Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jan 1865, p. 3

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)A"Ipeo4 d on thei cn. of bis township opposhe ot Nr#- t ad tkutthé seai of M C4 -nwret , mow4 -Car.. FI U=lF 104"t. bringin &l y., IILV* Irove or a e f r.thecou.. tinefi epenesof heMunlefrality, and that the saune b. renda f6t imets. -Les,. Thed. laws thon titrodàed sd iu'm4 a first timeu, snd on motion tii. cOnDsl wvoua lto cOmunlue. Of the viole; tliereoo-Mr. Fessby li t'o cWrlc -Thé coimittee rose aud repôrted tii ]B as uauqded, mand on motion ithe report vus reciwod snd sdopted. The. By4law wus iin rend & seond- and 31urd lime, psssod snd elgned, bytl* -.iee , 6 Mr. Feuby moved, secouded by Mr. Sangst., Tust therTrjiau'er b sud ln heby anthiuad to oe.oe the Taxe. vhlck veto Ievied 0on lot Nt. 15 luin th Brd ooncemuson of Uxhridge -for a portion Of tb. cateof surveyiug Lots 16 aud 171 Iu the. said con,,eofaid townahip, aunotant. ing to $3T7i.on tIbs-portion ofi Lot 15 Iu tii. concesiion Ufresaid accupied by Oea. Stafford- Carrlrd. Mr. Fersahy ,ov.d, seconded by Mr. Sharrard, That the colleitor ln authorised ta exterul t -Iuue, for jlisymeut of Taxes, titi the firit of January, uet.- Carled. Mr'. Feuay mnved, secnuded by Mr. ýCb&Papnyn That the Loeve grant hM. order tountbiqreasurer for the nonm af $15 beiug ,for et'y wàrk perforrned au îthe side.line >botvlrn Lots 1»0andl 3'1-Carried. MU..Chapuusu rnoved, siê nded by Mr. Sharrard, -for leave ta bringà$ba'br 1ev in appoint s'place fer the t In eeting of 1865, ' aud that the sanie Le rendad s t tinu.-Lenire grauîed. lTh. Bliav vautheti introduced, rea second sud tb;ud tîusnpossed sud lped y the Reeve. The Couictl then nojournpd, aine die. A fflte of thsuks vwu t"ndered, totahle Reeove;Depuity.ftoeve, the allier memtbers of the board, sud the Clerk sud Treasurer. pening aiLLe C n ington Town al .- T) ti v c1 1 Il Iwa4 farrually tnnei outiTiinr, 41FL 1 lul. tîe 29uI., t1wi,,tciter iltho titi 1WHg I.l.eifultl> t'eurited wlîtilxo e frzreçîi .tiuuit,,î wth ri arivtv 'il appruirlate lgçinît ' itit l ihe fio'hgvi-ci' ittt z- \%;t NIreî't, .(. Caliîntîtil, E.q, Ql.M P1'.unm ltr 1liii Ituito u .11Iirtu- wi.vttue ero'tiir wjîii cuI titie ' f M le, tue'd ith 11,ille ni',, Jîe0k ot Fitiugtsud lflO[tlàC aier t1li u Aiteltoie ihîtutît. prom eit aunlie etuu1i'ti soti l. W;itilu u11TnY 'lutv, il'(1;,l lout reuder lhoua, ea whe mle t1llt';atilt!f llln',re ire 1 iv4,ii~ s~,ll~ r îtetot, (te., I1lu 1 mupensent I noticid l itf'lle C.i W, utbstAndrtm Stuilî,A,4V-Wytt, B. >.jL111tjl, j . P l a Fj4 C ttlt C. t.K i 'r . erviîn, Atilli i f' of lie I tytîl Aud eerram cluer lttfiuotiai getl'pietiî vîti wtirî'u 1 suit îsqitierj1tîii5 iftera sopt le e tkltig d'if. tIi r 1ti jtttigtilju tI e n.tho tatit.. elcoret i &., M.' ai llîheva- wa'nsu