il fte au> asthé raion skatlhg Beo-JBD)I aI. Watpoof BlakingJaUém Bain. Spanish Solo Letthr-Jai'fkln-Bue VIn JPiential 011. James Byrne. Nov ýoo n- ýi.1 t1 qfflM-T. I The original IlWhite Flsg, 4 Brook St.- Finch'1 'es.ýý , ' * Salé-.sméu Xérn î. Spetc1pýNotc-T.-H. Mç10ilan.,, New FhuiLý-..Haéiltn & (A., GroceIs -and Liquôos-s-Uamillfll&kCo. Faq and Staplé D1+y Good-HamÃŽltoih Adjournod Sessigs Co. Ontario. Fi'om aHddiéa-O. ,RohértA. Family Grocrig-C. Roberts. NeNç Furniture Store -Jatmca Kirkland. Great liargaing- Large White Flag. Ciothing for the, iKlliion.-Large White Ster Srsyd--ohnBowles. XMoncy ta Loan-S., B. Fairbanks. Électin, 4étngs. Leture-JameaMt-Carroil. Stirayd-J. L. Smith. ONLY *1 50 CENTS Â TEARý Wit, Tturs4ay, December 29, 1864. SOUTIH ONTARI() The, Conteste Mr. Gabb* end Mr. Iturtwei nt A blghly important meeting tooti place ut Brougham, on Tuesday evoning last, t iich upvar'ds af One tundred of thé eltectaru cf the tocilty wore proseut. The -chair was taken by Admin 5l)éar>x, Esq.- Batlà anidates spo. for about an honr lui succession. -Mr. Farewelcl compitely blbke down. lHe lirly wlted undér Mr. -Oibbs' powefmal deiiwneiatio.n. Thé very appéaranco. d bbth the men, was 1'tcUing' ln fayoe d Mr. Gibbs. Noyer vas lhe héard ta go mech -adyantage; bis oratory and elocution wore-faltlcFs, i' diction chaite, mnd hiit bearing dignified. Mfr. Ftrowell's vas théetia tvW-" thé aid th reo-end-four pssc"-iIt Matle .and unpl@ftabléY 'o wo,,der that nt thé concliion thé vnte va two to' oné for Gibbs, Who wus greeted with tond cheeru. Not a voce or ra chftr vax. thuy a vald Jr 1"sVewell. Thiti meeting at Bs-ogham, Wblicli wh"eù6ktnôdupon Ra a rwell stts-ngholal. peéasvaIuW e~how >thé tanvasa progrée# '1Mr. ibbé's lection las ,v regvded an a eertuinty. Thne kaudo'fer Farewell la Gaeéý' Wood 1 The Farewelt heund, Jaclcal Mo ail, srolalédthé Gs-éunwead meeting, -batd on TlabareivuaaMt. -Otîthe twe léa- 1.011 lor4l hiéetos rs anflt atthe Oraéga A. Farewell, vlan 'the vote vas ssbqé., Hus-sah for Grs-uéuood 1 Ss-moT R vaas.-'fThe Autraus Of Ms. T. N. Gihue, viii hé founcéleOus- aduer- - timiingecaîuea. l expres e ievie.ou a sIsal gentleman, and oaîuaka or lisif. ' r. Gibbsu t le lc'uvnunndeteemed l isaê -Mlnk ôt 1 hIéh he loa along s--sidat- Hiz oppaneet, Ms. Faraetel, isa alvsys sbav'd hinsésîf man 'xtftioi t tseme- Kellée ad'Maekq.nzie typé. As thé pré- gent lis*It t ls aftt iss-allav unch mon t ewéesr Paltaect, ant isva arneétl> hoséMr,OGibsTill trusttt M r.-Fare- BOUTS 0guiaio Et.aeo.-Wo are happy ai- leur.> ram thsa Whithy Ck.rucmW. tstMr. Gibsé léprouéuting.u masoutsue. cuSwul eavaé Aut a meeting helti aI Coloaiiss, enait Mésl.>-veusln%, 300- éte- taors ver. prsenat, and ecl>' ten Wére Op- po.éd la hie. On Tuésday evécing, thé électpta ai Pickoring ver. adilsssot, at D.ffis'. Créa% by bath cuiédtatas aul ou a vOsps beng 4kee, About 160 oct ai 200 veu fot Mr. Gbbs., Ris levib te Coetafaératiou are sonti, senl va hope hé Thé 06 GleoléPeuonatisasTache. AbsqséoaiMr. qtbbR, ians- Tas-ode con- tsmlorary bas foied ou tgté hé'an upra- iltable tait. l bat Wow 'trhétianottor - l acInd "épors tavc an te reformés et the aws-g for. upprtint' Ms-.<liba. 1 iasu foundt tt iSMs. ibus i&- st>neboty, and ties-phare la élchacge af ciettes. Thea pessoenévo contrauing tise columné of thé Globe, int 'lié absence of Ms.~bu-t must teé éîtses- seelesa or fratic o a utompatihse. gamas" sIït th people oh SpssJis Uhttsl WTspépllos-e al kes1 1fr. Ùlb4lis, a amtudof utiblIs- lite bas-setéi-Who fur 80-loara asu done buina svth them vithotasolnce leBS- 'liadiug reformés- lu Reuth AI lgive fobr cal suppotiug 1Mr. Farewell. 