Ir Mr -a m e it m >,aunm*o -At 1l1g Prlntln iabe,îlillmmet, Brok Street, Whitby- TERS*1si50 PER ÂNNUXO ADvERTisEMP-NTS! A T, Adfvrtîeaimrtt nneurad lu Ninpair- -MIsi, sud olnergadtnt tha rate of 8 centé, 'oru fie, frett Itstol, sud g2uetepaer lUne, eachl a , , lontaCenau wth avertiaere b! Itoseèr or otltarwlee, t>t4erm teeo ot Muvetei UAI, ue -et bu wrilîog. ]BAUX 0r MOWrREAL, wiItrilY BR&i;Gft. laR. DA ,manager. Y) iIESTEI$ANT)AT1TOtNEVVý;AT1- 13 ,v Shitelatathe lIfiihc ut Mciuutreia, ami thea Crpufrahiii ý ii <ic t t tf litria., &0a'c, e, o, iiuthyj t0. W. M. C' Cwwtaow, ~. C. Il. J..McotL Ionoy lIion «iminilol cOrit Y. Ai. ~ly-d ili.Offler of the flua, Court Iooeei.- GER Il. DARTNELL, - MORMON & IACMFSON (tun rca eod'iu Clhremli St rot, Tcronto, r.C'. ANGUt< ?,ORRISt>N. 1 J. N. ÀAMhSOII Ta-rot, Jaly 00, 1941. JOHN11 V. IKMa JR.9 T~E'UV 'EJ OFII.<'hîWNAND) 1)Plein, clo' (1rhi nt' hufi'îi i«r Cf1 tNTYCîrt()IN ~AlTi)tN I'i) N tari,,, 1lt-rri.dîar mil A ouî - i. lctor inu aliunnrr, N,,tor%.~1,iC OMUIl-nigoowsNewnaIuiblilhia nî'h Street, 1",1u<~. G. Il. DAnT.q£L. TVtPflY IlElSTUAIMaTU tEXTRIA- AF drthnaraliu exnuiiîue ii'liuiiiCar for ARRlIhTEII & ATrOlONER AT L.AW, Offie- Vti riuî lliii'Iîi', lIroi st- i 1. K. CORD)ON, T'*olt'*,FY AT TAW, l Siî,llIT(lU 1IN KEILLER A& LAMON. - C iie V.(onveyrtiicî'<a. t»(,. itu' tiser the cuxii tIlt Ofi, fl<Ima'astroet. tN'lit by. Fe 1-Ard"EII1T. - Grnt îlela. tu o irdr iihie lue<cal e 4Nl, futll n. 4* M. 1IL FAIRBANKS. ,ýSOJCITOR, NOTAUY I'UITLT, dh. hc. OeS5Wa C. W. A Chamrw uv, Xtr. oveyciir. ho.. 'a nuliii &j11¾Tlrnt'l, c. %. V ElW J. E. FAREWVELL, I, L. Fb, Rt. M 13, . A., of tlie Post tllc,<lh-nana, . V. p AiltT"t~ 1 , Att', Saili'jir lui 'Tai- 5eCy,(auvea'ituer, ht. , &i'. 4n l - JOHN lIILTANGiN T. Cl. Farînau'e tar. - 12 Il.*fMe OlELL9 C tiNXEYAN('Ç, .andulCien'înTni~Tuer iii Q UB», ato, , " h)hil, c4le"ýtu"l <ii 0lic uîîîa rten,blla tormme, sui'l 1prompt recmtittiueeam m adlo. A-W. W. CLARK. SM. D. Rosi encoOac on Eut ,of <aruiniî h&GII cdan<a Store, Brock :Sîrûet, W<ithi'. 44 R. J. GUNN, M. D. IITRGY.t)N TO TI tUTII <IM ACL. B. rn iStreet, Wllthy. 4 X,_DR&a1. &o., GREEN STREET, amhin t c. . ilîî toc.AI Tovoemn hpafUbge onsipiii'eu4, xiurd- A. Pal NGLF49 ERCII4I4T TAILOR, 1311CR STREET, LOUIS DUIIOII' RT> ESTAURANT.-Cornar of lorlc aiîîdx Innpada Street& Toronto. Rafreshîmeinte ,1ONCLEEK d8TItEASUtElii WIIITBY J.oowMaa-Towfl hall -lIonyxa9 tt o 'lork. iro14REAL HfOUSE, 127 King st, Wee.t, .V.Torouto. 5 îîy - JOHN. il. WARWICK.- -. ATKINISON à EOSWEÃLL I ARRISTFRS. ine Street, 8dom u!<atbtf BTroetto trpet, Toraonto. 