pt- %(> v cd ta 1h. o iur, aiitvl n c- reditalitlo hut'iCintlheaiuê* iiin J t1î'i&utv. lu0ipeit itir tise puce'l", e ti'.lsrtiî ismade ai, fitr Mr'l iit ,st ine at ih e, gieti1,1111 t1iîîîîl îetitre olivte beni uIs ur e.ili:î. tittwing ini hi%. yu'7:Cdu1l v n»W0rdý i., lie bllV, attendI aI ..il tîy, tit iaceîît,î4thi t b;ri, h tpiit l 'fIL lîi irniuira prup tîýitlu til t ntqtas,it: ve Itinei tich tiplessure ilu elaiîîw"5u as er,. or (ul gtl gett'rntit wttnqld i e-I-tir sî. 1 he re 1104tIil O very (,e ;ret'ibl $eM"ier"iletyth 7el ay , iat ýi' -e4ip .itî.sy for thet eeex- *i ,now giv o le Y u- râclous Ijeety 7LieCili .irju.u lt 101rWnVUt - il'ecud Tita, lit.I'rine, e oui! tirtcesa Ur' W 'iJeb and the 'ti îl Ftîle 118114, t 'il t, sud J ia, Ulîial1 oix uwgWýu he tIi ird 'lat jt b teI.yled Monuck,ounro(overa .r Rep byt% l eotiuin OllifitlO, -a.. 1P. Bo-,'sfl'eer, lei.Wh ' lug "Cir ýiiaruli, * now give ointît (ourdi Toast, The ArreY si .ustesoCm'îada" ChuIisa;Il l îîutny Lea mA 64y agre r.fÇ.Kiler repleitlana very able nîsu- er. d,--ltory U'Mriore. - 1 Thie ehainrn I nomcive yen theIimt tout, but ly uîleasua Cl,. lt Iholipeeovory ont pre- sunt WU] itlup n umper t"a'tbll, osutse ou k14 twve .yen aurIaonared sud respota.l u1e~,?>tC. anero lsq., Q. C., aur1 Mre. Catncenu, oa ieiln t0.reply vas sli.d wih threa clhuzrs, the lAdie à rttîli ntuth~le *anie tîtt with waveig or bai.Iltearchtefi etc., whietIl fully oeiowe t hat La la the rigit min i the rîglit place. M. CAnirourpleddoAnàverj7'nteeeti a for lie. seron sud the cmîn. A voe t t Moho Le tsWte u~tiesfer t ut gning. le, noaelkfr ay sMunut tte c all, but vlanî the timêof pa>mnt anue lit voult ilît te bellituiuy onue, se mueli fer )(9. Ibga, 1 vîsI, hlm suceasi. for lie Ix aaîtli go-foi- <. The Baud then plmrrod thei. Ntiouîi AAîthe'n'. Th epe rltig eansue, anti siuytng mii TLejan. ~eAfter the Soiree the posta wors ?Moiltred andt qulte a nuruhor iimalit d: n enjyet tuomtolesfor tva hats ini trîprlîlg eu ttcI glit fiiotaîll o te, tlîitte tidedtheii tîOa brillîlant Seirec over viinooped luntts OOtiutnity. Vusk. EYIL Tfmirs.-3eware oai evil (Laugbte. flhey Lave doue grest nseief ta tLe vorid. Bad thongbta conte fies:, sud hait vord& fotlomiug, sud Lsd deeds finish îLe pragresu. Wateh againat theni. trive apinil thetu, Prsy agaluet tlfin. They propare tLe vay for the eueîay ai souls- >1tîud thicugiit'm a titef; lie arts hIeA part; tUIeeolt Iirfeghi té wlieintmillt iearî; Aînd if c once ItIe sy Cali vin, lia letil à hiîiired rolbertu hn. 1 A French Germ, ,Meus., Hachette, are gomtiug up the uxot maguificout illustratiei editian of the Bibl ee pubimheit. A alf a million ai dollars Las Leen expeud. ed for illustrations. D IED . WVEIR- At lot No. 6, Sth- concession ai Picering, en lb.elOîLt lta., Arthuîr IVellcsly infant cîiîd ai John Weir, Eiq.. and an the. 2 Ttl Mary Aune, dinguer ai the imare, agen twoaranud cicreru NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. INSOLVENT ACT 0F 1864, SIF creiit:mo'if the niliimli'edi re nti: l.vo Itti iiltLiiilte - ointy aif itt; .