11Dou't kmev vile-ata end AbeXFs-a- vol it-, oo siippory ta bô ho ed tcov hlm tbis-tpýyéarà ,sudnt. voulé not '-On thé aihér hacid," saité ho, "Ghbé, hà a au acoeca trust ta stick ta a tbing vlieho<s y't ; hé lsa amac ai honor, vwhos wi labis bond wu vamau e hi 0. air, sud ku bsawfiund hlm." pramisoti hitscîf that people caun*t bétievla itpasible for hlm ta say vhet hé mentis. One attaches a simple siJle méaning ta hi. yards asti utbesaccs; thé athes- cie oci>'speak bis miné equivocal. 1>, or'le *ardsoi ofdiie éseaing. Thé man fos- tiieTintés. ls a violent factions pas-tsan, iefatuated witu> Bepubilen u titautiors, thse Man vhtcb South Ontario requis-es lu thés. TMmes for is répseiativq? -. la thé tain whospéruniehaus couesel voulé leid toanaccxatiln ta thé téighhas-- Liaç Ropuhle, vhth ail iiils lscéas, t/se Man for theé imesP la the man vho voulé lceap alié pari>' tiJesdpruvoké pis-' 0 «eItl t Mamn for thé ilmea ? lu the mac vho voulé stifflé Ibm éxiuténe ai a nev-bane nation ut Its bisth-vho eculti prèes- party trsimpls ta Confédera- tiis, aisé union acd N&tioqaiity, the M an fà r th thià - la thé mac via vwoulti keaip thépeople diviéeé le the paesént cisis, vha sanges bimaeli aI thésIaideof Démocratie, in opposition ta Monas-ébclatiustiîuiion'i thse Man for the Times ? - >WUIi thé peopls pWeas a bs'avlug, 'vase talking, falatieis partisan ; Or vilI thé>-, avakénedti t a sanse oai daniger, maté chaicé ai a mac spon vhose probit>'. hocésty, gocà prineiples, andé undaubteti layait>' thé, ca féuil>roi>'? If so, thé>' viii discard Abraham Fis-e. velli, anti eléct Thum. N. Gibbe, Thé Signa of thé Tlites #* auocs. Wé vint-a man aifis-muais andtnmora lion, a mac that vilii aunexcts-més On the' o0a lam%,- a camptee if othr-a Maaiounegoot intentionst ve a cia1.1ev.,aindla Whosu tilauta ~témper, acd patictistu ve cm trust for safea>- sud defecca. Whoom aau ea inl tIse présnt Criais ta mals h111 choie.? -Thé Iias arme imimmé, afpéri. Lot mmssPuIart-,imessio be " ' -I"e, u oas q eaa s-yA pd 'apm-oord*abové aul ailirs'.Eetors ai Booth- Ontaio pasu b>'il preelst'puméiprétendatis vIa Uit. uspon yocr poihîealcontéittiautai as-des- Stas-vas-s t sh se allish Viau tnep dova th risudmoeratie spirit eblihdeëtgoÉééi mis-liÉ té fates- itiqé you ; malsailuyous- oaoetiuu vita the aid us-uasay aisé Tour layai atwiad get toA-he aid land, anti ps-eeathé blosét prinej'plés cof Britishi freéoas sud British lavr, ant i tish Instiuions,*odés- vhiel PoU l haeps-cae-d 40truil>'fre, 'happy,, For thés. smbslaîtW simémtagos yos vili pérfrisn a glanions pus-t ys-jeeing Abraham Fis-éeil, usé, simmpumsly leting T. N. GIBBS. M Ns- Ps-éeil uefone u isaumé&xa At thé Ditffl's Creek meetlgr. pane. veit in oct>' éduittédthtiaehésignéd the Anexaahoa Manfést, but DIEFMNDD th"t doMMt, sseritinsah"IIVERY allégation iî containéd vas TRUE. 11r. Wilson aket.-ALL 1 M r. Wilson aslrd thé lféeton ta marik Ms.Farévall'save- Ot.S os-a iun "ngit4aI'ALL théaillé- gmiom vert tia Ms. Fas-suvlt incluéd ithe alg tio hat is vaçl,4 l o Oais d vustagé e beéaunoeéd inthé Republi,.' là ibisthé uto r sepvosS 89«Onta- rie?7 Loya4tk«mio,' beus-yu? - W1 as ta ), mi>'. h thîs ha mm Mr. mad ovés- ms-ava if stbaas? ,ipuWM'v *e TGý WEtÊLYO Nt Wlîb vhat ttcimsenteaal lrauy don. ibis- litta -Pavgarplifuronpco plaGe le Ms. Fii'otils ddr-es.