45 ÀltCRhl3lkLD IBARKER,- UMI -et for York sud Ontarin, Not&ry ?atblla<- -41 WitIî caim Prlnted words, 'gut thought ub ýüti rîý VOL IX. GLOBE HOTEL. T rI aboe wll ka-an, <Id etsbliled IbId d prinlee hae lo u rchssed by the enheariber, whecn liayl lwatYs bc fpil ld on land rcndy toattend persoiially uý tewafll.e of Ihiii getm &. The rnnîaee inaheea cnîîveuieiîtly and conforiely iafted up; pninted, raireI, &oi. with Cistern<s a fonft luter t(1washi, andil ecry mNulcrn implr4a'ement ta <unke the Traveller % homoe dinrlîulýiAi4'.and nthe Table hountifnl- IV suppliel t ahi tiiiiCn. Notice te Parmers and Others Liiiq r lahea'î14q 1lvPr'f. ly gillo ', cîlei, ho.10 WVliekav, <dcide (IOuLiiinchc llraîlly lxtin"iil Vr tcta Benonrlii, lIn. 2?7 STAG B EqT Wloem ni attentivel'ii. FlilEnlhove Ilit, stabliîiiianil 1tel le nmd I1'11il. Moro' nri 'i ùr harrel ; MNoeiii' WIIITBY, C.We THE ONTARIO HOTELI. BROCK STREET, WIffITDY. T HF. underotigned liegm e tnfinfrmliha friandem tigit lae ia. %taiken tIle aboya liotel. lsttely kept hy-AMr. l)ea'es.oend truseVint l'y ostrict attentin eloi lîucilaanîd ta tie vaiita f hie gîtiriltta, hv kecphig n firet-cI-..,, table, vd nne bt thie beRt of liq nIIlle iler, ta mnrt a Il igre, aif public pstroimnge. Thec atailing and ,dacil-moom laif it rbet descripti01.1 laia aenrful aîîid ttteitita <)tler wyul bealilveye faniid ut tua lact. JO(SEPIb REUIlJTTO!A. Wlîitlîy. Mamc<ei 2,1Q14. 4. 8 1Y CANTON IIOTEL, - iii5<oC' aaaUi oINa iii'i, PICKERING.-- ------ tbeî Por. 4ierry, îand 1 ccnaîhi o mvlee 'for «ii n ek, with t< e itet lW. CUTIJBERT, 'r nic u 1 estfirinil.. 4tq-$nî ýr, and loris t" Ilire. --- -___ - A. ALEXANDER. IELRB TL tIi. 66-1.rlr niidersiuried lbeir te nfor-m lîir frlaîude .1 aiti i L.eiiliiic that îhaeyhelen'.hcod tlîo, E - ()O U S 1E,% nbnn'c weILlkiowPami, whore tle traveffine KANIIt.A.anad ittence nt *11 lu-ira. The t&bla graývi- lSAAt FE~ON, da itli e"amrt1in il îî ,eîmoi ; tîio l,'ir eup- plieîd wittu tlie'iiet ilqu râ gîiad taliug and Priroo.cverytIlitcg dean andl raerlv. -- .iAIIES bh11 <tERSON. «in- liquiflme,t annerhonrrom G8 (EORIGE iFIEIi-'4iN. - --FARM to LEI ~N HO T E r.___ a aRruri r. WraitTr. 1 hAe-100 mecr onI io.4, lirthi' 401u enît'rl if <he"".ai oiip<W hili t'ilr<.i. h' lcmm earl aliiin iii te <f - - cùtlv,îiîun.Tliii' ,er î'icu<arumc ii-îe with- IOR 11O11E, IIJTHY, fil two iihius'alip <"ua'îta' Tnwîî of Wti. 't'ie hsrî.h la îof the l'e-i.îîîi<'.Rii w-l t -ur. «<cT. rai-r-n eaiit r. Thigi lauii hI" -e au.1 'go'-l hinmi. 