-in, "il I'tlit hé,tiît26uIi dey ofI ANUAiLsy. li6. t 1vot '-e i'i'ocic, intu fer ttc Illrp,,i. î'i viriie ti tal eliit utl .aut ni tanIllig lit Aitlt-r ,ct' e titînu ti'y îîîay take un ute- tigiîrtaî'utilti-ke lii. îîfoîe Art. l)îî'd thi thilirildaIJtit r,. A. 1sp. JOIEN' Itlbt%,N, îit«CTOR BRIOWN, Xliih ofVite Towî.sotp ofltroctc, iu thîe couu.y O! uIlamrlo. J. IIM iI tFENWot, WANTED! l 75 Corde of-Field Sthne.. 100 Thousand Red Briek. 50 Thousand Foot of Lumber, assorted. AR'PI11TO J. IIAM ]PERIIY. ,làitl,y, jatn. 4,1865i. C i IMPORTANT CREDIT SALE 13arin Stock Implements, Household Fur- nituro, &c., &c. tamIienfaî'orsil whtin.t 1fthe ropettive e s ite 4-. IN. GRAVES, To îw,*1 hy I'uw'ie Àotion, nai luta Nô. In and 2t, Itruken Ynt.L.ake Sîtere, lieu Po'rt TIJUREDAY AND PRIDAY, Jsi narY 1Itiand 111h, 19655. Clue toilolom rlalîle Frt Se. uveil nuihis loueha 1 Itrri lionsi, mi% yeulirti 'id. 1SI i ioo ivtinrt e Cr, olit. 4 Miich noms in *ealu, by Ttaompsen'e tl ,orong fh.iI Lt 1 Ridinte sadiie eud Brile. g Neck-cukea. A quantîte etfrka, raieq,, siu"vels, s«-thuem, anti allie,' artIcles toa ismorous tta mentIon. Ati)nut 12 tan% ofiveil gt timîîtLhy % A luege quantlty cf lima to)ue. i 4liout 150 huaielx ktdney ptuocs. Alio ea ccrai hushelm, întor and tbler ap pies. 5l Fcatlliew,44Iotaest%, mattreases suit beit elotîiug eoiilaIa, n< plz sltiig roea haire. ~ qzn ldroîilurs l4 u car.. 'W-Catittblé h arua ta ., 1 l'rio- ,t, tîe, i Kîtehan seat. - 1 Etgtedeoek. 1 ('uplicrd vitit deaveus. 1 Tabl i vk traers. I Cooklnjg.stuae mlth fataiture, A q ii cf atao.pilu. lin evase punebseo. 1 Chrnu. 1 Kangle. ýý- 1 F;ingiebaMuma 1 S* dairy ablien. CroeRrjsdgas qunc f pal., ma n eremioaiar bouse. TERMS 01? S4LI: AIl suwus cf 10 andi sader,, epu, aboro (liaI 10 unonîlis créditvill be giron fami hiz aOl>tovei ngtas. Ttarsat hm &v fpe i 'ORIGINAL' Croets its Patrons, the inluabitauits oif Whitby, and the Couuty of Ontario, wisbliug tiuem etninppy New Year, with mauiy thanks for ilîcir ver>' libe- rai support, aud solicits a continuanco cf 'their fai'crs The proprietor would imprea iponi thepurblic ruind, that ail goods soid iesablishment, are madeocf the ver>' be-st ma~teriaiui, botrglut ln the vcry best markcts, huing dîut wttand made îxpon his pretiWss in Toronto, are of tuhe very bens workmanshipaîîd Clint lueelinys nua goodte from Siop Mýaie. îng Mirnuattîrers who mercly make [for site and nlot for wear. Illte $t0ek aof lite "OI Nu;Av" '\X RITE FLAG, Io lîte hirge':ut i heC"'iutv. andis lntow Lien gold at prient 'liai ii'iî cîtvcoiiîetilion. Qhl9Fi'i 1-PFItI 'S 01lt) tTAN», No.4, Broc