- ,Be5au habituelisla l for the manti ta ék ith a "las-tked tongué" that Mr. Faus-éveil1- n, nut gké ézps-o o obiit 'iehiwlho io bpétly sundêatklY vosqI htéfss-rvo bis ove pérpoes. -iOiSure Ux. pamw4qLýkesA" op o q latabelfes-sed tbaI b 6"lieva qo00ite" "vwhicb agitatod the country"' are "100o oelL ksow.' Yet wvo mst ltai his ý'iyiéys'ounIlsat asubject are thome beà t keave, andti aoie for vhicth lainmost remartabté. Ris viows about reprosents- ige b>' population, (vhich hé long sinca abanod,) are vil teove; and bis vieva about dissolution ai, thé union, divitiing Uppes- and Lavr Canada ista three on more local g'ovements, vitit. I"some joint auîhoity," "are te oellw lntoîtol requis-a doclratian." But Ms-. Farevéll' viovs un Coufédoration as-acne keou'u. Théy ara just vhat thée léétare ai South Otntas-l a vit, ta bémade acquaint- éd vith, and vhat Ms. Far-eel taises precioni gond oas-c cot tadisclaésata &hem. It wan'5 do Ms-.Fas-évell, you muit be a uitile more exFlicit le dectarng yous- uvies,'i or teelectars viii ho likel>- ta ta you at-ybolisvà sd r pu ,my fied, out as thée iellaisf, thé Poilithat yo ,Ur viéva ARE a 11111e "ton veil inavit" ta thetu. Gibb*' aresvli- I1 atUs-' uusutell, - 'Tlu' né' ti iutr cr',lit-, 'Tité iltonts-lar W htiktiyo à -0i- (d'd a1ca, pzF , c-wtîi-l 'l lector. Wili 1t0til vau st i. utur, T,- wtueicu I te "4 Wiat1q t lînoât- a-t,,15 Thrt y- uts- .-re l-ut .,try, 'rovu;stlje suiuL--the wuy, Ail whist,, t fala i, Wil uitttrct i-qvr.p, Ase-In nur Etée-tlae. for ttIti S~ouu:hsrii --e itson, 55111 hs-iqu, 'M otti rra-! And urvpa-ca nébei fu' tuieb>"uMatrisuc s, Wh. .e *lIed, Wh,~. itaniuv'e D oduing-t>oébtul whethes- Ns. Pas-e.. vieil wlil e tisé Cladidte aller abi. No vs-il yet for Set Ontario 1 Ms. Fas-éwel andi bis friands hâvaéucmcee,' so0fas-, inst.sali i 9 ost Igvshim itue ta éipm the nibq.,mad scastais> vhét lis ahuashiO ofatiog vaé"Ms.r Fuaelvath. isi thé4 aithé Rlëbg, maie ' » 1ssW W blé(rile"dafinal ont tI" tw loya l me 60' the épeofa South>Ontario, doan ue,!oit#et thbs itu, béat Meponiavéte he asplraà 0us'oi ttsé bas-a if( k thé Âenxs*oa Macifecto. The cousqeco e vé e ta il, tisas '-Abs" witl 4 44"seulta othée -,as--tisst hé viii cet hé alioveetaen é xélte "a ink assaa"aMd %Ut thà ahhhNaI fe, talug bld larevéil ta '1r. Fiveil'a elimée., &as-ow aov aing ta place " W mmewdtqh, .duWiaw.IVEq"l a. lIe ir*. ~iJ~iwbi*éU isbac %hé cuitéilouat rigté of tse peuplé -heis- paaiasnu" rprivllag4 es, Othé vos-y dignisy aiftaegréa ui nsîi of a Sousth Outaria, shoulai hé titis outraged mnd icuqtéé lne s-1odés- tasubies-va thé in- taresânsd conêuence ofai i>'mae? IaT. Y. Oum1, leSt., <s a gmseaa, for vbom «sjeenlés-inia a feelng oblah ss pué osa, a',e md églbao.sud an'oh f or- tion u aClýsllasfer iva- hllev hlm te be aotnMetbramluéeradssire ta ta big dat>- ta bath(l ad s ss.Aiséthé moa remari a"Y hé-tad e ai M. Farewell.- 17e hapre tu hé ttés-ahi>' veil acquainted vith the privaS. lirae ahcaddts anti m rjaiceé iu th.tact thaithey are heips-Oléaag, uand v é ovas->' rssos- te éieva susés- Cfitslsin Mach ai em bélleve Ms. Gibbs désirous cii doicg Ébt u -gbs, hovevr,me cioeoitIesu éyés teatthé taut shat ail mon as-a hable tO as-s-al idget."-O/ssuGFtgdicaaori Ouly r-resitéiasuffeblea ffectatioc ai i Cabhagehéoid," pareniiég KrMibbe Mas-k thé chotlug impoéance of the tol loy :s hi.-" Ms. Gibbss<s a gue -M t h appéts,-ý"4 1e s->lé" WC WC.hvé"- 1wblieva,- a heive,-" 5ecannasIl-ou eus lko., cs-oded litai ýsingle pua*rgs-pb! IlOhb1Ina> yes ~asthéeadg u ibis s oaty oué piragrapti of four olama ai similis- tvidlte vhlehtheo .111>' art iédulgea in. Mat a wvos- gesnt,ne, amythieg approaclslng ta argument, lé thés- to e hé oned iroughout thééts&~4 iioî. 15 consista o o aiqgmet disuignsilstoso<" Wifs al lu aià most .ués-y séeeplig. -Bus lI sOawlo, as a Réformer of some little nota eda influence.luusin e inUy, ~l )r bewhaf ci gay$éqen:oû kls4vé4uéuahémintsi é i high social sud palitical -staudint. ýj~nIy spéat the irutht aatithé Glohe's s-a acentssage and ueprineiptéd attacks aun1fr Gibbs have dace that gr ntlem much gea te i thée ewaf ail sobes- sefetngmeu es. a o4cil ibéh estimatiounaofa&H Who mré sqialted vith thée oupsrativ±eués-1êif 11.6" reportug tuô De Mio C Th Têresuit ws i pévhit dulifolt ough lt.i-sneéýdy 