'n q~~-: ~ '~---- i<~1k.~L *~ E OnU 1 . 51>dÉNT8 A TEAR #h t rsüyl Jan.uary12, 186. Tihe WHTBY OHON 1OE ent era Its si 7 yea vithisis lus, Ore'proper À.ofru vilibe pald te cur patrea,.asd- frlmua-..d Our ensiles t tees cu AS ibis alectl@a octateal.evoTr. -AEWTATION. MFareveli believea iu exuitemenl -ii great 'deal cf îalk sud agita. tion. Thcos,-riith him, a gcntlémauîe latanding position, <or pnivurte virtîles timouai tnleuitiag cornlared wiîh hie qualification fer being n braw-iug par- - ia, - - is Real what wuîssaiut the nominalion. ZIfty thouisaud Yankeesi. Abras Fareveîl's bother-s Glony bele gealoà s-aloctaret that b, vautedtot giatdn imebiheart by seeifig flfty ticusanti TYank... eemiug ceea udt Jculli aIl the. Britoas in Canada i1 Tho Conservative iVoe. Of course it goca for Gis ; i je iulwaymsoeuthe loyal ide. In '54 lien. was a riaae. AU-Ithse Coneervatives cf tà c good Ceaisenvatlvo Town of Whitby, witlu i-e, exception of ciglît pçrous weni for Abrahtamn Farewell. A PROVINCIAL CONrEST. Tho ceateat nov geiuî; ota in seuou. ltie le snxiîously wvatet îreugbouîtbhe lenguii ant i mud b-esdtai- cf cuisfaim Pro. -'Rise ut Six o!lock, Breakfast at Seven.- -Out at Eight. Be at the Poila ut Nine.- Vote for Tht& N Gibbs 'at the earliest opportunity, Runit uùp ybur neiighbors tilt' Eleven. Place Gibbs at the head Of the PolI ut Twel Ve. Sure. And work ýthe whole after rioon for the ?opuk -Candidate, se Ihal bis Election Winl be se- -ure at the close of the POil on the First Day. Do that, Work for Tuesday, l7th Jan. - lla-vinIivoted on MONDAY, EARLY,see that every Eleclor,, in the Riding, is brought tup te the Poils, and records hie name for TIIO0S. N. GI13BS, and the British Constitution. Bravo!1 Work for Wodnesday. Attend the Declaralion on Weditesday, lSt.l January, aI Whitby, and Ihen learu the large Majorily- by which your candidate ie elected. Bravo Orm takes *"Unsekers and Cheese.90 île. hîst thae ban. "Crack'ers sud t-ae. e?" erleil Or.- SCabiagpe 1" caliet!orne miffnievicais body, (pùîîiug bis thumb enter bis chia snd Jus baut ovin hie upper-lip.> Orn vint-e. The questionq at issaeue cnet jtrutli î sdaalvtata lot-ai,hait Provincial -National. Briti institutions vs. Amenican de. mocmacy. Raponsubl o Geommeut anti Lav and Onder vâ. Amont-an Repuilicanism sutd Lavieuess. Confederaiotacf tie Britisht Pro. vrimces vs.-Dissoiutinit , ofcime Unionuandu Âé-nexsticn n tIihe UiitStst-se. Thots. N. Gibbs, is tie cundidate li ta. ver etfiBritihI lutiautions -Reaposibie Govoramest, ant C fderation eft he British Provinces. MÂIORITIES. Bvaren w.eI1'a fionts admit that Mn.- Gis' lection la beyoud deaibt. Ticonu- lj qustlemU nte b. etermined liiiheexact iajorihy. Lutt <a asjonity beose von tii7ofet he occasion. Let t i. a Biitsa MM.Oaaa,, lta t Wit. van1-,tii-a hesu bIod, sud sent à -thrill et deiigiiî througi tie brasaI cf eveny tmue !Bioineal the Pro. vluea-everyvlîare.J bTH OLL8 The. polis viii b. -opus on MONDÂY, tue lItinist.,, n SN 9 O'CLOCK IN -TE M RNING, Lut-eeuy trient et MaR. ÇIP!lS b. at héi.poils vit-aopeet, -- sud no ntunil bis vote ih recordet. Anothox' Point of Diftorence, Fararel gets ail i-he Yankee Totos; Gibbs--Britlsb Gibbls,- ievery Ceoi. Wrvative voie. Tbat's laow i goens. MONEY. Volons eau get money -frout Abrahat uFiur(>W<l1 anti his' agents, by betr.avinîg AI1 they' bold dcear-tAieir own con- a-cie'ncesthciî' înIep2lluktîCu)and self-respect. Who Nvill here- after be stigmatizfcl us a Fare- welmanI What' Parewellis Mover sayua of Lim, In '54 Trumano White neminaio Abra. haut Farewell, suri sait!holiedtgo, becauaie ef tiue W1, lS~Ouethse lecaf. lu '65, lis 'tees tbe sanie service, alpgîiia uaitheiidînei ébat Farewell la tho vorsi ciao that cusîti -bu irouglit ot. -Tiisae are nu concnadîe- tiqu e i, a hi. an, fiusis nianuer. As tie retuo rtM. Giii'e itecounes the mote certailii.henavinga ufthie "Viotica- tort#- beccnansalester sut moeu bicer.-, F'on a spacimea cf the porc Farewell sîjie. ofcmpoitien, ve roter te uhie loadîugi edtonlal cf the Otbava "iadicator" etf the 4th !out, lu a short articeeof lias tia ba( a coîsma, Po euil metoloii - alaganu ? quotaions :f IlDeiibemsbo -miliciens faiehoots," 1' nteriy (tIse," d"vflest And hies ie, how nled uât nbe Mr.'-Faruveib's ease~, vis. resort ilalbatte ot-uh foui ex. preWooais. The, article - fa npriidî tii. 'Vldi.ue,ribut wu vritea b- hier ?-N-,, aomeaing tual vas linith tumblar 1 Orr la tompente--où, aacmckors andi ebeese' -anti a vital, a las Farewell. 