e dean." AD'AM GORDON. To ti& Edier of the -J7hiy Ckranfde Mit, EuITRs-.-Ill Yaunhoue ai thé lf5th in5t, l sec thé question eskéd :-Was the Brsoalclin convention a fais- oneé? and thn repiy titat 15 vas nat lu cantainly ta, thé point. Although a réfo r- » N~snévés- muci le fus-aur ai Convénio ibt of laie they bavé gao uarovni vues ta beoossé a delusion and a surnas-nd a comptete burlesque on aitls-eios-m institutions. It s-jaaly caméetutii that L. C. Thomas, and lminsJo/hu Gos-dan vasthé vhole cotu- vitiina, dsélectetilfor thé Reformera ai Sashtnta-la a fit méd.,propos- rsaro n l Alrahasa F.arévqil au the rerésesé.tativé le thée pr;vincial Panliont,' thls béiug thé case havéeflot thiigs came ta a sonny pan 1 As-e themé-t"vo thies thé genite shephiers-daho are talead us lité a dock ai hieép, and eéhoou poasitas-for ut t ram v bih tîhogb t lolu grée, <sd in in il-eality green enaugh) there cin e shing as aIl gathercd?7 Are théy tha tva grs-ét stars le aur po. titicil galazy abat are Ihua o ulps. ail otites-sl IfRch lm thé caséit is higit tIoél tare oves- a cev ledi.but if ve, ha»é Do lesf th i ituan p- a batte- aliati fthingi.te -sIguoté poules%1We. géihe- sud try something marec os-dtablé. Yours Truly, HARMONY. nTUE ASHBURN OAS," or ais véar C4îa. Yuwjs - PrkAnes isdlr. 'Mtîi, lumte i4 (fuil1ofiînte-cat te all vile tion ai South Oxford, bas had aietu. n flcence upan aur proîmelial patiticé, than any ather LIppes- Cîtutidume rural ridiusg, Tho man vbo vos xpoutént of -ils ine% goucé mand. Who so grélyas1 asaad ine bou ieg,up its réputaibti. buamcptétiottes- duties as acérons aid- more honorable. Tvo geatlémmn as-e e.v héefarthé rhding, é ,é f -oh out c.fers -bituseli ai its reps-. seutatlvW. Ta sustaits ils infleentiaI char. actas-, h heloovos thé fiýpletb dâooée the lest and aleist men, anal cas-ciel shaulé évaiuy élaiflor ha ted tno imare pa-tiaé.- slip, nobiésOy plaga aboulé loend hlm té éémé IoanusunwWie dcision, aril ast s s Wthèbse olsservatocs, srmia, yos> vili penlia permypit sue Sa méti a fév '-oaswhy 1, vho hélleveî tnyael tao hé a losit eus. Riess, du ontgive My>'sup- pas-t té Ws. -hsr*,-aýt, ha l-pur forth as a Refos-m candidate. Some of Ibéseý réosous Mtu a' e 4 - I'toà tsý pinions of yous* ove, buts4pço 1Jfoel ssiid it is, yur, dedkq ta(0praoIae thé etatasta of the ffliitiirs-afflivé ai péruocus - ca"p, andsem u t s suffars aaîbing tramaà fs-e icuoon, I teus you vi létheint au inertion. -- lu aie -fis-tpjlibé, peiêsut me,, air, ta, notice a fév atgauétlts 6dvasceéd y Kr. Farewelrs, fs-badisnlbis bhlit. Fis-su>', îlay asst that ho bas a etaitu upon tbe Raftsmets oh thé riiugï beemusé vhén under thé auspices ai the- ratas-u éonvention, ha came oct lu opposition ta àîr. Mos-s-han, té mt ils réqeess retirét lu tuas- ahfMUr. bMovtt. >Noa alarge nutu- bas- Woé aké%Iis stutemeni, £5tt-situe time tuas' ils uîter ïsuédiîf Ms-. as-a. *éeli réalséal, only amiés-àagerai eaunvus ïad àsssuW h imu" LIaI héo lidcot the luuLtip.uI Eléciionu. 