k"st WHITBY, C. W. SWithy, Jan. 4, IRrA. S1tf.1 Whitby Senior Co. Grammar Sohool. T II vinter tcen wilil commence on !tinnilay A pusetual sîteudie af lupilq in rrqtucst- eti. .WI. CMARK MD. $ec. Ilooreof Gr. ich. Tr-dn'l. Whitby dJauuaey s, 1865.t As hburn Fair, e F -inni unIetIerieTaInI' iiuevi 'me lce' at îiat hliie, au Wednesday1 Jariuary 18, 1M6, Utxîi thle tilîjeiWeel,îeýoaeIlutl'e nnilî. There ii ut er'v Inze atiu'aiin.oaistock in* file intnie t e h '"i'liai îî ip. witît l h bitrgIst trwarî. and tnt-ril]l ii il te.u thi il)tet oîtf- t"rnil tittetidsatiom. 'Diii i"iir, frotnti"ietio the Cle lc aicoîuiîaditt'iauaIhi'. n mjii! cller. Aghliii,. Jeu .4. 1811i5. - Ch IXSÃ"LVMTAC17 0F 1864. Tl 1F. ei 'anitl thé nei rt etc ti- T Iedto rt a:t ie Liv 'iffi- "Idoit lier rmetitwni, li ic "omte nI' r hh',lu the 4'ennty tif iutnho trm i IINP>I) %Yîle M'th île', ofiJANUAJCI' lu-t&nlt, t veo o'clack, nuast.; fo(ip iip,tvpoffl tif reetvlug atatenîcîetsa o Lw Id. ipeifltni r ail tt s signe. lu whno fthe mev ieail ewi i%ilti'ft uni.-, lite allure /îet. Tiaed tuile tlilrl la f la(14Y A i.1t4 O)f te Tanait ip tif Uxhetîlie,4 lu fie 0Csely aifGOntario. flieiîir or. r tt-i itl. 55-3in 5V-sL A W. A BgdLau o t«eWaliah a road ecreas parta ù/ Lot s No. i2, in t/te$rd, 4g and Mt/t enmiensof Pieltaring. De it enacted b y Lb. Municipal (Jeune-l ut tLe Township cf Pickeiog sud il lus Lereb>' enacted, Thsttheb.road sre cd sud'laid ont bi Jàhn bLier, P. L S., as a- propose! lineofairoat (roui tLe Village af Grocmoot.il u rar cthîe 5th concession cf lte Township of Pickering, ttrogh ai Na.o.luintke sai t Stb cocenon, Lot Nod -I (l h lîli concession, sud tLe norih baif cf Lot Nîa. 11, iu the Set concession, te iL. allavance for rmil bieau Inots 12 andt 13, la the osaid Set concession, vbichsasiel proposeit lino niay le maerepsrticuzlarty describet as follovas, that is Lt a as>'-Cautuepeing on (Le nantbe-no iiuit of the sati otd . 2 in the lItL concession, ai hc distaxuca af 63 links Iron th(e norih*caate an gle (Lereal, sud enuniug theuce 5. 10I de- gres , *in$eand 94liuks;-ýtbonea .12 itegreet, E.4 pebistusnd56 links; thence 8. 28 degreas, B. 6 cLama sund 94 links-,, Ibence S. Gô<le. grecs, 30 minutes, W. 10 cdams *nad 00 links; thence S. 87 degrces, .4 L ehains ait 12 links;thbecuce S. O de- grecs, R. 12 éhains an! 87 linb;s tbence S. 1degrec,W%. 4 cLame and 50 iinlea, te tLe centre cf tLe s"id concession; ihonute 8,16 degrees, L, 80 chamas, moreor lea, parii te the oaaerulimie of tLesasiti lot, tc tLe front of tLe sast!'concession ; thence &. 16 degrecs, R parsilel, to the EutI- eru unîit cf Lot -No. 12, iu the 4tb concesson, 14, chaînsansd 80 l- 'besce &,42 desree, Z 16 chslnsani 46 Jals, more or Jess, la the-Rastern liuîith le snid lot; (tence S. 16de. îtrees, F. on (Le id. imioemtýYO chah,. (»nd 40 links, ntor or -iss9te t410 front of the ad 4th concessin. -Tev eeuienciug at tlie ttortf-eanaigle '.f Lot No. 12, laInii. 