'rrying te brovbettt ic Rtnnaaig Offlcer, Tie aulempt, u the- part et Mn. Fane- volant! bis fieads, te inoviiest itheRetumu- imag Otfie-u on she day ot nomination, t-- cet-dtuniyîiîg vo have betome vimnausmet, i oleeticu contes. V'ert Mn. MPata vas a caatiutêfor tcn utiOntarie, vo bat a gantiearan ulie luastigs ; but as muci cannea b. s-id ona hebaîf ofFarewell. Fait- in in Ui iatni lmpite uMI lie bustîisu iii bils own peliticai frit-mati, a tatiy streani ot stvice vas tendanto-t ei Re-tunng Ofllcer as te tht- iurfurmauc.etf is tuties. Eveu Joseph (inuit, oa itUbridge, vas iromgit devu te iolp Farewelb viii iii, pari ut the programmse. Luckily Mn. Pomry, tie Rotnrning Gilficer, ls a gentleman, tbioughly acqualuet hi@ liS es,andt viii b. ulcicate toteby neoaan,-not greta a candidate, on the iiujtiugs, asuthtroogu bils firmuas.-Mn. Farewell'& suteciptsa ai dicuatiu ctampietely t.iltd. Bot GIs, tha tespersue eoorip qi-l. by Farewel spd bis fnicuda te eccume thiuýadcauuage ai êvary poinît, vieuhhn uorabue onrtthcrwse.. Etectoni cf South Otanrio ho ou lb. aient. If triole-y, bribcry, corruption anti vilful misepretentation, eau secure Farewell'& elecîlcu, al ilviii b rougiiî loto play. Tho bout-st unpureiiaable Totems cf Seti Ontarie, yltecite ibis coalou. Ut oycry sucia eleetor voue for- TIOS. N. GIBBS. ININIPï O'CLOCK the poli opens. Poili yoîîr votes at once, 1id tieti WORK. XVork like a man-Iike a I3riton, for GIBBS! Revolnîlo. ho Canada. Tii. New York Heraifth fLe 6th inst., oaje:-"With aie-kiudliag canibustiet of % ercîsîlon i Canada, Englanti is hardij lu a contition le riakt a van viiitiit. Unied tiiae.") Bey havi, the Americaus amive aI the Conclusion tint vu have lu Canada lie " kiutiuing combustibles et a reocutie.",? It its by, asuthriiougi suci hmeu as ABRAM FAREWELL, sncb impressions s g i f - te tie Ameticans, vheu mon v"ose every sympatiy are-ý&merican, every feeling YC.. kite, uvery seîtimea't, te1Âmgt ol ar w-vi AnxainMniets adsubmit t "é'Stg& ars Sut Sipes'" baie8 ftactet noter liait' v"n eu, «e lie fourofetJoy, are canieastes fer a Canaduan eoniueacy-vsell Masy lie New. Yomk papeme couelale, iv be ikitd- liug combustibbes et a Caadisun evebtb.a lun or midt." Bnitonets1,&pau thle, foui idsoter, on oun lojait>', Êect ia mas vitha Bitili bIotd, s and lh ypthe and sashoneet Britiish heanr sud voeuf«i MBOUS N. GIBBS. j~ <~10N as lb. ve bet minu V ststtbestq u Ontari~ o tepreeuttioeii (Grmomnns nd éne f"j TH uelle vas ùb~ chiange ln lspicpe T E NOMLNiATION!. Local infuences ai oue ftrse lnjured W. F«ew ~ el in tui Ritine baît *ss he, hé. - gyil cone* inidoe a idt,,ne-va tetbq Show of Handa Largely l1 n oe i dtdnlfë1ýan r i lbear ,bear.> if Fftor ' lose oit charges shdolul b. <ogotn S anti throvn ss'j' i hb Tecommindod' r X X3 IB O 1FÃŽrewell as 9 miAtI Of ability, lIk.4 W donhibt e uld e! cei'vethe voies ofthe ~ ~ PRESENI. Refomo saÙd b. veturned bys a wf7ik1 o m bie forward ýù~ sait has im unexpeeteti plea8urej bini ohvéfati n cppônlunity oet ui- The.noinihon et canididtOSes fr he. oialtnrGibbs. (Chirs.) BH' bat 'repogentation etf South Ontarloio ok place "teeivtl ci nlfaio ewa a h tIc. lvofetWbutby, ou Meuday last- bat talIon frein Mn. Wiio ith reg'art l John iant Penn, Esq., Begisiran o ethie Pi. Farewelcl, aud b. fully, accortiet vih Couuty, prosidlng, as Retuning Offcen. bis vievethat a fan boîter- inumiiit Tbe-attentau-pe'ese--was a eY lange- havebienu selected by the Retenta con;TÃŽ7; the. langest sssetnibled logethir011on aYtien.1He .gavé- onedit teMn. Whitefor similar occasion, luthi. Rling--aud bis tloxtet- n uaveiding mention even' uumbcncd fAlly 2,,000> pons.Evrty- once cf the. naineoicfMn., Farewell, anti tblug passe fi nllua quiet anti erderly oppenle t twcaat Mar. White bat buaselt. manul',as miti la Ibs ?w-a Ilig udsait!, wbetien lie vas a fit persant ho repre. emiarkably peffeablo Iocaliiy. TIhe buis- sent the nit!iug He (Mar. Biokeil,), tec -tinge venu eocted ou the. vacant lot b'.' great pîconne luinstating liat iehata inctiawly Senti cf ithe Regisiry office, kncîviN Mn. Gibbs 'dace 184, antI duriug and vene fittd up quaito coinfortsbly andti tit pcnioui, neyer benrd a mnosy or lu. wiroeiy, even te tthe citent etfaa tqve ant i sncteila i a! en ilty cf -sny huflalo, robes-on vbicli oun tinaoks, askini cdf triekony Vor tisionesiy. But'be vuli as tics. cf sîl othens vice. dutaca bat!bitant! a great mny tubagas Mid lu compelledt! ilio r eqiain thon. dur'ng regrdt!tte thé.ailier c-rididie-(Iuosr tie pnoceedingg, anc dueo10 litetRetturnitig heuand t!iîgiten>-vhic he onld not Officen, for bis considéeration aud Ibeugit- ancre particiarly noter te. We vere nov luInces, Pneciscly ai eue o'cleek Mn. ata enritical peniet! lu the affaira cf 5an Penny openedth îe proceedilugi by goig cuuîaîy. anti uon et ability anui ite'ity tinote b liaiusuai fortnaity ci meadiug vo monreibt- ver nequined lu the hal tho wa'llt,&c., aftcr wvica uimbens cf tiecforot, 'legisiatum. Thene vas. an m Press, senthle candidates, viii ubein meunse inteneRt nov jtt otake audit vas moyens sud secoeiensvre luvitedtu teuacessîry tiat ibey sîsemtid examine velI stais. Tii. Leadler. Globe, Vrtndici.toa, 1111e viie basut ey trusit . . Iu Obsen'er, Gemutfeand CituricLe, vore all casting about for o ptrn îte reÉresqeut nepraeenteti. -tem in the. legisîstura, b. bepedt uhy A nunier cf ihe usual gag frein tih enît t-elt a genitlemen vim nbc regard!