0ééodéd that thei 1Nov évéry mo ai teld the Meét in iiadmit thot thora vers <ulty F0111 TO 1f ofthséprésent in favar of Mr.1 Gibbs. Thé <Robe gaina eatting for il& Yîkeoauoà didaie,,beLmu-a- a.,fl à ~r. Wilson 9itié ONU WhéiqomO ' thé Globe réportaîthe fullouiug romrnsu made by Mfr. B. J. Wilson at thé Dufints <Croetcmeeting. Mr-. Witaà 1 barli-,of Wtkby bulug calliled pn hy soeeal volées lu thé Most- ing, came os-ward. Re éid hé had atb tended the meeting chiefil foi thé purposé af bel, ég vhat thé oendidatewsv lad-, Bsy uponth ubiéz uétons of tbe day, ,*nd paniicuiarty upen the gréat questinwbieh ~ énow etigaging evéry Due'&s-attention, tofa Consfédération. He koew ps-tty vefl vhat. Mr. Gibbs' viéva venu on ihis question, fronm- bis pubtistiid ddress, in w tich ha camé autmiaftily &aud told then> hé meant ta do le regard ta i. But afitér eadiug Mr. Faséwei's adds-é, us d lisiening ta ,bMi speech on ib is o bainh cohfeuséd hé vu ,stili nt a leU to, kuot what that gentlemen's vif-w a vqýase,a t thà t question. He had tohl tbew Jw.- fcs-ed ramPais. Gibbs, tt4o at. ai thé LégIslative Coubcil. which hé desir. éd, iusta41 ai bei ng a nminateid body, ta hé- an lective bodyly iti.thé Lavés- Cham- ber. As ta thât, hé coulé 01>17 say that One afaur Mast patt1iotoauo" en,, had givén thé eas-nest attention ai a gréat mmId ta thi <question,2 wu cf Opinion- and, hé shaught, justiy su -that the aise. tiveprinciplé ought névéer ta have bée lin ts-aduccd into thé ConsqitutionoU thts Up.f pur Hause, and îthat va shauld now go backte t thé exaxupie set up by thés great. est af nations, Eigland, and have thé memberu of thé Upper H oué nominuted by the Osove. Théesatesmau ho traes--d taý vas the Roc. lea. Brave, Who fs-ôta -he firi ailéconaistently apposéd the la. trbduction of thé élective jîsincipte icta that body, and ho nced caetuay thast lé Opinion af that gentleman, in this constitu- ençy, and hé bee-d, throughout thé Pro. viSc, would curry seine weight with il- (île"r, béas.) Thé Unîted States Wa cas-. rieé the lective p- Il 1iîllà to sva' ting, and *t e hs- they voie tnaday. la bis opininn théir P;etsent poe*iîior vas more owing ta shois- hauiug carried thé éleclétive principle too far. a:ad nat haviugý "suilolnt Canses-vatisint, ibm ta an) thing elte.,Then they viré totd bY Ms-. Pré. vol that lhé didýnat thili vé1 ottbe Fa. 1 d e sa u n i c h e m é - e c a u s é af i i s é o p e a s é 1 1wolé entuil. But vas il possible wué 8coutd havé (ivérnn t on thée enlargad .scta propose&d. vitaaddilionit éxpénsé? Wé vere te be a people af loir millions, 1wlth a vait ténritos-y, andi ttt atotmtiW rshipping wbvhc % dplace u nthé postI %Ibo of boing dt trd Maritlme Po'.s i hév-i.Couilé vs arM out sti a bsacéeme af gavés-mees vithoisa avinx Our texpénditure iic-asé? To h i iné, vu 1 ould havé &tapie compensation for ithat uCs-need expeudisone ia thé incrouad' e toih vhich;tbe union wu ithée cie- sProýrlucés oold btiug en. -1x e thé rsnpeotive uésiss4>f thé s;uo gsiet 1néviséfaro thétu, hé saséd if Ms-. Vas-. a i's aurie led bâts of that consistent ry ~4&a-uisérhich .+êMil Ã**Ãpabâià m. e âe. (Mr. Wilaon,) vas but a boy le 1849, f but hé wi old ouugh - in s-iaeusnhies-.thgt à aIr Fareweltlua thatî tinotouk a gw 1léa a oftroublé tî mab. hitusif a ahoroagis. poceéé Annexatlanusit, and vent ta Monts-al fqs- thé purpoié ai signiug thé Auuexjtiun Maniftet. fi ha took thas, troublé in 1849, vhat éoold they expéét i hlm iin r lus, uhottéey rllreqs-d thé es-vieu 0 aifa '_ lyai tuai? lu raity iuattân alétt Ms-.! >lFaréeel had net tae that cous-sewhich fatA oh thé, nov e*="bt5 ooeisstéd1 .isbunecase." Btstatise actas-s andi spectaians of ltée crénts dosesibid,-visa Ms aitili living vitnessés te thé trcîy scènes> vhiých gésle