8rd cocesion, 'snd-vusuinig hece.iL egreea, L« BEING the pure juie of f&ý Grape, n~4in iinitely bet- trand purer than al Jmtk#ted Wines.-for iuitt1ids ad per. sons in a debilit3ted condition GrapeWhi iters For Dyspepsia., Loss of Appetite, and Gêhera1 Weakness.. Cail and geL a mple of the Grape 'Wirie, FAREI, froni tbe.ýAgent, JAMES -BYRNE, DIST'ENSING & &MIJY CHEXIST. BUtOOX STREET, WHITBY,4 Opposite BAux ofIXoWTREL. .Tanuary 4, 1865. - '&2-4in .JUST TO HANO, A. LARGE STOCK OP NEW RmPUIT Hennessy's Brandy, . Fine Old Port and Sherry, Porter and Ale. Scotch Whlskey, Irish Whiskoy, Mlt and OId Rye Whirskey, wbichi will he boltl low during Gbrisftnas week H&Co, are iîow otl'ering their extensive stock of'general JCombt, oie Sponges, Pl y cf Mxiirors, Gos- .cst6ratitrce, Pc. ie, Cutard Pcv- Iposesq flrusbes, TUE ESITA9ILS t Bergu mot, RoseCitronollît, Ger. nu Ini.tvedr, Xe&'I aàRSenrny, ;Lemon, Pepprit, &c Evening Star" Baquet, Engjish Lavender and Cologne, (3rl~n Poinade and Oz Marrow,'" Orange Blossom4" a delicate perfume. Gyerf o re-lm, for ehappea bands, and for gentlemen atter sbaviug. e SlmnicBrp. a vainable reniedy for Ccaghis, Asthuxa. Croup, &e. Physitllans orders sud prescriptions ca'etily prepared. As the IlBritioh Ilîarmcocpi," pubiibed under thc Medioni Aot cf. 1858, Sect410,' by the CyeneralCoinni of the Unitecd Xingzdom, ix the only Text Book tsed;,all par. ties de-siîr properly opudd'iznemypaemlitc"fec n ail hi crprt o rnpoueitrs.a lceinlct&ffduel JUST REîIVED> Srup cf Hyrphosphitea for the.cure cf Cismptîcn, &c. COAL COIL, a pure article, on y 40o per gallon.' Rffeozber b9 Iao.e, .Banimter5,s Old Stand. JAMES'BYRNE. WVIIITBY, December21, 1864.' 50 rpJIE1;ubserlérswbe0tojiform the publie geuerallY, that tbey bave just T.opent4d ont tLkir new' stok of generai metýobs,îdie, in th" new reIseo reetyerected 4ffi Brickr Stree.,bY T. M MMoMillan. Tiieir sto&kwilL, >e loed ob.al ne*i sud purchesea mostly for Casb, in th~e best imarket.and at a mmasnrhen trade waa considerbly'depreesed, tbereb>r uavinig nt Icast' to erc nt their purchases. They are therefo, re r ed to Redi lower the rintëCounty, for Cash on1y. Our mo<tto wibe1gMpraàd icrurn5w'-Our stcck mbraces the st and thait var[ed mortment of In the County,'aud viii be sold for G(nuh onlyý, ut priaisdefying hono omble competition. We therifore, witbtit quoting HAsteof prices, respeotfullyr soi. cia etful instpectionofour stock. T. IL MeMILLÂN &C(o. McMblans Bultdings Brïock&8t,Whitbyl Dec., 1864. NS! Fancy and Staple:Dry Coodsg , tREAT, t At a great rediietion from lut months' price.__ M[L-LJNERY GOS!0 voivt emtsOver.b,i 1Rats t Imd ad cu à-"rimed lnels =d lanketU.- Plowers and Feathors, Tweeds and Doeskhiýs.