'IOWW OFYRITIT. "'it'b Rotri. tha8t jack Utit Sncb la thé subject ai a lecture annun abd ta bc delivered at théeMehanica' hall, on riduay eveing by *Mr., James icOas- roar-'Ter-y Finneogn"-Ma fas veouées mus bavé hoard of Mr. MoCasraîl, au; a talentetl vrités-, hdimousist antimu- stcian. and many, wo are sure, have bée fs- iétly dclighted with th é gms 0 Îtrie paetry, sparkling fsrn ieipen, vitieti héha* cotrlhutéd tathé curs-ont lités-atirenattvoday. NVé havé not as yet homd téepleassr if lhearing Ms-. MoCarroil #sff 1êctnncr, be-jndging from wviatouir bintitmpor-mnsi ay, bts bs-lliant succesu l hi is fu et -olitarute ésurpasss-or ratites la a blendiego aall i other spie. did talents. ThoeIfiémilton Tima s seak. ing af his lecture in that city fût veet says: "6Notwiffistanding thé mmny attractiéne ofl'efé l' y fthétiro vallnt.es-ýdînneti mnd thé lus-go gathern n thée «ood'Tempimru;' Hall, un excellent ans"i discs-mieating au- dienceé gréoted 'Tors-y Finnegan' lest night, Thosé 1vir vas-eprésent will cal 5acon forgea théi lea.ing énterrtinen% which Mn McCarrall fus-iphod. . lus lecture, 'Thé Hanse tisat Jack Bnilt'waà" delivered vitis a fneénesa ai élocution'-vhich provosi thé speaker ta hé a miai oftoste ansd cdu. cation; thé effort witss chractosizcd hy an élégance, inish and 'rilliancy Ylilci"t u o'neceprepaaoméd thaîo wha l'steti*ý'-- andi thé toast cordial atuplquss géeed oves-y sentence. As a futé-player,., va réitératé thé opinion advuncer! aeérîl' daya %go, nîmely, tisai Ms-. oCarraîl bas 60 eqals in America; hlm oxqnisfte tinte abié-viti one fimed, a toast eTal-ot and iffilcuIt selecton-vualouélyecarud- Ithé lecturér and moalciae, eviééni.ly ex- pertendileg tîncoeo fuaure, in seponcing ta thèse marks'o!& ajireclation, hé vas micas-éd iii ovés-y solo, It Ia t austh mon m 1Mr. MoCusrolthat thaso wha love visat tupu- adlwitty in literislur-clé. vr.ting andi légitimité le mut;lc-shnuld turc thein attention; (ns- hbla Isthoast proinising eitnéid-ste vo h'eoves- haî!thé pleasgure ni li'tcning ta, anf bis ell'ortsarnse culcuiated ta accampliefi mucis sobstuntial pooil. We inCanada are toon ptonc ta en- courage, foréigts of hall thé talent, rather thon patronize thoso whom aur 'owe Psr- vioc. sitolsi héps-aifsé ustaining-the literany and musical mon %vhao lives are uses inl thé furthering thé intenegts and r3fining thé tastés af Canndima. Mr. Mc- Oas-ral ha. ressac ta bhouansfaibis suc- ceas. We cangratulate"hlm sîpon it; and thé directons, vo underatand inteed oen- guging hlm agaile éhatiy.« Thomélaua rare troat in store for us for Friday évening. Who holsted the Yankee flag on the Qtueen's Birth. Day?1 Abraham Farewell at HAR- MONT. And honest, loyal l'e Pierson Oir& it o'w-n. - South (Astis-la. Thé ecly daubée, thing #e oeves- uw lu thé' Findiaor. 