'l'oa teli, ai<1iateîh i Tlesalînt end ,cln'erii îirvii ' it ic1rîiiei l lie ')fthp iwii, lau lia. fronut rond, lit on fai",rmIlc tî'nuî <iai for îrun'lie"s. C.a.îAIi)j< nisc îtler. 22 '1'tliilAS POW< VICTORIA fl(TEL. w I.L.iA MilSf<1TT. l'III'itI ETn. late Wi. Il') 1<-uua.27 ANG(> AiERCA JOTEL. rue-are ttetut. e ubic i e iii ia al. (IIu; l taluliliciti uul ,aI l'm ln JCtElN ilOCCEilhhlhl. -Grand Trunk RailWaY lt. t ll ic l iie eu'rof, t i-I"triveIi'tirl -.ldr l' 'ne. aîîd . n' lun.ei i iir- in l tii.he i l hi luri ' arliénm.Ii,îc, a'niiiiIL tlue aimu mal "f tic avlilira % i<l'e i 'ir a Fit or 'ail. tbond ileuiiE, n! nrcuiiatuioti,,n. J ANIEI -P'IlNGTI.. WIiitl)n Avril 27, nii 6 ERa'Ilt E T Ti'r. arr- r. Ke St. J.os<recurvel, ice galr< lac eeiifor wcnr. £ererrpticha Werrsiiaeu Nota pcy.14 tI. iii -isirrneij<i«made lit, on thle e1ln4t o-.l, vtic iî.î qî.ty iîiîtir i l th. mrate-lnle All %w- tonde t «irof!o <mroia.e VAIS & rITER11ON, p 11M11(aT d-îir'.t)lîaw lte ihe Post 1 ic.-E'lt neo n Bîîîîl;. - 47 FE14X DROKILAI)D, ilil and hî 'î"itFanv ;«î,k-, No. 7 ~' K i,,. Eau. T,,r,,ni<. 27 W 0 0N'S HO-T EL, rHtENIX FillE ASSURANCE CM. ES T4BLISJIED IN 1i712. IfLLI<Exli. !îtFV-ATTh'& Cl»,&sr.-nta lot V<ý- rautI«x v FIlE. re I ('le ) t h fTera.i fi. îiid.< . I irm'ca a l.SEStAhl) wifle-ut rfe iolitiejrd'ai AgenîtE - INSU RANCE Tf 11.nnii-mcir<îf'ets boui wcOi;Auiie nt inathula haelity fîr tlîe f.,ilowiur ira-'I linenr'tiie ti< Ipic n en-uiilu!f i.<reparcd t) Acccp li 'ee- ire aind rn1riuie- Thse Ediealrgh Life Asurcaice Compinui nmuaectiel nm TI,nita<acrin -e pith@: a.' . dcA. lgnei45 BritishAflrish Anucrîa, r oanyavr Âsmurance ("eteiol,nnn tesl il«IAWAEinlîmacitii a capItal of 20 Million. of dohlarrx. WOON & NiROTIER. North Britila ansd Mercantile $ 2 1 00 00 . Pire &tLife Insurance Comey. W. R. DEAN, Wtiittiy, Sept. 7, 1812. 85-ly SIOLICITOR, &c., &c., JIAS IENIOVEtI bisLaîw Ofiep, tri 0nîari, 'hiarnhitr, ~Oins toor -hoithi of-the W Ilitby, janu. 28, 1862. THE ROBSON HOUSE, (LT R CIiUT<E'e nor01,) DIJNDAS STREET, WII1TBY, C. W. GEORGE tOOTSON, Propletor. T [IF ,aurlbar benrta annonue thiat lie hie lot-îned thie building fformcrhv k'uown ese serirture'oq Hotel. whheli hiiîwJnu'e7n rein'ateil, roftrnishad,aid Itted op thronighoat, ln thie hast orfetyhe. The prerrileesare leasiinthy at- iiied. a1ppneita tliat P«lt Offlle, anad hn thei cen- tre ai thie Townu. Tie lt<iway Omnnilane cahhe at thea iote sud the tage,, for Uxbridga andl Beiunerton leve tie dnor ovcrytiiomnlng. IBoard * par day. GEORGE' ROBSON. Wlhtby. Ms-v 18Soi. ci 4-CALL AND SEE SANDY I1 H£Elise taken the 14BronalslIoas," in Brooklin Villiae, wbira lia willhe lagad -4n me alal hie friande. 