- I'Gloa'yfilole," ant i cevlere, iucludiug cd as a true Reformer. (Clieers> -He ot course thei'insepdiasble oioît-cal Jactl (MN. Bacieill sinco ic.lnti a-erjoined, a train Oshaîwa, inide;i ru.la tn fl] the huai- poor antissulaceu a traie Reformner, anti he inga.* en tic invittion (tfMnI. Farewecll. tiigît bh o atldl jtutge as te viiethen liis is a littk -dodgogo. haey usay practic' otien e etruaiReformera orno et l on stida occasionsi in order ta afhiny trei,-bt nevi-r taken any otli! tan th e . canidates to vina tiey arc' oplios nu, ffruat side, anti ho cosabehdet- that bt whiich thuv invarisably maLnage te tir, as ncuiiee, Mn. Git-',.ha'! laion noe cher val) on ltfRetinrning (>Iiic'r, anti eveny- aide, :1ri tInt il ti v clectc'tiuy insu te on. else c-lacse legitititutot!:dztii'-oblige tiii j - - Ilt'foasa enrinon. if nuotagtho he bc pre-Snt - On 'ar tcatnt-'aba os :î l~eprscrt. Ontias iciiti- -t i hm. ((litena.) Lie othe-,hoe QrI. effecal stop iras loti te thet- mnceinug, Blt .j)nIi> otl not iit-lie tiare net ltae Rtuiruing OffUon', Tory jai'openly, pru. truta;bitt' ,ýcttidbis ovu lite, sud tIli. venitig chers ttontirîso olrvaiyty n- bitiittereoit of the. country' iun tieliants' icnct,-iuenîens cf thic t'mcs, asuit tet oftir. Gibbt, tant ho htpedtfiatt when- ccoraders, froin intrt4iit anti îîîs u t-e insinga. atuajirnuv ot 50() votes,. (lleerg.), nopotedr f lb uteaainti cfcaîa'î Mn. Miller. of lPickerng sali i& e Tht- Returuiîîg Officen baviig tg e tpelt eotin ar *bt' Onu noii'inan sd ho oçted tbey. voudit Il dotes, sud lieue bwig iiiidc', a-Itht-le I o tethpilsuveoorbaOhs> cnevt! Itkiuîi; ou ratier ulaui, tiiv,%'In goarCethel napoe lur MiniuCh4rm) Penrv aske.ati midst ,iuîtilai M.- r. CheiIsrîDruper nteiedle ge Gentllemen, it tlcetii s acandi! i te itueseut D. - Glltilbs cdiatbeinga fit te nepresent South Ontario, i trust yeu un ucîertîai-"plqisie<and1y' soueipumà viiirg 'tiuin, itia. - elnçt f teking. carge hibe u nnattMruifarein tIno Mn. Canuniciriel tolievt-tI suait, sait lî crod-lbt- tenomnae M. lanttrel. seced Dr. McGill. itîcauxe he, eeuld lit-amy Fraudaà -I secondit! o nominti. atmuiniaic-r 1iillî te aMr. Gibao. taon. îfrre-at laughton.) Mn. t'ontan-I Mn. Antlev Annis prb. Mn, Faren'cil saiilubthaIbis vas a dotigo posoti Mi. ("armiciacl, nat mdt nliesgh. ont ho part cf lais eppoents, for thai ho ton, andtihei jet-ns anti grnans efthbe ce'ovi. bat] arnngedt! taiMn. 'Vhite anti Mr. Mr Fsininkç crimt formanti anti va Riîfiutai utio on ; tituaitichre van na-crie it h claer-he ciii! ié appeas'et s diflicuut>' butveon bluiseit anti Mr. bfr h lcos(rtevqfeo Gibbis, as te uhs- Mbic a o ti îruiadnminatibefre ie lether doto l. puee A finit, but tint uow hb . vsreadto gol greuoiat -ing ad ni dictDr. lciiIsn.,- ou if nominated b *v tie propoernantiandgel ilpst ben c i n oim KoGin, secoittio f hîle cnichîice. ham.aic hj . t-Id lu - virv [namîominatlMr 'bis flie Retuning Officer allowe t ohm aul' osmcitcnapî oPi be 1Gis. itvas; fou-id 'tst Mn. t1amreo Abrha tient-. ,q.wa te caseo vas su bit! tisutbtey 'quirel &sc. prepoeot! y T. 1P. %While, st-condelhy r fla>' bat!t1au îil veI;,adoeu'y ftsîsai sa John Ratcifl. Rsqasires. as a fit anti pro- ouian tinut utuellaieesoclis"Or w par nffln ho rppjmnseeal SentiOntrianl espi itrnei.-(, nh Ãovhtte*iLlarl neiiest. t upy h-rmey % -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~i -ad lbl4sà vsbsc iee ~ ~ tcbtgreat plesure lin nonainaUn$ll; *41týý Tuecen, (IT*arbtaar.)- fie nomination waa beeamjse'belý condcindo t, ity vispelftn thlie bmat- Mn Faront-Ill nbuch lu neot cf a godos;e, la lvyc on baud ah eleoci gabenlugaDr.viarci, be whosurtenetaiblehancha cfri eauy le do suy littie tinty vent-te'Tr îiovenasa h.at ates "norninate Gliha.'liepnurtitioner. (Loti!d 14 îe. This wu iuume4iabely doue y he Mn. 1lotider sa(e tint lwu preposeti Mn. R.yli- J.Wlsra, a elI kuovu andti tlenteti tsyIîtu.e man tiaat's coolle a "tloeton, *mimaîer cf the ban, vîio,4 tants wr 'uasce dulby arelative ef Mn. ?ancvcl's veli kro'rn andi sppneciaei îy i-lp. p named eirge arciéell, amidst slaoits lieanti vie acuitac wt pbi et indignation oanti ooiug frein Mn. malIers vas ' acqio nane vit abin Gibbs's so upportens, anti checierei it )ti£pepsai u aoin:mo FareveI mon- -fer luis prepesiag hlm, vas beea4 iho Young Farovell vas naket viciher lia uhoogît îîey onglit te bave as utie loa vas a voter, whici vas fnunti ouitt natu ..