1-i Thée udidatu -for thé Mayaraýlty ms-e Méste. Rugir James -Micéoneli, and Nichais VW Bioun, as aIs-caéneaucét. Bath are'detlueîlned' 50 go t tha poili. Thit'is'to hé negretteti, for rnat ai thé friands aifboth ms- intiiatè e s-bcof each othar, vwha havé alvuys hithés-to votéd'anti vonled. tagether Selectioea, Thé coutéat, bovéver, 'vo ,veninse. Ici'u"Y rts-lltbéon ai thé meu fs-etly thés bus yét titéo-place il Witby. Bathcandid-, datge-aré o 1r!ts, au lt'il! w à, o ï-- ceptalile ta thé buis - ai the is-atepayers. Luat voolk va gale, viÉt1 éeomédnt. îWali speeches,' oftho cediéhteaw and tfiéfs-s4. pas-tors, léaving le it*th s-lie reapayars ta fos-m théis- cuée épinloions e laguidet hy theis- ovcnubiasei jdg-aeer- TtÊéra ara few iu the tavu vhoeal otfâzela correct opinion af thé fitnesa aftberé- apelivé candidates. Qi Ms-.,,Mconcli's .theorougli ftnecasno it ohetavia«ns a shadoéOf a doubi. Ms-.Brovais' nt i fituesa, kieti friand, reppectetneighhos- anti citizea, and gooti -fellav a- ha ia, is bis one grésas delleiéncy. The position ai <ihief Maglaîratus of ltéetovn eofWhitby, if va votfld hivé,oes intelligence respect- eti-ahroaut';lone that uhonlif eut hé tightty bestoeul upon ovevos-yiéserving por- actas5, 1*4 as-e al ahenvisé -qenlified' *ta dis"uhas-g"a t ut,étieu. As -Wvarmsta f -ens te1p eSs-o Ieyeiî mac thsst earriei thé hoé, no ateas-oy voll os- ifaiîhfutty ho Mu>' mes, 15 nos fista hbeamn as-oiet' Thé argumeont idarmeéx- ceiiéua aocm'in répl>' ta thoiévWho ns-gué le fator ai olecting thé mmyor fs-our thte èoanceil by rotation- Apart front. thé duties aif thé citief metnute la tsyicg thésa'detiés, if ps-aperiy tiscbangeé, réquiré nu stuait amonet ai attention, uaota spéalé ai a praper acquaintuncé itislte dutileaai a mguista» thene as-, many mastie Îof ImIportance ta ha braugithé- itbich may sos-oiy test thé qualities antid sificiéc>'oai a psesiicg offices-. Ou thèse groandseer>' elector ougit Sa hesitate ané put thé qétostibrn la' himsali. '9Hav viii 1 hast discitasgé my doty by voiingn lfs- Ms-. Mactionoîl os-Ms-. Bsove ?" Nos-t/ t*'rd.-Méeurs. Pas-sy, Qibsoc, l and Dr. Rasivoati Meus. Jos it Rch-ý arsdun, N. Ré>-, S. Geose, P. B. Whitlleld b anti Heison Stars- are thé candidates, nair éd. Ms-. Laing déclines. cmiug f«ortt Seat/s Ward.-Ie addition teate oté candidates, nomisnatedtaas a yard mat- iig, Mi. John Blovwvaiseluput forvasd, antial l va héeliove bo la'a poIL Captais> Rave désirés ta retire0 fs-oas tmting any plas-t le municipal affairs;) but the 94apnl-a ors-éSas-e t100valuaisleA ta thé -riayere ta. parmt ilm ta vtit- tira* from Ibm aorporationeut tIs juthetur. ' Ris ses-vices catSM4i l agseissad va 0 H'al-bé p@M ispt hi inb r nt oith-r ssandlog b-h tié or a a -un'on pussure. - CeAIre a asL-An ,ad>us-ed' metin(t (Tînt-adqy,) aue*ieg, for tlw pas-pose ai nioçiuuhing eîiiiéteî. Tlséarmse a, Dastueil, Mr. PaviI, - Ms-. O'D)oov-sn, té.,P lur. fevs-iani Dr G etsdcliné ré-alaection. Ie thé absénce of Dr~ Guets front abs counci ll erthe ralépa>'- ass, ,ot alan.ehfbis ove yard, but of thé, love genérall>' vblUlaise agoat friand, auancablé- fithfnl réproseetasivé, aisé1 'shé'lmehr of theécucl Imiss tram i Iheir netuhés a coustaons géntmais Whoue mannes- vas alvayu - affale anti language1 Ms-. Pers-y and, Captain Rové, theré ls littlé Anubt viil go la thé Conet>' Conéil. In