'J'ha pracihes are volt fitîed np snd convenlant, sud tiie acommodet- tien goud, yary oood, 4# N-tor ho e e et the confmit ofmain auci bornea llmlf. lisvlng beau prcmotsd 1te vel * ut"ddBoiss At saidy l a ui yonr eet, -sandy'e table le tho bst, Sandy's gooo4 accommodation, Can<tbc ha t Inail thentono. The nieroum frinds of Saudy-il, Areasueod te giva hie bonse a eal. Brookhlu, fla. 23, 1868. '8 ANGLO 11OUIE, W'. l.gom0E, - ' roprieter. ~T~k178OT.a.aA Ca .haea toeal . m -- Iligke tithn annonnt cf' $211,000 vilPiie taken ini any ncrie k, on spplietiruntri JOHIN AGNEW, 42 Thea Compatiu ' Agenit et WlittbY. BRITISHI AMERICA.N EXPRESS COIIPAN Y OFFi'E-Rroela Strect, tvhithy, vie tdoor 0 to Reg%try Office..-1I E. E. CAMPBELL,4 Agent. Aeent nîso for the ZîYIllontreftl Ocesu lteamship Company, snd fer the Glusgow Lina Steaner. Whitbyr, Apiril, 15 1884. 20 DENTISTRY! rrup qnbseý lu tn inretuming hIe thînkp I.afr ag ýrreliet ainfomm the huhabi- tantà of thie Tawn and eurroundling country,! thiat lie wilh li aippy ta attenîd ta i or dan* entrataed te, liacara. Teatbh nertedion Goid, Silvar aor Vulcanized Ribber Baise. Tceth filled or axtractei n the bet p.seihle Mariner. Particuler attention pald ýta the regolition of Chidr'&Toth. AI b orkwwraute. - lUXDRIDGE ROUIE, RETUUNXING Tu in thha pla, ,aîicito a eaU, t ram hie old cem tow an sd thia1 pblia geuarsly. ;Odio. Sncmodethou, Wi good 6$eihuîug, sud an ut- tentira Otlar. JAr MES TIIȐPSON, 21 4M.Prplt, e El-hOlE VICTORIA 1ROUI1E, JOHN SPURRILL ..... P. roprtiMorn T IE enheaeribo e irset non 1 1*1 TMrinde tlist ha h4 nov csrrytug'on the- aoeh thl n lat lie à tipplias none but the litat of whîier. liqoore cigars, snd refteeh- ment,. A wel? cupplioci tabla. GogdaikU31n ud auclmead yard. JONSUt-L Whilhy. Oct. 4. 1864. 8 DOLPILIN SALOON, EXT TU TUE ROYAL LYGEUM 'Xln9g Sftreet, Torointo, g-W Frae Lnuob eYer? Splendid Farm for Sa1o.« hAeiiq cotnloaed of Imr 1 of lot 10 OONo. M. in the dtli concession édf Pick riîî-7ace lerd hrai& a arge, roonîy 1lwl-011 wIl cie, ta, pnp, unge yociiý, and gondl yioIdnc oreltà rd, Aily, ilb #Y I IeVe, pro-pald,) te Septeniber 19, '1ffl. M OEYT0 EOA FROM $9800 TO 810,000, For 8, 4 or 5 ycarai ON IMPROVED ]PARMI! A TA LOWIVRA 7'OF 13WRIf". T HF eiieararlaalo Agciat lar ai <mp5ny, whn let M<uuey for trn yeare, nt 641er centi oni Fairin propenty. MORTGAGES WANT1iD! rp11V'î. ea~î lIa peîireil w puohe l liir a-airea ou Fani r<rpert>'. A pflyi(ifhbv hitter pre-paid) tii JAMES IT1oL>EIN, Pinne Aibert. -~ OFFI('F.