> Ribbons, -Rate ad UvmII~IN R Borders, . lHosi.ry M "s M jN R ladies and Misses Skating Caps, PIsAm clothing, REmdy-made and to order. ADC U4AMIL OC. L and 2, Till's Buildings, Whitby, Dec. 21, 186t. 60 oL RED STORE. LWOK Ba"esotgry mi ]W« sof Frix & t- GEI;TLPEM1ki the Rîauug cauaed ty-lr 4 epace 0asViceOfIi1ce1orsbip o f Ctancery, n' atjt tien ai a sulcecasor, for tv eue his tors. The prevailtulg your, 1 bave reasen te ku y uzr proforence for a ceaident. A residenci dfîhirty yces in thi tyb- un tLe -Municipal affaiu, of v Luvs telcon no taa'cti1e'Part, csui exteudeit ouiturciai itercourn'e i assàures me that 1 do hat appe. y o autogether a strauger. As 1 hure actod in Ocounty nuatt wsuys uglng My haut oxertiaus.to Our locai taxe, asi prereint, as far sible. burdleriug yen with a laild( Jor cieuMM aChare". -so-shail it fûtur re. o ciîA , I hhe i Questons f a preîTlocal 'ClbarSotef, which rorYeat:s kept up gectionial aniunosi. ties In the Rid'mg, having been- fiulyý dif. pased aM, sivili iai, 1siîucercly triust, ,-bc peruxu'itted ta enter Into LIis conteat; but Chat thée daitus Oa iÃŽwc cndidate wviii bo veighed lirrespëectreof aay such conaidJe'- atuong. Pronthîe, usrnces iieLIbave t'0. =evd thât if I shaîîîd avow myseli a caddte for yourr $'gc. a genermge support irould Le aceddme. t1Lhare heetu induced ta present uiyseif b e ('re and. sdnow, couudntir appeal - to o fo"r ort.es.oud iluenitcée at.th. 'fe&ta. caming clectidn, If st forimer electionx, it b'wbÉec atai.- cd that the -issues tamc. edeteeniined vire cf vital importance, vith how uqch- more force rtow might ik be wgeçd tltat Lit grent question beicre the cantristaoif forLiguer luterest and impotsnc<'tban - any tbat bos eer er etofoisnin ted for your ccnsideration.' Wltbin 'the pasi few oLW inV. monts have becu seîtnfotandhave sSm-u ingly been so far' matureîd,thataLfortiyaftei -the next meetinge ai tLeReerrsî roun-ý ciallatiares OfNIHtigh Amerlcal 'ie nim Io for'eat contituttoa4 cbangew to take plae. 8o rapiel lndee, -bave been the strideW vluicb have been umade lu ibis great woe,» mentý Chlatii t lsat 'be M O crmng thon,, 1" tha ta uitos vu a bô to bebrnna day." B 001'1 AND SHORS, cf evcIrv description, ho sand course, new sude-ld l styles, for ladies and gentlemen, Cheup. JAMES BAIN. T IST ta baud, sun amrtment ofladiesadgeuemenîvubet4 ettemed sud J cloth OER-SHO'JAMES J3>flj (.KATIbXG-B0TS, -eowcd, double solei4,vam lined, justthetbing for tho tJk i n4 ims on a coid night, JAMES BAIN. VRANK MMLLEIi'S eea dWaterproof BLACKING. $ave yopr Lestuber, sud kcep y'our f"t dry-i Get a box. TOLISHING BLACKING to supersede Patent Lei ht keepo thc leaîber soft sudmoist. (ici sboy, c Spaniish- Sol Wllitby. Dec. 21, 1864. Cutters JAMES BAIN. Leinpoint cf polislî. JAmsî BAIN. TEB1êS, CASH. Uat

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