Oshawua thos- vi1i be atborougb chansge, Thé faml tT.epés-aneémens> as-o gettieg up a meeting- ta pledge thi 'anî n - n l r l h s r f a l l e n m a t h e h a n u l , a i the Fusée-miahaving béés> ovacoite4 p s>' Hmrdee's -m>, - vIti«ct matie ilU - cape throngh t0é enemîes lineo-ne a mdeb'1W-a. Thoe CJounil. Hbot las téauts-é treating ha. aso Thoma. - la is repartet tisaI lgond cannot es-osa the TennesscéOn amnt of, ei tsetata, of' the rivés-, hie i itv mmer places'lbas, ,verflovod iras bmnks9, Hoad pactsons" are xaid ta havé been svept, aviy A baIlatiis-aide of h aoe ea- glftl'à accbnnl'eiptedltet.- - Thé «Unio- ts-opa, 5,500-ats'io%, a- ,rnurching an ltbbile. SentI andeariésmata bs-s-tisé vigbt 'plaéq it the rigit tinte, aa *çVwtt.miayb expectcs'lsortly otlésa thé été. a'strbng' [Toton force ta -ce -opus-lté. P.bilh is lu noa danger, Gave-ces-Watts of AIabazsa.l'ast lksc 'e a sûr'Tintg proclamaitibn at. mlin an everybody té, fil -ta ae~ Thé tommercial'-'Wmstsingtan êgeia umuthît tisé iVa anti Navy liepartmaenls bath s-eceiveéd adviea tram'thé éxpetitien, igmînst Wilnsegta,,n e héIntlligence is'E highîv favaurable, and gives- promise' oh' aimait imméediate stîccesa. Thé Sess-éliy 'of thé Navy su>'o t't Porter viil captue Forts Fiser s,~4s vollt;,thnenfulés vii bepre-a~ç oparaté diréct>' aginst WilmtnÏtotm.Uf Gen,-Sbé-m nnoneesi ta tCet? cf Wîs- tisaI hé ntonded ta moiue thei Sutrmnnah river immediîtely and'lcapture' Autgustai. %The nevi Iday itat hae hae. Salrenuty moueli Shes-mac aise ýmysaftér thfr le will, .aswig rouet upon the s-air of (Jharlestaî,' tiésmtaylg ail itirails-ati onunicathoe on the vay. Tise Kchieond £h5pirer of setus-éay- meeoîea sthat thý 'affairaoh i . eoni dges> r uis coîL Goît 211 :. , 1- - Ploke-isag y&a ýAjit lh 71-énasm P. Wkite, Esq.,,' rit cf Ssu,-Beng sensble for til ps-osent. to Il Sinlde m aaWsof itt l d dta- bave ledi tassa, bs alst apohén of,> OL Dogé, b; unavoidéblè, vitti perhapi Ms-. - 41 1f.Sa gts-ir i the éoamty cunél. - Theold comté11, 'with'Ms-. Mélaon, as reeve, is thé'oas-ds-oaithe nova. ' r Mou-s.J . Catuphéli,.Peebaîr Spring, ùfýcso, -GW'bai, WiÏigBI, , sextan, usdawrbs, as-e, vearse talé, Thé-se , oreoéstO 04 n0 luis tItan 18 candidat«;JintuItslg ail thé met 'besa ofthé aII ccueif. lfr. 1Gambie ta asit-thé IMW;ds hiéh Witt maige a changée M théesaps-éuative to e éCoeety Oouncil. :thés-o yUl bée.' xWore c*zmsbing for itli vote. THORA, -IdLsA à aAK - -Thé-W h oves-y lcinatlac for ac'bstsg»,. peaple, hOwéverý d'o nt sûtisÈhendelvés;' mdtigs are tuIr>' -tsi témoin ai théy' weré,aut year, aoefis-, ant é4 uth Conty Councitla , crnséd&-' Thé fotiovin'g oflices-s vIte insaled'ut' thé tast meeting-Of Co mpdawieOe .k A.-M., Whitby. .. Y. Gibson, W. W.O. Nunu, B-W; J.M. Laves J.W; 3.B. BoyaUl, Traé; R. Fs --accy -é.;-«. tlng Bsil ,1. t0.-~ i..HL GreïenvootTylos-, ýJas. Pningia. Jas. "Glus-lie, . r-ule; .W.Oge- 'JClark-elt, tuvre' . Js -Cmbl,àe -es---. Wtsr Na*uv - - 't i 1 in un prolo WA WiÉh 1

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