-«lp ai, <thieTownu Hall, tlic'e iluuira nrrh< of iliauridgre<, i Iael. 1 b'rince AlurJiuie 15, 186-4. 4&1 2 DIVISION COUUTS FORîtTill COITNTY O0 NTARTU.# N. . %tit"y....... 2.iieterii ......... .. .....uî <.... 4,.Vl'.a .'r . . .' .......-u'r... Janu. 4th, 1865- I 46 5 i1, , ', Ja*2th, O"l~~ ncof C. 0ug, . EAR RINGS. FINGER RINGS, LOCKE78, CHMINS, .JET GOOD ~e.,4<. S! lryie, For Rin%, endllrcee, lu. Isage uscorAturient, înc<auiag the PATENT JET CIRBLE A fashlina<itc n a'ta'. IleiihnegoakBmooclies ,I"igisti rlilsil lIriiocliai, and Far Riaugo-, Gante $tud'- and l$cerf Pina, !n thelt ntctystansd e largr ,taek aof Alh of wlichWil l a fcand raM l' li luriee.- JAMES JOIINSTON, Watchmaker sud .Iewelipm, hp"il 19, R4.-- -rok itrett, Whitby.1 umstH cou] FIOFICTOI.'"ý iPcoa amaaln nd aiattafltiia ontiomt. 20 nOandeu1 E...1.V- RAS, LIL. E., - Ui,:-Toronto , -, Iolotc*lu <'hacary sAnd lusolveey ~ 1~Sp~Sof Ooi L.protemieon lu ail the Uppar dIret s h.avy~ 1Mgl:o-ves, InBotter taban ln WH. BRY»T, 844. 85 . .ý I .Il1I r 'SMI'J1VES 'ufcrersu-llrMotive a val- iplon for t*i."cre(if Cou- îf Brnhbte . 11 at troet s(frolnIcharge,) byp'eand- WAILT A. WiLS;ON, 4irg, Kiug' ew MvYork. P. ]ROUS, TII- DWV$lCiN COURT,- AXCTI9NZUE. Addrexs- ÃUPRILLE BAND,$ [MfAX WINDSOR, MA 13A"eHI. D h< bp to 'îafbrmtheaIl- if qle tuty of Vietoria sud tiho a4â Oa penad the. i ately occupiod liy sdIt ti.d sud iureilh- elUd every eOuse- sMd Glgre of the vïï etlr OIVaR l *fend Prim aAI e 3-1Nov. 11, 1844. 47 REMOlVAL!1 J. R. PILP. l A$ Ilmiovard lits ADDLE, YHARNYSS . ad TlUIMaNtIftboroth 9>Woit ide Of Brook Street, laecly opposite. leinges Store. To thne nlie goueielly, iand iiiy coîtomars lu petea, ata a cordIal nitaotio eaul sud 4e me, tud iunpet an EXCELLANT STOCK< Of any ovsan afsoture.-ly Flour and .Provision STORE,9 .Wlnc keeps eonextautly on lignal o Plour, Brau, Shot., cornMd- >.Oat«-meal, Oùt, Peut, Mdon Haetr- n" ui, Applef, Fotabote ha uut fna . plsas corner of "MIE-& DUND&I STREETS, Oppoit .t pontOf"ce. WbttyDo. , 164.48ý iofw W- uMZ .C. L41QId lea Bon. J. A. Motd, .P. P,Gonsl Mie ýPcelîlnt P f the Commi. Buek,Kinpton& The AMent 1B. & A.Fexpreai <'-ilpýy, Klng*iôn omaearai. Krlipatriclc soh în*on lB. J. Csrtwiit, o., M.nP.kl,,Ng etn . The Hon. (George M. loulton. M.L.C., Cobourvg. Maier. Chwett & Co, sud Mlesr h& 0o, Toronto. Bolio & Adanm, &hI.llnel. Toronto. "Clîse. T. White & Co., Typa Fondors. New York. 84 Farmar, Little & Co, Typa Foundoe, New Yo-k. 66 T.&J. W. Jconh&CO., LawBook- . iellere, 'hiladelptila. 64H. P. & eX. H. tall1, ]looksal era,- Pltflsdolphin. 