to te hialory af thé -~ AscîssatsCAs," thé boak muat have a pèculîr itarst. Ai great amit!ofsta g norance ou this gussject bu hitisei4 pré. ualled -it thé minrds of mac>', thrangb jutiging irom onandet statéments, la correct wich, ansi ta gis-e all thé ti-utis ta thé iight et day, demand-as thé au. ftroc hlm ai sh4 vhéê Joct. WOhsau accuratéatéd ial, katiwledge oM1sIlthé c #nses nti effeets visicîsled ta tisa tiffes-- énouabeéase tisecogrégition tend the Presbytes-ian Chus-ch, stcp b>' stop, ta thé prseétposdtion i e'hlt ILo=epiM' 'olan. tagosmsta thé Sys-Mtiot thé Obncl, thue anisas- bas lois natiting utol. Tise vitale la afagbthkarsd, cactid narrsa. tire, vs-iSlam vith mucis cas-e anti abilit>', andi théepoWtIsispuît Ior#até h>'-thé au. tSar suppos-îo4 - eith paves-l argument. andI cônincitsg ps-oaS.LIc bis préfacé thé- "Ttc 4Ai1bus-n Case," Ji thé listes->, ,i-l irs-c bilet vards, eci ientleistiry ai Mi. Tisas. Sharp; andi a coaspedietu ai thé ýrPgsess suédecflinée. nader hi. " .1o ît ,j t iti lT rit at Oo n g r g a i an s ai TheéI"Ais-un Casa" s teb - daultié anti iao&ea! ilcot aeeordlcg titsquaity la tiss Ipie of time ; but acérticg ta thé, action oai hSuaiyeand uéthé éamtptéxiciu of thé aoéopatiyieq &vents. - 4cuas-dug- tt4a slagie, thée"Case" élvidala buelfinto bail beau a faiorislablé bas-rie- ta thé-ég-sssu ta tbé sauth eail persans résidint, nos-h'f uftt,!ln fact,, vbest oulé hé breagii. etontMes le vintér. 'A good 1bridgé bai bée buiit, thé Rosd gs-ubhedb .evil vau thé hili. To cut dslaethis, thé Coonty Council made a libérai *ps-pre% ,tien n l l and appointed Meurs. Btacet, jevétaa------ ouiuilets teaze., pend- thé mané-rand boyvau shîs doué? iu graéing thée rand aseady grubbea, an& outtins dave thébUbil ad fillcng p thé 1tal1#? No 1i ýA, né ipe ié à wsis-vOyd4 tdù* bad teé e t'Êbbe, a'long ambant. tment Idé arougli a svmupy appromoh ta ta thé creek. à nov hnidge-i-ýh.t-ead ut its angle ca-s-eid 80 roa sta thé veut et thé aid s-ad, mahieg about J -a- muilé ont aif thé vayo,iind'tumtlthé gravel'pat on vhiié thé s-ad vas ladiy eut np. And vhy ail thi ? vas it for thé coeoniencé ,pf thé public or ta ohiain a bettes- li'na, or gavé expense ? Na, for thé reverse was thé:e casnl ail theé. uetta hé desis-éd endis. Why thien ?-Siutply tu brixig, thé rosi aslongaidé ai a nov Steain Sae» Mill vhieh Mr."Fas-éeelila that yéar bult, andto tacroate a village at théeiebov and thés-tby solély for Mfr, Farewell% couvert. leuc andprofit. But vhy is Ms-. Favwell antevérabté for ths, soseieg ihat cbrmsi shnérrs ver. d7 yappointed mdudveré a- loua responsibié-Let persant desivous af abaainieg iniformation tés-e te thé records af thée Couaty Coueit aud réétémbés- thé i!nflueé vhhMs-. Fis-éveillhitlove-Mr.- Jévtt cdle use tasgentiemmu's OUI' tangue andti théaval vhichho eiccos- q eeéncéeercined on hsC~utialnr miéjdu. hethér or aotMé. Faftell eau ,s87 liis nuga tte éNonquon jab, '<Mi batts os-e dean." AD'AM GORDON. To ti& Edier of the -J7hiy Ckranfde Mit, EuITRs-.-Ill Yaunhoue ai thé lf5th in5t, l sec thé question eskéd :-Was the Brsoalclin convention a fais- oneé? and thn repiy titat 15 vas nat lu cantainly ta, thé point. Although a réfo r- » N~snévés- muci le fus-aur ai Convénio ibt of laie they bavé gao uarovni vues ta beoossé a delusion and a surnas-nd a comptete burlesque on aitls-eios-m institutions. It s-jaaly caméetutii that L. C. Thomas, and lminsJo/hu Gos-dan vasthé vhole cotu- vitiina, dsélectetilfor thé Reformera ai Sashtnta-la a fit méd.,propos- rsaro n l Alrahasa F.arévqil au the rerésesé.tativé le thée pr;vincial Panliont,' thls béiug thé case havéeflot thiigs came ta a sonny pan 1 As-e themé-t"vo thies thé genite shephiers-daho are talead us lité a dock ai hieép, and eéhoou poasitas-for ut t ram v bih tîhogb t lolu grée, <sd in in il-eality green enaugh) there cin e shing as aIl gathercd?7 Are théy tha tva grs-ét stars le aur po. titicil galazy abat are Ihua o ulps. ail otites-sl IfRch lm thé caséit is higit tIoél tare oves- a cev ledi.but if ve, haȎ Do lesf th i ituan p- a batte- aliati fthingi.te -sIguoté poules%1We. géihe- sud try something marec os-dtablé. Yours Truly, HARMONY. nTUE ASHBURN OAS," or ais véar C4îa. Yuwjs - PrkAnes isdlr. 