-111as oUtil. p gau... & Yea L- mati. -for- the puipese of 1affendiug -th cornent tits iFrrangement-appeanod to,~ ;ecouders su opponlanit>' cf.- uîskng gr alfclaio i loanti wbal. gpeeches, anti noms cf thenik, Itcluding edt -ll heea. anose et James Caninichaçl sud ChnesienMn. Farevell, for vitea bis fnenis o, hampen, especiahîy, vwe as preteunti Yan. naiseti n cheen, thon came ferivard, anti h kee buneombe as ever vore spotateti front çmencod b>' niating libaIiie sesrely ' vl he hu!tîlugq..w e-' here ho boglu, c-oy wte Ianoceeti aa The Rctunajg OHma--it, being .liesonlê-makc the reniante ho hai te sziy. itilura ibout iifps* eue o'clce-ýie-sal ha s tii. li'mita ofliaif u heur. He saidt ual b ions were seiany pensons fo make h. otait 4uedeavoun te s"y a ipticb. lu ieclies.,no leus hase 18 ntIe ÃŽrnintns s t liaiime ias lie coul it vi rfeeonce'toete 'enirs, sat 9 cantiiatia, li. aheonilte greli qîeSuioan oçy',>ef<ie flie opta7'oe lividie lb. ie aniongai thein, sà e 'ai ho andti te m s h*e citte bîddoil4, M byve alla fair chnîe, antitake the. Phow Lsgthhiê- e.the 'ÉuuV t-'oc- .- a tifand 9M aur ,ô c4k ;--ho sbenld i a rtseweillveut en te aangd toy. but lie c iv t tth. 18 gntlemen not more than imtelleul lEltenen ,miut -hay.been vo. pi Ive minutes euh, bmttdivide the ro'main. fnhhy tusappo sweLs4 lo cf tIime bçtweety whrat ho sa 'l>l i .1] He, il ii Aýrt he stann nc.nient vas receiveul viii loutasnti eleven minutes mono in giviJi Msep&o>p ýheer,ý ~cont, (buit. a very ône-sIt ný ýofth Xr.. Nvhtejcilso1p4D ieh n4roîe. >bcnt'h ' tb wo 1Pr, 1lnces base&i upen the priai1'bine. sud là ,y the fotuh'dtions iîad aud Wple cfaflvugt0 .ohr1rvlc deep cf a wiigbtyempire, deined-to oc. tand vent of us te corne lu and ÇUk4t'i ce cupy no uiÃŽsu. position lu thé* iront fam- heu ti*y appt'oved cf it. By lti ôiaý<ld l'y cf nitioh;. 1 look upen it. ns côfrohe- upstitution vpuld ba' abrogated, ;,d a rativecf tbËs greet fact, - that lua period con Satitîstien suhstituted. Ti .wse short, snd smid elcent*i soseconfiict- ýtâ prlneiphw .featuros. But ho dô*eted ing, snch a magnificent. project - sbould ~ta Leg'slattve counecil appoilied by net only bhavé been oiiùtted. -btt so the. Crovu. The. speaker next ÃŽimbled far matured ns liai pià sýnÎèd to,ûýÎn »ie on te the. formation cf the unîeui the po- resolutinns frsmed for the pi:O'p'oseý4 Qýied pulatloit cf Upper sud Lovor Canada, the eration ofith. Biltisb North AeksPro- constitution tnuder the union, bow 1h vinces. Whetiier the measire'bé' ioeked ~worked, -tii. difficulties that iidad risen upon-tram a geographical, commercial, or udifer i t, and tii. criais that brought social point ut viev, I tiiink it le one about 'lie preseut coalition, aur finanelal caleulated te comauwud lîself te every camin burdeus, the' glanlons fiog that braved a sud dispass.oitate judgment. Geegraphi. thonsand years, &c., sud vas at thei- diae eina of the. futie.. .nd tho Anieian fiag. eahy censidered, the. exteut cf ternitory over bis bouse, in Hlarmouy, wheenlbe was etubracet! lu it le from Newtoundiandt! t çalled'te lime, hiaving c.uaum'ed elé#en the. vestrn extent cf tusf Province, ulti. minutes iu addition tei th allotldd haIt maieiy taking lintLe immenise territory te iixur lu lookioX inho the future sudli the e et of us as far as Vancouver Islande, village cf Haruieny. ansd stretching avay uorth'cf nos ote Ut. Gibbs on comlng foi-w-rd vas North polo, comprisiug au area altogether reccived wyiti land sud repaated cheers. equal li extent te that cf Europe. If ve His; fiue appearauce aud gentlcmnanly look nt it froa a Commércial point cf mien andI bis o2rrect enineiataou-cntrash- viev vo flnd that it opens up a fildit for ed favorably indeed witb ithe iungry the. saeof millions cf dollars vortb cf the suspicions looking individunss vio pro: pavdueis cf our soit, sud the nufactnnes claimed themselves bis polii',ml o cer c f Our artisains sud mechanice; anid viev- enta. H. s;aid--lir. Retnrniug OffBe aud gentlemen: Yen have listened pati- iug ih 50015117 it unîtes us vith a people eutly te vb't lias fallen frein previeus litre ounselves, profosa!ng, the.saime reli4ciýn, speakerri, ud 1 have ne diutît thnt yen the saine lanetnage, the. sîme lawe anti vill accord te nie the. sanie attention. literature, sid animiatell by the saine be- Mn. Farewell bas tolti yen that.ycu arc sud ambitions. (Cheers.) Wheihen the net ta choe sa in ubecanseOcf hbis Privat. designe cf theotciginfitors cf tuis great virtueg, bis privai. charocter, bis comn- sciieme shasîl be realizeti or net, 1 canuet merciai standing intecrity1- bis social .position or coninections, or cf iny e tiieriutccrjei.vivoen xpesi ef ticse gotlqualificationsixhlicb society thst the. gentlemen whe-oulti lay oside appreves sun appreciates; but tbat yoîî their parly feelings aud party aspenitie.s sboulti jîdge et him only by the pelitical sud unit. lu arraninig a aciieme cf ibis faili wtîich ho proclims. -Non', 1 boit character are etiîitled te tho higbest meed that more than tbît sbouid hc takeri ie c f prala. that it ie pos;sible fomr us te se. considcration by yoîî n lulctung 5a -i tucerd te thea. lI theadjuasment etftti. the important position cf your nepresecu rprin fti ulcdeit .as tative lu Parliiinent. 