'ý Ray &h lirtthoit, IAw Bookeelles.ePhi- P. T. Ilînnii hCa., Toledo. Mr. Webster, G. T. X. R., Chienizo. 40 GEOGE CORMACK. L UMBER. MERd'ANT, erpanter, end -norar.GrnSt. Whltby. A largo qnan. titi ofsl kinds of lumborcousteutly on baud. UNID E IR T AKXI N . F NEA aflîs euppllod and attadad lit Funtice. (<offnp kept eonstantty en band. 0A fleairs. toelîire onIliheral tarie. GEORGE CORMACK. 1Whltby, Pub. Stin, 1882. -4-171 WHITBY BRASS BAND 1 Whltby QUADRILLE BA.ND 1 T IIE abovte Bandet. (eaaeyo aehr .1 aaeare d lt to fnrniali Mule for Plc. nhon, Ssfesl, Ho eonerts, Balle., n resodal ahie ternie For tommes ad ongagamente addree- J. WOLFENDEX<, 13whftby, P. RUSSELL'S HOTEL, Ctueboc, Mml i 81 WiId Laîids, forSale.' Atow soel r soWlld Lendsa, ln the Coonlani Otaromsd Vitoria, viii hsj solM at reusiaila price, snd long ternie or, peyrneutntAppicsans Addreuod tb thoe n1. idarulgued, *ll ab wihpri ptattetion.i J1. HA>! PERRY,' Proprietor. Whltby, Oct. 19,î864. 4 CAS II YQFOIL ID iS AT THK Stone Tannerïy, Pbi hi tby ROWEOS STONIE TORE. Fort WbtItyO4, s.1843.:2 Brookliu DrugStolra. D BAUER ln Dmugat, Patent Medioineaa, rookl l, C. W ,1863. 1 TOWN -OF WHJIITJY. 1ueot b -Groea houliderse1nd, wbo ey uvithout io obt wl nable fy or wib twmat- 14yon. Ail lotte» 1dued Information no quetion&aRkcd. ùî B. ta', 1-BÉ*T, LIEP Co., New' Yorl iLUourt of th e Coitof0lntaýimii iter thu dteltd hIîv-1Whjnbars et',ni y C. C.G(. o. htiyNo.28, 1884. -46 GROUEBTBEN& Co., PLAN O-FORTE eauaturers, 499 BROADWAY, NEWYOWK. TE attentlon cf the Public and tho trada, le iuvited to oer 1New Seule 7 Octave Eosewood Piano9-Fortes!8 Which fe oelumu sud purlty ara ur.ival. led by ltuy hiteîiteoffoed iu thie umarket. They coutà in al the modem improvcrnentd, FRENCH GRAND ACTION, HARP PEDAL, IRON PRAME OFERSTRMN Aal eacii instrument bcine macle onder tiie persoual supervhuiou of NIR. J. Il. GROYESTEEN, IWho abaild s practical. experienco of. ,)ver 30 yeare lu thoir nusunfuture, le Wanrantedinev*ry.paxticU1l1x TRE "GROWVESTEEN PIANO-FORTE, " yo<~frd tii. -hlgiiast sWavd of matit over ail otberss& Ibe (Jelebmted I Wiiare werq axhubited instumient% Iront the-betmAkhrsof London, Parle. Ger nsu- t*o1n & >Iver 2VIedaai Fmoni botli of wbihich n bc seau atouir vare-rooms. ny tiie ntroddction of lmprevcmeuta WC' Anal by 'amnifacturiug lemgely, with a 1 *t2btly -cà sh ayetem, are euabied ta ôffir' mha itr,uet at a pice wbich wili praciaida competitleu..; -1 - jý - No. 1, Setan Octave, round corners, Ros.vood plain esas, t275. - No. 2, Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewoo<i haavy mou1dtng, $300. No ,Saven Octave, round corners, 9=oevooALois XMVstyle, $325. NaIt Cashb, iu Crrent Fonds. -Descrptiv a.lrs gent frec. 8-> - WESTERN' 'ASSITtIRKNOEIX)fMI'N y - OF C.