'Mtîi, lumte i4 (fuil1ofiînte-cat te all vile tion ai South Oxford, bas had aietu. n flcence upan aur proîmelial patiticé, than any ather LIppes- Cîtutidume rural ridiusg, Tho man vbo vos xpoutént of -ils ine% goucé mand. Who so grélyas1 asaad ine bou ieg,up its réputaibti. buamcptétiottes- duties as acérons aid- more honorable. Tvo geatlémmn as-e e.v héefarthé rhding, é ,é f -oh out c.fers -bituseli ai its reps-. seutatlvW. Ta sustaits ils infleentiaI char. actas-, h heloovos thé fiýpletb dâooée the lest and aleist men, anal cas-ciel shaulé évaiuy élaiflor ha ted tno imare pa-tiaé.- slip, nobiésOy plaga aboulé loend hlm té éémé IoanusunwWie dcision, aril ast s s Wthèbse olsservatocs, srmia, yos> vili penlia permypit sue Sa méti a fév '-oaswhy 1, vho hélleveî tnyael tao hé a losit eus. Riess, du ontgive My>'sup- pas-t té Ws. -hsr*,-aýt, ha l-pur forth as a Refos-m candidate. Some of Ibéseý réosous Mtu a' e 4 - I'toà tsý pinions of yous* ove, buts4pço 1Jfoel ssiid it is, yur, dedkq ta(0praoIae thé etatasta of the ffliitiirs-afflivé ai péruocus - ca"p, andsem u t s suffars aaîbing tramaà fs-e icuoon, I teus you vi létheint au inertion. -- lu aie -fis-tpjlibé, peiêsut me,, air, ta, notice a fév atgauétlts 6dvasceéd y Kr. Farewelrs, fs-badisnlbis bhlit. Fis-su>', îlay asst that ho bas a etaitu upon tbe Raftsmets oh thé riiugï beemusé vhén under thé auspices ai the- ratas-u éonvention, ha came oct lu opposition ta à îr. Mos-s-han, té mt ils réqeess retirét lu tuas- ahfMUr. bMovtt. >Noa alarge nutu- bas- Woé aké%Iis stutemeni, £5tt-situe time tuas' ils uîter ïsuédiîf Ms-. as-a. *éeli réalséal, only amiés-à agerai eaunvus ïad à sssuW h imu" LIaI héo lidcot the luuLtip.uI Eléciionu. 'IOWW OFYRITIT. "'it'b Rotri. tha8t jack Utit Sncb la thé subject ai a lecture annun abd ta bc delivered at théeMehanica' hall, on riduay eveing by *Mr., James icOas- roar-'Ter-y Finneogn"-Ma fas veouées mus bavé hoard of Mr. MoCasraîl, au; a talentetl vrités-, hdimousist antimu- stcian. and many, wo are sure, have bée fs- iétly dclighted with th é gms 0 ÃŽtrie paetry, sparkling fsrn ieipen, vitieti héha* cotrlhutéd tathé curs-ont lités-atirenattvoday. NVé havé not as yet homd téepleassr if lhearing Ms-. MoCarroil #sff 1êctnncr, be-jndging from wviatouir bintitmpor-mnsi ay, bts bs-lliant succesu l hi is fu et -olitarute ésurpasss-or ratites la a blendiego aall i other spie. did talents. ThoeIfiémilton Tima s seak. ing af his lecture in that city fût veet says: "6Notwiffistanding thé mmny attractiéne ofl'efé l' y fthétiroýdînneti mnd thé lus-go gathern n thée «ood'Tempimru;' Hall, un excellent ans"i discs-mieating au- dienceé gréoted 'Tors-y Finnegan' lest night, Thosé 1vir vas-eprésent will cal 5acon forgea théi énterrtinen% which Mn McCarrall fus-iphod. . lus lecture, 'Thé Hanse tisat Jack Bnilt'waà " delivered vitis a fneénesa ai élocution'-vhich provosi thé speaker ta hé a miai oftoste ansd cdu. cation; thé effort witss chractosizcd hy an élégance, inish and 'rilliancy Ylilci"t u o'neceprepaaoméd thaîo wha l'steti*ý'-- andi thé toast cordial atuplquss géeed oves-y sentence. As a futé-player,., va réitératé thé opinion advuncer! aeérîl' daya %go, nîmely, tisai Ms-. oCarraîl bas 60 eqals in America; hlm oxqnisfte tinte abié-viti one fimed, a toast eTal-ot and iffilcuIt selecton-vualouélyecarud- Ithé lecturér and moalciae, eviéé ex- pertendileg tîncoeo fuaure, in seponcing ta thèse marks'o!