1 coiaiend that0on0ed bropurti ron thpbi e laumn etf ttgvery fiit tiiings yen bave te oo yteck Y eetPr-evinces a mue tî ia ivai. character, aud Iruait. thei.fcf a-.rues bas been dispiayed vhach 1 assertion. boldi3 tInt if a man's privaIte think bas rsrely beau equsilet inl dealiig ,ciaracten le net snob ns te cemmenul iLself viti a subjeet. of secte vast moment. Mr. te younjudgent sud spprcvlvon yîmry (Gibhs gave the. fa;ures eemprisinhr the iîaftr re.Lqouably that his public char-cterpuledbadbwd o mepr heur> Tb c naccoriancai withi a. (lîcar, pbi ot u hvt e iah e viii e luhealii, eave-rage veuit iho, sud conifuded îia. onopplei tuae yspet - 57 My 17vieve upon îhiï question amn net egotistical enouglh te &%y that 1 hiing alrt-ady been given viien addressing bave. BRîit séiîply ieetht- elalemeni th. electtera in ifféllrent parta et tih' iding, lui show'thai I dis.-nt troin tihegrotînti I ncarcely deemn it neessary te reter te Mnr -Farew-ell bas talien. Privai, charso- îhem tainien than 1 ha-, nov aimîîly sud ter lqas thieg îact form'd in -a% day. h 's A iecîtleutally toue, en pauýsant. Ithilu it i plant <if slow grcvtb. IN' make a litlu but right, bcwevcr te sau, that ns only tcd:î,,, ud a little more tomcrcw- andi d'îv by day it sucsly dcvelo1es it.eif'. untîl haIt au heur haî bt-en allottedtat me te aa't ftnaiy percive clearly vint a in ui!<. addresayen, tht-ne are many thingi viiela Nn'. it i4 net pleasant for mecta nder to I amn compelleti te pas ner lu silenace, only 1ierîonal qualifications for the posi- That lime hias net yet elspsd-îbere arc tien wlticli wcseeau, uer de I pttht-na clii ive minutes;i nud n n oua wi ii fortvard wças spIeate suPpoîrt ime; but tlais feilo epm-who haî heen sent hero te nîtcih I do say, thiat cf aitl ina,'îît could talmeanwi di wtavi-il bave beeu brotîgit f-rwardl as .s,îiisle', sackit, sud ii doithe v iii d -vof îaay tpponent is the itact olbjîctionltl.. i iidvtetermidnc LjiCheerit.) U 'bas bcen saiti. ;ut Rre..tson myboilf heur te semne remariesa lan reply te for reiecting nie, thut you kunwîntai:, hill' Mr. Gibbî iheta retiî-ed amid locjj vit sduta te ffl me. Tire are getili- cheers. men wiie connot tit-lerstanul lionVa minj Stme of isr. Fnewtdl's ittemperaie ,c give an inulpevlntvoa'te, n'hile tien. supporters ohjocied te Mr. Gibbs's rigit sic othtens vii th om it is s inci aler of Io sp'sk tai but wc'ne overnuleti hy the. conicicuce te vote for aa 'tu becaliqo lie Riinn fltr n aeeliial bas beubreigit ftil war 1 hv' s conrtitî'n et ticir p-trty. 1Ivns caatsunty aur1trised Oae'lied te 1110 court !parautcd on beiug by Mfr. White nrodcing bis fivorite alloivedt tie pnuvilege of a rejolîtter. candl'die in the nier lho fd, un INfr. l'he lteturnin., Officen, it being heu Faneelol ngit vell tîaveexclaiined iii lie past three o'a'lck,-aaet ti il h. voulti langîiage eo )i e oll know o t oaI f you, slltîv eigîî minu'es ta f he . r '1Sire nie trina îy Iini. Uer candidateà , being the îîrope~r division cf MIr. Vhie decsa net lookt tapon bina as qthete r eiaîndr ofthti ue anmth iena. ment fi-t anti pr peniscu te reproeeit D the.nldiiîg, blit irges bis chalîn iîevc'r- D. MeGilI sud 3Mr. Carmiehsei follev- il . andtetic n-ton wiy hosupports et! ini à violent. 'attaci On Mr. Gibbs, hana ltin talie in lbe negular uonîiîe f a t.udaverLtag tea show Mn. Oahbs'a incon- regulidy eeusîitulit coau'eriaion ofet bis ttefO ncy, nn instauciug ie cnduci at party. Thos'.sre core pensona vbo haki thae Serti OitlarioElection. lu 1854, as objection tt , isd deny tual Mn. Fane- ý-t4 Oncie gai4eti point trea v hich te dis. wrou is theise iasn9sinee; but b. Liai charge the. arev cof their boslility. tW, o et, 1 cn,çauv tlasiif soinsmore M usrpit ce lsn1 t Itl.rnw W IaaIbeen ianougehh eut - -l'- Iwubhl itt 1- - 1l. beuti broatght <tt, 1 woizll t enec-b. siciiiiig yon uitige.(C4e0a) ot arc cille-I te gselect bei-n-en ir. Faretvell îanti muyself. Tea acertain extetl c havc tioti olîtainodîmhe arbasaline vriichliTs su-i pc-t-prcs tact'a takoe .itifiate iimica voe are aPirlut. W. be ave 1lit-o aembena oret iCen>- 3Oouncil fer nîany yeanns. bav. st together uI its nmeetings, voteti iietr, sut! i ain nom>' te eny i havet bea obligod tot take opposite grinsad arien cotisidenniion for tic cominu interests eboult! bave bomnt nia toetehi. (Ht-on, hean-> 1 reten te liai railvway case et vbicb Yen bave it-âmd, le wiibItiomîgit, ant thint stili bo aj;ctet wvn&i.