~NT , O'W.. OÂPIT!AL, a 000j INOGPORATED 185. Pre<den4 ri«V ret#1ent. 030. bftOi3i1, Y.q. XZ RBIN, EUQ. v MNEJAR 7INEGARI!1 TilIE UNDER.SIGNED IRAS FOR BALZ .LVinogar of the betq"aity, imnufeetured by himiilf--ou tha praînitçet Dùnda.% Street, W hltby, onuedoor we.f(1 ct'rsdne Sold in largeao cmll quanîtlticewholasale snd retalli. Buy;tchcap, ansuell good or-. tlle,-an arIcltund by eiuî) tceto libe the bast avarprodticad In tbotown. MICHAEL SCHNAEAUTPo Whltby, May 9.18612, WVISTA-R'S BALÀM niu 31E< razl)FOR 1<ÙIIlY ~.HALF AÀfJFNTUR Y, 41 Wlth the anot 8atoiti4lah n uc âAlu crl1 :WCougboi, Coldeii I-Ioar §goue, SM Th ront,Infiueugca.Woopluî,gi Croup, Livor Conîpilt, Bome chitioe, Dimelulty OItErenIk. iug, Asthme, and evlty Afecio0n of The Troat Lunge and Chott Thora la pworely ouei lfl.4a l'Lw. It oL J.acqled o la- r te m g W. ilJ, saiCo.,isg y hîtlrl. Ost Il &UTOEE e.,' WIITBi, C, W, Klng Sreet, Toronto, C. W. PRACTICE, wI nbioleU n uit-; to tha eqolran<nts oftho biftucea anma- uTa of ý2à forthAels The course ofn titon omra" o a., uren. tla BookKee;ini, Baùk Bock-CôIfg lb &Brokors' Is Gomimmehg-Va pisations (lcling the prýUCIplsu of ,7ettlîh Compati- thon Bae<naee,) Penmsnsihlp, Teagrapby end Phouogratphy. Staff of Teachernand,]edh'ro*g Mfr. flX, Iiitrictor i bu ehucl ona fAa- coopte, GomoCiahClculatloui, sad Gomir.' nii orrauprnnuca sd'Loatnrer on -BnulIi Doas Gostoine. Mr. B. SIILLIVAN,M,.l ersaLeU' em ou Commercial La-v. Mr. BEN. B. TOYE, Ohiof (Operator in Mon- treul Tal gah Comu' fto Toronto, J&, Mr. W.B. rt O~I instocor u F mw grsphy. Mr. DA'Y hiqe ach y'lastire ho refcrring taf the foilu*ibp gantlemnu -Réas.ELJ. Greauet Alaxi. Mprmv If-q, of MoffattMorrar h & Co., A.k.iMoitr, Esq. of MoMaster &Ire. Georgelatichie th Co.; DavId Enoeli 1 irlîà bi, Eeq. aorfEovlautl & Fitchi- Adsirrok Eieq.. Q.G., M4.A.,,L.L.D. ;, L W. 8mth, Irq-# Barrixer, D.G.L.,;Ilion, lain .'- Public eoeMto,, Eelp. - JAMES'0. DAT, Practical Aocou'ani_ý,Torebto, Formamly of LqudoZa,?.glsnd, IV. B.-AIl pa;rticu holding,,IdvertlplnrwOor eignad by Brynt, Mlratton hCa -or Bc. yaftt stratton à h DRY. Analcouterslgnag~byJue 0. Day, arc o eahy hformd tiattlit sma v*Hf b. radaemeîl by thea undosignad. ý ý Alan ni ttdons hldig eoholars hipef eiguad'and Mnuterslynad.-n th'a esune îsîunerf' - aind Wehling ta e.amplote, or revisv thaîr course of studios wita Mr. Day. are notified thst-tney aundosa st an? tUaefroc et eliîîmga JAM1ES E.. DAY. z ! - -75 -