& ajireclation, hé vas micas-éd iii ovés-y solo, It Ia t austh mon m 1Mr. MoCusrolthat thaso wha love visat tupu- adlwitty in literislur-clé. vr.ting andi légitimité le mut;lc-shnuld turc thein attention; (ns- hbla Isthoast proinising eitnéid-ste vo h'eoves- haî!thé pleasgure ni li'tcning ta, anf bis ell'ortsarnse culcuiated ta accampliefi mucis sobstuntial pooil. We inCanada are toon ptonc ta en- courage, foréigts of hall thé talent, rather thon patronize thoso whom aur 'owe Psr- vioc. sitolsi héps-aifsé ustaining-the literany and musical mon %vhao lives are uses inl thé furthering thé intenegts and r3fining thé tastés af Canndima. Mr. Mc- Oas-ral ha. ressac ta bhouansfaibis suc- ceas. We cangratulate"hlm sîpon it; and thé directons, vo underatand inteed oen- guging hlm agaile éhatiy.« Thomélaua rare troat in store for us for Friday évening. Who holsted the Yankee flag on the Qtueen's Birth. Day?1 Abraham Farewell at HAR- MONT. And honest, loyal l'e Pierson Oir& it o'w-n. - South (Astis-la. Thé ecly daubée, thing #e oeves- uw lu thé' Findiaor. 1-i Thée udidatu -for thé Mayaraýlty ms-e Méste. Rugir James -Micéoneli, and Nichais VW Bioun, as aIs-caéneaucét. Bath are'detlueîlned' 50 go t tha poili. Thit'is'to hé negretteti, for rnat ai thé friands aifboth ms- intiiatè e s-bcof each othar, vwha havé alvuys hithés-to votéd'anti vonled. tagether Selectioea, Thé coutéat, bovéver, 'vo ,veninse. Ici'u"Y rts-lltbéon ai thé meu fs-etly thés bus yét titéo-place il Witby. Bathcandid-, datge-aré o 1r!ts, au lt'il! w à , o ï-- ceptalile ta thé buis - ai the is-atepayers. Luat voolk va gale, viÉt1 éeomédnt. îWali speeches,' oftho cediéhteaw and tfiéfs-s4. pas-tors, léaving le it*th s-lie reapayars ta fos-m théis- cuée épinloions e laguidet hy theis- ovcnubiasei jdg-aeer- TtÊéra ara few iu the tavu vhoeal otfâzela correct opinion af thé fitnesa aftberé- apelivé candidates. Qi Ms-.,,Mconcli's .theorougli ftnecasno it ohetavia«ns a shadoéOf a doubi. Ms-.Brovais' nt i fituesa, kieti friand, reppectetneighhos- anti citizea, and gooti -fellav a- ha ia, is bis one grésas delleiéncy. The position ai <ihief Maglaîratus of ltéetovn eofWhitby, if va votfld hivé,oes intelligence respect- eti-ahroaut';lone that uhonlif eut hé tightty bestoeul upon ovevos-yiéserving por- actas5, 1*4 as-e al ahenvisé -qenlified' *ta dis"uhas-g"a t ut,étieu. As -Wvarmsta f -ens te1p eSs-o Ieyeiî mac thsst earriei thé hoé, no ateas-oy voll os- ifaiîhfutty ho Mu>' mes, 15 nos fista hbeamn as-oiet' Thé argumeont idarmeéx- ceiiéua aocm'in répl>' ta thoiévWho ns-gué le fator ai olecting thé mmyor fs-our thte èoanceil by rotation- Apart front. thé duties aif thé citief metnute la tsyicg thésa'detiés, if ps-aperiy tiscbangeé, réquiré nu stuait amonet ai attention, uaota spéalé ai a praper acquaintuncé itislte dutileaai a mguista» thene as-, many mastie ÃŽof ImIportance ta ha braugithé- itbich may sos-oiy test thé qualities antid sificiéc>'oai a psesiicg offices-. Ou thèse groandseer>' elector ougit Sa hesitate ané put thé qétostibrn la' himsali. '9Hav viii 1 hast discitasgé my doty by voiingn lfs- Ms-. Mactionoîl os-Ms-. Bsove ?" Nos-t/ t*'rd.-Méeurs. Pas-sy, Qibsoc, l and Dr. Rasivoati Meus. Jos it Rch-ý arsdun, N. Ré>-, S. Geose, P. B. Whitlleld b anti Heison Stars- are thé candidates, nair éd. Ms-. Laing déclines. cmiug f«ortt Seat/s Ward.