(Chleer) %ell, k'ioviug hlm te ho a man vbo acta bastily anti vrluhout glrlug aulliciet-n-oppentainit>' te mature bis$jutgmeut. 1 say tual lu ajuno- taire liktei.preseut ho is net a proper 'penson ito napresont lu Parliomenit te vaw anti feeinugs oet.litepeopleocf ibis Ridiug. (Cicens.> A most important ques- tion la; nov botor. 7outhle oufodenstioa oft tht- British Nom'li Amércan Provcnces. Alimisioc bas been madie ta, lb.ecnsîll.-, tien o eti. fodenal government l a farnas the, Liîgisiiatire Council i is-oncnmsa&1 . me get liai Me'. Farevell left- hat gub>scl unbeneo .dit, lHe bouiti haveuieeen the ray ent of lith iffUcult>. heonaa, la.feans dill spning ouit et it. The. dis8 usuhlâel>' .ecour.dfrein the Sm of the Sae for the colonies poiantsout this as an ob>leW, hut vios tnct 5aigguh au, amendinett qevr yioo are avare, ttat tiicontltitui l he nesult of everal comtpreolseé A aumber of genatleimn repmposeitqK al poli- Meal partiei in lue Maritime PWevinex ansd ln Canada muet la Qsiebec forthe.pttrpose, st-ar as th.' aiaiauas-vwe'..snerned o hiuiovin lbe dlffileuotiee whuldb existinh outqce'grnmsent a» ineg &bcut asuioln oftalthe Proviuie,- Ndw, II. s inpoWablo 0oexpecthskme holding suci difféent vjtia hesà -mna. -ild iudm'rive-a1t -anà esanigo llpois that wottld meet viiilthe eniie concurr'ence cf ever>' actyl nterested in the subjeoets desît viii. Thcrv'ere genitlemen a»ubthe meic W-ho, UWe~ ver. ptherst bostil->'op o i t; "hdlte consequeae vas UsaI--tie fermer DuLvotl4thetabers, but accepted!' - em- romise -hb wo ent soute vs>' temeet, *el isWt rfereIdéto Somt.0chen *(nchl f, e " !a legislatutie thegra ";; einciplebas mséen n ded for*lata unr. Joseph u o, - vite eebotb presen: un thé buxuirsg% as to <ba o nrrectnesa Ot hi venainu etfiat tien totale place. He siatedt! tat Mn. Tîtonpson at ttint une vroîe b-la, (Mr. Gihiua,> a lotio tstîatlg abat bc, (Mn. Ttioapaon,> intentied ho- comiug n cndtl. Tiat on is (Mr. Gibit;) goimîg his ole erack lhe tount tint Pal. Thompaon's neya and is ova agreeti, pliutienlly, moe. pantîcuisnly uport teé tien ail.iapentan question of usth Clengy Restenses, iiieb Par. Theapson, ile. iself, vas lu faver et seulsnizing. Tisi heiaig the case but, (MrI. Gis,) saked isatrieto 10gin. PainThomupeon ahe daune support niiey hsd proeesei i. Bcbg s8ubs."ently stroaigly ,argot leo dociaro hiassoit a candidate, ho issaet an atidrm. Shenily atter Par. Govan came loto the fieldi, 1Jand fearîug t"t be veutd te avay suffcient votes te allov Mn..- Goisl<ite get ini, te vicin b., (Mn. G.) wan opposeti, hoa stviseilMn. Gowan te reoire. - Respecting 1tis preseut state et- parties, hobe roiaiet themi vint Mn. Brown bat! ativiset!, liai parhy feeling aboulti ho lait aside sudai apeniiei aeaoved lu enter te aeceaaplisb lie on. grant objet-h cf tie deepeat ititerest t thi. ceuntry,-tbat vas Confedération. -lmhy, b. ashet, shouiW net h atiu e s>Atpt.a simiiarly patieip- tic eounae s them leaders?--Wiien.Mr., ýFareWeli fanst cazce eut ho vas oppeset - to the Ooufedematiomi scieetaltogetier, but -aflertntuiîg usfew meetings lie ciiangét hiît neya andi soustiopted those boIt h7 hlm, (aI.Gibbs,) . larly anti squaneîy. (Chers.) He neui rmuindet tient et vie joineti vitbhlm in 1864 lin *would avaken te thý uscessiLj cf le4ving Party li abeyauce, sud verk, -sbonilen te siondn, upnoootiug their eî*fztitV..in. teneets, tlke country's p.uansd préépenity. (Cheerd.) Tiie people shoulti b. canotaI ln thei choice. Iuthe future changes te t'ke place i migbt faîl te the lot et a Senth Oniarioeminuta b, a Lieutenant Gover, if net a Governer cf Canada. On public as well-as nepublican grenade Abraham Farevel vas scareely the mn te b.4 placeti even near, or vithiai reach cf suci a position ; fer even Abrahama Fare- vell aigut be prevailed upea te acceptiti, ant te become Sir Abrahama Farewoll Iu sncb au evontuality. (Cbeers sud laugh. ten.) Tii. sbip etfitheconstitutionvas about te ob mut, sud if tbe people'titi net 500 uhai abé was put togeuiier by Pro- pen irieti sud skilled eÃerkmen --if tiey alloveti mon lie Mn. F'arewell ta trame ber, sho vould b. driven open tho rocks ot destruction,. and dissolution ansrcby sud confusion wonîid b. the.luevitable sud terrible resuit. Look veli te ht be ad. viseti, sud lttno minuupen viion the shadov of a sbadeetftenub reste hie tiie Opporteuîty te hcîray yen ho future de- struction. Select the minu vose attach- mont te Bnitain la undoubted-Britalll tint haà become tb. supporter anti chatai pion oft ruth sud freedoré, audithe motiien, nurse anti protector et liberty. (Great cheerlng.) Talk et liberty, viiai liberty, ilihe speaker asked, like British liberty ? Anti bers, taul<also> ot iiberality? Bler Mr' Farewell talit shout liberality?7 Tiare is more iiberality in eue paragraph of Mn. Gibb's addresa, uban ail tint bas been said aut vnitten by Mn. Faewe"Ln â litetime. Hô ol oiirend the psragnaph' toi t ten. "White tiiin the. course' manketi eut for My"(i, 1 shl insiet upen -il, that ne action shah b. final. utitil tho approvai et chose te be affecied by the change, shali have been obtaiaued, eltier by a Geênerai Fileetion., or by a duraj.ct vote efthte Peo. pIe ns nov ohisins lu giviug assent te By- lava ot Municipal Ccunils.'e Has Mn. Fareweol ssid ho would do tbie ? Ne. Mn. Farewell neyeér saiti that h.'d ackuovietige tic peopletai tt lie tic malter. Aînd viy dot-s he keep it bock ? It le beesuse the Utobe sud the leaders of hie par-y bave se pronconcet, in ativance, sud tint he findi laiaceeeasry te trim bis -tails accordiigly an-a. Iamely ttllev lii thii ivake. The lcttnned sud vortby Doclor etîncludeti a ar-st adînirablo atidress, by ativising eveey electon nie b.d hie eenn. try's tooil nt heirt te voie ton the mn sipue wboa tht-y could safely sud trueîing' ly rely, the man abo vas the. same te tity ibat becvas yestertay-vho vas alwaye attaciet tte British iaaastitutuus-wioôe faitittil attachunent %vas undaubîtid, and thst man was Thoua N. Gbbs. (Great cheer4,>.) Mn. Wilson-, Who was leudly Cbeereti, lollovet inl an eqnully cloquent speeit.hiin tavrrof Mn. Gisb, jur wviel wu regret eue cunfineti space vilI net afford, rona. e ciarget Mn. Farewell viti net beiug a truc Reformen, antisit! tiat he vas tie enly enaetfthename of Reformer vie vent te Montrnta in 1849 po - sign the an. nexation- manifeste. Upper 'Canadians, i. sait, wvee difierntly situateti thon te visi Lower Canstians were vue vere agi- taledl by the nebelliientoases iii!, aut viieb saine cf tient might fiait au excuse for signing it; tien, vas noue viateven fer MnI. Farewell. And h. varnedt hema that the inu viedidtt i u-49 vonîti do the sanie'thing in '65 unten similan cincuin. stances ; snd lookiug ai -utc difficuhties 11xely 'e0arise cnt etftii. abrogation et the Recip!à lîy treaty, -it Wu s cat sait Un. cus in lithe. tiresoae dmnviine remanies mate i7 hlm, antd vasrepoaed>totîU c s by pt-miens pîcacut, he-a asoenseatinl-ly refeset! te aserna question nepeatedl>' put ta laimibj r eaiectoble electors,vbouiicn ho bat! net given bis pronie a Y ote ton Pai. Glubs. A greut aunien cf hhiose Pre. sent, hovover, nefeseltote ear hlm niAtli, andi veut Say usatil lie lime sibosset vas censumoti. Par. Fairbanks sud Mr. Goid agrueul me valvethe'ir niglat cf a"king ln couse- queuce etthe latiiesa et the boun. lu vas balt.pasî four vien lb. Retaru' iag O-fUten cahot tfon a --showv et iauts Il vas imaaeusely la favor et gr, Gibbs, hbut in enter to give ne shadov of cause* to the tauaLî.fint!ereandtihte cianAutorsha' Mn. Faneveii's comntay voultinot h- ii -taiete t)charg-e hlm viii untoirn esa, Mn. Perry astet ithecrovdti to ivite, vheni vos apparent -te aIl but tho mesi prejiedicet partisaz a oubti aicu tbelleve viat he ssv vitihbiesejteaioeea tial liter. "Wu antt ovenvbelmng najority, lan the propolion( cf 12 to 8in. faxon et Mn. Giba. This heing deelaret by the Retumning, Officen, chaeqn atter cieen t on Guis I Gibbs i Gis 1 front bis suppcrters rent the air, vitis. vaviug of batsa aut <ther demnaca stmatiens fom seversi minuies. Thrée ohteers tor the-Qmieeu voeegiven viii s heý1c»1ge'o viii, by lie Gibbis men ; bail inaa-iiieiv-e are asiame t t bave t estaie, uiiat,4agacti îauy Farewelinen, [inluad. iug Chiester Draper] dit net. jeis. - k. poli vos t.niade& fanr r.Farewell,~ hie attaclce against the rlghte of the Crevulf The Reform Idembers of PlarIisment, 'the "iGlobe" au& the. Reform Pres, -or -thie moderato inen auen~g tii. people then- sel yen? Na POhly the. Yankee.bort and republican -feeling portion cf the extreme, radical- party, and tii.extreme Rouge partj - of Lover Canada, le& Mir. e B.AE. Dorion, [l'Enfani terrle,.] vii,Ti uet be admit. ted&, la the very counterpart cfUt- F!are-w voll. Mr. Dorion, in ant address -te tth. people of Lover Canada, uses tii.'follov.ý iug Ianguage "Tii. epublication ef l'Amir, "(hi "paper)" will net then have be -en usolesé "aud if this journal 'bas paved the. wayfo "repitblican senâ'ments, I shall atvays "rejoice iu having asaieted in bringing a. "bout ouha state cf the 'public mind.: "I shaHl neyer sltriek from the occasiow' "cf making myseif usefà ltét the Republi. "can cause, Everg tkTer cause may 'reckon me in lte ranka of its adver- Tii. Biactors cf South Ontario :are nov te décide viietiier, by the. resoît cf this- election, tii.y viii send te Parliamseut a Meuîlidr wwillvi naturally and varnîly attacii iiimtelf te theit.