-Ie addition teate oté candidates, nomisnatedtaas a yard mat- iig, Mi. John Blovwvaiseluput forvasd, antial l va héeliove bo la'a poIL Captais> Rave désirés ta retire0 fs-oas tmting any plas-t le municipal affairs;) but the 94apnl-a ors-éSas-e t100valuaisleA ta thé -riayere ta. parmt ilm ta vtit- tira* from Ibm aorporationeut tIs juthetur. ' Ris ses-vices catSM4i l agseissad va 0 H'al-bé p@M ispt hi inb r nt oith-r ssandlog b-h tié or a a -un'on pussure. - CeAIre a asL-An ,ad>us-ed' metin(t (Tînt-adqy,) aue*ieg, for tlw pas-pose ai nioçiuuhing eîiiiéteî. Tlséarmse a, Dastueil, Mr. PaviI, - Ms-. O'D)oov-sn, té.,P lur. fevs-iani Dr G etsdcliné ré-alaection. Ie thé absénce of Dr~ Guets front abs counci ll erthe ralépa>'- ass, ,ot alan.ehfbis ove yard, but of thé, love genérall>' vblUlaise agoat friand, auancablé- fithfnl réproseetasivé, aisé1 'shé'lmehr of theécucl Imiss tram i Iheir netuhés a coustaons géntmais Whoue mannes- vas alvayu - affale anti language1 Ms-. Pers-y and, Captain Rové, theré ls littlé Anubt viil go la thé Conet>' Conéil. In Oshawua thos- vi1i be atborougb chansge, Thé faml tT.epés-aneémens> as-o gettieg up a meeting- ta pledge thi 'anî n - n l r l h s r f a l l e n m a t h e h a n u l , a i the Fusée-miahaving béés> ovacoite4 p s>' Hmrdee's -m>, - vIti«ct matie ilU - cape throngh t0é enemîes lineo-ne a mdeb'1W-a. Thoe CJounil. Hbot las téauts-é treating ha. aso Thoma. - la is repartet tisaI lgond cannot es-osa the TennesscéOn amnt of, ei tsetata, of' the rivés-, hie i itv mmer places'lbas, ,verflovod iras bmnks9, Hoad pactsons" are xaid ta havé been svept, aviy A baIlatiis-aide of h aoe ea- glftl'à accbnnl'eiptedltet.- - Thé «Unio- ts-opa, 5,500-ats'io%, a- ,rnurching an ltbbile. SentI andeariésmata bs-s-tisé vigbt 'plaéq it the rigit tinte, aa *çVwtt.miayb expectcs'lsortly otlésa thé été. a'strbng' [Toton force ta -ce -opus-lté. P.bilh is lu noa danger, Gave-ces-Watts of AIabazsa.l'ast lksc 'e a sûr'Tintg proclamaitibn at. mlin an everybody té, fil -ta ae~ Thé tommercial'-'Wmstsingtan êgeia umuthît tisé iVa anti Navy liepartmaenls bath s-eceiveéd adviea tram'thé éxpetitien, igmînst Wilnsegta,,n e héIntlligence is'E highîv favaurable, and gives- promise' oh' aimait imméediate stîccesa. Thé Sess-éliy 'of thé Navy su>'o t't Porter viil captue Forts Fiser s,~4s vollt;,thnenfulés vii bepre-a~ç oparaté diréct>' aginst WilmtnÃtotm.Uf Gen,-Sbé-m nnoneesi ta tCet? cf Wîs- tisaI hé ntonded ta moiue thei Sutrmnnah river immediîtely and'lcapture' Autgustai. %The nevi Iday itat hae hae. Salrenuty moueli Shes-mac aise ýmysaftér thfr le will, .aswig rouet upon the s-air of (Jharlestaî,' tiésmtaylg ail itirails-ati onunicathoe on the vay. Tise Kchieond £h5pirer of setus-éay- meeoîea sthat thý 'affairaoh i . eoni dges> r uis coîL Goît 211 :. , 1- - Ploke-isag y&a ýAjit lh 71-énasm P. Wkite, Esq.,,' rit cf Ssu,-Beng sensble for til ps-osent. to Il Sinlde m aaWsof itt l d dta- bave ledi tassa, bs alst apohén of,> OL Dogé, b; unavoidéblè, vitti perhapi Ms-. - 41 1f.Sa gts-ir i the éoamty cunél. - Theold comté11, 'with'Ms-. Mélaon, as reeve, is thé'oas-ds-oaithe nova. ' r Mou-s.J . Catuphéli,.Peebaîr Spring, ùfýcso, -GW'bai, WiÃigBI, , sextan, usdawrbs, as-e, vearse talé, Thé-se , oreoéstO 04 n0 luis tItan 18 candidat«;JintuItslg ail thé met 'besa ofthé aII ccueif. lfr. 1Gambie ta asit-thé IMW;ds hiéh Witt maige a changée M théesaps-éuative to e éCoeety Oouncil. :thés-o yUl bée.' xWore c*zmsbing for itli vote. THORA, -IdLsA à aAK - -Thé-W h oves-y lcinatlac for ac'bstsg»,. peaple, hOwéverý d'o nt sûtisÈhendelvés;' mdtigs are tuIr>' -tsi témoin ai théy' weré,aut year, aoefis-, ant é4 uth Conty Councitla , crnséd&-' Thé fotiovin'g oflices-s vIte insaled'ut' thé tast meeting-Of Co mpdawieOe .k A.-M., Whitby. .. Y. Gibson, W. W.O. Nunu, B-W; J.M. Laves J.W; 3.B. BoyaUl, Traé; R. Fs --accy -é.;-«. tlng Bsil ,1. t0.-~ i..HL GreïenvootTylos-, ýJas. Pningia. Jas. "Glus-lie, . r-ule; .W.Oge- 'JClark-elt, tuvre' . Js -Cmbl,à e -es---. Wtsr Na*uv - - 't i 1 in un prolo WA WiÉh 1