îishi Mokarciical, Party, or a man of rtr. ' Farewell' antece and proclivilieî, wv iie iiijoal aWnaturaly* altach bimeof te tfii.Rouge Party, viiose objects and principles are we clearly 4et forth* iu Mr. ri'IM ifso ,fTe Cohféderîti 4on-uteiî,a,"o Id and- Layorite maaureorusfth'e oderato Paîrty.- la tth. address'oélr théEtlon. John À. bac' doniald, te thoe lectors' cf Kingstent n, 1861, the. folloving passage eccurs:*- "Tii. Goverument viii -net relax its ox. ertions te effect a CCNFEfDERATION OF TE E BRITISE NORTH AMERICAN- PROVINCES. "1W. moaet, hovever, endeavor te. taie, "dwarung by tii. defecti lu tbe Constitution "eoftth. United States, ywhicb are qov se "painfally made manifeet; and.te formu,(if "vwe succ..d in a Fedoration) an efficient "Central Goveru'ment.." Tii. very-sciieme wbieh bau been adopted, sud the. very ba. ais upon wbibh it ie no w propozed w. -es- tablisb it. "*.Cratkerssnd Cts'eseeand.fs.wînk ftp Mr. Farewelf wali ealled upôn te' stwédi treat, by iffia~ îilcb~~ adb,- "lgive thenacahr n bee" a4he>- viniced at-Malaciiy; sud uedttad,,Nr>, knev'. iîîglY, at the. wiiskey boîties. PaMr. F'hre velle s atremendous Temperauce. man 1 A.nother of Farowell'a'Tricke. gr- Farewell nt -theo'Nomination, wasl proposeU>by A.person whoni 31r. Farewell did not expeeterorxf that service for lahn. Througb thm> interventioan M thm-iR .....ini fLa1ý The. as a utile min, Anti bis sae h vas A-hnam. Fanewelfl, of Oshava, vas ho, h, a Ant ig s poIcal prig, Us uýt o a retty nig .#When he écne!f(;,- "Aunexaiod"- -Tien his neigibors aIl began - To suspect ihb*is Yankee mau, For a nuisance, sud. a misciief, sud a 4speni, Pest. C .And Ontario sieutly, avure, Tlaéy vould stand tsisuanen more -3 Wiîich ýoor A.br'bam uoht m e a fnn d 5jest jesi, jeetf Tiien.hé stimmon'd Chester boIt,1 Catifi <i f tten mouli, lu pohitical accouni-ount, caot, <nt!lhe said, "pnay Icime knov" Exact ly visite odo, -j For my sins le somethiug- eavish a- inouni, tnuni, mouni. Soya Chester viii a gnin,- Ilu naisa yonn footlit lun," As vitucas, Mastin Gibhs' triuinphant mardi, match, mardi., But if yen- must, ycnt, icsi, Sa 'een dovu thon wiîh lie tuai, Or sunely Gis ýon lînncu i wilun- starch, ,'sarcb,'siarch. Tien Foroeel cnet. il à ceuse: Take te lcyalty andi pence, Be a moral, iniltia'orxd quiet loyal man, man, mou.n, ..Oince more cf frieud John Bull, -Gain lie confidence in full. Anti amend viîaitienceti iodly, I 'began,1gan, gan. Qat meeting of, Catholios in Whitby in. favor of Mr. Gibbs. On 'Wedones*anyve.nintg, 'piintuan1t .tI previeus uotice, a meeting cf Lie -Cathelies ofci by anti vlÃCini'trvows helti for the. purposo of îalribg 'taicasunes 'te secure s United vote ai ie tortLaeoiliiug Eledion. bT: , meeijng opened'at hsi-'pss 7by votiug Jaà . Johaiston, - Eaq., ta the chair, sot Mr. J. .e- Murphy S$ie, Àdneam weo a odti.froýâ Mr. R. J. Wilsoni the emineét Barniai*er, ýwho attendet bj spee- ÃŽasi iviîs1ttioù> Par. Johuston, -Mr Murphy, *Mn. O.Dône'va7h, Mr. Reller Mn. Higgius, sut otiiers of t6oe leadihà baiolies, *ho ail spoelteil thé Ma01 it favorable terme of M&r. Gis, iir social standing, high hbod' à ble position an'd libéniîî!y. Tiienh 'verîs ababi 100 'CrÃons present, anthtic bolo*- iog resol'à tins vwere 5dtaptet usenimesly. lleselve,-" .That wce cohsider it -of vital ituportailice- te us, te unît'. iu oçne body ait. é cominag election, te uw, O ur atuchmcnt te Btîish Insti. tu ms over Yankee mis rulê'." Resoled,-" That since iuan a strengîli, w., the Catilie 'Eiectors,i p ledge onüreives to give otm votes, laid unîîed support, te euly one par>', tud tmiat softer mature consideration, *re cuesider Mr. Gibbs best entitled to, ôuý vôtesa'" SReo'l,-"a That we dtteply de. j>1ore 'lié eentddct ot a 'te\vwhc, on- AIuietc fhty baucame r, disgrace te u a previoc,-ly arramiget., The isat ~thiis was doue, Mr. Farewell ur-ged& -Dr. -FIilgtl ot nominale Tiies. N.. Gibbs, wiioh latter picce cf discredi, table woe'k, Dr% Fîitanton at once- pen- fommed. Mm-.,,Gibbosnaomiuation was' sccondedl by a yoitng Farewell, ite ahouid have beeii veli spsnked by is mnanriru, for, beiug out wihoont leavée T1hii3 mcst batefmcd thiek of Fae.- wollt oven out-did hinaseIL. For Dr. - Filiarton to entd -hiinsel to s ubisa -pro"acing; orhually, ashenisee. -us$ anmd thon for arus-mnee boy like young - Farewehh, te playuS pai jrt, ýplmnily mbeve how veil the irrap,.-,énç»4hba& been made. Tis despicabl.tick of- - Mr. Abrahasm Famrewcll'g8, viill . agninat timnt aihie pollse Mr. Ftarewehl's conteapitefor tbe- The Content. I v